Baldur's Gate 3 with Sam & Frodo | Asmongold Reacts

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this is the difference between like uh like laran and like a lot of these other companies is a lot of these other companies will get on some like you know relevant you know uh you know actor that's been in a lot of movies recently that have been you know kind of popular balers Gate 3 like laran Studios they know who do our audience want to see well they want to see Sam and froto that's why and that's it and that's just the way it is and they know exactly what the people want I wish blizzard knew that with Diablo 4 Megan fo we just wrapped up wrapped up the game awards and uh where we won six Awards and including a game of the year and uh as we were wrapping up we bumped into Elijah Wood and Sean ason who are the world's foremost experts on fantasy and so it's true uh so we figured we' uh introduce them to the game and see what they think and uh so we're going to have a little uh game session and play together welcome guys thank you so much for having us and congratulations than very much what an incredible thing to just sweep the awards like that that's brilliant I'm really excited to see what is already beautiful to look at yeah all right well I have to say like one of the things that like really makes balers Gate 3 good is the fact that the characters in the game look good like it sounds like it's such an obvious thing but it matters so much that the NPCs like Shadow heart and that fire girl Carlock or whatever they're hot there it is right and also almost every character is hot we're going to get started a character I'll take you through character creation uh creation is thank you Sean yeah I am so stoked about this this is the most maybe the most detailed character creation I've ever seen and instead of a custom character you can pick An Origin character where you're going to have a backstory that's the dark urge I think that that's you might like that one uhuh you remember nothing but a path paved with blood unimaginable cruelty Whispers to you from within Can You Escape it would you even want to sh I want to be this guy this is awesome oh damn great well you could be huffling think a halfling would be very appropriate I'm going to go with that okay and off we go the top of their head's been removed I think you should inspect the exposed brain I love that so is this for any action that you take for the most part the difficulty class basically says how challenging see this is one of the reasons why I think actually making the game turn-based is it was the right decision for them to do that because like there's a lot of people like let's be honest everybody at this table has gray hair they don't want to be trying to keep up with some kid trying to slide cancel animation cancel you know like [ __ ] reload Auto attack like you know those combos that they would do moving around like sliding around like doing no it's just like just want to play the game and enjoy the game that's just the truth it is the higher the number it is to get all right o there's an interesting book over here somewhere on the table I see it o read the book the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole there is a person's face as the C I think also like another thing that's good is that I think that every single time that you try to do something in an RPG and you can't do it it takes away from the immersion that the RPG has like for example can I blow up this wall no okay well then the game isn't as realistic as I would want it to be can I kill this NPC no okay well it's not as realistic as I want it to be and so like the more that you can do the more you feel like you're in that world of the book I think I'll tuck the book yeah this book is an adventure yes you do anything I killed the big spider you did yes again yes I'm just saying I just want the audience there's just triggering for my friend Elijah like he's okay he was okay ah three of together that's the thing you were looking for place the Amethyst in the slot on the books cover I shall I'm going to open the book it seems like a mistake you feel changed bettered for having opened it suddenly you are capable of anything felling mountains darkening Suns conversing with the dead turn to the next page I mean I'm going to turn to the next so you're going to have to do what's called a saving throw saving well it means that if you are going to fail this throw something's bad is going to happen and if you succeed something good is going to happen here we go is going to happen yes we get to read more the symbols Dart Beneath Your Eyes Waring and twisting your head throbs but you almost understand another page got do another one if you don't I'm going to be really upet all right oh so didn't work even with the bonus wow you have to roll a 20 on that holy [ __ ] really a 19 but still it's a bad news the book snaps closed oh oh you've seen too much profane knowledge is sealed inside of you so he's going to carry that through and it may like Alien come out I'm forever changed at first I don't know we'll find out I just need one of you to jump not the other one uh just anybody who wants to jump who wants to jump I'll jump you'll jump go ahead ooh what the [ __ ] you died just reminded me of that dungeon and ass but if we would have done a a fefall we would have successfully G down to wait says I want one of yall to jump just one okay you died but if we would have done a and you died uh so but if we would have done a a scroll of featherfall we would have successfully gone down and then we would not have died okay got him okay so uh I'm right there oh this is very traumatic see that's why that explains why I Griffin take I'm going to take I want the book you didn't know how to jump so I'm going to take the book whatever you okay now oh you can't take the book it's tied to me dude yeah it's tied to him I can take everything but the I've read too much it can't be removed and now you're soulbound well it's lost to time and space I'm cursed as is the rest of the world cuz didn't you took it with you okay wait instead I'm going to save you scroll of revivify yes wait so he just took all of his [ __ ] and then he resurrected him it is what of this you're welcome that that just reminds me of like back in the day whenever I would play pubg with McConnell and I would get downed and he would [ __ ] just literally shoot me in the head because I had a sniper rifle he's like listen like I mean you know how it is he took all he took all his clothes I definitely don't feel prepared and we're going to look for a wizard all right so once we have a wizard we'll be better equipped to deal with this he knows I yeah we are yes it's very helpful to have a wizard a hand anyone fantasize about hacking off the hand yes I'd love to oh no what well that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about right there I think I've actually cut his hand off we're going to have to do it to put without the wizard as I continue to follow my dark urges that expands my dark dark overall Darkness follow me uh we're going to uh go this way I see a squirrel here the squirrel lunges at your foot find it kick it kick it no you see a name etched into the see this is the thing right is like you know in these games sometimes where it's like there's like a critter it's [ __ ] annoying in the game and you want to kill it and you cast like an AOE spell like you do like a [ __ ] meteor Firestorm flame strike explosion right on top of this like little squirrel and it just goes sque and nothing happens to it that's not immersion that is not immersion oh that's a good doggy that's a good I'm taking him with come on oh where'd he go he's taking off we don't need this dog we going to leave the dog I'm not happy about it there's there's a guy on that windmill oh right here we go I feel like he's basically yeah he's speed running the bare sex scene like this is some degenerate [ __ ] reading that [ __ ] up book cutting the guy's hand off jumping down killing yourself yeah this is directly to the bear if he breaks it the windmill is going to stop right if he releases this break then the windmill is going to accelerate mhm well that would kill the Little Gnome I'm going to release the break you're going to accelerate it and kill the home that's right what happened to you in your life oh my God wait what happened to you in your [Music] life oh my God went flying You Killed The Gnome you kicked the squirrel you abandoned the dog You Killed The Gnome something is not right it all started with nothing Separates Me from from Evil anymore so we have to kill the darkness I can't control it let's kill the darkness I'm here to help how do I help and kill the darkness uh well we'll have to destroy the book does it look familiar I love how even in real life Sam is pretty much the good guy out of the two of them like that's the best part about it all I'm saying is throw the book in the fire I can't throw it in the fire Sean I'm too powerful the the possibilities with this book are are are Myriad and endless I I you can't let it go I can't let it go all right okay well oh oh Sean no the book's gone we got rid of the book many gnomes lives will be saved that's the last time you take a dark book thanks guys that was L great party this is thank you so much for this this has been really fun good congratulations obviously he successful it's incredible we love it we recommend it to all our friends you should all be so proud of the accomplishments that you've made and thank you that's very kind of you guys thanks very much of course oh my God okay you couldn't carry it but you could shove me I can't [Laughter] carry man that is so cool unless your turn to play I know I know I know I know man like I'm going to be honest like seeing this like I sound like such a [ __ ] loser but like seeing this it does kind of make me want to try it you know like that's man like yeah growing up I used to watch Lord of the Rings every night man I'd watch uh Fellowship of the Ring or The Two Towers this is like in middle school before Return of the King even came out holy [ __ ] yeah Sam just didn't care till now yeah yeah now I feel like this is a to yeah this is a totally different situation you know like damn surprised I'm not subscribed already this is [ __ ] awesome yeah this is so [ __ ] cool I think again like this game I just I really need to I need to play this like I feel like such an idiot for not playing it imagine doing that with the uh imagine doing that with the mean diaa before yeah the thing is like I just think this is so good because like larion knows like again it's like the VIN diagram of people who grew up watching Lord of the Rings Andor love Lord of the Rings and people that are playing balers Gate 3 that's not a VIN diagram that's just a circle that's that's just the way it is right and so like this is [ __ ] perfect this is exactly what people want to see there you go yeah there's the same picture exactly and uh Disney movies The Lion King is oh Jesus I I I didn't really watch a lot of Disney movies growing up I mean like I remember I really liked uh I really liked Lord of the Rings I liked like I'm talking about like as a little little kid there were like of course like cartoons and [ __ ] like that I'd watch but like growing up uh I like the movie Legend and then uh The Dark Crystal Willow I really like those Jason and the Argonauts The Odus movie that came out in like the 2000s somewhere around there uh Never Ending Story yeah a little bit The Goonies yeah I like The Goonies The Matrix yep uh I never watched I didn't watch Conan until I was like 25 like Conan was actually so crazy because like 300 I was like like uh 16 17 whenever 300 came out uh but yeah like I remember like I watched Conan the Barbarian with my dad and I think that like at this point we either we we had might at this time maybe it had been long ago to where we rented it at like Blockbuster or something like that I don't remember but it was like quite a while ago but it wasn't that long ago I was like in my mid 20s so yeah probably wasn't Blockbuster just got from like red box or you know Netflix or something something like that anyway so I watch conand the Barbarian and I go into it assuming that Conan the Barbarian was going to be like this garbage hokey you know like 80s 7s I don't remember when it came out like movie that just had Arnold Schwarzenegger in it bro it was so good like I was hooked even whenever they were talking about like the riddle of Steel like even at the beginning I was like wait how the [ __ ] is this so good I didn't even know what to say yeah it was insane man yeah pan Labyrinth I watched pan La my dad and I went to movie theater and watched pan Labyrinth I remember that yeah Zena and Hercules yeah there's Outland too Hercules oh yeah yeah I watch Hercules that was one of one of the ones that I did like back in uh uh whenever I was a kid Zen the Amazon Warrior no I never watched that one actually I did not but uh yeah it was a uh very good time but yeah this is [ __ ] amazing I love this
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 869,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: uUiOA96Mz04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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