Multiclass Guide - How To Multiclass Effectively - Baldur's Gate 3

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what's up everybody it's me Roku back with some more Brothers get through content I'm in this thingy dark dungeon over here chilling with the homie weathers yeah anyway Withers is quite important to the subject matter of this video which is multi-classing multiclassing is an amazing part of this already amazing game but it is a little intimidating to get into especially if you're new to DND or just spotless K3 in general that is what I want to try to alleviate with this video what I'm going to do is I'm going to get into the basics of multi-classing some generally good practices so you never go wrong with it and also some of my favorite multi-classes that I've either find out myself or that I've talked to my friends and they've told me so yeah let's get right into it remember to subscribe to Roku for more great content also I decree that this video hits 300 likes a big thing to note about multi-classing is that it's quite trial and errory in that you really want to just go in game and try these combinations out for yourself to see whether you like them or whether some abilities work together like you'd imagine them to work together now the game doesn't really offer a sandbox mode to easily test these things out especially if you don't have a level 12 character which is why I've made this save this slave possesses a level 12 character and enough gold mind you half the gold will be in Shadow Hearts inventory that you can use to respect to your heart's content and as an added bonus if we leave Camp there are some nice juicy rotunda goblins to try your new powers and abilities out on so yeah let's get on with the video multi-classic is straight up not possible on the Explorer difficulty so if you're playing all this difficulty and you're enjoying your time what you want to do is switch off of it get the multi-class into the other class in and then you can switch back into it and then put points into whichever class that you want so yeah that's a quick little life hack if you're planning on explore more difficulty heyo I'm down here now so to access multi-classing when you're in your level up page you have to press this little button here add class so you click on here and then you can pick whichever class you want to multi-class your levels into now because there are so many options to choose from it might be a little bit daunting initially but with these tips you'll be making your choices in no time first things first you gotta have a main class you can't just multi-class from the start unless in very rare cases or if you know exactly what you want the best way to go buy this is to have one main class and then multi-class into something that will be useful to that main class in terms of their play style to spice things up let's say that you're playing as a wizard you're loving casting your Fireballs one shot of people but you realize that if anybody comes up close they completely destroy you to cure this you might want a multi-class into something that gives you a bit of multi-damage proficiency to be like a war Mage Knight which is an amazing concept to role play as now you might look at the other classes and if you go into a barbarian as a multi-class that'll be a huge mistake why because of tip number two know what doesn't work together Barbarian does not work together well with any of the other spell casting classes because of rage rage is Barbarian Central identity and when you have rage activated you cannot cast spells or most spells in the game which means that as a wizard if you do rage once you've multi-classed into Barbarian you can't cast your super powerful Fireball spells which sucks so what do you want to do if you want to get that nice Armory melee action in you want to go into fighter which is a much more versatile melee class one big sort of idea is you don't want to think of classes in their entirety in that oh fighter is this big giant night fighter guy who's versatile no you want to think of the exact ability or or effect that you want from that class when multiclassing so Fighter for example has something that is very useful to almost everyone in the game and that is action surge for only two points into fighter you get action surge which is hugely useful to characters that like to get a lot of damage out per action so your paladins your Wizards any spellcaster it's just an amazing ability which is a fighter is one of the most multi-class classes in the entire game this one is a rule for Caster characters in that if you're playing Wizard or sorcerer warlock or something you really gotta know what main ability your abilities stack off of in that if you're playing wizard all of your main spells do extra damage based on your intelligence but sorcerer uses Charisma so combining these two classes might not be the best idea because as a wizard if you use sorcerer spells that are working off of Charisma which you don't have a lot of you might not be able to do too much damage unless you suspect into that as well so if you're gonna do that be sure to be mindful of the exact proficient abilities that those classes use when coming up with multi-class plans you want to pull up what a class gets at every single level and plan it with another class to see how it matches up let's say that you want to multi-class and to fighter fighter has a bunch of power spikes at different levels and it's quite simple so I'm going to use it for the example so at level 2 as we discussed it has action surge at level 3 you get to spec into Champion which is great for quick characters and Battle Master if you want to have more Maneuvers and melee range and fighter also gets an extra attack at level 5 and an improved extra attack at level 11. now with all this being said every single point you put into fighter is one less Point you'll put into your main class so if it's something like wizard where you kind of want those levels to like scale up because all the spellcaster characters scale up really hard with levels you might not want to put too many points into the multi-class and just get the action surge but if you're looking at something like Paladin or something else like Barbarian then more points into fighter might be useful mind you there is an effect called extra attack that does not stack between classes in that Barbarian and fighter both get extra attack at level 5 but that doesn't mean you get two extra attacks you still get the same one it does not stack so that's a big thing to keep note of initially I recommend that you make heavy use of modular classes now this is a term that I've made up for the video but basically a modular class is a class that gives you a ton of utility and power with only two to three levels don't be already discussed is fighter which gives you action surge the next one which is very very useful is Rogue three because it gives your access to two of itself classes thief and assassin Thief is super useful for classes that make heavy use of bonus actions so monk for example an assassin is amazing if you're gonna go for like a sort of flanker sort of sniper setup with Ranger for example but yeah Rogue is an amazing class to multi-class into with a lot of different setups the next multi-classing sort of modular setup is warlock 2. now warlock 2 gives you Eldritch blast which scales off of Charisma so if you're going for like a sorcery or Paladin it's amazing and the thing about Eldritch blast on warlock is that it scales off of your own character's level not warlock level so you can just put two points into Warlock and get really high level Eldritch blast which can be super super duper useful to use in a fight the next modular class is going to be wizard one now it sounds a little silly but wizard gives you the ability to learn basically the vast majority of the spells in game so if we're playing something that doesn't have all the spells in game you can just put one point into Wizard and lure them awful Scrolls so that you can just have them in your inventory and also you're not limited by the choice of like when you're leveling up you can only choose a limited number of spells to learn as a wizard or like as another spellcaster if you go one point into wizard as long as you find the scroll of a spell that you didn't learn you can still have it as like an option for it to cast in battle the last modular class I'm going to talk about is divine Smite because device Smite is insanely powerful so if you combine it with like a fighter or someone who can get multiple attacks out per turn you can get multiple Divine smites out and just completely destroy someone and dump all your damage like a boss battle or something like that it's very powerful now I'm not saying that these are all the modular classes but these are the most commonly used ones that you'll see on the internet the rest is for you to discover now for my favorite multi-classes that I've been able to play around with one of my favorite multi-classes in the game is a very very simple one and that is Wizard and fighter so you go 10 points with the wizard to have these amazingly powerful spells and then two in divider to get action surge what this does is it gives you the ability to cast two amazing spells in one turn and let's wear some armor so that you are a bit of a beefy boy as a wizard so yeah let's get into it Fireball number one wow nice toasted goblins and oh okay I guess we still have returned Let's uh spice it up a little bam so you go down here action surge and then we can light them up with lightning nice all right on to the next multi-class this next build is one of my favorites because it is an all-out melee fighter Crypt build you go level three fighter you get Champion then you'll level 9 Barbarian to get access to brutal critical and you gotta go Berserker now it's also helpful if you go for half work as your race to get even more damage when you crit and this thing is amazingly fun in combat you also get Reckless attack which is insanely useful so yeah let's get into it yes I do make these noises to myself when I'm playing I don't care how stupid it is on the next one this one is one of my favorites it is the corrupted Paladin setup so we go for five Paladin and then level seven warlock with the pact of the blade what this does is it gives us amazing melee damage with Divine Smite because we get access to the level 4 warlock spell slots and it gets back to us with every single short rest so you can go Divine Smite get that level four spell out and deal a ton of damage so yeah let's just get right into it do music and coming let's go I got another one in me all right let's go oh he's gotta find him Perfect all right on to the next one this next setup is monk Thief you go nine Monk and three Rogue to get as many punches out in one turn as possible so yeah let's get right into it nope run them hands bro run them hands let's get into the action let's go another one another one you get the idea the stick setup is an awesome one that I always go on a Starion because it is just amazing and just like a unique play style for the game so your Rogue seven into assassin and then level five Ranger Goomba and this makes you like a Hitman stealth assassin sort of where you just sneak around and pick targets off so let's say that um okay we gotta kill these guys right we walk up sneak around and then we can just pick targets off one by one the most important Target combat they're surprised and then we can just rain arrows down on them this is amazing because I didn't do it very cautiously here and obviously because we don't have the time to right but basically speaking this setup allows for you to use a lot of stats and a good bow on a ranged character and have them take out enemies one by one by one like just one shot them before the fight even begins because they can kill one enemy right then combat begins I think you'll kill a few more enemies and then that's like three four goons gone instantly as soon as the fight starts and it's amazing if you're in an area where you can get into combat a lot but you're up against like like a small number of characters because with a Gloom stalker you can essentially kill all the enemies before the combat even starts which basically makes you completely avoid it all together so it is insanely fun so yeah let's get into it well let's get into the next one oh sorry it's just so that's why I killed the Goblins all right next one does your team need a super duper tank well fear enough because bear Barren is here to help you out so in this setup you go Barbarian with a bear heart setup and then you go level eight good and the general idea is that if you're rage you keep your rage when you get into your animal form so let's just get into combat here for a second just one shot the Goblin that's a shadow heart run away actually she's she's level one still okay do your thing homeboy all right now we rage uh rage bearhart Roar all right now I'll do an attack just for fun okay yep wild shape and then let's pick let's go for owl bear just stay topical where's the owl bear there we are cheap cheap yeah so the thing is it doesn't look like it has a lot of Health on paper but the main idea is that you get all these resistances against like everything man like these businesses make it so that you get a ton of resistances in like the letter portions of the game because later on the characters that are up against who don't just do like physical damage they get a lot of magical stuff going on too so this thing is resisted to again practically everything in the game and you can also just heal again right with the bear heart that you could just heal up if like the enemies somehow get you down to like low amounts of Health which is absolutely amazing so yeah if you want to have one beefy frontliner that is just impossible to take down they can just tank everything this is the guy for you to have on your team this next setup is a sorcerer who has done a tiny amount of homework to become a wizard the general idea is that although sorcerer has a lot of offensive capabilities they don't have access to all the spells in the game but the Wizards do so the power of the setup is you get to do all your social stuff but you also get to learn all spells in the game by going up here and then learning them from your skulls for some gold this is amazing because it basically opens up everything to you now a disclaimer if you learn spells from a scroll there will be spells that like the damage that they do will not be off of Charisma but it'll be off of intelligence so please do keep that in mind so if you're running a character without a lot of intelligence then you better stick to just learning utility spells for teammates Etc but I mean if you have intelligence and Charisma then you know uh Go full speed ahead and just crush your enemies alright that's pretty much it for this video If you have a favorite multi-class that you've discovered or you've heard about let us know in the comment section below and I might try them out so yeah this is it goodbye uh say goodbye Withers goodbye for now
Channel: Rhoku
Views: 46,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, bg3, rhoku, act 2, baldur's gate 3, bg 3, multiclassing, barbarian, druid, rage, bg3 multiclassing guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass combos, how to multiclass in baldurs gate 3, how to multiclass bg3, bg3 multiclass, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, multiclass guide, best build, best multiclass, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclassing guide, multiclass build, multiclasses, multi class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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