10 Things You Can Miss In Act 1 - Baldur's Gate 3

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all right everybody it's miroku back with some more content I got another video for you on Baldur's Gate 3. this one is going to be basically the 10 things that you shouldn't really miss on act one that you can very easily Miss in that if you're not really talking to your friends about the game or if you I don't know are not part of some subreddit you really will just like miss all of them in your first playthrough which is kind of a shame because these things range from really powerful bits of equipment to Buffs that last with you for like the entire game to even like entire bits of content the game has not really has kind of tucked away somewhere else they gotta get to so without further Ado let's get into the first one which is basically the one that everyone talks about which is the everburn blade it's the sword that this demon guy is holding when you get this part of the like the first initial stage where you're on the notoloid you can see a mind flare fight this guy called commander zalk and the general idea is that you gotta kill this dude and pick up his weapon and the sword is actually one of the best weapons for the entirety of act one and also some of act two like seriously the extra fire damage is like just puts this way up and above like almost everything right now there are some weapons that you can get through a normal playthrough like the sword of tier or the susser blade that have enchantments which kind of make it more likely that you land your attacks in my opinion yeah I just like big damage numbers and this sword has the biggest damage number like of all the normal weapons I'm going to go through one more sword that is even more powerful than this later on in the video but for now we're talking about this now think about this fight as like extra tip at tips because I'm not gonna go through the entirety of it in this video is that you kind of want to let the Mind flare do the work okay just get your whole party around here just like buy this guy as much as you can it helps out the brain from the earlier level it's like the brain with a kid The Voice just free it and it's like this big beefy tank that follows you around but yeah just free it swarm this guy take him out and then you can pick up the sword the thing you got to be aware of is that the mining flare car just turns on you at the end and you can pretty easily just kill a lot of you guys so when you get there again you want to let the Mind flare do the work because he's the one who's gonna do the real damage to the demon and if you're on some of the higher difficulties you might have to do some safe swimming to get through this area one more tip is that you don't need everybody to touch the panel you can just get like one person so what I do is have my guy and lizelle just fight the demon and get the sword well I pick it up because I don't want lizelle to have it and since shadowheart kinda isn't that useful after using your abilities I have a run in at like to ride around here so that as soon as we pick up the sword she immediately hits the panel and we're all out of there and I think that's like the most efficient way to go through this part of like to this to get the sword which basically right and here we are we're at a point where like I've picked up the sword of my character and shadowheart hit the thing so we're on the beach here and this sword looks absolutely amazing let me equip it right here it's just this giant flaming the sword that your character just carries around ready to just cut his enemies up so yeah I mean in my opinion it is the coolest looking weapon in the entire game because it's a sword that is on fire and damage wise it does the normal slashing damage plus a 1d4 of fire and although it doesn't sound like a lot that 1d405 really does come into handy in some situations and it puts it A Cut Above a lot of the weapons in the game at least when it comes to just pure damage numbers so yeah if you like big numbers like me you're gonna love this weapon anyway tip number two time alright so we're back with tip number two and three both of which are in the same area so basically speaking of you gotta get to the goblin cap which is in this area you go to it on a regular playthrough anyway and gotta go inside to the inner whatever it's called one tip that I can give you is to disguise yourself as like a drow which you can do so with the shape shooter mask if you have the Premium Edition of the game you can find it at your Camp chest but discuss yourself as a drought and you no longer have to do any speech checks or any skill checks to get through the area they just let you go on because you're a drow you're a big evil Baddie so yeah we walk in to the shattered Sanctum um go away should I hurt right the drought check so like because you're a drought it doesn't really make you go through any speed checks we could just go in so yeah pretty easy now for the two good Buffs so the first one is with the goblin Priestess right here and that is the mark of the absolute if you look here she basically Brands these goblins with the mark of the absolute end basically anybody with common sense would just tell her not to do that but it's actually good to have it because basically speaking you get two useful things with the mark of the episode one is speech checks in that not speech speech options because some points during the game you can use the mark of the absolute to have like useful speech options you can do in order to get through parts of the game that are kind of annoying or just get some advantageous situations but the other more useful thing is that there's a bunch of equipment in the game that only work or they have a certain buff that only activates if you have the mark of the absolute so if you want to use these bits of equipment it's good to get it and you don't need to pass any speed checks or whatever together you just basically talk to her and you know you go through this and you hold out your hand let her brand you and that is basically it now that's the first thing you can just go through with the dialogue and do whatever you want with it Priestess but we're going to move on to tip number three which is with this dude right here who is beating himself let's run up here yeah this guy now this guy's just kind of here chilling and beating himself off and when you talk to him he offers to um he's just being really creepy and he's offering to just beat you right and if you're smart right if you have common sense you would say no to this guy but that is actually a mistake because basically speaking if you go through with it he's gonna give you a buff that lasts with you until the end of the game and it is really useful on the melee type Champions like to go in and take a lot of damage so your barbarians your Fighters your like paladins and stuff that go in and do melee damage these kind of characters would love this buff and I was gonna get it real quick and then show you guys after the fact what it is okay so we're back one thing to make sure that you gotta do is that when you're getting hit by this guy you gotta pass all three checks okay and those checks can be like there are three types of things you can roll but you gotta roll at least one of them if you choose keeping quiet as a monk or leaving that you will not get the buff so you have to make sure to pass the three checks and the one is that has worked for me every time is intimidation right so now that I'm done with it he hits us three times you go talk to him right and he's happy with you pick these two options either one you like but don't pick three or four so thank you I enjoy myself wink and then we get the buff leviters love now this thing whenever you're low HP it gives you two plus bonus Attack rules to get you're more likely to hit and it gives you a wisdom saving throws for three turns so it can kind of be that extra buff that you need when you're low HP to really put fights and you know close them out the next tip is to do with Volo the whole I don't know writer or whatever but basically speaking you meet Volo in the outside of the goblin camp and they bring him in here and you should essentially try to save him because you get a pretty nice bonus sort of buffer and that lasts with you until the end of the game if you let him do his thing on you at the camp so first off you're gonna talk to this Goblin here right free the guy I like one of my own it was intimidation because you know they're goblins you gotta bully the Goblins right now run out of here okay so we saved the the Volo guy safety go to my camp and then he will get to the camp once we're there and I'll go to the camp as well so we can get this tip over with okay so once you rescue roll and against your Camp you have to talk to him once and tell him about the tadpole infection in your brain and then you have to do a long rest before you can get the buff and to get it you basically gotta talk to him and he's gonna offer to do surgery on you to get the thing out and honestly speaking when he pulls his needle out like there are clear common thing to do is to just tell him to just stop you know but um we just let him go through with it right he he messes your eye up right some obstacle in the way and then he produces an ice pick which um like if he wasn't messing you up before he definitely is right now but to get the buff you got to let him go through with it okay so let him go through with it keep going my G he CK and he takes her eye off now it's not a good thing to have your eye out but he does give you a replacement eye Z eye that's the name of the item I think or whatever it is and he slots it into your eyeball and cosmetically there's not much different in that you can kind of see that one of your eyes is now silver right so I guess if you like that it's even cooler looking on you but the actual buff is insanely insanely useful in that it's C invisibility basically speaking whenever there's an invisible creature within nine meters of you and 9 meters is like um like this much basically right which is a pretty high range they can actually see them and attack them which is super useful especially in Act 2 and act three because there are some enemies that just love going invisible constantly at those areas so you kind of need the invisibility seeing eye to not to save yourself in that there's no fight that's like you know underwearable because you can't see the enemy but there are fights where something that should take two turns is gonna take like 10 turns with you just wasting time on this enemy that just won't be visible enough for you to kill so yeah it's a very useful buff and I think you should have it on again your Melee character to go in because they can go in close enough to see the enemy and then your rage guys can just follow up right so yeah that is pretty much it for this tip let's go on to the next one all right so this next tip isn't really the most useful one but it's something that you gotta do which is secure the owl bear cub now if you've been around the media of the game in terms of YouTube videos or like the subreddit or something you will have seen pictures of this adorable little owl looking thing called the owl bear cave it's called the owl bear cub and to get this thing yet I got down here near the blight of the village right it's to the it's like under this bridge or you can walk through this area right I'm gonna get here and this is the entrance of the cave so we get into the cave right and within the cave you will find a big owl bear and a baby owl bear and to get the baby owl bear you essentially have to kill the mother right as horrifying as it sounds you gotta kill the mom and then the baby will the aggro afterwards um well let's just do it and then we'll look into the afterwards we'll I'll walk it through with you together so the mother will be around here let's find her there she is and where's the the Cub there he is look at this thing anyway um we're gonna fight the mother so I'll be back when we kill it all right so we're almost done with the owl bear was gonna put it down one last finishing attack Shadow heart do the honors you're useless main man do the honors there we go okay so when you kill the owl bear mom the Cub just the aggroes from you immediately okay so then you go talk to it right um one of our guys has um talk with animals but yeah um you don't kill it let the creature live do and then the Albert Hub will eat his mother or her mother I'm not too I'm not an Albert veterinarian but yeah he'll eat the mother and then from this point you gotta leave because you'll find the Albert Hub in the goblin campus let's just get over there and then see what I'm talking about hey guys it's me Roku editing here real quick I forgot to record this part but basically speaking once you leave the aloe vera to eat his mother you have to go back to Camp rest one night and then you go into the goblin Camp to find the owl bear in the chicken chasing area once you're there you have to talk to the Albert itself and pass an animal handling check after which you'll get to let it sniff your hand and then follow you to the camp but I have that part recorded so yeah let's get into it alright so last time I rolled a one thank the gods let's hope we have better luck this time nice a a natural 19 perfect okay so you do the animal handling check on the owl bear specifically you give this offering your hand thing so that he can sniff your hand and then follow you into the camp and now you got to talk to Corolla again right just talk to her blah blah blah and you gotta get to this dialogue option I'm leaving and the Albert's coming with me and after that you have to do an intimidation check which I mean we're a orc so we should have this one in the bag what just barely okay God okay um cool okay so once they pass the check the owl Bear Just disappears from the area or he just kind of leaves right he just runs away Into the Wilderness and that is the last you'll see from him from now now I want to go through every single night that comes after this but basically speaking the owl bear will visit you every single time you take a long rest like you'll get a special cut scene every single long rest and you'll get basically you can get multiple things right in one of the cutscenes it comes up to you looking for food safe to feed it and one of the cutscenes it comes up to you with like a broken leg and you gotta heal that and then I think it just joins your camp or there's one more but that's the hard part done right you just gotta act like a normal in those little cutscenes and it will join your Camp officially and be there for you to pet now as I mentioned in the very beginning of the tip the Albert isn't really the most useful thing it doesn't really do much unlike the dog but it will serve one specific purpose at some point in the game that it will not spoil so the aloe vera does end up being useful just you know um it's more of a cosmetic cute thing to have it around anyway next tip Okay so this next tip is a bit of a two for one which is basically number one some content you might miss and number two how to learn an instrument now basically speaking when you first get into the emerald Grove through fighting well not fighting talking to these guys you can very easily miss a path that is to the left of here that I honestly missed my first playthrough and all the people I've talked to Miss it as well because so like when you're coming in from this perspective it's very easy to miss especially we're not looking there but it's an important place to go to because you get two things unlocked by just going here number one is the more straightforward one which is more content basically speaking down there is a child a tiefling kid that is being like um hypnotized by their harpies and you have to essentially go and save them and once you do you get access to an entire questline you can do that I mean quests are good right we're playing an RPG for a reason so that's more content for you and number two is how to learn how to play an instrument now the thing about this game is that the vast majority majority of the time you're not going to start out with a Bard character which means that your character can't play any instrument including a loot so if we try poor performance this boy does not know how to play Loot and here we're gonna remedy that so to do that to learn how to play a loot you're gonna talk to this thief called elphira she's struggling writing a song and you gotta basically agree to help her out and specifically right here's the important part blah blah blah blah I do not care instead of this you gotta ask her to give you the loot and then pass two performance checks so she gives it to you and now we gotta play along with her right so now let's save for the checks and pass this um you know performance rules I'll be here for a while so yeah we passed the first check let's get into the next one you gotta pass the second one and now we get guidance which should be easier let's save just in case things go wrong yes okay okay sorry she cries don't cry baby girl I'm sure a teacher would be proud and now we've learned how to play so let's go there's a bunch of things you can do with the loot you can earn money with it and although it's not the most useful thing in the game there are some circumstances during which it's like the game basically just tells you oh man it wouldn't be so great if someone could play an instrument here so for these kind of situations it's always good to be able to play these instruments and stuff and you know it's just you don't have to waste a feat on learning how to play an instrument basically you can just get it for free on like a warrior or something that doesn't get it by default anyway next tip all right so this next tip is an entire questline that you can very easily Miss and that is to investigate kaga so basically speaking when you get into this area and you save the little girl or I don't know Doom her if you're into that you gotta get into this office type area service quarters and there is a book shift that you gotta get behind now if you watched my previous video you know that if you hold alt you can see the things you can interact with and the thing we gotta get to is kaga's chest which can be easily accessed through jumping up here we get back here right it is locked so let's just get AST my boy AST to get in here and unlock it hey yo get that all right he's got every single like modifier in the book good okay so he unlocks it no needed the artificial intelligence I have it playing with me so we unlock the chest and we gotta read these things and then this basically marks an area on the map which is a meeting spot and then the quest begins so there's something more I need to share with you from this point and I don't want to spoil anything because it has its own choices and stuff and it's like an actual quest line that can be kind of impactful so you just get the quest right here um investigate kaga yeah and just go through with it and see where it leads and yeah it's some content for you to explore next tip so this next tip is to do with Auntie Ethel and this one is going to give you a permanent buff for the rest of the game basically speaking if you fight onto Ethel and get her to 10 HP she will offer you her hair in exchange for letting her live and her hair can give you a buff to an ability that again lasts permanently so I'm gonna get into combat with her then I'm going to get her to low HP and then record again to see what to do at that point to get the buff so just for now do the thing normally you go through with the normally like how you would if you're just a normal player and yeah I'll see you later I mean I'll see you in a few seconds all right so we've gotten into the Auntie Ethel fight and one thing's crucial you don't want to actually like a blitz her and one shutter in the main area of her house you got to get down here to this underground area and then fight her again and now that she's like super low HP once it gets to her turn she will make the offer so let's just all skip our turns here man don't save me thank you let the Clones cook there we go killing me but it's it's Pleasant so how about we be civilized about this okay go on I know I like jadiri let me leave you want to be stronger tougher just it's your choice sweetness okay so the general idea is she gives you a buff in exchange for linear leave with the girl now you can also pass an intimidation check to make her give you the girl and the power you can also do it with deception but if you don't care about Marina you can just take the power but let's try to um do the intimidation check here which is at 20 so I'll be back when we get this done right all right so mind you can just let the hag have the girl but removing a good two shoes here so I want the power and the girl to be free so yeah we rolled a 20. she gives us her hair blah blah blah blah I don't care now basically speaking it works as like any sort of reward right you gotta pick one of the stats they want to buff to so it can be wisdom strength Constitution whatever let's just go for strength for now accept right and now we get the item I think it's in my inventory there we go onto ethels here and then when you consume it right look at the strength we get plus one to our strength so yeah that's pretty good that's just how it's done and that's it for this tip let's go on to the next one all right so we're back here in the underdark I know the andark doesn't feel like act one but it's technically part of it so I'm going to cover a big amount of content that you can actually experience here it's kind of out of the way so basically speaking you have to get to this area called the groom Forge and you will during like a regular breakthrough and you'll have to face the doer guys I think they're called the the evil dwarves and essentially speaking there is an area here that you can get to which has a ton of content equipment and even one more fun thing that I will not talk about because it's kind of spoilery and there's just things to experience there right so anyway you come up here to this area right there was the stories everyone's dead obviously right but yeah anyway there's like there's a stone Mason here you come up here and basically speaking when you get to this area you'll see a future regards and two of these cow things that they're getting to smash this rubble and you basically have to kill them here okay because they want this adamantine Awareness on the other side of this and you got to kill them if you do it quickly enough it won't really aggro the other drugs on you so just like you know it's no problem to just go all out combat and just kill everyone and when they fight you the cows will also aggro on you but you have to kill the one on the right and then once you kill it the second you do so the one on the left it will just go neutral right now to get through the boulders you can either use the smoke powder bombs that you use like on the other part of this map or you can just talk to the cow and with an animal handling speech you can just convince it to destroy the rubble and it will do so now once you enter the area there will be an adamantine like over here so you gotta pick that up and then once you do so you get up here into this area so just walk up here and you'll see these traps now this whole thing is like really difficult to get through honestly but to get to the part that I'm talking about you don't have to actually do that so to disable the traps you to get all the way back here but you don't need that you gotta get down here to be able to access the secret content area and by the way for those of you who don't know it's called the adamantine Forge so we get in here by the way to do this you basically need someone with really good jump okay really good jump and a ranged weapon you don't really need like teleports or anything to get to the other side of the area you just need one guy with a good jump if you don't have that guy you can just use car lag anything you have them walk alone because basically speaking there is a Teleport Waypoint on the other side of this they can use to bring everyone along so you get these two levers and you can control this platform with these two levers so let's just bring it over oh that's the wrong one get over here get over here okay nice okay so now to get to the part of the to get to the admin before you just gotta go through here but you can also use your um bow to shoot the lever to bring you to the other side of this whole platform so if you want to go explore that area you can do that there's more content there and there's a way for you to get the smoke powder balm but for now we're going to go through here right walk all the way to the end of this little Bridge thing the dura guards have no idea all this is here by the way so it's like like you aren't going to get into any trouble by like doing this part of the map so yeah you get here and if you look to the left you see these two levers and this is just barely within ranged attack range and you got to use these to control this platform so oh I misclicked okay good let's just bring it over I suppose the way I'm doing it you don't even really need good jump but yeah um I think I'm just stupid my OBS seems to have crashed in on itself at this point but thankfully there's not really much to talk about essentially speaking you guys just use the bridge and use your range attacks from the bridge to just control it and then get yourself to the other side and then on the other side there will be a waypoint you can use to bring the rest of your party in and you got to be careful because if you go in further there is a fight to your character can get into alone so get the Waypoint get into the fight and from that point on just explore the place I don't want to talk too much about what's in the actual area because again it's like content there's like a lot to do in the specific area and some good loot to get so yeah that part is for you to do okay so this last tip is is the most exploity one but basically it allows you to get the arguably second best sword in the game second best two-handed Greatsword in the entire game that you can get right here in act one and you get it by getting to this area on the map so you get up here and you walk here you'll probably clear this area out and deal with some stuff here but once you get to this area you'll see a dragonfly above you and you'll meet a bunch of the gift Yankee and among these gift Yankee is this guy called Volo and in his hand is a sword that we want it's called Silver sword or the astral plane and it is amazing if you're a gift Yankee character it's basically the best weapon in the game but even if you're not a gift Yankee character it's so powerful that it's basically worth equipping above anything else in the game until like act three which is when you'll get an amazing sword but because this is an actual video we're not going to get into it so in order to get this sword you're gonna have to save and be prepared to save scum a lot because you're gonna need Shadow heart to cast a specific spell called command drop and it only has a 12 chance of working correctly so you gotta save and then keep reloading the save over and over again until he drops the sword now the thing about this situation is that once you command him to drop the sword he and the dragon will disappear immediately because I think lore wise he's like trusting his little mini gifts right here to just do the fighting for him so he just drops the sword and he just like gets out of there to let them do the fighting but this means that once he's dropped the sword he and the dragon will no longer be like your fight so you basically have to fight these three and beat them now mind you they are relatively powerful these four they're relatively powerful and if you're on some of the higher difficulties you might not get like you know you don't want to be able to do this fight and at that point you might have to do some sort of like exploit things like sending a character to pick it up and like have everybody back here that character dies and then you go back into Camp you revive that character and then you have access to their inventory which will have the sword so that is one exploit that you can do but I think it's much more fun to just fight them and kill them and it's way more doable on the easiest difficulty which is where we're on right now so yeah um the goal is to just do command drop until it works so um yeah let's get right into it saved I'm just gonna keep doing it I'm still works and I'll see you guys when it does okay command drop there we go okay weapon dropped and now as you guys can see combat did start but the weapon is dropped so the name of the game is to kill these guys and get to the weapons so we're gonna fight them and then we'll be right back with you alright so my OBS didn't record the part where we actually got the sword where we fought them so that sucks but here is the wicked page of the silver sword of the Astro plane this is where you're getting by fighting that guy and this is what you actually get at the very end so as I mentioned it's basically like an export they can get this this early but you can basically use this sword on your character for like the vast majority of the game until the very end in act three which is a video I might make later on if this video gets 30 likes I'll make the same video for act two so yeah um the store is great on lizelle on barbarians on Fighters anybody that goes in melee but um that's pretty much it then I'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Rhoku
Views: 482,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3 tips, baldurs gate 3 beginners tips, baldurs gate 3 tips for beginners, baldurs gate 3 tricks, bg3, bg3 guide, bg3 mistakes, bg3 new player guide, bg3 new player tips, bg3 beginner guide, bg3 beginner tips, bg3 tips and tricks, bg3 builds, rhoku, act 1, best items, missable items act 1, adamantine forge, astral plane, everburn blade, owlbear, ethel hair, volo eye
Id: O4idIszfPHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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