Muggles Try Wizard Food (Eat It or Yeet It #24)

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- A bit bite! - You! - No, just take a bite. - Just chomp, just chomp. - Really? - Yeah. - [Group] Three, two, one! (teeth crunch) - Ow. (Saige laughs) - What the (bleep)? (upbeat electronic music) - What are we waiting for again? (cat meows) (smoke poofs) - Students of Hogwarts! - Wow. - Wow! - Students, wake me up! - Whoa! - No one explained anything! - Stop! - Guys, welcome to the Hogwarts-themed episode of "Eat It or Yeet It!" - "Or Yeet It!" (players clapping) - Goddammit! - First, let's get to know our houses. We have Saige of Ravenclaw! Damien of Slytherin. - Potter. - Shayne of Gryffindor. - I'm a firebender. - And Noah of Hufflepuff. - We're the friendly ones! - [Saige] Yeah! - And the ones that die. - And they'll definitely know where to get weed. (players laugh) - Yeah, look at me, you can get it from me. - Here are the rules. I'm gonna spin the wheel of food after the dish is revealed. Whatever color it lands on, that person must eat. No one is out, and no one is safe. (energetic electronic music) So, as you guys would assume, all of these foods are "Harry Potter" themed, "Harry Potter" inspired, all types of magical, magical goodness or badness. Saige, this is your first "Eat It or Yeet It," how do you feel? - Oh, horrific after your intro. - You're safe here, it's okay, it's not gonna be so bad, and if it is bad, we have the Dumbledore care station over there! - That's Kingsley Shacklebolt, look at his outfit. - Yeah, no, I am Dumbledore. - Dumbledore, more like dumb dork, am I right? - Hey, hey. (smooth jazz music) - The Sorting Hat will now decide who gets the dish. Three, two, one! - Oh, dude, I was just talking about these! - What is it? - I would like them, I would like them, I would like them. - Are these the frog legs? - [Saige] No, no, no, no, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. - Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! (Saige shrieks) - Yeah, Shayne, yeah, Shayne, yeah, Shayne! - Are those actually frog legs? - It looks like chocolate-covered frog legs to me. - Oh no! (crew laughing) - It can't be real frog. - That's a frog, dude, that's a frog leg. - No way. - [Damien] Yeah, we got frog gooch right there. - Yeah. (crew laughing) - Get that nice frog (bleep)! - That's the business end of a frog right there. - This is a bummer. - [Group] Three, two, one! - [Garrett] There's gonna be bone. - (gasps) Oh my God, it's actually meat in there. - Oh. - That looks interesting. - [Saige] Oh, oh, it was so stringy! - [Noah] That's really, that's meat! - Yeah, man! - Do you need a bucket? (crew laughing) Do you need a bucket? - No. (Courtney laughs) - What's it taste like? I know you've had gator, right? You're from Florida, is it akin to gator? - Mm-mm, no, it's chicken-y. - You look so sad! - The chocolate's actually what's messing me up, it sucks. - Yeah, the combination chicken and chocolate does not sound good at all. - No, it does not work. Ugh. - Aw. (Shayne groans) - It's not bad, it's just the textures. (Saige groans) (Courtney laughs) The chickeny frog texture, you want a bite? - I'll try it. - Pick one. - Mm. - I don't like it. - Aw. - I don't like it. - Yeah, I think this is the kind of thing where like, the seasoning is gonna make or break it, and chocolate ain't it. - Damien, I made something you don't like? - Yeah. - Wow! - Very much so, oh yeah. - We could've been killed! Or worse, expelled! - Expelled! - She needs to get her priorities straight! - Yay, he swallowed it! (players clapping) You eated! - I'm gonna be thinking about that for a while. - Okay, Shayne, so what you have ingested was chocolate frog, just frog legs dipped in chocolate! - Oh, from the movie. (smooth jazz music) - Three, two, one! - Get it? - Oh no! - Ooh, boy! - That's a stick of butter! - It's about to, it's gonna land on me, but this is Damien's dream. - It's gonna land on me, my guy, it's gonna land on me, my guy, it's gonna land on me, my guy. - No, no, no, no. - Saige, Saige, Saige, Saige! - No, no, fuck. - [Noah] Saige! (players laughing) - Oh no. - That is quite literally butter beer. - That's straight up up a stick of butter! We don't know how- - Well, we don't know, let her describe the taste before we reveal what it is. - This could be anything! - It would appear to be a stick of butter on the glass that's labeled butterbeer. - She's shaking. (players laughing) - I'm shaking. - Ready? - [Group] Three, two, one! - [Crew Member] Big gulp, big old gulp! - [Crew Member] Get that liquid! (Saige coughing and groaning) - Did it even like get into your mouth? - Oh my God, yes! (coughs) - What are you tasting? - Oh, it tastes like one of those healthy medicine shots that you get at a juice place. Is it ginger beer or something? It tastes like straight ginger. It's the combination of the very, very liquidy liquid, and the thickness of whatever is happening in the froth that you don't know whether you're supposed to chew it or swallow it, it's awful. I think it's some kind of like ginger and butter. - So, what you just ingested, Saige of Ravenclaw, was butterbeer! It consists of ginger beer, melted butter, whole butter, whipped butter on top. - Actually, that sounds pretty good. - That's (bleep)ing good. (players clapping and cheering) - Good job. - I did it! - Yay! (players clapping) - Yay! (smooth jazz music) - Three, two, one. - I've almost stopped shaking. - Aw, no. - Whoa! - What is that? - I do not want this. - This looks cool! - Is that a? - I want this one. - I'm about to get it, it's gonna land on me. - [Damien] Gillyweed! - I hope those are real rocks. And now it's gonna definitely land on me. (crew laughs) It is 100% me. - [Saige] Please, no, please, no, keep going, keep going, keep going. - Come on, come on, come on, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me! Yay! - Yay! - I get to eat rocks! (crew clapping) - What is that? - I get to eat rocks! - [Shayne] They do look like rocks. - [Saige. It could be, Well, they're kind of pretty. - Whoa, they're actually heavy and hard. - [Shayne] We just literally gave you a rock. - [Noah] Should I use my? - Take a big bite! No, just take a bite. - Just chomp, just chomp. - Really? (Saige shrieks) - [Group] Three, two, one! (teeth cracking) - Ow. (Saige laughs) - What the (bleep)? (Garrett laughing) - It's a rock! - Haha, (bleep) you! - [Damien] Just bleeding. - [Saige] Oh my God, please don't break yourself. (crust crunching) You got like a flake off. - It's a really hard crust, it's like a quarter-inch think M&M. - I'm glad I didn't get this, 'cause my teeth are not good. - I know. - I can taste it, it's really like a big M&M. - Break it on the table, try and break it on the table. - Smash it. ("food" bangs) - Oh. - See? - That's a rock! - I just dented the table. (Shayne laughs) - [Saige] (gasps) Oh. - Look at that! Barely, barely, barely. - Oh my God. - I can tell you what it is, it is a steel M&M. That's what this is, it's chocolate. - Well. - These are literally rocks. (glass clinks) (players laugh) - Like, this is a weapon. - All right, what you just ingested are Hagrid's rock cakes. Chocolate candy rocks! - Wow, wow. (players clapping) - That sounded really nice in theory. - Yeah, these are really fun looking, I like them. (smooth jazz music) - What if it's just a (bleep)? - Alohomora. - Oh, we were not far off. - Is that more rocks? - More rocks! (crew laughing) And gravy! - [Shayne] I don't want this one. - [Saige] No, please no. - [Damien] You are eating- - [Saige] Keep moving, keep moving, keep, no! - [Shayne] Oh, it's me. - Hagrid's bowel movement, oh! - Oh! (players applauding) Wow. Ooh, it's got a bit of an odor do it, huh? - You know what, I'm gonna call it, I think this one's actually gonna be good. - I think this is going to be gillyweed, which is actually just a bunch of kale. - You can, get ready? - Oh, oh. - [Shayne] Ooh, awful. - [Group] Three, two, one! - Ooh. - Mm. Oh, buddy! I'm on a diet, but not today. (everyone laughs) That's really good. Well, lemme describe it. It's very smooth, the skin on the outside was well cooked, it's a little cooler than I'd normally like, but mm, that savoriness of almost like, what is that? Some kind of cheese? What is this, some kind of, mm. (Courtney and crew laughing) The one time I have to eat in like 30 episodes. - Yeah, you haven't eaten in so long, like, you haven't had a turn. - [Shayne] Oh, you're dipping it? (crew laughing) What's wrong with you? - What is that? - You are a Slytherin. (Courtney and Noah laughing) - So he even went in for another bite. Congratulations, Slytherin survived that one. You eated! (players clapping) - That's really good. - Whoo! - Damiman and everyone else, what he just eated was boiled potatoes with magic cream sauce, which is cream sauce with edible glitter. What is cream sauce? - Oh, just alfredo sauce. - Very cool, very cool, hey. - Wow. - Oh! Oh my God. (everyone laughing) - Hahaha, you got it right. - Such a Kingsley Shacklebolt moment. - Dumbledore, I'm Dumbledore! (smooth jazz music) ♪ This is the big bite, yeah ♪ - So it's landed on all of us, so we're all tied right now. - All right, ready? - Yeah. - Three, two, one! - [Courtney] Avada kedavra. - No! - Oh, it's the beans! - It's the (bleep) beans! - [Saige] Oh, why do they look pre-chewed? - OH, I know what's going on here! (crew laughing) No, you bastard! Okay, Garrett, fine, it'll land on you, it'll land on you, Garrett, fine, fine, fine, fine! - [Garrett] No! - [Courtney] Oh no, oh! (Saige shrieks) - Oh, wait! - Haha, 'cause it's the curse! (Courtney laughs) You don't put me here, and then put malic acid! - Did you really do it again, Garrett? (crew laugh) - How does it happen every time? I'm about to not react to this. (everyone laughs) Isn't it so weird? - Yes! If there's any malic acid anywhere, it lands on you. - All right, three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (Shayne groans) (everyone laughs) - You guys psyched me out. (Courtney laughs) - It's going in waves. - What is it? To me, it just tastes like regular beans. - Thank God! - Are there normal beans in there? - They might be normal beans. - I think they're normal beans. I don't know how to describe this, other than it tastes like potpourri. - I would like you to try each and one of these beans, and taste and guess each flavor. - Okay, so that was, is that like a kidney bean, or a pinto bean there? Let's see. (crew laugh) That's like a lima bean. (crew laugh) - [Noah] Wow. - Maybe that was a black bean in there. I don't know, I haven't been to Chipotle in a second. - This took me all day. You only let it roll if you would try again. - You want one, Noah? - Yeah, I'll try one. (Saige laughs) - Oh my God, they're soft. - Yeah, they're beans. - They're beans. (crew laugh) - So you overnighted beans in malic acid? - [Courtney] Hey! - [Noah] Yeah. - Okay, this is gonna be strong. - [Courtney] What does it? - Oh, the texture is a bad time. - What one did you get? - I don't like beans. - Oh, that'll do it. - Which color was that? - Light green. - Light green. - What you just ate, good job, by the way, you eated. Good job. - You eated! (players clapping) - [Noah] Eateded! - Okay, so what that was was every flavor beans, there are great northern white beans with artificial flavors, and food dyes. We have cinnamon, bubblegum, mint, green apple, licorice, butter, wine, banana, and coffee! - Whoo! - Wow! (players clapping) Fun! - I was not expecting real beans. - All right, thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you, Saige, for frigging coming on the show. - Yay! (players clapping) - I eated! - You did good, how do you feel? - Oh, like I would like something else. - Yeah, yeah. - I would like other things that don't, there's bean in my teeth. - Guys, if you have any other ideas of what kind of "Eat or Yeet It" themes we should do, post in the comments down below. We love, we love to hear what you guys have to say. We are in there, we are doomscrolling all day. And we'll spin the wheel on which one you're gonna land on, all right? Wow, "Avatar" theme, whoa. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh? - No! No, no, no, no, no! - Garrett! - Garret! - Garrett! - Garrett! - Garrett! (all clapping and chanting "Kingsley") - Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Dumbledore! - A handful, handful! - Handful, handful! - [Garrett] Ah. - Garrett! - Look at that camera! - Yeah, oh! (Garrett groaning) - Great job, Dumbledore. - You eated! - Great job, Dumbledore. (players clapping) All the students of Hogwarts- - Howgwoats. - You had to be, everyone's frogs. If you would like to continue watching Smosh content, we have two videos right here. - Pow! - No need to cost a spell. You just use that little mouse, and click, or just tap on the screen. It's very easy. I am getting older by the minute. Oh, somebody poured water on me, oh, oh! - Wait, wait, are you asking to die? - Maggie Smith is a treasure. - Yeah. (laughs) - Yep.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 456,166
Rating: 4.9783998 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Muggles Try Wizard Food (Eat It or Yeet It #24), eat it or yeet it, food challenge, taste test, challenge, wizard food, harry potter food, harry potter, butterbeer, 2021
Id: E9Igmu7NMXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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