Who Actually Knows Courtney Best?

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- Are you guys ready for the final question? - Yes. - Yeah. - Yup. - (bleep) marry, kill, you guys. (crew laughs) (upbeat music) (laughs) Guys. (laughs) - Dude, I never heard you laugh like that. - I know, it's not normal. But you know what's normal, our friendship. - Yes. - Aw. - Hey guys, you saw the title of this video. I'm very excited because this video is about me, and who's my real best friend. The competitors today are Shania Topp. - That's my full name. - Shane Topp. - Olivia moo Sui, sway and Keith Leak Jr. And today we're gonna see who's my best friend maybe. And it's very interesting today, 'cause we're using money to determine who has the most knowledge. We using friend chips. So if someone has the most correct answer, I give them three. They have a kind of correct answer, I'll give them two or maybe one. And if I really hate their answer, they get zero! - Zero! - No points, no friendship! - [Keith] Oh, I see what you did there. - [Courtney] Yeah, yeah. - Hey! - Oh. - I know I am! (crew laughs) - If you wanna be friends, so do we, subscribe. (playful music) All right, guys, ready for the first question? - Yeah. - Yeah. - We begin! What's one thing that I do every day? (playful music) - It's taking you guys way too long. - Yeah, sounds like, it's a not very friendly thing to do. - Well, I know a lot of things that you do. Sorry, I got really upset. - Five, four- - I could've cheated, but... - Okay, ready? Okay, let's start with Keith. - Okay. - You were so quick. - I think it's self-explanatory. - Burp! - Come on, give me one. (Courtney burps) - See? (crew laughs) Every day, all day, I mean, at least like 2,300 times. - Yeah, a lot, I need to go to the doctor. - Yeah. - Okay, Olivia. Eat ramen, okay, that is very on brand for me. I don't know if I necessarily eat it every day. - She doesn't do it every day, it's on brand. I did it for the video. (all laugh) - Okay, Shayne. - I said wash your face. I feel like you talk a lot about like your self-care routine in the morning. Like I was thinking like daily routine type of thing. - Yeah. - I feel like the one you talk about most consistently is that. - But don't we all wash our face every day? - I don't. - He doesn't. (Keith laughs) - What? - He has grave face. He doesn't need to do anything, it's basically a brick wall. - You should wash your face every- - You can throw dirt at it and it doesn't break out. - Oh my god. (laughs) - So out of three chips I'm gonna rate each of you guys, going from three or maybe zero. So I'm gonna start with three chips. I think the one that's very clearly the most correct... It's close, because while I do wash my face most days, some days I get a little lazy, and I use face wipes and I don't care. But something I definitely, absolutely do every day, whether I recall it or not, it is burp. So there you go Keith, three chips for Keith. I will say that is a specific one that I definitely do every day. So I'll give you two chips. - Nice. - Nice. - Every day, give or take. And then for being so fricking on brand, you still get a chip. - Thank you so much. (Keith laughs) - What's a food that I hate? - Oh my God. - Attention's on me, it's so crazy! Okay, Keith, are you almost there? That's a long answer. Do you have a whole list of everything I've ever hated? Three, two, one. Okay, you're my friend, I'll let you have more time. - Boom. - Okay. - Sorry guys. - Shayne, you can start this time. - Fish, except sushi. - Ah. - Oh! - Good answer. - That's true. - Good answer, I can't do it. - Courtney is the opposite of Damian. - Okay, Olivia. Mediterranean food. This whole set knows, whenever we order Mediterranean food for lunch- - She goes to Panda Express. - I'm like, I can't. All right, Keith, what was your answer? All the nasty food Garrett prepares on Eat It or Yeet It! - Yes. - Wow. - Very true, luckily, I haven't had to eat them. But the one time I did, I threw up. - [Shayne] Probably a lot of iron. - That was a small sip. - Take a big one. - Oh baby, oh baby. (all laugh) (Courtney pukes) - Oh no! - Okay, this is tough. This is really tough, because this one... Okay, since I know, this one, it gets one chip. - Okay. - Because I'm a host on that show and I don't go on it. But you are right, those foods be nasty. Now I'm really, really torn. - We can both be right, it doesn't have to be, right? - I really appreciate how much you guys listen to me. And this really shows because- - Is Halal Guys not Mediterranean? - I think that's like the McDonald's of Mediterranean. - It's true, it's the Americanized. - Like if you go to the original cart, like that is not to insult Halal Guys. 'Cause I do (bleep) love Halal Guys. I'm gonna give it to Shane. I'm gonna give three to Shane 'cause the fish is true. Like I can't do fish. - We were just talking about that like a couple of weeks ago too. - Yeah. I'm gonna give you two chips, because you were also very correct. - Thank you. - When I start putting just like regular Mediterranean food in my body, my appetite turns off. All right guys, what is my favorite Smosh Pit video? You know this. So this one, I think will be all chips or nothing. - I feel confident, but I also think I might be mixing this up, and it might be someone else's favorite. - Uh-oh, sounds like someone doesn't listen! - It's honestly tough, because all of our videos are so good. - They're so good, burped. I'm serious about taking the winner to Chili's. - Okay, I think I'll be going to Chili's. - I'm excited to go, in two years, when we're allowed to go- - Yeah, it's probably gonna be closed. - Yeah, they're all gonna get turned into Applebee's. - (laughs) Okay, let's start with Olivia this time. - I don't know, Shayne's graduation, you cried. - Aw, I didn't cry, Shayne cried. - I cried. Man, this is impressive, you guys really pulled this off. I cannot express how ill-prepared I am for this. (all laugh) This is actually the nicest thing. - Aw. - Okay, Keith? - Me? - Every video starring Keith Teeth Jr. (laughs) - Nice. - That's cute. - Okay. - That's true too. - Okay, and Shayne? - Renaissance Fair Vlog. - Oh! - Oh my god. - We did that? - I definitely spelled this wrong. - No, we weren't in that, that was Damien, Courtney and Shayne. - Oh, I was like, I don't remember doing that. (Keith laughs) - Okay, someone at this table has a somewhat correct answer. - Oh. (drum roll) - And that is Keith! - What? - Because my favorite Smosh Pit video is Shocking Wire Part Two. - Oh. - Oh my god. - When Noah asked you did Michael Jackson do it- - Oh my god! - And you broke the shocker, and you could not put your hand on it, it was so funny. - Oh my god, I did not remember that. - I put my finger on it. - Did Michael Jackson do it? - Oh! - The light. Ow! - You broke it! - So did he do it, did he do it? - Huh? - Oh my god. - This is a little more open. So what do you see me doing if I were to be flirting with someone? (Keith laughs) - What the hell? - But this is like if you're actually flirting? - Yeah like if there was a person in the room, I'm clearly attracted to that person. - And you're like, okay how am I- - How am I interacting with them? - Got it. - If at all. - Did you look at my answer? - No. - Yeah you did. - I didn't look at it. - Okay. - I do not look at it. - Okay, ready? - Yep. - Okay. - It's me? - Time's up, Shayne, start. - If you were actually flirting with someone that you actually liked, running away. (all laugh) - Running away, okay Olivia. - You'd be sweating. - Sweating, sweating. (all laugh) Keith. - Ready? - Burp, it's kind of a nervous twitch. (laughs) - Nice. - Burping, yeah, you do it a lot. - That is very true, that is very true. God, these are all really good, actually, okay. - We know you well. - What in your head were you thinking like was the answer? - Yeah. - When I said interacting, if at all, that is true. So Shayne, you get three points, 'cause I would run away. - [Keith] Run away? (laughs) - Oh my god. - I would run away, simply will not interact, if they knew I liked them, God forbid. Second, I think would be burp, because when I'm nervous, I do burp, I do burp a lot. - You don't sweat. - I don't nervous sweat very much. So you do get one chip because I sweat sometimes, but like- - Only half your body sweats, right? - Yeah, only half. - Only my left armpit gets moist. - Oh wow. - My right side doesn't get moist or grow hair. - She's like Two-Face. - What's something I do when I'm in a bad mood? This one's gonna be more like... I don't necessarily know what it is. You guys might know better than me, so we'll see. Did you already finish yours? - Yeah. - Wow, okay. How you guys feel? - Good. - I feel great. - Okay, Shayne, you go first. - I would say you go on your phone more. - Oh. - Yeah. - I feel like my impression of you, like it's not a bad mood, but you stressed out, it's just like, "Yeah, I don't know, I just..." - Yeah, yeah. - Aw, wow (bleep). - It's not a bad thing. It's 11:11, make a wish. - Olivia? - Cry. - Cry! Yeah, that's a very good one too. I get so angry and then I... Okay, we can do you, we can do you, okay Keith. Cry baby, cry baby, suck yo mama's titties? (laughs) (all laugh) - That's what we used to say to each other back home when we used to cry. (laugh) - I know, I feel like you've said that in a sleepover episode or sometimes. Oh my God, that one's very accurate for when I'm just like in a bad mood. And these are both very accurate because I'll get so angry that I won't know what to do, and my body just erupts into tears. And that's how it has to come out. Because I'm not like gonna yell at anybody, you know? Yay, everybody gets two chips because you all did a very good answer. - Is there a better answer, though? - I think those are it. Like I cry or I'm on my phone, just quiet. I usually just wanna shut the (bleep) up. I just wanna be left alone until I'm better or something magically makes me cheer up. So going on my phone or just crying somewhere. Okay, let's go simple, this will be a quick one. What's my favorite color? Go, You have 10 seconds, 10. - Oh. - Nine. - What (bleep) damn. - Seven, six, five, four, three... - Whoa, that's actually so tough. - Two, one, what? Come on, what's my favorite color? Keith you were quick. - Yeah. - Ready, and show me, the rainbow! - That's a good one. - A girl of many colors. - Look at this, the rainbow. - Yup, yup. - Okay, Olivia. - I said pink because you have pink hair and you're wearing a pink hoodie. - Very accurate, very accurate. - And I wrote like a purpley bluey, pinky, green, orange, but make it red. - (laughs) What! - That's the rainbow. - That's the rainbow. (laughs) Okay, I will say my apartment is accented all over the place with blush pink. So I will give you three chips! (all cheer) The rainbow is great, 'cause Ricky yeah, Queer as hell. And then Shayne, you get one. 'Cause I'm sure my color is in there somewhere. - Yeah, pinky. - Pinky. - Pinky, orangey, gray. All right, this is a weird one. But I wanna see if you guys remember just anything. Name a character defining-moment from my childhood. Again, I talk about myself a lot. Are you ready, sir? - I'm ready. - Okay. - So I wrote walking around your neighborhood, knocking on people's doors, asking if they wanna be friends. - Yeah. - Oh wow. - 'Cause you did tell that story once on Show With No Names. - Absolutely. - That story never gets easy. - It's not. (all laugh) Then like one house like kept me, they're like, hey, you need to stay here, and then- - Hold on, what? - 'Cause they were like, where is this kid's parents? - Oh okay. - So then a cop car rolls up. 'Cause I didn't know like where my parents were. And the cop was like, you need to get in the car I'm gonna take you home, and I was like, no. And I didn't get in the cop car. So the cop car had to just like follow me as I walked back home. - You were trouble, Courtney. (laughs) - She's trouble. - Okay, Olivia what'd you put? Johnny making you feel bad/sad. Absolutely, absolutely. Johnny of the infamous Diaries Johnny, affected a lot of my younger years. - Oh my damn God. (Courtney laughs) Okay, so at lunch, Johnny decided to sit back at our table. I was sitting far away from him. Then I went to play football for a while and then I came back. I must say, I looked good. Tons of the guys were looking at me, in a good way, LOL. - Keith? - I'd have to say comedy sports. - Comedy sports! - When you first joined, Noah and I came up to your... - Oh my god! - Yeah, we saw you do comedy sports. - You did come to my alumni show. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. I completely forgot about that. - I didn't. - Gosh, this is really tough. These are all so good, oh! - Do we know you well? (Keith laughs) - Okay, I'm gonna do this, but I'll explain after. Okay, so I'm giving Shayne three points. 'Cause that is like my youngest most character-defining moment. I feel like this is just a representation of my real life self nowadays. - Oh my god. - And then Johnny was my pre-teen years, and did very much affect me. My diary is all about him. Like how did it not affect me? I was so boy crazy. - Half of Smosh Pit is about him. - Half of Smosh Pit is about him. Everybody knows about Johnny. All right, this next one's very weird. - Okay. - I like weird. - Okay, what would I name my child? - Olivia, let's start with you. - Okay, Xanadu. - Xanadu! (all laugh) - You talk about it a lot. - I love Xanadu, it's a very unique name. I'd probably not nickname them Xanny, but maybe. - Lil Xan. - Lil Xan. - I'd nickname him Dewey, maybe, that's cute. - Oh nice. - Xanadu is cute. - Dew Dew, Shayne? - Spanky. - Spanky? - Yeah. - Like "Little Rascals"? - I don't know. - Actually, not far off. I loved "Little Rascals" growing up. I watched it so much as a kid. - Did you watch the original "Little Rascals"? - Yes, oh, black and white. - Black and white. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - It was like- - You should come over and watch that, like serious. - That's such a fun day, that's such a fun day. Okay, cool, all right. And then you, what did you put? Jango? That was my son! - That was your son. - Oh my God. - That was your first child, as far as I'm concerned. - Oh my god, that was my dog, though. - That's a child, Pork Chop's my child. (all laugh) Trust. - This is my son, Pork Chop. (Keith laughs) - Okay, honestly, it's such a deep cut. I'm gonna have to give Olivia three, Xanadu. Even I forget about Xanadu, that was very good. And the fact that you named it actually something that was my child for a long time, I will give you two. And then Shayne, you get one. - Okay. - Are you guys ready for the final question? - Yes. - Yeah. - Yup. - (Bleep) marry, kill, you guys. (crew laughs) - That's rough. - I know. (laughs) (dramatic music) (crew laughs) - There needs to be a meme of like a minefield of just like sharp me shippers, and me just like trying to navigate. (all laugh) - All right, Shayne, you're going first. - I think you'd kill me. (Courtney laughs) - I think you'd marry Keith, and I think you'd (bleep) Olivia. - Oh, what's your reasoning? - Well, I just think like you constantly talk about how you think Olivia is so pretty. Like I think you're very like mesmerized by Olivia. Like obviously, you're friends, but I think like in this realm that we're talking. And then I feel like you and Keith are like really great friends, and I don't know. And then I think for the most part I piss you off. So I think you'd kill me. - Yeah, you make me pretty mad sometimes. (all laughs) Okay Olivia. (Shayne laugh) - Oh my god! - Kill Shayne. - It's the same one. - (bleep) me, and marry Keith. I mean, he did propose to you- - He did. - Oh my god! - You guys technically did get engaged. - We are technically engaged, whoa, okay. - It's still going. - I just wanna let you know, I'm mesmerized by you too. - Yeah, sometimes I don't know if I wanna be you or be with you, you know? - Why not just both? - (laughs) Okay. - Well here you get to do both, so. - I think you- - Wow! - Olivia, you would marry Olivia and you don't have a killer bone in your body so you wouldn't kill anyone. - Oh, wow. - Aw. - Oh my God, that's a really sweet answer. That's really sweet. Oh my God, now I have to choose. - It just depends how bad we wanna kill Shayne. (Keith laughs) - True, true. You know what, Keith. - I'm giving you three, I'm giving you three. I'm giving you both two, 'cause it's funny. - Wow! - Keith wins! (all cheer) Oh my god. Congratulations Keith. - Courtney, I'm officially your bestest friend. - Yes, and we're going to Chili's. - Yes, I can't wait! Hold up, actually could you just send me a gift certificate? I don't wanna go with you. (laughs) (all laugh) - Thank you guys for playing, how do you feel? - I feel good, this was a lot of fun. - Yeah. - I liked that it was kind of open-ended questions. I feel like you're so weird that most answers would be correct. - Yeah, honestly, I'm all over the place. Geminis, am I right? - My memory was refreshed. So like now I remember more things that I forgot. So next time we play, I'm gonna win again. So you guys just be prepared. - Keith is everyone's best friend. - Yeah, you really are, everyone loves you. - If you guys have any ideas of what other competitions like this we should do like... And we have other videos. We've done this before a few times, with some very spicy topics. So they're down below right here, if you would like them. We also have lots of merch, they're very cute. All types of merch. And it goes all types of parts of your body. If you wanna keep one warm, but let another one keep cool, then you get some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Or the opposite, you can wear nothing on the bottoms. - You can cut a sleeve or a pant. - You can crop your shirt, wear the bottom half as a miniskirt, and the crop top on top.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,318,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Who Actually Knows Courtney Best?, friendship test, game, challenge, test, 2021
Id: JlFo6Pfdv4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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