Our Order From Wish Actually Arrived (What're Those?!)

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- Basically, we're gonna show you an object, and we do actually, and this is a big special surprise, because of quarantine stuff going on, we were able to safely, very safely, get a special guest to model this particular piece of Wish fashion, and they are going to model it for you to the best of their ability, and knowing this guest, it's going- - Please not Chris Pratt. - Hey, everybody, welcome back to my favorite show, and yours too, - [All] "What Are Those?" - You picked up on it almost quickly enough, it's what, it's what, Kimmy? - It's, what's what? (rolls R) Kimmy gets it, that was pretty good, Ify, you got something to say? Ify, you slay me. Welcome back to the show "What Are Those?" where we answer the age-old question, "What the hell did you just place before me?" We're gonna be playing this game in three rounds today, but today there is a theme. Do you know what it is? No, I'm going to tell you. It's Wish.com fashion! (all cheer) You know Wish.com, you pay obscenely low prices for a product that maybe sometimes kind of matches what you wanted, and you then think about like, "What are you paying people to make these products if you can charge like this?" and they're going like "Sh, you'll get it in eight months." You know, it's a piece of crap! As in, I wish I never ordered this. So that's what we're gonna be doing today, you can bet your ass we're not sponsored. Let's just (bleep) on it all day. (indistinct) just (bleep) on it. Hey, if you like what we're doing, first of all, seek help, second of all, hit that subscribe button, because we do this kind of stuff all the time. Let me introduce our guests. First up, all the way from Lichtenstein, it's Ify Nwadiwe! - What's up, what's up? Lichtenstein, remember me? You know, it's your boy, Ify. - I love the first 10 seconds of the Lichtenstein national anthem, which you just said. Next up, all the way from Buton, we got Courtney Miller. - They're wherever (indistinct). - Yes, and that, you are saying the phrase of everybody's favorite country, Cambodia, it's Kimmy Jimenez! - Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. That's me, yeah yeah, you know? Cambodia shout-out, yeah yeah. - First round is called "What Are Those?" - Toes. - Okay, negative three points, negative three points, negative three points. - 'Cause he didn't say anything. - Basically, we're gonna blindfold you with these blindfolds right here, these knockoff Ninja Turtle new age Bed Bath and Beyond boys, and then we are going to bring something out in front of you, using only your hands and not your noses, you're gonna feel these things and try to figure out, "What the hell did Wish.com just send me?" We're gonna take it away from you, 'cause we're very withholding, you're going to write down what you think it is, and then eventually we're gonna have a reveal and see if you get some of those points back that you lost. Everybody blindfold up. Ify took of his glasses, so that already counts. All right, so we have placed the objects in front of them, they each get some of these things, and so now it's time for you guys to reach out and touch things. We can say that, right? That's not close enough to copyright, great. - What is this? - [Damien] That is an eraser, you silly goose. That is a silly goose. - I found it. - [Damien] You have 10 seconds left on the clock. - Wait, what? What? - Oh, shoes. - Oh, oh, ew. - [Courtney] Whoa, whoa, flippy floppies? - So make sure that if you're describing them, you don't say exactly what you think they are, just describe the traits. - Oh my god, I have to have these. - So where, it feels bumpy... How do you guys know? - Oh, I forgot to mention, if you win today, you gotta take home all the stuff, that's not even your choice, you have to. - I'm sorry, guys, I have to win today. - And because it's from Wish.com, it's literal garbage. - Oh yeah, now I know what these are. These are low-key trying to be like the Balenciaga Jordans that came out. - Three, two, one, take away their things! All right, so now, with your blindfolds still on, I need you to write down what you think it is. - This part's new. - I wonder if I could actually do it. - I don't know. I think I spelled that wrong. Okay, it's fine. - All right, be sure to flip over your board so no one else can see it and cheat, Courtney. And, time to remove your blindfolds. Wowee, welcome back. All right, Ify, roll for initiative. - All right. What did I get? - A natural nine, you go first! Ify, what was in your hands a moment ago? - Fish flops, get it? Because they're fish flip flops. - Did you write that with your eyes closed? - That's impressive. - That is impressive. You gain plus one Damien points, it has no bearing on the game, but I'm proud of you. Courtney, what's your, what'd you get? - Oh, dude, I thought the same thing, like some type of fish flop, but I remember I saw online one time, some, oh, lobster slides. - [Ify] Ooh, that was my second guess. - I could go for some lobster sliders right now, but restaurants are closed. Kimbo, slice. - We're all kind of on the same boat here, just some sort of thing in the water, and then slides or flip flops. I do not know how this turned out. Oh, that's awful. So, I felt like a koi fish. Is that how you spell koi? - It can be, but I don't know. - Is it slides, is that the correct cool term to call them? Slides, I call them sliders, 'cause I don't know. - So you guys all had very similar answers, but just different enough, this does have a very specific name, so allow me to reveal the exact specific name, as listed on Wish. What you just held were unisex funny lobster slippers 3D lobster bathroom sandals beach simulated lobster slippers children lobster prints lover's beach slippers couple slippers. - Excuse me? - I think the closest one was then Courtney! Look at those lobsters. - I gotta have these. - [Damien] Gotta have my pops. - Oh, and a third! - I do wanna point out something, the one that Kimberly was holding on the bottom, it has 666 just on the bottom here. I don't know why. - Worship the lobster slide. - Round two! This one's called "How much in the world money is it dollars does it cost?" It's a new game that we made up, basically we're gonna show you an object, and we do actually, and this is a big special surprise, because of quarantine stuff going on, we were able to safely, very safely, get a special guest to model this particular piece of Wish fashion. And they are going to model it for you to the best of their ability, and knowing this guest, it's going- - Please not Chris Pratt. - I mean, look at the production quality of this right now, it's not gonna be Chris Pratt. You're gonna have to write down how much in the world money you think it is that this costs, and if you go over, you lose, that's the twist, that's what you don't realize. So, everybody clear on that? - Yes. - Yeah. - It's Wish Pratt, it's Wish Pratt, it's Wish Pratt, it's Wish Pratt. - Bring in the special guest. You do know who this person is. - Oh, we do? (screams) (upbeat music) Oh, man. - Why are you walking like that? - [Damien] Yeah, give me some spin. Yeah, make the bootie clap. - Limited range of movement. - Yeah, so, you're sweating real bad. You okay? - Yeah. - [Damien] Smell like a balloon. - [Courtney] What happened to your elbow? - Okay, so, I needed some baby powder to get into this. So, yeah, when I- - [Kimmy] Oh, okay, I gotcha. - [Damien] Okay. - Oh my god, you're so warm! - I'm trying to make sure you guys are hearing me. - Oh, you smell so balloony, yeah. Woo. You look great, man. - You look like, definitely the Wish version of the Minions I ordered for my daughter's birthday. - This is Wish Pratt. - It showed up as actual people in a suit? "Hey, you ordered me?" - I like the pockets, the pockets are- - Are the back pockets functioning? - Oh, the front look, oh, no! - Straight-up see-through. That is straight-up see-through, I can see all your tattoos, and your teetee, too. - [Kimmy] All the (indistinct) are on display. - Spencer, I love you, but we're done with ya. We're done with (indistinct), say goodbye to Spencer, everybody. - Oh my god, the butt. - Bye, Wish Pratt. - So now, without looking at your partners', at your friends' boards, Courtney, you write down how much in the world money you think it is that that does cost, and don't go over, that's the twist. You could buy the tee shirt, if you so chose. - He reached into the back pocket, and it just ripped. It said "Nope." - Would you say that's a $10,000 purchase, Ify? - Oh my goodness. - Okay, all right. - The whole thing with Wish is they refuse to go over $69, right? - [Damien] LOL. - That's what their thing is, it's like "That's our ultimate wish." Stops at 69. - Three, two, one, round over, pencils down. Courtney, how much in the world money is it? - $16. - Wow, that is about as much as it would cost to get that many balloons of material. Ify, how much in the world money? - I'ma say $35. - Wow, that's the number of president JFK was. Kimmy, finally (indistinct). - So the man, priceless. The man, priceless. But I think the suit might be 20? Possibly. Like you said, that amount of balloon material. - Interesting, interesting. Well, my friends, this is what as known as latex uniform yellow and black unisex top and pants suit size S through XXL. The cost, the unbelievable cost, is $131, making Ify the victor. - Whoa. How is that that much? - What? - I will not be purchasing that. - Is it supposed to be like Kill Bill? - Yeah, I don't know. Well no, it looks kinda like Kill Bill, but what it really is is latex uniform yellow and black unisex top pants and suit size S through XXL. So, our current score total before we get to the new round we just made up, is negative two, negative two, negative three. So Courtney and Ify are tied for the lead, Kimmy, you could come back with this round, 'cause there is a chance for multiple possible points. - [Kimmy] Three way tie, let's go. - Round three, this one is called "I wish I ordered this fashion anywhere but Wish.com." So what we're gonna be doing here is showing you three different items on Wish.com. We got some screenshots, so you'll see them as they are. Your job is to for each of the three, decide whether what we got is actually going to match that picture, or if it's something completely different. So you're gonna write down one, two, three on this, and then we're gonna show you on a mannequin. First up, let's show on the TV screen, option number one. All right, so, what you are looking at right now is the 2020 new women's fashion wedding dress sexy lace bifurcate party evening dress party outdoor sex dress. - Huh? What? - What? - [Damien] It retails for $70. - Oh, okay, hold on, now I'm seeing it. Yeah, I can see the sex. - $70. Oh, brother. Yeah, fly away. - Let's look at picture number two. Oh. Wow. - [Courtney] That's an outdoor sex dress. - Oh, that'd be so fun to just like shake in. - Yeah. - Because everything would go everywhere. - Well, obviously, everybody already knows what this is, this is the show performance stage nightclub costumes white tassel jumpsuit women fake rhinestone print dancer spandex leggings singer stage wear prom show outfit. It retails for $60. - Prom? - I already know this. - Yeah, you could wear that to prom, and not- - These reveals are gonna break me, 'cause there's nothing I love more than bootleg clothes. - And time for- - [Courtney] Picture number ooh, okay. - [Ify] Oh my gosh. - All right, what you are looking at right now is, everybody knows, say it with me, the men glitter sequin hussar jacket artillery tunic British military uniform drummer steampunk blazer top suit fancy dress. And, hold on to your butts. It is 69 American dollars. - Oh. - Wow. - Judges, the time you've been waiting for is now. The reveal. Here we go. Everybody flip over your answers in order, and I wanna see if you thought number one, the wedding dress thing, is a match or not. Ify saying no, Courtney saying maybe, you're guaranteed gonna lose a point. And Kimmy says match, all right. So we got no, yes, and I didn't give maybe as an option. - Yes, I think it is. Sex. - Time for the reveal, here we go. Models, make it work. Oops, oh. - Oh... - (indistinct) you killed her! - [Damien] No, she came that way, it was fine. Let's look at the photo, let's look at her, you know what? There's, it's got some similarities. - No, it ain't got no similarities. - I think it looks the same, I see no differences whatsoever. Even has the orb. - Is there a slit in the dress? - Is there a slit in the, there is, there is, it's double layered down there. - Okay, so, no. - I think it's spot on. - No. Can you rotate it towards us a little more? - [Ify] And this is not. - Oh no, okay. Oh my god, the boob covers, they reach around, like someone's behind you, just holding your tits. - Can you imagine expecting this dress and getting this? - You know what, y'all, I'm gonna go ahead and say that, to me, to the untrained eye, knowing nothing about dresses, this is not a match. This is not a match at all. So Ify, Ify you get a point. - Yeah! - Bringing you up to negative one, all right, all right. Next up is option number two, the prom dress, with fake rhinestone. - Prom dress? Someone's wearing this to prom? - Ify, what'd you say? - No. - [Damien] Courtney, what'd you say? - No. - [Damien] Kimmy, what'd you say? - [Kimmy] No way, no no no no no. - Well it doesn't matter, there's no stakes. Ugh. Gosh darn it, why didn't you guys collab? - Oh, oh, oh! - Oh my god! - [Damien] Does it match? - [Courtney] Look at those titties. - [Kimmy] The boobs, look, it's sticking out. - Here's what I'm gonna argue, is that viewing this, you would assume that the jewels are real, but technically, nah, that seems like the same thing. - Well then you have built-in fake cleavage. - Yeah, yeah. That is the same thing, I'm kind of mad. - You know what? Yeah, this is a match, it's all exactly the same. - Oh my god. - [Damien] Nobody gets a point. - No one. - All right, finally, round three, it was the really cool Michael Jackson Captain Crunch suit. Ify, what do you say? - I said no. - [Damien] Courtney, what'd you say? - [Courtney] Yes! - [Damien] What does that say? - [Kimmy] Matchy poo. - Matchy, so yeah, okay. It's a matchy poo, let's see. Does it match? In three, models, make it work. Oh my god! It's a match! Which means, a point for you and a point for you, bringing you up to, I don't know, what were you, you're at negative two now? - Maybe. - That means Ify is the winner. - Ify! - Yay! - Ify, it is now your burden to take home all of the things you see before you today. - Oh man, I can't wait to go on a date, be like "Don't worry, baby, I got the dress picked out," just come through, "I got the dress for you, it's good." - I low-key wanna try that on. - Wait, Ify, which one's the dress for your date? - Oh, definitely this weird wedding dress. - It is, it's a little bit of a bummer, it's a colossal bummer. - Look how staticky. - Look, I know people say it's weird to wear white to Joe's Crab Shack, but you know, (indistinct) good time. - I'm sorry, you're a Joe's Crab Shack on the first date kinda guy? - Well, you know, I'm a little bit of fancy. - Everybody paying attention out there? Just saying. And this has been the show of "What Are Those?"! If you like what we do, please make sure you subscribe, we appreciate you watching either way, but why hunt us down every time we post a new video? We'll come to you in your subscription box. Thank you so much to our guests today, Courtney, Kimmy, and Ify, that's right, you're guests, you're guests here. - Be our guest! - Have a great day, look at this video! Why don't you watch it? There's one over here, too! Goodbye!
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 440,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Our Order From Wish Actually Arrived (What're Those?!), what're those, wish, wish.com, wish haul, wish clothes, wish wedding dress
Id: 61aJs2XBNew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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