The Best of the Worst Foods (Eat It or Yeet It)

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oh here are the rules first to ding the bell eats the dish that person is then out and safe for the rest of the game last person standing eats the big bite which is either the best or the worst dish of the game gosh olivia i don't even want to look at it no me neither five four three two one oh no no no no no no no no i smell it there's no way that it could get worse than whatever the big bite is right no big bite no it has to be the worst but there's already water what's better than water you have the weirdest food taste of any one i've ever met what could be better than water no you played yourself the second you dressed up like this oh my god he's closed his eyes are shaking broken is this the day it quits he just got pale you look flushed dude if anyone is an animal you can try this if you have balls of steel you will take a sip of this hey garrett listen describe it if i could describe it that is the saltiest thing i've ever had in my entire life there's only one thing that has ever tasted close to this and that is sir strumming if this is sir strumming blended up i know it for a fact because i've had it before and if it's not it's something else fermented in sand this is by far exactly the same tasting strumming which is well known as the worst tasting food on the entire planet along with what is and what is there strumming again strumming is i believe a fermented pairing in the ground for like 10 months um whatever it is it's close to it the saltiest thing you will ever have to the point of like disbelief okay you ready to learn what that was i think i know what it was noah it's pretty good it's this shake ice cream cherries whipped cream into strumming they're strumming yeah thank you it's crazy yeah that's the only thing that will taste like that noah you and sir strumming are connected spiritually five four three two one oh you win before watch and we were re-getting this is the consistency of this already you thought it was gonna be good i thought it was i like some nasty foods three two [Music] this ain't right it's a little sweet it's got a little spicy oh that's in the back of my throat me that little clam chowder his back is completely wet oh my god it is wet why is your bag i told you guys i'm sweating i guess you shouldn't have cheated what you just ate was kimchi pudding it's butterscotch pudding with kimchi that looked like the clam chowder they serve in hell uh sarah just told me she's not going for this one oh whispered to me she's not gonna all right reveal [Music] um it's like a lemon cello or something three two one what was it that was pickly that was pickle juice but like thick water thick pickled chicken pickle juice it's called pickle juice wow juice and thickener oh people use this oh you smell i uh [Applause] oh [Applause] right oh god oh god what are you feeling what's going on what's going on oh my god she's not even chewing this bucket is here for [Applause] what's in it what's your like spicy so what that was was hot lava cake so chocolate cake with reaper chili damn it i just got a whiff that's a twinkie that is a straight up twinkie [Music] i'm feeling cold my mouth is tingly i know i'm not dying oh wait a minute is this edible is this edible yeah i mean no oh that's that out so you set me up to eat it you want to eat spit it out [Music] no one's gonna believe that's probably toothpaste eat it or skin on yourself eat it the food you just tried to ingest but didn't is called the morning twinkie it's twinkie with toothpaste it sure was [Applause] three two one oh no hell no look i don't want to ruin it for you but that does look like the bathroom at an am pm make sure you get a big scoop of like everything yeah yeah yeah there you go okay ready three two one it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good oh what is it it's yummy it's yummy it's so yummy it's really good this is great no ma'am are you guys right oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] sarah damn that looks like nachos [Applause] do i have ice cream all over my mouth no no you're fine you're just hallucinating it's very very fishy it's like it tastes like squid like dried squid if you've ever had that mama loves squid okay so what we call this is a glass which is just a glass of poison i think honestly um it is vanilla ice cream fish slash clam sauce ribbon sardine chunks and whipped cream clam cream yep fishy fishy ice cream [Music] wait a minute you got to do this oh i know what this is i actually i tasted this well it's so easy i love it i tasted this [Music] oh my god oh i hate this i'm seriously not even trying to be dramatic [Applause] really my mouth tastes like farts i've never experienced anything like this here we go oh what they just ingested so liberally was sour nuts cashews and malic acid so it's just cashews covered in sour powder it seems like a regular burger don't eat the toothpick i always do that oh that looks so good are you serious three one there's a baby bite take a bigger bite like a commercial eat it all you need to do something's happening oh it was good at first and something's happening oh it's happening deep down in the what's the thing that um that [ __ ] gand off the grey fights in the first lord of the rings yeah it's like the ball rock it's like it's like it's like oh we're fine frodo maybe try it fry it'll cleanse your palate oh yeah maybe you're right oh no yeah fresh good are you okay feels good my body is having a reaction to this but it's not i just can't decide what it is try just a tomato with this salsa oh i feel bad for him now oh really you've had an ark for this video it's been great i don't know what i just ate all right but i have a feeling i'm going to wake up tomorrow with gills you might and this is veggie burger lettuce tomato oh yeah cheese cool mustard all relish and malic acid a lot should we just keep rolling until you comment oh did you take a bite you took a bite of that that is just straight up like in warheads like biting into a warhead dude why is your mouth experienced it feels like i can't even oh my god i have to get there oh my god what's wrong with you you didn't feel that what he felt you you need to be studied by science you look like you just forgot everything that happened to this point five four three two one you always look at me like this like what ah it's arsenic see what's nice about it is i know that at the end of the day it's veggies what does it smell and veggies is it though veggies are gonna be good for me three two one [Music] one whoa it's healthy i don't know what you want me to do i'm legitimately you you're a monster and you should feel bad what's wrong with your mouth i don't know this is diabolical yeah that's a sour vinaigrette salad balsamic vinaigrette with malic acid why i got a lot of liquid in that one it tastes like sour warheads so when i was a kid i would get bags of warheads and i would just eat oh so those taste buds are just dead for you yeah i love sour things but that's a lot five four three two one oh here's the thing anything you could put in the dippy thing it's going to negate so what if the dippy things back yeah why didn't i think of that so are you going to go are you going to dip or not dip i mean i feel like i should i feel like i can't i got a tip little hot pockets how bad could it be pizza rolling i know it looks it looks appetizing those look appetizing which is why it's not gonna be all right here we go all right oh like why is it cold why is it three two one [Music] [Music] can i try one i'm really hungry like i'm really hungry even i'm like okay but it looks like they made it themselves which is confusing to me [Applause] is oh no somebody tried it's really spicy and it sneaks up on you oh you don't like spicy what are you saying i got jalapenos on my pizza oh [Applause] don't keep doing the same thing okay what's the spicy is it the thing the thing what's the spicy you all look very concerned i don't like that at all you guys don't know what it was yeah oh good production that's great okay so what it was was the hot pizza roll african fried pepper cayenne cheese sausage sauce it looks gross but i it's probably going to be more smells nice it's my maybe it's gnocchi yeah it's like a trader joe's [ __ ] squash gnocchi it's so good it doesn't smell good at all did you and me both get [ __ ] over video three two one sounds like supposed to be a great dish spit it out dude it's just a bad italian yes he's like is this from buchanan yeah wait wait did you swallow it was it what is it it swallowed it [Applause] it tastes like someone tried to make pesto gnocchi which is potato dumplings sounds beautiful but there is one ingredient that is like freaking crazy is it gasoline what is it what did it do to you what did it do what did it do to you what is that it's it's like cameras i swear to god is it uh horseradish it tastes like um oh oh it's like like i cannot put it in the words spicy but like spicy but in the worst way wasabi wasabi but like i don't know i really don't know it tastes horrible and i don't i'm never going to eat pasta [Applause] anymore [Music] it is in wasabi sorry i said warm i meant i went i meant worm gnocchi in wasabi pesto so it's pesto so it's potato pesto wasabi and worm oh [ __ ] uh four three [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's cold to the touch and delicious [Applause] three no i'm doing two three two three do four five three two one oh my god this is good oh a hot deal [Music] always a great response confusion oh no oh no [Music] he's like punched [Applause] what do you i legitimately just nearly actually threw up yeah like i felt i felt it that tastes like cat food that's on fire well that's the worst thing i've ever had in my entire life god i'm not kidding i literally almost just actually really wreaked havoc into the eat bucket i want to try it you do not i don't know if there's nothing for you should i try it yeah [Music] keith you're going to need that e-bucket in a second oh my god he's eating it he's just oh it's so bad oh there it goes [Applause] i don't think i don't think a human can eat that i don't like i legitimately tried i tried to eat it and i was like oh no this isn't happening that tastes like cat move but it tastes worse like even a cat would be like what the [ __ ] is this kevin our cameraman can eat pretty much anything he will eat anything and he's tried everything i heard i overheard the other day they're like oh my god kevin threw up and i was like oh you guys are preparing for eat it or eat it what was that y'all wanna it's peanut butter cups but instead of peanut butter it's fish paste what's fish paste cambodian fish paste fermented fish god that makes so much sense i hate wet stuff like eggnog dude eggnog no i just feel like i don't know i just want to like help gear it out as much as i can and this looks really really bad you're such a good person this looks really really bad i know they're trying to come for you so i'm just gonna take you know the load off if you will all right count me down yeah you gotta get a big old gulp all right oh no no i mean it's just we always you always want to get a good bite [Applause] that was nasty that was so bad why y'all do that to me [Applause] what was it i need some bread i don't care if it's been on the floor i need more bread you want a banana or bread i don't know [Applause] it just it sneaks up on you this is rotten eggnog eggnog vinegar onion powder liquid smoke lemon sparkling water oh a little bit of it is really good well i can't say we used a little bit okay guys great job to everyone all right you guys are great great job to you for watching this whole video what you did that you really did that if you want to keep the streak going we've got a video that we picked for you right over there right over there on that side and then youtube has another one in case that's not enough for you another one they picked it all we got some more eater eats we've got some other shows that we just like to eat stuff and and wax stuff and just get laughing together like that friendship goody goody bye bye bye friendship goody-goody
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,443,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, The Best of the Worst Foods (Eat It or Yeet It), eat it or yeet it, smosh eat it or yeet it
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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