Anime Food Taste Test! (Eat It or Yeet It #22)

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- Alright, ready? And, let's go. (all groaning) (spinner clicking) - Alright this thing, it's just.. I swear to God, I swear to God! (all groaning and yelling) I swear... (all together) - Eat It or Yeet It! - Hey guys, We're back again with another episode of the Eat It or Yeet It. Today we have a very special guest, Tim! (cannon explodes) - I'm here! I don't know why I'm here, but I'm here! - [Courtney] You're here, this is so exciting, yeah, and we have a very special theme today. But, in letting you guys know what the theme is I figured I'd just kick it over to the care station. - This is the happiest I've ever been. - [Ian] Whoa! (laughing) - I don't know who I am. - Yeah, where's his sleeping bag, ha ha, yeah you weebs get it. - The theme is, anime! - Anime! (applause) - [Courtney] Here are the rules, I'm going to spin the wheel of food after the dish is revealed. Whatever color it lands on, that person must eat. No one is out, and no one is safe. (electronic music) - For this anime theme, it can mean a couple of different things. Either, it will be a famous dish from a show, maybe with a different spin on it, or it will be thematic of character, or it will be more of like a concept of like, there was one episode where they did this thing, and that's why we decided to make this food. - Alright Tim, this is your first time on Eat It or Yeet It, do you have any strategies or anxieties today? - Oh, yeah, all of them. I don't know if I can go into detail or not. (laughing) (smooth piano music) - Mmm, num-nums guys, mmm, open up, your eyes, num-num time! First dish, mmm, are you guys ready? - I mean this never gets easier. (cartoon explosion) (clicking) (all gasp) - Oh, the subtle pink scares me. - [Ian] I love it! Oh God, Oh God, Oh, God. - [Kimmy] No! No! (cartoon explosion) (all yell and clap) - Oishīdesu - Uh, Damien, is this to be eaten with utensils or by hand? - Just take a big ol' bite and grab it by hand. - Got it. - [Ian] Oh my God. - [Kimmy] Oh boy, oh it's heavy, it's dense. (laughs) - [Ian] It's like a traditional, what is it, onigiri, is that what that is? - I don't know, you gotta wait, you gotta wait. - I don't know what the heck this is and I'm so scared, okay, alright, no, yeah. (all together) - 3, 2, 1! - I smell something weird. - [Ian] What's inside of it? (with full mouth) - Is that jam? Okay, so, I'm tasting a lot of sushi rice which is nice, it's dense and... - What? What? - There's so many layers to it, okay. - [Ian] There's something red in there. - [Kimmy] Okay, first was sushi rice, second was like, a bit of like, that was strawberry jam? I don't think it is. And then the third is now like, vinegary. (all groan) But I don't know! - Is it yeet-able, or eatable? - I'm gonna swallow it. (all groan) I've got this, its just gonna take a minute but... (cheering) - Well done. - What did I eat? - Okay, so this is called the onigiri jelly doughnuts, they're from Pokemon. It consists of rice balls, seaweed, and cayenne. - [Kimmy] Really? - Yeah. We didn't ask for that one. - That should be, that should say strawberry jelly. (applause) - Onigiri is like a, is just a really on the go kind of rice ball snack. It can have like beef sukiyaki in it, it can have like a little bit of tuna a little bit of salmon flakes, whatever. It's a really tasty on the go snack. But when they brought it over to America, they were like, people aren't going to know what this is. We should just call them jelly doughnuts. So Brock is always like, "You're going to love my jelly doughnuts", as they're very clearly eating a rice ball with seaweed. - [Voice] Bitch, is you blind? - The first time I had onigiri I was being kicked out of a village in Japan. - Really? - Yeah. (smooth piano music) - Ready? And, let's go. (clicking) - Gudetama! - No don't you dare. Alright this thing. I swear to God, I swear to God! I swear! (cartoon explosion) (all cheer) - You always sit there and that always happens to you! - [Kimmy] I know! I sat over there last time! - [Garrett] That's just what happens when you sit there. - What? No, I purposefully did not choose the seat I sat in last time. - [Courtney] Oh my God, I'm so sorry. - So, is this like, I choose one? My poison? - So, Garrett and I each made one, so you get to choose which one looks way better, I think it's pretty clear. - I think it's pretty clear who made the better gudetama. - Yeah, I think I know who made which one. (laughing) - This gudetama's got something wrong with his face. (barfing sounds) - These materials look a little more familiar to me. - They taste the same. - No, they, one's better. - How do you eat this? Does she like fold it like a taco? - So I would recommend cutting into the yellow part getting a little bit of white part, but eating like half the yellow part at once I'd say. - [Courtney] You're gonna have a eating buddy! - Aww, yay! - [Damien] But just to be clear, you choose what you thought was the best one Kimmy? - Uh, yeah. (laughing) - [Ian] Oh, I got it. (all yelling) (cartoon explosion) (all clapping) (all together) - Tim! - [Kimmy] Tim, we're gonna be okay. We're gonna make it through together. - [Ian] The first food for Tim. - It's Timmy's first time! - [Garrett] He looks so, he looks so happy. - Timmy and Jimmy about to embark on this little happy egg adventure. - [Courtney] Smosh eats Play-Doh. - [Kimmy] Eww, I hate this, okay. - [Ian] That's different than I thought it'd be. - [Kimmy] It's an actual egg, I see an egg. - [Tim] Let's do this. - Tim, what are you doing? You mangled it. - I'm sorry, but it's the only way I can get it all on the fork, I gotta get the entire bite. (all together) - 3, 2, 1 (laughing) - [Ian] That is one hell of a bite. - That's so wrong! That's so wrong. - Yes, Tim! - [Kimmy] That's so wrong, that's like... - [Courtney] There is a yeet bucket. - There is like frosting or something sweet on the top which is the little yellow eggy boy, so this is just wrong. Sugar and egg? I don't like this. - I smell, I smell the frosting, that's what the white is. - Yeah, mmhmm, that's definitely, definitely is frosting. (laughing) - [Keith] Oh my God, that's terrible. - [Ian] That was a frosting covered egg? - Yeah, it was very sweet and then there was the, kind of, mushy but still firm consistency of egg inside. - Hard boiled egg? - Hard boiled egg, definitely, yeah. - Ooh yeah. (laughs) - [Ian] A sweet egg. - Congrats to both of you, you ate it! (cheering) - Did, did you guys make this crepe? - Whose was whose? - Um, you ate mine. - And Tim ate mine. - Oh good. - That a beautiful looking crepe. - Well the crepes are store-bought. - No, they come ten to a pack. - Alright, so what you guys just ate is Gudetama cake, from Hello Kitty. It's crepes, frosting, and hard boiled egg, you literally nailed it. - Wow. - Was there egg inside the Hello Kitty... Like is it supposed to have egg in it, or no? - Oh, there's no such thing as a Hello Kitty cake, we just fed you eggs disguised as gudetama. - [Tim] Cool, thank you, very good. - [Courtney] Oh my goodness. (smooth piano music) - Guys open up, this is the next dish, how are you feeling? Hungry? - Full. - I like to check in with you guys every like five minutes, cause this is like, this is an emotional journey we're on. (clicking) (all gasp) - That could be so many things. - Listen, one of these has to be good, right? At some point something's gotta be good, right? - [Tim] No, I think you're giving them too much credit. (clicking) - It's Kimmy again, it's Kimmy again. - [Tim] It is Kimmy again. - [Kimmy] No! Why? Why? (all scream) (cartoon explosion) - Yes! I'm sorry! But yes! - This is the thing, I'm not the biggest fan of soups, so this is... - It's cold. - It's cold? Hold on this looks soupy! This looks soupy. - [Ian] We don't know if that's soup though. - It looks very soupy, it looks like some minestrone. (all together) - 3, 2, 1! - [Tim] That was the tiniest of tastes. - [Courtney] Oh no, oh no! Aww baby! - [Ian] What are you feeling? - [Noah] It's hot? - [Kimmy} It's Spicy? Ooh! - My nose is overwhelmed, my nose is burning, my throat. Hold on, this is tough. - [Ian] Want somebody to get some water for you? - See, it kinda tastes like, when you eat Ramen noodles, and you drink the watery soupy part after, that's what I'm getting, but... - Well you swallowed it, congratulations! (cheering) - That's not it, what is that? - What you just ate, Keith, was one punch man soup. Seaweed and cayenne. - See, like, that's the thing, I wouldn't have known, I'm not a seaweed... - [Courtney] You don't eat seaweed? - No, I don't eat seaweed. - Well, it's specifically kombu. - Kombu, oh. - You make a dashi broth out of it, but then we added a punch of spice, and it's One Punch Man. Cause there's an episode where he fights a seaweed monster, and then later you see him making soup, and they're like, where'd you get all this seaweed? And he's like (hums) - Okay, I guess I gotta try some seaweed now. - You like spices now? - Yeah, a little bit, Keith got me putting like Cholula on shit and stuff. - [Courtney] I love Cholula. - [Ian] Character development. (smooth piano music) - Let's see in this metal tin! - Should we eat this whole thing? (all gasp) (clicking) - Wait, I'm excited and I hope this lands on me, cause I truly believe that this is gonna be delicious. - It should be, I mean, unless you guys messed with it. - No, I've had these before and I love them. It's like the dessert with the bean in it. (laughing) - [Kimmy] Bean? Are you kidding me? - [Noah] C'mon baby, give me that bean. (all screaming) (cartoon explosion) (all together) - Tim! Tim beans! Tim beans! Tim beans! - [Courtney] Tim, welcome to Eat It or Yeet It. - Thank you for having me, yep. - [Garrett] Big bite, Tim, big bite. - Alright, okay. - [Kimmy] It's like a cookie. - [Courtney] There was moisture on the plate when you lifted it off. - [Tim] There was, there is. - [Ian] It's warm, that's why, right? - No, it's not warm, it's like luke warm. (all together) - 3, 2, 1! (cartoon gulp) - [Garrett] Yum. - [Ian] Oh, yeah I bet that's good, it's good right? - [Garrett] I think that's a good face. Oishii? Oishii? Oishii? - [Kimmy] Concerned? - Bready. - Sweet? Salty? - It's like, almost like a barbecue saucy? Oh, there's something else going on, I don't know what it is. I have no idea. - Don't look at us, we just found that (beep). - [Courtney] Is she spicy? - No I don't, I'm not getting any spice. - Malic acid-y? - Nope, there's not... - [Noah] Is it familiar, does it feel like a full barbecue? - No it's not something I've had before. - Try another bite then, to find out. - No, I don't want to do that. - [Garrett] No, I think you'd figure it out if you took another bite. (all cheering and yelling) - I still don't know what it is. (laughing) It's not spicy, but theres a little tingling on my tongue. - Do you like it? - Maybe something I'm allergic to? Who knows. - Well, you swallowed it, so good job! (clapping) - So what that was, was the black bean taiyaki! I think I'm saying that right. - Instead of the red bean, it was black beans, that's funny. - [Courtney] Black bean taiyaki, so this is inspired or from My Hero Academia, and it is fish-shaped waffle, black beans, sugar, liquid smoke, cayenne, and fish sauce. - [Keith] You ate that! - I ate that, and fish sauce? I didn't taste fish sauce. - So, it comes up in My Hero Academia, which is what our costumes are from. One of the first heroes that like, trains the main character and loves those things as a snack and uses them as like a metaphor. But it's otherwise a popular Japanese street food. Often has red bean or custard, it's like sweet, it's light, it's really good. Sometimes chocolate, sometimes chocolate. (all Oohing) - This time, black beans. - This time black beans, cause you know how it used to be red beans, now it's black beans. - Do you get it? - It's a new thing we made up. (smooth piano music) - [Ian] What are we about to witness? (all barking in high pitched voices) (clicking) (all laughing) - I want that! I want that so bad! - [Keith] It's gotta be good, right? - But what if that's a fake label, that's what I'm worried about. - Aww I'll gladly drink that fake label. - But what does it mean? I can't read it! - [Ian] It's gonna be here, it's gonna be here! I called it! - Yeah! (cartoon explosion) (cheering) - Oh my Gosh, look at that! Oh my, and it's cold. - It look like the only English word on there is Ocean bomb? - That'll be good for my lips. Oh, bomb, I thought you said balm. One second. - Does it look like liquid? - Yeah and it looks clear. - [Ian] Okay. (all together) - 3, 2, 1 - [Ian] Just shotgun that baby. (all yelling) - Aww that hurt. Oh, that went in my nose. (laughing) - Okay, it's actually really tasty, super, super fizzy, which is weird. It kinda tastes like a light... Okay, you know those lollipops that you get at the mall, they're different shapes, they're kinda clear on really, really long straws? Yeah, like one of those, but if it was cucumber. Cause its got, it's super, super light, but it's got the sugar of like, one of those popsicles. Cause it tastes like the cucumber, like the Gatorade one. - So you like it? - Yeah this is good! (all cheering) - I got a card I should probably read, I am so sorry. - Oh it does say on the can... - Okay so, this card, cause, yeah this wouldn't have been helpful, it says Pokemon Soda, ingredients. (laughing) - What does it, what does it say on the can? - It is ocean bomb sparkling water, cucumber flavor. (cheering) - Ooh, while we say goodbye, does anybody want... - [Ian] Orange flavor. - [Tim] What's this? Is this rose? - [Courtney] While we have somehow a soda buffet, we wanna thank you guys for watching this video, thank you Damien for curating this episode. - Thank you, Garrett did mot of the work, it was the best day of my life. (laughing) - How do they taste? Are they yummy? - Why does it say for sale in China only? - [Woman Off Camera] Cause it's for sale in China only! - We've been found! (beep) - So you guys we have lots of other content with even crazier Eat it or Yeet Its, and other crazy shows, so if you wanna start with a couple of videos that are down here selected for you that's great as well. If you wanna subscribe so you don't miss the next ones that come out. Also if you want to be a part of picking ideas, or answering questions and stuff, our prompts, follow us on social media and hit those notification bells on everything so you don't miss a thing. Helicopter parent us, please we love it. - Love you! (all together) - Bye!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 881,094
Rating: 4.9644079 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Anime Food Taste Test! (Eat It or Yeet It #22), anime food, taste test, anime, mystery food, challenge
Id: A1uBGm6jq_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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