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hello my name is green and I have a very very special video for you today I'm joined by mumbo jumbo and hello we've had this video planned for since in September probably so three months three months it has been in the works I think yeah it's it's been a it's been a bit of a long process is one of those things that we really wanted to do well what we've got for you today is 10 minecraft categories and we thought it would be fun to have a friendly competition to compare how we approach each one with building and redstone so obviously I'm gonna be approaching these problems with building and mumbo is going to be tackling them with redstone and we're going to compare them I'm gonna be covering five of them and mumbo is going to be covering the other five does that make sense I think that makes sense right I think I think I think we've kind of covered it now we just want to clarify once again because we don't want to turn the comment sections into war zones here yes this is a friendly competition it's a friendly competition we don't hate each other we're all good but I'm definitely gonna win friendly friendly friendly friendly okay right should we get started should we just get straight on into it yeah so the first one as you can see is farming how we tackle farming should we go for my one first yeah we'll go through yours now what I've got for you here today is a victorious sounds like I'm like showing you my cake that I've just made well I have is a Victorian style greenhouse so this is very British yeah and we can sort of walk through our gardens we got wrought iron gates now obviously there's not a lot of farming going on in this part but it's know all the farming is actually happening inside the greenhouses I thought it was quite a neat way it's quite a neat and tidy way of farming your stuff this is really I love the I love like the the hanging down areas here the chance the storage up at the top yeah I thought I'd just quickly check in case you're chucking in some Easter eggs but no this is this is really pretty but this year I want this in my back garden kind of thing this is this is the sort of thing that I'd love in my back garden this is like quintessentially you know perfect farming and I love the area out here as well this courtyard area that you have going on yeah so it's it is entirely to do with how it looks it's not very productive like if you're looking for fast wheat this is definitely not the way to go but if you want to impress your friends then this is pretty cool yeah this is really nice and I love the use of the shoot cane as well like you have to be a to be fit you have all the different types of farms so you've got cocoa beans going up you got rhubarb is it rhubarb or is it b3 is it Petrie I always say rhubarb I always think it's like the Bob yeah yeah but no this is this is cool I have some tough competition here I think the only way the mine is is better I mean if we see I feel bad because we go from yours and yours is all pretty and lovely and then you go to mine it's like it's like a woollen iron mess intentionally meant to be just the bare bones redstone because yeah if you built anything then it would be building versus building and redstone yes exactly I feel like I should clarify that miner designed to be entirely functional with no prettiness going on so it's all just very industrial but you can see that we have I mean we have we have a lot of different types of farms in fact I've actually I think I've gone for pretty much exactly the same farms that you've gone for we've got shoot cane we've got for sugar cane farming modules all of which are being controlled by a clock that you can see firing there it shoots all of the items into the hoppers which sends them down into the chest at the bottom and you can see that while we've been just standing around looking at your farm we've actually got a whole bunch of resources here so that is in the background we don't actually have melons in in our one over there there's nothing no nothing in there so you've got you've got melons on us this actually is is producing well you great thing is you don't have to do anything you guys sit there exactly if you hook this in a giant greenhouse would it look any better probably not okay so explain this belt is this week appear that's supposed to be yeah so this is this is the point of this one no wheat is one of those ones that unless you're using villagers so I've just taken some seeds out there if unless you're using villagers you can't really automatically farm wheat but the idea is is that the player would come along their place in all of the week and then once all of it is grown there were then hit this button up at the top and that would send out a whole bunch of water which will then break the wheat and push it along and then it would end up in the hoppers at the end there and then the water will automatically turn off as well but so that's one of the idea of that one it seems to have gotten itself a little bit stuck but we'll ignore that normally you'd use these villages see that all of this yeah confounded redstone stuff I over this baffle it baffles me excited I don't I don't do that kind of thing so you normally use villages and then just take their hard work away from them exactly yeah so they the villagers basically go around they plant the wheat and then they drop it and you have to make sure that you have a perfectly sized drop chute that means they miss the villager that they're trying to drop it at it falls down a hole ends up in hoppers and then you can transport elf to your massive storage so of course because they actually share their wheat don't yeah exactly so it's a little bit of a technical one okay so now we need to quickly discuss who wins the point yeah I've got to be honest just looking at them standing back yours is beautiful but I would as I say I'm using the the logic of would I want this in my in my garden the answer is you win the point without inviting my garden no I absolutely would not I think I think you win yeah for sure okay I'll take the point cuz even even I I even I would say yeah I do really I'm really proud of what we've made here alright then one point agree and then right shift over to defense yeah I feel like you should be worried for this one because defence I'm gonna be honest you know our other two between building and redstone I feel like redstone can actually do some defense level stuff like we have we have it's it's almost like Spears versus drones with with things attached we come in here though I mean this is about as much redstone as I'm allowed we've got cactus first line of defense and then we moat and then we've got our little island with our dirt house on a literal dirt house yet very good very good so yeah this is I'm not yeah not not the best not the best work done on this channel see the issue that III can take with this green is that you have explained all of this very nicely while we just walk through into the house I think you've explained a lot of this stuff love saying good it depends well we just strolled through and we make our way straight into the house which is I mean I come under you you have you have this stuff at the top you know we've got we've got areas for you to shoot people down I can understand it will it will somewhat keep things out it will definitely keep mobs out so let's say you're doing mob defense and this will work pretty nicely but I think against players well if we take a look over here we have got a system that does oh and it just happens to be facing facing defense so it's a good way to show it off so let's go down the line okay so the first thing that we have in fact yeah okay the first thing that we have is we have got arrows shooters yeah builds off in the distance and now rip okay so we've got that I'm sort of going out though that my wall is still intact it does seem to be but maybe not for long I'll leave the lava droppers to the end because they'll drop it all in front of the build and we've got Tim to launch a number one stop mumbo stopped my stop okay so that one works no one working I do I want to point out you've only managed to break one of my block okay okay well we'll keep going we'll keep going so in the middle we have got we have gone armored equipping station so I can go in the middle here and I can get fully equipped up with armor that's pretty handy you can do the same if you want to we're both looking very suave we have got tin team launcher number two which will send teams over I'll do it oh yeah I mean yeah so that works that's that's working well I think and then we have got oh my word very good very good we have got we've got cat bomb so you can do that oh no the cat bombs not working where my cats gone oh no my cats aren't functioning why did they not work I wonder why anyway so the cat one failed to deploy but to make up for it we also have these things up here which are the lava pit four so you can see that right now the floor is completely flash and then when we want to we can deploy these lava pit Falls here which will yeah we'll stop anyone so if anyone's coming by they're trying to get up onto this wall you can activate say for example your arrows and everything you can also activate your lava droppers as well which will send out the lava down to the bottom basically it's going to be pretty difficult to get the person that is standing on top of this thing I think you would agree yeah she made me a little bit ashamed of my pitiful attempt at zombie defense yeah I mean it was good and it looks really really cool my dirt house yeah well I I do i I I'm and also I've said this many times I'm a big fan of a moat okay I love most I think that's cool but I think the fact that your defense build is now somewhat in bits the fact that you're the fact that this isn't even like attack as a category this is defense and your defense mechanism Claire my defense I think I definitely win this point hands okay okay yeah I'll take that I think I'll take that one I'll take that one right let's move on shall we so the next one is a bit of a weird category its staircase because staircases are something that you always need in Minecraft whether it's going down to a mine or in your house or whatever it's not something you might consider but it is something that everyone tackles at some point and there's so many different ways of doing it now from the outside mine does not look glorious no I I mean this is not the green that I know and love when I'm looking at this thing because all of the staircase is indeed in the inside now if we can take a look now for this one I've actually put on a texture pack because it's quite the gimmick okay ready I'm ready I also have the texture pack on as well so hopefully it looks just as good does does this look familiar to you very Hogg's water it is the moving staircase in Hogwarts I when we came up with you know when we had this category we did think Oh we'll just do a mansion with a very impressive staircase and then I was like no that's what you and the audience will be expecting and that's not what I'm gonna do we are gonna make the hogwarts moving staircase so we've got some at diagonals it goes all the way up and there's paintings galore but it only really worked if we had paintings everywhere with Hogwarts tile stuff even some of them have like a Minecraft replica of Hogwarts which is fantastic I did say yeah these are insane like the I love the if I fly over here the Quidditch one is is really cool like the the Minecraft version of Quidditch to the head that's pretty awesome so I thought wow oh jeez yeah that's what I was just talking about it's awesome right oh these are this is impressive so I know that this one relies on the texture pack but it's mainly about the the creative idea on this one I guess it's probably not the prettiest thing it is just a gigantic rectangle with loads of staircases in but the idea behind it was that the craziness of it no I I definitely say you've done a good job and working with in this texture pack as well like this this it did your suits it and it looks really really cool and I think it stands it stands to reason that I actually I understood what it was instantly that's a big that's a big thing for me you know I didn't anything know exactly ah this is super cool alright let's take a look at yours then shall we alright no problem let's pop out so that was yeah that was my Harry Potter staircase that that looked it's pretty insane to be honest with you I mean they're like you've done that extremely well I did have slightly use a resource pack but it was it was all about the gimmick was yeah about the gimmick and it ended up looking really really cool but I have to say if we're going into Harry Potter level stuff okay and this is kind of scooby-doo level stuff as well video is bombed just get all of it in here is the hidden spiral staircase so right now we have got a completely flat with the floor area yes you can see mess and then if we flip this lever you will see that everything is just kind of going to fold itself away and get things dropping down and then there we go yes I mean the issue is though is that I'm gonna point out the floor in it obviously there are holes all over the place we've got slime blocks we've got redstone blocks dotted around that it's it's not pretty which is a shame but just to make it work it had to be this way like if you look in this area here it's just like a horrible redstone mess with sticky pistons and and redstone torches and all of this is completely visible so I also feel like a problem with redstone is look at you've done three times as much redstone building as you have staircase building usually you'd have all of this covered up in-game so when you show someone it's like people don't actually know how much redstone actually went into moving a few piste and say like oh I can make a piston door it's super yeah that is that is that is kind of part of the problem and also the other the other issue is is that say for example you wanted to build something over here that maybe goes downwards you can't you're now working around this absolutely enormous area of redstone wiring and things which it does make it difficult this is one of those ones as you say the ratio to actual size of contraption compared to the thing that's happening okay a small staircase dropping down yeah it's pretty high it is pretty high height so what do we think my gimmick versus your very cool hidden staircase I mean I'm gonna be honest I I think it's gotta be you it has to be I like Harry Potter I think is really cool I am a massive pot ahead I'm the biggest I almost I actually this is gonna sound really weird I listen to books because I really like Stephen Fry I listen to the book at least once a year maybe twice a year right so I do like yours so we're saying that it was it was mine then yep saying it's yours yours is the winner congratulations oh one point to me and then one point to you then one point to me so it's - to me I'm - up so we've only got two more categories left and the next one is transport now I've gone for transporting a human but it looks like you haven't this no no this is this is a human transportation device it's a strange one it's a fun one I actually I can't wait to see you fly around in this thing it is very very interesting in in good old British fashion I've made I've made a steam train this is beautiful steam train and you might be wondering how you actually transport people around in this so if you come over to the train station okay we will board the train platform I'll and three quarters please this sounds this looks like here we go so the idea is that we well we're obviously off to Hogwarts here but yeah the idea is that you build a track above ground that looks like this scale of build and then what you really do is head on down into the carriage and underneath is where you actually like this I like this a lot so you're basically this is yeah you've you've got you've got the the fake good-looking track on top and then you have to pop underneath and just use a traditional minecart rail that's very smart because I must admit when I when I first saw this I was like well this is all well and good but can I actually transport people that's the question yeah it can't actually move the Train never leave the station but it's sort of like just a aesthetic over the top of a very ugly looking thing yeah this is nice - I love the look the minecart rails that you've built here they look so cool and the trainers help obviously I mean that's several ways of doing that which I find interesting but another way to make these rails is by using cobblestone wall because when won't do that in a line oh yeah like rails and then what you can do is add that underneath I see first hand exclusive Korean building tutorials yeah there's loads of ways of doing it depends on the scale of your build of course yeah oh man I need to take some tips off this because you know I'm looking around and every single every single wall has got detail on it it has has things going on you've got buttons everywhere you've got cold rings you're using anvils very expensive way to build using anvil yes but they are valuable right let's take a look heels I'm curious of what this is gonna do to me right okay so what you need to do is okay you need to get yourself a minecart now what I need you to do is make sure that you so before you get in the minecart land on the floor okay and then well because you can't be flying so you need to kind of know okay okay okay so yeah so you're now in the minecart I feel like I'm in a rollercoaster ride okay here goes okay see okay bouncing around is this how you get around yeah this is how I get around this how I met I I move so here we go straight up a rollercoaster ride okay up you go this is where things get really interesting what oh you are kidding me why no you won you a mentor you admit to shoot up into the sky but you kind of stayed where you were oh no that's a shame I was I was really hoping it would go flying it I seemed it worked on your test world yeah everything the thing is is that you know when you're working with servers I'm actually surprised that this whole slime block system work the reason you have to use the minecart is because essentially so the if you want to get we're gonna get mathematical here so okay the player position when it comes to servers isn't done exact okay I'm messing up the math here but what I'm trying to say is is that the player position isn't exact whereas the minecart position is so the server basically knows where the minecart is at all times so can do this sort of slimeball stuff accurately whereas if you weren't in the minecart it wouldn't really be accurate and you could end up anywhere essentially well well that's a mighty impressive that is dude you win straight you win I yeah I would do I wasn't thinking creatively at all like no gimmicks nothing I just made a train and you just made I don't know what you would describe this as a human bouncing machine yeah it's like it's like pink what is it like pinball you love bouncing around like a pinball in it in a pinball machine it's a shooting about absolutely genius and I now understand how that how that flings a human up there I definitely point to you we are two apiece that means it is all down to the final one the final one is furnace okay furnace which is an odd category but smelting is a huge part of Minecraft so it was a category in our little competition yeah yeah let's take a look at mine now the furnace block is pretty much all I need from hearing that's pretty much it so it all it is is decorating the furnace block creating a room that matches the theme yes so what we've made here is just some furnaces around a big half and then decorated the room to look like a back blacksmith sort of hut and it sort of mixed into a cave as well we tried to theme it around the whole blacksmith thing it looks amazing like this is if I could picture a blacksmith in my head this is what a blacksmith look like though this is this is a very very it's just perfect its I've said this to you so many times now I struggle building things that are in my head in Minecraft they just don't come out if I'm thinking blacksmith this is what I think I should be building a Minecraft it wouldn't look like this but this is the sort of style that I'd like to end up with I mean you've just got so many details once again you've got all the anvils lying around it's just it's really really cool so the buttons are like there rocks on the floor yeah sometimes people are like why their buttons on the floor they're meant to be like little pebbles we've got these are meant to be like hanging iron baskets for like smelting and all that kind of stuff right okay and we kind of mixed in the textures want to make this cave all this fake cave look look more natural yeah yeah so cool this cauldron as well I love it over the fire that is really really good it is what we've made here is is meant to be well is kind of average I'll concede that it's not particularly creative but that's all I could really think of doing for the furnace okay yeah Cory well that makes sense I mean to be honest I was in a semi similar situation to what you just described because when it comes to furnace smelters in Minecraft in red stones there's actually not that many ways to do it so what I've done is iĆ­ve built basically the biggest possible that I could do furnace smeltery so if we just go over here so this one here is going to be so that's the coal chest we don't actually need to worry about that one can go on how much iron does it take to make all of these hoppers Oh millions so it would cost it would cost a lot so like if you just melted them and waited like is it worth yes you will see that it is worth it once this thing kicks in to get a check out how fast the items are coming out that chest for starters whoa mmm penis once these items actually start flowing in I mean you can see all of the furnaces have now activated I can see ya ticking away if we take a look so if you actually look in this chest here you can see that the items are coming out as fast as the hoppers will allow the items to come out so now it stops because the first set has come through and then it will do the second set so I could own any item in here that that needs smelting in it one yep and it will it will be sent through now the reason that you may be wondering why do we need so much redstone Oh interesting enough I don't know if this is to do with there it seems like the the second set I think this minecart might have been moved a little bit in the process of putting it onto the server so this one has this other side hasn't actually been taking any there we go so now now this so that was only half the machine working oh my gosh even faster now yeah so the idea the idea behind the redstone in this one is otherwise if you didn't have this redstone here then what would happen is is the first furnace would fill up and then the next one then the next one then the next one and so on and so forth you wouldn't get all of them activating at once what this redstone is doing is it's making it so that all of the items drop into all of the furnaces equally or near enough equally so you can see if you actually right-click on what the furnaces we've got three in that one three in that one three and that one three and that one is essentially averaging it out so you get like an average load between all of the furnaces and then they all smelt at once that means that she ends up being really fast that is that's way better than mine it's expensive but yeah I've got nine furnaces I think and you have to put them all in by hand yeah this is a good thing about certain redstone contraptions this is one of those things that you just kind of dump a bunch of stuff into but if you if you need ten ton of glass for a project then just dump the got just dump the sand into it walk away come back in in twenty minutes and it will all be fully smelting probably not even twenty minutes it's ridiculously fast that is a real time-saver and one of the things about this one is you could definitely shape a big furnace to make this work like they could be all around this and make that work are you hands down again you've won it just it Dwarfs Mine and comparator yeah I'll take that I'll take that you're used to this you have to remember that I have very little exposure to redstone machinery okay so that's very true this is blowing my mind I didn't know this was possible especially as I've only been playing on the Evo server so I've been back in time just there is no machinery you could move a position where Pistons aren't even in the game yet I know yeah that must be tough that would be like a nightmare hope you have real struggle well I'm glad to hear that you you like my redstone magic and I'm glad to hear that now that we have it functioning on both sides I mean I impressed I was like this is really fast and I hadn't even realized it's got like a few more stacks to do and it's finished yep and then it will just melt through and you can't you had cold to it though yes so this is the other thing is I noticed that the the minecarts have been actually taken out they seem to have disappeared we getting some some funny server action but yet the coal works in exactly the same way do you literally put coal inside that and then it will be equally dispersed now it's disappearing faster than I can replicate it yeah so it will all end up in all of the furnaces equally genius absolutely genius well awesome that is all five of the categories for my video and mumbo one three out of five so much well done but it's not over yet there's still five more categories to go and I've saved some of my best ones for your video oh god this is gonna be this is gonna be a challenge well the link to mumbos video if you want to see how this all plays out is in the description head on over there and see who wins the competition friendly competition great competition friendly competition friendly I'm totally not going to glow for hours upon hours upon days upon days if I do actually end up winning so thank you very much mumbo for preparing all of these and let's see how this all plays out [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 10,578,408
Rating: 4.9347091 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, mumbo, mumbojumbo, grian vs mumbo, collab, showcase, redstone, building vs redstone, traps, defense
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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