Self Building Bridges with Honey Blocks

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I have a bit of a problem here we have a totally naturally generated cliff face is absolutely gorgeous if I do say so myself as well this seed really is quite something for beautiful landscapes and over here we have got another totally naturally generated floating island and I want to create a bridge that takes me from this over to this specie I'm a little bit lazy I don't want to build it so I want to build a redstone contraption that builds it for me because that seems far simpler I mean there's much less effort surely okay I could be potentially wrong there but it shouldn't be too ridiculously difficult Jesus fact that we now have honey blocks and slime blocks not sticking to one another this means though we can kind of create flying machines that crash into one another but then we can separate them which is it's amazing for things like bridge building because you can see look all of these blocks the next one another but these are actually separate they can move separate of one another which is good I'm not doing a very good job at explaining this so far so I guess I'll just have to try my best to show you don't worry this looks very complicated it will be explained in a second let's just remove this block and get to a quick backup because there is a very high chance that this won't work on the first time then all I have to do is remove this book right here and we should see our bridge started moving and then yes it did break these observers need to be one block clever I did tell you I mean I told you so as I was saying if we just update this observer right here our bridge will start to assemble itself off it goes and hopefully I've measured everything correctly which by the looks of things I totally haven't but you get the picture bridge has kind of been assembled it a except we've just got a bit of a jump to do at the start of it then if we want our bridge to retract back into the wall then all we have to do is kickstart our flying machine in the opposite direction and everything that will be retracted away this it looks pretty smart doesn't it so what on earth is happening here okay so here we have a bunch of stacked modules you can think of these things as being blocks in of themselves now what these observer lines are doing is pushing out this blog so this observer is doing that so it's checking it out then this observer is going to push this one across which will then cause an update through the observer which will push the next module along and then that's will kind of do a chain reaction and then this one will do another chain reaction so now all of these things are separated now the reason that they have to be separated is because otherwise the back piston is going to have to push all of those blocks which it can't because obviously the twelve block push limit and when we kickstart our flying machine you just have to think that that chain reaction is going to happen every single block that this flying machine moves across so then we have like a big moving mass of blocks and when these blocks at the end crash into the island you'll see that actually they all stack up and form one solid structure now the way back is a lot easier because we don't have to do any of that pushing stuff so when it starts moving backwards it really is incredibly simple because they're all just being dragged along make sense I think that made sense it made sense to me it made sense to you now the cool thing about these expandable bridges is that not only they're expandable in this direction you could have a massive massive massive long bridge but also they're expandable in this direction too so I'm going to make this thing three wide and activate now is this not one of the most satisfying things that you can see in Minecraft I mean look at that and listen to that as well it sounds fantastic so there we go Bridge all successfully built we can now travel over to the other Island and then if we make our way back and flick this lever everything will be removed and retracted away oh I have zeal of these things just what I thought the honey block couldn't get any cooler this happens all right okay so this is all well and good this is this is quite a nice and simple design okay it's it's nothing too crazy we've got some zombies in there too but yeah redstone wise it's not nuts what if we were to go nuts though this genuinely wasn't what I had in mind but I'm going to entertain the idea because what apparently minecraft doesn't like it they've literally rained on my parade but I'm I think I think it might be able to build a staircase that assembles itself out of the ground by going upwards a staircase to heaven as you will and of course that staircase would need to be able to retract and that's where things begin to get challenging by I might have come up with something smart although I don't like saying that but the idea is is that this observer right here it's kind of difficult to explain so this this flying machine here is going to be set for it to a flying machine that is going to be here when this flying machine goes downwards that will trigger that observer starting up a flying machine which will then begin the process of retracting down the staircase in chunks this is even more difficult to describe and I know even a hundred percent certain is going to work and now our clouds go through my build so let's turn off clouds make a backup and try out let's just see what happens so here we have our ground level up there is where we want to go down here we have our staircase ready to be transported and if you flick this lever here you can see actually the staircase does okay so we've assembled a staircase that goes upwards but Simonis that was kind of the easy bit I sort of knew that was going to work the bit that's tricky is the chaining of these flying machines because we need this flying machine right here to activate the flying machine next to it and it's going to do that using this iron block next to this observer and all we have to do is update this observer here and that should start it and it looks like it's working and it has actually functioned oh my goodness so that actually works so we can now create gigantic moving staircases like Harry Potter and weirdly enough if you only want it to be one block wide it actually works without honey blocks you could do this just with slime blocks they're not actually touching one another so I think we all know what comes next I need to create a gigantic pop out of the floor hidden staircase and yes as you can see I've changed worlds partly because it's ugly but partly because this merits his own world and what I said is ugly I didn't mean this is ugly I personally think this is beautiful I just that world was becoming a massive mess anyway hey I've managed to get myself set up with all of these flying machines here so here are all of the actual flying machines themselves as you can see the staircase is hopefully going to be four blocks wide once it is done and this is how high it should go frantic backups later I think we might be ready for our first test all right okay staircase is going up and has been assembled which looks absolutely nuts that looks seriously seriously cool and then the way down is also whoo all functioning - this is the best thing ever this genuinely might be one of the most fun things to watch check that out that is epic that is seriously epic once we add in the actual door that this thing's going to pop out through I don't even know what gonna be able to say that was pointless me filling in the room livre they're just totally ruin that big moment you know that's now that Clips just embarrassing so let's forget about that very very quickly and start work on the trapdoor the thing that's going to open up revealing our staircase which obviously is going to fly out of it so how is this looking if we flick this even right here you can see that is it closed which is pretty cool and then flicking this lever that is it opening now I'm hoping that this should be a design that I can also tile together so once again we are making use of honey blocks and slime blocks here to do something impressive I I've said it so many times now but I honestly I can't imagine minecraft without the honey block already like seriously the fact that I'm just able to do this now it's the best thing ever now if you're wondering why this opening is so complicated obviously it is a full wide opening that is by design actually a little bit challenging but it's extra complicated because we need to make sure that we clear this thing by one extra block because we don't want any of the the parts of our staircases getting stuck to anything or any parts of our trap doors getting stuck to our staircases and I think we can all agree that it's a rather wonderful looking mechanism there it is closed and there it is open these things are so ridiculously fast so obviously that's just one half of it the other half is going to be constructed we need to make sure that the slime blocks don't line up with the slime blocks and the honey blocks don't line up with honey blocks otherwise our door is going to stay very very firmly closed I imagined this in of itself is actually going to look pretty satisfying that it does wow that looks awesome that looks seriously seriously cold I can watch that sort of thing all day but I tell you what I think the whole system looks a lot better by the way this is about an hour and a half later here we are first off look how cool it looks I mean obviously this thing's absolutely massive if you were to build this in survival mode in an actual my Groff world you would need to dig a gigantic trench to fit all the redstone inside but you know what I would say is worth it because this might just be my favorite opening and closing sequence of anything in Minecraft I just think it's fantastic I mean look at his lovely flee believer everything opens up and a staircase just appears out from underneath the ground and then just just stacks out like that so let me go make our way up to the top of the platform this is a long staircase by the way that is actually pretty tall and then if we flick the lever I think this might be my favorite part I mean just look at that is that not the best thing ever I think this might just be the best thing ever and then look everything just closes up I mean it's just amazing isn't it it is just absolutely brilliant honey blocks and slime blocks I've said it I've said it about five times in this video I've probably said about 100 times in total the best things in Minecraft hands down this is fantastic alright I really do hope that you've enjoyed this video is not gonna get any better from here so I'm out I'll see you later uh yeah I I actually think I could I say often but I made it for this one I genuinely think I could watch that all day might be I think it is my favorite looking redstone contraption I think there's just something about it they're so cool and it's so funny because I had no intention of building that today but the idea just came to my head off way through and I thought I had to try out
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,132,999
Rating: 4.9575763 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: wEQvx-wpcrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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