28 Minecraft Things You Should Start Doing

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There are a lot of things you can do in Minecraft but because there are so many, there are sometimes things we end up forgetting. So to help you remember or maybe to teach you something new, these are 28 Minecraft things you should start doing. Also we’re super duper close to 500k subscribers, so if you could subscribe it’d help out a ton and mean a lot. Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy. Number 1. Finding diamonds is hard and nobody wants to spend hours strip mining only for a couple of diamonds. But don’t fear, because you can find diamonds super easily, all you need is a river and some clay. This is probably the coolest trick ever. If you find a clay patch in a river, congrats, cause you just found diamonds. Simply locate the center of the patch, go 2 blocks positive in the z direction and mine down. 8 times out 10 you will find a diamond vein. Easy as that Number 2. If you’ve ever built a farm in Minecraft you’ve probably built it something like this with water in the center. But if you’ve ever wondered if you can spruce up your farm design a little, you can. You see, crops hydrate through anything it doesn’t have to be farmland. Your plants will grow just as well if separated by stone, coral or even air. Yeah, crops can hydrate through straight air. Pretty cool and useful if you ask me. Number 3. On the topic of mining, let's look at another cheap trick. You may or may not know that if you set up a piston above a composter and push yourself in you can locate the nearby caves. But that's not the end of it. You can actually do the same thing with gravel, which is much easier to find then the iron and redstone required for a piston. If you want a better use than just finding caves, you locate the portal room of a stronghold this way which will definitely save you a lot of time. Number 4. Creepers suck don’t they. There’s nothing worse than a long day of mining only for a creeper to suddenly erupt and make you lose all the stuff you’ve been carrying around. But these things can be super easy to kill if you know how Because explosion damage is calculated from the feet of the player if you place a block in front of you as a creeper explodes, you can minimize the damage taken. I mean these things barely pose a threat anymore. Number 5. On the topic of explosions, the desert temple trap. This thing can be a pain especially if you just finished looting the temple and happened to trip over the pressure plate on accident. But there’s no need to worry. If you’re fast enough, all you need is a bucket of water. Just break the block where the pressure plate is, place water in the gap, and you’ll take almost 0 damage from the remaining TNT Number 6. We can take the previous tip one step further. Assuming you didn’t accidentally set off the trap, you can actually use it to your advantage. For example, if you’re speedrunning and find a deser temple, you can actually loot it in seconds. even with no items! Once you break your way down, break the block in the center and grab all the TNT, after that just place one TNT in a corner of the chamber, light it with the pressure plate and hop back into the hole. Once you’re in, you should be completely safe and enjoy as the TNT explodes all the chests around you. Allowing you to loot the treasure in seconds and take almost no damage in the process. Number 7. Buried treasure is even cooler than desert temple treasure but sometimes it can be a pain to find. I mean you think you’re on the x but you just can’t find the chest and suddenly water’s every where and it's just Not fun at all. Well it’s actually super easy to find the chest. If you open up the f3 menu and locate the chunk section, look at the coordinates within the chunk. The chest always generates at 9,9. Using this, you can locate the chest hassle free every single time and enjoy the treasure with no trouble. Number 8. Let’s say you're in creative and build a piston door or any sort of structure and you misplace a block. Sure you can build all the way around to reface it but you don’t have to at all. If you’re on Java, just left and right click at the same time and boom, you can rotate any block just like that. Hassle free Number 9. Moving villagers can suck these guys always seem like they don’t wanna cooperate with you. And who wants a mending book when it’ll cost you 5 hours of time maneuvering them around. But as per usual it doesn’t have to be this hard. If your villager has a profession, he’ll follow you temporarily whenever you open his trade interface. Using this, you can actually get him to follow you through hallways and even up staircases. I really wish I had known this earlier. It's really easy to do, and can save a lot of time. Number 10. Have you ever built something high up and then realized you then wanted to build a layer down, but you have no water. Well perfect, because there’s another way to do that and it's pretty easy. All you need is two trap doors. If you go a block out and place a trapdoor on the bottom half of the new block, and then place another trap door on the top half of the old block, you can then get right on the edge and go into crawl mode. While you’re there, shift right clicking the top of the upper half trap door will place a block below it, allowing you to staircase or build downwards. Once you're done just remove the trap doors and repeat to your heart's content. Number 11. After you use a sponge to collect water, you may know that putting the wet sponge into a furnace gets you a dry sponge again. However what you might not know is that once you have used the fuel in the furnace, you can then put an empty bucket underneath and recollect the water. And you can even do it all in one go if you have a lava bucket to spare since it automatically empties. Just make sure you put that excess lava to good use. Number 12. Lava is the most abundant resource in the nether and water is the complete opposite. Apart from placing it in a cauldron there’s no other way to get water in the nether. Or is there. Using a glow lichen if you place down lava and then a glow lichen on top it will actually form water. Sadly this glitch only works in several snapshots and was recently fixed, but hey if you wanted to break Minecraft for your friends this is how to do it. Number 13. While searching for something in the ocean oftentimes it’s hard to see underneath the surface. However if you toggle into f5 mode while in a boat and slowly move your camera backwards, you can adjust it so that your view somehow removes all the murkiness, illuminating the ocean floor for you to see. This is used a lot by speedrunners to locate an underwater stronghold, and you can do just the same thing. Number 14. The same thing works in lava, and not just water. Building in lava can suck if you don’t know what’s around you. But if you set up a slab on the bottom half of a block over a lava lake and splash yourself with fire resistance, you can pop underneath and see the entire lava floor without any distortion. This great for mapping out the nearby terrain and giving you a good idea of how much space you have for your fiery contraptions. Number 15. Minecarts are a fun way to travel but they can end up being pretty expensive when you have to craft so many rails. And what's the point in building a rollercoaster for your friends if it leaves you broke afterwards. Well luckily it doesn’t have to. If you place a pig with a saddle in a Minecart it becomes a superior form of transportation. You can control the pig with WASD and it can go as fast as a powered rail Minecart on regular rails. Not to mention it can climb up and down slopes with no problem. Plus it doesn’t even need the rails, that’s just a bonus to go faster. Now your roller coasters can be exotic, custom and most importantly cheap. Number 16. We’ve all heard of secret painting entrances. And at this point it's getting kind of old. I feel like whenever I see a painting it’s instinct to try and walk through it. But there’s a few ways to stop some potential intruders. You can set up trap doors in certain ways behind the painting to make it harder to get through. If you set them up like this then you’ll have to wedge yourself in at the correct place which is pretty difficult If you set them like this the player will be forced to jump and crouch to get in. Or if you really wanna give them trouble, make a hole in the bottom so they have to elytra-glide through it. But that’s assuming they don’t just break the painting or go around. Number 17. If you’re ever on the run and need a safe place to spend the night, then composters might just be your best friends. All you need is one of these bad boys and a trap door and you’ve got yourself a temporary base. Just pop the trap door on the composter and close it in on top yourself. And bam Mobs can’t hurt you from the outside and you’ll be safe from all incoming danger. This can be great if you’re low on food or you just want to safely afk while a farm is running. Number 18. Chorus fruit don’t seem like that good of a food source but they’re actually really useful. You see, chorus fruit will teleport you to the nearest solid block in an 8x8 area, meaning if you’re falling from a great height or even into a pool of lava, eating one of these will teleport you back to safety, even if you do have to extinguish yourself after. So the next time you’re in the end, grab some of these to keep handy at all times. The may save your life Number 19. An often overlooked block is the campfire. I mean this thing is literally an infinite furnace. At least for food. So maybe an infinite smoker. It doesn’t require any fuel to use and can smelt all your meat for you. And if you accidentally extinguish it, no biggy, all you need is a silk touch shovel and once you break it you’ll have a relit one ready to use. Not sure if this is a glitch or just a helpful feature. But it definitely comes in handy sometimes Number 20. Let’s say you just pillared upwards and finished your new flagpole but suddenly you realize that you have no water bucket to go back down, and breaking down your newly built pole is not an option. Well don’t fear. Using honey blocks, TNT , or really any block but those work best, you can descend any structure by placing and breaking them over and over. Because they both destroy instantly, it works really easily and can help a lot if you don’t want to spend much time going downwards. And it's safer than an MLG in the first place. Number 21. On the tail end of that, what if you were digging straight down and wanted a really easy way to get back up. If that’s the case all you need is sand, a trapdoor, a button, a bow and some water. If you set up this mini contraption with the sand blocking the water and then dig down safely in a 2x1 hole, you can shoot the bow back at the button to get rid of the sand and let the water flood in, creating a miniature elevator in your mine. Super useful if you ask me and can save you a lot of time getting back up. Number 22. There’s a ton of prisons going around on youtube and you want to make one of your own. But they’re just so massive. Well there’s actually a really easy solution. You just have to beat the ender dragon TWICE. Okay maybe it's not that easy On singleplayer, if you have a few end crystals to spare, that inescapable prison dream will become a reality. Just begin the dragon summoning ritual by placing in the 4 end crystals but as the towers are respawning quickly log out and back in. You can then push the newly generated end crystals with pistons, all the way back through the portal and home. The best part, they’re now completely indestructible, so trapping your friend in with one of these will make it nearly impossible to get out. Number 23. As you could probably tell from this video, trap doors are super useful. And they have even more potential benefits. If you place them facing inwards as walls you can create an animal pen that mobs can hop into but for some reason mobs can’t hop out. It’s strange but cool feature. Plus it has no effect on you So this could be your new animal pen if you want. Number 24. Using a chicken on a lead and some carefully adjusted boats. You can create a completely safe void platform. A home in the void. Just break the block with the chicken on it, leash it to a fence, and adjust all the boats so they go into the corners. Now break the slabs underneath the boats. Hitting f3 and b to toggle hitboxes can help in breaking the slabs. Once you’ve finished, you’ll have a nice habitable spot to relax in and enjoy the abyss. Number 25. Lingering potions can be expensive. I mean you need dragon’s breath and even then you can only craft so many. But if you have a creeper, that will do the job just as well. If you throw a splash potion onto a creeper and then blow it up, it will leave a lingering effect of whatever that potion was. Granted, I don’t know when you’d ever use this, but it might come in handy, who knows. Number 26. If you're making a map of your base and want to show it off, or just make it look nicer, consider this. If you rename a banner in an anvil and then place it down, right clicking on that banner with the map will make a visible waypoint with whatever name you chose appear Now you can label your world to make it easier to navigate or locate things. Number 27. Flexing on your friends is always fun. There’s nothing better than knowing you have more diamonds and rubbing it in their face. But it’s hard to really find ways to brag when everything you build out of diamonds just looks ugly. A really subtle but giant flex is to use jukeboxes as fuel sources. Jukeboxes require a diamond to craft and you can actually smelt them as fuel in a furnace. So the next time you really want to rub in how much richer you are, show your friends a super smelter powered completely by these music boxes. They're sure to be amazed and probably hate you after. Number 28. Redstone can be tough sometimes and going upwards or sideways isn’t the easiest thing. But it can be using the power of leaves. If you put a log under a few leaves the game will update them so that they think they became part of a tree, and this update can be detected by observers. For up to 6 blocks, you can use a line of leaves to send redstone signals, allowing you to make some really wacky and elegant looking contraptions. It’s completely eco friendly as well. But that’s that, those are 28 Minecraft things you should start doing. If you did enjoy the video then please do consider subscribing. It helps out a ton and I appreciate it a lot. According to youtube’s statistics, I share a lot of viewers with this amazing channel called skip the tutorial, and as you may have noticed this video was heavily inspired by their format. So if you did enjoy this, then also go subscribe to them, and let me know if you want to see more similar content by leaving a comment with your opinion. If this video does well and it turns out we do share a big audience then I’ll continue doing more. But not that many cause I don't wanna completely rip them off ;) But that said, thanks again and I’ll see you next time Peace out have a good one.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 8,853,247
Rating: 4.9058647 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, how to, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial minecraft, 28 minecraft things, minecraft things you should do, minecraft things, minecraft things you should know, scuffed the tutorial lol that's funny, minecraft facts, 1.16
Id: co16pyBQHzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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