I Made a Walking Town in Minecraft

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“I’m not that good at redstone”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/eoin14 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Walking house. Yeah, that's cool walking town Now we're really onto something and we don't get me wrong. I am super proud of this thing It turned out way better than I have expected and I'm so glad to see that all of you enjoyed it Turned it into memes posted them all over Instagram That was that was interesting that's never really happened to me before on YouTube So that was a new experience but I definitely think we can take it one step further by adding more creating an army or I guess town of Various different walking structures. This is going to be an interesting one So the first thing I've got to do is obviously I've got to expand out my little runway that I created here because I mean little known fact about the walking house is that it can be conquered by a single block as Soon as it crashes into anything is stopped. So we need to make sure this is perfectly flat and this is looking much better So we now have a nice runway that is beautifully flowery and everything Obviously, all of these flowers are eventually going to get stomped by these walking houses and things But for the time being they look good Anyway, let's start work on building these things now not all of the structures are going to be the same size as this one Right here. What I like the thought of is a few of these massive ones they're kind of walking around with various different things on them and then a few small ones kind of dotted around all of them and All of them are going to walk together and hopefully not stick to one another this It's such a massive challenge. This is gonna be really difficult 30 minutes of head-scratching later I think I have got myself set up with the first little Walker. So this guy four-legged bit of a beast I thought some of the little ones could be little two-legged ones So this is going to be almost like a two-legged tiny house Probably three by three just sitting up on the top there. We need to make sure that it actually functions which means that I've got to test it and I'm too scared to do it because I've just realized I haven't backed it up backups are literally the most Important things to do when you're working with large slime block machines Because if you test them and they travel off you then have to rebuild it if you want it in the same spot more importantly If they break if they all stick together This one somehow hasn't broken That is the first time I've ever made a walking slime block machine that hasn't broken on the first try. Look at this little guy He's quite cute, isn't he? That is wicked and our little house will go up there right? Give me a second That was a very loose definition of the word second. This is actually ended up taking me quite some time Well, we are getting there. Now. One thing that I realized with this house right here is that we don't have a toilet Okay, and that's a big problem. So I've built a little portal loop. This is the little portal loop right here It's a relatively small build 2-legged and I've built up all of the structure. That should push it the only thing that I need to do is add in the thing that is going to power the piston which actually Shouldn't be too difficult. He says very loosely Something like that could potentially do the trick These walking houses end up being a lot more complicated than you would expect now I was just about to test this thing and then I noticed something that is glaringly obvious that somehow I Didn't realize while building it Yeah, we've got a bit of a lopsided house That means I have to reconstruct the whole thing quite some time later. We are ready to go The moment of truth But that looks like a walking portal ooh to me oh That is fantastic All right So we have got our second little walking house here that has taken so long if we're building up a whole town of like 10 Houses, this is gonna take me like 2030 hours from this point forth. The video actually has minecraft sounds I don't know what happened to my recording software there We're about to find out two things number one is how good am I at the clone command? Well I expected but also the clone command is worse than I expected Yep, observers a fire. That is so frustrating Essentially if you clone something in Minecraft that has observers on the inside of it when the blocks get cloned the observers will actually fire so these things will all shoot and obviously that means that Pistons extend that you don't want to extend and Yeah, it basically breaks the whole thing so after rebuilding the entire thing brought by clonk it is now time to start work on the next build in this town here and This is going to be essentially the storage area So I'm hoping to do is do something similar to what we had going on here With the minecart chests and things but instead of having one I kind of want to have like a full storage system. And then also this is going to be the first Three-legged flying machine that I've ever made. This might be one of those things that works better in my head So I'm for Spencer and just yet if these mine contrails are at all going to stay in their positions But it will be interesting to see what happens here. Long story short, it totally didn't work it broke entirely but after a lot of fixing and head-scratching, oh It's looking good it's looking good. I have almost forgot about those but that is That's a pretty good setup look at that so we've got we've got a moving storage system now on a walking storage system will sit neither the front leg which actually could be quite easy the way that I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna have the redstone block on the front and Then amazingly and this is purely by chance You may notice that These two Pistons are on the same level which means that we could have a double length leg at the front and then these two Little tiny legs out the back. That is that's gonna look hilarious. Once it's done. I mean just look at this thing That is seriously cold this might be one of my favorite looking walking machines I've ever constructed With the chests up front. Okay, let me back up the world and now we can give it a go I'm kind of scared. Oh my word this actually works so It kind of hops along it's a bit of a strange thing So the front leg takes slightly shorter steps But that is oh Now come on now. This is really cool. Isn't it? This is beyond cool. Okay I actually feel like our town needs more than one of these because you know storage is incredibly important to have When you're you're a town, so we're gonna have one here Maybe one in a kind of supporting role just off off the side of the mothership Maybe we'll have one over here as well. I don't know I kind of want hundreds of them. I obviously love it Thank thank goodness Ferb for backups Backup please tell me my backup has been made properly it has and for once I've actually managed to clone something successfully and then reconstruct all of the things that broke So now we have we actually have two storage systems here But I'm thinking a lot of these things are standing relatively tall will be nice is a few bits out the front That are kind of closer to the ground So I'm thinking we build almost like some insect style structures Now these insect style structures are going to be based on the similar sort system that we've had for our legs So this circuit right here? But there's going to be six of them and then the actual the actual machine That is flying it is going to be going underneath the legs so it's going to be very some low slung and it's going to look like the legs are actually coming over the top of the Body, and then arching down towards the floor So it is he's gonna end up looking slightly Millipede like a slightly ant like and should end up looking quite cool out the front now. Could you please Stop making noise in my video llamas make Oh alpacas. I apologize I'm so sorry. But still you make the most annoying noises in Minecraft. No realness. This is super insect-like I mean like it's even got a little horn up at the front here and if we activate this Like the jumps it's almost like a little jumping bot. Oh We've left some we've left some legs behind. How's that come about? Oh, yeah, of course placing a regular piston We're a sticky piston should have been in flying machines. That is about 90 percent of your problems now what I thought would be cool for this build here is I thought this could be like some well the first one anyway is Going to be a little garden I think I'm going to build maybe two or three of these or all of them with various different structures on top of them I like the thought of this garden I just don't know if it's going to work because I have slime blocks underneath these I don't know how like the piston pushing order is going to affect things. I Guess we give it a go after a very quick backup, which because I'm really silly instead of making a backup. I just I restored the old back which doesn't have any of the stuff that I've just constructed So after reconstructing all of that, let's give this thing a bit of a whirl. Shall we? I've had better days. I'm genuine bald from head scratching here. But I've managed you can't the solution again. So hopefully now oh It moves. Oh It totally moves we have got we've got a walking garden and a hopping garden, in fact, I Love the way that this thing just runs across the landscape. I think that's hilarious Oh we've lost We've lost a foot. Oh, no, we haven't I guess I just never installed the foot He's now going to acquire a new parachute No, that's not how you do it amazingly despite this leg crashing into the other leg. Actually, it doesn't break it That's the weirdest thing. I totally thought that would completely stop this thing, but it's garden it knows no bounds oh now one thing that I have realized is that We might actually be able to improve this thing a tiny bit if we oh, by the way I'm back over at the Port Salut. I've as something has been bugging me about the look of the portaloo And I think it's the lack of kind of structural elements But I'm fairly Sun, but we can actually do something like that And that already looks up a million times better. Yeah much much happier with that anyway I've started adding in the next front runner build and can I just say look how cool our little town is? Actually becoming I'm almost considering having some flying ones out the back kind of being like support teams Just flying along behind it. Anyway up the front here. I need to think of what I actually want on top of this thing We've got the garden. We've got got a toilet. We've got storage systems. We've got a house I'd love it if we could do some form of farm But we could have hay bales and things hay bales Isn't a bad idea Except let's face it. They kind of are aren't they? They're not exactly exciting so I thought I thought I would start work on another slightly larger structure and I've created this pistol layout that I think is actually Quite smart. I'm hoping one two, three, four five six seven eight nine ten as well within the bounds of piston pushing and We're pushing a really quite big area here. I mean look at the size of this thing it is what? Seven blocks across and four blocks tall that is a big build with all that being said I actually know if it works just yet. So let's give it a whirl and off we pop Now a totally broken a very long period of head-scratching later is this gonna do it What about with this removed somehow I don't know if I ever paid attention to that I might have has she forgotten about those That was good, except I left that block in place, which I think might have broken things but also It still seems to be a mess I can't think of many things more frustrating than minecraft and flying machines or slime block machines not working properly It drives me up the wall. Come on, please work. Okay, just Just work. Oh I thought we were on to something what's happened to this bit now. So we've got the top bit working all is well But the back legs have stopped working. Ah After going through many many breakages and many false starts. I think we could be onto a winner Yes We finally have We finally have a platform to build a house on Blimey, this has taken that has actually I kid you not I think that might have taken longer than this main dude here for the main guy full Nightmare. Anyway now that we actually have a house on it. It is looking flat out It is looking seriously seriously cold probably one of my favorite buildings we've actually constructed in this little town area here and I'm really glad that it makes up the Forefront of this thing because it's just it makes the whole thing. Look awesome. It looks seriously seriously cool So I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build another garden type thing Maybe I'll make use of the hay males that I mentioned earlier on. So maybe we'll make a little farming module right here I think that would be our town completed and then we can send all of them off on a stroll at the same time I'm terrified for that thankfully after the nightmare. That was this one. Hopefully this one here Should be simpler Like a free lunch on this one does it come on I've made some changes and oh Wow, that's the first time that's how she worked out. Okay, so we've got we've got minecart chest So we've got lovely storage here. This is clearly like a little farming zone obviously in an ideal world I would have something like that going on but as soon as it moves Yeah, all of that is going to disappear and we're just gonna have dirt not quite so exciting anyway Now time to get ourselves set up with the system that is going to activate all of these things at once And to do that we have this little array of command blocks that is literally just going to place a block then remove it immediately Next to the Pistons that need to be updated to trigger this thing So, you know earlier on in the video throughout the video. You've seen me placing blocks next to the Pistons to update them We're basically just automating that process so it happens uniformly across all of the flying machines all at once because otherwise they're all going to be out of sync and They're all going to crash into one another which is a bit of a problem now I have done so much extra tweaking and testing and things have gone wrong and I fix them They all crashed into one another I fix that I've changed up the timings. It's been a Long process but I'm hoping I'm hoping that finally we should be good to activate this thing for the first time all together I'm gonna check my backups again 16 extra had been made just in case and with that extra layer of security I think you might be just about ready to activate this thing for the first time. Are you ready? He certainly looks ready There we go, the entire town is on the move So we have got storage systems walking. We have got Gardens walking We've got a house up the front that is walking which that no don't walk that. You're about to be hit by an entire town Yeah, you've made the right decision he Can hit my town that would be horrible. We've got the house the original house at the front We've got our portaloo which is cruising along there. We've got a garden or a little hay bale set up So a little farming module off to the right there and then we've got more storage over here all traversing the landscape all at once All to site one absolutely ridiculous site this is Just a hole a whole town complete with multiple houses Gardens places to go to the loo storage Farms sort of the closest thing that you can get to a mobile farm all Walking along on the land and soon to hit its first obstacle. So I think before Everything crashes and burns. I think it's time to end. I really do hope that you've enjoyed this redstone video It's been tons of fun to create I put a lot of time into this thing So I really do hope that you've enjoyed it If you have please also that like button and if you really loved it Then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys. This is the Mambo and I'm out. I'll see ya later Oh and filming channel stuff you know what to do link is probably on the screen right now because I don't have an intro anymore or outro that was meant I was meant to say outro which By me doing this kind of gives me an outro. This is Mr. Paradox
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,239,240
Rating: 4.9602904 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: p3WcxElpVWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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