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so this video is going to be really quite exciting or at least I personally I'm very excited to build it because we're going to be creating a full rocket launch sign now this is something that I've always wanted to do but kind of been a little bit scared of because I was always pretty terrible a building slime block machines but now I have a little bit more expertise we can actually build the rocket and we can build all of the surrounding things and hopefully make them all work together so that we can get a proper rocket launch by the end of today's video this is gonna be fun also as an added bonus we're in a very nice Minecraft world here bonus points to anyone who can guess why I quite like this place anyway first things first we need to actually clear out space for our rocket launch site because these things are notoriously quite big so we're going to create a fairly flat area in this sort of vicinity right I think they should hopefully do the trick this is massive we've probably got more space than we need there but that's definitely a good problem to have so I would say first things first we should create the actual launch pad itself now I hadn't even thought of what sort of shape should a rocket launch pad be I think maybe like a rounded off square so we'll place iron around the outsides and then we will have black blocks so black concrete probably on the inside there and that's going to make up the run the launch pad and then we can build up all of the other things around it yeah this seems like a pretty good start next up we're going to do that big pillar thing that stands up next to the rocket which stops it from falling over I don't actually know that much about rocket launches and things so I'm just assuming that that's what it's doing one thing that these support structures definitely are used for is transporting the astronauts from the bottom up to the top of the space rocket where they actually get put into the space rocket so I'm going to try my best to build an elevator system which will transport them up and then I guess when we get to the top we'll have to create some form of retractable bridge hmm I have to ever think about that one that could be tricky and three two one go oh man I am I'm living my childhood dream of being an astronaut right now can you imagine what this would feel like as an actual astronaut and you've got rocky in front of you that you're about to go into to travel into space that is totally ridiculous anyway we've reached the top we just need to do the send down circuit so that is now all done and the elevator is now working but also I thought I would start trying to add in some extra decorational build so we've got this little area here with these solar panels and that's kind of like I guess Mission Control and that's also a chamber which sends the astronauts through and as you can tell I've taken some inspiration from vintage beef on this one and then also I've added in a little satellite Tower which is going to be sending signals I'm guessing from Mission Control up to our rocket when it launches but I feel like maybe there's a few buildings that need to be constructed over here I can't say I'm I'm really happy with this place so now that we have those buildings in and I play some solar panels on the floor as well that looks super super cool I mean it doesn't look like it doesn't look like a space station based on earth but maybe your mouth we've got we've got a Mars rocket launch area speaking of rocket launch areas we should probably start on some redstone the first of which is going to be this 7 segment display which will countdown 5 4 3 2 1 and then it will go blank and that's where not our rocket is actually going to lift off from the platform so what we need to do is we need to run in a redstone line I don't you know where that's going to come from I don't know where where should we activate this rocket from maybe from somewhere around about here so what kind of have like a control box and that will have the button on it there's actually going to launch this redstone contraption so from there we'll run out a redstone line which is going to run into this thing and we need to fire in five pulses a decent distance apart maybe like a second apart so let's see if I do this combination correct we get how many pulses that's two three okay only three so we're going to need a longer delay right this should hopefully do the trick so go five four three two one I've done my maths incorrect just now that this thing's actually built and functioning properly I think it's probably a good idea that I actually build the rocket itself I was going to do some of the support structures and other redstone contraptions that attach to the rocket but without a rocket is really difficult to work out where those things are supposed to be going so yeah slime blocks we're going to need redstone blocks and this thing is probably going to be pretty enormous I don't even really know where to start with this one I've never built a rocket before I guess with the fins at the bottom what are they even called fin fin this doesn't seem like the right word now this fly machine is actually being constructed in a completely different way to any other flying machine I've built before I haven't built any of the motors or any of the engines or anything like that I'm just kind of building it from the ground up so this is the bottom this is the base of our spaceship and that looks pretty good I think I think what I'm going to do is I'm gonna add in so they'll be I guess extra I mean it's so difficult to build cool-looking things with slime blocks because of course you've got that push limit and that push them it really does weigh limits you so there it is that is the bottom of the rocket all constructed so you can see we have the fins coming out the bottom or the air blade type things and then there we have the actual main body of the rocket traveling up like that and then up at the top here we're actually going to have the head of this thing which is going to control all of the engines and everything like that but the first thing I have to do is I actually have to try this thing out and I am a little bit terrified because I have built this entire thing without testing if it actually flies or not you know what before I do this I'm actually back up this world so here goes back ups have been moved if we flip this over here that will extend those Pistons and now there's no going back because when I retract these Pistons we should see a chain a chain er or piston action bringing this entire thing up with you well that doesn't exactly fill me with much hope all right Matt let's try that again that now that these observers here are actually facing in the correct direction if we go like this oh that was so close and it's just because could that not pick it up it was because these little sections had too many blocks on them there was I think 13 blocks on there and obviously slime blocks can only push or pull 12 so now that that is fixed we should get a rocket that almost lives itself off the floor why did that not work that time well the motors decided to leave the rest of the rocket behind you'll be happy to hear finally I've managed to actually get this thing I've been working at the rocket is functioning but you'll be slightly unhappy to hear that I'm not going to show you that working until the end of the episode once you've finished up everything else around here so now it's time to take the output from our little lever thing here across over into this big thing here I don't know any of the technical term so we're just going to use the word thing for the time being yeah we're going to put it up into that thing and then we're going to build some support things after a lot of thinking and a lot of different iterations this is what I've ended up with so these things right here are like claws which are holding up our Rockets you can see that they're kind of attached to it right there and then when we get our combination correct in theory all of them should retract now I must admit I haven't had too much luck with this system so far but I'm feeling good about this one so boom and boom oh that was really close that one just doesn't make any sense how's that going about I'm also just trying to work out how on earth I'm actually going to activate this thing because we need to send an update through to this piston here and that is pretty far away from everything how would I do that this could potentially work so if I remove this redstone torch yeah so that gets the triple boost extender how the way but I've have I just moved that across I've so I wanted to move it across to get it out of the way and I've actually moved it more in the way this piston needs to be off over here okay it now pushes it in the correct direction instead of this piston retracting in L pushes across meaning though all of these blocks get moved down the way so that this fin of the rocket can actually travel past and that should be the final detail which actually finishes this entire build I've hooked everything up into the counting system I'm going to remove the block of Abyssinian from above our rocket because I'm about to try out this entire mechanism for the first time and I have to say I'm kind of a little bit nervous for it I've made about 15 backups of this exact thing so let's give a go let's see how this works first launch of our proper rocket system in five four three two one and blast off okay supports are gone and the rocket has been activated and it is taking off and it is flying past all of these supports now let's just make sure that it clears it yes of course it does because it's been engineered to perfection lowly's such a says might be the watch so there goes our rocket off it goes into space that has functioned absolutely flawlessly ladies and gentlemen I am absolutely chuffed to bits with this thing I hope that you enjoyed this little redstone video I put a lot of time and effort into this one as I'm sure you can tell so your support means the world to me if you did enjoy it please your us at that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is remembe oh and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,142,731
Rating: 4.9632225 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: nU2iUjqzoBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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