Building my Dream Home in Minecraft RTX

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this video is sponsored by MSI and NVIDIA but I think of Minecraft a number of different words come to my heads creative adventure survival resource gathering mining caving limitless possibilities I mean the list goes on and on and it has to go on quite far before the word beautiful comes up now I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing I mean minecraft is a fantastic game without being especially visually stunning but NVIDIA has come along and they've decided that they want to change that by introducing ray-tracing into minecraft now what on earth is ray-tracing well it's a rendering technique that is available on certain supported GPUs I put a link to some of them down in the description I personally am using MSI ones and it allows the computer to more accurately simulate how light interacts with virtual objects so we're talking reflections we're talking light rays we're talking light bouncing around off of things and creating ambience and let me just show you the Sun is actually pretty close to setting right now so this is perfect if I activate Direct X ray tracing in the advanced video settings area you can see that yeah things things have changed this is not the minecraft that I was used to oh look at that I love seeing like the haze the light beams ah it looks so cool and this castle looks fantastic as well oh my goodness if you ever have a conversation with the cinematographer about lighting and what makes a pretty image 99 percent of them will just say backlighting something and I would agree I mean that is by so gorgeous the thing that I think I'm finding most impressive here is first off how smoothly it's playing because I am not running into any performance issues whatsoever this is running just fine as you can see there is no hitches in terms of the way that I'm looking around I'm not getting any starters or anything like that but also I'm impressed by how natural it feels you see this is not over the top this still feels so minecraft II it's like the perfect balance of having that extra that extra spice that extra visual spice but it still feels minecraft II is still feel rooted in reality there's not crazy things going on this is lovely I mean come on come on now just look at that watching the light move it's just too much from a little brain okay I'm looking at this I can't help myself I just keep putting myself into nice lighting situations and getting excited let's check out some of the other maps that in-video have provided for everyone and I'll put a bunch of information down in the description on how you can get minecraft r-tx if you have the supported graphics cards and also where you can get these maps from too because I mean they're frankly obscene I mean look at the sheer scale of this thing it just goes on and on and on I mean there's some silly talented people out there on there is it bad that my favorite parts are probably the kelp there's just something about the kelp that I really really like all this gold walkway highlights very nicely what's special about ray-tracing look at the reflections in the gold blocks can you see it's reflecting what's above it and it's moving as I move that is there is some serious mathematics and computer work on behind the scenes to make that function this r-tx map was very cool let's move on to the next one there is a lot to like about this there is a lot to like about this I mean first off look at the reflections that's still mind-bending to me but also something that people have been asking for for a very long time which is colored light sources look at the look at the the colors spilling onto the environment around it man that's pretty imagine how much you could do with that in builds well imagine how much you can do with that in built we've caught it it's in the game now crikey just crikey is all I can say these skylights are gorgeous this wooden floor that is reflective is gorgeous this kitchen I want actually in my house it is gorgeous those trap doors the polished trap doors that are reflecting everything I know I'm boring everyone about talking about reflection so much but I can see a plant pot in my trap door and that's got me excited it's generally got me excited a horrific secret has just been revealed about Minecraft you are a you are an arm you are an arm until you observe yourself and then you become the rest of you this room is hurting my brain somewhat though in the best possible way right let's check out a few of the other maps I can feel this iron block do you know I mean by that like I'm looking at it I can imagine my hand on it I can imagine the coldness from it it feels like an actual thing I've never really experienced that with Minecraft before this is a bit surreal for me alright so we're in Blade Runner now we are we're in Blade Runner I mean this is oh my goodness oh my goodness who built this this is unreal unreal and I hate to harp on about performance I can't believe how well everything is holding together how smooth the experiences Emma sorry I'm please see the GPU so I think you get the picture these maps that Nvidia have provided are absolutely gorgeous they're incredibly impressive and the ray-tracing definitely definitely in HoN system but it has got me thinking I wonder what it's like to actually construct things go through the real Minecraft experience with ray-tracing enabled so let's build up some former base I don't want you alright before anyone gets too disappointed just remember we've we've just spent six minutes of this video looking at ridiculous bills that look like they've taken months okay some a little base probably isn't gonna look quite as impressive I'm just gonna get that out there right okay but I still think we didn't do something cool now I would say that this spot right here just over by the river seems like a good place to start building and I would also say that this r-tx ray-tracing kind of lends itself to some form of super modern house so I'm going to try my best really try my best to do some contemporary building now I've said it before when I say again I am NOT a builder okay not at all but I'm gonna do I think I think this RTX could actually be a cheat code because even if I build something ugly the r-tx is going to make it look pretty that's what I'm relying on here I think for one of the first times ever I'm actually going to incorporate water into this thing and see if I can make a feature of it I mean that looks that already looks quite cool that already looks pretty fancy okay okay I'm okay so up at the top here I've created this little sky garden which I personally think looks quite nice but I I I was thinking okay this massive area of gray concrete I needed to do something with it and I've come up with a plan you know we've already got some water incorporated into this build why not see what see what happens if we just create a whole roof of water I mean what's the worst that could happen here's the view from the top this is not bad not bad not bad there is the view from below which is pretty cool one thing that I was not expecting what's the kind of mottled water texture that we're getting on this area that makes it absolutely mega and the fact that you can kind of see the light being reflected through that is that is special okay okay all right I'm a big fan I might even push it down the back so it's like a full waterfall going off the edge I was playing around with vegetation and things in this area down here and I got a bit carried away and it looks awful I regret everything but now that I've toned it back just a tiny bit I've removed some of the sea grass I think it looks a lot better and also I've added in a section out of the back there because it felt a little bit strange you know it felt like it was kind of defying physics a tiny bit originally so I've added in this like structural element back here but I think I'm also just going to leave fairly open I really like the idea of this kind of been like an urban jungle house where there's just plants everywhere it's like overflowing with plants is all in the environment I like that plan I'm genuinely having so much fun right now just building and tweaking things about this design it's been ages since I've just sat down and properly tried to work hard on a build it's fun I can understand why people enjoy this I really wish there was some way that I could tone down the amount of smoke that is coming off this campfire because I like the idea of there being like a chilling zone in this area where we can have like a little fire pit I just don't think that's quite going to do it maybe something like that I mean it kind of make sense I am seriously liking how this build is coming together though I'm a big fan we have done nothing on the inside yet though and I've done absolutely zero redstone which was totally my plan I was planning on the rents them but I got too into constructing this and I spent hours on it if anything it shows how good RTX is because it got me someone who doesn't care about building at all and it generally finds it incredibly stressful obsessed with building and not wanting to do redstone I mean me wanting to build instead of do redstone that is it's bizarre I think that might be the first time that's ever happened to be quite frankly honest with you anyway this this is the amount of space that we have inside this build as I say miss made me open planned you know has made me out out in the elements but I guess we could make this place work and I guess we could probably do some formal redstone in here too huh okay that does work how I thought it would it is a little bit dark and by a little bit darker a lot of light transmission apparently is lost through these but I guess we could maybe do something with that right let's see what happens here then so I've got I've got a big shifting floor thing if I flick this lever that does actually work because so we can change the mood of the room by pushing these blocks across okay okay that's interesting I think that could be good fun so we can have like a flick of the switch we can have like a moody mode where everything's dark and red and then we can have another mode which is bright and kind of like this now in theory this shouldn't be too difficult to create so we've got the lever over there which will power the Pistons and then when we turn this off these observers should then fire shifting the floor back across so with the flick of a lever you can go back and forth with that being said I am absolutely terrible at bedrock redstone so this could be totally wrong right now our lever is powered so the whole room is nice and bright but when we flick the lever there it is there gradually transforms into being an evil lair I like the I like the soft transition so you can see it kind of fades into being red that is sinister I like this a lot okay let's get this place decorated up and by that I mean just fill it with the essentials you've got the storage system we've got the enchanting setup with the anvil the bed the crafting bench the ender chest and we have fancy moody lighting if we so please I think this bill might just be the definition of when you blow your entire budget on the outside of your house and you have no money left for furniture not on the outside of this thing this is like a Beverly Hills mansion it looks totally ridiculous then you get to here and it's like yeah you know I sleep on the floor I spent all my money on water features but still I'm chapter visitor this thing it looks absolutely awesome and r-tx is absolutely awesome as well and the msi graphics card has absolutely eaten this up look it's it's it's smooth as can you tell that I totally couldn't think of anything smooth then I started that sentence and all smooth things just left my brain it's smooth as a bowling ball no that's not good either look okay it play smooth all right and you can find a link to the graphics card that I'm using down in the description made by MSI and also you can find information about the Nvidia r-tx minecraft set up I put all of that down in the description too I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya that was fun that was fun I must admit I went in a tiny bit I'm not gonna say I wasn't quite convinced I was like yeah it's probably just gonna be like shaders but no its shaders that run smoother and also its kind of less intense than shaders is it's like I'm more balanced shaders it's I'm a fan I'm upset we don't have it in the Java version
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,246,956
Rating: 4.9389982 out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Bedrock Edition, Mumbo jumbo bedrock edition, Mumbo Minecraft RTX, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft RTX, Minecraft, Minecraft RTX, RTX, Minecraft ray tracing, Minecraft ray traced, Minecraft shaders, Building my Dream Home in Minecraft RTX, evolution of Minecraft, Nvidia, Nvidia RTX, MSI, MSI gaming, ultimate Minecraft shaders, nvidia RTX maps, Ray tracing, Minecraft RTX Beta, Mumbo dream home, modern building minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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