Multi-Story CRAWLING PISTON HOUSE: Minecraft 1.14!

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today's redstone video is going to be a bit of an interesting one because we are playing in Minecraft 1.14 and in Minecraft 1.14 we now have the ability to crawl if I just walk out to this little trapdoor right here hit the button it will then push me down and I can walk around like this which looks absolutely hilarious but this of course means that we can create houses with one high floors so I thought it'd be a good idea to create a five storey house that I'm then going to fill in with a bunch of redstone contraptions specifically designed to fit within this very small floor space I have no clue how well this is gonna go okay so first things first I think we need to make the actual door into this place and I've had an idea of how to do it that I think works really quite nicely so we have this trapdoor right here when we hit the button the piston attracts that allows us to be pushed down and then we can walk through and the door will close up behind us and of course if you want to get out the other side then you just hit this button right here and that will open up everything and you can leave whoa didn't it and yes I I did just totally forget that I'm creative anyway the first thing i want to do in this video is I want to work out how we're going to be transferring ourselves between each layer because going up a ladder that's not particularly exciting I think I've come up with an idea that actually is going to work really really well I think you can probably see where I'm going with this one a little elevator the inside of a small house I have just thought though I really hope that if you get moved by a piston you keep this state I'm yes I'm one block although word yes one block hi piston perfect is it gonna be a thing so my idea is is that this is just going to run on a clock at all times okay so this is going to be running at all times and it will allow you to go up or down through your base just by walking into it and then you'll get shifted through so if we place in this observer right here and this observer right here then we flick this lever okay there is our little system so if I get myself a trapdoor I got way to user this go get myself a trapdoor and put myself into mouse mode and then kinda have to shuffle along okay so I just walk in like this oh wow this is the best thing ever so I'm like oh okay I'm out on the fourth floor let's go and then if I want to go down obviously I go down the other side oh this is so cool I'm actually a little bit upset that I built this at the start of the video because the rest is gonna be a disappointment I don't know if I can I don't know if I couldn't top this this is one of the coolest things I think I've ever built anyway the next thing I wanted to create was a storage system so here it is you can hit this button right here it reveals all of these barrels now the interesting thing about barrels is of course you can have solid blocks on top of them and it's not going to obstruct it so once again if I go into mouse mode right here I don't think that's the official name for it but that's what I'm going to call it from this point forth we can reach two layers due to the fact that we're using stairs and then we want to hide these things away hit the button and they all get shifted off looks pretty cool I think I'm actually going to build it on the other side and make the bottom layer the storage layer and that of course means we also need storage for shocker boxes and I think I've thought of a fairly smart way to do it you see the problem is is that if you go out of the mouse mode then it can be difficult to get back into it and you don't want the situations like this occurring so I came up with this idea where in the center we can store show boxes if we want them we just place them down at the bottom like this so that was there that one's an orange one Psalm one and a blue one and they sit down there and we can pick up items from them when we need them but then if we need the shoulder boxes then we just flick this leaf right here and we can stay inside the kind of crouched mode but also pick them up because otherwise this area would be 2 blocks high we would stand up and then would be stuck in our house forever then when we want to replace the shock of offices we just do it all over again anyway I think this is floor number one completed let's move on to the next floor and I mean we all know I have to do it and this one is super simple it doesn't really involve any redstone whatsoever but it's or all of the useful things that you kind of need on the inside a house so we've got ender chests we've got anvils we've got furnaces we've got some crafting benches that are accessible and we also have a full enchanting setup so this is a maximum level enchantment area right here just sat in our one high house now for level number three I think that we should go back to register and related things and I think we should try our best to build a farming level yes you heard me correctly I'm going to try my best to build someone high farm this could be a bit of a challenge but the first one has been pretty successful so far so here is the tiny older system we don't even need that redstone dust it all fits inside this kind of pancake and if we hold down the right click button and then click occasionally we will harvest a whole ton of carrots in fact if I go through into survival mode you can see that this works pretty nicely now I did mess around with a bunch of different ways in which we can automatically harvest this stuff by moving the farmland by shifting light sources back and forth but nothing was really functioning or working properly or efficiently and this seems like the smartest and easiest way to do it I mean it definitely works I mean check out how many carrots I got from just those couple of seconds of harvesting how many how many carrots do you plan on eating I'm just realizing you can kind of half stand up what does that look also I'm forced shifted oh I hadn't realized that oh when you can you can shift under these sorts of things ah now that is cool I that has completely blown past me in the updates anyway let's move on from things that everybody already knew because I have been trying my best to build up some form of animal farm for ya the best part of an hour now I'm trying I just I'm trying to make it work so we need something of slab here to stop the animals from pouring out in fact actually this can be solid because we're going to do the breeding from above so the next layer above this we're going to have this little hole where we can hold down the right-click button with the wheats that we got from this bread maker right here and we're going to breed up a bunch of cows and then the baby cows make their way underneath here and end up in this chamber but the issue is I can't work out how I'm going to collect the items when we actually kill the cows after a lot more head scratch unit I think I might have come up with something so if we just pop down into this area here so as I said breeding is going to be done from above looking downwards and then we have this little system right here which when we hit the button it will set fire to all of our cows and they will burn up and then if we go to the layer below then that is where we have got our pick up chest so let's just drop down cool cool this is where all of the items will end up now I don't know about you but I think that's pretty smart so now that we've got that finally sussed out I think it's time to actually set ourselves up with some fully automatic farms things like melons pumpkins shoot cane that should go into this area here and I think it's going to span two layers for the first time in probably about five years I am using one of these things this is an item D spawn clock these used to be staples of redstone contraptions until hoppers and things came along and then we create hopper clocks what they do is every single time the item D spawns it will sort that out and it will actually send a pulse through all of these Pistons right here which will harvest all of this sugarcane and then as you can see we've got a hopper minecarts down at the bottom so if we are down on this level right here we can actually access those hopper mine carts and pick up all of the sugarcane that's been harvested it's the most compact solution that I can come up with I have to say actually looks pretty fancy doesn't it anyway we have now moved on to the next layer and it has been finished there isn't really too much that I wanted to do with this one so obviously we've got the top half of the sugarcane farm that you can see right there through the glass then of course we have got to our melon and pumpkin farms that will output their items into these barrels so that all seems you working quite nicely and then we have got the input to the cow far as well so we literally we sit here and we grab ourselves some wheats and we hold down the right click button after hitting this button and that will do the trick and then those little baby cows will shoot across into this error right here they'll be pushed into this space and then that is the killing zone that we can control from the layer below it's so satisfying this area now for the final layer I thought it'll be good to go up to a double high ceiling the reason being this is going to be the bedroom and I want to make sure that the beds can actually function so this area right here is our bed and as you can see we have these little these little trap doors that pop up and down that allow us to quickly transition into crawl mode to access the rest of the house but this is the way that we're going to be doing is that we run across like that run across like that then this area here is going to be our bedroom and I think that rounds up just about everything so let's go back down to the bottom and do a quick house tour so to start things off we have got ourselves an ultra-modern exterior looking very fancy indeed I actually I really like the way that this place looks and our entrance is this super minimal little system right here so if we hit this button that will open everything up and now we are in the place if we hit this button we have access to a double-height area of barrels and we've got one of those on each side and then we also have a super smart shoka bug storage system that is custom built to be working inside a one high environment and make sure that you don't pop out or crawl mode because that would be very very frustrating then if we make our way to the back we go into our little custom-built elevator right here which allows us to travel between the floors inside this house we've got access to furnaces we've got the barrel for the cow farm that's on the next level we also have an enchanting area more furnaces crafty ventures enderchest Andals you know the drill all the stuff that you need inside your base now if you pop up onto the next level that will take us through to the first farming lair this is where we get access to the sugar cane that is farmed from our chute came from there and also our carrots potato wheat that is incredibly useful I guess I probably should shirt working it's pretty good so we just hold down the right click button occasionally left click and that will do the job but over here we have got the other half of the cow farm this is the important bit because this is the part that does the killing when we hit this button right here those guys will be set on fire and then their drops will drop down into the barrel so we'll have freshly cooked steak moving swiftly on that we have got the next farming layer this one is the top half of the show cane farm this is also the breeding zone for our cows and also small melon and pumpkin farms now the way that we breed the cows is we just have to grab ourselves some wheats hit this button over here to pop out the water and then hold down right click and that will give us a bunch of babies that we can eventually set fire to wonderful ok if we move back over to our elevator we make our way up to the top layer which is the only layer in the place that isn't one block high and this allows us to use all of our pets now if you want to make her way back down then we just go in the left hand side and we can gradually travel through all of the floors I absolutely love this place I think it's so so cool I really want to build a base like this actually in survival mode because I think I think it's useful I mean look how much we've managed to pack inside such a small building it's it's incredibly impressive it is Oh seriously seriously cool anyway I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please listen that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later oh and as per usual check out the latest film on the filming channel I think we'll be on the end screen [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,397,227
Rating: 4.9531918 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: iXd_DFzCqM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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