Most Unprofessional Thing An Employee Has Done To Get Fired Instantly (r/AskReddit)

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managers have read it what is the most unprofessional thing an employee has done that resulted in an immediate termination I had an employee who got drunk on her lunch break flipped her car went to jail mug shot with our company logo on her shirt perfect edit everyone is asking our lunch break is one hour many employees leave to go out to eat potentially there were other substances involved I was a business partner but wasn't involved in the day-to-day management or anything much anymore started another venture I'm a big rough looking black guy which is important for the story I can't remember the reason but I needed to sign some paperwork and it had to happen within the hour I think it had to do with a big client and some type of equity in their business in exchange for service so I left the gym and drove straight to the office I was showered and clean but in casual clothing jeans and a t-shirt when I arrived the receptionist said very loudly can I help you there was already something off with her tone but I didn't really care I simply said yes I'd like to see mr. Hampton he's expecting me I should have said my name which she'd have maybe recognized but I don't know why I didn't or she didn't ask she didn't pull up a schedule asked on the intercom call his line or anything she then laughed and said Mr Hampton doesn't take walk-ins sir this alone wouldn't be a big deal even though I think the laugh is rude she then turned her chair away from me with her back facing me I said excuse me and she put headphones in there was one other guy waiting to see our office manager for a job as a courier and he was kind of snickering and amused it was embarrassing and unacceptable I then raised my voice and said I need to see mr. Hampton and I'm going ahead as I said he's expecting me she just laughed but wouldn't buzz me in it's a set of office suites and to get to what we call the bullpen you have to be buzzed him I don't know if she saw me through the glass but the office manager and up and buzzed me in and greeted me by name the receptionist went white as a sheet I could tell she was [ __ ] bricks I signed the papers and let my partner know what had happened he walked out with me and just told her to pack her bags legitimately fired on the spot when I look back I feel kind of bad for her but it was so ridiculous there's no reason to treat anyone that way a client could have turned up underdressed as well absolute madness guy had a crush on a female co-worker he passed her a note at work one day with a gob of hand lotion inside it and the words I got really excited thinking about you earlier girl freaked out when two management guy got escorted out I had an officer under me he was reported in a tree I went to investigate the last place he was seen he was still there attempting to pepper-spray birds I wish I could have made that up edit fired immediately one of our delivery drivers was supposed to be training a new employee basically driving around and introduced them to routes and customers and that type of thing well he told a new driver to just drop him off at the park down the street and when my boss drives the 15 seconds to the park he was smoking crack with bumps literally smoking crack cocaine with bums at the park edit so of course the dude got fired then maybe a month later we get a call from a customer saying that he was walking in the middle of a busy intersection with our companies shut on he slashed my tire after I told him to go work instead of sitting in the break room he obviously didn't want to go to work so I think you did him a favor my husband is a manager and his employee somehow had another employees ID and then stole that person's check and cashed it caught it all on camera she still denied it I work in pizza delivery and we had a guy back in the day fellow manager who tried to shut down the store five hours before the time that corporate set for us to close he clocked every person out in of them home and then just refused to take the phone calls or anything like that he was fired immediately after our boss found out and he even tried to come into work the next day like everything was fine with going over security footage saw an employee that didn't want to sign their contract take it sign it stick it down the front of his pants and wipe it around on his junk then stick it in the Secretary's Inbox contract was burned in box was disinfected employee was fired I had to send a guy to remote gas / petroleum refinery site for an inspection previously he had been reliable on most occasions however on this occasion he never showed up for the pre drug / alcohol test the day before he had to fly out and gave me a long-winded excuse basically blaming his car troubles at this point I would have gone myself to site however I was just back from a bone graft to my collarbone so I wasn't going anywhere the director made the final decision to send him anyway against my recommendations we flew him decide to do his on-site induction where he would do the DNA test anyway partway through his induction he got up and left I call him that night but never got an answer so I checked with his accommodation and the hotel claimed he had checked in within the last half hour I was just glad nothing major had happened next morning I speak to the client and the client informs me that the staff member apologize for leaving abruptly and had to rush of and deal with some personal issues I don't press it any longer two hours goes by and I get a call from the client stating that they've kicked him off site because they found him asleep on site and when they woke him he became extremely aggressive the client is furious about this and says we're a cowboy of an operation for sending someone like this and to fly someone up the next day to finish the job that night we have a conference call with a client stating that we're no longer going to be working for them due to this issue costing our company roughly 1 million dollars from the loss of the contract we bring him the day after he flies back to ask about his action I'm supposed to head this up and get his side of the story except before we even get into really discussing things my director asks if we are to drug test you today would you fail he answers yes and he was told he's being terminated instantly he starts yelling at the top of his lungs and blaming his actions on everyone else I told him he needs to leave straightaway all police will get cold he does he leaves then for the next month our admin receive emails about how I'm terrible at my job and I should be fired for not listening to his problems which he had never spoken to me about so yeah that was the day I fired my brother and found out he was addicted to meth edit there was a lot going on post his termination me and my dad combined to pay for he had costs he never stayed both times he was sent then there was physical threats of violence to my mom and my family for not giving him money that is where I cut contact every update since then has been from my dad he hasn't seen my mom he's working during the day and studying at night I hope this time he can do well as for services that our employer offered previously he had been given aid for counseling due to depression out of those 12 sessions he had gone to three the situation gave me severe anxiety and depression you can blame the twist you too the fact I've just watched season 1 and 2 of black mirror over the past few nights had an employee pass out in his truck in a customer's driveway customer called me to report said employee had a glass pipe on his chest luckily guy decides to call me instead of the sheriff employee was picked up and brought back to shop when asked what was going on he stated I was on break it wasn't weed it was just spice sorry but I don't think this is gonna work out rubbing a pregnant coworkers belief three times after being asked to stop and then asking her if her husband was good at the ex I fired him and he asked if we could still be friends no he then tried to file for unemployment after only working there for three weeks part-time I'm not the manager involved but I think this fits the bill a co-worker of mine who was a little bit too into his car got snapped doing twice the speed limit instead of pulling over for the patrol car behind him he decided to run for it he led a police chase to the office and shook them off by hiding in the underground parking the GM watched it happen from his office he took the lift down found co-workers car and told him not to bother getting out but did it clear his wanted level oh man my high school buddy ended up being pretty successful and starting his own business a girl who'd bullied him in middle school applied for a job at the 20-ish person business I knew them both in high school their circles never overlapped but she remained in her awful judgemental ways so she applied to this job and was meeting with the owner my friend ended up getting to the front of the building at the same time she did he figured he'd give her a chance because people change yada yada he's more optimistic than me well she assumed he was applying for the job too and made a comment about how he never really grew out of that middle school look he didn't tell me more but eventually his secretary filled me in apparently he walked into his office and asked her to come in she totally changed her tone and said yes I'm here for an interview he told her the interview ended a minute ago not the manager just witnessed the firing the delivery boy answered his personal cell phone with Tony's abortion clinic you make em we scrape em in front of customers and our very religious boss it went over well supervisor in a call center we worked with EBT cards all calls are recorded all agents know this because we have them listened to enough of them on one-on-ones this girl got in an argument with a caller and told him maybe you should get a job and get off food stamps that wasn't even the worst part of the call just the part I can quote verbatim there was also a rant accusing him of being personally responsible for the Atlantic slave trade my manager was like it really can't be that bad no dude listen to the call she was fired in Auto Sales one of our salesmen always seemed to be up to something between all lying to customers drug abuse and constant fighting at home he was impossible to manage unfortunately he was the type that gave the rest of us a bad name eventually he got into it with our GSM about several issues and his go-to was to stop making fun of our GSM handicapped son I had so much respect for our GSM he took him in an office told him he was terminated and walked out even though I know inside he was boiling with rage glad he's gone dot-com boom maybe 1999 tech startup hustling pixels massive expansion basically hiring anyone on the spot and show how this wanker made it through because he was a man of many red flags but he shows up for his second day in overalls most people were snappily dressed sits down unpacks is rather large duffel pulls out a legit Rambo knife and two huge tumbles proceeds to start work in his biceps at his desk with the knife in his teeth copsis courted him out punching his supervisor and then making a run for it he had permanent residents pending and wound up deported must have pretty bad anger management issues to throw your whole life away over not wanting to switch departments for a week I used to manage a restaurant my hosts were in charge of taking to go orders but I couldn't have them away from the host stand to get them ready so I had them grab a server that wasn't really busy and have them do it on his second day my hosts came to me and said I asked the new guy to grab the to go order for me and he told me that it's not his ducking job it was the end of the shift and everyone was putting chairs up so instead of singling him out I just pulled everyone together and said hey if they ask you to get a to-go order ducking to it they aren't asking you because they are lazy they are asking you because I've told them to q after my little speech he turns around and starts slamming chairs around no but you're gone you don't get to cuss out my 17 year old hostess n slam [ __ ] around on your second day but what day could you throw a tantrum once you've shown your worth I've had a server's have meltdowns but I knew they were good at their job and that this wasn't their typical disposition if you can't eat [ __ ] for a few days without losing your [ __ ] then you'll lose your [ __ ] all the time I wasn't his manager but at a company that I used to work for they made the mistake of firing a system administrator before disabling his access he apparently had known it was coming for quite a while because he had scripts written to change the local admin logins on a number of our servers and then promptly shut them down we were able to get them back up and restore it access with domain admin credentials or snapshots but imagine 76 mission-critical production servers going down at once on a Friday at 3:00 p.m. that was a really long weekend I once had an employee snapchatting as he drove an ambulance with a crew member and patient in the back through an intersection during a red light I wasn't the manager but watch the whole thing happened a few years ago I worked at a restaurant and we had kind of an annoying new hire one of those I'm too good for this types it was this kid's first job and first day out of training one of his tables was a family with two small children who were being obnoxious but hey it's a family restaurant that's expected while walking away from the table he muttered something along the lines of shut up you're ducking kids except he didn't actually mutter he spoke at a normal volume the mother overheard and was not pleased he was sent home and invited to not return my construction company was building a new addition on a hospital one morning the president of the hospital called to inform me that he had just watched one of our laborers smoke crack in his truck while on break went to the job site talked to the kid said yeah I was but I waited till break time you aren't supposed to drive your personal vehicle to the job site for liability reasons oh yeah and you're not supposed to smoke crack even on break we've had some winners over the years but that kid took the cake I was part of a group of IT contractors together for a large international project the client would get us apartments to live in at each implementation site for six to twelve months a member of my team got into a disagreement with the CTO when he came to visit our site which resulted in her screaming personal attacks at him in the hallway when he tried to step outside to de-escalate the argument she was fired on the spot but then proceeded to go back to the apartment provided by the company and completely wreck it the site was in the middle of the desert and she had opened all of the windows / doors turned the a/c on max stopped all of the drains and turned the water on through red nail-polish all over the bathroom it was the most extreme breakdown in a professional environment I'd ever seen
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: gd44zANWj2Y
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Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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