Women, What Do You Find Most Confusing About Men? (r/AskReddit)

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ah slash ask reddit women what do you find most confusing about men how men and their male friends don't really talk about anything important going on in their lives with one another they will go through the worst heartbreak of their lives and not say anything about it they don't communicate about major life events or ask each other deep questions only always talking about surface level shit like music or fishing and it baffles me sort by controversial see you around guys i'm going in how they make friends with everyone seriously i was at work and saw two guys get in a massive screaming match almost fighting i grab security and when we go to check it the two guys are standing and laughing they weren't even friends they didn't know each other before that night and suddenly their best butts is the meaning of life written on your butt cheeks why do you try to hide it at all costs is your asshole sacred why does it take you so long to poop do you not have enough fiber in your diet a man poops unfathomably large to a woman and just takes so much effort to pass maybe you're just sitting there playing on your phone most men i've met spend at least half an hour each time pooping if a woman spent a half an hour on the toilet you'd be worried she passed out in there or something what always confused me about my fiance is how he doesn't know anything about his family or friends i asked him why his parents moved to our city we lived in now it's a small town so i'm always curious how people end up here and he's like i don't know so i went and asked his mom what brought them here and she went into this whole thing about how when they got out of the navy and mike fiance dad got an opportunity to be a partner in a company down here my fiance sat there slack joran said i just thought dad worked for that company i didn't know he was part owner we have had several of these types of moments in the past six years we've been today it just amazes me he doesn't think to ask just basic questions why do you spit on the ground i've never seen a single woman do this why men rarely ask for further detail husband and friend make plans to have a games night starting 5 p.m at friends place that's all the info covered should we bring any games it is at dinner time are we eating there are we meant to bring food how many people are we feeding who is going to be there nothing he knows nothing why is it that if i send you a message that has three plus parts you only respond to the least important part if i'm like hey i saw our mutual friend while running errands let me know what you want for dinner i'm about to go pick it up and did you take out the trash i get a response that says oh yeah dave haven't seen him in a while your nipples do you want me to play with them or not i'll use my wife's shampoo sometimes just because the smell reminds me of her and that makes me happy i haven't noticed this with girls but i have noticed that my husband will just like stare out into space with severe concentration and i'll be like what's wrong babe and he will say something like if all of our pets attacked me at once do you think i could fight them off i've seen other guys do this too it's just so fascinating we have a medium pit mix a small chihuahua makes two ferrets and a hamster so the answer was probably yes unless he was asleep then maybe the medium dog could best him when you guys wear skinny jeans where tf does your dick go like not sexually but as a concerned person does that get tucked or something wouldn't that hurt when you take off your jeans at the end of the day edit i now know why people say r.i.p to their inbox damn also i do know guys who wear skinny jeans they're a lot better in retail warehousing where i used to work than those annoying dress pants why they hide the fact that they are obsessed with hugs and other platonic forms of physical affection edit to all the women out there try to give your guy friends an occasional pat on the back or ask them if they want a hug from time to time i had a friend who really appreciated it why they will throw their clothing on the floor next to the hamper when there is a perfectly good hamper right next to them battling their refusal to see a doctor even if they have the means um your leg has fallen off tis but a scratch why are guys so apprehensive about receiving gifts buddy i found a cool pair of socks that looks like a shark is eating your foot and i paid next to nothing for it why do you have to act like you now have to pay for my college tuition can i not just gift guys things for fun why are guys so apprehensive about getting feminine products for their daughter wife girlfriend act edit bro thanks for the responses most of the guys i know are apprehensive so it's nice to know a lot of your aunt d my wife says she never understood how my friend walks into the apartment and goes straight to the kitchen and grabs stuff to eat drink like it's his own home on top of it i don't give up she says she could never do with her girlfriends how little they know about their friends my husband was friends with a guy for years and didn't know how old he was hey i don't want to nag but can you take out of the trash him yep me seize trash their next day why some of the guys i know turn in completely different people when around their friends i've seen women do it as well but never that big of a 180 is the men i know in dutch guys call each other pick which in english means dick but they say it in a friendly way because they're mates why call each other dick i know my gf is mind baffled by this but when she is pissed and having a terrible day she wants me to distract her and talk to her and be there for her when i'm mad and or upset i like to be alone and distracted i don't want to talk about it because it reminds me of the issue and i can't move on from it i just want to play basketball or video games i want to be left alone how they can't think about nothing my brain thinks of 5 million things 24 stroke 7 and i wish i knew the secret to turning it off that guys can go from fighting and beating each other up to suddenly being back to friends are you guys really friends is it just taking frustration out on each other what is it and how he uses my expensive shampoo to wash his whole body when there is a bar of soap right there vague talk are you breaking up with me are you asking for a future make up your damned mind and don't be afraid to hurt my feelings or be honest is this exclusive or would it be weird if i went on a date with someone else dude tell me where you're at not a woman but i can't understand why so many men don't wear sunscreen stop trying to throw hands with the sun you're not going to win this helps me explain a lot whether or not they're into a woman swear to god one day they can display evidence of attraction then the next it's like a switch went off and they want nothing to do with you i've realized over the years sometimes it's just a bad day for them and not about me at all however i still can't read them lol edit holy shit i did not expect this to blow up nice try cosmopolitan you come over every day want to hold my hand touch me kiss me dance in the kitchen together while cooking our dinner tell me your secrets and dreams have passionate sex but claim you don't have any feelings for me even when though men can take a leak without sitting on the toilet how can they aim with a flaccid penis or is it flaccid why they are only into me when i'm completely indifferent to them and are zero percent into me when i actually like them how insults can actually be jokes and why sports are so fascinating shaves did you clean the sink yep looks and think what the fuck edit definitely not just guys but it was a male specific question advice for girls if you find something confusing ask them whether he's a co-worker friend or more importantly boyfriend guys don't mind explaining why they did things we have a reason it may be a dumb reason that it's dictated by a train of thought we also prefer girls to be direct rather than cloak and dagger the more we know about each other the easier things are likewise if a guy asks you why you did something we always interested in brushing up on any sort of girl logic at any given opportunity apparently men can go into mental neutral and not think about anything if this is true how the fuck does that even work also hands and pants when watching tv relaxing don't get it edit this blew up how do i clear my inbox why don't you like flowers they're nice and pretty and make the room smell nice i want to buy flowers for all my loved ones but men don't seem to give a shit about flowers edit i now understand but i still think flowers are dope and it makes sad that you guys don't like them yeah they die but so does everything in life and not all things look nice and make your room smell pretty also they aren't that expensive you can get them cheap at the supermarket and they still make the room nice how i can tell my husband where something is and he can look right at it and say with certainty it's not there edit in order to calm at least one replier in this thread let me assure you that there is not a lot of ass sitting happening in this house get off your ass and help him hahaha nor is anyone here so overly stressed that they literally lose their eyesight this is a pretty common occurrence evidently with scientific reasoning calm yourself man talking golf to friends i was on the third hole my second shot my ball was in the second cut about six feet from that big oak tree and about three feet from that big roof that looks like a skinny chick's ass i used my three wood and hit the perfect shot landing just two feet from the pin wife can you pick up third child from school today man what school does he go to edit my first silver thank you confession this is a made-up scenario to illustrate that i find it confusing that men can remember so much vivid detail about golf and not other things i actually find it quite charming about my husband how he remembers golf the response used a third child because it would be much easier to lose track of where your third child goes to school the first child everything is new but by the time a third child comes around and you have kids possibly at three different schools it would be easier to mix it up i use this example as an exaggeration of something my ex-husband once said the actual situation comment was me will you go to a beating at second child school at seven o'clock ex-husband okay where is the entrance to the school why they persist once you say you aren't interested or are married i make a point of showing my wedding ring edit a word what's the deal with guys not wanting to use lotion or chapstick every guy i've dated thus far has denied my offer for lotion or chapstick when they complain about having chapped lips and dry skin edit oh god this comment really blew up those handshakes you do how do you coordinate it it baffles me a guy asked my friend for her number he never called something similar happened to me why even bother getting someone's phone number edit in my case we texted and agreed to meet up on a certain day and grab drinks fast forward on saturday a friday he all of a sudden texts me saying that he has to work now because his colleague called in sick he works in a bar he tells me he's going to message me on monday so we could set something up again but he never did i'm assuming he got nervous or met someone else scroll through channels on tv c's movie does not know when it started has zero context about the plot watches the rest of the movie anyway when you poke a man's belly button he feels it in his penis when their skin is crusty and breaking out but refuse to use skin care products like facial masks to fix it because they find it too feminine like buddy everyone has skin it's no big deal using these products how they absolutely refuse to ask for help back when we had no smartphones we were trying to find my friend's street and this guy i was with preferred to walk aimlessly for 30 minutes before i had enough and dared to ask someone for directions that they want more alone time than they want to be around their partner edit this blew up massively thanks guys no wonder it's really relatable edit too thanks for the silver peeps what is up with having friends that give you shit and attitude and it's all good it's like you all like to torment each other and laugh about it not all men just the ones i know edit awesome responses it puts it into perspective lol [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 9,833
Rating: 4.8284426 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/askwomen, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: elaK9-lQl6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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