Morgz vs Mum

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[Music] [Applause] hello YouTube I've put on the same outfit that I'm wearing in this video to tell you that this is a stream highlight if you want to see this stuff happen live then follow me on Twitch slash kotico perhaps it's marks time now let's go to the trending page here this is a ton trending and then it's dear mom I guess this is a diss track against his mom and then 9th on trending is her diss track back and they both look exactly the same someone someone at you two tits they gotta have like some in at YouTube or something like that this is a little bit weird right this is a little bit too coordinated right here just sitting next to each other on trending isn't it someone tell me what the deal with morgues is I haven't watched any videos on him I know that he's annoying I think that people have tweeted me before his videos being like he's so annoying you got to do something but when I saw this I was like oh my god this might be perfect for stream because I like watching things for the first time with y'all are you ready starts with him doing an L not a good start you know what I'm gonna throw the phones on for this yo [Music] damn whatever his mom did must have been crazy dude he's not a resentment a rapper and yet he's making a diss track she must have really paved him off damn morgues as in his feelings from his mom [Music] what is it what is that dude what what a fucking cock tease what a tease what what a tease you can't insure like that I'm not a rapper I'm not a rapper book mom you made me do this and then cut to it fucking intro text where you just remove the beat ok ok ok and then it cuts back in I see what he's doing what this is a weird thing to say to your mom are you threatening your mom with a gun I'm gonna shoot you down mum with a gun like a gun are you saying you're gonna shoot your mom dude starting off hot in this district that's just straight-up mean that's just straight-up mean that's some shit people say to me [Music] this is just mean this is mean you're a weak and your muscles are achy and nobody likes your meatloaf mum but yeah you always make meatloaf and everyone always complements it but nobody likes say we talk shit about it behind your back and you're 90 years old this is why dad left your mum just getting way too personal this is why your sister doesn't talk to you anymore and your meatloaf sucks us it gives me gas mom this is pretty funny actually this dude it's funny like ironically because of how hard he's going on his own bomb face makes me want to vomit oh god that's so fucked up burnt fucking owned mom suck on that the only bars you've got is chocolate the only bars you got is that Zen X you take for anxiety mom suck on that [Music] yo first you said you're gonna shoot your mom I mean you didn't say that but that's how I took it and now you're talking about your mom's having a front-row seat having courtside seats at your mom's funeral because you killed her with this diss track this is a little bit too much for me I think all right that was hot that was good I'll give that dissing an old person for not knowing how to use an iPhone isn't kind of funny why is you Tex why is your font size so big on your iPhone I wonder what like clearly a producer who knows what he's doing recorded this and mixed it and everything because his voice sounds really good and the sound the songs really full and it's like well-made but like you think he's you think that engineer or whatever is listening to him record this and he's like yeah good stuff make it going yeah yeah we'll do other tape [Music] so funny rapping about making your mom's youtube career I'm a Jew you'd be nothing on this website if it weren't for me mum dog just you just tell your mom to call you mr. what encore Oh second verse the second verse what how would that even how would that be like legally are you gonna emancipate is she gonna emancipate you I don't think that's even possible for her not to be your mum are you saying you're gonna diss your mom so hard that it's gonna remove the genetic link between you and her because if so that is hardest fuck that is a bar right there this is crazy this is crazy you think I thought what I thought when I was gonna click this that it was gonna be like a friendly like like the phone joke like Oh mom mom you're always so worried why are you always so worried you know like bars like that but this is just this is way further on the intense scale [Music] damn again kind of I'm excited to see the moms response though I'd say overall I'll give this diss track it's I'm gonna give it like an 8 for how hard he went on his own mom because that just takes doesn't even take balls that just takes insanity to do that it's just weird it's weird and intense and you have to you almost have to respect it a little bit because it's like damn this guy just told his told his mom that her face makes him wanna vomit that's that's metal it's pretty meddling but I'm gonna give it like a 2 for like flow and and listen ability let's check the moms out I'm excited to see what the mom's responses but if she's like molds your dick is tiny and I know that for a fact I raced you I've seen your penis it's small I've seen your nub it's a shrimp okay are you ready for morgues mom is her rap name are we ready [Music] both use that why'd they both use that I'm fuckin with the moms already man because morgues use the rhyming insult at the end you would just went straight up front you went you morgues know what you know what you can't rhyme actually [Music] what the fuck she did it twice she said it twice she just did it twice wait like 10 seconds holy fuck kinda hard yeah fuckin oh this is a mom flow right here big mom flow energy dude calling your child ugly is so funny did you just call your own child ugly do you know where he came from you just called your own offspring ugly do you know where he came from two moms [Music] third time third time she said that sick I gotta say I gotta say this chorus scores bumps dude this chorus goes high this goes harder than Morris's hell yeah flex on a morgues mum flex on this dude kinda looks like a penis [Music] he's about to go in bold Martin this is a creepy frame to pause it on Bob Martin's about to go in we got some ball ball Martin going in dude going in he's laying down these balled bars on that your piece of course again she's gonna do the rhyme joke one more time that's five times five times in this video I gotta say I gotta say morgues mom and Bob Martin blew me the fuck away morgues you didn't you just couldn't keep up he got slaughtered by your mom even though you said you were gonna kill your mom and that hurt her face made you want to blow chunks your mom took you out to the park and she put you in one of those little baby swings and she pushed you on the swing that's what she did you you're a fully grown adult man and she puts you in a little baby swing and she swung you that's what she did with this diss track this is some good old family fun man thanks so much for tuning in today and we'll see you guys next time [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,739,977
Rating: 4.9644623 out of 5
Keywords: morgz, mum, diss, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: tOZw2nfCg50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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