Mad Libs w/ Kelsey

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[Music] [Applause] cowsy you wanna do some ad-libs [Music] okay Madeline time anyway so yeah this old website from windows 6 I found look at this right Matt takes so you already know this is gonna be say knee okay this is my dream man adlet okay mmm adjective [Music] another adjective what wet celebrity Chrissy Teigen celebrity John Legend animal tiger verb sweat that's a verb right like I sweat to sweat okay noun hot hat okay much less like bland but I think that could be no but I think now we're talking oh you want dildo hat for this one okay well go dildo for the first one half for the second the part of body tank it's always got to be tamed adverb mostly adjective chat give us an adjective succulent love it adverb kindly kindly oh I like that adjective again decadent Dec ident adjective hairy part of body weenus weenus thanks my wenis another adjective godlike okay noun is in all caps another noun Diva Cup what's a Diva Cup it's like environmentally-friendly Oh just catches all this yummy oh it's reusable nice teacup young person in room Cody are you are we ready to go mad let's go man are we ready to go mad go mad my dream man should first of all be very five nine and away both describe me five nine and wet I'm often wet from sweating when I'm gaming or in a high-pressure situation I tend to sweat a lot you should have a physique like Chrissy Teigen a profile like John Legend I mean intelligence of a tiger very smart animals he must be polite and must always remember to sweat my dildo to tip his hats and to take my taint when crossing the street what does take my taint just grab well yeah I don't think they were thinking we're gonna say taint you should move moistly it's something I've also mastered have a succulent voice and should always dress kindly I would also like him to be a decadent dancer and when we are alone he should whisper hairy nothings into make it difficult it's my god Perry Nothings is that like one Direction's gonna get back together Harry Styles has godlike Jess I know a Diva Cup is hard to find in fact the only one I can think of is Kody are you kidding me love letter three all right name of person in room chili Kelsi noun ya know piano superlative ending a nest sexiest a pineapple nice body part chocolate starfish body yeah that's the asshole you can't you could say Diva Cup I can't say chocolate starfish body part how about I just write back wall okay right okay fine what all right okay all right balloon there we go oh my god no I'm giving a balloon not verb ending in Eng now motorcycle verb cooking event okay alright P day of the week Thursday why you say Thursday okay riding verb eating place Church time span 69 years baby verb give me a verb chat sin thing yeah adverb frictionless name of person in room Cody but this better be a good one it's gonna be to Kelsey from Cody okay this time I'm not gonna let you guys see it okay we're just gonna read it out like this I mean it let's go mad dear Kelsey and just come to my piano that you're the sexiest girl in the pineapple my balloon art my balloon not starts a motorcycle every time you speak I would like to cooking if you want to go to the Coachella with me next Thursday if you garden if you riding please eating me at the church in 69 years I simple you and everything about you frictionlessly Cody that does that does sound like something I write you this is a long one alright let's make this one super dirty okay nice noun plural tits absolutely tits occupation porn star porn star now should we do dildo hat for this one adjective slimy verb come like I like I came not like the noun bra that's dirty this is a fourth this is a fourteen-year-old playing dirty mad libs come bra song verb ending an e deboned dominated number 69 obviously noun plural sweet ass boobs verb ooh flaccid is a great one for adjectives nice work whoever came up with that adjective oh I like sloppy will do massive for this one is there another verb rob now suckle someone said suckle ok let's start thinking outside the box here I'm trying to think noun a porn hub that's a noun right yeah sex swing nice cactus noun plural Fritos verb um fricked septum verb there is a throb yeah Oh stroke that's a good one right yeah stroke oh all caps cool all caps for that six o'clock Thursday your big Thursday Stan verb ending in s socks no I'm gonna do suckles for that one verb Crouch crowd Oh what about mounts for the last verb adjective spiky body part plural this is the last one let's toes the body part is the sweet sultry toes of yours I'm going mad we're gonna read it for you go mad ladies and gentlemen of the bicep of 420 we're tits we're tits if I could offer you only one tip for the future tits would be as the long-term benefits of tits have been proven by foreign stars whereas the rest of my advice has no dildo hat more reliable than my own slimy experience I will come this advice now imagine being the level of philosopher where you can come advise break up with him yeah save your money oh you will not understand the bra and thong of your youth until they've dominated but trust me in 69 years you'll look back at sweet ass boobs of yourself and Rico and recall in a way you can't peg now how flaccid you really looked did Confucius write this you are not as sloppy as you imagine don't worry about the pornhub or worry but know that worrying is as effective as trying to throb a sex swing equation by penetrating a cactus the real freedom wall in your life are apt I was like apartment what the are apt to be things that never Frick - you're worried septum the kind that stroke you at sex o'clock on some massive Thursday yes I'm getting horny do one thing every day that suckles you please crouch don't be spiky with other people's those sweet sultry little toes of yours don't put up with people who are spiky with yours mounts but trust me on the tens thank you guys for joining us today for the stream appreciate you [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,483,641
Rating: 4.9818001 out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, twitch, live, mad lib, kelsey kreppel
Id: pr3OiTIkCFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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