The Best Prank On YouTube (not a prank)

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all right look i know i've seen all the i've seen all the comments about how this room is getting really dirty and how it looks like uh i'm always in the midst of moving um so i uh fixed it i don't know where i am i'm gonna have to figure it out when i'm editing so you know maybe it's like a cool um you know it's like a water park whoa i'm going down a slide whoa all right you know what [ __ ] this you know it's been a minute since we checked in with our favorite group of brothers the dober bros the dober broskies now if you haven't seen you know any any of my past videos on them or whatever they're the guys on twitter that you might have seen you know during their meet and greet where you know here here's the clip they're those dudes and you know what they're still doing their thing we haven't checked in on them in a minute but they're still doing their thing they're vibing on youtube man you know stuff like secretly putting food on college students heads or asking each other's wives to to marry them you know like normal stuff normal youtube stuff however recently this video popped into my recommended from cyrus and his wife cyrus dobre and it's like on their spin-off channel called cyrus and christina they all have spin-off channels um you know to maximize cash flow baby except for this brother for some reason i don't know he doesn't have a spin-off maybe because he doesn't like money [ __ ] loser anyway so this video oh it's so good you know every time i do a video about the dober bros i'm like you know that's the last time i'm gonna i'm gonna talk about them because it's just like you know they're not making they're not making videos for us they're making videos for kids we're not the ones that are supposed to be watching them but god damn it's fun it really is they're just oh seriously this one is so good we we just have we have to watch it together we do it's called i crashed my wife's mclaren and then in parentheses not a prank and from the thumbnail it looks like they got in a pretty bad fender bender which is never good you know that's never a fun situation to be in no matter what car you're in let alone a [ __ ] mclaren so i mean this has got to be a pretty pretty juicy vid right right full of well let's see what happens [Music] [ __ ] epic epic intro right away it's very clear that they are rich guys this is not a prank this is actually a video not a prank it's a video okay got it oh my gosh i can't believe i've brought myself to this point where i'm gonna do this today i'm going to be crashing my girls mclaren what wait a minute he's crashing it on purpose hmm that's what he means by not a prank i kind of assume by not a prank he meant it was an accident but no he's gonna do it on purpose like you would a prank but then he's just not gonna say it was a prank after he's just gonna be like well i guess you gotta get that fix now did i think this through yes do i know what's gonna come out of it no do i know what it's gonna come out of it is that what he just said do i know what's gonna come out of it no do i know what it's gonna come out of it what i do know is i'm gonna be paying the bills for the damage for her car in addition to mine but this is for you youtube i don't know if anyone on youtube really wants to see this i mean i don't know you're crashing a supercar into another supercar i'm guessing you know these are cars that like the vast majority of people you know can only dream of being able to afford and you're just gonna [ __ ] crash them into each other as a prank oh no sorry not as a prank my apologies i have the keys to her car and i told her you know what i'll start the car for you i'm also going to suggest her how about we switch driving cars today the old switcheroo classic cyrus classic hey babe you want to swap mclarens today we've all said that come on hey babe you want to drive my supercar and i'll drive your supercar let's hope she goes for it and hopefully the bill is not too expensive but if it is hey i got myself into this mess and i'm prepared oh i here's a here's a way you know cyrus i i just thought of a way that you can make the bill not as expensive maybe just don't do it right then the bill would be carry the one zero how about we switch cars today let me drive the mclaren you can drive my car yeah you down why just for fun i miss driving you know the 570 it's been a while okay i already started the car and everything so i'm just waiting outside all right yeah we'll go to the mall or something okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait they're going to the same place well then why aren't they driving together they're going to the mall but they're taking separate sports cars because i mean i guess if you got them you got to flex them right [ __ ] the environment dude being environmentally friendly is for people that aren't rich and if you have something to say about that then i can't hear you over the sound of all my cars running at once air conditioning full blast in every single one of them there you go do you know how to drive the car i've never driven it all right i'll push the gas right i guess so yeah i'll be behind you you can be in front of me oh my god he said you know how to drive it and she said i've never driven it you just press the gas right what are you 14 what you should not own this [ __ ] car all right guys here we go the car is right in front oh my gosh i'm nervous dude what if he just [ __ ] floored it what if he just went 60 just and just [ __ ] her up just [ __ ] peddled the floor 100 miles an hour directly at her he's just screaming all right she's way ahead of me so this is definitely going to surprise her once we get to the stop sign guys i'm going to rear-end her all right i'm going to put some dashboard because i don't want to record while driving well you don't want to record while driving why is it because you might crash all right guys here goes something oh my gosh i have so much adrenaline i have so much adrenaline the number one sign of someone who's going through a crazy adrenaline rush is them saying i have so much adrenaline i have so much adrenaline i have so much adrenaline i can feel the adrenaline i have so much adrenaline i can feel the adrenaline in my ball sack oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] that was the crash that was it you guys we got bamboozled it was all fake he faked it ah cyrus you [ __ ] okay obviously this was gonna be fake obviously but you think if you would if you were gonna fake a car crash you would pick a better sound effect than this what the [ __ ] it's like they made it quieter it's like they added it and then took the volume down dude that sounds like one of those little monkeys with two symbols going like dude if you're i could [ __ ] fake this better right now in my chair i could make this more believable that i just got in a car crash than this damn i have so much adrenaline acting [ __ ] learn about it also this is such a weird thing to fake it's definitely assault right doing this if he actually did this this would be assault right like purposely rear-ending someone you could injure them maybe that's the next video i'm pressing charges on my husband not a prank all right let's see her reaction babe what happened [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck wait what so the car is actually [ __ ] up hold up hold up just a tick the cars actually messed up and they if they faked this that means that the car was already [ __ ] up which means that she crashed her mclaren and then i guess they were basically like how are we going to pay for this and cyrus is like i got an idea my covers came off wait his car is [ __ ] up too did they not did they not fake it what is going on i don't know what to believe anymore i have so much adrenaline this oh my gosh actual piece came off why are you recording what what is that like what's that i mean babe i just happen to have the camera in my car i don't know i mean i don't know baby i just happen to have the camera i just it just was there and you know me if i see a camera i start filming classic cyrus oh my gosh it's cracked oh crap it's cracked look at this no crap it's cracked oh crap it's cracked no crap it's cracked you crapping crap-face god what are you smoking crack it was by accident i wasn't paying attention i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention oh my gosh it's embarrassing so you see this would be the moment where normally he would go it's a prank it's a prank but it's not a prank and so i guess instead he's just opting for lying about it and claiming it was an accident and then i guess hoping she doesn't watch this video all right we'll go home we'll go home yeah wait she just said let's go home we're in the middle of nowhere didn't you just drive down the [ __ ] street holy crap oh man she dipped out of here she went right back home did you guys see that did you see what happened in the car wait what what no i didn't see it what happened [Music] ew what the [ __ ] was that [Music] did he just come i can't believe i just did that so it's it's scratched up a bit in the front so it went kind of like under my car and um a bit of the hood is cracked in a bit of the bumper or not the bumper the the front end yeah oh man oh man you can see the [ __ ] hamster wheel turning up there not the bumper the um um the front end service what the heck i'm sorry i just what was the point like how what happened i don't know baby i thought that he's still talking to the camera like dude you just [ __ ] crashed your wife's car and now you're arguing with her and he's still like babe i don't know it was a [ __ ] accident i have no idea what happened yeah babe i mean i'll get it fixed whatever i'll pay for it i promise i'll pay for it oh my gosh the wrap came off you can see the orange paint it scratched even the paint cyrus i'll pay for it i promise okay babe we gotta do it for our subscribers i mean never been done before sorry you can see the first channel do it on youtube crashing super car on purpose first channel ever first channel ever to crash a [ __ ] mclaren on purpose first channel ever to do that on youtube baby freedom and we we are the craziest channel on youtube cyrus fam join us next week where i will be lighting my own house on fire and [ __ ] watching my possessions burn to the ground you got nothing to worry about but you're nuts and i'm buying dinner tonight we're going a beautiful day you're gonna forgive me right that's how love works yes that's how love works it is in fact i've never seen love represented so beautifully by any piece of media than this video love is crashing your wife's 300 000 car on purpose and then going ah i love you i'm sorry i'll fix it that's love it's beautiful man what a video that [ __ ] rule by the way i have to i have to mention this him and his wife they make songs together and uh his wife's like stage name or like her instagram name everything is stina k but i can't not read it as sting k it looks like it says stinky which is like it looks like stinky hey what up hey what up it's stinky and i'm about to go in on this stinky ass beat i'm about to crap all over this beat cause i'm stinky thanks for watching cyrus fam i'll see you stinky [ __ ] in the next video i just came again guys i want to thank the sponsor of this video which of course is sea geek my favorite ticketing app platform in the entire world sea geek is a wonderful website and app where you can get tickets to any live event it aggregates tickets from all over the web they score the tickets for you there's an interactive seat map so you can see exactly where you're sitting uh all in all it's a fantastic experience and so if you download the app right now using the link in the description and use my code codyco you can get 20 off your very first order thanks for watching guys later [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 5,397,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i-SnsD0Ic0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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