Snack Tier List

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[Applause] for everybody watching this on YouTube this is a stream highlight come join come follow the stream if you want to see this stuff happen live slash cody KO let's go [Music] she want to suck like a smoothie yeah shit like a smoothie this is gonna be a very frictionless stream today I thought today we'd maybe do a tier list I know I'm like way behind on this but I remember watching these when they were popping like 10 months ago and I was like I would want to make one of these and I just never I never did and so today I thought we would jump into a tier list I want to make a tier list with you guys and I think this is gonna be a collaborative process I want to hear your guys's thoughts on this to snack tier list let's go we're all sitting around quarantine right now let's argue about the best fucking snacks what's the best one what's the worst one what makes you gag what makes you say yeah bring the carrots in I want to carry it yeah good for your eyesight no one gives a shit this is actually a really good way to start carrots are just a vehicle to get ranch into your face stop chewing so I'll stop listening so loud yeah are you so offended now I'm not offended I didn't make these selections by the way this is just like I found this one on this tier list website do you guys know what better chatters are I like that name I like it that it rhymes yeah and it probably to me it probably tastes like you know what let's look it up oh they're like wafers oh maybe I've tried these oh I've tried these are good too we aren't the most informed on this so I think it's fair to just like stick it in the middle they are fake cheez-its it seems like people agree they're just kind of like a cheese cracker I'm gonna go middle I'm gonna go see maybe won't go down to a DA go down to a D the fact that they're not super well known that's like thinking yeah means it yeah probably not that great what the fuck are these what is this is it biscotti what is this last dude sisqó fish Deb forget that Sisco fish whatever it's not bad so we got fish sticks here folks put that in the unedible section is it biscotti okay it is okay I like biscotti I like biscotti but it's not like a snack yeah that's what I'm saying like you can't sit down and watch a show with a box of the babe get the biscottis you can only every want one yeah and it's like it's a dense yeah your mouth is dry it's like harder one in the morning with your coffee dip it in your coffee that yeah yeah it's more of like a morning snack right so it's not unedible I'm gonna go I'm gonna write this to see though because I do like Scottie but it's not something like even when I'm at Starbucks and I see the Jharia coffee shop I see the jar it's like it's never time for a biscotti yeah bugles now we're fucking talking like weren't they like banned because they were so goddamn good wait they were banned um I think it was bugles at some point because they were like so bad for you bugles band yeah oh no in 2008 they went away in Canada which sucks I remember that because then I went to the states maybe I was just met a Canadian and they were like bugles have been banned and I was like what the fuck you're like must be because they're so damn good I'm gonna go be for this because you don't find me right now you you wouldn't catch me with a bag of bugles in my pantry but like if I'm at a gas station on a road trip and I see it maybe that's an indication I'm not never gonna buy a box of biscottis but right bugles I be like yeah I think it's time cheese nips cheese nips are like cheese it but yeah I've never tried them and honestly I don't feel the need for them because we have cheez-its I forget which one is better I think cheese nips are better I said B yeah I'm gonna go be cheetos cheetos cheetos you always think they're not gonna be great and then you have when you're like holy fuck these things rule yeah I think a you think a four yeah do you know those are like classic and once you start you can't really stop like that fingers yeah weirdly sexual let's go hey it's not an S it's still not an S none of these are like another these are like legendary yeah none of these I would you know s is like succulent stupendous snack that's like I'd give my left nut for a bag of these I see I see I see a couple asses here but I wouldn't put Chios there I'm going cheez-its I'm going a medium yeah if I see a box of those things I'm eating some and I will eat the entire box and I will eat the entire box yes I agree Chex Mix a not a it's weird B then B I'll go B be checks which is without pretzels a and those breads not the chip not the chips those are fucking good the brown chips they're like the the long bubbly breads evens out it'll be okay that makes sense okay okay next we got bubbly breads okay chicken biscuits chicken biscuits how do you know I'm one time and I think they were pretty good chicken biscuits their biscuits flavored like chicken that's gross it's not they taste like um like just crackers everyone's saying s it's a really fire like that no I've heard that I think I've tried them and they were good okay let's just do an uninformed be okay cuz we don't know we don't we don't hit we can't ethically put it in the yeah it would not be right cuz we don't know but we're gonna take your guys's word for as we said this is a collaboration oh boy I really do like Chips Ahoy I like them too but we got to kind of think about it are they better than biscotti yeah are they kind of the same you might have one or two there are some other cookies in this in this little queue right here that I see that if I see them I'm going to eat them okay Chips Ahoy sometimes I'm like absolutely fucking not I want to deal with this right now yeah but then there are other times grab Chips Ahoy amazing Chips Ahoy yeah I feel like it's but you never buy them I'm at least me guys they're all look they're always like at a cookout err I always had them in my pantry growing up really my mom loves chips away chips I see chips see for Chips Ahoy yep okay no no that's not fair it's they're better than checks max would you agree with this I'm okay with that okay with someone said move biscotti down no Deluxe never heard putting in the D because I don't like the package 95 anymore Keibler move chicken up can we get off the chicken biscuit okay you know what just for you that's going up there are they really that good we're gonna throw some know put a doubt we can order it and then we can move it once we eat them but we cannot ethically put something we've never tasted in the a or the eggs you're right chips deluxe alright believe them the D I'm over it yeah fuckin no one really gives a shit about these yeah Club I do love these somebody said Club crackers go hard they do they're fucking good oh yeah these go absolutely dumb and I'd say put them in B these go stupid hard B I'm going to be alright these things I don't fuck with these that kind not really yeah that's fine I do like hostess stuff though I like Twinkies ding-dongs are better than cupcakes put the ding-dong this up or everything ting don't know I can't put in C put it in fucking see alright let's leave it and see what do we got are these the powdered Donuts all these stupid no but they're so good these little Donuts Oh Oh looks like we have our next s plies what else he does to save me from myself she tapes the bag shut now we have Bull ranch Cool Ranch I'm gonna go a for this cuz they're not quite as good as chatter not so cheese in my humble opinion same and so that's gonna go a for me I do think though once you get going on those you really can't stop either I think both are pretty amazing they are pretty incredible but it's not it's not stupendous yeah famous famous anus famous anus cookies I love these funky tails the perfect vending machines yeah it's a just because they've cornered the vending machine market and like they make it they make eating multiple cookies a reality yeah yeah yeah cuz you can eat like five of them and it's it's yeah same amount of calories as five cookies or wonder Scottie Oh Fig Newtons nope no way um I say find even I love Fig Newtons I love dates I'm a big fan I'm gonna go I'm gonna go honestly I would go be but I know everyone's gonna be pissed to fuck off Tom minute I'm gonna leave them at the seat just just so we and you're gonna be completely honest here I've never actually had one because I always thought they just looked disgusting they're so good Fritos I love these things me too I'd say see I love these me too let's go happy because like if you really think about it like they're not they're not Cheetos but honestly Fritos might even be D I can't go D okay put him in C oh but it's so salty yeah you can't eat more than one bag because they're so salty right fruit pudding pie you yeah okay next up fun Yun's and these are good you know we like eating these cuz we're we're you know stoners okay Funyuns RND cuz they're trash I don't like Funyuns and I know all the stoners here are gonna get mad and I just wrote stuff okay I'm going F Thin Mints you can if there was a tear down here okay I would just o we just I want to just put this in the trash can actually here I think they're pretty I have to I have to I don't like mint and chocolate I hate it I don't know why people like it so yeah you're right all right you're right it's a C I know everyone loves thin mints and everyone's freaking out of me right now I know you want to know what's the best Girl Scout cookie it's the Samoas Thin Mints can suck my balls goldfish come on right Cody s plus for goldfish goldfish are better than cheez-its and Cheetos oh okay right you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right I wasn't thinking I'm sorry grandma's cookies yeah I've had these before they you think they're gonna be better than they are they're not bad but they're no Famous Amos I'd say B or C let's go see Ho Hos ojos I'd say B I can't remember the last time I had a ho ho those look different in the Ho Hos I know I'm imagining Ho Hos as one thing but they look that those look different I'm gonna go just like D cuz I would never I don't know yeah there are D to me let's see what's next graham crackers graham crackers are going deep because they're like not great but like when you when you're reminded of them you're like oh those are kind of good hey there me they're like thin Biscotti's they're not better or worse than my Scotty's I guess they're the same with with no one would ever sit around snack on graham crackers though no no no I'm believing that D yeah you can just yeah baked chips plastic lathe kettle cooked classic Lay's are they good or bad this is fucking same put him in F ah sorry the viñas I don't know what's going in ask because I don't know what the fuck it is Oh are they oh my god just thinking about gas Nilla wafers no I love Nilla wafers come on they're the best they're staying there because I would go through a box of those things not every butter be yeah be they're not double stuff if they were double stuff it'd be an S but they're going eh okay fine I that was what I thought earlier was gonna be my s+ but I do agree with the double stuff thing although here's the thing you can make them double stuffed easily oh that's true yeah but I don't like I don't you know shall we do a tutorial here we go top and now you got a Double Stuf Milano cookies I'm gonna go B I love these consistency is great the packaging is fantastic the brand is is high high class I love it what is picnic shoestring oh I had these shoestring potatoes I'm gonna stick them down in D because again they're kind of like a kind of an outlier I don't know planter's peanuts I love planters and I'm a big fan you like penis love a good penis I'm gonna go bees I'm sorry I have to do it boom baby [Music] if you disagree with this you're wrong and you're and you're bad and also you're a simple and you're saved all right potato simps I've never tried that I've never had a bag of potatoes every time I see that bag though I like I didn't like long sorry potatoes yeah can't even say it Premium this is the six fucking crackers those are to me personally Pisa goodness listen to me personally those are s+ oh my god saltines are so fucking good this makes me think about having coronavirus I mean they're good and they're so like basic like they're so simple it's beautiful it's just a stupid cracker with a little salt on it yeah there are I think they're be Pringles I've never had these before put em in a yeah that's an a Pringles isn't a it's not an s Ritz crackers hey so good Ritz crackers yeah that could even be I don't know that they are pretty buttery and Oh what do we think s+ yeah yeah s+ okay you know what that means I can't get up and dance this time cuz Chile is asleep on my lap you simp clubs are better than Ritz oh they are no Ritz are so good the butter on the ridge yeah I I can see what you're saying there with club with the club's original ruffles put them right in this low line of F's right there the this and this both plain snacks checks max rolled gold both plain snacks you said ruffles that goes on the plane chip the only remain chips that got the exception were Pringles snowballs I've never had it I don't even know what the fuck is this I'm gonna leave them up here cuz it's funny no no no no that's true ethically we can't yeah Snyder's are these a little like thick pretzel things that are flavored yeah Chet it's cheddar these are these are ass 100% this is s wait a minute ass let's do it with Sun Chips yep all right okay let's keep going raisins raisins oh the audacity of whoever made this shit to put fucking raisins in here I can't even rate I can't even say it Ray Ray Ray Ray you don't fucking know out of breath if you don't agree with Tim Tams being at everyone agrees that's how you know Tim Tams are the best snack and everyone here is yes Tim tabs are for the elite yes they are it's just the best not just Eidos hint of lime I love these like it's a good me too but it's it's good it's like peanuts it's like Milano's Triscuit see I do love Triscuit they are good be Twinkies see ya I'm fine go and see I'll lay down but I'm not gonna like seek them out it's like a biscotti you know we Hey okay that's fine and last but not least zingers zingers which we all know and love yep and there we have it folks there you have it folks this is the official ranking of quarantine snacks and I'm so hungry now so it's time to eat some snacks ourselves true always time to have some Tim Tams I think ooh we do have those turn up for Tim Tams [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,976,534
Rating: 4.9494529 out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, kelsey kreppel, tier list
Id: 8zkcOSTAI-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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