Monster Factory | Ronnie Faeburger is a fresh take on Ronald McDonald

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Can't believe the boys would waste their time on such a babies game (for babies)

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/jachiche 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really wish they wouldn't put the final result as the thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/CleverInnuendo 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Its unfortunate how pleasant a character demons souls makes now. In the og it was damn near impossible to make a non monster character.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/f33f33nkou 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/renegadecrossing 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did anyone else get Magnus Burnsides vibes when they first put the extra long sideburns on with no beard?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shawnaeatscats 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

What is up my guys, girls, and non-binary pearls!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TomTomSoup 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
600 beautiful souls up there yeah we got to claim them wow excuse excuse me scoozy scoozy [Music] it is it is a truly truly terrible shortcut that's not a good shortcut [Music] the soul still burns of a demon the demon's soul burns brightly on a next-gen experience justin kaz and the boys done done it again thank you kaz thank you mr charney thank you mr cerney for your mini googa chips this is our first next generation monster factory experience and it's it's interesting to see how the different flops and chips have been optimized for our purposes we sat in on of course some early some of the early uh different talk about guns [Laughter] i like this let's start here and let's see what we can do with it let's do a cursory sort of yeah what do we got kick the tires on this a little bit you all you all can't appreciate this as layman but right now griffin's brain is doing a lot of different permutations he's running it's much like a a queen's gambit and she can uh see all the different permutations when i go to sleep at night i look up at the ceiling and just big faces look back down at me and it's the worst it's the it's simply the worst i gotta tell you it's harsh in my vibe a little bit the lack of a similar similar face we're here now we're here now but i really i'll be honest that's just that just is a shortcut for us and i think maybe we should stop taking so many damn shortcuts that's what i've been saying in all our meetings and all the production meetings i've been saying that we'll turn up the depth slider to zero we want no depth depth rep representation here on this one eyebrows don't eyebrows deactivate just gonna get in the way of my blade demon souls is no [ __ ] joke man like it's got there are no cheat codes for this one and i i looked i plugged it in my game shirt my game shark said this is a digital this is digital data and not a super nintendo thing you just set it on top of your playstation 5. right and it didn't do nothing my main eye color okay ooh what about blue what if we did like [ __ ] brad ass like ryden from the mortal kombat film pretty cool glow hell yeah oh yeah he's he's and he's like um do you know what happens to uh toad who gets struck by my thunder you know griffin you said he but i'm looking at at this uh character we've created here yeah and you know what i'm thinking what's that i'm thinking we're flying in the face of the gender binary on this one it's feeling that way i think we're gonna i think we're gonna eschew this is what i would propose when you're holding a pole axe and you're jabbing it through a demon the demon's like what's your gender though you know what i mean yeah we are freeing ourselves from the gender binary we don't need us yesterday the tattoos i worry that maybe they didn't think through though that does feel they unless you think it's a hate the they hate their own tattoos they got they got them in college they just started working with hal birds and all their other halberd friends were like we're getting fake listen guys this has been the best halberd class ever and i want to remember you all forever i'll never forget my halberd friends [ __ ] jim halbert the instructor in the class jim albert these sliders are not igniting me juice well that's this the the breaks is it i would think with a next-gen experience like this they would well teeth is good yeah yay we always do kind of we always do kind of [ __ ] up busted grills but is it possible for us but the offerings aren't always this generous usually in our defense i mean come on whoa can i say the fangs are like their own narrative well which thanks because we have these where it's just like you get a few fangs and then this one is oops all fangs let's shape the mouth let's shape the mouth first luscious what about a little tiny mouth full of sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp teeth over here this is my where i keep my teeth my sharp ones don't look in here oh no you saw them it's embarrassing i'm not before okay here is let's turn hair to no real quick okay you know what let's get the decals off too i feel like it's hardcore wow we're painting on a canvas that already has [ __ ] on thank you yes when was the last time we had just like a nice fush a nice fush gun to my head i'm not sure i know what fuchsia like this you let me know when we hit you're in you're in the county you're in fusion county county okay some of this looks pretty [ __ ] badass though yeah the dark purple is like so radical don't you think i'm an amethyst i like this amethyst vibe this amethyst yeah we're kind of making a destiny person a little a little bit a little bit guardian i'm here guardian come to me zavala i done jumped now it's demons not aliens help me help me zavala this is literally a destiny we are this is literally my character in destiny you may want to mix it up yeah why are you changing the skin color again because it was looking like destiny is not lots of things are purple griffin now that's like pee pee are you proud of yourself do you like a pee pee person yeah justin i guess it's gonna be a pee pee i guess kaz is gonna have to watch this one and be like no my next-gen experience they're making a pee-pee person that's great representation oh did you hear the mcelroy brothers i finally had the guts to break the shackles of the gender binary yeah they made a peepee person it's grand one we can't just it would be disingenuous dissent why is that word hard to say there's some genuine it would be disingenuous to not make a peepee person if that's where the spirit is like leading us [ __ ] yes how are they gonna go so cowardly with jawlines and make these huge titanic swings on facial air this rips baby what if we made just a full-blown beard pp person i don't like that no what no now i do like huge facial hair and then like long flowing beautiful tops there's a lot of hair hair hair everywhere yeah hair yeah i want that [ __ ] to clip oh you're trying to do the classic beard matches the face the skin yeah oh yeah some of the natural pigmentation has has bled over now i want to see i want to see a different hairstyle though cass doesn't like long hair no kaz is not giving us a lot of options oh the pigtails are oh wait that's something okay now what about can we find a color that makes the pigtails work whoa holy [ __ ] that is a statement piece are we making like a cool ronald mcdonald for a new era and also have we done a ronald mcdonald house i don't think we've done a ronald mcdonald that sort of like parties yeah defies the norms defies the purple beard with the red hair looks pretty pretty [ __ ] buck wild yeah [ __ ] that's cool all right obviously we're gonna hide the helmet instantly holy [ __ ] the barbarian that looks so cool whatever's gonna be hardest for you griff whatever is gonna be hardest for me all right ah well i love the look of the barbarian though that starting look is so cool i feel like maybe let's just do one last pass through some stuff maybe revisit a few of the things that we turned off you know we didn't we still haven't messed with decals i feel like these eyebrows are actually really good yeah are actually very good decals it's just it gets it's just getting so much better i like this that's cool yeah that's like a butter it's like a sort of feywild thing i love that oh damn here they come they got half a butterfly like what are they this this is gonna send some skelem's running before the hit ronnie of the faye ronnie of the face gonna [ __ ] you up demons i don't like scars me neither because i feel like i feel like it intimates that romney of the faye has been touched before no yeah never happened that one's really bad i feel like that one's a big story piece though yeah what happened unless ronnie was like changing their oil and they did that accidentally no no creeper ghoul got close enough to do that to ronnie buffet anything else that we want to revisit there's a there was a there was one sort of combo here oh wait yeah i think we picked the mustache maybe a little bit too fast this is a little too it's a little two isn't it just a little two that's good that's look at that little smirk whoa hello a secret third beard no one knew about that's it how many dangles can we get do you think mcdonald's is gonna call us and be like excuse me are you the marketing geniuses that came up with a uh new version of ron mcdonald that is a barbarian and savagely destroys the gender binary and be like yes that is us we are the ones and they're like we want to sue you but also hire you so would you have time during the lawsuit to do some work now i noticed you changed the name to ronnie mcdonald and you thought that would fool us but it didn't actually we're really just kissing the edge of getting sued by a very large corporation at this point not even that big what if we does ronnie of the fae not fit i think ronnie mcdonney no ronnie of the faye has no question about who they are as a person fei burger yes let's [ __ ] him up this is fat clubbing no you know what oh ryan ronnie doesn't engage in dishonorable combat at these [ __ ] beef jerky boys like oh okay now that one started it start [ __ ] get hit that's right that's ronnie's whole thing basically i will say that i do think that's a good rule for this play through is that the enemy does have to start [ __ ] before they get hit that seems fair to me got a few soul remains here let's just use one of those for the first time yeah those are actually so useful i've loved the effect that those had in the game yeah if a big dragon comes at you uh and it has like sharp teeth and fire and stuff to hurt you with it oh shortcut yeah oh i've been hurt i've been injured let me eat some of this uh grass i guess [ __ ] off oh come on ronnie faye burger you can stop please ronnie please ronnie ronnie you're gonna degrade your weapon integrity and your moisturizer ronnie ronnie eat a little grass elo grass ronnie it makes you're not you when you're hungry oh yeah ronnie's a vegetarian which mcdonald's is gonna find challenging i think man i really wicked don't have much magic power look at that little little chode of magic power it is it's not much to speak of no but you do have incredible clubbing power i'm gonna smash your face gonna smash your head and then i'm gonna oh god oh no oh griff okay let me give you a pro strategy codes now wait that is actually you're you're doing the hitting before the [ __ ] has been begun but i think there was an approach there that i think we can all agree was pretty aggro yeah okay great now he's got a [ __ ] now they're just that now they're just hanging i heard that you broke the geneva convention with that last guy so i'm just gonna kick it here you know what i'm gonna really do no weapons no weapons no weapons i see you've got no weapons so i'm just gonna i'm gonna check you out first but then i'm gonna let you go see can you repost with the weapons that's about the worst idea i've ever heard yeah let me try and just use my arm nope didn't no cut through my arm lacerated me got me good i did think it minimized the damage though uppercut kind of dude i would love to see you land one of those yeah me too i bet it feels great one one i mean ronnie faye burger has nothing to mess with but folks that is got himself a little bit of a scenario here huh wait what what what i should sword you but i wait why can't i sword you something's going on what's up now what's up now okay so this is now a punching run let me punch your back can i like suplex them if i oh i just want to see it land once i'm gonna give him a little bit of just just stand just stand right that's embarrassing disrespectful is what i'd say there we go there god that was actually very satisfying he just dropped like a fat sack of potatoes yeah i punched all the oops i forgot there you go so that's one of my five bombs that my dad gave me before he died now listen ronnie burger each of these has been passed down come on that one's on me that one's on me okay what see i think you just deflected i'm not even giving him a chance to swing i'm just getting in there and letting ronnie get [ __ ] hog wild i've never beaten like the boss at the end of this part because you can't you're gonna be there you're supposed to die well i don't know because this punching strat has me so stoked i just desecrated that man by reaching in for his grass i was like let me just get your head out of the way so should i use my bombs or is that just going to be a waste of bombs i mean weiss is is that's a weird way of thinking about it let's go it's all for the walls right come on um you know me i'm all about memes and walls but okay i was not i mean not hugely impactful for sure i would actually not do that anymore but the the punching is oh let me clap those [ __ ] cheeks for you vanguard real quick it seems like your cheeks might need to be clapped that happening grass didn't do still hold on that was good that was good but listen he knows he does he knocked it out for you now okay okay all right so maybe the club is actually good to use i don't know yeah oh my seasonal effects of depression gets worse yeah every time you do an uppercut it doesn't take very much help yeah oh can i do two club club a club club okay bam bam i love this wow okay so just walk walk into the the tenderizer oh this is good this is good now it's really good i don't know why we were actually thinking that no weapons would be better and easier yeah as it turns out that was a bad plan that uh was ineffective the caution you're doing is not very funny yeah that's fair you have two clubs i don't know what nobody could beat you they all have one you have two that's right i have twice as many weapons as these jerks there's no leaping attack in this which still [ __ ] me up a bit oh but there is a just a just an instant club based deletion let me just get a little bit past you there but and then let me just click and then let me just clap oh let's have it so we can just do that to everyone huh demon souls actually is easy is an easy game actually made by the sesame street corporation for little children [Music] ronnie if you stand against that one sort of shitty shelf there's no way that the arrows will reach you you unplug your controller unplug your controller and then it's wire oh hey ronnie actually i've been looking at the situation and it seems like on the ps5 version hey ronnie it ain't gonna work take cover ronnie you don't need to fight these boys there's a boy in here a secret boy they patched that one into the game that one wasn't there the first time i think ronnie can just kind of puff it huh a lot of those just all those jumpers are pretty fast but um i did watch all the speed run strats um and as it turns out it's you can't actually get hit if you keep running because of a bug oh you're not even going to grab those that's a choice we don't we don't who who needs them i don't where's the door here it is come on come on just get by you and then i don't really care about what's in there because if i stop i'm pretty sure i will be um yes i will have all the blood taken on my body uh by uh a bad a couple bad fellows okay a little bit on fire that seems rude okay i would like to heal but this crescent moon grass is effectively some [ __ ] flintstone vitamins oh okay okay we have a couple of a couple more individuals there that um i'm going pretty slow now that's uh that's a shame okay didn't expect someone to be there maybe on the ps3 it wasn't yeah on the original version [ __ ] wow there's a lot of so many those guys must be oh i know that oh that one is still that one okay huh oh that's a very valuable item yeah that'll be the last thing i do before untimely death come on griff eat a little grass bud you're going backwards okay but i unlocked the short guy and locked the shortcut did you i unlocked the shortcut that time you i don't even i can't with actually not right now though not in this exact moment we do now you're going to murder your way to the down there and get that shortcut going on that is that for me yeah i would love to do that for you juice i would do for my brother there's going to be some haters though oh yeah that's actually oh you dumbass oh he got his friend too valuable lever ahead and three [ __ ] wow that's what it says on my underwear what do you think right about there yeah yeah it's perfect oh now there's just three boys oh a second fire bomb oh isn't that how it always goes yeah why did we spend so many on that big boy any other items you can use pine resin on your clubs fire clubs okay okay okay okay we got one oh he got he got me a little bit oh just just a little a little bit just the tip of that oh now the tip of that just got me got me oh no the guys are coming to get me doing doink and then we pull that [ __ ] let's try now you're gonna beat the game demons got that cling ring uh-oh oh no oh geez do you have a strap for the blue-eyed knight up here yeah [ __ ] cut him a hundred thousand times oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh yeah come get a taste there you go there's your moment yeah oh your body got caught up and fight on fire and then you died you gotta go all the way the other end another headed right now sorry about your day wow you were already dead that was so unnecessary i mean i gotta keep going while i got this [ __ ] fire sword nice throw or was it actually a bad throw because it didn't work and you got very badly hurt who's that doug he's cool is he yeah doug's cool he's with me and he said it's fine for the video for you to go on through here yeah he said it's fine for you to pass right by him are you sure yeah no no no no he said it's like so cool damn juice i don't know he seems he's coming to give you ah fresca i don't think that's it actually so two was enough i guess i'm sorry about him he has actually been going through some really challenging stuff yeah like what quarantine man's been hard on it's been hard on all of us huh but let me check the number of stabbings i've done maybe the spear was his way of saying like six feet please it wasn't even an attack it was like that that would make sense if he hadn't sort of rushed me 600 beautiful souls up there yeah we got to claim them wow excuse me scooby scoozy scoozy scoozy [Music] it is it is a truly truly terrible shortcut it's not a good first shot yeah let me pick up those nun souls yes okay yes yeah baby yeah that should we should be in the clear well i think there's a friend down here and friends are what it's all about really if you think about it do my job for me i know that you're wearing underoos that i've had a full mail but i'm not going to battle them i'm going to give you the encouragement you need one more go armor boy use quick attack [ __ ] them up armor boy bad seed bad seed ronnie just watch it from above got it some savagery you got it now i don't want to hurt armor boy but armor boy might have some dope gear and it seems like armor boy is a little cross with me eh i don't think he i think he's still thinking about how good he feels they faced his fears and he came out on top yeah let me just walk around and see if he like mad dogs me no maybe to shake your hand to thank you for the encouragement oh maybe that's it hey you are we okay i'm gonna come down there and if you attack me i'm gonna be pretty po'd that's on me i thought you were the burger king so that that i'm sorry for that no we're fine thank you for inspiring me from his fear he means from his fear oh there's a there's a [ __ ] blue eyes white dragon up there too that sword's awful big bye never mind everything's okay no it's not there it is no it's fine you're okay armor boy come on through come through armor where is what's he oh he found a secret oh wow he's awfully well on out can you maybe eat some grass for him do you want me to eat grass in front of you and you see it and it helps oh armor boy please don't go down there don't go down there oh he's not hey armor boy you should go down there though i'm just going to nudge him towards those stairs nope no no sir sir you need to go down those stairs there's a cool they're having a party for you a surprise party armor boy and it's right down there and it's in those sheds and there's all your best friends and they're coming to armor boy i understand you're afraid okay that's good he's engaged don't take him one at a time armor boy you [ __ ] chicken hey hey hey hey this isn't about us i am fully expecting armor boy to just start attacking me any second i think he's gonna realize that while i have not outright challenged him i haven't done much for no armor boy actually you didn't get the big present armor boy you didn't get the bait that was oh my gosh griffin no i we are allies we are allies let me just get my stamina back let me just get my stamina back and now we're allies oh that's a lot of soulsies huh that's a lot of items what you get the key to the mausoleum don't know what the [ __ ] that is or where it is excuse me i am fast enough and sneaky enough to just kind of do that every time which is very exciting not now what but when you're fighting a blob made of shields the blob mean of shields that one's gonna be new that one's a new experience for ronnie to navigate let me just get in those guts real quick real quick please please please please please this game's like so easy yeah i actually uh fell asleep while i was playing because of how [ __ ] easy it was and my four-year-old picked up the controller and he beat like six he beat like six bosses and he did like a lot of pvp and did really good at it if you go through this door and then hang a left you're gonna be you got some good treasure oh yeah they are there now justin let me just remind you i have so many souls right now and we are recording this on video yeah there's treasures up there though huh the only price you pay is you'll be killed of them and have to redo all the things again and film with some of the shortcuts right hey can i ask you a question yeah does ronnie feyberger's sort of tunic does it have truck nuts on the back of it [Laughter] that's a pretty cool it's a cola little easter egg i think all right let me just let me just try so that won't do it there's one you can get if you go to the side yeah i go to the side and i just go don't get killed obviously now you're gonna bait the dragon into coming and taking care of your light work did that was that did i go far enough uh do you see a dragon do you see a dragon you'll know it when you see it loser yeah i do see where it is that has to be enough certainly not nasty please there we go oh stop now now stop now you can stop that's far enough that's quite you don't have to go any further than that all right now let me cross uninterrupted okay now you gotta let me go past there without no you might have an issue no wait now wait now wait what for what run no okay you can't get hit by the fire that's job one is that the secret to this well wait he's [ __ ] little grass he's left his stupid nest i'm gonna go smash his eggs and eat his treasure i think his blue dad is still there that's not even looking watch blue dad's blue dad ain't there here we go i'm saying if you run to the side oh keep going straight ahead don't run up the ramp don't run up that ramp no he figured it out see now that he's back here i think he actually could make a run at it at the bridge all right go oh he left some friends oh [ __ ] through that door if you're so close yeah baby all right do you know the the thing about infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters and eventually one of them would write hamlet yeah um i think if you applied that situation to the boss fight i'm about to attempt it would actually not be true infinite you're saying there is no permutation in infinity there's no reality of the next generation that ends with the boss right yeah i am going to push back against you with one thing griff somewhere along the way you have gathered a little bit of pine resin i have one pine right and they give you and a brass telescope and it okay i spy a victory on the horizon go ahead and look up oh there's five okay now we can now oh we can now it's something now we got it i mean we still wicked don't got it we've got over two thousand i know justin i'm trying not to [ __ ] think about it and you're about to open up the other shortcut yeah it's all coming up milhouse you gotta use one of those pine resins bud i'm not gonna use one of my precious pine resin on a [ __ ] baby slime on this [ __ ] gack this game is um an easy game for three to five year olds it's gonna give you your kids a chance to learn their shapes and numbers yeah and it's not providing much that's cool once you get past this boss that is where you unlock spongebob squarepants which is cool excuse me are you gonna go excuse me are you gonna hit the campfire i might just go hit up the nexi real quick why ah why indeed choose a lot of people are asking me that i'm investing oh you're gonna are you gonna try to to buy something to help you i'm sure somebody's got something we're just gonna go on a little supermarket sweet oh what's this exclusive some sort of exclusive content do i have the stats for that no maybe i can two-hand it though no i can't even two-hand it what a shame you have a potion for me nope just the scythe huh thanks for pre-ordering the game kaz sent you this scythe oh you don't have to stop [ __ ] we're not going to repair it [ __ ] anything no upgrade the b sword don't have any shards purchase item you don't sell firebombs do you well i'll be honest man that's a real [ __ ] fart in my face what about battle axe you think that's better than what i have now i wouldn't spend your souls on it because that would lower the uh drama for me oh is that what it's all about for you now i'm a messy [ __ ] that lives for the drama you're right i'm sorry i forgot well let's just [ __ ] do it then okay you want to use a pine resin now let's put some gas in the tank that's not very much damage that's not very much damage just attack you gotta attack the center oh is that it shoes oh don't don't get the little guys this one won't help you justin i need some inspector i need safe places to stand let me just get some of them there now you're talking this is how this is demon souls welcome to this is demonstrate demon souls okay now go heal i gave this game to my unborn baby he somehow got like i guess the signals got in the womb or whatever oh so anyway my unborn baby started controlling it with wireless signals i guess in there i don't know man the body's a miracle and he he went ahead and beat the game on new game plus for me he got the i told him the baby shark was in it somewhere and he just went for it so yeah he did that and um oh my god justin that's how you do it that's how you do it i got my body back all right well i don't know that we need to play much more i feel like i just beat the game kind of yeah that's done it um thank you uh ronnie feyberger for uh um i don't know hitting things repeatedly running fabric i'll say this we still don't know much about them but they do hit things so hard and good and sometimes from behind where they do the two chops oh i love it whenever faye burger did that now griffin is going to stop playing this but he is going to be compelled by years of playing souls games he will spin those souls friends oh no i can't not before we talk to the boy the special boy you must find the incredible living child i'm gonna find the special boy juice why don't you go ahead and uh just bust out a rating real quick i'm gonna give ronnie faber a 4.5 out of five okay good fun factor reviewers tilt is way in favor of ryfay burger and all of their great hitting uh i'm gonna give demon souls a b for babies because it is a baby game yes and uh it's brought me and my family together and we all had a great time playing it so thanks uh everybody and big thanks again to kaz mark and knack ah see on the ps3 version you could kill him are you are you kidding me boy listen he's very serious about not dying like his friends this kid's built like a brick [ __ ] house oh
Channel: The McElroy Family
Views: 387,250
Rating: 4.9583516 out of 5
Keywords: my brother my brother and me, mcelroy, justin mcelroy, griffin mcelroy, travis mcelroy, clint mcelroy, taz, the adventure zone, monster factory, ronnie faeburger, demon souls
Id: LogIjRzhc2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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