Monster Factory | Sweet Gene will hurt them for Snack

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(intense rock music) - [Griffin] What number is this? What kinda streak are we on? - [Justin] I just, when you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas, Griffin. That's all I'm gonna say. - [Griffin] But we're lying down with fleas! And we're getting whatever the fleas got, man! Todd! What the fuck, man? Apparently, if you follow the news, patch 1.3 for WWE 2K20 done fucked it up. And so, that has ruined us, I guess. So I'm gonna press the yes button and we're gonna see the fate of Snack Braff but I'm gonna bet he's in the toilet, let's find out. So I was getting DMs from the real Zach Braff saying hey guys, thanks for the inspiration. - This sucks. - I'd been hitting the gym and I'd been getting greasy and so strong. Here's $30,000, we fucked up so bad. - [Justin] Sorry. - [Griffin] Sorry! - [Justin] Sorry we killed your son. Does this money help? - We killed your son. Here's a hundred thousand dollars. Do you want The Rock in a $500 shirt? We have Hollywood Hulk Hogan, we're sorry! We killed your kid. - We're sorry! - [Griffin] Here's a backstage pass, we're so sorry! - So sorry we killed your son would 20,000 wrestle bucks help? Now it's got FMV in it. - [Griffin] Hey guys, it's us, The New Day. We fucked up your game, we so sorry, we killed your son. - [Justin] Hey, it's us, The New Day, we're here to say, you're not getting your son back and grieving is natural. (Griffin cackling) We're here to assist you with the grieving process. Step one, take the time to think about how much you miss your son. Step two, don't try to hold him too tight, let those memories go, your son's gone! And then throw your son on the ground. Forget you ever had a son. Extend your hands to God, let him give you new blessings. - [Griffin] You've heard the rumors that we can cast a magic spell to make your son come back, but it's not true. He's ours now. - [Justin] We're claiming your son for our own. His soul is ours. - [Griffin] Who's that in the background? It's not your son, don't look back there, that's the Warlock, no. Wow, this game looks so bad, here we go. Creations, superstar, the fact that edit custom superstar is not in there makes me feel pretty certain that it's not gonna happen for us this time. Is he in the cloud somewhere? Can we download our superstar from the cloud? Where would one even, community creations. So, has he been most, is he the most downloaded one? - [Justin] I'm not sure we put Zach up for public consumption. - Consumption, no. Well, and that's our fault. We didn't want to be beaten to the punch. Let's just search for Snack. - [Justin] Snackalicious. He was definitely-- - [Griffin] Snackalicious ZB. But let's just start with Snack. Couldn't find anything matching our criteria. (sad piano and violin music) This is a fucking nightmare, Justin. Well, back into it, I guess. This may be our first three parter. The first one was just the tutorial for episode two of Monster Factory. Do we wanna get some new fucking faces, or what's up? - [Justin] Yeah, I have some JPEGs for you. - [Griffin] Oh, please! - [Justin] That I can just, let me Slack 'em to ya. - [Griffin] Yeah, Slack those right at me, baby. - [Justin] So the thing is, I feel like Monster Factory, the problem that we've had, what's been holding us back, is just class and culture, you know what I mean? - [Griffin] I see, I see, I see. - [Justin] So I've gone with three of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Kinda dipping into the 21st a little bit. - [Griffin] Go ahead and explain your process, I guess. - [Justin] I mean, what's to explain? - [Griffin] What the chain of events is here. This is obviously Tom Colicchio from Top Chef, this gentleman-- - That's Frank Lloyd Wright. I wanted to get different artists from different disciplines, you understand? - [Griffin] Okay, let me download these boys. - [Justin] So food art, building art, and, then there's Ed Sheeran, - Just Ed Sheeran. - [Justin] To bring Ketchup and music art. - [Griffin] Face photo capture, good. Downloaded. Yeah. (Justin laughing) We're getting there, we're getting there. I'm starting to think the eye holes, Justin, aren't gonna work the way you maybe thought they were. - [Justin] We have to try, though! - [Griffin] Oh we gotta, hey. There's no harm in trying. He does kinda look like (he laughs) Ed Sheeran by way of Dr. Manhattan. (Justin laughing) What if we went extremely wide? - [Justin] I wanna see you do it perfect first 'cause I do wanna see a good job first before you do one of your classic Griffin bad jobs. I mean, that's Ed Sheeran! - [Griffin] That's one of them Ed Sheerans that I've heard so much about, I've heard him on the radio and about his songs, and, it's usually about how things aren't so bad and he's singing that to usually a lady. And, that sucks. Onto the next. Whoa. That's a high quality JPEG, Juice. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Thanks, dude, I tried to find a glossy one! - [Griffin] And that's the good thing about Tom Colicchio is that when predators, his natural predators come around to have a Tom Colicchio snack, he can make his face appear really big and that does scare them completely off. - [Justin] Tom! - [Griffin] Tom, oh, Tom, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you! - Tom, Griffin's really sorry. - [Griffin] I'm sorry, Tom, come back buddy. Uh-oh. Oh, no, his poison sac is filling. Holy shit, that looks wild, man. - [Justin] That's Tom Colicchio! Who loves to cook? Too much salt! Next time, try beef in it. - [Griffin] Are there pictures of men online where their teeth aren't showing? Probably not. - [Justin] No, (he laughs) men find that very important. (Justin laughing) Tom! - [Griffin] Oh, Tom, what's up bud? Why is that doing it for me so much? - [Justin] It's the uncanny valley, I guess. - [Griffin] Yeah, I guess so. - [Justin] Of Tom Colicchio. - [Griffin] Welcome to the, Last Chance Kitchen! (he groans) - [Justin] Don't tell Padma but I tried some of your whipped cream early! - [Griffin] (he sighs) And then Frank Lloyd Wright's just, you know that's not gonna work, right? - [Justin] I know its not gonna work. But I didn't wanna be ageist. Some older people do still make good art, you know? - [Griffin] Yeah, sure. He's not with us anymore though, I'm almost certain of it, right? - [Justin] No lawsuits. - [Griffin] Okay, it's been seven years since his death that means we can do whatever the fuck we wanna do with his wild face. - [Justin] Double jeopardy! - [Griffin] Double jeopardy is the law that we are referencing. - [Justin] He never could get the eyes quite right. - [Griffin] No, it's why he did buildings for the most part. (he laughs) - [Justin] Yeah, it's why his buildings are so good 'cause he looks at the world from this twisted point of view. - [Griffin] Yeah, he's got that South Park humor of a face. I want it, I want this. And they know I want this. Okay. I think you just gotta split the difference between the eyes. Okay. Okay. Okay! Okay. - Yeah! - [Griffin] Okay. - [Justin] Basically. - [Griffin] Sort of. His mouth has had a problem. I don't like it. I mean we may as well just fucking stack the deck in our favor. This one's gonna work. This one will work. So we'll start The Witcher, which is what you wanted. - [Justin] Wow, what a pic you've chosen! You didn't even try! (he laughs) You didn't even try! - [Griffin] Well we can put the pubis right under the chin to leave 'em guessing, you know? - [Justin] Yeah, just like Geralt himself. - [Griffin] Just like Geralt likes to do. - [Justin] Just like Gerald, The Witcher. - [Griffin] So that could be cool. - [Justin] Could it? (Griffin laughing) You didn't even try! - [Griffin] I tried really hard! - [Justin] You didn't even-- - [Griffin] Justin, shut up, the rotation's off. Mm-mm. - Anytime you download a picture of Geralt of Rivia, it's him in a bathtub. - [Griffin] It turns into it. No, you didn't, you didn't do a good job, Griffin. Alright, let me try another one. - [Justin] Okay. Well that's not The Witcher, you know that, don't you? - [Griffin] I got you one Witcher picture, and it fucking failed and obviously showed that your idea is a stupid one. - You didn't even try! - [Griffin] How's that treating you, though? - [Justin] It's a little Lucha Libre. - [Griffin] I'm kind of into it, they almost certainly will afford you the option to do sort of a Lucha situation. - [Justin] I would love our own Gritty. - [Griffin] Our own sort of shitty Gritty. - [Justin] Shitty Gritty! - [Griffin] Skin color pick up. Okay. - Yeah, okay. - [Griffin] That's him, that could be him. Alright. - That's basically him! - [Griffin] That could be fun, but I do have a couple other options. He is gonna be an orange man, that's not ideal. This one I thought, for the kids. - [Justin] Pluto! - [Griffin] Kids love him. Oh, I would love to scooch his face to the left a little bit but WWE decided that that part of my life is passed. - [Justin] Much like your relationship with your son. - [Griffin] Alright, let's get Guy Fiery up in here. It seems like we have to have done Guy Fiery at some point, yes? - [Justin] We've probably done Guy Fiery. Hold on. Let me do a Google of Guy Fieri McElroy Brothers. Oh no, my computer's melting, there's too many hits! How did you find one with his sunglasses off? It's amazing. - [Griffin] I actually had to Photoshop (he laughs) I actually called him. Said, hey Guy, we're doing a video. Can you give me a high quality JPEG with your glasses off? He said, I'll do what I can, man, love, peace, and taco grease. - [Justin] Yeah brother! But he wouldn't send it so you had to Photoshop in a kind, kind panda's eyes from a kind, wise panda. (Griffin cackling) - [Griffin] I mean, that's as good as that is gonna get. - [Justin] Yeah, and it's like, it's intensely, surprisingly, less Guy Fieri than you would've imagined. - [Griffin] Yeah, you know know what fucks me up, Justin? Is that, if you tell me hey, here's a picture of Stone Cold Steve Austin. (Justin laughing) I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating taco grease, you know what I mean? - [Justin] Yeah, I hear ya. What about Gritty is out of the hockey game, and he wants to become a human boy? - [Griffin] I still would wanna fuck him up pretty bad, though. - [Justin] No, but they can't know that it's Gritty, okay? He must have the face that is Gritty, but he's in hiding from the man. - I see. Okay, this can be fun, Justin, I like it, we can play in the space, maybe we can-- - [Justin] Rules, he must be intensely orange. - [Griffin] Oh yeah, he'll be hugely, hugely orange. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] The crop's terrible, Griffin! Your inclusion of the hat is so suspect, and the background, the blurry background on his fucking face, it borders on cruel, honestly. - [Griffin] Justin, there wasn't a great picture of Gritty for this exact-- - There's not a great picture of Gritty on the internet? - [Griffin] There's not a fucking like, tasteful profile pic. He's a fucking furry demon. - [Justin] You have the ability to skew and stretch this to your heart's content and you made the decision to leave his fucking black leather wizard hat in the image. (Griffin sighs) - [Griffin] Here we go. Fuck. Yo, that's not gonna work either, huh? - [Justin] I mean, it's challenging. - [Griffin] He's tough, man. Juice, this one's tough. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] It looks like his eyes are peeking out to see if the coast is clear. Underneath his larger non-functional eyes. (he laughs) - [Griffin] Ain't clear. - [Justin] My name is John Schmitty. I'm different. - [Griffin] I'm not him. - [Justin] I'm not the Gritty you know. - [Griffin] I didn't think you were Gritty, why would you say that? - [Justin] But I'm not Gritty. - [Griffin] So don't worry about it, 'cause I am not! I don't think they should let me edit eyes individually. (Justin laughing) That doesn't seem quite right or good. - [Justin] Bye bye, guys. - [Griffin] What's even happening right now? - [Justin] It's supposed to be eye left, I see nothing happening. - [Griffin] This is too fine a tool. This is not what we need right now. This is it, this is what we need right now. - [Justin] Yes. - [Griffin] Just bring that, we'll just tuck all these. - [Justin] Go away. - [Griffin] Go away sweet little eye. (both laughing) Go away, sweet eyes, we don't need you today. - [Justin] We have other eyes, thank you. - [Griffin] We have other eyes, take a rest, sweet eyes. What's that little, hey Griff, what's that little bit of eye? - [Griffin] That little pokey bit? - [Justin] What're you doing there? - [Griffin] Hey, you guy, get out of there! - [Justin] I spy with my little eye an even littler eye! Wink! (he laughs) - [Griffin] Hey, you're not doing anything out there are ya? No eye. Okay! - [Justin] It's me, Quatto! - [Griffin] Blip. Blip, blip, blip. (Justin laughing) Blip. - [Justin] It looks like fucking anime tears. - [Griffin] Not bad. - [Justin] No, it's good actually, it's good. - [Griffin] Actually this one's real pretty good. - [Justin] It's not Gritty. - [Griffin] Oh, it ain't Gritty. - [Justin] Everybody agrees on that. - [Griffin] It hasn't been Gritty for a while now. - [Justin] Wow. Some interesting (he laughs) powerful head shaping. - [Griffin] Its good. I like an asymmetrical Gritty. - [Justin] Okay, sure. It's not Gritty. So we don't have to even worry about that. - [Griffin] No, no. Hey, Juice, this scares me. - [Justin] Huh, yeah, that's a natural human reaction to what you've done. - [Griffin] Hey, I've been scared. Update everyone. Update everyone, I've been scared. Oh shit. - [Justin] Oh, I don't like that. - [Griffin] I like an asymmetrical Gritty and you know this about me. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] It's like he paid a back alley doctor to hide his Gritty-ness and this is what he ended up with. - [Griffin] And this is why I say don't hide your light under a bushel, Gritty. - [Justin] Thank you. - [Griffin] Face customize. Teeth. Oh, shit. We're gonna need to get rid of those, huh? (Justin gasps) Yeah, we're not gonna, we don't like this. - [Justin] No, no. - [Griffin] Gritty, hey Gritty, we don't like this, bud. - [Justin] Hey this one, bud, is not great. - [Griffin] Let's hide the teeth. - [Justin] That's better, that's better. - [Griffin] Vince, Vince we're gonna hide the teeth. Vince, I think if you can just take the saturation on the teeth all the way down, that would be good. - [Justin] We're gonna use some old Hollywood techniques to just sort of take the teeth out. - [Griffin] Oh, you know what? We're good. - [Justin] Oh, you can just remove, oh God! - [Griffin] What's the matter, Justin? - [Justin] It's not good! - [Griffin] Sure. We'll just have to make sure he never smiles. (Justin yelps and laughs) - [Justin] I'm gonna argue that smaller is worse. I don't like that he's small, oh no! Big is bad, big feels like a fifth season Buffy villain but little is, he looks like a Sour Patch Kid who's extra nasty. - [Griffin] Gritty's a big drink of water. - [Justin] You just couldn't do a small child, could you? - [Griffin] Well, I'm thinking of him as sort of a vehicle for my pain and how fucking pissed off I am at this game. So he's gonna be a monster, we're living up to the name of the series in this one. I wish he could be nude, like a red Dr. Manhattan. - [Justin] They don't have the courage. - [Griffin] They wouldn't do it. I asked. - [Justin] A lotta different options for shoulders. It seems like whatever days they spent making all the different shoulders, that person could've been doing something else. (Justin shuddering) - [Griffin] What's wrong, Justin? Are you finding this bad in some way? - [Justin] That's tough. Now I feel like we do need The Witcher. I feel like we're-- (Griffin laughing) - [Griffin] To come in and help us slay him? - [Justin] To help us. - [Griffin] Over the eyes, you do start to get a sort of, "The Ring", climbing outta the TV effect. - [Justin] Yeah. - [Griffin] I like that, kind of a hair diaper. Oh, Juice, hey Juice? That's bad. - [Justin] Okay, see, you're in the territory now. - [Griffin] You like this region? - [Justin] Yeah, this feels, see that's so close to me. - [Griffin] We're really close, folks. - [Justin] Whoa. Just match, one of those previous colors, right? Whoa. - [Griffin] Shit. Whoa, actually. (he laughs) - Whoa! Don't let him fucking hide this. Full, powerful, luminous. - [Griffin] Oh, that's cool, man. - [Justin] That's cool, Gritty. - [Griffin] Gritty, that's cool, bud! - [Justin] Wow! - [Griffin] Hey Gritty, good job buddy! - [Justin] (he laughs) You did it! How did Vince do this? - [Griffin] We've made a new kinda thing. Do you know what I mean? A lotta times I feel like you can look at our work and figure out the sort of archetypical pattern that we've followed, but this is sort of its own thing. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] If you can find a facial hair that makes sense with that mouth, I will Venmo you $100! - [Griffin] Well it can't have a mustache. It has to be sort of a chin strap. I don't think that's even an option. Oh wait, oh fuck, did the game just crash? Are you fucking kidding me?! Oh my God! - [Justin] It's still all in there, I'm sure, I'm sure it saved your progress. - Oh I'm sure it's got a generous autosaving engine! (Justin laughing) Ah, Juice, I'm sure it's got a top of the line, fucking AI cloud saving engine! - [Justin] It says the game saves data at specific times. - [Griffin] Oh, well then let's. It doesn't seem like we can edit a custom superstar so. Are you fucking kidding me?! (sad piano and violin music) Alright, fucking GDQ is happening right now. This is gonna be my Gritty fucking speedrun. Justin get the timer going, you ready? - [Justin] Okay, we'll bring that up on screen. - [Griffin] Clayton put it on the board, you ready? And it starts in three, two, one, go. So what you wanna do is you wanna make sure that you get to the Gritty face really quick. Now, you're gonna be tempted to use the first Gritty face but you've gotta use the huge one 'cause the huge one's just way better in every way. Shit, shit, God, this is a bad UI. No, fuck. It's okay if you mess up, that's what they don't tell you in speedruns a lot of the time. It's okay if you do mess up a few times. Okay, so that's good. Facial region, bring all that. The only thing that matters is the eyes. We're gonna get those in, say a lotta jokes about hey eyes, we don't need you today and that's a Martini shot on eyes, that one's good. God, I hate doing this, Justin. I don't like doing this. It's important that you say that during the speedrun. - [Justin] I don't like doing this? - [Griffin] That you hate it. We're close. - [Justin] The head shape was important. - [Griffin] The head shape is important. - [Justin] Did you do the color picker, match color thing? Is that, okay there we go. - [Griffin] Good. - [Justin] Good. - [Griffin] Where were we on the other shit? The other fucking garbage. Body, ugh, God. This is actually something we missed last time, Gritty is built like a brick shithouse. - [Justin] So you're saying it's very good? - [Griffin] It's good things happened the way they did. - [Justin] Mhmm? Everything. It's all working out according to plan. - [Griffin] This looks exactly as it looked the first time. We're saving this. - [Justin] Yes. Not saving it was hubris. - [Griffin] I've noticed something kinda silly about his belly. Did you see it too? (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Yeah. - [Griffin] That's kinda strange. - [Justin] It's like his exercises aren't exactly right. - [Griffin] No, it's like he's been exercising in a very specific, wrong, way. Hair and facial parts. - [Justin] Check. - [Griffin] Get rid of that, get rid of that. Okay. We're close to where we were, just gotta find that good hair. That, shine's gonna go wild. - [Justin] This is making me so sad 'cause it's like a copy of a copy. It's like this is the... - [Griffin] You cannot start thinking about that shit now. - [Justin] Okay. - [Griffin] Is it great? No. (Justin laughing) It's bad. It's not good. It isn't good. We still gotta pop his teeth out. - [Justin] God, we left his teeth in. - [Griffin] We left his fucking teeth in again! Where is it? It's probably not, I don't think people refer to your teeth as your attire. (he laughs) - [Justin] Hey, nice teeth tonight! Teeth are looking good! - [Griffin] Where did you get those teeth, TJ Maxx? You can remove certain teeth. - Certain teeth. - [Griffin] You wouldn't do anything to hurt your superstar, would you? Body hair. Shit. - [Justin] I mean, intense, right? Intense body hair. - [Griffin] Right, but this one's not gonna glow. That's just body hair. - Yeah, that would be weird. - [Griffin] I mean, at the end of the day, folks, it is still Gritty. Gritty what happened? - [Justin] What? You're more into wrestling than I am, Griffin, can I just see that again? - [Griffin] Yeah. - [Justin] You're more into wrestling than I am, Griffin, is there a superstar doing that style? Kinda that bumblebee body hair style? - [Griffin] Yeah, that is actually what The Undertaker is up to these days. - [Justin] Okay. - [Griffin] That, the hair physics. Hey Juice, just quick update, I shit in my pants. (Justin laughing) Who is that masked man? Hey, I think that's Gritty. Bullshit, you can't tell. He's just listening to his fucking tunes. What's on Gritty's playlist? - [Justin] Static. (both laughing) Sure, sure! - Holy shit. My throat just made a noise I've never heard before. It was dolphin-esque. (Justin laughing) I wish we could. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] Yeah. That's taking it back. 'Cause Austin messed it up. It's not Austin 3:16. - Austin did it wrong. - [Justin] It's John 3:16. - [Griffin] Austin's shirt says the wrong one. (Justin laughing) - [Justin] I fixed it! I fixed it. (both laughing) - [Griffin] I made it right, so, mine's what it actually is, so. - [Justin] For God so loved the world that he sent his only, for God so loved that whoever believes in him. - You all know. - You know the whole thing. - You all know it. You don't need me to say it, you know it. - [Justin] You know it. (he laughs) I fixed it, now I'm gonna get the word out now. - [Griffin] I feel like he's gonna be wearing shorts. - [Justin] Or capris. Oh man, those are nice, those jams. - [Griffin] You like those? Oh yeah, what am I talking about? This is denim. Where is denim? Show me denim. - Activate. - Activate the denim filter. Where is this at? Oh there it is. Come on. Come on, guy. Hey, we don't have all day. (Justin laughing) Oh, into his ass it goes. - [Justin] Not supposed to go that way. - [Griffin] Oh, yeah, not Gritty, you're gonna love this. This is called a Earth candy bar, and it goes inside you, I know where it goes! No, but you can't taste it good down there, it goes in the other one. Gritty? Gritty? Honey, that wasn't right. (Justin laughing) It comes out the other one, yeah? (Justin laughing) - [Justin] You made another one of our kids unmerchandisable. Another action figure we'll never be able to make. - [Griffin] Man, Snickers is funny though, they have a great sense of humor. (Justin laughing) And I love the way the S at the end kinda trails off, that's like badass. That's Gritty. It's not. - [Justin] I mean it's not Gritty, legally speaking. - [Griffin] So that's his ring attire. Alright. - [Justin] Okay. - [Griffin] Don't think we need to change that one. - [Justin] No. He just dresses like the Honkytonk Man. Huh. - [Griffin] Alright. - [Justin] Nobody's gonna see that coming. - [Griffin] And then I guess, eventually, we're gonna have to play the game. - [Justin] Yeah, you've been stalling on it for quite some time. I'm trying to imagine them saying it in the ring. Gene, The Gremlin, The Gremlin, Randleman. Is that what we'll get? Sorry, no, Gene The Gremlin. - [Griffin] Gene. - [Justin] My name's Gene The Gremlin, (he laughs) my name's the Gene The Gremlin Randleman but people call me The Gremlin. Gene, The Gremlin, The Gremlin, Randleman. (he laughs) - [Griffin] I think it's The Gremlin, Gene, The Gremlin, Randleman! Can we get Sweet Gene? - [Justin] Sweet Gene the Queen! - [Griffin] Sweet Gene The Gremlin Randleman! (Justin laughing) Fuck that, he's just Sweet Gene. - [Justin] Sweet Gene, that's his name! He doesn't have a nickname, why does everybody need a nickname? My name's Sweet Gene! (he laughs) There is an existing Sweet Gene account that has been suspended on Twitter. - [Griffin] Okay, well, we'll take it over. - Great. - Squatters' rights. Crowd is confusion. I mean, Philadelphia's the obvious answer here. - [Justin] Barring that, I guess Philippines? - [Griffin] Phila-somewhere, man. - [Justin] Phila, Phila, I don't know. - [Griffin] I want Sweet Gene to hurt them, Justin. Hurt them for Snack. Which is good, 'cause it's an appropriate inspirational message of revenge, but it's also sort of the way that we encourage Sweet Gene to do anything, we do just shout, hurt them for Snack! And then he will hurt them and we will just toss a Pringle into his open mouth or something like that. It's fun, he likes it, it's like a game to him. And we've done this before. And this isn't, people don't even like this anymore. People say that we did it too much. And so we can't do this one anymore. Maybe just a little bit. (Justin laughing) Oh fuck, oh don't do it to me. Don't do it to me! (Justin laughing) Don't do it to me! He's doing it! - [Justin] (he laughs) Put that tushy away! - [Griffin] Put that tushy away, Gene! - Gene, what's happening? - Sweet Gene! - [Justin] Hey, Gene, what's happening at the intersection, Gene? There's a darkness I'm sensing, Gene, at the intersection of leg and butt! - [Griffin] Gene. What's gonna scare everyone because of what they did to Snack Braff? I want the most full on, aggressive. God, he looks like he should be in ABBA or something. Oh shit, are you telling me that we can? Oh my God, are you kidding me? Oh, God! Oh no! - [Justin] That pulsating, toothless maw. (Griffin grumbling) Did you hear that Justin? - [Justin] No, Griffin, I didn't. (Griffin grumbling) - [Griffin] I'm understanding every word of that. Argh! - [Justin] Wait, does he have teeth? - [Griffin] No, he's got back teeth, you can't get rid of those. - [Justin] You can't get rid of the back teeth?! (Griffin laughing) (Justin laughing) Hey, live long and prosper, right? (Griffin chuckling menacingly) Tiny puppets. - [Griffin] Ah, my tiny puppets. - [Justin] Tiny puppets next. You took Zachary, now I'll take you! Tiny puppets. I've come for Justin's son, Zachary. Tiny puppets. What is happening? (Griffin grumbling) Look at the hands! Look at the hands! What is wrong with his hands? Look at them. They look like they're from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory in that edible room! - [Griffin] Oh, he's back. This one's fine. - [Justin] He's fine! It's the other one that's got an attitude problem. (sad piano and violin music) Hey, everybody, quick programming note, in the near future, we're gonna be publishing new episodes of Monster Factory just on The McElroy Family YouTube channel. So if you aren't already subscribed to that, you'll wanna go ahead and do that. - [Griffin] Smash it, baby! - [Justin] Griffin, I asked you not to, I begged you not to. - [Griffin] Mmm, smash that!
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Views: 508,492
Rating: 4.9782057 out of 5
Keywords: mbmbam, my brother my brother and me, comedy podcast, advice podcast, comedy advice podcast, Monster Factory, Justin McElroy, mcelroy, griffin mcelroy, funny game, funny character creator, character creator, WWE, wwe2k20, new wwe game, wwe monster factory, monster factory wrestling, wrestling, wrestling game, wrestling character creator, gritty, zach braff, zack braff, ed sheeran, Frank Lloyd Wright, gritty mascot, making gritty, in memoriam, videogames, video games, polygon
Id: Xcp1ccqYbjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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