Moms when you're 1 minute past curfew

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[Music] 8 59. huh jacob he'll be here he'll be here mama loves some cream barrel i'll let some [ __ ] and barrel on that i've played some candy crush to pass the time it never recognized me when i don't have my makeup on so rude oh well hello hi i would like to file a missing person's report my son is dead when was he last seen he's dead well when was he last seen or the devil inside of him controlling him because those are two different people or he has the dui one of the two just take his college funds and put towards memorial because my son is dead he's dead i do not care if you're the park security you will put me on the phone with somebody who can find my sweet baby boy nine o'clock okay so a nine sideways looks like a fish hook fish drink water he's drinking water because he's so hungover this has been going on he's on a bender okay so let me get this straight you're saying my son my sweet baby boy my little cherub has to be missing for 48 hours to place a report let me ask you this sir do you want to be missing for 48 hours then find my sweet baby boy how did i not think of this nine o'clock in military time 2100 21 alcohol he's hanging out with alcoholics i'll be hanging out with my brother just boozing it back he's getting drunk at the military base isn't he he's playing with guns without a helmet or any supervision of an adult he's just drunk with guns there's nothing you can do until 48 hours okay 48 hours 48 backwards is 84 84. randy moss minnesota vikings had to call it curfew is that so hard to follow jacob well i did the mystery randy moss was 84 on the minnesota vikings you know all starts with v vagina he's having sex oh shoot i never got back to deborah on words with friends one that's fine he's late he's late that's fine what is late spell backwards e-t-a-l what is that ito italy he's drinking wine from italy that's what he's doing it's right in front of your nose kathleen just smell it already how did you not see this coming kathleen how did you not see this coming i'm gonna call him you have reached the voicemail box uh this phone is dead that makes perfect sense why wouldn't his phone be dead he's dead the phone is dead well there goes our family plan hey neighbors i come on over i got room on the family plan if you want it yes hi i'm looking for an inmate what is his description well he's a sweet baby angel little boy do you do you see that not to brag but he is 50 me so 50 a little sweetie and then like 50 of his father out of the picture i said sweet baby angel little boy my boo boo sweet baby angel little boy mama's little ho ho ho ho's hose he's with hoes it's really what oh sorry are you still there he's just mama's little muffin top top i don't know what it is but he texts about it all the time what is top is it a mountain top where he's smoking weed why is he always getting top is that a drug why are these girls texting my sweet baby boy jacob and asking him if he wants top what is top is that a drug i want top who's got talk i picked the wrong knight to run out of moscato mom hi jacob if that is your real name why are you still up is that my snake clam that's not what's important okay you know he can die without the heat lamp right where were you huh were you eating in somebody's wap what is it [ __ ] what what is megan or stallion talking about jacob do you care you know that we split a spotify account right you and bacardi b what what is she talking about alcohol i knew it no that's that's not what it is where were you tonight i was dressed as spencer's i see right through you jacob since you want to be careless with your time tonight i was careless with mine and i went to your room you know what i found this what is this jacob huh i can explain you're siphoning people's gas aren't you so you and your friends can drive to parties and do drugs and alcohol is that what this is yes i ca and i don't i have gas money i knew it and i must siphon it you think you could play me but guess what this fiddles out of tune [ __ ] it's really funny you know exactly what that was i'm not getting a [ __ ] plane and i also found this in your room huh what is this is this a whistle i also noticed you um i don't know weren't wearing your belt to school today did you wear it too much last night around your arm no i just i just use my shoelace that's interesting because that's not where shoelace goes chase the whistling for birds birds hooters huh they have boobs jacob it's in the name jacob shoelace not waste lace but i'll tell you what goes on your way your life because it's wasted those women are objectifying you to get extra tips and you're just blowing your money and you could be blowing it on books it's just like a cool thing that we all do oh it's cool well did you hear that it's actually cool to jump off bridges and land in heroin needles is that cool is that what you want to do because we can do that right now i got a groupon for skydiving how did your mind go from a shoelace put in a needle that's not what this is about you were late by one minute late okay so we're gonna take accountability in this family now right okay um what are you gonna i don't know tell dad that you are having an affair with the tax guy did i say 9 pm i'm at 9 00 am you can really do whatever you want i mean have the friends over i got some xanax in my room if i'm going to bed i love you i'll give you more fortnite tokens i don't even want to know what the whap stands for [Music] i need my snake yeah whatever you need honey that's all yours have fun in the dark okay i should call the tax guy [Music] who's got top hey who got top
Channel: Trevor Wallace
Views: 2,571,741
Rating: 4.9792237 out of 5
Keywords: trevor wallace, trevor walace, travis wallace, white claw, kyle, monster, bang energy, trevor wallace cherdleys
Id: 1ohM8XmxN-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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