$1000 if You Can Break This Ball in 1 Minute

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welcome to another edition of break it to make it our competitors will be given a dumb tool to break into a hard to break thing be sure to stick around till the end to see your super secret bonus round with cash on the line who will win let's find out hello everybody hello oh my god hello everybody it's 8 30 in the morning i haven't had my coffee so i'm ready to break stuff but first fake it till you make it baby what is this let's break some stuff what am i smashing the crunchy snow stress ball much more durable than a regular snowball and it is very satisfying hold on listen to this if you're one of my friends look away but this is probably what everyone's getting for christmas this year let's see what my weapon of choice is well weapon of chance our players are taking their chance on what weapon they get but stick around for the final round where we do things a little bit different number eight toss in the machete my friend what in the world the 2004 hit ocean's 12. oh the fifth best oceans movie if catherine zeta jones and bernie mac can't get through this thing we're all in trouble let's see if a crunchy snow stress ball is easier than a casino vault number six a generic 7up thank you vess up lemon lime number 10 miles is leading the way with a length of hot wheels track zoom zoom i used to love hot wheels when i was a kid number nine go go power rangers mask folks it is flimsy let's put one minute on the clock and break george clooney's got this pulling the ball thinner than that movie's plot sorry ranger you sharp you sharp little ranger good okay we're in trouble so i'm just gonna take a beautiful hot wheels son miles forgot he's supposed to break the ball and not his finger i don't know the dvd's in here it's probably signed by catherine zeta jones it's gotta go yeah no need to make oceans 13. spoilers they did come on [Music] i'm no mighty morpher don't worry sloan you'll have a chance to recoup those losses with our special final round let's see if oh wow oh this is gonna be a mess sarah surprised by your own success no fingernail i didn't use my finger you totally did that replay clearly shows that she used weapons that nature gave her which is disqualifying but also kind of impressive i literally did it mean too snowball smoke don't breathe that that's a break you'll make that look cool in post right we will not on to the next challenge oh this is the mega bounce xtr for extreme bounce the mega bounce xtr the bounciest bouncy ball we've ever bounced this thing bounces at least two stories high feels very sturdy too i'm not sure how easy this is gonna be to cleave and twain let's see what i can break it with still waiting on the chainsaw number 17. it's high it's a high number i feel good about it an adjustable wrench okay okay wood chipper wood chipper wood chipper number seven an industrial tape gun taper please i hardly know her number 20. a washable color marker the bigger the hurdle the more impressive the accomplishment number two remembering what sarah just said miles gets giant marshmallows can they break into this probably not put one minute on the clock and go these are kind of sharp like teeth so i think these teeth are gonna be my friend here i think i should just be able to saw into this bad boy i made a lollipop no thanks hard pass oh yeah i mean we're we're toasty sarah making her mark i see oh i see yeah oh you say win when you want me to stop putting parmesan cheese on the plate okay don't bring a wrench to a bouncy ball party if i had a lighter maybe s'mores but i got nothing and that's time round three oh okay i'm so glad you didn't throw that at me oh my goodness look at the size of this thing a giant kickball or as the giants call it a kickball what do you want you're crazy 12 what do you think about that he's scared eric's 12 is another sequel dvd just kidding it's a toothbrush 15 the carabiner clip oh any climbers out there 0.05 gauge metal wire a danger poker this might happen guys number 19. sarah killed the ball in the studio with the lead pipe ah with their weapon selected contestants begin i'm gonna break something that's i don't oh no what is happening oh that's bending it oh it's already broken let me see if i can right on the scene oh and the balls are letting out their dying breaths [Music] see that that's breakage what is this my heart on prom night clear eric is chilling some sort of serial killer paramedic heimlich that's time i accept defeat this is our player's final low cash round before we move on to our big money bonus round garcon thank you it's a cherry flavored gummy heart smells good super anatomically correct one and a half pounds of delicious disturbing candy let's see what my weapon of chance patent pending is number four eric gets a beard trimmer oh there's hair in it still number 18. a toy pistol can we do this on youtube we can but we shouldn't time to blow a hole into the heart of the exes unlucky number 13 gentlemen unfortunately for sarah she'll be using a statue of a partially peeled banana what is this art does have a way of piercing your heart one instead of a weapon you'll be using just your chompers what i said just your pearly whites any other part of my body or justine you are into some weird stuff brother you don't even know the half of it sister and let's begin it's zombie time baby sloan eat your heart out cut myself again impale it impale it eric with a ritualistic sacrifice it's so good i just don't have time sarah trying to banana split that heart into who makes this come through there like an alien in the movie forrest gump that's time muchacho and that's time come on you're not gonna give [Music] with a minor arterial defect that's heart one eric zero i'm so sorry i made it through unfortunately you didn't get much further than eric that's bananas you guys and i made an entirely new piece of art jamie i will take my money any way you want to give it to me you littered the studio with your pre-chewed pieces of gummy you had a plate the game has been building to this our final round new rules bigger prizes still probably gonna make them look dumb ow break in case of fabulous i happen to be fabulous so i need to break into this ton of glitter in a very hard acrylic box this is solid as heck our contestants will have one minute to find any product in the vat 19 warehouse any item bring it back to the studio and show me some loose glitter go no [Music] he has a warehouse full of products but not a lot of time to find something miles grabbing loudly he's got what this is a makey makey the anything to computer keyboard kit she selected a vat 19 steel water bottle sarah making a careful selection of that stank frank candle which burns a clean apple scent at first but morphs into a pure fart fragrance later on eric has selected a can of simpsons themed duff energy drinks people what is mickey mickey what is this no no sorry miles there's no way that's gonna breaky breaky this box [Music] and it's an instant success fabulous that was ahead of the crack and that's time oh it's so close almost fabulous all they give me was a usb cable a motherboard makey makey is an ingenious set that lets you engineer the world around you unfortunately it's pretty useless for breaking into things [Music] i'll take a check congrats to all the players be sure to check out these cool products and more over at vat19.com we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] vap19.com
Channel: Vat19
Views: 8,580,133
Rating: 4.858736 out of 5
Keywords: vat19, vat 19, vat-19, breaking stuff, destroying stress balls, break it to make it
Id: L6_mKvExwJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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