Moms going through your room in high school

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Jacob Jacob honey huh nobody's in here well I guess there's no reason for me to be in here other than the fact that this room is where's the [ __ ] Jacob where's the [ __ ] cush is this a bomb I smelt it mama went to college she knows this is the bomb hydro flask flask I knew it he's drinking again Anthony is this a bong this is the bomb am i a bomb I'm a bomb you know what that sounds like a bond empty just like his lies he's been telling me honey our son is on the drug okay I have to go this instant I just found some little horse shoes these aren't from Nordstrom Rack which one of these little [ __ ] is trying to torment my sweet baby boy what's a good thing this coffee decaf you think you can hide from me ya little [ __ ] I was in high school once to jackass looking here son protective glasses son is a lighter a lighter is for the Wheaties what is this what is is this a walkie-talkie he's probably using it to communicate to his friends to do more drugs he's off the weed again honey ring ring I want my son back bang Bing what what are you banging Jacob cuz I'm banging my head against the wall is he smoking out of a lint roller I love boobies we don't own any cats Jacob who brought that to my household it was probably the [ __ ] with this shoe you get your cat and your [ __ ] out of here does he want to give his mother a heart he is off the way I think he's using this as a bomb is this him this is the baby it's a baby to make the Tide Pods great great he's doing the internet challenges I've seen the Facebook Jacob I know the challenges yep it's a jewel this is one of them must be doing it wrong no smells like where's my son does he not know he can't why would you look at that another walkie-talkie to call his drug dealer friends can actually use a few of these for later who the healthy kidding I do all of his laundry why does he have these a sharpie a sharpie but what let me guess woo hoo that wasn't too bad no Kathleen get it together that's for drugs I was a teenage boy with a small brain and an even smaller dick trust me I've seen your father's where would I hide drugs the bed it's a [ __ ] bed blankets just like the life he's trying to hide from me come on Kathleen you've got oh no a ruler in his bed what is he trying to measure he doesn't do his homework in his grave he's probably trying to measure his weight yeah he's measuring how much pot he did last night an ungodly amount because any amount is ungodly you he has got to stop eating so much Krispy Kreme in the bed what is that huh we have a kitchen you're going to church on Sunday finally after this whole family church where is he getting all of these watches yep drug dealing that's why he had the walkie-talkie he's calling house they're drug dealers all those watches but he still doesn't know how much time he's ruined thought Patrol what is that what is he thinking about Siri what is a thought thought is not a word JK girls who wear felis Oh where's my sweet boy where is he I knew I should have called the parents before you went over to the Erickson's it's the Erickson's fault that father is the piece of [ __ ] divorced [ __ ] the Erickson's fault my boy wouldn't do this what what is this kind of pen is this it's invisible ink maybe it's a light-up pen smells like a skunk so weight of Jesus that little [ __ ] brought over condoms huh she wants to be safe brother [ __ ] up back in the 80s you know what protection we had was faith how do you think I had you two little [ __ ] headphones what's he listening to hmm nothing just like his brain nothing probably thinks a rap on me Jessica aka weed provocative music ahh get it off this percocet anti by ticks ticks ticks ticks ticks tick tocks trucks people on tick tock on drugs this is drugs oh this is a vape is this a vape what it's just gonna turn into he smokes off of this he raises the death so he can do cocaine up the counter but huh leaning down doesn't stay alive yes that's perfect height I remember my days in theta yes we're already got wild okay but she's changed out mom hi Haley little sugarplum how are you my stuff's everywhere oh I was just looking for a phone charger and got a little messy in here yeah you should clean your room but I'll see you at dinner ah you looked I didn't he he was off the pot the pot was off him what are you gonna do about it I'm gonna do Melanie oh good thing I've a daughter yeah I was just calling because you left your shoes here last night yeah yeah after we had sex did cocaine and smoked weed Jacob honey who are you on the phone with Melanie no love her tell her I say hi such a sweetheart yeah good family my [ __ ] mom says hi speaking of doing it hi you two should date [Music] I'm just gonna go here then pick it up to here flex did you order yours yet I came really quick just like me here one hell yeah that'll be the outro [Music]
Channel: Trevor Wallace
Views: 8,087,417
Rating: 4.9611716 out of 5
Keywords: trevor wallace, trevor walace, travis wallace, white claw, kyle, monster, bang energy, trevor wallace cherdleys
Id: ebceZ4B9Rmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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