Modeling a Tractor Live in SketchUp!

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hey guys welcome to sketchup live welcome back hopefully or actually no i guess we really want new people so welcome first timers well welcome everyone not that there's anything wrong with the old second timers previous timers i don't know if the appropriate usage is there uh we feel like maybe we should rewind and start over yeah okay three two hey guys welcome to sketchup whether it's your first time here you're a return viewer welcome is that better that's better that's good nice well done i was worried worried that i screwed that up uh how's everybody going where's everybody calling in from we jody and myself are sitting in longmont colorado where it's gray overcast not really snowing it's pretending every once in a while but mostly it's just cold yeah it's so cold that it can't snow i think i mean i guess i can't complain too much about it it's not like wisconsin cold or something but yeah it's dry cold yeah it's right it's a dry cold is that like uh being so tired you can't sleep it's so cold it can't snow i think so and i'm okay with that that makes sense in my head let's see where else we got people from chile dorset devon texas austria uh i think that's russia i can't read that one jdc we are all about return viewers you're our favorite next to the new people as they enter three three categories next two is in right alongside not like after or behind nebraska minnesota estonia st louis boston philippines south louisiana deep in the bayou hungary netherlands anytime i think of uh louisiana and the bayou and all that stuff i always go to justin wilson did you ever watch him when you're a younger person it was for some reason he was on like late saturday morning right like so i'd watch my saturday morning cartoons and then the cajun cook that's right he was a cook right yeah he put onion in things yeah exactly and so i would end up watching him i was like you know i finished watching bugs bunny and then all sudden yeah sometimes i can't snuck them in there i can't cook at all though yeah all right let's get this let's get this thing rolling hey guys uh i am aaron i'm going to be modeling a tractor today in sketchup it's going to be a good time to be a lot of fun uh so welcome and with me always is mr jody gates hey that's me hi i'm jody nice to meet you i don't know if jody can see that you guys not yet i'm flashing a little message up in the live stream about uh today and and jody there it is so i didn't say anything nice so subtle i just snuck it in there uh yeah so feel free to say happy birthday to jody i mean it's your say what you want i just honestly doesn't matter to me i've already said happy birthday well thank you for the happy birthdays that are flashing up there awesome so today we are gonna get in here and we're gonna model a tractor i have to throw out a thank you to i think it was guspert yes who threw up pictures of a john deere 830. john deere 830 i don't know i don't know how you say it but uh that is the one we're going to be modeling it is it has that classic tractor look i mean i was thinking about something with like you know the real rounded but i think what i'm thinking of in my head is something out of a mickey mouse cartoon more than a real tractor um this has that solid i'm a real tractor look that i think is good to have in a thing that exists in real world so uh if you haven't already seen them we do have a bunch of photos that gusber posted up on our forum so if you head over there now you can grab them if you want um i think the goal with this is to be uh inspired and create a tractor that looks a lot like this particular one i i don't want to uh you know get super meticulous perfect about it because i don't have that kind of detail or measurements in the photo so uh we're gonna make an awesome looking thing today that's the important part when when it's done we will have a thing that will be a tractor like what is this weird thing that dave posted is it engine in the back look at a hot rod yeah well look at that look at the p bakat i don't know how to say anybody's names ever posted uh that's super high yeah there's no place for a human to sit in that tractor is there that's a that's got to be automated it's probably autonomous yeah tractor go i don't know what tractors do go do things go go i'm so city i'm all right stop embarrassing myself no no i won't stop i will just change how i embarrass myself now so when we got acquired by uh when we moved from google to trimble uh the whole automated car thing was just kind of starting to start to be talked about and one of the things that they told us like one of like whoever it was from trimble that was bringing us almost like oh yeah now we've had a self-driving dump truck parked out here in in the uh i don't know the proving grounds or something like that they've got like a place where you could actually go and watch their self-driving trucks but they were all using like the the big trimble antennas everything it cracks me up the idea of self-driving dump trucks that is not a thing i want to go awry anywhere near me you know it's funny but like about a block from where i live there is a robotics place and what they create is they actually make uh self-driving lawn mowers and street sweepers so they have this kind of it's it's not big it's like i don't know an eighth of an acre but it's it's kind of has all these hills on it and there'll always be like three or four guys standing out there watching this lawnmower by itself just going around and cutting the grass it's everywhere uh i'm not quite ready to get a self-dri i don't even have a self-driving vacuum cleaner yet so yeah i won't be getting a self-driving mower soon i have dogs i can't see my dogs being cool with the i don't even that's not even me considering how much my dog would completely lose his brain just absolutely all right so let's hop in here we're going to use like i said uh these these pictures that are up on the forum so check those out if you if you have not seen them already i think i'm going to try to wherever possible pull geometry off so i may actually import like one of the sides and the front image into sketchup to pull geometry off of um and then uh the problem with the images they're real images so they have vanishing points so it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge but uh let's i wanna start with getting a watermark in here so i have one picture in here in particular i thought would be a a good one to have up is just a the first image so i'm going to come in here i'm going to go to my styles edit my styles and go to my watermark tab and plus and i'm going to grab this tractor angle image that's the one um i'll put it in the background i'm going to make it opaque i'm going to position it down here in this lower right corner i'm going to shrink it down i just want it to be there to uh work just as kind of as if i had this pinned up on the wall so you just glance up at it is that all looking right that kind of thing i'm not going to actually pull dimensions off of it or try to line up my tractor with it but just to have there as a constant reference all right with that let's go ahead and import some of the others so the profile and the front maybe the back you'll start the front view we'll pull those in right now so i'll say import i'm not going to do the full uh cage the the reference image cage the way i did with like cinderella's castle um this one i have an easier time telling what's the front with the back unlike uh we experienced with cinderella's castle that could have gone although it is possible it is possible that you have multiple pictures of different tractors although everything gasper looks like they're all the same yeah they all seem probably safer there i'm in better hands this time thanks to gusberg all right um i think let's get this left side one all right i'm just gonna so i don't know years ago i don't remember how long it was and i don't remember if he had it on his his channel or was on the sketchup channel but tyson did a speed build of a tractor it was one of those one of the first times i was watching somebody where they were making like a car and just modeling half of it with a flipped a mirrored component to do the other other side since it was all symmetrical anyway oh good to go fascinating to watch at speed what if i can find that i do remember that i remember he had that one and then he had a uh one where he modeled a telescope which was i really still enjoy watching that one apparently you can't search google for tyson tractor speed build it didn't really apparently google is not as smart as i think come on google all right so right away this is one of what i want to point out when you're working with reference images and this is nothing bad about it or anything like that uh you know real images not illustrations or architectural drawings they do vanish so as i look at this piece i can see that the it looks like the front tires are way wider than the back tires because of that vanishing that goes back um so this is what i was saying i'll kind of maybe just pull inspiration or some shapes off of here but i'm not going to try to you know line up the wheels and scale everything right because it's just not going to work all right let's let's get in let's start i think i must just start with a rectangle we'll just start with something like oh start something like this what would you call that i still call it a rectangle okay all right so i'm gonna pull this back a little bit of a tilt like that and then i'm going to knock off this right here right off the bat and then i feel like we got something kind of like this go parallel to this happening um and then somewhere in here it looks like about here that bottom drops down so just creating a quick profile just something something to start working off of is really what i'm looking for here and i don't like so i'm not worried about keeping tied to the image or anything like that but i just need a shape to to work off of before actually i'm going to put it back on here and i'm going to go to uh change my view so i can see through x-ray i don't i don't know if you guys noticed this but i don't use a whole lot of x-ray i know some people use just use it like crazy i it's something i don't use a whole lot of fact i would say that a lot of times x-ray causes me more problems than it solves you guys ever hit that get that kind of issue i feel like it's something that i need to have a like a shortcut so i can turn it off and on quick and easy yeah i know some people like the new the new like you can see through it to grab the back corner that came out in 2020 3 or something like that yeah that's how it's going to say is ever since that came out i don't find myself needing x-ray quite as much all right so i think that's kind of what i wanna i think this goes more like that okay so there's my initial i'm trying to account for distortion too because like like i said as we look at especially rounded items and photos they're gonna kind of look a little funny not funny haha funny weird um i know a lot of people sometimes yeah yeah you know a lot of people um have a shortcut key for that which again not something i've done but some people do have a shortcut key where they just can toggle that on and off all right so here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking i will grab these lines right here and i'll bring these over here and kind of just kind of generally line that up and obviously this is not going to work this is totally different size so what i'll do is i will scale this i'll hold down shift to uniformly scale until i get that to about the right size again i'm just looking for kind of a reference a little okay so i'm going to take this this way this i'm gonna take to about here like that and this line really does need to go down this little little underbelly section is quite a bit bigger okay so that is kind of what i'm working with to start this guy will actually have kind of a i should do this for the bezier draw bezier i'm going to go from here to well i guess i'll take it all the way down here come up like this all right give me that that nice that curve all right i'm gonna take that and i'm gonna plop that back on the front of my profile cool so that gives me something to work with that gives me a start um as i look at this i'm gonna start with this piece right here i'm gonna make this this bumper kind of thing i'm gonna use another bezier i think i'm gonna be using a handful of beziers today come down like this pull it out to here oops did that wrong we go straight-ish down get that curve like that and then just pull it all oops make a copy of it and pull it straight over like this get rid of that first one just off somewhere i missed so i'm going to break that line put my own line in there i think this could i think is when i moved it i probably should offset it or something um you guys are i don't know if you ever get this where so if i scroll in i get the super jump like whoa i'm way past it when when you scroll sketchup views or zooms in on the pixel that is under your cursor so when my pixel's in the middle of nowhere on no space it it has a set amount it jumps in with each each roll of the wheel if i'm over something then it's a percentage of how far your camera is from the wheel so it'll slow down as you get closer and closer as long as your cursor is over something so if you're zooming in on line work it's tough it's hard to do but if you keep your mouse over a line it'll zoom in to get closer and closer to the line whereas if you're over empty space you'll shoot right past it so just an fyi if you ever see that so while you're while you're talking about that uh page commented asked if you had updated the driver on your uh your connect your space mouse maybe maybe that was what's going on um and also at the same time uh felipe also asked what that is in your left hand so it's probably a perfect time to talk about now is the time got it uh this right here is my 3d mouse this is a space mouse enterprise from the company 3d connection it is a tool it's a peripheral it is absolutely not required to run sketchup but it can be used in sketchup and a lot of other 3d modeling anything where you navigate in 3d space can be used what it does is it allows me to take the model as if it was sitting in my hand and spin it around in 3d space so this is super nice for things like presentations as sketchup users we get used to this jerky you know this view where we do this kind of thing all the time there's nothing wrong with that but if you're not a sketchup user and you're not expecting that jump it can be a little disconcerting it can be a little alarming i don't know it can be something so it's kind of nice to have this nice gradual spinning and viewing the other thing is because my zooming is done over here with my left hand it leaves my right hand open to move the mouse around maybe go pick a next command i want to do as i'm zooming or you know change my ui as i'm coming in here it uh it allows me to do double duty because i'm not worried about using this mouse to zoom also so like i said not a requirement you don't have to have one use sketchup but it is a nice option to have it's uh it's great for presentations if you do a lot of presenting in sketchup i highly recommend getting one and if you're a sketchup user already and you're looking to kind of get to that next step what's the next step how do you get better with sketchup you might want to consider it there too because i can say that as a designer it has definitely improved how i use sketchup so worth checking out we should we should probably work with them to create a sketchup bundle or package or something they should totally be making they should have a version that's all about sketchup i think so you should maybe the tell them that maybe the the top knob is actually the sketchup logo oh i like that how about how about i i'll uh work with them to get a signature collection there you go like chefs have their knives or their pans or whatever yeah all right i did that whole thing i was all out of out of plane so i'm just going to redraw that real quick yeah i was watching that thinking maybe you should shut up because it's not it's not helping your less less talky more uh pay attention to what the hell you're doing all right here we go okay so what i think i want to do now then with that i don't have the top view but it's pretty easy to see how this this all shapes up so i'm going to throw a rectangle on the ground right here i'm going to put an arc on here something like that and then i will grab all this before i do i'm gonna have just do a follow me around like that but before i do a follow me i'm gonna grab these pieces and i'm going to weld them by welding them beforehand it's going to keep this new welded piece without any breaks in it so it's it's kind of something i've added to my workflow since that native weld showed up in there because right clicking hitting weld for whatever reason just seems quicker to me than hitting the weld button or going to extensions and finding weld so i would say nine times out of ten when i do a follow me now i grab the geometry weld and then hit follow me so that is my even even as an old dog i am occasionally finding new tricks apparently shut up i'm not home sorry it's not your birthday so yes you're young still yeah jody's old not me yeah right that wasn't right damn it so why did you save it as untitled when you saved it son of a gun because i like that i like that title i have so many documents titled untitled and untitled one and then title two i know i know unboxed box one that's true all right i'm going to take this piece and i'm going to put it up here because i want to i want to see some things so i'm starting to think about this grill right here this looks actually very uniform here for whatever reason i have a little bit of a flare this way more than i see over here kind of thinking i might just do away with that so i'm going to pull this in like this so it's symmetrical top to bottom um i do have a little bit of a slant here though to account for i'm going to pull that back in too so i'm going to temporarily i'm just trying to think of the best way to get these distortions where it's just a little bit tilted out as i start to do a raise of things like this this grille piece it's going to be a lot easier to do vertical array of pieces and then come back and you know make them come out rather than trying to do arrays on angles and that sort of thing so i'm going to pull this back out to vertical and [Music] bring this into here and probably pull that in just a bit just oops just a touch actually that's out of plane that's going to be something um yeah this is probably one of those spots where planning ahead what's that there's a saying about that an ounce of planning is something or something how to cure pound up wait an ounce of prevention that's worth a pound of cure i really don't remember much of it myself what you wouldn't make a very good gen xer then yup sorry to see okay let's get these things in here all right so if i look at this this i got a crease right here so this is the middle one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve one in the middle twelve on each side that sounds good so um i'm thinking there is an extension copy along path but i don't know how well that's going to work i'm going to take this straight piece right now let me try this i'm going to try this i'm going to i don't know how is it going to work this never stop me from trying things in the past so i'm going to divide uh just this edge let's let's make that into nine pieces all right and then i grab that make that into a component what would that be called grill thingy whoa i yelled it yeah well you're just excited i guess so oops your enthusiasm really really shows that's true so um i'm wondering how many people that are watching actually attended and i have to do that in air quotes kbiz and i got to watch any of the kbis videos yeah anybody probably not mini yeah it was rough that was that was rough and unfortunate bless their heart um yeah for those of you who were not aware cave is is a kitchen and bath design exhibition trade show uh that was going on this week we were attending there or ex exhibiting there and uh was supposed to start yesterday morning bright and early uh 10 o'clock eastern time and instead of starting what happened was uh the exhibit hall the virtual exhibit hall did not work like at all like nothing worked it did not uh it did not happen and the most absolute uh and the most absolute usage of the word did not work nothing yeah so spent a lot of time uh sitting waiting actually it was it wasn't too bad for me because uh i got to work with some awesome presenters to to do some sessions and uh tammy cody and eric schimel finney hung out and they they did some training it was it was a lot of fun it was good time but overall it was a bit of a bummer uh craft andu just asked if you could explain how you divided and pasted those pieces absolutely sorry i got got uh got caught up talking um yeah yeah also it happens uh andy is wondering if maybe you didn't turn on your keystroke logger thing also true man man k business screwing up everything i'm not going to blame it on something but yes it is all k biz's fault it has thrown my world into a confusing sad place i didn't care that much about it yeah so what i did here i took this line segment you just right click on any line segment and hit divide divide will just go through and break it into as many pieces you want you can actually slide your cursor along to pick how many pieces you want but you can also watch down here lower right it'll tell you how many are there but you can also type over it breaking a segment is you can always do an array so i could have taken my first one on the end and then move the next one down and said array 10 of these in here that would have worked also and totally a viable way to do it the nice part about dividing a line is you can see it beforehand with an array you put those pieces in and if you really don't like it if it's not breaking up right uh you get rid of it and try again with with the divide section i can actually look at this and go okay is this how is this going to look because that can look right i can look too crowded and i can set that up beforehand so i really like doing that divide and then copying along the points totally not required you don't have to do it that way by any means but it is kind of a nice way to look at geometry beforehand bill asked if you can copy copy move the item from start to end and then use the divide rather than divide the line yeah that's the same that that would have worked just as well like i said i i tend to if i don't know if i'm just experimenting playing around it's easier for me to look at the line and see if that's going to look good but if you prefer absolutely copying doing the array would work also good questions all right let's get rid of this x-ray awesome all right so i'm i'm here i'm thinking about something uh that thing is this let me get this in here so i can think about it out loud so i'm just thinking how how's the what's the best way gonna be to close this up because i'm thinking lofting would be nice um move that out here go so i can't this is not a normal uh this is not a normal shape i can't like follow me along here i could i could get half of it so when i get to this point there's a couple ways to do this right so i can do what would be maybe the wrong way i don't know we'll see see how this turns out if i came in oh my my i'm just off axis by squishing that stuff around um just wanna see all right so i have these four sides or these three sides i'm going to re redraw that one over here my bezier all right okay so i have these three curves i'm gonna actually i'm gonna redraw this one too i don't like the way curves are kind of weird in sketchup there so actually i haven't taken advantage of some of the more advanced curve drawing extensions out there i do have a copy of bezier or fredo spline which i haven't used yet i'm excited to try it out but i have not gotten there but i do want to let's draw this one back in we'll see that goes there all right so when i come to shapes like this there's a couple things i could do i'm going to save one thing that i have done quite a bit in the past is something like this raw i'll push pull this piece through this way and then i'll push pull this piece through this way and then i can grab these two i'll grab these two curves intersect face with selection and what that'll do is that'll give me this and in some cases that might actually be good enough i'm going to say it's a little weak it's not quite good enough for for what i want uh especially since i'm not coming around this corner i'm not i don't get this rounded corner right here and that i want um i can't just do a follow me on this one because if i was to do here let's let's do it we'll just we'll we'll find out why right now oops so if i grab this line right here i'm going to weld it while i'm here two and if i say follow me with this shape so i get that very clunky look i lost the other curve the curve that went this way so this is a spot where i would probably want to loft these pieces together to get what i'm actually looking for there's of course there's so many different ways to do this stuff um i'm not sure why this line broke too i'm going to go ahead and weld that as well it is nice to see you're trying to do it without plug-ins so i like to i like to explore my options uh and of course fredo loft i did not uh i did not get i don't have a loft extension so that's that's that makes a lot of sense so i'm gonna go grab one i'm trying to remember what's what's on warehouse for lofting let's let's take a look so in here we have simple loft which is simple loft is really nice because what simple loft will let you do is basically take one line to another line and it will just take the points of one line and basically go straight to the other line that what you have to do in those cases though is both segments have to have the same or both lines both edges have to have the same number of segments and then it just maps one to one point one to point one point two to point two uh works really well if you if your geometry is set up that way not so much in this case i don't know how many pieces there are here and i'm not lofting one to one i'm actually lofting three pieces to each other so we're gonna need something a little more powerful than that so i'm going to hop over to sketchycation plug-in store real quick i apologize i know this is not fun to watch me download stuff but hopefully this goes super speedy and uh uh we'll just we'll be right back we'll be right back uh there it is curveloft so i'm going to grab kerbaloff from fredo 6 download that and then i'll just install that real quick so come here to my extension manager install extension curve aloft i already have live fredo which is one of the pieces it would require there we go so now what i can do is grab my one two three edges and then oops i just forget how to i always i always struggle just to touch the beginning of this and then there we go that's not quite what i'm looking for that's a little ugly let's uh play with our vertex matching a little bit that's better let's see that looks all right there we go so i can see i got a much closer to the shape i'm looking for with that than what i have before um and that's that's lofting the nice thing about this too is if i go ahead and explode this obviously i have to reverse my face there and i can take this and i can actually pull that straight back because that goes all the way back to here all right that's looking pretty pretty good we got a good front end started here um it's a good place to start it's it's a play it's a start it's something it is something really something all right okay so that's looking kind of cool uh i'm trying to model half of it because i do want to duplicate maybe i'll do is right now i'll make this a component and i'll call this tractor half because you know i will copy tractor half i will use scale on the outside of the component to mirror it to the opposite of itself and then we'll slap these two pieces together now as i model i can work on one half and i'll see it reflected on both sides all right so to get that little bit of a just a little bit of a tilt in the front i think what we can do is i think if i grab know what i'll do i'll explode these first so i'm gonna have to grab all these pieces you know what this is an excellent time when you get to the point where you're gonna start destroying geometry which is where i live i'm going to take a copy of this option copy and stick it over here because i'm going to explode some geometry which means it's going to merge with other geometry and after i mer after i do that it's kind of the point of no return at that point um so i'll make a copy that way if i have to back up i can so i'm going to grab all these i'm going to explode the reason i'm exploding is because what i want to do now is i want to grab this right here and i'll take it and slide it forward and that's going to get me kind of like that and i'm going to take this piece right here scoot it back a little now maybe i won't scoot that back i'll leave it like that okay so that gives me there's my my kind of angle on the front end right there next piece then i got this panel coming out so i'll just grab this and i will pull this out that was odd oh i pulled it out to where there's already an edge there so it got a little a little confused all right so that is that yellow panel right there let's up in here i do want to i'll reverse the face let's see this piece right here oh so i do have a little bit of a curve here so i'll go ahead and get that into throw a curve in like that and then just pull that back i'm modeling this as solid right now i realize this is kind of just a piece of sheet metal but i'm going to model it as one solid piece just going to be a little bit easier to work with right now it'll be pretty easy if i want to come back later and make that into a smaller piece it's not too hard to do so i'm not going to worry i'm not going to stress about getting that broken apart right now um so it's being pointed out that you have to make the copied tractor front unique did you not do that that was a test and you guys did great good thing it all turned out well i didn't need it i'll just erase this and pretend that never happened you guys are the best yep that's how i roll all right um i got another another curve or two here oh come on k biz mess with my flow oh i wonder how long i can blame stuff on that so it's sort of like a thanks obama now right it is it is absolutely i wrote that for several years so i don't know just stick with it you can probably only use cabez for probably three maybe six months yeah i turned eight years into about 10 12 years we turned three days into a solid week and a half have you ever been out to that place in hygiene okay there's a guy out there that has like rebuilds old tractors so he's always got several of these things just kind of parked out in front of the i have not it's pretty neat sounds like a fun place though i just realized that uh i pulled the wrong faces through there so this may be the downside to working on both sides at the same time is that here in the middle i can potentially hurt myself because i can grab the wrong pieces here so i don't want to do that just mostly just got to make sure to just be conscious just be conscious of what you're doing watch where you're clicking pal all right that's kind of that's cool looking i like it i like it um i can get rid of option erase that to smooth it out pretty cool pretty cool all right so here this uh for lack of a better term i'll call it a bumper comes out to the same place as this yellow piece so that's right here uh maybe i'll take that just oh again it broke that so i'm going to go ahead and grab that curve re-weld it and if you get this so it's telling me i can't take this i can't take my push-pull past the edge here so i'm just hit my option key which is make a new face and then i can just delete that edge there it'll let me pull it through that way all right so now what i need to do is make this i'm assuming this is like a skid plate kind of thing a a underbelly not in a seedy way but more of a just a underneath kind of way what is the opposite of cd anyway pleasant well but i mean it feels like there's got to be a word yeah that sounds a little soft were you going to turn on the app that showed your keystrokes i did after we mentioned that earlier is it not showing didn't appear to be well i haven't hit it so if i hit a right now yeah there we go oh there it is okay uh you're just doing a lot of clicking you're just in a clicky mode right now yeah i was i was not so not so typey less typey more clicky alright so i'm going to do this i'm going to grab i'm going to grab these faces and make a group i'm going to go into that group and hide everything else all right this is what i want to be looking at right now um you know i'm also going to go to i don't have a shortcut key for this but in component i can say hide similar components that's going to hide my other half i don't i don't need to see that right this second um all right so let's let's get so here's kind of the profile this does have a curve to it so i'm going to go ahead and draw a bezier curve here up to about say there something like that and it has a curve down as well um so not much it really is kind of a small curve right here let's draw another bezier curve this by the way the bezier i'm using uh for those of you who aren't haven't been here previous now is just the sketchup teams bezier tool i tend to use it a lot and then one last curve in this direction and i don't really have a good idea of how this curve works looking at my photos it definitely fills up here but it kind of looks like that's maybe it so i'll stay pretty minimal with this curve i should probably put a shortcut on bezier curve because it's definitely a tool i use a lot okay so i'm going to say that's what i want to loft so let's go ahead and i'm going to weld some stuff first like like i have been right click and weld grab these three guys right click and weld same thing here grab these two right click and weld if i grab all three of these oops is there a little segment in there i do a little tiny edge what are you doing causing problems all right straight up for fun all right now one curve two curve three curves i don't like when this doesn't work oh am i hitting the wrong one again oh man at least it's fun to watch well glad you're enjoying yourself there's three buttons there and i just for whatever reason keep clicking the wrong button there we go right buttons pushed and it works like a champ all right there's my my underbelly shape uh let's go ahead and select and explode that guy reverse the face so up in the chat here bruce said that that is a casting used as an engine pan oops i buy that i don't know why i wouldn't like it looks like we have a handful of tractor experts so that's fun rap i mean that's great um all right so i just realized i have this actually created because the way my curve came down it actually created a little bit of an indent in there which made my loft look bad so i'm going to redraw this curve real quick it's hard to see but it it comes up just a little bit higher here than it should so i'm going to go ahead and draw a new bezier i'm just going to do the whole thing go from here to here and we'll pull that first one down like that and then there we go cool so i'm sorry did anybody actually come back and comment that they did try to go to kbiz i i know we asked that question and then i promptly moved on to i never saw any any suggestion that anyone had hey then you guys aren't didn't miss out on anything all right let's try that again that looks better sometimes a lot of times when you're when you're doing half of a piece like this uh especially with curves and lofts and that kind of stuff you can get like you know kind of dimples or butt cheek kind of shapes or the opposite where they they kind of point out and you get like a cone cone head kind of thing uh it's it's it's nice when it all comes together like this and i don't have so i don't have any real big points or indents that's a plus that is a big plus i feel like i was not expecting to hear the phrase dimples or butt cheek kind of things on this stream today that's how that's that's apparently how we do it right apparently i don't know so it would seem yeah all right there we go close that up cool well hey this is coming along swimmingly that sounded far more sarcastic i really think this is going well yeah the the weird emphasis on the word that was odd i apologize all right um so we're very quickly running up to the point where there's a thing going on that i can't see what's going on which is basically from this point back i know there's more tractor back there but i can't really see it in any of the images that i have loaded um i think this carries back a little bit longer and then kind of starts tying into these fenders the tractor fender um i think that's that's right yeah uh but let me i want to while we're working on the front end i'm just going to keep going i want to throw uh this front axle and a couple tires on here real quick [Music] i'm gonna come over here and i'm gonna say this is about the middle of the wheel and i'm gonna draw a rectangle like this okay uh so what i think is gonna happen i think i'm gonna have a hubcap i just said there's a new image on the forum and it helps i like help i'm a big fan of getting help let me just turn my head this direction ah there we go all right um all right so i'm drawing i'm gonna work on this just a little bit more first i'm gonna get the profile of this tractor so i i have this cut out here i want it copied on the other side so i'm going to option copy it over here and now what we've got is again i've got i'm trying to make these shapes right here off tool was it you ended up installing what's that now which loft tool did you install uh curvaloft oh that's corby loft yeah okay did you get it you got it from the warehouse i did not i got it from uh education okay okay sketch gation yes all right so uh i'm gonna put a little bit of a divot right here so you can see this kind of comes in like this and then we kind of go out and then like that so i'm going to draw bezier from here to say here we'll come in like that and kind of out like that there we go and i'll take i guess i could have done the whole thing in half like that but i'll take this and i will mirror that there we go and there is a profile of half of my tractor tire i think we're gonna see how it turns out i don't i don't know we'll we'll see what happens i'll slide it right over here so it's off the image and i'm gonna draw a circle actually you know what i could do now i could i'm not gonna get this level of detail in here but i could put a little a little something just to show that i don't know if that's a hubcap or what you would call it but uh it sticks out it's a sticky outy bit um so maybe i'll it's actually more oops more like this and then this kind of comes out all right now that's probably supposed to all go in a little more anyhow i could fine-tune but slide it in like that and this probably comes in comes in two all right so i'm going to get a profile here and then all i got to do is get a circle line it up with this middle piece it doesn't have to be connected to it i'll slide it over here and then i can do is i can grab this circle i can say follow me with this shape and i'll get this not too bad that's that's a it is a serviceable representation of this shape i believe all right so i'm going to take this and move that out a little bit more maybe a little bit a little bit more all right cool i'm gonna grab all that reverse my faces i'm gonna make it a component and we'll bring that forward so that kind of comes out lines up the center of us just back from the front so something kind of like that you can see it's pretty wide out that's a little too far forward i think all right something more like that and when i get it about where i want actually it needs to be even a little further out like this it's it's actually a ways out there uh once i got it where i want i'm gonna take it and i'm going to cut it so i'm gonna go edit cut and i'm going to go into this half of the component and i'm going to say edit paste and place and now when i come out you'll see i have both of them in there because they're on their own sides pace and place is one of the best commands ever it's it's really great i like it a lot i use it constantly i'm really really good about forgetting that it exists and how awesome it is after having done that i really feel it needs to be a little further back okay now we'll get this front fork shape in here so a lot of times because paste and place is so powerful you could draw anything anywhere and put it wherever you want afterwards uh i will do a lot of when i when i have my components like this i'll do a lot of my modeling out in the real world outside of all my context so what that means is i can come in here and i can start drawing right on top of this piece without ever having to worry about my geometry joining together with this because everything else is a component and keep my raw geometry out here away from everybody else where it can't hurt anyone and i can do whatever i want and then when i'm done when i know okay now i have good geometry that i'm ready to to take back into the the rest of it uh then i can do the same thing i can cut it and then just paste in place all right so uh this piece right here i'm gonna do i'm gonna put one curve that goes like this down because it kind of looks like that's what i got going on there see that comes down like that looks like it maybe comes straight out a little bit first and then i'll draw a bezier curve here up to this point here and here kind of come up like this i feel like i'm a lot lower and then right here we got a little flat section here and then a flat section here this one's actually probably a little higher maybe something like that and then we have same thing just a kind of a very very gentle curve so almost a straight line i could probably get away with just drawing a straight line but i'm enjoying my beziers so go like this i'll pull just a little bit here a little bit here oh that's nice okay and then that whole thing kind of looks rounded so what i'm going to do i'm going to use another extension i'm going to grab this i'm going to grab this i'm going to grab this and i'm going to grab this maybe we should weld those first let's weld them real quick all right and then i'm going to go up to my tools for 806 collection and i'm going to grab my fredo corner and put a round curve on those guys um so right now oh how it's always so jarring to look at fredo's ui next to sketchup ui it is different i don't yeah i don't know which one would be better but they definitely are different lots of words in his yeah for some reason here's dry skin tools fredo fredo corner round corner huh maybe i shouldn't maybe i should unweld that try grabbing those tools for 806. i should probably just turn the toolbar on at this point surprise auto close yeah that's not fair jason on facebook made some comment earlier about wondering how often it bug splats and i was prepared to say can't think of the last time i saw bugs flat at least once uh yeah to be fair i did just install an extension without rebooting which is kind of something you're not supposed to do but uh yeah that was that was unexpected i did not really expect that to happen i'm trying to think i this those of you who who join us regularly uh there we go that's what i was expecting all right see so it sketchup knew you needed to restart after that install that's that's what that works for you all right so now we've been working with machine learning in sketchup so how does a forcible restart sound surprise um yeah cause that was all right that was good cool so that there we go fredo corner now gave us nice round corners on that piece which is really what this looks like you can see from the shadows right here you can see it on this right here you have that round corner and i know there's more detail as it goes in but uh we'll go ahead and grab that make that into a new component excel i'm going to cut it come in here edit paste in place all right it looks weird something looks weird not sure what i'm weirded out by something um anyhow we'll uh maybe i'll figure that out let's see let's see if maybe maybe someone has the answer already i mean i'm not oh maybe that tire is just not big enough oh that is exactly it because i pulled the tire off of here which is a smaller picture let's grab this scale this scale about the middle all right so if i if i zoom back to the point that these panels are about the right size with that picture somethings get a little bit bigger all right that's better all right so now i can come in here and grab all this i can shift it down maybe back a little bit something like that it's a little closer to looks better all right obviously this is not correct now this piece so what we can do this see if we go straight up it actually looks like we're getting into some serious distortion if i mess with this too much more but it kind of looks like this piece now as soon as i do that it's going to get ugly okay yeah that kind of pushed them in too didn't it let me grab this now it's looking kind of weird skinny that out like whenever people whenever somebody puts their face like halfway on a mirror yeah it looks too narrow it looks way too narrow it does actually what's looking wrong is this now doesn't it the body my my body looks too thin yeah he looks way too thin all right so let's do this it's like uh dory from finding nemo i'll grab all of this she's really skinny she is well we'll thicken it up it's looking better oops i did i did something wrong that looks better all right and since i was uniformly scaling i actually scaled against the outside edge of this piece right here so when it stretched it it left me with a gap so i'm just sliding the whole thing over this distance so the two two halves should line up right down the middle again now all right that's looking better but yeah this this whole thingy sink back up in there all right that looks better okay i'm happier again okay let's keep moving um all right so right back here we get to a point where this piece all right i'm gonna pull this back oops option um so i realized that these sheets these pieces are all flush against each other i'm intentionally leaving a little bit of a gap just so i can maintain that that dimension so i want it to be a little bit lower same with them keeping these lines what i might actually do is grab like this guy right here maybe i'll take him and option copy him just just just a teeny bit just like like that much same thing here i'll grab these two and i will option copy those over here and then what i can do with that part of this didn't go far enough let's see where is that running short just short right there oh that's not gonna work because it's off the face because of something all right here's what i'll do get rid of you get lost this is do you guys do this i just saw time in sketchup i'm like i'm gonna just throw this little detail in here real quick and i'm like how would i do that and i end up like oh broad sweeping important stuff yeah done this little detail oh i could do it like this i could do it like this i could do it like this so many options yeah that's my thing i have a problem with i have a problem i'm gonna grab this face right here i'm gonna copy it down to here and then i i see how that works and then what i should be able to do yeah they miss the last words right i grab those lines right there and use another fredo extension this is turning out very quickly to be the fredo show here but he's just got good stuff i'm going to use joint push pull real quick and i'm just going to pull that down in just a touch just like that and that will give me that panel line probably to clean up right here just a little bit maybe tyson's speed build of this was much faster i well yeah this is like two minutes long all right so there's that panel line so again keeping the lines in there works so this this look this works um for some things the problem is as soon as i do something like [Music] turn off my lines drop my hidden edges those things will disappear by doing a little bit of an offset like this and then using something like joint push pull or if it's flat just regular push-pull that's going to give me just that little bit of accent there that's going to tell me that that is in fact set in like that so that looks cool i like panel lines they're they're fun they look good all right it makes it look like it's a real thing it does rather than just one monolithic chunk it looks like it could exist in the real world all right so where was i i was right here putting this thing back like this um so what happens here is this big fender this big tire which i should probably just start working on this tire real quick this tire wheel um i'm going to do this one a little bit a little bit different way from the last one i'm going to go ahead and pick a center point so i'm going to say right here is my middle i'm just going to draw a line out representing that and i'm going to draw some concentric circles one to here maybe one out to this piece seems important one two here one two there there there there and one big one that goes out to mah thereish all right so now what i can do is i can say okay this this piece is going to be the one that comes out here i need to i need to move this off of my reference photo now because i can't see what i just what i intend to do here that's the the center hub and then this piece is going to come out to say there this next piece is set in a little bit and then my then my rim starts so this is going to come out [Music] more more more and more and i'll pull this out to here i shall i'll set this just in from from the rim like like that come around back and not really concerned about the inside too much all right so that is my initial uh orient faces there we go there's my initial tire so different way to create similar geometry obviously i'm not done here this is this is a little a little too clean not going to work for my tractor yet but uh oh because i scooted it i scooted um obviously this tractor has a lot of detail that i left out of there but depending what you're doing if if if you're not doing something that is quite as much of a focal point track your tires have a lot of uh rubber prettiness i don't know how to say a lot of detail a lot a lot of stuff to look at oh there's things um so this is obviously not going to not going to be enough but so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to draw a line saying this is how far it's supposed to come out the top no and then i'm going to go ahead and just push pull this all the way back to here okay now i did not line that up to the right point it's kind of curious if the treads are as challenging as they are you'd think it would be pretty straightforward i mean you look don't look at that tire just like that thing is very simple yeah one would probably think something like that that would be wrong i i did something weird i did i broke a a a rule of my own here i did not draw all these pieces oh it's just this guy right here for whatever reason he's off axis just talk or draw buddy don't try to do both we'll get it lined up correctly there we go um all right so let's get this in here so i really think that i'll probably do something if i grab the center point here and go just in from the outside here so it's going to come up kind of bulge out like that i did that wrong i did it the wrong direction so go like this it's going to start to come out like this and then it's going to bulge out just a little bit like that kinda let's see we'll grab that point and then take that flip a copy 180 degrees all right let's let's just start with this i don't know if this is gonna be right but let me grab this circle uh follow me with this shape okay that's a good tractory looking tire um obviously we're not done today that's that's um here i want to get rid of all these lines all the way let's see i wonder if i can just do a select if i will get the wrong too much stuff looks all right yeah so i'm gonna grab those pieces right there and then i'll just soften and smooth them real quick using the ui rather than my eraser what are you about okay i got a thing going on here there we go okay so that's that's a pretty it depending on what i was doing i might be done there that that would it would be reasonable to say that was enough um but that's not the thing i do i don't know glutton for punishment something i don't know how this works but um i like to think it's you're just you're attempting to be entertaining is this where my makes other people feel good again yeah like why would anybody turn in to watch you do everything perfectly that's true that's true all right so as i look at this picture down here i kind of feel like what we got is just is if you were to look at it straight on it would almost be you know flat like this so i want to try i want to try something um all right i'm going to say i'm going to start with just a rectangle like this and i'm going to take that and make it a group all right i'm going to come up to this one right here and align it to the center i'm going to put it on plane like this to start with i'm going to scale it little thinner a bit shorter i'm going to take it on plane and i'm going to rotate it like this and i'm gonna try okay so what i'm trying to do right here is really just get uh a shape that i can intersect with the tire geometry if that makes any sense at all so why didn't you split this in half and make it two halves because they cross over each other see how they go past each other like that oh yeah so because life's not fair life's not simple simple is boring i don't know pick a pick a thing where's it there's my point all right i'm gonna take that all right i have no idea if this is gonna work by the way so um so i'm not actually creating the geometry all i'm trying to create is the geometry that i can intersect to break my actual tire all right so there we go so this is what i was looking for to start with um now what i want to do i need i need a point of reference though so i'm going to have to take i'm going to take this piece and i'm going to have it go to this corner so that's one past the center now what i'll do is i'm going to make a copy of this guy over here i'm going to explode make a new group and i'm going to scale that to negative one and i'm going to take it by this point and drag it back to one line over and then i'll go from that point up to the midpoint here all right so there you can see how i have that criss-crossing geometry yeah yeah okay and i'll have to do this at least two times because this laps out yeah so i'm going to have to go i'm going to copy these two pieces oops i forgot to hit the option key so it did not copy it just rotated them try that again option copy from one piece to the next all right there's two sets so what i want to do now is i want to intersect these three pieces with this one ring segment so i'm going to make this piece its own section so i'm going to here's what i need to do first i need to make this into a group so i can come in here and edit this without everything else getting in my way i'm going to grab that section right there minus this stuff i don't i don't want that stuff all right make that into its own group all right and now actually i can kind of just get rid of that all right so now if i take this face here i'm gonna i'm gonna cut that and come out and edit paste in place isolate that geometry now if i take this piece and i just take this surface and i say intersect face with model it should get those treads on there beautiful now what i think wait right now what i want to do is i want to take these pieces and i want to uh bring them out of the surface with joint push pull the reason i'm laughing because i got to a point where i'm like i don't know what to do now i want to put the thickness on there but i just want it to come straight up because i want to kind of fade down into this side so i'm going to try doing a vector push pull where it pushes straight up the blue axis what i'm not sure of is how that will cause this section and this section to interact but but let's find out all right so i'm going to grab that i'm going to go to tools for 806 i'm going to joint push pull again and i'm going to do a vector push pull and i'm going to stick straight up on the blue axis pretty deep something like that all right i'm going to take these pieces i'm going to temporarily just hide them i take this piece first i'm going to do is make it a component that way if i have to make a change i'll have to make it once you might want to save before you get too crazy with that that's an excellent idea oh that's not mine actually my shirt says whoops not saved today so keep that in mind two great tastes that tastes great together all right copy that 23 times and here's my question my one question is how this came out together it did not come together perfectly but it's pretty darn close hey here's a chance to do some stitching [Laughter] oh turns out not everybody loves it as much as i do but all right um all right so because i have a component this won't be very this won't be too painful to fix so what i can do is i can come into this one piece i'm gonna uh right now i'm gonna for whatever reason this got hidden or smoothed so i'm going to go ahead and break that like that i'm going to go back up to component edit and unhide my similar components because what i want to do is i want to take this point right here and move it to that point there maybe maybe that's what i want to do curious how that was going to line up it did not line up beautifully um no what could i do is better than that i wonder if i could take this and rotate it like that that's closer yeah actually so maybe stitching is the answer to a question that no one ever asked i don't like it it feels like i'm i'm copping out on this i don't i don't feel like it is the ideal solution but i also don't want to spend all of y'all's precious time breaking my brain that's going to look a little weird but we'll see let's see let's see what happens if i just just do this for just a few few pieces and see how well it closes up i'm missing something i'm missing the point there we go oh you know what i could just loft it all together again too hey we've been using whoops i've been using a lot of uh fredo stuff so far why stop now right um you're definitely killing the utility of this video for the pre free users oh yeah we are we are deep into sorry wasn't intentional guys but uh yeah we are definitely in extension territory here that is for certain i'm going to come into this piece right here i'm going to do this so i can grab this i'm going to command c that i'm going to come in here edit paste and place again mvp command grab these two pieces together and then i will grab all of this here this is a lot like making tiling images yes i'll skin that or i won't come on man all right i've decided that uh internal stopwatch on trying to do stuff that i'm not sure how to do in favor of just getting stuff done oh look at that that's nice so that's how it would close up the thing that i'm i'm definitely tripping on right now is tripping up on is that uh what so the issue was my method of joint push pull um what i'm thinking i could really do is if i back up a few steps all right i just oh look at all that ugliness poke poke poke all right how many steps you're going to do all right so now here i'm going to back up a little bit more even this is what i'm going to do i'm going to grab this piece right here i'm going to copy it over here let's copy like that missed it okay and then i'm going to rotate that around the middle of the wheel no that's what you do all right so i got my cut into my slice i'm going to take this piece right here i'm going to rotate that piece about the middle of the wheel one segment option to right here then i'm going to get rid of this i'm going to take these two pieces and then that is what i will somebody was probably already saying this in the in the comments that is what i will joint push pull i'll be clear there is a lot of a lot of comments going on as there should be because i would hate it's very much the consensus that you're doing it wrong i believe that thanks thank you guys thank you so much all right so there we go that's away an option for creating that that tire it looks like a pill bug now but uh we got it okay um i'm gonna come in here i could join this all together but i'm to go ahead and leave it as a component i'm just going to shift erase these lines no i'm sorry option erase these lines so i get a nice smooth edge oops too many here let's hide the rest of the model get rid of this uh like i said i could explode it and make these all into one big piece but then if i did decide i wanted to do that any differently or more correctly like what you guys are saying probably i could do that and this is just going to cause it to all blend together it's gonna look so amazing you said that not me i can't promise anything like that it's gonna look like a tractor tire that that i will say if you're a crossfit or type you'll probably see this and want to go throw it or something how could i flip that what okay apparently i made these groups whoops come on man man amateur hour it's like i don't even know you come on k biz all right all right so these two have modified so they're no longer they're no longer good so i'm gonna grab this one and i'm going to copy it and i'm going to option 2x okay i'm going to select one i'm going to go to selection toys group copies select all right click group copies convert into component then come into my component once again you know yeah so so is erasing lines as gratifying as stitching no i would pre i would rather build up than tear down jody that's the kind of guy i am that's what you know that's what i like about your yeah it's your uh you're a doer not an undoer oh i undo plenty but you're still a doer that's true even when you undo you're doing that's right i like to make my undues a step forward oh this that doesn't make sense yeah undo can be a positive thing right oh boy so anybody see any good tv shows lately all right there we go tractor tire moving on um okay so let's let's keep doing things so one of the other things i got here and i want to while i have this this go in here is this fender is that what it is offender i'm gonna i'm gonna call it that for the rest of my life wow i know that's a commitment right there right i was gonna make an old person joke but i realize i'm not that far behind so i should probably keep my mouth shut age jokes never get old nailed it [Laughter] all right so i want to give this thing a little bit of i'm just going to start with something start with a shape all right and maybe i'll come in here offset that oops there we go so that's the that's the lineup this is the line we're looking for cool all right so what i'm thinking for this fender is i'm going to take this and wrap it around from you know maybe like from here to about looks like about halfway so i'm going to come in i'm going to draw a circle from the center here so let's go small like that and i'll say i want it to go you know from about here to here maybe maybe not that far that what that does is that means i can take just this curve and i can say on that curve follow me with this shape obviously something was not lined up correct because that did not do what i was expecting let's try it again let's bring this out here all right let's try it again tools follow me hmm all right let's try this so line it up like that and then say grab this tools follow me there we go that's what i'm looking for whoa that is a that's a fender tell you what tell you what right now for free i'm offended by that i'll let you have that one that's no good thanks happy birthday maybe i should maybe i should go home i'd call it a year all right all right so that looks pretty good except it definitely has these nice rounded corners um at least on the front i don't know what it does back here but i'm assuming it does the same thing so what i'm thinking is something like this so i'm going to grab this make it a group and then i'm going to grab a line carry it straight out like this i'm going to go across to here i'm going to go perpendicular to this line here basically i'm just i'm getting a working plane uh out outside of this piece snapping everything except for what i want to there we go okay so now what i want to do is put the arc that i want on there so i'm going to go ahead and i'll use bezier some more get my miles out of this i want my next bezier to tie like it's going straight back all right and then i'm gonna project that in see how that lines up let's move that back to here and then i will rotate it in line with the fender there we go so that is the curve i'm looking for now uh i can't use solid tools on this even though i have two solids i can't use well this isn't solid because i got a line sticking out of it but i can't use solid tools because solid tools will give me the difference or cut or something like that so really what i want to do is i want to take this one get rid of these extra lines so it's just that arc and then what i can do is i can come in here and grab all this and i can say intersect face with model anything outside there's gonna gonna get cut and there we go then i have that piece gone problem with doing this of course is once i grab all this stuff my extra geometry somebody didn't quite make it there so once i grab that and delete it now i have this open so i'd have to loft or stitch that back together so what else what else can i possibly do there's a top view of that in the forum the last post that desperate did was a good top view to see the pictures but does it look different from what i'm drawing because if it is i don't want to hear it i don't know because because his is zoomed out differently okay um from this close it all looks the same to me oh hey i like that um so what i can do here is uh oh yeah he's got it yeah he's a different that's a that's a that's a 830b i'm do i'm doing the 830c so a little bit a little bit different profile yeah it's it's good good tractors though either way solid choice for your all your tractoring needs um what i could do is i can make this into a solid so what i'll do is i will take it and i will go because we're doing so much of this i'm going to go to joint push pull again and i'm going to make rather than normal joint push pull i'm going to say thicken and i'll pull this out like this and now what i've created is what should be a solid group so now now that i have this set up like this now i can actually say take this grab solid tools and trim that off of this so now i get that and i should be able to with that spin that guy we not quite where i want to be at all right here have to manually place this back where it should be like that spin that up to there there we go no that's totally wrong what am i doing who's supposed to be paying attention to me oh sorry that's all right i don't even know what just happened right there all right let's uh let's get this where it's supposed to be all right this should be like more like this all right let me get about where it needs to be man now i don't even remember what i'm cutting off anymore what's what's oh it makes you feel any better i have no idea no idea what you're doing either i i it all just kind of like i just had one of those i i don't know what's happening all right let's let's do this again all right so i'm going to take this i'm going to rotate it back over here and now i'm going to rotate it about itself until it's oi come on snappin there we go okay and then i'll get this on here and now and get that in plain that direction wow pull this up in this direction yikes all right and now let's see actually i'm going to pull this down just a little bit more this is cheating a little bit but i don't want a little little teeny tiny gap here a little more okay and then same thing i can take that use that to trim this and i can get rid of this and i get rid of this and i can take that now slide it straight back along the green axis yeah i like it all right um i think they can go in a little bit closer and i did all of that without first uh this all stayed outside of the main body because i was making separate pieces but now that i have that i'll make that all into one group slide it out to where it goes and then i can command x come into this component edit paste in place right there we go and it does look like those pieces tie back here so i'm going to come in grab this thing pull this back a little bit more so i have something to tie into and yeah that looks like uh this city bit is is right here um so let's show me my hidden oh i was trying to figure out what city bit meant c-i-t-y ah it's a tractor term jody probably wouldn't understand it i think you think you're probably right yeah that's okay don't feel bad i remember when i didn't understand all these tractor terms so let's draw another bezier here up to here just trying to just kind of create a shape let's just do an arc there we go just want to get a nice arc piece that can pull back into there awesome all right that would obviously push that through too too far so take that back yeah all right and as i do this too i can grab these pieces intersect face with selection that'll give me oops intersect face with selection give me a break there and then same thing here and say intersect face with model that'll give me break lines right there intersect face with model all right um yeah i've been trying to figure out what i do about the engine piece because i know it's important but i have no idea how to model that i feel like if this is an electric tracker like converted to be an electric tractor then you don't there's not an actual engine there's motors which are inside of the wheel here just get a hamster wheel right here for starting it all up all right so i did one of the the images i had was a rear view so let's go ahead and grab that i'm going to go to my styles once again i'm gonna go edit my watermark and i'm gonna change it to uh tractor rear all right so here i have the back and it's got it's pretty much got like uh actually this doesn't even look like the same one does it all right uh it looks like it's got like a rectangular axle i i don't know what i'm looking at here oh again just gotta be trying to think of something either clever or helpful this name and i got nothing that's this this is uh i'm sure all of that is there for a reason but man it's just kind of a mess to me all right so i'm just going to go ahead and draw something like this and then to get kind of the feel of what i have happening back here i'll go ahead and maybe do something like like that grab that scale that [Music] pretty much nailed it there okay i'll go like this and i'll pull this piece out because that looks like a thing that could happen i cut that and i'm going to go in context edit paste in place that's going to be both halves and i'd imagine this comes in and ties into the enginee part at some point so i'm thinking i'll uh i'll do that i'll come in and maybe stick a rectangle here pull that through to here really ties the tractor together all right it is i mean it is it is coming together so that's something that's what i got all right i'm gonna get rid of this um i actually think i'm gonna i'm gonna do something like that pull this back a little like this maybe and then some kind of like that little pseudo pseudo firewall happening maybe perhaps um okay then i got to get a a sitting spot and a a steering piece the seats actually are pretty high it's like sitting up here well i mean since since this is a battery-powered tractor anyway it could also be a smart tractor like the one in the forum that is true i like the idea of smartthings because it really takes the load off all right let's let's uh hey i like these things let's put these things in all right [Music] now what you could do is you could just make a big solid plane a big just a surface and then project that image onto it then bam engine that's true i got there's some there's definitely some primary forms in there we could probably chuck in pretty quick i think um just i like i like the look of this deal right here i'm assuming this is some kind of this looks like exhaust i don't know this looks like a lamp or something looks like it's got glass around it where's my tractor guys what am i looking at here looks like uh that's probably your air intake and you have a little little it's see-through so that you can uh see the air and getting gunk in it okay yeah all right we'll take that i'm taking that as a jeep guy not a tractor guy though so yeah my perspective might be slightly askew that ended up a little bit high there we go and then right behind that i'm assuming this is exhaust what could be a muffler perhaps maybe why not both i mean the exhaust goes right through the muffler yeah i've been next to these tractors and i would not suggest that any muffling is happening yeah i could see that that makes that just a bit too big i think i know i know it was not the improper use but the term muffling just now sounded sounded a little odd all right let's put that in one group together this looks like actually it's wider this way than this way so we will grab this circle and oops i reverse the face this circle and this circle we will scale that about the middle by hitting option there we go now let's look at proper proper muffler according to my city boy car eyes all right let's do this too while we're while we're drawing circles on things let's go ahead and put a that's too big something like that and then i will offset that down and then i'm going to do the midpoint why is that now just draw up a quick steering wheel copy that 120 degrees 2x all right and drew in 2d but of course i'm going to leave it there pull this this way a little ways pull this this way a little ways pull this this way a little bit pull this one up a little more this one up to here pull this one up to here and then whoopsies didn't hit option i should have optioned that oh my ends aren't closed are they all alright let's rinse there we go and then one more and now i should be able to come in here close this up by drawing two lines on the circle there we go all right and now i'm gonna go ahead and grab this this and this and i'm just gonna wow i did not expect that to happen that's fun that's not what uh so something didn't connect there right that's for sure oh i know okay let me grab this let's soften this all and now i'll grab that also how's that is that gonna let me there we go that's what i'm looking for myself a little bit of a tilt there right now i'm going to grab all of that grab it right here and it has a bit of kind of a tilt up like that make sure it sticks into there uh-huh all right and we need to do something about this seat at the very least so here's what i'm gonna do let's start with just a a platform going to sit a little higher up than that so but that's about the right spot for the for whatever is holding it up to be move this side of my rectangle just by using move click the line put that right about there and then let's see i'll start with a square we'll come in here do half a circle like that and i'll take that shape and i will move it so it is lined up with the center i'll bring it back and then i will push pull it up to about where i think that seat should be there we go maybe i'll do something like this i want this to be a soft seat when i'm doing my tractoring i want to sit in a nice squishy seat so i'm going to grab this edge and we'll go use some more fredo some some not curve aloft some uh fredo corn to round that corner off that's the stuff there we go that's nice that's a nice seat um as long as you're not going to slip off the back of it you don't want to fall off your tractor yeah i've heard that all the tractors make fun of other tractors who fall off their tractors so yeah we should throw it back on here you're right oh look at this they got like oh this will be fun famous last words all right i'm gonna come here i'm gonna go this way a little bit i'm gonna come up i'm gonna come take this offset this to this point take that move it up awesome i don't want to do i want to do half of this intentionally because uh i don't have to do it twice put a curve there put a curve here just kind of a low poly curve but all right there we go i'm going to take all of that then just the curve weld it again take that spin it over this way i should be able to just drag that right to there again it didn't quite something didn't hope i didn't grab enough line i missed a little bit grab more line i'll recreate it i can handle that all right so let's grab that and that and that and i'll need to get that little line weld it all up and now i'll put a circle right here what is next week's theme uh we're doing we're looking for live components next week okay that doesn't look like it goes up quite high enough oh it goes it does more than this come on come on tractor wait no it's not the tractor's fault follow me there we go there we got that rail around there i'm going to play with that once i got that geometry in there i'm going to grab this much all right i think that'll work let's get a cushion in here kind of a cool way to put a cushion i'm just going to grab these come in here grab these three lines copy that and i will edit paste in place slide that straight up it's always curious the the kinds of things that become more complicated than you expect versus less complicated right you come in on come in on modeling day and you're like yeah it should be this should be quick and easy this would take long i know exactly what i'm doing yeah never doesn't always always turn out that way i'm gonna offset that a little bit like that i'm just gonna get a seat back in here real quick all right well something to keep the farmer in the seat all right and then i'll do the same thing where i'll just do a quick uh round corner i have to drop that a little smaller maybe like a 0.5 that'll work all right so something like that group group and i'll grab those pieces make those into a group and that's still got to all sit on something i don't i don't i don't know this is where i'm starting to like just have to get creative and like uh maybe we have a pedestal like this so when i've seen them it's literally just like a band of like a thick kind of piece of spring steel that kind of loops up and then comes back so it's basically like a backwards c underneath it and the whole thing that way it can kind of bounce that makes sense that looks that's a lot better than this pillar that i just put this poor guy on yeah so it's just going to feed all of the all the bounce straight into his spine well then maybe that farmer should try to keep his his stuff a little smoother maybe he's not maybe he's not tractoring it that enough it could be all right so yeah so this this this is not really a thing right a because i keep looking at this too going yeah i still really don't i don't okay there's plenty of stuff exposed there and just waiting waiting to eat you yeah so uh yeah so let's say we we do a shape kind of like um we started an arc like here and dropped it as well maybe some more sides than that like six sides all right let's just go 12. all right so we did something kind of like that we'll do a quick offset here offset down just a skosh and then maybe i'll even do something like i'll give a little bit of material to weld that into let's go give him a little bit of and we'll take that slide it over here slide another copy over here i don't know where those lines came from oh because i was trying to find the center and now that i got both of them i'll center it up i draw a line between the two and then line that up with the center of the tractor or something like that nice bouncy ride but it's still sitting on a piece of paper floating okay well i'm pretty sure that's actually that's that is how tractors are set up though it's not it's not paper obviously it's sheet metal but yeah it's just floating there okay uh yeah uh uh national tractor society's gonna be after me for misinformation um yeah then that uh you know that i'm uh sure that uh that just goes like that that's more or less it okay hey from from right here i feel pretty good about that seat in fact even from like i feel okay with that seat it's all fine until you sit in it okay uh let's throw some crap into this engine compartment i mean some very important machinery crap all right did i not did i not draw that nope okay so i drew this on axis which is probably a good thing to do so i'm gonna have to maybe well somebody's not on axis i don't think you are buddy all right get you back over here where you're supposed to be there we go all right and then i will put this guy down here just recreating this shape there we go assuming this is some cover for some sort of belt or something based on my extensive tractor knowledge and then what i'll do to kind of match the look of this well first thing i'll do is i'll grab all of this and now rotate it up so it's in line with the actual piece and then i think i'll grab this and just round this over uh because like i said it kind of looks that way this is some place i could i could actually create a path into a follow me to create that ext metal extrusion but i think for where we're at now just to get some geometry in here i think that this rounded corner is gonna gonna buy me what i need and i'm going to pull that out i'll stick right on green axis to oops i looked away never look away hey i got a question while i got you all here has anybody here uh watched that show the new version of the stand i have not that's on one of my on one of my services i know me either but i really enjoyed both the book and the uh the previous mini series but i was wondering if it was worth signing up for cbs all access just to watch it so is that like peacock can you watch stuff for free with advertisements uh i don't think so i think you have to sign up for it you're okay which i'm not a big fan of stand based and it's based on stephen king's the stand stephen kings yep and you know this is kind of cool i learned about it uh we did a scouting trip to vancouver for base camp you guys may have heard of that moment of silence um we're going out for your homies we we did a scouting trip to vancouver and while we were there they were actually filming the stand um they had a couple blocks blocked off where you couldn't go in there and they had these uh taxis with nyc taxi onyx they're supposed to represent new york city um but yeah i have been so excited since we saw that my wife and i ran into that i'm like oh i can't wait to watch that but when it came out it was on a service i did not have so so colin said yes he's been watching it is it is it good have you enjoyed it i keep getting like the the various news sources will will tell me about drama happening or trying to tell me i don't know they're always clickbaity headlines so i don't know if it's good or not based on any of them it's horrible i hate clickbait i know i'm making some shapes here by the way right now in case anybody's wondering um again kind of stuck with a not a whole lot of detail for for how this whole thing looks so i'm making shapes yeah i could have been an engine designer all right so i'm going to grab that thing i'm just going to bring it straight across here and plop it inside plop yeah so i can tell there's definitely something going on in here uh that's where the magic happens yeah that's why i can't show it because magic that's why we have mysterious box instead maybe next time we model an engine wait that sounds like a bad idea you know that's one of those things that seems like it's a good time but uh i don't know it seems like a lot of reference for something like that i feel like that should get pushed back to there just for my sense of goodness there's definitely more happening back here but uh oh i feel kind of happy about this i feel kind of like this turned out it's a tractor that's how i feel i feel like this is a tractor it looks like a tractor especially if i squint my eyes like this so uh tyson's asking what the stand is it's not real it's not actually zombies because it's more of just uh the end of the world it's actually it's actually kind of timely because it's about a flu that wipes out like 99 of the population and who's left on the earth is divided into good people and bad people the good people come to boulder colorado the bad people go to las vegas um and then then they they butt heads because that's what humanity does whenever the stuff hits the fan um yeah i always feel like like the movie and book the road yeah it just just paints the most grim possible post-apocalyp post-apocalyptic reality well but it always is i mean we'll be better than that if you watch uh the walking dead you're like oh man all these zombies are taking over we should probably come together as humanity and make ourselves live nope this is an opportunity for bad people to take over the world again that's just kind of how it is uh yeah we need a nice end of the world film that ends with everybody just camping on the beach hanging out and enjoying themselves but i don't see that total kumbaya all of a sudden in whenever we're the most stressed we decide that we're going to actually support one another i like that hey i'm good with it maybe that's how we'll end these i got to come up with a good thing to say like uh thanks for watching and if if zombies take over the world be friendly to the other living people that could catch up it's like a like a little moral at the end of every every story [Music] all right i'm going to call it here because i'm already making up details at this point and i just feel like that's maybe enough detail to make up let's go ahead and uh party how already already sort of sort of glossed over some of that wow that is a big tractor yeah i'm realizing now sumela's reminding me that i did not build that to scale so let's uh let's drop that down i mean it's a big thing it's a big uh vehicle but uh here let's see if i grab some melee it's not that big though not that big meh i realize those are not farm clothes that those are uh fancier clothes but smell is what i got i like it it's a tractor well done as requested as requested by somebody some weeks ago um color come on titus no i'll put i'll post this and you can color it tight how's that yeah since i don't know if this is the match with the official john deere style i think you probably can't paint it any color yeah it turned out all right though i like it it was fun you know something cool well so yeah next week we got a whole new batch of uh live components and uh the live component team saw the last one and uh they were they liked it they they're very happy with the way it went but i mentioned i was trying to make a cohesive thing and how i had to kind of cheat it a little bit make these deployable pod kitchen bathroom things uh so i they said they would try to organize the releases a little more but i don't know if that meant they're going to make them so more cohesive and will work together or it will be a bigger challenge to tie them together i didn't get clear clear answer on which one that is but we do have a new batch coming out next week and we'll hop in and take a look at them and we'll model something something fun um maybe we'll open it up as we do the initial review and you guys come back maybe we'll make a poll or something and you guys can actually help us pick what it is we should model with the next batch so i'll get those up into the forum next week early in the week i'll put links to that 10 or 12 uh components that are coming that'll be out they'll be out by then and you guys can help us decide what it is and you too can make that decision of if we make it easy for aaron or if we decide that creativity has to go on overdrive your your your decision but the week after that is the week that we have kind of free reign to just do something fun so last last month we did uh v's apartment from cyberpunk which turned out to be really a lot better and more educational and fulfilling than i was expecting um and we don't have an idea for next two two weeks now i don't think so not that i've heard hey you guys have a good idea of something fun something to be cool to build uh we'd love to hear your ideas you can throw those out now or you can uh throw uh spacex isn't spacex is just a company i don't want a model company yeah and we already did one of the rockets we did we did the one that didn't blow up yeah lots of spacex's yeah we don't have a good thread in the form to post those suggestions do that yeah unfortunately we have like you're right this is this is looking a little wimpy i keep getting called out for my steering wheel size being a little a little too small you can fix that i can fix that i know what to do we have to clean this up real quick first though you can do one of um spaceships a sci-fi spaceship that's true i'm all for it pick one one of the enterprises that's true or ashley's pushing for another castle oh apparently she's uh that appetite was not sated that's more or you could go star wars you could make like a um a land speeder or a snow speeder or a speeder bike they sure do use speeder a lot in there they do maybe they're not they're not a slow they're not a slow group in the future or in a long ago far far away um transom if you subscribe you should get notified uh transcends asking about notifications for for new live streams if you subscribe on youtube it should tell you but youtube has magic algorithms for whatever reason same with facebook and notifies a percentage of your followers rather than all of them which i don't understand i don't know why so you should be able to go subscribe and when you subscribe click the little bell and that should notify you every time we post a video or go live that should happen um they probably figured that if they told everybody then there'd be so many people watching that we would just be flooded and it would take the servers down yeah that makes sense i like that i like that plan that sounds good that's definitely why all right well we'll call on that that uh guys we got we got some ideas here um a tron motorcycle that would be something um the titanic a 1700 cannon i feel like the i feel like the tron motorcycle be is like really simple like either simple or extremely painful be one of the two for sure that's true it probably depends on which one too because if i remember correctly the neutron motorcycle had a lot more detail in it than the original the neutron cycle's really small neutron because neutrons neutron i got it it took me a second sorry i'm not mature like and educated like you you are jody a dragon woof well we got ideas that's for sure okay yeah at the very least they'll start percolating all the things cool all right well uh we will wrap it up now and uh hopefully you guys come back uh next week i said it will be a fun fun one we'll hop into some more live components and uh i'd love to get your feedback too so keep an eye on the forum because i'll post a link in the forum and it'll be linked to our live stream calendar which is also up on the forum uh and i don't know if it's monday or tuesday before when they release those live components but i'll actually put links to all the brand new ones you guys can actually check out before we go live you can actually go check out those new files and you can play with them and have your thoughts input whatever thoughts whatever whatever you want to say about it you can bring those into the live stream so we will see you guys all later thank you for hanging out with us it's been a lot of fun have a great week have a wonderful weekend and happy birthday jody thanks see you guys next week bye you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 9,411
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Id: ad6oopQ7YDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 36sec (9516 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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