Modeling Cinderella's Castle Live in SketchUp!

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hey guys how's it going i hope everyone is doing well out there i'm doing well i'm just trying to get things to work because things aren't always working have you tried turning it off and back on again i can't i'm streaming so that uh just everything turns black ah it's weird yeah for whatever reason on the stream machine youtube keeps locking up let's just wait wait wait and see what happens obviously there's some people on youtube because they're commenting yeah all of the comments are coming from the youtubes yeah so far and not not not the uh not the people on our continent either yeah netherlands i don't i don't know if i've noticed a netherlands uh or it's never been pointed out to me another lander is that the term netherlandian yeah they're landian uh and it says greetings from russian russia i actually uh went and used the old google translate and i thought you just knew that i i can say it i can say greetings from russia in english hey don't sell yourself short that's uh that's one one language so that is true and you're good at it you're good at that language well now there's there's george george is on the east coast so we have we have a couple americans not not that international is not awesome i think uh yeah florida oh we got florida now from from ryan and on facebook and multiple dutch all right so we have this working theory that we get a lot more people that are not in the us because we're doing this while everybody in the us is in theory working their day job so we get a lot more people where it's night time yeah it seems to be a so so that's the question is this is this like your evening unwind time yeah or are you judging work right now what jody's saying is why are you here how'd you get this number oh no seattle showed up see that's and that's even earlier there it's like 11 o'clock there 11 a.m ashley's been asking ashley's been asking for a castle for i don't know a couple months now all right well then we got you covered ashley this one's for you all right well it's a disney castle this is not a suggestion that you as a female presuming actually is a female name and you know i'm being i'm being safe there uh you don't have to like disney castle just because you're a girl okay i'm telling that to everybody but you know uh shut up now ashley's not necessarily a girl's name because uh the main character of bruce campbell's character was named ashley just went by that's true though could could go anywhere ashley's mentioned a husband before but again you know this is the this is the world on online community we're just there's a lot of days and there and that's cool and and used welcome to sketchup live everybody hope you guys are all doing well and i hope everything's going good i hope you guys are everybody staying healthy staying safe stand smart uh i am aaron dietz if we have not met i'm the sketchup guy i'm gonna be doing some live modeling for you today and with me as always is my buddy jody that's me jody also a sketchup guy uh so yeah we're gonna hang out with you for the next uh little bit and we're gonna model a castle specifically so we have we've actually had the request for castles come up several times and i went and looked at some real castles like as they exist today and i'll say a lot of them are not super exciting they're either they're either all run down very organic like weathered rock kind of formations or and i i don't i think for a long time i lived in the uh denial of what a castle really was because a lot of castles are just big rectangles um it's not like they had like this i mean they're working with giant chunks of stone how elaborate can you really in good conscience get that's that's cool i mean i don't i i get the logic behind i mean walls to protect you from invading forces or whatever that's that's what a castle's for but uh as far as modeling it's like you know i'll do a rectangle and do some parapetti shapes and and that's uh and there's a tower so i decided to go maybe a little extra and we grabbed some plans for cinderella's castle in disney world or land wherever wherever you prefer to consume your your disney i think they both have one they both have uh cinderella's castle um yeah andy posted posted one that he says that the the disney one is based on but when i'm looking at this it's not definitely not the same yeah i saw that and i didn't want to call ansi a liar but uh i saw some differences between them most notably the practical parapets and semi-practical roofline it looked like that was a building that would have purpose and not i was just looking at the cinderella castle thinking that's a lot of circular stairs and uh man to go from one room to the next one it's gonna be like a half mile walk to walk down this one go over 20 feet and then go up the next one so i i feel like in that in that time i would probably build all furniture in place because i would not want to be carrying a couch they did a lot of bean bags back then i'm pretty sure it's very casual it's just piles of hay okay so yeah without further ado let's hop into it we did uh i i posted the images i found the things that we're gonna be using as plans uh and i posted them up onto uh the forum so jody can link off to the forum you guys can see if you want to anybody wants to follow along that's the place to do it really i didn't realize that supposed to be working sorry sorry dude um katie pointed out that the tudor castles for all models are patterned on a rose oh all the stuff that uh henry viii i am built i only know him from the song but uh that's cool i'm doing this new thing i don't if you guys are doing this i know jody's familiar with this because he's played with this before but uh so i do have two computers at work i have my main one my laptop and day-to-day stuff everything's on my laptop and then we have the streaming and recording machine over here so i i have a logitech mouse which will do that i can't what they call it where you you hold on a modifier key and you can jump from one computer to the next which is really neat but as soon as i jump over to this computer then i don't have a computer over here so i'm trying to teach myself to use my left hand on a mouse and uh oh man it's like going back to square one like i find myself with my tongue sticking out as i try to like copy things so if i start drooling on myself and looking down this directions because i'm trying to use my left hand to move that mouse over there um but yeah that's a that's how i'm making myself a better person in 2021 left-handed bouncing i like how that is what that does is suggest that left-handed people are better people i'm not going to say i'm not saying that okay i'm not going to not argue with that with you yeah logitech flow bury called it out that's what it's and it is cool and one of the things i do is what so if i do record over here sometimes i'll edit on this machine and copying files with flow where you can just copy off one machine and paste oh so cool so much nicer than like using google drive or something i use this uh this app called synergy which basically you set up like a server on one and then a client on the other and you point and you can kind of just move stuff around but sometimes when the non-server uh sometimes that mouse gets a little herky-jerky but otherwise it's pretty consistent right well let's go let's do this thing left-handed people are intelligent bam is fam civil engineering is a lefty so yeah so the line is is left people are in their right mind left-handed people yeah i know there's something about that about sides of the brain but i've never been able to keep them clear which means i am primarily one of the sides all right my mom my mom's a lefty my wife's a lefty and my son doesn't really he's just like whatever hand is convenient he's oh fault or effort on his own he just sort of uh he does some stuff left and some stuff right wow that's impressive i've always tried to do that i've always aspired to do that this is my first actual effort into it is left-handed mousing so we'll see how that project goes i don't think anytime soon that this mouse is going to end up over here especially since the logitech mx master is actually made for right hand so what are you going to do all right well let's do it let's let's hop in and let's uh let's model some some towers that's what this is going to be this is going to be is it something like 17 towers in this thing i think i i seem to remember something along those lines um i don't know but i know when i went to disney world i was confused because it was a lot smaller than i expected and there's this like a big tunnel right through the middle of it that you could like walk through or something yeah it's really about all that you do um all right let's uh let's import so i'm gonna i'm gonna try to use i'm gonna set up a uh a reference cage i call it where i'm gonna go through and actually get all the images so i can see have a backdrop on all three sides of of what it looks like so i'm going to go ahead and import and i'm going to start with my number one my number one is my my top view so i'm going to go ahead and import that plan i'm going to drop it right here whoops i did that wrong i'm going to go to import i'm going to import the c1 as an image not a texture and i'm just going to arbitrarily drag it out large all right so uh this is a brand i don't think i've done this since i have updated to the most recent version i'm going to go up to preferences preferences under the sketchup menu on mac it's under windows on windows and in there i'm going to go to is it opengl yes under opengl i'm going to use use maximum texture size um what that's going to do is just give me a little higher resolution image these aren't super high resolution i mean you can see the jaggies here are not being caused by resizing the screen they're not super high resolution images um but i don't need that i just need reference on where stuff goes but by using uh use maximum maximum texture size i'll get these jaggies rather than blurry lines which i guess is better right so there we go that is not a single not a single dimension on here all right well this doesn't matter what the dimension is as long as we dimension everything the same um one two three four five six seven eight nine no i don't know those are towers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i don't know there's a lot of towers though um all right so i have that that piece um i'm thinking about what do we want to do i'm just going to leave it at this size right now no i'm going to put in a dimension here and again my dimensions really don't matter because at the end of it all i can rescale the whole model very easily but what i do want to do is come up with a dimension that i can pull off of each drawing to get everything scaled to about the same size i think what i'll end up using is this line right here this is the main tower that goes up the top which it looks like is a decagon a 10-sided tower um so what we can end up doing is making that a nice round number like make that 20 feet across or something like that and then all the other ones that have that image in there will be able to scale them the same size so nobody's pointing out that there's dimension lines on the side there's a scale over there yeah that thing you know that thing okey dokey can't read it though it's sideways so this from here to here is 64 something units uh so that there's at the top it says scale 1 16 of an inch is one foot well yeah if it was printed out that would work for me i arbitrarily scaled it so um all right i'm to grab this picture arbitrarily it's one of my favorites um i'm going to i'm going to keep to melee for right now because hey whoa she got crazy i'm going to just set her over here just to again give me some well scale and uh i'm gonna center my drawing the origin on that main tower all right now i'm gonna go in here file import my c2 now i'm just going to throw that over here again scale it up arbitrarily and then i will use rotate to rotate it vertically all right so looking at what we got what do we got here okay so this entrance i believe i believe that's this right here with the two big towers on either side so where do i have i can there we go i'm gonna put a line right here on this tower and drag that straight up and then what i can do is i can throw another line right here on this tower like that and i can grab that and that line's not actually necessary i could have done without actually putting that there and i can bring this across to right there that line that would line up what i didn't do is i did not scale that so um and i don't have this is actually i think i think what i'm looking at here is a reflected ceiling plan so i think that's actually showing the inside i don't have that hexagon octagonal tower right here i actually have a standard roof not a big deal because what i can do is i can use the distance from here to here and i'm going to make it something even i'm going to grab this image and all the lines i've drawn so far make those a group real quick hop into the group and use the tape measure to call that something even i'm just going to say that's going to be 20 feet again if i if i get a good solid dimension for that i can put that back or i can rescale the whole thing once i get it done all right put that middle piece back on there and now what i can do is i do the same thing here i'll come on to this one i'll draw a line from the tip of this tower to the tip of that tower grab those group them together and then go into that group lines there and scale oh yeah this is we're playing low poly right here grab that make that 20 foot scale the active group that's why i put them in a group together all right and now if i take this and move it by this line oop get back out move it by this line to that line now lined up so if i look at this in orthogonal mode that'll line up perfectly one last thing i do before i jump to orthogonal mode i'm going to come in here and i'm going to put a line so the reason i'm drawing lines on top of lines that are inside here is this this is only an image this isn't a vector drawing so i can't snap to what i see on the screen by going into a group and adding lines on top now i have a line that i can actually snap to see that so even though that's just a line in the drawing now i have a reference point so if i want to put this down to zero i can grab it by this line i can drop it vertically to the origin and now that is flat so by doing that what i just did right there i lined up this one this image horizontally with this image so everything lines up this way now i'm going to have images going this way in this way one of the things i might want to do here is i might want to do a little cropping so here i have a bunch of extra images so i have extra stuff over here i don't really need i have all this extra space around so what i can do is i'm going to come in here and i can actually explode the image an image is an automatically created group that has a face with the image as a texture applied to it but it's a special automatically created thing so it that geometry gets uh uh automatically created in there that that group gets automatically created but i can explode it and when i explode it what i could do is i can actually go in here and crop it by grabbing these lines pull this one over like this pull i'm missing the escape key and now i can just get just what i need everything i need nothing i don't trim that image down and those are the lines i actually want in fact i can actually come in here i don't really need that line anymore either i do the same thing here i can come in here i can right click and explode the image and then crop it this way i'm going to keep my little callouts for heights right there those might come in handy later on or not we'll see bring this up i guess it's i mean this is this is absolutely not required i could leave those the headers and everything in there it doesn't hurt but it doesn't really do anything to help me either all right there we go so i got a group there got a group there did you talk through any of your or do you have any other stuff any recommendations there's a couple people asking about uh getting the sharpest image whenever they import like that besides just doing the max although it's possible that uh they didn't see you do the max texture yeah so just to cover again real quick if you go to your preferences preferences under sketchup on mac it's in the windows menu on windows but if you come in here under opengl and turn on this use maximum texture size that's one thing uh the highest resolution that it will do an image is 1024 so if you're importing something bigger than that bigger than 1024 pixels across if you're bringing in a 4k image or something like that it's going to resize it to 1024. 10.4 is the as big as it pulls in so there is an extension called uh i think it's image splitter is that right um that will go through and what image splitter will do is actually take that image break it into smaller pieces at the max resolution and then group them all together into one piece so uh that'll get you clearer image if you're bringing in a higher resolution image than what sketchup will support natively so that is an option all right let's uh i'm going to bring in two more images i'm going to talk less as i do this i'm going to try to just pull them in kind of quick so we can get modeling but i'm going to say import and now i have my cc3 cc is cinderella's castle in case anybody's wondering what that means all right so again same thing i'm just going to import like that [Music] what are we looking at here so here's the front entryway so this is uh this is something that i won't say i got called out on but i was questioned on dare you question me um was the the orientation of my reference images how how am i pulling those in so my front image you see i actually put at the back of the footprint the idea being in my brain the way this works is when i model a castle on the or a tower on the ground and i pull it up and i look at it this way i want to directly cover up the image on the back that's how i prefer to do it some people want to bring that to the front and then turn on x-ray and see through the image to the geometry behind that works if you prefer to do that if you're one of those x-ray guys awesome go for it no problem i still love you but for me my brain would rather see the model up front and have the reference image in the back then i don't have to mess with x-ray or anything like that but totally your call you do that however however you like all right um moving on so i need i need a reference so i'm looking at it this way so there's my my entrance towers stuff right here here's the back back here oh this these images leave a lot to the imagination there are many things that i wish based on this okay so what i'm thinking is i have uh man i have nothing i have nothing um okay so maybe what i have is this tower here in this tower here i can see the width of the tower with the tower um so over here i have tower and apparently this one's octagonal so what i might do what i might do is i'm going to come into this image uh i'll i have here's here's the center and then over here if i draw a line like that that'll give me the center so i can go from here to here and that's 12 foot 1 and 7 16 from center to center so if i come over onto this one and i'll draw a line same thing across this tower like that and then across this tower the nice thing is assuming these are round then the center of the tower versus the center of this cone versus the center of this should be a single line so this this should all work perfectly so if i go from the center here to the center here this dimension of this line should be the same as the dimension of this length if i pull i'm dimensioning horizontally hold up hold up so that means i have to go that's actually this dimension whoops so if i look at that dimension is 12 foot one-half inch so i'm gonna grab all this make it into group come in here scale from here to here 12 foot one half inch yes and then what i'll do is i'll move that this direction to the center of that tower and now that's lined up so same thing i can do the same thing here where i can explode this and then crop this drawing because i don't want all this extra stuff and then there we go and i'm going to do one more thing i'm going to draw the ground line in there also so i can very easily grab that group by that line and align that ground so i could also bring in like that okay i feel like you could have said line like one more time somewhere in they said line a lot that's not looking like it's quite right though but look at look at that something's something's lying to me all right let's try this let's let's model by we do have i'm going to go from the top of the top half an hour just importing images that's how it goes man that's 98 six and three quarters so i'm gonna come in here get a line here and then that should be 98 six and three quarter inches that was closer now i got to move back down though no that does not look closer did i not remember those lines correct that length correctly because those lines are obviously not the same 89 not 98. oh come on guys who's supposed to catch you have the right numbers i moved i moved too fast i didn't have time i didn't even give you guys an opportunity to tell me i was stupid 89 six and three quarters all right all right 89 foot six and three quarter inches nope nope oh no what okay there we go that looks better that i buy okay and then i will i for lack of anything better i'm going to realign it to that side okay i think that's good for right now i might come in and put this third one in uh the issue that happens pretty quickly with a full reference cage is if you have an image on every side you can't see into what you're modeling so you end up having to turn stuff on and off or you end up putting in section planes and saving scenes so i'm going to model as much as i can of this side and the front now and then i will pull on that other side when it comes time to to do the other section all right so having said all those things just because i don't actually need them now geez now the dress pretty much uh piece cake from here there's a lot of stuff happening okay let's start with a tower let's let's just pick a tower um yeah let's do that i'm gonna do this one right here because i can see it from this side and i can see it from this side so this should be fairly easy so what i'm going to do come up here to the top actually i have a center line this looks like the center line so i'm going to start right here draw a line straight up and then i'm just going to make a 2d profile of this piece oops i snapped out of plane when you're drawing on surface keep an eye on the shape of that little your curse right there it should stay as a diamond if it's a diamond it means um i was going to say you're golden but diamonds and gold are two different things i am aware so you're sitting in butter no that doesn't work either you're good diamonds are good that means you're on surface so as long as it can be hard especially as i'm like this and if i hit some reference point like that oops i'm on green so if i was if i was just in the right direction green might look like see there we go green looks like i'm on the page drawing on that line when in fact what i'm drawing is align the stick straight out if it looks like you're over simplifying that because it's little steps there uh sometimes you have to wonder when something is just a jaggy uh anti-aliasing and when it's legitimately i gotta i gotta go with what i got right yeah um yeah i don't know i have no idea what the details here look like we'll come back and we will beautify this after i get the maybe maybe maybe we'll whoop did it again did not wait for the diamond i was not i was not golden all right ponyboy all right i'm just going to take that all the way down to the ground and bring it back i'm drawing that out of context you guys notice that i did not draw that in any group i just made it by itself now i'm going to take it now and make it its own group kind of wonder why that didn't close i must have a line segment missing somewhere did it not did i not actually close it i did all right so if you ever get this right this is this is can be very frustrating uh i usually just start grabbing pitching okay closing them up and seeing what did i do raw oh so something's wrong in here some things maybe you can see right there you can see it right under the tip of the nose i think like i'm pointing at it on my screen oh the corner pointed out so this right here prevents this all of this from being a closed shape because there's geometry going into the shape so all i got to do is get rid of that little guy right there and then that should close up just fine there we go awesome all right and with that tower one is almost done so the question comes up now i got a lot of towers did anybody figure out how many towers i got to put here um no nobody's even tried oh you did it was i just said that you saved it wasn't an official request oh yeah okay i'll save you guys figure out how many towers i gotta draw she'll be able to tell that by looking down from the top uh if i had a better uh top view probably so which actually i should probably put the call out for that too if anybody has a better image than this because this is some kind of section in like i think it's a reflected ceiling plane or something but uh this tells me almost nothing about where the towers go um emmanuel is saying that there are more than three towers hold on yeah that checks out that's true manuel's got it um all right so uh 16 towers i thought i thought it was 16 or 17 that's what i thought it was i believe that so i got to make a decision because i want to be consistent here i want to put the same number of sides on the towers so i'm kind of thinking do i want to go 24 sides or is that going to be a little too bumpy um but i think i will i'll just i'll i will go with 24. so i'm just going to draw a circle i'm going to come into this group i'm going to put a circle right straight above the top it doesn't matter how big i make the circle i'm just going to grab it i'm going to say follow me which does not have there we go get rid of the circle and tower number one is done awesome all right so to get that here let's grab it by this middle point and i'm gonna hold down shift and bring it over that comes pretty close to lining up but not perfect all right we have one i feel i feel better about things all right i'm going to make the front entry ones next so these two look like they're pretty much the same so this is what we call a twofer in the design business two for so i just threw up a nice isometric sort of top-down view of the castle while i was being worked on oh nice there's a lot there's a lot of towers technically technical count a lot well then sometimes you don't even know if it's a tower or it's just like a little decoration on a different tower yeah there's there's a whole lot of nothing is like another part of it everything is unique it does you know if you really step back and look at it it kind of looks like a big freaking mess but i know disney well enough to know that everything they do is meticulously designed so they don't actually do big messes let's just go straight to video sequels of some of our favorite movies yeah no i've watched the return of jafar and you're wrong [Laughter] oh i love you disney okay hey that one closed up i didn't have any any uh errant geometry i do however have a line right here that's breaking my face all right you better watch it it's gonna break your face that's exactly what happened alright so i'm going to grab i'm going to grab that make that into a group go into the group again with a circle just so i can grab it i can say follow me and do that all right i'm going to bring that guy straight out straight straight and plop it oh look how well that lined up i love you all right option so is that x there is that is this sort of a nod to the fact that now disney owns the x-men oh maybe when was this from because this is this is an older set of plans so maybe they they they told us they told us prognostication so that's basically professor xavier's tower yeah that i would give him a whole tower he can have that all right um yeah let me take a look at this uh peggy pushed a new improved image up too oh yeah it's got colors even holy guacamole so i'm feeling like okay so this square right here is actually like an open parapity kind of tower thing going on uh this one is like a little portion this is like a a stubby hopes to one day be a full tower but right now is just a working part-time kind of guy that's cool so yeah we'll do this we'll do we'll do get this tower here i feel like i would do walls after i got towers all the way around this right here this entry tower is a big rectangle kind of shape you can see that on everything um cool so i'm going to do this one real quick i'm going to pop on the pieces that i i can see i hope ashley's happy right now because i'm kind of wincing well when you when you mentioned uh cinderella castle last week i i already started wincing then i think i think i've been having some mild anxiety for the last six days now hey you know what we're we're gonna get done what we get done and uh if everybody takes away just a little bit of knowledge it'll all be worth it well i feel like uh yeah that's probably all i'll get is a little bit of knowledge sick burn it hurts because it's true ashley said she's a little bit overwhelmed but very excited okay well that's cool um well i mean the the plus side is yeah we did spend about 15 minutes bringing in and putting in imagery uh the nice piece is we got four out of our 16 towers done so we're a quarter of the way there in that aspect that's right right this guy right here so a rectangular tower it looks like i'm going to have to do a little bit of uh guesswork here but it looks like it comes up and then it has a set of parapets and then drops back down and then has another set so what i'm thinking is we'll start with this rectangle or the square that there's a different red version that is slightly off kilter what's going on there is it twist oh come on disney you wouldn't do that to me that'll be awesome all right well it's like spiral to this particular one here's what a rectang or actual square looks like so i copied this line 90 degrees to there and then uh i'm just gonna i'm just going to do this at 90 so there can i go this way go parallel to this point so that's that's that square i'm going to go ahead pull that up to like here that was not correct give me give me a line there we go i like trying to snap to a line that i can't when i can't see what's going on all right so that here's what i'm going to do this is going to be this is going to be something i'm going to draw the profile of this i'm throwing flourish in here by the way i'm throwing little nooks and crannies uh because i can as well yeah can't tell me what to do disney so it's going to come up like this it's going to come over and then i'm going to drop it down to here come over to here come up now we'll trace trace some of this like this everybody really wants to use more high resolution images hey i i'm working with what i got i blame disney on that one you know what i'm saying i agree it would be nice to have a nice higher resolution image but you know what this leaves a lot more to the imagination i we get to uh decide how things work rather than be told right well so you know what disney's all about right the land of imagination i mean don't they really try and push for that that's right yeah use your imagination don't follow the plan plans for suckers yeah sort of like the uh the winchester house that's what we should model next oh man that's a painful one if you guys haven't seen the winchester house you got to go look for look for the uh the top down view of it because that's nuts all right so i know this looks a little awkward but what i did was i drew a section of what i saw here and what we'll do now is we'll grab this rectangle all right i guess i can explode at this point there's no point in keeping it so i can grab this rectangle and when i do a follow me with this i'll get that uh that double double turret tower thing look at this see this this is the corner right here coming down yep okay that's that's this liner here i was talking crap i'll be totally honest but that looks like it's correct it seems plausible i mean now that i've seen it in place uh have you talked about that uh what you're using in your left hand which model that is nice have that yet this is the this is a 3d mouse totally not a requirement for running sketchup people all over the world run sketchup daily and do an amazing job without a 3d mouse it is an enhancement to my personal workflow the idea of a 3d mouse is that it allows me to move my model in 3d space without having to preoccupy this mouse which is my primary mouse which i do the drawing with what this does it lets you spin the 3d space is if you're holding your hand like this and you can move around it also has shortcut keys around here so i can hit shortcut keys here rather than hopping over the keyboard um it is a good option if you do a lot of presentation so as sketchuppers we get used to this this kind of view right this uh frankly kind of jumpy zoom in zoom out we're used to this this is not a problem this is how sketchupers see life not a big deal if you're presenting to someone it can be a little bit jarring to some people so having the ability to nice smooth animation like this is a big plus if you do a lot of presenting the other thing is if you're a designer and you're looking for something to take you to the next level what's going to make you a better designer than what you are right now i would consider the 3d mouse as an option because it does actually speed up my input because i'm not having to worry about zooming with this mouse so i can do stuff like as i spin around to the back of the model go grab my next command or shortcut keys so if i want to you know toggle hidden or something like that i don't have to go over to the keyboard i can actually just tap it right here so that if you've never spent any time using the just the basic round one uh i have i actually have one of those which i use when i travel because this thing's kind of big to throw in my backpack um so i've used it and all the all the basic one is is just a puck so it's just this part with a weighted base and i think it has one key on each side one little button it is still a great way to show things um so if you are showing uh demoing something like that like when we go to trade remember trade shows you guys remember events remember when we used to do those things um so when uh we used to go to trade shows i would pack that and you know do demos or whatever it was great especially you know throwing up on the big screen behind us and this would just make it a little bit easier for people to follow around as we spun in 3d space so um so i went to grab the link just now i saw that they are still selling the first generation style which i don't remember if that's what you've got or not for like 100 less than the like 100 off and then you also get a now through the end of february you get like a free travel case in which case you just carry that with you you travel everywhere with it i guess that's awesome that being said still 270 american so yeah and i know not everybody it's not it's not for everybody i get that uh for some people it's it's you know a thing they don't need and that's cool i get it but like i said for me it was i present sketchup so often i want to look as good as possible and having this nice smooth animations part of that but the other thing is just it's it's my next step up in making myself a better designer so i don't get anything from 3d mouse or 3d and it's also it's also worth mentioning that every year when there's a new version of sketchup that comes out there are hiccups for people that use it because you've got to install the drivers from 3d connection and often they are not available they don't work on day one that's true as recently as three weeks ago you were having problems with drivers so if you get one make sure you go to the forum and talk to people about getting the uh getting the drivers making sure you got the right drivers for your version of sketchup and don't erase your picture yes uh now now seems to be a safe time everything seems to be going pretty well right now so that's good oh dieter dieter said he just got the wireless version see i'm kind of i've reached that point where i'm i'm content to have wireless stuff for a long time i had latency with everything i did and i didn't like it but now it's pretty good yeah i i love not being tethered i like the idea of wireless everything everywhere all right so i'm just kind of sketching out the profile of this i'm assuming it's the same on all four sides so i just made a quarter of the big rectangle and then oops i can take this shape and i do like i use rotate a lot as a copying tool when i do symmetrical stuff like this oop on both of these i'll copy that here get rid of all this all right and i'll push that up to where's the roof start so i'd say the roof starts about here okay now what does the roof look like so for the roof i'm going to take this profile so slugger just commented over on twitch that he is currently in the process of remodeling the set of solid gold from 1980 for work i'm not quite sure where he works but that uh that's pretty awesome that is that definitely makes for uh interesting maybe there's gonna be a reba a resurgence a return of solid gold hey it's definitely the use of today are not going to know anything about them that is true that's very true all right um yeah so i know there's a lot more detail to this than what i got in here but i'm just gonna i'm trying to get my my first round here so i got these steps here uh goes like this on up but i want to just get the initial geometry and then we'll be we'll be detailing out as much as possible um i i do have questions about the solid gold thing though i i feel like uh i'm gonna start this and then come back to that well he said it's a set for a popular streaming tv show is that streaming tv show called solid gold all right uh so i have i have the i copied these extra shapes around let's see that i just have to check the top view for that roof i'm not sure if you're going the wrong way already but that's always possible i have i have a theory on how this works but i want to grab this let me go follow me with this so i kind of feel like that's what we got going there so we got going here i feel like that's i feel good i feel like i feel good about that um ryan on facebook said he bets that the solid gold set is actually for season three of the mandalorian and i bet that's actually probably right that makes sense yeah that logic checks out i can't see how that's not right so it's funny so so sluggish said it's a streaming tv show but so tv is not really a thing anymore right stuff is not for television it's for streaming that's sort of sort of like saying rewind like you don't rewind things anymore it's interesting how like how long will we continue to call it a uh a tv show or my kids if i call something a movie like for a while digital videos we just call movies but there's like apparently to the youths of today there's a difference between a show and a video and a movie yeah i wouldn't call anything yeah when my uh eldest was younger she called everything shows it was just when you watch the thing it was a show yeah and that uh that was the way it was oh there you go so tony said if you add commercials that makes it a tv show ah that makes sense i like that all right so i i'm i'm i'm looking at a lot of pictures i i have the uh the forum open over on this other window and i'm looking at the actual construction photos has a nice kind of downward look and this this piece and this piece are both not full towers they're open hexagonal actually might grab this profile again and copy it so let's come in here i'm going to put that line across again like that and then we'll go in here and grab a polygon we will set it to eight sides i'll click to the middle here and pull it out to there from that picture that square tower does not appear to rotate so i don't know what that read yeah sort of knit where it's i don't really know what these drawings are so these could be like maybe this was redone maybe these are red lines like oh you screw this drawing up so bad look the down here need to be changed these ones are good uh yeah so i i have no idea i i have no clue i'll allow it yeah good because uh good all right so i'm gonna have this follow what i created over here i did not hold on to the profile of this so i don't actually have it but what i can do is i can copy the profile here i i you know i have a lot of tricks and tips in my bag that all revolve around uh not thinking ahead and being impatient as i model i realize so what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw a quick uh rectangle right here just a rectangular surface that goes through like this and then i'm going to grab this face i'm going to say intersect face with model and what that will get me if i grab this and copy it now that will get me that profile again so obviously i do need to come in here and finish that out but you can see what that does so i'm gonna pull that we need to get it back in line so let's pull on this slug said that he was doing uh he's doing a lot of modeling from photos and we should really do a video that goes over or digs deep into photo match or match photo it's like oh boy let me tell you yeah did we were you here last week slugor he was not oh well i'm not going to say it was a a good stream sorry that's the end of my statement i don't i'm i that's all i got i'm not gonna say that that was the best stream we did last week it's in the top five it was the last stream of january why did that twist what did i just do you just drew directly onto the top of a non-grouped surface and now you're trying to modify that but it's stuck to that edge let's let's make that into a group shall we and i was watching trying to figure out where this was all going to go and i was not was not optimistic oh stuff just happened okay uh quick follow me on this one i'm gonna go find a link to last week's show because i think i think there's a bunch of people here that were not here last week you know i'm realizing that uh i am uh fasting my grouping here yeah it's it's like it's amateur hour it's kind of fun yeah i mean nice job new guy but as i was saying like i said going back and pulling information out of the model for something i already modeled is something i do a lot of because i get excited i think that's my what i'm going to go with as my excuse just being excited and you know making something calling it done before it's actually done and uh i try i try to trying to frame it as a positive thing my enthusiasm it's good not a not a crippling issue that prevents me from succeeding well i'm depressed all right let's take that grab it by a corner option copy it over to right here it looks like this this one may actually be orthogonal let's see where's my red axis here axis axis axis ah poke myself in the eye and that one okay yeah it's come around it's come along okay uh got another tower here on the back uh this one's actually a bigger bigger tower looks like see i'm definitely not getting all the information i need from my drawings here of course i didn't pull this one in actually this is the image that would go here the one i did not grab so maybe i'll save and do a quick import and see what i got for what i got a number four here as i'm looking at this way okay so i got another little shorty tower and then this bigger tower this is bigger that looks like it's the same one from this side all right uh as i mentioned oh one of these two was a smaller image than the others that must be this one because that looks like messy garbagey stuff this does not look good um yeah you can see the difference in this is not a question of resolution in sketchup this this was one of my images was smaller than all the others um one of those things is not like the others that's right one of these things is dome 89 6 and 7 8. okay let me get let me get a oh paul wants to know why we're not why you're not making more components this seems like a very component friendly kind of model well when i originally looked at it it seemed like every tower was different it looked like they were there was not a whole lot of repetition now that i'm doing it i do feel like like these three all look the same this one had a different profile than these ones um like yeah if you even look at the images this one that i copied the same actually in keggie fiction's image looks significantly different looks wider vacation sorry fiction uh same thing here actually so if i look at this i may have to go back and and scale that one out a little bit this one goes across it's about six foot eleven but if i come to this one that's seven foot five this is actually a little bit wider than this one is feel like uh ashley when did you do a castle and then the castle that you picked is not the way that anybody would actually design a castle yeah i buy that in castle it's fine all right let's make that a little bit a little bit wider see if that's that's closer um anyhow wait i was doing something 89 89 six or three quarter all right let's let's hop in here do that 89 foot six and three quarters scale that up slide it up slide it over slide it over slide it down all right and then i'm going to draw my crop ground plane in again hui yeah image there's there is a point at which you get to where where there's really not much more you can do you know sometimes you just have a low resolution image and that's just a bummer all right so this is what i was talking about before uh i got to that point where my cage now at this point kind of covers everything up right um i i have a limited so i can't i can't work it's it's harder to work in here because because of this so like i was saying there's a couple things i could do um the big thing obviously is tags and getting visibility set up so what i might do is i might grab this piece right here and i'm going to put it on a tag called write and put this on a tag called back and put this one on a tag called left now what that lets me do is i can come in here and i can real quickly you know i didn't do something right i did not do something correct oops all right i didn't switch what i had selected when i made that back okay there we go so now that gives me the ability to you know turn these on and off as i work through here which is nice it's cool something else to consider though which is another option is creating scenes real quick the cool thing about scenes and a lot of people don't pay attention to the scenes when you come in and you create a new scene you don't have to set everything you don't have to put your camera in a spot or set a style or anything like that your scenes can include as much information as you want so if i wanted to create a scene and the only thing in that scene was turning off this right side what i could do is i'd come into tags i could turn off right and then i can come down here to my scene data and i can say don't change the location don't change what's hidden don't change any of this just update tags right and then i'll make a new new tab or a new scene i'll call this uh hide right so now if i'm in here like this and i want to come around this side i want to see this i can just go hide the right real quick and it goes away it doesn't change my my scene so if i want to bring it back on uh i would have to come here and toggle this it's not going to be a toggle so i can't hit hide right and bring it back it's just going to put that away so i could do more scenes where i go okay well let's go we'll create a scene called uh all on we'll turn left off and create a scene called hide left and then we'll go back to all on turn off the back and we'll create one more scene called hide back oh i did not type that in the right spot hide back all right so now as we're sitting here okay turn everything back on right now and i'm coming around this side and get rid of that oops no wrong one hide left is what i meant to say and this is going to make it a little bit easier rather than going down tags again my tags tend to be very simple because the models we're doing are almost conceptual models they're not not full where i have uh levels for my you know my my uh furniture and appliances and moldings and everything else but you can imagine if i had 60 or 70 tags in there the ability to just toggle just those pieces is a pretty nice to do in scenes like that also i wrote hay back instead of hide back man i can't wait till i get that spell checker in sketchup actually no because autocorrect kills me on a daily basis so i really hope that never happens all right you already turned off anime animation last week i think right yes i did um that's a feature you've got to disable manually oh yes definitely uh if you're if you're gonna do this uh turn animation off because well like i said not move my camera actually it might be turned back on i think it's on in my default uh but it's i'm not animating because i'm just setting tags with my visibility and not actually moving okie dokie all right so as i look at this now i have here's this tower here's this tower and now i need another tower right here and a shorty tower right here so i'm gonna go ahead and use this tower i'm going to copy it over here and you know you're right let's uh let's go ahead and take a look my entity info this tells me there's four towers one two three four these are all the same right now so let's go ahead and do that let's change these into components because when i go in and i put put some details and i put the windows and i'll only have to do it once and where possible i'll try to deform the container like i did with this one i actually made this this tower a little bit wider than the others but rather than changing the geometry i just stretched the uh the container so let's do that let's change them all the same so i'm going to use an extension right now that i already have installed one of the few extensions if i right click here i go to group copies i can say convert into components this is selection toys from tomtom it was just it's it's one of the best it's super low profile it's not flashy it's free but selection toys is awesome because it helps you selection i mean it lets you make it easy let's say you know deselect all faces when you do a big group select but it also has these these commands in here that make it really easy to do things like take all those groups and make them into components so now i actually have four copies of components rather than individual members so i'm going to go ahead and delete this one then and again i'll swap this one into its place all right that gives us this one we also have a little little starter tower right here so i'll go ahead and i'm struggling to see where that fits um definitely you put it on the back side nobody sees it anyway i see it here it's it's definitely here maybe maybe this one is actually maybe this is actually the stairs are in that and then this guy is right there something like that all right uh yeah nobody cares about the backside right we don't have to worry about details back there i'm kidding um kind of i don't know what the backside looks like i don't really have that here uh let's let's just see what the internet has to say about the backup castle what do the google say while we think about that let's start talking about walls so with my wall i'm thinking that what i'll do is i will pull a wall profile off of something maybe right here we'll get a profile of what that works looks like and then we can actually create a path and extrude the wall around as one big piece through the towers so i'm gonna excuse me i'm gonna just make a straight line down like this and then i'm gonna infer a little bit because it looks like it's gonna come out like this it's going to come down to here then it's going to cut back and then oh it actually drops to about here and it looks like it has some width to it like that get some some catwalk space there catwalk that's probably not the term they they use in old timey times but something like that for the profile of my wall i'm gonna go ahead and grab that make it a group and then i'll pull that and stick it someplace i can we got something i posted a picture one picture and then there's a link to someone's smug mug post so you can't just copy the image but it's worth going and looking at because it's a great shot smug mug please something yeah see you're spending all this time thinking oh the towers that'll be that won't be too bad so let's look at the windows the windows aaron monsters monsters um all right so yeah so you should have done uh hogwarts instead of this i mean this is fine it's definitely an easier building except that it's constantly moving so not really details um okay so you know what i'm starting to think i'm starting to think that there are multiple i think the cinderella castles there's actually more i don't know if this i guess somebody could look into this is the cinderella castle in disneyland and disney world the same and is it different in the disney places in other countries that's true because i'm starting to think that's the case um because the back of that oh no here's what i'm seeing okay i get it now that they're definitely not the same that's this right here that's the everybody yeah so i guess i'm hoping hoping that i'm grabbing a picture of all my pictures are the same castle no what we're seeing so the root suggests that they might be different they're saying no i don't know um yeah i'm definitely that well and the other thing is my profile my pictures aren't lining up one to the other so uh i have a different number of towers on this side over here uh so yeah we may be rapidly approaching uh the aaron's version of uh this particular walt disney that's right oh it would have been so much fun he's definitely in my top who who's historical figures i mean who who do you guys wish you could uh just hang out with and have lunch with oh sorry that's a good question not gandhi he didn't eat much so that's true not a good lunch date yeah all right so i'm going to grab all of these real quick and i'm going to temporarily he's looking for brownie points he said us of course and doug said frank lloyd wright which could be an interesting one never thought of him as hysterical but but everybody's making jokes so funny yeah bunch of bunch of smarties around here what's going on right there that spot you're just editing because there's nothing there's no walls that's like oops that's neat i like which i like what you did there uh oh i just oh that's a bit too that stairs that could be yeah yeah there's obviously i said this none of my drawings are completely telling me what's going on so i'm definitely doing some inferring here all right but i'm going to grab this line and i remember last time i saved i'm going to do a quick follow me with this profile and this profile is currently in a group so to do the profile i do have to right click on the group say edit group i'm still in follow me so i can hit this right here command z i don't know what just happened there let me try something that's not that i'm going to bring this over here i'm going to rotate this so that it is perpendicular to the line when you do follow me you want to make sure that that is the case that you are perpendicular i'm going to try this again i'm going to grab this line i'm going to edit group oops i forgot to select follow me i'm going to grab the line third tries charm i'm going to go to follow me i am going to edit the group click this face there we go that's what i was looking for and i get rid of that and then come in here i can explode no not explode reverse faces and now if i go to edit i can say unhide all bring it all back that's kind of cool all right i feel a little better about myself um all right so we're getting there we're start we're starting to see something i'm going to put a basic form of this arch in here i'm gonna have to use uh bezier curves on that because that's oh i forgot i gotta mention something uh i wanted to say a quick thank you to uh extension developer extraordinaire mr fredo 6 for sending me uh licenses to your extensions i i got an email that i was not aware i was going to get that said uh well i guess he kind of mentioned to me but uh yeah he sent me some uh of his extensions so fredo corner which is one of my that's one of my top extensions i like that a lot but he also sent me fredo spline which i have not used before i'm excited to get in there and use that uh if you guys are not aware or not a big extension users and you want to find out how to bring your extension game to the next level the stuff that fredo makes is definitely worth looking into i would like to know the context of how he came up with the name fredo maybe his first name's al maybe maybe he just really likes fettuccine alfredo or anything alfredo it's there's worse things out there than alfredo tell you that a lot more stuff okay um so i feel like we've got this all to where we want it this the back is kind of weird because so what happens is on this looking from those back images uh this is like a lower section so this is actually flat and these little little round sections are like this is like a walkway right here and then this tower rises up inside of it but we can't see from here of course what happens between the two so i'm kind of feeling like this right here when you just put in and pull up to whatever we decide is our you know kind of our deck height and then outside of that inside that we build up this this main tower section um the main tower is the is the part that gets a little uh little uh yeah because because what um so i'm gonna do the same thing here i'm just gonna start creating geometry and start shifting these tower chunks into place and we'll uh we'll just work forward and backwards until we have something that looks like a tower basically it's what i'm really hoping for so i've seen you make towers before so i'm optimistic i i can i can make something i feel i feel good in saying not just saying but promising something will exist all right so here i'm going to have a little parapet am i using that term right am i am i saying that right guys i wouldn't be too surprised if uh that was not the proper term a pair of pets two dogs duo of dogs uh a cankle of cats what what cankle pressure that's pretty sure that's how you yeah that's what what cats traveling oops nope i went too far all right there we go so again make that a group hop in said group another circle up above here on the flat let's grab that uh so i i hit this problem this is probably a unique problem and none of you guys are going to be identifying so i'm just i'm probably just complaining to myself uh i've started doing these i don't know if you guys anybody here has watched any but these square one videos and the issue i'm running into right now looks like this is this right here maybe the issue i am running into is i'm trying not to overload my ui because in the interest of creating these square one videos i want to have a ui that looks like what you'd have at square one but as a result things like follow me which is a tool i use a lot i don't have a button for anymore do i have it on my and i don't actually have it on here either um oh maybe maybe this is follow me i do have it on my space mouse nevermind transom said that the square one videos are great yeah i haven't yet so yeah jody's kind of an elitist in that way he he doesn't watch stuff till till they become you know unpopular and then then he'll go hey i try and do it hipster style that's right i'm more about round ones anyway oh that sounds like i'm making a reference to uh some sort of sport sporting event though he's a big boxing fan jody that's me oops i i think this is a parapity thing too i'm going to make a pair i don't care actually it's not really good for it oh it's too it's cramped all right let's get this thingy bring it back to here keep going up to oh man oh this is craziness this tower is nuts keep zooming out to see what it is i'm actually modeling here all right there we go big tower make that a group hop in the group again flat circle select it shift f to follow me and there we go all right now i grab this reverse faces and then bring that main tower out i already have a snap point there okay so i can just grab it that little thing at the top just like lightning striking it yeah something like that like i'm sure like an active lightning strike you mean yeah that's happening right now in the picture wow most architects wouldn't see to put that in there that's interesting all right well they're just trying to make it clear what the reason they made that really tall and pointy i see oh yeah like illustrative purposes i gotcha all right i got another tower here see we'll go to like there it's a fairly simple tower compared to uh its siblings i do like getting a little bit of these like uh maybe i may be exaggerating some of this geometry too but i like getting a little bit of relief into a 3d model especially if i know odds are good i'm not going to come in here and texture or color this at all the idea of getting like just that little bit of relief you know especially on a follow me just a couple little jogs out like that really makes your model just a little bit stronger that'll work all right and we'll come in there again circle tool on the flat you know i actually have oh that's not sorry button there we go and there's that tower and that tower [Music] goes again i'm regularly losing these top oh i think that's this tower right it looks like it's right right here all right i'll pull that one forward grab it by that very peak and then bring it forward to here i don't think that's right it looks like it's behind this one but again i'm getting a strong feeling that uh my reference images are not all from the same place this might be right here there's a pretty good chance when this is all done that you're not going to pull in one of those photos and be able to line it up so that it matches perfectly like wait what's this what's this tower odds are good yeah that's that's probably fair all right um i'm going to make this thing i want that to be flat i think it's supposed to be flat okay uh this two actually it's looking like in these two yeah this i'm assuming this is going to be a square so uh i'll make that a group i'll go into that group and i'm just gonna grab this line right here um i'm going to option copy it straight up and i'm going to rotate it 90. and i'll just do the same thing where i'll select this and follow me with this shape and then that tower that tower we got some reference for that's how i can bring over to their-ish i feel like yeah i feel like this one's supposed to be back behind some place maybe it's covered up by this one see we should see it in front on this one well yeah again who knows what i'm seeing all right uh i'm going to come in here i'm just going to drop everything to the ground and we'll uh it's starting to look like a castle though i will i will definitely the details might not be there but i definitely am feeling like uh i'm getting closer to a thing that looks like cinderella's castle that's that's kind of the goal here today so that is what we're shooting for yeah this is this one's definitely behind so uh i'm already thinking on my uh my lessons learned i i definitely feel like monitoring your references is definitely a thing that you should keep an eye on validating that the references you chose to use because you yourself chose them mister uh we're actually right it's funner when you screw up though we all get to we all get to relish in your uh your misery that's what i'm here for guys do you love company in that case yeah i i prefer mustard but i'll take a little little relishing have you saved lately yes literally zero seconds ago duh of course all right so dieter's asking maybe you might have an answer you might you might know an idea a way to bind a single key to toggle the axis on the protractor tool when rotating either on the keyboard or space mouse pro rather than having to hit up left right to select um you can use shift shift will lock you to whatever you're on um i guess maybe i don't fully understand the question beyond that like you want to know which one you're trying to get to yeah i'm not sure i read it exactly as he wrote it all right uh yeah because i mean shift so if i come in here if i come in here with my circle for example right now i'm on a surface so if i hold down shift it'll lock me to this vertical surface if i come down here and get on this this flat surface it'll lock onto the blue surface when i hold shift um but there's not like a toggle s top toggle reference plane like where you can just click through them i don't know of anything like that i can see how that would be useful though i i get the i get where that question would come from actually i also commented that the from that picture the construction picture on the forum looks like the tower's pushed way back i'm not sure which the big tower i think the big one all right well we can we can probably do that we have the technology i'll line this up for for beauty's sake that's kind of cool the blue behind the gold blue tower behind the gold tower it looks like the gold tower is actually and again we're we're trying um but in that image this main tower is right here it is right up against this piece right here but it's very obvious on here unless i have this 100 this might be backwards oh my gosh it is oh that hurts okay oh come on guys seriously that's fun that's good stuff it's fun you know i don't care who you are aaron's pain is fun the way i see it it's better you than me oh so many things make sense right now yeah yep yep uh yeah so how was your day uh up till now it's been pretty it's been okay you know it's all right and this the ability to call me out just took you up a level didn't it it went from okay to not too bad you know what i didn't even call you out that was that was your own doing dang it come on me stop hitting yourself wait yeah it's funny because it's true i actually said that the right one looks like it's backwards too that odds are good that yeah it's it's all equally bad hey at least you're consistent you know yep wrong but consistently so all right i think a handful of things just made more sense started making more sense right now it's not so much that the models are different like there's a bunch of different models it's just that you're just using the right pictures the wrong way i'm i'm just using them in a different way yes so now i'm wondering if the back one's wrong too could be i got that one i mean left and right looking at it from the front i i uh i should say i was going to say i would hope i got that right but i would hope i got the last one right and i didn't look at you not getting it right like some kind of chump this is actually kind of starting to look like a pretty cool model though um all right this thing hangs off of this and i believe it's octagonal let's start here i have the window and somebody outside is laughing at my pain i'm pretty sure shut up tell them get to go back to work or go back inside or leave you alone i think it's just some child some some kid oh yeah are they like um oh no what's his name not mine bully simpson's the laughs nelson muntz yeah nelson did i just shove that behind i think i uh slug we're asked if they're laughing at your window pane oh zing yes okay what are we modeling next week what's the what is the tractor oh yeah a thing that's not a building not a month like a monumental building yeah and i i i think that's going to be a lot clearer about what's in front of what on that one nice thing about that type of stuff is also it's usually fairly symmetrical that's right uh okay so no i was gonna put a circle in but it's not a circle this is a polygon with eight sides do i say eight sides is turned on all right uh i think i want the flat facing forward though right so i want to hit my modifier key to get the other side dimension to an edge rather than the face and then i can grab this and not not offset no i want to do follow me there we go and that cool looking tower comes forward until it hits this face right here that's awesome then i got it looks like another tower right here that sits on the back corner that's going to be this guy right here and pull him down to about here this does have a just a touch parapet and uh watching for that diamond as i was telling you guys trying to make sure i do it right all right that's also octagonal so make a group there hop into that group draw another polygon still in my 8 sided polygon so pull it out again tap option it's control on windows that gives me my flat facing towards the front rather than the point so like that grab it decide if you just froze or if you're just making a face did i froze thank you frost gross me i never freeze no you're not froze though okay nope i lost your video now you're just a little yeah you disappeared for a second there i noticed that i will i will bring that right back hold on one second that sounds weird all right that's cool i think it does go all the way down though so come in here pull that down to the ground and then we will grab it you're a hot mess up bandwidth over there let me start turning stuff off over here maybe it's me all right in order to make this work i'm gonna have to show you to everybody jody wow what's that about nobody's commenting that you're messed up so maybe it's just me i think it's just uh google meets because uh i can't stop presenting i can't press the stop presenting button oh wait there we go all right ready i'm gonna bring you on jody you can say hi to everybody you guys want to see jody here's jody hi jody ah hello it says lost network connection the second you waved oh nice oh there i am though yeah just for a sec okay um hold on i gotta i'm gonna i'm gonna drop jody and get jody right back all right you're back jody oh good maybe good to be back all right i'm glad i have my shirt on good thing i mean it's also cold but you know there's that although i've got my my thermostat to the shop says it's already 47 degrees in there so i could go out and like work in my shop right now but i'm in here that's not too bad too bad too bad you had to work for a living huh dang it so we got if i count these these uh these little towers we're at 15 right now um oh we're almost done gotta figure out some more things to slap on here so it does have it looks like i got this other wall section here but it is insanely and hard to figure out where that's at so uh i have decided uh it's oh hey look it's here all right is that the right side of the drawing [Music] we're so far beyond caring about that kind of thing uh this comes all the way up to here and then i'm gonna draw take it out just to touch just a teeny bit out like this oh come on man work with me not against me and then that's gonna go up to the top of this pair a bit all right something like that and then there we go and i'll drop that all the way down all right that then so see the wall there it's it's all actually lining up so the construction picture shows the gold tower connects to the small tower this tower in this tower or the start this tire i see two gold towers so that messes with it construction picture tells all wait to titus i just said to look at photos too did he post a new photo no wait yes titus has got some new photos on there oh that last one looks good oh yeah yeah look at that last one like before i finish making the mistake i'm working on right now no i don't know you pick and choose your mistakes okay why i have several to choose from you guys are awesome whoa so it looks like this there's a hole this is this is like a square on this this makes this look like this goes all the way around in a square which i'm into i like that this is this is it's coming together you guys believe it or not even if it's several different things from several different several different angles it's a thing it's a thing um okay so yeah so i'm gonna bring this out oh looks like it comes out to here and then this is where yeah okay okay got it all right you guys need to get out my face real quick uh all he is i'm gonna push this back just a skosh so that i can create a path amazon's here jody sometimes here my wife just left to go pick up our we have a oak chair she's going to get milk and apparently as she did it she tossed a cat in the front yard i'll be right back was it a cankle of cats all right follow me on that all right that gets me and i'm just i'm just going to close this up i don't see any reason to maintain wait what uh i don't know what happened there that got weird all right let's fix that let's just do some some quick repair work oh problem is this is not how did i do that i'm i i can make some things happen that you would not believe i can make uh that shouldn't have happened that's a thing that uh i've heard before that is true that shouldn't have happened all right that's all closed up now all right now i think we're in better shape throw that across to there so apparently they were barking because they wanted me to go get some girl scout cookies not because there are girl scouts out front but because there's girl scout cookies in the freezer wow smart dogs yeah i don't know how they figure it out obviously they care a lot too to uh so you know i'm curious since we have so many uh international folks what do what is the alternative to what uh what are europeans get to eat or asians get to eat girl scout cookies they can't get cookies made out of girl scouts yeah real mint chocolate girl scouts is it that time of year is it is it oh yeah oh yeah i was driving down main street this weekend and there was a dad out there the signs had girl scout cookies and i was like there's no girl scout cookies there and then two buildings later there was a table with uh some girl scouts and cookies on the table and even like the plexiglas screen so you can't cough on them oh keep our girl scout safe and then a little bit farther up there was uh another dad holding a sign up in the other direction wow somebody's dad's in marketing all right close up all right that's enough okay something got weird there i probably could have uh fixed that in a different way but i didn't all right so i'm going to take that now we're going to unhide everything yeah there's definitely a lot more happening in here than that's that section it does look like yep here's my hexagonal i need another hex tower take i'll take you buddy wait hold on 40 that let's make you into component all right all right and this one looks like it actually that's just offset the interesting thing is looking at more of these pictures and plans they really fought hard against like making things symmetrical like stuff really doesn't line up which is very very very interesting um all right so right down here we have this shape all right so i'm gonna go this is a ten sided shape so let's grab a polygon ten sides option to get the edge out there yeah it does not it's not quite will stretch that out just a bit option to stretch around the middle there we go i'm gonna i'm gonna pull that up to it's just above this tower or this height right here looks like let's do a break here too and then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to connect these to the midpoint like this and then i can grab that point and just pull it straight up that'll give me kind of the that shape that i have back there and then what happens on there it's and i know i'm looking at an image that titus post posted up on our uh our forum um actually this looks like it may even come up higher sorry it's more like that it looks like what happens then is just below this i have something like this then we'll offset that something kind of like that and then you can actually grab this ring and drop that vertical ah every once in a while autofold will do something weird like that everything else looks like it worked out perfect but one weird face it's got a mind if it's owned it does if we're not using machine learning to make that happen all right and then this is where stuff gets a little weird um here i'm going to do this i'm going to grab these lines right here i'm going to want to know how you grab a point go into move without having anything selected that'll get you there i'm going to use an extension i am going to grab these lines right here and i'm going to go to freo collection and use joint push pull to pull these out a little little ways i don't actually know i don't have details i'm working off of just an image on what this stuff looks like so it's gonna look fantasy-ish i'll tell you that that's that's what's happening i think it's pronounced fancish oh that makes a lot of sense yep all right i'm gonna grab that line that's what i want to pull that down too actually we'll just do this no you know what like it um so down here gah get rid of my back down here what we have is what looks like a fairly complicated but it's actually not too terrible it's actually pretty easy so if i if i just create a rectangle right here and draw a line straight up like this i'm going to grab this line and rotate it option rotate to 45 degrees and then drop a line back here that's a quick and dirty hip roof profile the important part is just the 45s right there so what this thing does is it creates if i grab this right here and i'm just going to move it vertically it has a nice steep roof on it like this i grab all that make it into a group and then i'm going to copy option copy one right here i'm gonna rotate it so it's in line with this that's close to four well now i'm just leave it that way all right i'm gonna scale that make it smaller until it hits right down the corner right there like that and if you look that is basically what's happening right here also um now i'm gonna gotta get a copy of that over here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come in here i'm gonna put a line from here to here now i'll grab that group option copied over here use actually i can't use scale because i'll have to explode make a new group and then scale that to invert it like that and then because of the line i dropped right there i can bring that right over here all right like i said quick and dirty but it got us everything we need i'm going to take all of these make them into a single group go into that group and explode them all and then with them all selected like this intersect face with selection i can get rid of this line i carry this line i can hit shift s to run solid inspector and let solid inspector get rid of my internal geometry or not that's neat really you don't just just oh just know okay cool i'll come down here and i will do this myself all right so there is one of our one of our roofs uh i'm gonna do this i'm going to uh come under here actually let's go in context hide everything else put a lot clean up these i don't these dangly bits draw a line across like this i'll grab all of this except for the back wall do a quick offset like this all right and we'll pull that down alright so that gets me that kind of that geometry actually what ends up happening i think [Laughter] is not that i'm gonna i'm gonna push pull that back up what actually ends up happening is something like this so if i grab this grab this front line and offset that all out like that that is a very simplified version of what the front of that looks like i'm going to pull that down like that so i can erase reverse that face reverse that face and then clean this all up maybe we should have saw inspector take another swing let's see what let's see what solid inspector says this time all right thanks buddy that's good you like silence it's golden not diamonds all right uh so this is quite a bit higher up so i'm gonna i don't think that's where that goes no it's not on the floor it is just above it's it's kind of like that above there all right and then what i'll do is i'll take that from the center of i don't know if it's going to work or not but from the center of here i'm going to go option rotate it to should be 45 45 degrees oh come on no not quite 30 degrees no it's definitely more than that it's it's not quite doesn't look like it's square uh 40 degrees let's see what that looks like all right let's bring a copy straight down that's pretty close we'll call 40. i'll take this one too rotate that off of the center here take that to 40 also nice all right so that geometry is in there and what that ends up creating is something of a platform here so if i take uh this offset like that i did not make that a component undo undo all right again convert into components now i can take this and this and then i can come over here say draw like this drop that to there come into this one and do the same thing on this side draw that to there just pull that down for some reason it's stopping part way down 100 sure why all right so that gets me and this is all fancy there's a bunch of arches and stuff on this that i did not include but that's that and now this is where the rest of this shape starts to go around that was pretty close all right so i'm going to grab these three pieces and i'm done component with the component stuff so i'm going to grab all those make them into a group come in here and explode all right and now out here i want to get a path because i want to trace this same profile around all these pieces so it looks like maybe i dropped back just a touch just a touch more a little little additional touching there we go that's going to go this way it's going to come here and i'm going to come back and put that circle on in just a second i'm going to run over to here and i'm just going to trace the profile of this lower wall and that will die into that and then all right so i'm going to approximate where that goes pull a circle out to there and i'm just going to use like some high resolution imagery to work with oh baby i'll tell ya this is good good stuff right here like you needed to sit there for a minute and give it another another second to load all right so yeah low low profile floor plans what we're working with right here okay so up here i'm going to chop this off like that get all that and this right here is the profile that i will be bringing with me so i'm going to command c just to copy that and my i guess i could just bring these lines up that's probably the easiest oh i didn't group this come on man oh geez all right i'm gonna cut that off again i'm so does it convert to components you could always take something and convert to component right no tricky i'm not sure if i it wasn't looking when you did it so i didn't think you did anything i was using i am using it's not a native command so i am using uh tomtom selection toys to do it uh okay there you go there you go that's the part that's the part that's a thing all right so here's that face i copy it i'm gonna go ahead and make it a group i'm gonna grab it i'm gonna drop it on this line right here and i'm going to rotate it so that it is 90 degrees from whatever this line is i'm i'm playing with some weird angles now i don't think i'm uh oh maybe oh this is actually 90 degrees what's that that's square that is okay so i guess explode oh this line wasn't 90. okay good we're good all right so i grabbed that whole whole mess right there i'm going to hit follow me and i'm going to choose this piece right here there we go oh love when a plane comes together huh all right go ahead and reverse faces we'll fill in this corner right here i'm gonna cut that come in here and paste that in place come on just i just want to fill this in is it not flat looks flat to me oh duh alright explode there we this fill that corner in don't want a wall with a hole in it oh that's cool that's cool looking and then look we got that same thing over here see how fast we can get this one done all right oh look here here's where they keep the mechanical just like in the in the movie all right so come here cut this off again same thing all right so one thing i can do here i can actually grab this line cut it come in context here paste it back in if i hit the right button paste it back in and even though they're not connected i can grab this line right here and i can have this shape follow me um i do want to get it perpendicular to this face though so if this face is on the red axis then i want to get this face rotated out to the green axis like that so now i can grab all of this follow me this guy right here there we go get rid of this come over here maybe close this up oh like that all right so that's a thing all right um cool if i hide everything one of the things that i got to get now is i have to get a platform there's actually it's flat right in here i don't have that easily so if i just do this how close am i going to get to oh that was easy all right so i'm just going to push that down a little bit and then get rid of that and then reverse faces sometimes sometimes things work out for me not a regular occurrence okay so i got some reverse faces to deal with but that's nice okay cool cool cool um all right so if i close up just to get this to be a closed thing there we go i could spend some time well i'll give i'll give saul inspector another shot oh hey there we go no too many things it doesn't like sometimes if you if you get that if you saw inspector which i highly recommend if you can model in solids it's a good thing to do if you're going to do a 3d printing it's a must have but the one thing that'll come up it'll it will often come up and tell you things like that like oh there's just too much stuff here it won't give you the option to automatically fix you know what i didn't do i didn't do my circles here okay look i forgot these i guess it's just two circles i can i can just oh come on man all right circle circle sorry i wandered off to answer some questions and you're just over here talking hi that's what i do yeah so i'm back hey welcome back hey oh i thought you were gonna be done i really felt like uh if you had been around you you would have saved me from myself right there what did you do moving that up i just forgot to uh include everything i included some things instead i'm sorry about that it happens a lot it happens a lot fortunately the fix is not too painful all right and i'll bring this down cool those those might supposed to be 90 degrees but uh i feel good with that fix for now you know 90 degrees is just a number that's true all right and then what i was doing here i don't know if you guys caught that before but oh whoops i missed it by that much uh just grab this this line right here and if i option copy that straight down it cuts this face so then all i have to do is just uh some place along there trace the line and that will create a new surface right there and then just swipe and erase some stuff right okay uh obviously i have issues tell me something i don't know mm-hmm to here to here all right that was that was it okay um now again this isn't isn't solid so i can't let's make that into a group and saw inspector's got a lot of stuff in here wants me to clean up i have all these walls that i didn't i didn't delete the inside of um like so i can get i can take some of it out by doing this because i was starting to say before is if i get rid of some of these lines it's going to break the interior surfaces so when i have to surface inside a surface saw inspector doesn't always know what's supposed to be the inside when supposed to be the outside so i'll get confused you get messages like that basically saying it doesn't know what to do oh my faces don't quite line up better leave that the way it is um so sometimes breaking it up like this will fix my problem uh let's let's just see i'm gonna just try to break up a couple more hit salt inspector and see what it does with it um if not what we'll do is we'll just kind of do a little brute force modeling rather than using push pull on my nice closed surface i'll just move it down so it'll stretch it to the full height rather than push pulling oops all right there we go all right so let's let's run solid inspector again apparently we're not on talking terms again okay silence is uh not golden what am i trying to say bad that's probably not what you're trying to say that's probably what i'm trying to say who even knows i don't know all right so come in here close this up and pull that back to there that back to there draw a line here pull that back to there i'm i'm kind of making it up now all right and grab that oh only now that's good yeah because before when you weren't making it up it seemed sort of made up yeah well i'm working on closing up geometry is what i'm i'm really doing right now when i don't really have any clue how this geometry is supposed to actually close up because i have one helicopter picture of the back of the building but hey you know what when i'm done you're not going to be able to say that this is not a castle and there are some out there who will be able to identify it as maybe being something derived from cinderella's castle in fact so uh sure why that's sticking out there um i'm missing some things i lost my front tower oh yes come on man maybe it's on a different scene maybe i mean attack i might have tagged it that's possible uh let's see go back to all on dang i was hopeful i was really hopeful i must have had it highlighted when i hit the delete key okay well we'll do this quick uh let's see go find a middle point let's work a little i want to work a little more a little more detail into this guy this time i i cut a few corners last time oops you didn't cut just corners you cut entire towers right right am i right nice all right all right i'll bring that over to my center line boom all right take that make it a group and don't worry about componentizing that because there is only one it's a highlander tower all right um slide that back i'm going to grab everything except for these two pieces and hide them real quick because that didn't get me in any trouble last time [Music] and okay all right take that follow me with this oops grab that uh follow me with this and just delete that i don't know what that is don't need it don't want it get just delete it it's gone it'll probably mess with the solids inspector anyway taking a day off all right that may have been a little excessive i may have put too much stuff on there uh it's exciting yeah it's it's there's kind of kind of makes me think of a pagoda but like very subtle which now makes me want to do a model of a pagoda let's see that there we go it wasn't i had a some hidden geometry in here that's causing me not to close the bottom face how about now that's good now draw it yep all right are you are you going to make it a component do you need to there's only one inquiry okay all right so now we can edit unhide every last thing yeah and like i said i got a little nuts there but uh i'm okay with that that's it's it's something so i wanna i'm gonna do the door a little bit different too because i'm going to again i will do a bezier curve here to here follow this line up a little bit bring this one to horizontal take that copy it like that and then i'm going to take that straight out that option just i just want to stay straight on this green line and what i want to do is remove it vertically so it's like line up there and i'm going to push it in a little ways i'm going too far because i just want an indent of the door and i'll make that into a group i will go to my solid tools and i'll take this piece and i will subtract it from this not a solid hold on let's see one stray edge let's try that again all right so i'm gonna take this one subtract from here there we go that's really all i want there is that that little entrance suggestion i'm going too far because i got this whole other group here it's going to cause issues when i go back wow i just hold on let's step back for a second it's looking pretty cool since this is not half as bad as jody was making it sound yeah i mean what do i know i just make stuff up that's true he does guys all right um all right so one thing i want to i want to get this little back section here built up just to kind of close up close up the back end you know what i'm saying all right i'm gonna skip the stairs uh it's actually it's a good idea to take the stairs i mean it gets you a little cardio that's not it it's sort of like mini miniature squats as you do each step especially if you skip steps there's so many good things you're right i shouldn't sip square spit words words everybody's pointing out that you're out of plane are you out of plane now where did you fix that i was there was a point at which i was all right so what i'm gonna do here is uh i didn't put this bottom on a i put this bottom piece on its own tag so i'm going to do that i yelled it all right turn bottom off what i want to do is i just want to i want to close this up um oh yeah something you're right something got wonky all right and we gotta get rid of that back too oops that's not going to work you have to fix that i think before it's going to work i'll turn bottom back on real quick look at this i mean how how hard really would it have been to put some of this stuff in plane i mean can we have a 90 somewhere uh i feel like i feel like somebody is probably getting paid based on the number of non-90 angles tell you what i'll give you a bonus if you can make this 37 degrees 86 degrees there we go put that circle in there circle right here that's that's definitely different that's closer i'll take that all right another circle right here oh this is the fun part or detailing and stop talking you know for some people that's yeah that's a bonus maybe you could do some stitching that'd be nice silent stitching or maybe we start talking about stuff that's not necessarily modeling related like uh the beginning of the episode three of wand division can't talk about that though huh anybody else watching that show anybody everybody actually in chat right now is talking about video cards and pcs oh okay that's the that's the big thing it's all the rage at least on the youtube channel side sorry facebookers um well anyone who's wondering i'm just going to trace the floor from below to give me a closed up shape right here that's my my plan all right now hide everything else see if it'll close it won't i think i have a little tiny line segment somewhere over right here let's just see yeah that's right it's on that side narrow it down to the middle nope it's over here somewhere so andy watched the first two episodes and now he's just saving them so he can binge a bunch man stopping at two it's missing out on what was in three yeah literally so some things go without saying if you only watch two you didn't see what happened in three all right i'm going to take this now and offset this to get my wall and now this piece i will push pull up to a heck i don't even know what height this goes to but it goes to there and then my this goes here this gets reversed oh so titus said you should put flags at the top but i think you should pick one of the towers and have a whole bunch of blonde hair hanging out of it i was just trying to find a good stopping point you guys are over achievers for what i'm trying to do i know there's a bunch of people that are wanting you to do like windows oh good galley folks um i don't understand that this has to end at some point this in the in the not too distant future i might add um yeah from from looking at some of the pictures too i i do think i'm not sure if they're exactly the same because there's some some details that i definitely were definitely in some pictures that don't seem the other pictures but i also know that there's been repairs and changes so i don't know it's another one of those spots where uh maybe we did not have the best starting geometry but i feel like i like where i got to and i'm i'm going to start winding down i feel because that's probably good this this feels pretty cool i kind of like this um because i'm looking at it i'm just looking at some some reference images now that you guys have been posting and i feel like i got most of the big pieces the broad strokes are all there i think there could be another tower over here somewhere yeah there's definitely another tower here so i'll grab this guy my friend here option stick that maybe right there maybe that sticks out like that something slugger asks if we're going to do the solid goal set set next week then he could just go download that and he didn't even have to do any work sounds sounds interesting all right you know what did you i'm sorry what i was going to ask if you watched the expanse last night which is completely off topic i i started watching this morning about half with is it the last episode of the the the it is season final finale oh it's good ah castle grayskull i know i still want to do that too i don't i don't want to do that live i i maintain that that is definitely a uh a passion project and not a work work project project there oh slugor said he worked on season two of the expanse that was a that's a that seems like a dream job for uh the right for a specific person well so the fact that you're saying it suggests you may be one of those specific people right yeah i mean because someone might say oh yeah working like doing uh ufc would be sounds like a dream job for someone that's not me yeah that's that's yeah um no i just i just think it's fun because i just really want shadows okay with that we can do all right let me save let's uh let's drop some shadows on here let's bring it around to the see the nice thing is this is simple enough that you could now 3d print it if you scale this this yeah i mean this is uh it's definitely a cool it's a cool looking thing i really i've been to the disney parks a couple times i've seen probably every disney movie so i've i'm familiar with the castle but i'm i'm realizing how much i didn't pay attention to it like you know yeah you see every time it goes the little thing goes over and then makes the logo i've only been to the one in florida and i completely it seemed like in my mind's eye that thing was really small like the one that i'm seeing anyway because they have like they come out to a dance number on the stage in front of it so it must have been i don't see i was busy looking at other stuff i was apparently i was trying to make my way to the log ride jody were you a lot taller when you went so i was tall yes i was a grown ass man okay because i wasn't sure maybe you're smaller now than you were then so maybe maybe it looked bigger than you know i was as tall then as i am now okay i thought maybe the reverse childhood thing where you know i was totally i'm benjamin buttoning it went into my my middle middle school building not too long ago and all the halls is so narrow right water fountains are tiny and bathrooms you're just like what is what's going on here um yeah yeah uh dieter's mentioning how how disney when they designed their real things forces perspective on stuff where they'll they'll take what should be two straight lines and then they'll they'll do this or this to make things seem bigger smaller as you look up and lighting i i don't know if uh it's in the same youtube video dieter but i remember watching a thing on lighting and how they they forced shadows to to make depth it's it's incredible the the whole concept of imagineering where you just well the fact that that's their job title right i mean i i want that that sounds like a dream job that does uh keggy wants more mistakes next time hey i don't think that's possible oh wait so uh that sounds so so our plan right now next week uh what we're planning on is to what is this little did i do that apparently well i mean obviously it did that um next week we're going to do a tractor somebody asked for we actually had it requested several times to do a tractor so i'm not sure i don't have the pictures the images yet so if you guys want to get on the forum and if anybody finds some nice you know isometric drawings of a tractor that would be cool similar to this but a little more methodical doing those smaller pieces where i can you know well it'll be really apparent right at the beginning if the images are correct or not but we'll be able to do some there's a lot of different types of tractors too right here we're gonna go with like generic uh old-school uh john deere or titus keeps calling out the lamborghini l-33 i don't know is that a tractor i don't feel like that's a tractor but i could be wrong i you know i didn't know volvo made trucks and and it's a tractor and it's it's looks like it's just a regular old tractor it doesn't even look fast it looks old actually i would throw my hat in the ring to for that one to be the one to do that looks like well we'll hold on to the lamborghini l33 if we can find some good pictures of it um joe just got here and asked if i'd start over just just scan back i appreciate that um yeah so you know what that was that was actually that was fun uh hopefully you guys are satisfied with where we ended up uh considering what we were working with i feel pretty good about the way it turned out that is a crazy building that is a i am not doing any more disney building it's really the question is how does ashley feel having asked for castles for so long is she now going to be disappointed and she's just like why did i ask her she she had a positive thing or ashley he or she had a positive thing so um yeah it was it was it was that was pretty cool so yeah so next week come back we're gonna do the uh a tractor from from some imagery we're gonna do some this would be a very different modeling process than we did right here this was a lot of like making things then pushing him around the tractor is going to be more uh structured it's going to actually be like modeling specific pieces and putting together well depends on how how it the actual tractor we end up using i also want to throw out a reminder we are doing uh k biz next week so wednesday thursday friday of next week or no tuesday wednesday thursday excuse me the 9th 10th and 11th we will be virtually exhibiting at kbiz so if you want to go in there uh you can you can join us we're gonna be doing some demos we've got some industry experts gonna be doing some demos um but yeah come check that out if you have any interest the other thing is they they let us know that kbiz which is the kitchen and bath industry show which i don't think that's what kbis stands for but it just occurred to me that those letters lined up and ibs international builder show i know we've already made all those jokes it's uh ibs virtual virtual ibs uh if you get into one you can actually go to either of them so if you're already attending the international builders show virtually you'll be able to come check out sketchup in under the umbrella of kbiz also so you have access to both if you if you join either so that'll be cool so uh yeah come check us out there and uh we will be back here next wednesday it'll be it'll be tractor time noon next wednesday so it'll be fun there we go get that race night awesome let's see anything else jody before we head out did i forget no i think that you did considering what you were working with you did a great job here today oh thanks buddy all right well you guys we'll see you next week uh have an awesome week safe week have a wonderful weekend and uh we'll see you later see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 8,111
Rating: 4.8847737 out of 5
Id: P9eHQRbs19s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 39sec (9939 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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