Modeling the Haunted Mansion with Aaron, Live!

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know what day it is it's freight day august 13th that means it's friday the 13th we're doing a spooky model today on sketchup live it is disney's haunted mansion so get ready here's your host your ghost host aaron dietzen welcome foolish mortals to the haunted mansion awesome hey guys it's uh it's friday and everything seems to be working right now so that's where we're at this is a great start um nothing has failed yet so but hey it's early that's right you're still playing i am aaron dietzen i am sometimes referred to as the sketchup guy i'm the guy who draws stuff on the screen this week uh with me are my buddies jody and matt voices and sound effects for you all to enjoy i'm trying i'm drawing on my screen too today no grease pencil or dress marker uh yeah so this is well i was going to call it an encore presentation nobody actually asked for it to come back but it did uh last week we were going to do this model um the haunted mansion because i thought it was a cool looking building and i was able to find a couple plans for it uh actually i thought it was a cool building then i said i was gonna do it then i was able to find plans so that worked out well um but yeah we're gonna go ahead and model that we tried last week just ran into problems it was one of those one of those days where everything seems to go a little bit wrong and it's already been already been asked you want to elaborate on just what went wrong so i think so after we were done i had to forcibly shut my computer all the way down and cold boot it bring it back up and as soon as i brought it back up uh i had that ios installing screen come up and then it did the thing where i had to relog into icloud and everything with it for a new version and uh as soon as it finished and it came up uh adobe popped up immediately and said updating updating updating updates so i think what happened was something happened where ios downloaded and maybe partially installed or tried to start installing try to start a restart and then got caught on adobe trying to do the same and i don't know something happened that basically it just left my computer like running the processors were just running it a hundred percent for that entire half hour that i was trying to make stuff work so even if i had known what the problem was it would have taken another it took like 30 40 minutes to shut down let it reload reinstall so we made the right call plus totally unintentional here but by doing this by postponing a week we are doing the haunted mansion on friday the 13th sorry i gotta high five the sound guy on the side for that one because we didn't plan on that that just sounds like kismet that sounds like it was this is the way it was supposed to happen all along it was the 999 haunts they said no you're not doing this this week we're shutting you down um yeah so that's pretty cool all right so we did a whole bunch of talking and um yeah so i'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna hop in here we're gonna we're gonna start doing this thing um so i will i will say just a little just quick background on this the reason that i had this building in my head was we talk a lot about watching shows on disney plus we usually talk about things like the mandalorian or the marvel tv shows but they do have other disney stuff and they have a behind the attractions series where they tell you the history of various uh theme rides at the disney parks and the first one i watched because it was has always been one of my favorite rides was the haunted mansion which is kind of cool so it's kind of where this came from where the idea for this came from nice i haven't seen jody have you seen that i have not hm it's worth checking out they have like uh jungle cruise star tours um i came around like five or six shows uh space mountain that was one of them it's really cool just the history behind some of those rides and what they went through to make them i know what's so bad about like watching these making of like anythings or no feels like homework you don't actually have to do anything when it's done you can just oh absorb a little bit i guess i misunderstood then i thought it was like like a do it yourself now no they do they do not ask you to make the haunted mansion uh i guess i've watched too many youtube videos where they're like now shows how you did it yeah there you go that's the problem it's all context it's all about context just like like editing inside of a group in sketchup it's all about context nice yeah squeeze some learning in there whether you like it or not all right so i have a couple of images so over here i'm just gonna pull up a couple of these um i found three one of them is a pdf which uh honestly uh it's nice it's it's clean and everything but it is a drawing of the haunted mansion these are not like anything the plans that were originally created so i kind of feel like this is cheating a little bit does have some nice you know nice is that a vector vector file or definitely yeah so you don't even like you basically just going to erase the junk out of the middle and you you're two thirds of the way done that's how i heard uh importing dwgs in the sketchup always goes yeah there you go you're done push pull finished um so this is this is good and if i was worried about you know don't know i i i got excited when i found on the other on the other hand when i found these guys right here because i believe these are from like the real plants like these are old and i think some of them actually were like yellow these are old therefore they must be disneyland inc uh maybe you're on here somewhere possibly probably allegedly yeah yeah the heights here would be a little rough but uh i like this because it uh you know gives us a little more artistically way and uh the idea of big enough it's vague enough to let you fudge the numbers i get to do what i want that's absolutely right um so and it doesn't have uh these backsides this side or this side on here but those are actually the back sides of the attraction so i don't even know if they're finished or not but uh so you can't get to those sides you don't see those when you're queuing up or anything like that so i don't even know what's back there so if we have time maybe we'll make it up maybe we'll copy some windows around something like that but maybe we'll just make the the south and the east elevations um but yeah that's kind of the plan gonna pull these images in we are going to start doing some modeling i'll start looking for a 3d warehouse component of ivy uh to have that climbing up the side oh nice yeah somebody asked uh said they're excited to come and see the trellis work and i was like we'll do something i don't know if you guys have seen the trellis work it's it's impressive i mean it's they got this whole you know louisiana bayou kind of look in that portion of the park and it really is cool i don't know if we'll go into full detail with that trellis i mean that's that's another one thing we talked about it's a lot we could probably just have a sketchup live where we go through and model that trellis work because it's pretty it's pretty cool but we'll do something something will happen it definitely is worth it if there's a lot of copying and pasting yeah true true all right um i'm gonna import one of these so i'm gonna start with i think the east was a little bit better looking so i'm just going to go ahead and import this so is this the disney world i'm assuming this is one of the us versions this is is this the disney world or the disneyland this is the original uh so that one is different than the one that they built in florida i believe so because um the impression that i got from watching the show and again that's all was just an impression is that uh each of these each of the land or different parks when they build something they'll give a little bit of a twist so if you go to the same park in two different spots it's not like carbon copy the exact same but uh i don't know for sure i don't know 100 i'm guessing a little bit there on that one okay well i'm not going to hold you to it so you're fine okay it looks like this is approximately my feet tall so we want to scale to that all right this might be where i i've been talking about cheating and here's how i figure i'm going to cheat i'm going to open up this pdf and pull some just some general dimensions off of here to reference for some of these heights so if i look at this let's see what's a clear dimension i got on both of these nothing nothing is on both i kind of wonder if these plans were made to like remake this piece on top because look at all the details that are up here and then everything else is ignored so i kind of wonder if these were like plans just for this section or something like that i don't know anyhow back to thinking about things um all right so it looks like from the ground up to the top of this cornice right here is eleven five so we're gonna go with that dimension for this [Music] so it's very jarring whenever you tab over to the nice pristine pdf and then jump back over to this the lines aren't even straight it's like the plans are haunted too hey that's a good point let's let's talk about getting straight lines i'm going to go over here to this point and i'm gonna draw a line straight across so you can see like matt's matt said right now this is a ways off so that's something we'll want to want to fix i don't really care about the edge of in fact they're not they're not straight at all in fact that i can actually see from here they kind of this is a photocopy or a photo of the plan so yeah but hey i love it because that just gives me more license to do whatever i want so i'm gonna do now is before i even scale i'm just going to try to get it kind of straight so i'm going to go click right here to the end where i drew that line with my rotate and i'll come down here i will click on the top of this cornice line and drag that up until it snaps to the line i just drew so that gives me at least that line is straight so just to check now let's draw a vertical line and see how far off of straight that is oh that's pretty close so that's not perfect i mean it's a haunted mansion it's run down so if something's not quite straight on planes you gotta gotta let that go right um yeah it's a little creaky that's right it's it's it's old it's it's and stuff you know old things fall apart constantly yeah tell me about it oh my back that's a jody test okay so i'm gonna come right here i'm gonna draw a vertical line like that so that is that ground plane up to the top of the cornice that's that line i just drew um and then i use that line to i'm going to actually group these together so there we go the group and the or the picture and the line are in a group make the group go into that group grab my tape measure measure that line and tell it to make that 11 foot five resize the group yes all right and there we go and that looks about right if i grab if i grab sumely and put her right there yeah that's about that's about the right size i buy it cool good because i'm selling all right um so i have two images that i can pull dimensions and that sort of thing off of um question is how do i want to position that i've talked about we've done before we've made kind of the reference image cage where we make images on each side and then we kind of pull like go look at this side to draw something then turn and look this way to push pull we'll probably do something like that we only have two images so it's actually a little bit easier a little bit quicker um we'll go ahead and do that and try to get them scaled to about the same size just right from the beginning i want to like because we're looking at like i said either photographed or photocopied pieces of paper we're probably not going there's going to be distortion i'm not going to get these models so that like this ground plane exactly aligns with where this line is on the other one but it'll be close enough so that we can reference it not trying to get away with anything just you know when we work with these these kinds of images this is what we have to do so i'm going to go file import import the south elevation i'll just drop it right here uh same thing i'm gonna you couldn't find a north and a west elevation no because i said i believe that uh the west elevation i don't think is i don't know if it's actually closed or finished or not um because it is a theme park these are like working attractions well and there's also like is is it right next to another building yeah so it was actually kind of cool this is something i learned on the uh on the show is that why i guess we're back here um you go into so the line queues up and you go into this and i don't want to ruin for anybody who who's been in there but there's basically you're in an elevator and you don't know it and you actually drop down and go into a tunnel and the actual bulk of the ride is in a cave like half a mile behind the actual uh this actual front end it's pretty cool oh weird so it's it's like a tardis a haunted tardis it is because you don't think about i mean like all things that disney just does such a good job with uh you don't think about it while you're in it right you just get in there you have fun it's a good time and then but when you actually go yeah how can they that's the other thing they do so well is they get people they move people through these things just an insane amount of people come through and go on these rides and you know just moving dozens of people through at a time it's pretty cool yeah that's that's probably the thing that's most amazing to me is their ability to process thousands and thousands of people efficiently it's like like the ford assembly line of entertainment yeah seriously all right yeah if they can process that many people think about how many ghosts they can process through this too that's right i would imagine a lot more just because ghosts are they really take up much mass i have much mass yeah how many ghosts can occupy the same space at any time is it like infinite they say there's 999 in this building so there's there's just a benchmark for y'all interesting so not quite a thousand noted okay i have a thousand so i think you're supposed to be the thousandth ghost i think that's the idea is that like like all right so something like that um i'm not gonna mess anymore um i think so it is the the core of this is a rectangle right and then one two three floors so i think i want to kind of build it sort of like that sort of like we have right broken up here where we'll start with one floor bring it up we'll have like this cornice going around next floor cornice next floor neck cornice roof um so i think we'll start that we'll start just a rectangle bring that up and then start adding details i want to say that some of this stuff looks like it repeats from floor to floor uh you can see that but it's it's hard to tell from the plans um because it does look like the heights are different too this one's ten foot five this one's nine foot six but we'll do something like that so i'm gonna come to a corner here i'm gonna pull that line get my this is something i recently learned i hit my right arrow key to snap to the red axis because it's because of r because of alliteration that reminds me of uh in high school they built a new gym okay so we got the old gym we got the new gym and then our colors were green and gold and so they named the both of the gyms you know the green gym and the gold gym and uh i thought like oh the new gym is the gold gym because it's like shiny and new and you know polished but then i had the argument with my friends and they're like no so we went to the office there you know and asked the lady and she just looked me like i was the stupidest person in the world she's like gold old and i was just like you should have looked at her bag like she was even dumber and then even said that you're dumber than me or something like that but what about that you know the shininess and the yeah it's not i mean i could see green you know green is new new growth yeah that's right okay you know grass fresh freshly moaned grass yeah moan mode mode mode like you mowed it like you moded it no no okay one of those all right so i got my this is my first floor hey let's i know what i should do now save oh i got a new one of these i mean [Music] wake me up there we go the model's asking for it i needed some evanescence to tell me to save did uh i do have to say you missed you missed some really good save impersonations by nick nick was very good at the uh the sort of the classic yeah oh my god it's like aaron it's like nick is back that can be our tribute one per episode yeah this one out for me for those of you who did not catch that uh nick our beloved intern did move on this week he had his his last day he's now he is now one of the 999 ghosts that's right okay so i'm gonna draw a quick profile for this cornice um i like to look at this one better than here so i'm just going to do something kind of like this so we'll have this this edge will come around and then one two three steps we'll do something like that so generally when i do this i do try to make a working plane like this um absolutely not not a requirement but this seems to be an easier way for me to do this uh so that's why i do this sure gives you a starting point and then you can use you know sketchup's inferencing to your advantage versus trying to like lock to you know specific axises axes uh versus yeah so look at that then and i'm simplifying this we could go round this out if i had better details or something like that but uh i think that's pretty good i don't like this i'm gonna scale these back a little bit me scale to kind of deform that keep them all relative to each other that way make that step a little bigger all right that's good now i'm just going to grab this whole rectangle that i got here i'm going to say tools follow me and then just use that shape right there and i'm going to close this up because i want this to be a solid shape kind of representing the whole floor there like that all right i'll triple clip click make that a group clip all right so now i have the first floor that's gonna happen a lot we're gonna get stuck behind these images this is one of the downsides to working off of a reference image like this or a reference cage is uh they're always there and they're always ready to get in front of the camera i am going to take both these while i'm thinking about it and go to my tags and i'm going to add a ref tag and assign both of these to that tag so that i can quickly easily just get rid of those anytime i want to do any clean up easy okay all righty somebody in the chat asks about uh is there a way to do simulation of design models in sketchup i don't know if they mean like animations or something or i don't know what do you think i mean i am not sure i understand i just make models for real i don't simulate modeling i just do it so yeah there you go i don't know i don't i don't know what you're talking about so maybe yeah can you clarify yeah um if we're talking about it's like uh yeah i don't know i don't know i'm trying to think of something that that might mean i don't know what that means attempt to wing it i just realized that my uh my trim there that goes all the way it does actually go around these these porches that come out so i do have to get that modeled in first so these go up first and then we'll come back and i still have this here it just means taking this which is kind of the outline and extending it out a little bit so to do that um a couple ways i can do this here i could try to just kind of pull rough dimensions from here so i could say how far is this over to here um or i could actually take that line like this i could go like this i go drop a line here drag this over to oh this should go to here that's the house and then let's see no that goes back i think oh challenge accepted and regretted okay um not 100 sure where this thing goes back i think it comes all the way out to this i think that goes so sven's recommending that you make all of your images uh translucent which he points out just like a ghost and that way you can see through it when you're spinning around that is kind of nice that's not that idea yeah i like it um he also mentioned changing the color of the lines and i feel like that's something that you've shown maybe in the previous skill builder if you're drawing directly on a reference image to change your uh line color that's just in styles right yeah absolutely that's that's a great one because uh if you're as you're drawing on like this can't see that line so a couple things i can go to uh view face styles return x-ray that does make it a little bit easier to see those lines but that was something actually i think christina eneroth suggested that going into styles going to edit edges all the same or change them to a different color and then that's a little bit easier than working in x-ray x-rays not bad i i a lot of people ask me why i don't work in x-ray more often um i don't dislike x-ray it sometimes it gets me too much information because i'm looking at the front of something i want to see the front of it and i don't get that if i'm an x-ray the other thing is uh it is more work for the computer so right right now the computer anytime you move something in sketchup sketchup goes through and renders what goes on the screen so it's not worried about those back lines right now the back edges of my floor because it can't see them so it doesn't have to put them on the screen as soon as i turn on x-ray then i've it's got to do all those different levels of uh material so it just becomes a little slow stuff down can make things take a little bit longer all right so what i'm doing right now is i'm just tracing out the footprint of where this second floor comes out to come around this way so that's the first part that's this part right here sticking out and that's going to come out this way see how far does this come out it comes out to here so i'm just going to draw a line right here just a vertical line on the plan and take this across go right there bring it back that's what my oh that's right there yeah and then it has a separate section right here this part comes out even further from that okay so that looks pretty good um this i think so i'm confused about one part and it is extremely hard to tell oh no it isn't okay so yeah one last thing i would put here no take backs i'm gonna get these columns in here uh because this floor i actually don't really need the columns i guess i could just find the center line it looks like it's right here and then right here to take the floor out too so as i come over here like this hold down shift and click to this line and those come out that floor is going to come out and again just go off the kind of the center line of the column and then that point is going to come out to here this one come across to here i just just pulled up an actual some actual images of on the haunted mansion because i didn't remember the trellis stuff and uh holy cow there's a lot going on in that trellis yeah there's a thing there's a detail or two in there all right so i'm gonna take that now that is what's gonna make up my floor that is what i want my trim to surround so i'm going to do one more or a follow me this shape and again i'm just going to close it up and that there we go is my whole floor so i'll group that reverse the face of that floor so how often do you actually leverage the uh the lock option for groups you do that on a regular basis so i use lock primarily for uh when i use lock it's usually a reference image that i'll lock so if i'm in here like this and um i'm tracing stuff on top and i'm doing this and then like i want to move these right now right so if i come in here and i select wrong like like this was okay this just selected the two squares when i went like this i can't see it but i just selected these two squares and the image if i come out here i'll see the image is highlighted so if i'm zoomed in like this and i move right now oh bad things happen so if i'm drawing on top of a reference image i will lock it a lot so i'll take it and unlock it but that's about the only time i really use it um interesting question where'd that come from my head uh it's because you're since you're having everything being red since you said the color be red i keep thinking it's locked that is an excellent point i did i did i just picked a color that was going to stand out against black i didn't think about that choice of that color it's actually messing with my head i think i'm going to have to set it back to black i i oh that's messing with me all right um there's the second floor the the main floors are the same like i said all three of these floors the footprint is the same as far as i can tell but oh maybe not maybe up to the top does this part come out oh it does yeah this part right here comes out so sometimes i watch you and i try and see what it is that changes has changes your demeanor versus uh tyson the other video maker guy i think i think tyson just didn't talk to himself as much as you talk to yourself well i'm doing it for your benefit i already know what i'm saying i don't do this when i'm modeling by myself i don't sit here and talk this much i don't believe that's true oh okay i think you're i think you're hedging now so that we are not on to your your dirty little secret okay here's what's happening because i don't have i'm missing uh one profile this right here is actually a step backwards so this actually steps back like that this actually pushes back in you can't see it because we don't have all three sides um so i'll fix that real quick this is fun because it's fun yay fixing things no but for real this is this feels very realistic when this kind of stuff happens so if i come in here so i also need i don't really have the length that it's pushed in so i'm just going to copy this side create a line like that yeah that's a good point i mean even if there's like extremely detailed plans like just the nature of things not all information can be on any one plan or whatever you know so you're always going to be working off incomplete stuff um especially in this case where it's just like two sides of the building so yeah very real very real relatable i hope to people thanks for thanks for keeping it real aaron i try i try to screw up just like in the real world where i i have been practicing screwing up for years and years and years okay that's what happens so i don't i don't wanna like gonna stroke your ego but i do want you to i want you to know that it is very obvious that you uh are inexperienced at screwing up thanks i've been practicing there we go all right that is it but it kinda but but but but it looks like the same thing happens here see this i think that might step back as well because it does look like because we guys like this little see this little teeny roof coming back here it's hard to tell but this is a little tiny almost flat roof uh coming back right there and i think this right here on the third floor is a step back and i think this maintains but i don't know it's really hard it's insanely hard to tell on these things i'm not gonna miss it we'll mess with that on the upper floor all right so well like you said all the the different uh you know haunted mansions are different for different locations so this is for aaron land or whatever it is the one that we're making up all right so yeah if there's anything that the marvel cinematic universe has taught me is that uh there are an infinite number of alternate timelines or dimensions so that's right you know according to multiverse rules i do what i want exactly all right so i'm going to take this one now i'm going to take that floor and copy it up it's not the same um well maybe it is the same comes out there comes out here it comes out further here because they have the roof comes out same here oh and the roof comes out inside that no so this one's different this one's going to come out yeah so this guy i'm going to take this like that and i'm going to shove it right back here and then get rid of lines and get rid of lines because that's going to be a whole new roof that pops out right there over here it looks like this roof right here just comes out maybe not that much difference just goes up here okay yeah we'll make that work this is why it's so important to have a full set of plans when you start into things like designing well i mean it's nice it's not a requirement but it is definitely nice so take this to whatever height that is and then this section it does look like either this part goes back a little ways or this comes out it looks like these all align so i'm guessing that this section right here so from here over is going to push back a little bit so what i'm going to do is i'm going to trace the line over to where that line is i'll just draw that over like this and then i kind of feel like i get to be a little arbitrary here since we don't have this i'm going to take it back like that much um all right i can see what's going on here that does a couple things that uh that sets the width for this right here this roof is is this wide it comes out here it also gives us this little teeny like i said there's this all they're almost flat you can see right here we'd actually check the slope here i'm going to draw a line across like this so keggy posted a good image over on the forum it's sort of like a isometric view of the of the mansion it looks a lot smaller than i thought it was i don't know why i thought it was yeah like that picture kind of looks like it's a uh like a miniature almost yeah like it's just a scale model kind of thing so that's that's less than a one over twelve it's almost like a three quarter slope on this little roof here very very small huh on the other side of the plan does it say roof slope on that is that for that little piece or is that for uh oh like right here like down underneath the 12 roof slope six inch is that what that's referring to that's going up six inches all the way back to here wherever back to here is right so let's figure let hey that's opportunity to learn all right so if we so right here i'm gonna do this i'm gonna just i'm gonna put a rectangle that's weird all right so there's a rectangle uh i'm going to take this line and rotate it to 45 degrees and now if i take this line right here and i raise it up i got i got a little roof right here so what it's telling me is that this comes up six inches so if i just grab this line and i pull it up straight up six enter that is that roof and that's nice because that kind of gets me going on the taking that roof potentially all the way around because that it looks like it goes to uh right here too boy see you can tell that from that nice well the good eye better better eyes than me um well it definitely goes here you can see it right here but it looks like it does come out here too because i got that that line right there um so what i can do is grab that line bring that right there that means i can just pull this line over this way put this here oh there's no line on the bottom so we're kind of pulling that around like that um obviously hard to tell exactly what's happening there this may actually be where we fool around with this length right here because if this is 45 if we pull that back real quick i carry this through to here that ah oh oh that's scared i got scared all right that means i could take these run them straight over like this this guy came back to there nope that's not 45 anymore now that that 45 is different than that other 45 that's right it's a different 45 degrees um so that would be where that would be if that was all even all the way around again since i don't have this dimension because we don't have a plan for this side of it uh that's kind of what we could go off of with the information we have and then this section right here what it looks like happens well this could be a couple different things let's do this pull this over like this and then this is where that dormer rises up that'll be the same thing over here so i'm going to grab that face option copy right here and just right now i'm just going to push pull it out here something like the hat all right so that's that low roof and then what we have here is something something something happens here i'm going to line the ridge right in the middle of the span against these walls i'm going to put a line like that for the height and then i'll just take this point and then inference that like that okay there we go um so we do have a little bit of a step like this put that that way but [Music] and then there's a lot of different ways to put this detail on to pull this out what i'm going to do i'm going to grab these two lines option copy them not all the way down but almost like that and i'm gonna put a little bit of detail here on the end so when i push pull it back uh it'll it'll keep all of that so what we got is like a little bit of a it's not even square cut it's it's actually actually that might be a follow me i could pull around instead yeah here's what i'm going to do here i'm going to i'm just going to put a square cut on the end of this like that same thing over here i could copy that with a mirror but i'm just gonna so quick i'm just gonna draw the lines real quick you know that's a funny thing when you watch people use sketchup everybody does stuff differently we've talked about that a lot um just tyson and i how how we both go about things in different ways but anybody who use it does it does stuff a little bit different it's always interesting to see uh you know where people use shortcuts versus where they just start just drawing geometry um it's always kind of fun to i don't know it's like a psychological experiment like what command hurt you and made you decide why do you just click so with this uh you know scary model or whatever i was thinking it's sort of towards the end of summer you know almost it seems like it's come and gone so quick um so i went over the chat like are you guys excited for fall or maybe where you're at in the world it's not gonna be fall maybe it's gonna be spring i don't know but um i know there's a lot of like you know die hard fall people and die hard summer people but i don't know if in my experience uh michiganders really really have a there's a big fall thing with michigan folk because of the foliage and going up to the u.p and going all the apple mills apple cider mills yeah let's go to the old milk get some cider yeah that's not a michigan accent but no that was that was mo from the simpsons oh okay sorry i apologize keep going ignore that it does last a lot longer too i feel like colorado like you know especially in the mountains like they have the like one week where all the you know aspen's change color and then after that it's like oh you're done bear trees yeah that's that's where we're going it's starting to feel like the mornings are starting to feel fall-like which is what's interesting is like growing up in oklahoma you'd get to august that was like the hot month of the summer whereas here like my daughter my daughter commented and i was like you're crazy but then as i thought about it i realized that she's not actually crazy maybe i'm crazy maybe you're crazy that if this is the beginning of this feels like fall like snow is just around the corner yeah i would agree with that if it weren't 97 two days ago well yeah there's that right it's still going to be hot in the middle of the day that's still a thing yeah i think that's true because like i definitely feel like in the midwest fall was a full season and and here in colorado i feel like fall just kind of it's like a transition it's almost like a commercial from like you know and now winter like we just kind of skip right through it so maybe that is a regional thing maybe it's an original thing original i don't know i'm just making it up somebody asked about the space mouse there space mountain let's do that let's model that next time yeah the outside inside's the boring part uh yeah aaron uses a space mouse enterprise from 3d connection to control the camera in sketchup um so just gives you the little fluid movement it's not necessary or anything like that but um helps uh you know for presentation and especially as you model a lot more you kind of it helps you navigate better you can kind of navigate while you're selecting different tools and stuff so um gives you an advantage speed wise but also looks wise if you're doing presentations to clients or in this case to sketchup youtube community nailed it wow i don't even nailed it i don't have to do that anymore just hand that one over to matt i need a drop that just says that yeah seriously i did actually uh sometimes the next two weeks is the skill builder a new skill builder talking about uh using a 3d mouse so we've had had the questions enough we're putting it in into skill builders also updated for 2021 um yeah and and more of a uh you know as as i've used it more and more i have some better ideas of what's good about it what kind of mouse you should get that kind of thing but uh we talk about peripherals as well as just the software around here occasionally are there other i assume there's other companies besides 3d connection who makes 3d mice but i always only run into those ones but are there other companies to other options i went and looked at one point to see if i could find like another manufacturer not that i was thinking about you know cheating or anything i was just curious just just looking around um and i think i feel like there's one other company that's maybe like a german company or something uh and that was the only one i could find and that was didn't uh like i couldn't actually find any of their products anywhere it was just that that they existed and they made 3d mice was about all they could find so yeah was not not a whole lot not a whole lot of information there yeah we got a we got a visiting commoner here from uh from arizona arizona i've heard of that place before yeah now next time i didn't see if everything's working okay i forget are we shutting him or are we celebrating that he came back we were gonna talk about this before the show and didn't i don't know oh we didn't we forgot to talk about it celebrating yay yay we don't have a shunning sound effect [Applause] don't have a shiny shining sound effect does it sound like what does it sound like i think it's just like a door a door slamming shut how's going nick how'd the how'd the move go did you find a car yeah he had a very busy uh the last couple days here before you took off for college you go find a car and a move everything i hear about cars is like bonkers used cars and people trading in their cars for like way over you know i've heard a lot about these things called cars i haven't had a chance to check them out yet but uh heard a lot of good things it's a fad i'll stick to my unicycle or whatever [Laughter] well i mean matt does live on mackinac island where they don't have cars so i'm just clomping around on my horses yeah he took the truck he says ah okay it occurred to me after nick was gone because he was going he was frantically trying to find a car to buy in two days why couldn't he just wait and buy a car once he got down there to uh to the sunshine state he's no longer waiting and he's focused school time right interject a little bit of 3d modeling into our 3d modeling live stream here real quick um so i kind of feel like that is good amount of detail for what we have in here right now so i'm going to do a couple groups here i grabbed a line obviously so the way that this is like the way that you've gone about creating this so far i keep seeing a pagoda instead of because we don't have any let's well let's put some columns in there then shall we well so but it got me thinking this that would be a that could be a fun project is where you start mashing up two styles like in uh big hero six san fran san franco is is a kind of a a mix of japanese architecture i don't know what it's mixed with balloons yeah there's some weird stuff going on over there but that could be fun that would be a lot of fun all right um so i'm also noticing like we have this step right here which actually this needs to come out to about here and then the roof needs to follow we actually have a step like that here also so where this is this does step out further than down here so if i look at this so this line right here that's what i got but this should actually be back to about here so it looks like it actually steps out underneath this a little bit bigger so i'm gonna come into this floor i'm gonna grab all of this i'm gonna push it back to that line into this roof too grab all of this push it back oop i'm going deep enough all that move that right red are right there okay so that's where that should go and then underneath this piece right here it'll actually step out a little further which does kind of mess with this but i can come back and this is easy enough to to fix because i can grab that and that scoot those pieces back here all right and then we'll want to do now is both sides um what we want to do is have this roof right here uh step out at this point and then come around like that so this is actually not i'm not this is not easy this is not a quick and easy thing but it can be done so i could go back get rid of everything create a profile and retrace where it should have stepped out but i'm going to try manually breaking it so i'm going to grab the lines from the break on that side put them right there these are extra lines i'll do the same thing over here i'm going to grab these lines option copy those to where it will break right here okay and now what i want to do is i want to pull this top one out to this point right here the next one is going to come out the same relative distance so if i just double click it should go to the same spot and i can work my way down to just trace that out like that [Music] thank you all right now i like how you give us a little preview of what you're about to about to throw into the audio map yeah i'll give you a primer of everything get ready to ooh everybody um so to take this down below there's a couple ways i could do this um i think the easiest might be to grab these lines and these lines command c to copy it i'll come down here and v and then grab these and drop them right on there since they're the same top and bottom that'll break in the same spot and since i haven't doubled or i haven't pushed pulled since the last time i did that i should be able to come in here and just double click each of these again to have them all step out the same amount now that all lines up like that i didn't know that it saved the push-pull distance when you switch tools i thought you had to still be in push-pull for it to uh remember it no we got the good stuff here nothing but the best you're the best okay let's see more singing let's turn this into a singing stream that's what i like uh have you guys seen that artist and stuff who will sit there and sing while they draw or whatever i i don't that's that's that doesn't work for me musical artists i mean i guess technically not definition dudes sitting there painting or whatever singing themselves like the entire song or like i can see like singing along to the song a little bit here and there but you're saying like a little bit of like i've seen some some artist streams where it's basically like uh painting karaoke or something hey i don't know i don't know how to feel about it i love it yeah like pick one jeez come on that's what it is it's all jealousy basically that's that's really the thing like that's right only i have the ability to multitask like that click double click double click all right we're getting there it's coming together but actually it's not okay undo undo undo yeah could you could you tell if that was or not i enjoyed it but i didn't know what it was wasn't that frankenstein saying he's he's alive yes nice yeah i like that it's horror related because it's a ghost it's a haunted mansion that's right so yeah i hear you i hear you all right i am realizing that all right let me check something here so there's the bottom from here to here 20 foot eight let's go out to output go from here here 22 foot two roughly okay so they're not the same size okay i thought i was uh i thought things were happening there that weren't supposed to be happening all right someone but in fact nothing happened something happened oops i grabbed this okay so it's good fairly good where it is but it does need to come in a couple inches on either side um so i think since i'm not too worried about maintaining the slope right here i think what i can do is grab all these dimensions right here yeah i should be able to shrink it in like that so if i grab here's one end i'll just do one end and then if i come across like this all right so now i'm going to do is draw a line like that take that line flip it around like that and then grab these lines here do the same thing over there and then the final thing i'll do then is grab all of these lines which make the ridges and i can move those vertically so they align with at that point see how that looks that looks weird it kind of looks like a book yeah book facetime there you go try that yes that would go well on a library maybe but not on a haunted house we have a haunted library library hey this is uh it's run down and haunted and stuff remember yeah that was probably the ideal way to do that i probably what it could have done there is taken that profile and then reused it but this will work for right now all right so again i'm going to come in here just clean up this piece right here take that over to there [Music] grab these lines right here option move them over to here and then now we'll pull this out click double click double click erase erase erase what if i could get some tool on my computer that just says the name of things every time i click kind of fun that'd be pretty dope or terribly annoying one of the two okay yeah if you didn't want to give us a commentary you could just have it yeah i heard you're saying i'll look into it i get it it is possible through the api having people done like uh sound effects when you select different tools and stuff so you could run through it awesome all right that's that's about as much as i want to mess with the roof we're we're i think we're we got something something exists all right um i want to come in here and get this post and beam stuff going on um i'm gonna come back to trellises so right now i'm just gonna focus on getting these posts and beams around here uh that's me my focus right now one two so we're gonna put one here and then uh actually maybe i should have used that i'm gonna come in here and i'm doing i'm gonna do an offset of like two inches and i'm not gonna actually use that but i'm use that as a reference spot to put my post so my square posts look like they are about [Music] nine inches sure nine inches so i'm gonna say number nine pull that down to here i'm going to make that a component i'm going to call that first floor post all right and now so that's this guy right here looks like we have one at this corner obviously so here let's grab this option copy it to here and i assume we'll have one like here so we got going on right there and then we have one let's see four foot nine over let's see copy one see what that looks like yeah okay that's that then that then the next hmm i'm gonna do something i'm gonna grab both of these and copy them straight up in the air directly above where they're already at now i can kind of get a vantage point to look up here so i have big big round column big round column big round column big round column and then okay yes post post post okay yes everything's good everything's cool um my columns here my big columns go all the way up from the floor up to the top that's this guy right here so then i'm gonna take this one and we'll see i'll just i'll just maintain the spacing the same here and we'll see how that works out over there in the end okay over here for this guy i'm having a hard time keeping track of what's where where where my brakes are in this thing so i have like i should actually have one more so i'm gonna put one in the middle i'm just gonna use the spacing to put that centered that line definitely not that's not it all right if i put in the center of that it's closer and then in the front here all right i'm going to figure out where the center is and then i have a gap between posts that's like say eight feet all right so i'm gonna go grab this line four foot nope four foot eight foot alright and then i will take this one here one here okay there's our front front door columns and then there is yep yep yep all right we've got this one um assuming there's going to be one on the inside here of course they're covered up in both of these we have but then i'll take this one put it right i have some lines i gotta clean up here and how many do we have here we have two here so i'm gonna go draw a line like this divide it into three a couple of people in the chat saying they live in haunted houses or that they're in haunted houses and i'm like oh gosh anthony says i think i heard my past grandmother walking yesterday [Music] like wait like you're waiting your grandmother walked past or like passed on grandmother i wasn't paying attention scroll back let me i need to scroll back up uh i think uh passed on okay okay that's scary no longer with us grandma walking past that's well i guess depends on the group i don't know mm-hmm um yeah that's spooky i've never uh i've like taken tours of places but i've never like stayed in a place that's been you know haunted before have you guys well you you were just in uh south carolina and uh i think when we were down there we took a uh like a haunted tour thing yeah they definitely have a lot of i think it's just because they have a lot of history so it's like oh yeah they have a lot of ghosts too i guess yes yeah but yeah a lot of you know incredibly old tombstones and stuff like that just walking around charleston you run into uh yeah a lot of old old stuff right yeah i'm not uh i'm not completely convinced i believe in haunted houses well you've never been disneyland it makes me i mean i've been to that haunted house but i also saw the tech of how it worked the elevator trying to trick me yeah i was it's all smoke and mirrors and elevators that's right so those tricky elevators that's what gets you i like the idea of it like i want to go to the stanley theory i've stayed in the stanley before in like one of the haunted rooms um i don't know i mean i didn't see anything but the place is just creepy as anything i mean yeah i've just been there before for like to get a drink at the bar but um yeah it's it's weird for sure yeah but then also they shot dumb and dumber there so i'm like can it be that creepy or is it just dumb i don't know yeah little column a little column b yeah why not both yeah don't pigeonhole yourself hotel [Laughter] um so what i'm doing here for these these beams is rather than drawing them over and over and over again i created one component and i'm just stretching the outside so uh just kind of taking it and deforming the container so it is all the same component but it is just getting stretched out as need be uh one of the things i do a lot of because it's so easy with the 3d mouse thing it's a little it's a little tougher when you're just using orbit is work upside down like this the 3d mouse really does not care what's up and what's down so it makes it pretty easy to do this it's like bezos using this in space because he's you know doesn't can't tell it's up and down so he's orbiting all around that's right perhaps we may never know but we might know we can conjecture we may we might know right now is he is he there now where i don't know i don't really i don't have his schedule i think so he wouldn't i don't think he was in space for very long not just a couple minutes sub orbital flight isn't it actually what it is yeah i don't i mean i guess it depends on what your definition of outer space is or space or whatever well didn't i definitely what's his name the virgin atlantic guy didn't he do the same same tour his was slightly different because he was basically on his you know suborbital plane whereas uh bezos took a rocket straight up yeah so can we talk about design real quick um it was in rocket designs there's there's shapes you can use that that don't necessarily i don't care for the design of uh i don't think that they really yeah i mean i think it was very appropriate of the sort of the uh without getting your personal opinion involved what you're saying yeah oh yeah no i've got all kinds of personal opinions oh yeah that i'll try and try and keep out of this that's right yeah but anyhow uh good for him good deal all right so i have all of these pieces i'm gonna grab them all and not this piece so just my columns and beams i'm going to grab those make them a group so so back whenever um back whenever making columns in buildings was kind of a thing do you think they called the people who designed them and built them columnists so now i'm going to take these columns no wait wait you didn't answer my question oh sorry i was busy not doing that we'll leave that up to the chat i was smack in the middle of ignoring you i'm going to grab these and i'm going to scale them vertically because i just want to make them a little bit taller so i'm going to hide everything while i grab the handle then turn it back on so i can use a snap point view okay and that's hide rest of model that you have as a model keyboard shortcut right edit component yep that's the one it's coming together guys it is coming together um i think i'm gonna do this real quick i'm gonna come in here and grab just this surface and command c come out edit paste in place and move that vertically to under there and then just give myself give myself a little little foundation to work on here oops did it what did you not what what what why are these columns like this oh come on man i'll talk to my concrete guy i gotta talk to my columnist see you were listening you thought you were gonna act like you're ignoring me oh stupid because uh um these are components yeah all right so i gotta come grab all these components right here grab them all right click make unique that way i can come in here grab all these scale and then put them back where they're supposed to be right here where were we on that one smart guy okay it's coming together you guys look at this this is definitely starting to look like the thing that we're supposed to be making all right uh big column time oh probably you know what actually i should do first before i make a column a fine save yes nice nailed it all right um also somebody asked if they could share links in the chat um usually we say to people to post links in the column thread or the forum thread we're talking so much columns i just use column for everything but uh the link to the form thread is in the description but um you can also try to share a link in the youtube chat too it doesn't get gobbled up by youtube's filter thing ah the filter i'm just gonna use uh some offsetting i'm channeling my inner tyson here and putting in a quick quick column base there and then i'll do the same thing here offset actually i need a little more i need a little more um here just a little more a little flare there we go all right that should work grab that and make that a component big column all right i'm taking a bigger column now see how well this just lines up like that not correct okay um i think that's good and the heights of these i will adjust too i just kind of drew it a little bit arbitrary you know again i i don't know all there is to know about uh architecture but uh try to match the idea of like they always have the these columns always it's okay honestly hey hold on let me this always got me like columns like all the way back like you look at you know greek columns whatever roman columns they always kind of stick out and the things always on there um i get this probably for design and because this is this is like you know it's a thin weak part so you don't put load on this you want the load to actually line up with the center of the column but it always bugged me and here's the thing that got me about it i'm like it's gonna like dust and stuff's gonna get stuck up there like how are you gonna clean the top of that column nobody cares nobody thinks about that yeah why not nobody's calling in nobody's ever up there well but we know it's there and now we have drones people can just take their drones up i guess that would kind of if they get close enough they might clean it off too a little that's true you know drone cleaning ooh yeah i think that could be a business right there your business model we use our drones to clean your dusty columns can't lose can't lose all right so i'm sure there's a canon or a way that you're supposed to align these but i'm going to do this and i'm going to adjust my layout to that um okay looks good grab that column i'm going to option copy it over to here and divide by three to give me all of my columns cool and i'm going to fix up this floor right now too so well i'll clean here first i'm going to go push pull this up to here and then come in here pull this out to here since this this whole floor is kind of made up i'm just going to align it to wherever i want to have it oops wow that was a mess okay um you guys all got to go away real quick put that first one like up in the roof roof uh edge there instead of uh okay let's try that again option copy boom up at three all right and now um somebody in the chat was also asking why you'd use components versus groups um i think in reference to the columns but just in general too why why why would i use groups instead of components or sorry components instead of groups just your thought process or why maybe you can touch on that a little bit yeah generally if i use components there's one of two reasons one is because i want to track it for some reason um so that like so say i want to make a materials list definitely want to use components for that if it's going to be a repeating thing where it's possible to come back and change the geometry like i just did for the columns that's the other reason i would use that so ballpark reason or something along those lines yeah good call out and he was also had a question or not a really question about pointing out how when you edit the component all the other component instances are still showing um and you can choose to either hide similar components right or just hide when you do edit the component um so you can change that if you want but yeah when you edit a group with hiding rest of model then it's different than that i don't know that's great so there's that there is that also people in the chat i don't know if you uh want to make this change or not it's of course your personal uh honda i did it wrong what is it it's not a huge thing but the columns on the front the bases are square not circular that makes sense that sounds like an easy to fix it because it is a component watch this uh let's do this let's turn this upside down we'll go so many ways to make a square i know i was trying to think of a kind of a fun abstract weird way to do it and that that's what came to mind boom it is now a square um that's actually kind of fun we did a a video a while back where we it was like three ways to draw a pyramid and after we posted it uh we had people on the forum going what about this way what about this way we ended up doing a second video showing three more ways to make a pyramid which is it was kind of cool that was fun so did you work out the math of how many ways how many possible ways there are well i think i came up with six or seven but like i said i had help it's good it's good to it's good to have help it is a village it does i use my pyramid extension whenever i have to do pyramids that's good yeah nice all right um let's head up top let's throw this roof on here um i kind of okay so here's here's kind of what i want to do so first i'm going to do is i'm going to grab the footprint of the global floor below copy it come out here edit paste in place now what i'm going to do here is i want to have a little space that i can draw a profile not only for this little trim that pops out here so this this thing right here maybe i'll just come over here and then i know we got lots more lots more curves and i believe the term for them is whoopty doo's that i'm adding but i'm gonna keep this kind of simple um so why are these whoopty do's and not uh wait what's that what what's the word greebles uh it's not a spaceship okay okay i was i was wondering sounded like greebly was definitely more of a sci-fi technical term that's what that's what i understood so yeah that's fair yeah i wonder if like the horror you know prop designers have different words for those what is like a i don't know bloody wound or something what's like a repeating thing that would happen in a lot of uh ghostly apparition cobwebs cobwebs are all over the place yeah that's true webleys nice i don't dislike that all right so what i'm looking for what i want to create is a shape that's going to do a couple things one is it is gonna give me my little cornice here on the edge but it's also gonna give me this low slope roof that's happening up here i'll try to do it all at once and then if all goes well i can drop this little guy right in the middle of it i don't know if it's gonna work let's try hey we should save before that stuff let's see how it goes that's the stuff [Music] all right it's gonna work that's gonna work all right so when we get to this point uh that's neat there's a couple things we can do so you can come in and grab all of this and say intersect with selection it's going to give you the cut point so we can get rid of what we want is like this piece sloping up to this piece and then this chunk up here in this chunk up here get deleted we can do intersect to get rid of that the downside of doing just straight up intersect is that's also going to give me a cut line here i had to come clean up so here's my my tip for this you do that we got the planes in now i'm going to come to where this ridge starts so where this little hip is right here and i'm just going to trace the ridge line with the line watch them go like this i'm going to come up to here come along here come along here come along here oh here so a couple extra clicks as opposed to saying intersect with everything but watch cleanup is much quicker because now i can just go along here delete each of these uh sections where it shoots up too high but i did too much something got on one on cut there that was odd really want to get rid of that side first okay nope it went away again okay i'll come back and fix that up in a second that's the ridgeline there we go so at that point now i got the ridge line going up all the way around and something didn't something doesn't want to close here this is interesting let's uh let's just force it stitch this thing wonder why that is i don't know but there was a time where i would spend a bunch of time chasing it down i'm just going to hit shift and hide those lines real quick and get my roof back um something's just slightly off on that i don't know what it is but i don't want to spend hours our time together punching on that so no problem that's right all right so keep it keeping going here we do have like this another trellis here we got a chimney here a chimney here and then we got this thing which i believe is a six-sided coppola is that the right term kapala not like we're going to put a couple of these on here we're only going to put one thank you very much i'll be here all night oh i think it's almost time for me to go okie dokie um so let's do this thing uh i think what i'll do is try and take advantage of the the geometry i have here i'm gonna go grab a polygon or have it six sided we're gonna make it flat like this i'm gonna come to where about the center and then pull one out like that that's the bottom section pull one out to about there this one i will pull down and pull it down to this height and i'll pull it up here and then like that um yeah so something like that grab all that make that a group so i know i have it a lot aligned this direction so i do now is i come over here to where where the center here is and again i just want to put a line in so i have an easy reference point because what i can do is i can grab it by the edge here start pulling this way shift use that point right there and now that's in the center um just come in here get rid of this and this and that little point and actually if i hit command s or no shift s should be able to run solid inspector on this get rid of all the interior geometry and whatever now it's just the outside the reason i was doing that is i want to put the roof on here and the easiest way to do that roof is going to be to grab this point right here move it vertically to that point right there nice thanks all right so again we don't have the detail but we're still doing the masking we're getting the geometry in here so this is most of it the last two things are going to be these two chimneys they look like they are the same or is it four chimneys i think it's four i think it's two here yeah it's four four chimneys so i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna come over here about find where the middle is nice joint if they got four different fireplaces oh boy yeah that's a lot of ghosts to keep warm you know in the winter true well and ghosts are always so cold anyway yeah never love a ghost just cold awesome all right and i'm going to take this vertically again i'm going to use this as just the base of what the roof is and then take that shape and what i really need now is this length right here all right make this a group i'm making a group so i can come in here and hide everything else all right and now what i want to do there we go i'm gonna take that put it right in the middle of that and i can grab this tools follow me go now i know i have it lined up here so i'm going to take it oh there's there's an example of of a messing i almost copied the picture behind rather than because i didn't have that locked we're talking about grab both of them and i need to get a line here again just to snap to makes a little bit easier sometimes you can kind of hover your cursor over where you're trying to go and get there but i always find it's easier to grab actually have a point so i'd rather spend the the seconds it takes to draw a line to snap to like this rather than have to mess around with uh you know trying to inference on something halfway across the screen all right i think that is we have just modeled the basic geometry of the haunted mansion command s oh that was i don't know what i just hit i just showed hidden there we go save saves what i was looking for awesome nice wow it's looking like a real thing it does look like a real thing so this point right here is where if we wanted to uh like put photo images on or something like that uh we could do that at this point i actually found a new photo image i probably wouldn't mess with like the detail on here or anything but uh there you go so from here we gotta decide what what is it been at this for hour and a half or so um i kind of feel like i want to get some just generic doors and windows in here because if i feel like it deserves that and then uh maybe we'll do some basic trellis shapes uh and just uh kind of kind of throw them in there because that's really the thing that sells this as the haunted mansion i think i thought it was the ghosts well that definitely helps the nice thing is you don't really have to model those because he can't see him anyway that's true they're invisible right it literally has 999 ghosts yeah prove me wrong done hot modeling that's that's the way we do it all right um so i'm going to model a quick window that i'm just gonna use for all of these all these windows all around here's a nice clean look at one so i'm just gonna go something like this i'm going to pull it out just ever so slightly offset that in offset that slightly here and then to get those panes i'm just going to draw that divide this draw a line down throw a line down and i'm doing offset again another offset like that double click double click double click don't pick double click double click double click that's going to give me this so i'll grab that shape option copy to here i don't know why that happened i'm not gonna mess with it all right so just to give myself again texture and shape we always talk about this what i'm going to do is i'm going to take these windows and push them through to like half of what this is because i want to make these so i can just drop them on the surface real quick so i'm just going to take all the windows push them back that far and then i will take this one go back like that far these are these are precision measurements when i say like that all right and then i'm gonna put this shutter over here make the exact same size as the window i will pull that out about halfway i will offset that go in the middle here and then we'll go and then all right and then take this shape right here option copy that whoa oh crazy town [Music] team ride that was exciting [Music] all right and then i'll pull this out to this height these guys these guys will go to this height there's the shutters and then uh i'm gonna do half of this whoops always stay on surface got some call-outs in the chat i got fam civil engineer here transom showed up too so guys thanks for coming back we're pretty sure you guys all just wrote us off after last week technical problems this day and age i'm not here for these amateurs that's right unforgivable just seriously garbage all right and then very similar up top pam says too many videos on sketchup channel in the last month just been cranking them out it's like he didn't have anything else to do has been sketchup summer with uh the podcast with the um fireside chat yeah that was supposed to be like hot girl summer or whatever but it turned out to be like sketchup summer well sketchup is like a hot girl i guess not question i don't know i've seen that guy on their videos i don't think i call him that that's true let me start it on that guy wait all right keggie asks if you have a special ruler that has uh your particular measurements on it that much shrinky dinks a little bit here and there i do have about um a measuring spoon in my kitchen that has just a pinch and a smidge so nice that's close but totally unrelated but yeah all right what about a skosh don't have one of those that's uh you can pick those up in michigan though yeah got a bunch of scotches out here michigan all right i'm gonna cut because these these walls are different heights i'm gonna use the top that way should i use the bottom height i did it wrong i did do that wrong hold on move see if it works from the bottom it might be too high seven's asking for music i do have one music track that matches the spookiness of the model today so i'll play just a little bit of it here for you [Music] let's skip to the good parts [Music] me [Music] [Applause] it goes on like that etc etc etc gotcha i like it i like that i like that uh themed themed music i i feel it felt spooky it's kind of what you've always been wanting like since you're a kid you're just constantly learning your own like a soundtrack to go with your life makes sense if i could have like a ghoulish waltz following me around at all times that's what i would be that's what i think of myself when i like walk down the street it's like [Music] yeah awesome all right i'm gonna grab one of these real quick i'm gonna slap it oh wait boy there's my point i want to slap it too right there um so this this upper window this is just a group right okay um this upper window is smaller so it actually only has one window pane so i'll just get rid of this meal and then pull this out to here and then i guess i'll take all of this and move that vertically down something like that i don't know make these details up a little bit okay now i can take this up to that and i can grab if i can get this straight on i can actually just grab just that geometry and scale it vertically grab the wrong one precision selection right there uh again not to uh over over hyped the space mouse but it does make it pretty easy to do that kind of stuff all right let's see if this now will fit oh it needs to go higher though because i just i made that lower oh look at this what's going on here hey why'd you do that why aren't you in a group what are you doing is that it was that a design choice or it's it's an open air thing and so you're you're the gables don't get too nice nice yeah yeah that's what it is that's the ticket all right option oh this don't quite fit i think they're a little bit thinner too all right i'm gonna totally cheat scale the whole thing beauty see like that whistle i feel like i had to work way too hard for that whistle i feel like sketchup should make that whistle sound for me it should just recognize when you worked hard or no when i change when i scale when i use the scale command i should just go that's all yeah matt gets it can you put that into a uh uh request on the forum just with just that put scale equals and then have it play that audio that's all we really need absolutely all right lagging it i feel like now is the time where we start talking about like movies or something so since it's friday the 13th we're doing spooky stuff should we talk about spooky movies what's your favorite scary movie but it does seem like netflix is kind of leaning into scary movies right now yeah that makes sense has anybody seen those what was the name of them is that three-part scary movie series on there's like fear street yeah that's the one oh have you seen that yeah yeah i watched them what'd you think it's fun your voice really made it sound like it's probably the thing to see yeah yeah yeah yeah when i watched them yeah that was no i'm not i'm so i'm not like a big scary movie kind of person and i don't want to come in like all like oh you got to see it it's the most amazing thing like i would say that you should definitely go watch the uh what if episode from on disney that was out this week i can't find that like i'll i'll encourage you to do that if you like scary movies and you know it's fun it's a little gory it's it is a it's a fun it's a fun little thing it's just it's three movies so i really hate to tell people go watch three movies yeah well it's kind of like a show you know it is like watching shows i want to watch a whole season um i watched uh well sort of watched quiet place too well my wife was on the plane watching it next to me but i didn't have headphones so i sort of just watched it with no audio from it seems like angle if there's a movie to watch with no audio it's probably that one though right that's not too far from the truth that is yeah i'll give you that although isn't it like entirely not dialogue based so it's only like the sounds and the music that give you the impact that's true the music does does play a part in it so that's that's what i first thought too i was like oh nice this will be the perfect one for me to watch from over on my seat but then um no it wasn't because there's no you can sort of tell what's going on but it doesn't you don't get the you know that scary movie uh you know screeching sound to freak you out you need to know when you're getting ready to be scared you got to be prepped for the fear exactly that's the one that's fair there's a good one though that was that was a good it was a good movie both those quiet places were fun but you definitely as as steve pointed out you definitely need to watch quiet place one to kind of appreciate quiet place two yeah i did not see the first one it was that was oh yeah that's a it was it was similar but quieter um yeah um ambiance is everything in the um any scary movie varietal lawrence points out good point certainly is important here's something for you [Music] that was something how's that for ambiance spooky that's scary i'm scared right now cool yeah i'm shaking in my bones did it all right uh i got to cut some corners here so uh that corner is being cut i feel like now that like you know you got the word chamfer which is all about cutting corners i feel like that's the word you should be used whenever you're taking shortcuts and trying to like you just sound smarter if you say yeah i'm just you know i'm just chamfering my uh my way through life yeah that sounds we could make that happen french and uh distinguished that's and that's actually my middle name distinguished or french french and distinguished oh dang i think i respect you on a different level now it's really fine it's really hard to find things that have my uh my initials on them i can't have like monogramming things basically spells out words so it's just weird yeah that's it i can see that all right but we got we got doors in there that's the important part um you know who doesn't need doors ghosts too true argue with it if you can you can't um all right so i know there's some uh i'm gonna i'm gonna use the term helicool filigree stuff going on but uh i i'm not gonna be able to do it all so i'm gonna make some placeholders and then like i said maybe i don't know i don't want to say we'll come back and do this next time but maybe sometime we will make some you know filigree filigression is that right uh sure sound sounds like words anyway yeah i don't think that was the right word oh but uh yeah so this has all kinds of just super super nice cool uh details in it that we just don't have time to put in right now but uh well it would look out of place for your lod here that's true level of design something different all right so i do want to get something in here though go a lot of good suggestions for scary movies in the uh chat there yeah the nun it follows the right i don't know if i've heard of the right before have you guys r-i-t-e oh um that sounds slightly scarier i thought it was going to be like a movie about politics or something but yeah the alt-right that's the sequel rings um a bunch of people just said scary movie that's a good scary movie i suppose exorcist when i was a kid i felt like exorcist was like the number one scariest movie for sure i think that's that's kind of how i felt as well uh for me it was it was the one that with damian with the mark of the beast yeah the omen that was the beginning of scary movies for me you know many many okay say many many but quite a few years back before we had uh kids or our kids were significantly smaller than they are now uh my wife and i went and rented like a bunch of classic scary movies like universal monster movies i mean not that classic okay like uh like the omen rosemary's baby uh 70s stuff yeah and there's something like those movies are scary on a different level like they're actually like scary creepy scary as opposed to maybe like slasher filmy kind of scary yeah i was never a big nippy never big fan of slasher scary yeah but it was it was kind of cool it was fun to go in and uh just get those movies where like you you never in some cases you never really see the bad thing you know just it's kind of cool just like unsettling and yeah yeah off-putting and stuff yeah well it's it's weird to watch like old scary stuff now because i feel like stuff that is fairly mainstream these days is more scary than like i recently watched not long ago watched the thing which back whenever it was new when i was young was super scary but now i'm like i think stranger things is scarier than this oh really yeah i haven't seen the thing but uh heard that it's great i haven't seen the new thing i've only seen the old thing yeah that was a that was a remake right yeah which is also a fun family activity to go go find those movies have been remade and watch the originals versus the uh remade versions it's a good time like footloose not a scary movie not nothing i haven't seen it so the remake so i don't i don't know it might have got scary um so i've got something representing railings in here anyhow yeah at least you sort of deter people from falling off the top floor yeah maybe they need to wear like a dog collar and so then it's like one of those sort of they get zapped when they get to where railing would be an underground uh yeah oops i probably actually shouldn't have it right there or right here all right all right um same thing up here there is kind of a widow's widow's walk i think they call it railing up here yep goes all the way around got an idea i got an idea oh i also missed a sketchup question in the chat from earlier about can you put opacity on textures um yes you can do that uh the idea being get the look of the arched decorations without having to model it so yeah you could put like a png texture in there with transparency um to add detail without adding all the extra geometry for sure yeah absolutely and that's that's uh kinda where i was about to go with this thing i'm doing right here funny enough funny you should ask yeah we talked about it now let's see it in action that's right um so first i'm gonna do and grab all of this go to my extensions a dbo push line pull this up right about like that and i think i remember where it is a fencing all right there we go and i'm gonna sweep i'm in here edit this describe when you edit it you just grab one one surface texture position and now i'm going to move it something like that and now go whoops back into paint bucket i don't need you pick it and put it here it's going to line up those edges i and then the last thing i'll do is i will shift erase the top of each of these so we have still fits with our uh general theme there but uh yeah it looks pretty good so i feel happy about what has happened here i'm gonna try to turn off my reference and take a look at how this how this all looks i mean it looks like a real thing there's no doubt about it i must have undo'ed dude undo it uh some people in the chat we're talking about this candyman have you guys seen the candyman remake trailer or anything like that i haven't seen the original or the trailer for the remake but i have seen the original that's that's pretty good scary one yeah this one was kind of creepy borderline slashery not bad not bad which one candyman oh yeah that's where you like say his name right um or whatever oh i was thinking it was like the uh like the old timey song uh the candyman can yeah 50 cents candy shop very very different exactly yeah scary for a different reason nice that worked out pretty good it's a good looking building welcome foolish mortals to the haunted mansion nice there we go i feel like the only thing that could make it better is trellis but you know i hope that i hope someone will download the model and do that yes as always go get it yeah that's kind of yeah so aaron will upload this to 3d warehouse after and then i'll put the link in the youtube uh video and it'll be on the forum too so people can check it out check the model out and augment it if you wish that's right as you see fit look at that turned out pretty cool [Music] [Applause] i you know i do kind of feel like i do want to go in and put all that that filigree stuff in it's actually it's not too hard to find pictures of what that looks like and it is for the most part a lot of repeating pattern but having said that um it'll take a while because each each of these panels basically has a bottom part top that curls up curls down and then each of those panels is filled with twisting things so very cool but maybe maybe that'll be we'll get we'll get tyson his week next week and maybe when we come back we'll try to uh just do some like some filigree lattice iron work thing i don't know i gotta find out what some terms are before we say we're gonna do it you know learn the terms yeah terms first uh model second that's how we'll approach this cool well hey that was fun that was uh hopefully worth two wait two weeks of waiting but uh yeah still still fun um good news is if if or the big news i guess not good or bad whatever it's just news big though is that if everything goes well next week we will be actually doing this from our studio in our building in westminster colorado so it's uh potentially time to move everything back into the office so that's what we're going to shoot for next week that next time you see us we'll actually be talking to you from the sketchup studio for real so yes that's awesome oh yeah yeah it is um cool well hey we'll we'll call it at this point uh i hope everybody is doing good out there thank you so much for hanging out with us this is awesome this is fun i'm glad i'm glad we were actually able to even do it really um but uh yeah thank you guys for being here and uh we will see you all sometime in the future next week or uh i don't know that's actually next time we'll be live right we don't have anything on wednesdays anymore but uh yeah we will we will see you there we will see you then till then stay safe stay sane and have a great one see you guys later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 7,315
Rating: 4.9831934 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: Us_4f8NW9PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 34sec (8374 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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