Modeling a Log Cabin Live with Aaron!

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absolutely okay so okay all right we are live now [Music] [Music] i'll show you some more stuff in obs [Music] oh yeah no problem are we live right now matt yes we are live we're streaming i'm not my youtube window is not [Music] [Music] oh i can hear my audio going out on the stream so just be careful of what you say all right there we go everybody's needed oh it's weird [Music] [Music] you might want to just go back to youtube and just find it like you normally do [Music] [Music] oh i hear music probably gonna want to mute that [Music] [Music] all right well if you want to uh hit mute on there do you want to do an intro uh matt when does that stop you before all right oh thank you that's important all right go ahead and uh hit pause on that music jody [Music] all right and matt you're live in three two all right you know what time it is it's friday guys it is friday it's sketchup live day it's the beginning of the weekend and we are here we're getting ready to fell some trees get some logs on the uh on the pile there whoops that was an excellent slip but uh anyways no we're ready for the log we're ready for the log cabin that's where we're building up lincoln logs we're building a nice big cabin here today so tune in stay tuned stay here you're in the right place and uh we'll get you some sketchup tips and a lot of fun and uh what else could you want so without further ado i present to you aaron dietzen your host awesome thank you matt well done as always i was i was kind of surprised i thought we were going to hear some trees fall that's where i thought that was going but uh i was fully prepared to hear a tree fall wait you couldn't hear the tree fall is that what that was it sounded like somebody stepping on a frog maybe it was a tree that fell in the forest but nobody was there that's true a little tree uh hey guys i am aaron dietzen i am the sketchup guy the guy is going to be doing some modeling today i have some friends with me of course um hanging out with me in our ears doing our intros is our remote sound guy down in from michigan so let's hear it for wyoming michigan it's the place yay wyoming and in the booth with me in our studio back from sabbatical you guys missed him and you told us so we brought him back uh jody who is uh playing the role of producer today [Applause] [Laughter] so yeah we're your sketchup live team and we're going to do some stuff today so this is actually directly from you guys this was directly requested you guys wanted to see a cabin get modeled and we kind of kicked that around we thought a log cabin specifically as opposed to you know traditionally framed that's not much different from like the sheds we've done before so we thought a log cabin with something new something kind of fun and uh i don't know we'll see where it goes um but uh that's we're gonna jump in and start doing this this i don't just so you guys know i know how a log cabin goes together more or less i'm not i'm not gonna call myself professional log cabin builder i also don't want to brag but i have taken part in a log cabin build once when i was like 12. so i got experience i i did one when i was well i was about 14 which i guess was close when you were 12. maybe at the same time i don't know why i'm trying to look at you over there that could have been maybe right around one year apart or something yeah so you know gonna be be flexing those those uh those muscles those those cabin building muscles that i developed in my ute so let's hop in uh one thing before we get started too i think uh there's a comment about jody's audio being low um is that on the camera is that set i don't know if jody if you can take a look at the old camera over there i cranked it um it's all the way up okay it's the sure mic instead of the uh the other one i was just thinking last time we switched it so you just have to get up on it pretend you're pretend you're singing just like yeah there you go it's an ice cream cone i'm close and personal yeah just get oh yeah get on there all right that was awkward i want to move on okay [Music] okay hey welcome thank goodness for that sound effect all right so um yeah we are going to just we're just going to dive right into this like i said i don't have a design planned and that's going to be fine because we're going to kind of explore how to go about this i do want to build like a lincoln log style house so you know i want to i want to put in some logs in here we're going to create some components we're going to have them overlap at the corners so you get the you know that thing this finger lapped no it's not a finger latch it's actually called a finger lap joint is it really no oh i felt cool for half a second all right back to feeling normal and not cool again so i'm gonna hop right into this and we're just gonna start drawing logs with components and we're just gonna kind of work from there i have a couple ideas how to do this uh i think um we're going to start with two components i want to build a rectangular structure so it'll be like i don't know like 25 feet by 40 feet something like that and we'll have two logs a short side log and a long side log and then we'll just start by just re copying those over and over again and we'll start with that so this will be pretty simple to begin with i'm going to start by we'll just create one of the logs so i'm going to create the 40 foot log real quick so i'm going to start with a circle i'm just going to stick with the standard 24 side i don't really think i need to like go higher or lower than that uh that seems like about right how big is a log that you build a house with i'm trying to think is that like so somewhere i would say somewhere between six six and eight inches really that small okay well i guess it depends on log cabin so my one that i built 30 years ago was like a like like a pre-built kit and they were all yeah probably six six or eight inches on the side the cool ones the best spoke ones have uh you know big foot diameter kind of things all right let's let's get bespoke with this thing i'm going to go 12 inches actually i'm going to go six inches because it's the radius and not the diameter there we go so we have a six inch log i'm going to take this i'm going to get 40 feet and i want it to extend out a foot on either side someone to make this 42 foot telephone pole that's a big piece of wood all right i'm going to make that a component big log number one we'll call it a 40 foot log even though it's 42 foot maybe 40 is too big is that is that am i am i just live in the fancy guy life with that is that too much laid on side i all i know is that we use multiples to create walls so there's a bunch of six eight ten well probably ten twelve foot ones i don't think i don't think i've ever seen a 40-foot log i don't think so either so i'm going to show this up by 10 feet that looks a little more realistic all right i think that'll work i don't know we'll see we're winging this whole thing right so i'm going to take that and i'm going to go from the center line i'm going to make a copy over this way 25 feet boom gosh that seems huge too all right so we're going to say 20 feet and bring it back 20 by 30 that's the size of our cabin um i'm going to take one of these right here i'm going to rotate it on the flat i'm gonna option rotate 90 degrees obviously it's not lined up right now um i'm going to scoot it over so i'm going to take this end right here i'm going to slide it over to the middle and i'm going to slide it over 12 inches that gives me a one foot overlap this way same thing here i'm going to grab it by the edge pull it in to here and then move it this way 12 inches that gives us more than a oh the center sorry i'll put the center right here at the edge and then slide that over 12 inches so that gives us this is the overlap we want to maintain throughout this whole thing now so you did you what did you say diameter was on these one foot okay that occurs to me that also uh since this is this is just fun if you have a six inch six inch log it's going to take a lot more rows of logs to make your cabin that's true literally twice as many one would say all right this is not gonna work because i have the same component on all three sides that's not obviously gonna work so i'm gonna make this into a new component i'm gonna say make unique after i make unicom entity info and change it from a 40 foot log which is actually a 30 foot logged out to a 20 foot log that's going to be confusing i should probably rename all of these speaking of confusing having all these monitors gigantic monitors and tabs and screens i'm a little overwhelmed right now yeah this is this is studio life this is real deal i don't i don't know how i feel about it i'm going to shorten this one up by 10 feet and i'm going to grab it and option copy it this way 30 feet all right so that's the footprint of the house i know the logs are crossing through each other i haven't missed that i do realize that's happening um but that's okay because right now i just wanted to get the general layout this looks good um what i wanna do is i wanna go in and notch my logs so they sit inside of each other so that so one's gonna you know at the ends we'll have a notch so when this all goes up each one will rest firmly upon the one above so what that means these two my two end logs are going to go up move them vertically constrain to the vertical axis to the center of this log here and then i could actually at this point grab that option copy that up and we could do that like eight times to give us like a nine foot tall log cabin so we're almost done at this point nice done good job even though i'm all up on this mic oh see that when you just said all up on this mic you you you got up there your audio shot up i got louder okay so i literally just need to like my lips keep grazing the edge of this thing that's the one we'll wipe it down afterwards don't worry about it did you wipe it down before uh you're pretty good friends with tyson right he's the last one who's on there wow cool all right so obviously we're not really almost done what we need to do is now is we need to come in and notch some stuff i do want to keep some of these unnotched because i might want to use them on the top or something like that so i'm going to option copy these over here and i'm going to hit make unique so that just gives me this set of and this is this is just something i recommend to anybody who's using components as you go and make use components um you know anytime i change one of these they're all going to change that's the nature components that's how it's supposed to go um but you don't always want that so i will i find in my working models when i'm working with components you guys have seen this on some of my models i'll have previous copies of components just kind of sitting over on the side just to hold on to in case i ever need to go back to this this shape this is a pretty simple shape i could probably and that's just like building a real log cabin i usually have an entire floor or entire row of logs sitting off to the side i just pick them all up and carry them over usually because you know jody's just knocking out log cabins no big deal yeah i mean it's a thing okay as far as like a workflow thing um those components would be saved like in your components uh browser or whatever right so you don't need to have a copy of them off to the side but it's more just like for your i don't know peace of mind or that's what you're used to doing kind of thing absolutely 100 yeah yeah that's right so right now i have these components my 30 and my 20 foot log and then i have 30 20 foot log number one and 30 foot log number one these are the copies so if you look over here i have these sitting here um so if i was to delete these or in fact delete all this i could bring it all back with my component browser or control z or con i can do and get it back to excellent point excellent point um my issue with this is is if you look at my thumbnails they all look like well they look like pieces of chalk so to come in here and find the one i need i guess i could turn on i could change my list to list view and i could find out what i need but uh yeah for me it's easier to have this like you guys saw like when i did uh i i posted about like the the lego build the big lego build i did i actually had physical ones sitting off to the side so i could grab them real quick and copy them over rather than having to dive into the the browser and and find those especially uh when there's only a couple of them like this it's pretty easy to set it aside they're there in case i need it so lauren's had a good pro tip was whenever he moves stuff off to the side he moves it a fixed distance that way he can move it back that is an awesome tip actually if i know it's going to come back in i will move it in increments of 10 feet usually so 10 feet 100 feet 150 feet 500 feet on y axis that way you can bring it just right in the other thing i could have done too is i could have just made a copy of them in place and put them on a tag that i turn off that would work too but like i said i'm very visual with my modeling and everything so seeing this over here kind of helps me all right let's talk about this um so what i want to do i'm going to hide the rest of my model i'm also going to go into view component edit and hide similar components i just want just this one thing so if i look at that i don't like that the axis is all the way over there but it always kills me when my my axis ends up off axis can i can i reset it if i just say reset is just going to go back to no nice that's all right keeping it real even though you guys you guys are in the studio i am that's right matt's not living the studio life unfortunately and apparently apparently my mass mike he doesn't have to have in his face to pick up sounds yeah i bet if i went out and fired up a weed eater than it probably you'd probably hear it probably so all right so what i want to do is i want to notch the bottom of my logs so i want each log if i look at this i want to see a notch right here and a notch right here that will fit over the round top um like i said full on lincoln log style except they only want to do it on the bottom so i don't need it on the top on the top i'll just i know in real life i'd probably come in here and like flatten plane out the top to get it so there's a snugger connection i have less to insulate but um we're gonna pretend these are perfectly round ideal beautiful log things yeah the kit i built with its smaller logs than this had the top was the top and bottoms were flat and then it had two like on the bottom it had two channels running along the whole length of it and it had two grooves or two grooves grooves of the grooves works reverse grooves yeah running along top and then they just all slotted together but when i've seen this style there's also usually like a a spline between the two like they'll run the length of it with just a groove cut out and they stick up you know like a thing spline or something that keeps it all from rolling off his ruling that's the problem with round knots we're going old school we're going like uh jebediah jeb dye springfield right here okay all right so what i'm going to do i'm going to come in and grab this geometry and ctrl c to copy it then i come in here and i'm going to do an edit paste in place as soon as that geometry comes in i'm going to right click and group it i'm going to grab this geometry right here group it and i'm going to take this group option move it over 20 feet all right so now i have these two sacrificial groups that are going to help me cut my my channel into this piece i'm going to use solid tools for this so i'm going to go tool palettes open up solid tools and i'm going to say okay select this one and full on subtract it from this one and then select this one subtract it was exciting from this one i don't know what just happened but something happened a thing happened alright so if i look at it from this angle right now i can see those lines where the small logs run over the top of the bottom logs this side not so good right because i still don't have a line right here i can do the same thing so i can go grab this guy grab this geometry copy it come into oops hold on actually what i want one thing i do want to do i can explode this geometry now i don't need to i some people i i you guys have used 3d warehouse you've probably seen this where you go and you download a model and it's just container container container container container raw geometry versus groups inside of components inside groups i try not to do that i try to keep the minimal number of wrappers around my geometry i need this log by itself is one thing i don't think i need two or three different wrappers around it so that's why i did go in make sure explode it back out i just need that geometry all right extra packaging keeps it super fresh that's the geometry will never spoil oh man my modeling is good enough it's super fresh i don't need help with that super fresh that's what your shirt should say that's i like that all right so i'm gonna grab this in same thing make a group hmm huh okay it's over this way 30 feet i'm not sure why i got that angled container let's see what happens i do this one grab this guy right here make a group as expected all right yeah that's neat all right subtract from here use this subtract from here all right so now i got my grooved logs groovy okay so here's a legit well that's a pair of questions when was the last time you worked with lincoln logs and since we have an audience that is not all just here in the u.s i wonder if lincoln logs exist has lincoln logs or another name elsewhere that's a good question i think i built something in lincoln logs in the last year i don't know where i came across unless i found my kid's old set or something i feel like that's a a thing that we our family has going on at christmas like for some reason like there's a set of lincoln logs we have with our christmas decorations and they just tend to kind of come up i don't know where that came from but they just we just have some and they they show up around christmas time each time right here our house with it i will notice that we bought him in that big you guys did you ever get him in that big metal tin yeah that's how that's how ours currently exists yeah and that that tin's getting emptier and emptier every time i see it too like i don't i think it's like an outhouse building kit at this point there's like two super long ones and then a bunch of little things so uh as lawrence pointed out earlier referencing logs is it's just bathroom humor waiting to happen oh nailed it um i'm gonna grab this guy right here and make it unique i'm gonna set this one on the ground so i'm going to come in here and i am going to put geometry on it that's going to cut it in half so i could do again i could try to do something with solid tools or something like that but as i look at it again i like to do the quickest easiest commands for the to get the job done doing that and cutting it and then just coming and selecting and deleting that bottom half seemed like the quickest way to clean that up so i know i got a little bit of a little bit of scrap here to go back and clean up but it's little log spider legs or something i know spiders have eight legs but how many do how many spider logs have yeah that's a good question long legs speaking of spiders did you watch the new spider-man trailer yet uh when it came out a week ago yeah sorry it didn't mean the sun it's not even when you've been gone for almost three weeks then everything that's true happened it's all i've got to catch up on three weeks yes yes i did i did watch that yes and it was it was good okay um hey you know what i should probably do at this point oh that lazy save the lazy saver for some reason that now always just makes me think and it's not it's unfair because it's really a matte sound but it makes me think of nick a lightning save his uh his attempt to reproduce it was up there huh huh oh i guess i might have some hold up hold up one second um where's it at why is general oh there we go i do not need to auto save and i do not oh that's okay i don't care do that just don't mess with it okay had some autosave stuff turned on that uh i personally don't care for you don't like to save i don't i don't i mean i think i've pretty pretty well proven that savings just not my deal it's not in your wheelhouse it's not a thing i do okay cool um it's looking good it's it's definitely got a cabiny feel so there's a couple things we want to do at this point so we're going to come in and we'll put some doors and windows in i'm picturing like you know a door right here in the middle maybe window window and then maybe we'll do a window in the middle of each side here keep this back wall solid like that something like that will happen or put a roof on it of course um my roof as i take it up i want my cabiny i want my logs to continue up the peak and then i'll have a basically a ridge beam it'll be a log and then like halfway down on either side we'll put another log perpendicular so on the end here we'll have as it goes up we'll have log log of p log coming down here like that running horizontally across if that all makes sense well i mean i want to do it if it doesn't make sense it's that's what i'm going to do maybe before you get started you can talk about that thing there in your left hand hey question come about this with this whole thing yep so this right here is my uh 3d mouse it is a space mouse enterprise from the company 3d connection a 3d mouse allows you to move your model in 3d space without using this piece right here so i can hold this in my hand like this and then still spin around right here this is good for two reasons one as a designer it's kind of the thing that can allow you to go to that next level because what i can do is as i'm moving my my this this finger over this hand over here moving in 3d space this hand is free to move the mouse and i don't know edit the ui grab the next command whatever i want i can do that here while uh this this mouse is going grabbing whatever i need the other thing it does is it makes for very nice presentations because i can move in much smoother increments with a 3d mouse than i can using the the roll and then drag and orbit here sketchup users are used to this right we all see this we all know how this works we spin spin spin zoom zoom zoom out spin spin it's it's really easy it's actually very intuitive and easy to learn and i i recommend new people figure out how to use that because it is it takes away it makes moving in 3d very simple the downside to it is if your brain's not prepared for that it can be a little disorienting same with this some people believe it or not don't enjoy necessarily watching this jerky movement so if you're in a situation where you do a lot of presentations you show models to customers something like that something can take it to the next level is moving around with a 3d mouse like this nice smooth movements buttery smooth seems to be the the phrase that pays yeah what comes up every time yeah so that's how uh it's not a requirement to run sketchup by any means you don't have to have it but i usually recommend it to people who are either doing a lot of presentations or they're designers who are looking how to go from where they're at to the next step it's also worth saying also like tech geeks that just like to have new cool whiz bang things it is an awesome toy yeah and also uh if you subscribe to the youtube channel um there is a skill builder about 3d uh mice right yes oops so be that that's you want to go in more detail yeah we just had so we had so many questions too about uh you know using a 3d mouse that kind of thing that uh we did a skill builder on it and it just kind of walks through just the fundamentals of using a 3d mouse so all right so i'm gonna do i'm gonna sketch up what i want the end of this cabin to look like and then we'll go start putting in some framing for it so dq is wondering if you could show briefly show one log from the middle maybe to see how the notches are all like that i guess i don't know we'll wait and see what he says okay bill's also wondering if it's easier to stand you're modeling um you know i've done a lot of both um stanley's kind of nice i think uh i tend to be a fairly animated presenter like if i'm talking about something or brainstorming i like to walk around the room and that kind of thing so i think standing up works a little bit better for me but there's also times where i've done longer design sessions or modeling large models a hotel something like that where it gets tiring and sitting down is kind of nice so i'll go either way all right he said he said thanks so that must have been what you wanted okay although uh irfan did wonder how you isolated that object from the others all right so each of these are components right now so if i double click into one of these everything else goes away because i have some things turned on if i go up here to view and then component edit you can see hide rest of model is turned on and then hide similar components if i turn them off one at a time hide similar components says [Music] hide everything else that is this same component and then the other option view component hydresta model that's got me trained it's going to show everything i hide everything else um generally speaking i do have a shortcut key for hide rest of model so i'll i'll toggle that on and off with the shortcut key on my mouse but i don't i don't usually hide components unless i have like this where it's the same thing over and over and over again um yeah but that's that's a good tool to to know how to use because it makes a lot easier to go in and model those entities for sure nice thanks all right i'm going to draw some some geometry here this is something where i could probably use guides but not gonna because they didn't have guides in old timey days that's right cabins um and i really i don't have a specific i wonder you know if if i was to i feel like since since we already renamed layers tags i think we should rename guides sherpas or something you know a little more adventuring i'm just going to rotate this roof so that it oops i did i forgot to hit option um i'm just rotating it here so that it comes up and it touches the side of the log right there i didn't hit the option again wow third tries charm folks i'll show it again so i'm here get constrained hit my modifier key to copy not move there we go all right so that is the roof i want to put on here um 900 sure i'm going to do this but i'm going to grab this piece option put it up here let's see we'll do it 5x 7x to cover that geometry now here's the thing that's going to happen so i'm going to create some geometry to start chopping chunks out of these logs because i want the logs to follow where the roof sheathing will go so i want to come up to the flat like that the problem is that each of these will have to be a separate component they're the only reason and this isn't a problem problem this is something i have to address right now so if i grab all of these if i go grab all these right now and i say make unique what it does is it takes all one two three four five six seven copies it takes all those and makes all of them the same new component so you see they were they are all log number three so in order to do this i do have to say grab this one make unique grab this one make unique and after working up there i believe there is an extension called make all unique does that sound right you guys do you remember this formula i've never used it um that will let you grab them all and then everything you grab becomes its own new thing but uh i don't know what that is i don't know that i have installed so but having done that now i can look at this and i can see this is 20 log 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9. cool so i'm going to grab these so do i need to keep them components is probably a question that i could ask right now um i don't know it really good definitive answer i love that that's right i definitely don't know that's definitive um the reason i say i don't know is because it really depends what you're doing with this model is what it all comes down to if i'm using components to make a materials list then they'll have to end up as components if i'm just modeling this as one piece i might probably grab all these and put them into a single geometry and have a single solid out of all of them it really depends on what you're using it for i'm gonna try to keep my pieces separate not that i'm gonna break this apart and go build a log cabin out of it but uh that's that's and it may be a reason to keep it as uh components is what keggy's mentioning right now whatever i do here is also going to have to come over to this side so making components probably not a bad idea since i may go edit it afterwards and then both sides will get edited the same so that could be a reason to keep it that way all right i'm going to take these right now and i'm going to slide them this way two feet because i need to get back to this geometry right here i'm going to triple click and make this a group i'm gonna go into that group what i need to do now is make a cutter so i'm just gonna draw some vertical lines like that pretty much exactly how we did it years ago when i built my log cabin yep just a big big chunk of throwaway geometry that's what we're looking at all right so that is just a big solid cutter i don't like when geometry laps out up to the edge of my cutter so i'll make it bigger right so there we go so that is the kind of geometry i want to cut out of this so what i can do now is i can select this piece i'm going to throw out this one because i'll actually have my ridge being there anyhow so i'm just going to toss that one out select this one and rather than saying subtract so this is a big difference if i say subtract and subtract this from this one wait what subtract what did i hit oh i didn't hit they're so little and so similar and i can't see good anymore i say subtract that from this i will get this log but look my cutter's gone so what i'm gonna do instead is select it and use the one below it i no it's not below it's this one over here wait for the tool tip if you can't see those buttons and i'm gonna use trim to trim this then this then this then this then this and then finally that so this one's having a problem there's an issue i think it's because my geometry lapse through i think it runs up against the edge so what i might do here i'm going to option push pull this all the way through like that and that will i was talking about how i could always come back and clean up this right here that gets rid of it and just makes it again i'm back to having just a piece of chalk component but that gives that all the way through so when you when you when you do solid tools and you have geometry that comes to a point solid tools and points aren't great because they're they're confusing spots just like if i tried to make these two into a single component solid would have an issue with it because it has geometry that the joins at a single line and by by the general rule of creating a manifold piece a solid piece in a solid piece one line always connects to only two surfaces so think about a cube all the lines on there all 12 lines each one line only connects one surface on each side when you have geometry like this where the pieces connect so it's coming together and it's got a line here that center line is then connected to four faces so it violates the rules of what a solid is that's exactly what i was creating with that intersect right here it's gonna be hard to see that line but right there where it's connecting i was having geometry on this side and geometry on this side so it wasn't making a solid so it's it's why i threw it out by extending it long like that i should be able now to select here and then trim this and then i should have that so that's good obviously it's not it's not perfect so what i'm going to do is i'm going to temporarily hide this i'll come into this turn everything back on i'm going to push this end to the middle here and then double click here and what that'll do that lets me come back out here edit uh view no edit unhide last and now i can do one last subtraction here because i can grab this guy trim this all right there we go all right so now i will grab all of these i'll move that back 24 inches and this does sit on here so i'll probably want to honor that notch so i'll do the same thing i did before grab this geometry command c come in here hide everything else edit paste in place make a group move it over 20 feet make a group and then same thing so now we can just subtract that from here and subtract that from here nice it's a lot easier to make these not in real life they balance a lot easier on top of each other you know perfect circles just like in the in nature how we have those all the time yeah absolutely yeah who wouldn't love to have you know what is that probably 120 different logs all perfectly straight same diameter i'm going to copy that over 30 feet and we're going to take a look at putting our ridge beam in so for this i am going to go to our uh the ridge beam we had over here um let's see if i grab it by this point right here and i'm not going to get the right spot but i just want to get it there we go aligned to the proper height i think and then we'll slide this over this way to any midpoint all right i think that works um i deleted my roof solid but now that i did that i'm like i really could actually kind of use that so i'm going to make a roof plane right here i'm going to attempt to use rotated rectangle wow you gotta be careful not that that's a big deal i just never use it so every time i come in here to try it i'm like uh click so i'm going to grab this point here nope click click click first try nice look at that and i'm gonna grab this end and i'm going to move it from this intersection down to the middle of the edge of this log here okay shaping up nicely got a little uh protection from the elements there that's nice it's nice all right so i'm going to extend this piece long so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to grab it and i'm going to move it from this intersection to this intersection which keeps it in plane by using the snaps on that log cool um [Music] now i need one on the other side and i'm trying to think of how to best oh i know i can do i'm gonna grab it make it a group i'm just making a group so the geometry is enjoying it actually everything's components that wouldn't happen and then i'm going to show my hidden geometry and i'm going to do a rotate i'm going to rotate along the center of this log so i'm going to hit rotate and i'm going to just slide up the middle slot till i hit that midpoint there it is and i'll just go option swing that around 180 degrees and we have those two making our uh our roof geometry so i'm gonna make a group out of those two groups come in here explode both of them put a line down the middle so that's a roof folks that's roof argue with that if you can so if the roof's gonna sit on top of these these cut logs that's the geometry that i i need to match so that's the bottom of the roofing basically so that's my ceiling so this when i come in here that's what i want to see so that means this log that i have currently needs to get dropped right because it's coming up through the ceiling right now so i'll go ahead and take it and i will push it down so i'm just going to start dropping it down just to see what happens here so you're going to add all of the roof support beneath that height um yeah so my actual roofing members then would run up on top of this log you guys believe that we'll see we'll see i'm sure it's your cabin man that's true i know what i'm talking about i don't know kind of all right i'm gonna grab it this is gonna be a little arbitrary but uh i'm gonna grab it by this point right here so you see i did lower it down so that this line and this line these edges actually hit that roof surface that's why they're shining through i'm to grab it by this point right here option copy it i'm going to go down three logs one two three and place this one right here all right i'm gonna do that again right here option one two three down yeah that's right aaron is lincoln this is a aaron logs the cabin all right so the only issue i'm having with that particular placement is that uh i can't very well notch this like this so good you i mean you can we can do anything we want but i'm going to grab both of these and i'm going to move it up to the middle of this log right here and then i'm going to shift it in again by that same point it's going to come in to there that works so now that puts that in the middle here so i could do just a same notching i did before i don't have the same issue with that little chunk right there so i don't know it makes a difference actually yeah i don't know how this happens in the real world i don't know it's weird put a bunch of mud in there that's right just just fill it all in just for right now i'm going to take this and i'm going to make this like six inches thick double click here and then to close up the ridge here i'm going to grab a line here continue on up like that grab a line here continue that up do a quick push pull down the end um just to have something that's more than a plane sitting on top here we'll actually come over here we'll pull this down like 18 inches also oh we probably need to pull these ends out too [Music] okay grab that sorry matt do you need to do need class to stop so you can answer your phone [Laughter] hello honesty all right um i want to cut this out i want to cut a pocket here so i'm going to grab this again same thing i did before command c to copy that geometry come in here edit paste in place and then make group make group and then i will just subtract that out of this i'm going to do the same thing here also i'm going to let me i want to see something i want to see how far apart are these two a weird dimension apart okay so i'm not gonna do that so as i'm watching you do this in these what completely looks like a made-up fashion um so like about a year a year and a half ago i came across this channel myself for alliance is it's the youtube channel and the guy literally like bought just a big old chunk of land in alaska or i mean in canada which is sort of like alaska and built like multiple log cabins from scratch so i actually even though i haven't built one recently i actually have watched somebody do this in the last two years are you hinting that i'm not doing this perfectly right now i think you're doing it perfectly for you oh thanks i think this is exactly how lincoln intended how the framers intended that's right that's right that's what i heard all right that's actually kind of where where i want that to go um so i'm gonna take that and go to the top here um obviously i feel like i can point this out but uh maybe i'm not making a model that would be built necessarily so much as something that's going to look good and that's like it was cozy when we were on the inside for a little bit i was like we got a little fire going in here yeah it's all woods pot belly stove it could burn the whole thing down pretty easily well that's that's a glass is half full kind of view yeah i think my my issue with this this design technique you got here is that you've got 20 foot logs that you've somehow got to get 12 feet in the air without a crane oh they do it on those alaskan survival shows all the time elbow grease so not a solid huh huh got straight edge save okay here we go lazy save all right so that works there and then i'll do the same thing so come in here edit paste in place ooh i don't know if that's gonna work but let's find out oh it did uh yeah i'm assuming we'll just as matt says fill that with mud get the mud out [Music] i love how when he doesn't even have sound effects he's uh he's all over it so don't even worry matt's got this nice got that well that's not gonna work your logs hollow how neat that's how i get it up there so high is it's it's it's like cardboard i do feel like yeah fill it in later i feel like it'd be really flimsy you know like rolled up piece of paper yep it's those big those big concrete tubes it's good stuff okay so again what why is this not this is a group oh because i just did uh so because i'm using native solid tools every time i intersect something it becomes a group rather than a component um that doesn't make sense these are all groups oh because i did intersect on all of them and i didn't save them as new components again okay huh yeah you didn't so i'm going to wipe the wipe that wall out oh it's got my head stuck in a log all right but now i can go make these components real quick and one more you know what you could do is you could follow logs like that and then once it's built you just go back and you insert uh wood pulp and so it looks like a log super light to build and then afterwards you make it more stable yeah there you go i like this this is the kind of ideas that come out of this show that really set it apart from things i'm gonna i'm gonna have to see about uh patenting that all right i like i like where we're at so far i think this is kind of this is kind of cool it's kind of fun looks like a log cabin argue with that yeah and the ability to keep it private is just like over the top ain't nobody gonna mess with you in that house yeah especially since there's no doors yeah all right so now we have come to the part where stuff's gonna start breaking we're gonna break things now um this is awesome so so what may want to happen at this point is this may be a single iteration this might get grouped set off to the side there's really no way about it as soon as i start cutting holes for doors and windows i'm going to lose my componentiness so this component can't be the same as this component if this component has a hole for a door and two holes for windows in it so i'm definitely going to break some stuff not necessarily a bad thing but it is something to note it does mean paying attention to your components and making unique as you go that's how i would go about it so we're gonna start with the windows or these these end walls um i'm gonna put a window right here in the middle maybe we'll put it up like high like no we'll just put it down here normal height um i'm just going to sketch on the outside here if i come up where's the middle of this log is it eight feet let's maybe go a little bit high on this window yeah so i'll come up eight feet and make it like four feet wide so i'm gonna go two feet from the middle and then let's do a four foot by four foot window there we go so draw drew half that and then i'll just option swing that around 180 degrees so that's the profile of the the window i want here i'm just going to make a big old cutter just just a big just a huge chunk of butter just barreling right the huge butter cutter big oh big butter cutter i like it so i'm going to go ahead and group that all right now here's the thing that's going to happen i'm going to come in and start chopping chunks of these components out so what i'm going to want to do and this is just to kind of try to optimize this process as i go since they're going to be the same on both sides that cutter is symmetrical goes right through the whole building if i select this one right here which is the bottom of the window and this one over here which is also the bottom of the window and i right click and i make them components i'm sorry cancel make unique then anything i do to this component is going to get done to this component and now everybody's going whoa hold on you just told us that when you use solid tools it breaks the component and makes it a group that's true but let's talk about how to get around that so i see two ways i could go right now one is to just frame out this end wall copy all of it slide it down and replace this other end wall that would not be a bad way to do it that's probably the quickest way to do it but let me show you this just because i want to so i'm going to grab this butter cutter i'm going to copy it then i'm going to go into my new log that i just made a triple click and make group lawrence was asking he thought each end of the cabin was actually they were a component so you only have to cut the end of the hole on one end you know that's not that's an idea too i could do that also um seems like it'd be slightly less work oh yeah i was i wanted down into teaching at this point and not optimization but you got a good point yes i could make the end a component and then they could just be groups inside which actually makes a lot more sense at this point because maintain trying to maintain these components once i start chopping them up doesn't make much sense and in reality as i'm going in and starting to cut this if i cut holes into a cabin i'm not really concerned at this point if this log matches that logger matches and i as far as i know the material is for a log cabin is a number of logs yeah so x i'm not going to fabricate prefab this log in this way but but i want to show that anyhow 48 logs one butter cutter that's all i need so i'm going to take this and i'm going to subtract it from this geometry all right so what i did was i did that with groups inside the component so both components got cut and i can explode at this point and come out here and they're still components this log and this log over here are still components because my actual intersection and cutting happen inside so if i take that a step further so i want all one two three four five six all of these guys need to get cut the same way also so i can grab them make unique it's gonna make them all unique then i can open up one i'm gonna go ahead and hide similar components grab this make it a group edit paste in place put my butter cutter where it is there we go and then if i subtract from this it gets cut in half if i come out here they're all cut because that same component was cut multiple times so this is an option i'm not saying this is the only way lawrence is right you could definitely have made these just a component full of groups and then done it once on either end that works also i'm going to come in i'm going to do these last two real quick because i'm on a roll at this point make unique i'm going to this one make group edit paste in place screaming my buttercutter in subtract from this explode come on out there we go we got two windows yeah so much so much symmetry symmetrically it's very symmetrically made um i'm gonna go ahead and sketch up a window component to actually put in here real quick and i'm thinking that i'll probably use the same 4x4 window on the front over here also and let's see how do i want to do this i know i'll take a rectangle and we'll start that rectangle in the center of this middle log give me give me a center buddy there come down there i'm gonna hit my modifier key to draw from this the middle i'm gonna come up here like this and [Music] i'm trying to see how big this is if i go all the way out there like that okay so let's say oh it's four foot okay so i'm gonna say like uh eight inches by four foot give me that rectangle um i'll take that and give it a two inch we're milling our own lumber so we're going with whatever dimensions we really whatever we want you work with in this forest of 12 inch diameter trees that's right perfect 12 inch diameter trees no less all right so i'm going to rotate that and actually this is the one i want here i'll run that one straight up up there we go and then i'll take one flip it nine degrees and then i'll have to what happened there yeah yeah you should just map all the sounds to each of the letter keys on your keyboard yeah just hit the y key all right cool all right so right now that's that's what i'm that's what i'm shooting for i'm going to grab these for oops not that one not you buddy settle down big guy all right i grab those make component i'm going to call it a window i'm going to go in and put a pane in there mullions or whatever um but that's enough for right now because i just option copy that you should do this like full-on like your windows you can't get glass panes you've got to make the ends of all your windows out of the ends like bottles and stuff like that oh i thought you're gonna say you're gonna melt down some sand and there you go or just get lightning to strike how ridiculous can we get sorry i didn't mean to say ridiculous like it's it's a silly thing to uh make everything yourself you can do that it's cool don't feel judged right now yep very all right i want to take this up to the center of a log so we'll go six foot six or seven foot six seven foot six i'll make like three foot door so come over one foot six that looks a little too tall and skinny so i am going to drop it down but all right i'm going to do another cutter i'm just going to take that through like that make that a group all right and then i'm going to try this i'm going to take this offset it will move it over six feet i'm going to come in here it's three feet now so i'll make it a foot taller or wider i'm gonna take this line and drop it down four foot and extend that through now i've got a window cutter to make that symmetrical since i came over six feet i should be able to take this move it this way 12 feet 12 feet plus a foot wait what did i do i'm not real sure i don't know i was so enthralled just watching you uh stumble through it i don't like where that is yeah i'm moving over two more feet nancy pointed out you wouldn't want to cut the lowest log oh good point yeah i'm kind of thinking i should probably have this extra log the flat log here huh so we we must be doing really good because uh lawrence has started dropping the the button jokes first one i didn't i wanted to repeat because i had potty humor and i know how sensitive our crowd is but here's a good question for you aaron okay what's what's it called when a log cabin eats another log cabin cabinableism closets capitalism i respect that joke figured i figured you'd appreciate that yep it was about poop i know you don't like poop so this is the perfect time to be throwing out some jokes because i got a little i got a few repetitive tasks to do right now um so what i'm gonna do is these two are gonna get cut exactly the same this one's gonna get cut these three will get cut exactly the same and then this top one will get cut as i do that feel free to hit us with more jokes and i i just gotta throw i think ansi actually designed and uh built some log cabins if i recall the forum correctly is that true nancy he didn't answer yet is that why he's here is to to tell me what i'm doing wrong maybe it would not be the first time that somebody showed up for that reason he could be here to try and learn a thing or two from you i guess that's possible lawrence said that log cabins are all right but igloos are cooler and i'm left wondering if he is basically just sitting there looking these up on his computer while we're feels like something a google search would re uh reveal or like if you just say hey siri tell me a joke that's kind of joke should be dropping yeah that does which is not to say it's not a good joke no that's my subtract whoops subtract that from this subtract that from this and subtract that from this so one of the things this is doing by the way is it's giving this big log is now one continuous component again if i'm concerned about that i want to see it as separate pieces that would be one thing um if i'm i mean if i'm not too concerned about that then i can let it go but uh that is a thing to note just want to point that out these ones will all be done at the same time make all three unique they can go into one edit paste in place to get my cutters in and then i can just one by one cut that out of this cut that out of this and then cut that out of this last one same process trim trim trim whoops i forgot hit me make unique so that's just uh ventilation that's good i mean i've seen that in a lot of modern designs those are my gable vents yeah i want to get too hot in the cabin i you know have you i'll throw this out to the the community have you guys played very much with eneroth's solid tools i think i play with it like once or twice and i haven't gotten a whole lot further than that but i think one of the things you can do with that is it makes it very easy to do multiple edit multiple pieces at once where you know it's the boolean process with the standard solid tools is very one-to-one i think with enerot you can do like multiple cutters or cut multiple pieces a lot easier just wonder if you guys have used that at all it's one of the many extensions that i would like to have time to play with i just never really seem to find the time find the time i'm shortening my framing down here by 12 inches that should take it in there and then this guy here show me the rest of my model drop this and then i'll just use scale to scale these guys because they're rectangles they'll scale well some shapes you don't want to use scale on because it makes a mess of them but uh extruded rectangles are always good hey guess what that was a component so i just screwed up every single window i have so here's what i'm gonna do i'm going to turn that oopsie into a teaching moment i'm going to save i love lemonade i'm going to grab this door right here so this is my door components the correct correct shape and all and i'm going to cut it command x now i'm going to hit ctrl z until all my other doors go back to where they're supposed to be and actually get rid of that that now if i go edit paste in place that shows up now something happens automatically which is kind of cool is that when you do that so here here this was window when i paste this in when i copied it back post screw up and before undo it was also called window but when i pasted it back into my model because there was already a window it automatically renamed it to window number one so kind of a cool sketchup's being smart right there situation all right uh we're moving along this is looking kind of cool i like this um what do we do now i guess we could throw a floor in here and [Music] take a nap i'm assuming my floor would be about right about here i'm going to just draw a rect a working rectangle and then i'll grab that and scale it and then that scaling i'll bring out to like i didn't notice it but keggy totally college about on the make unique before before that whole debacle that's why see in order to let myself screw up enough for the perfect uh opportunities to cause some learning i have to ignore advice guys you're being smart i gotta kind of ignore that sometimes keep your smart to yourself geez that's right listen here smarties all right so there's a floor in there um all right so something i was playing with in my head of doing was i was thinking how how tough would it be to come in and like make a component make a thing to fill in uh the gaps right so like get the the concrete or whatever mud uh between the logs there's a couple ways i could think of doing it but i don't know how well any of them are going to work so i'm going to save that way i can i can always revert so one thing i was thinking about doing was something like this grabbing a rectangle and zooming in here and finding like there there's a there's a face so that's like one two three segments out from the log taking that that might be too big taking that straight over like this that's too big i don't like that we need slightly less mud so what i could do just gonna draw this one by hand come down here draw this one back to here yeah that looks nice that's like the right the right amount of stuff i can also before i make this into a group kind of cut like that and then get rid of this that's another nice thing about a 3d mouse i know if you've been here before i've mentioned it getting inside a house with a 3d mouse i'm trying to come up with a rhyme that's that means is easy or is good but rides rhymes with mouse i can't come up with anything orange no wait orange 10 rhyming and that's not the one either it's good that's what we're basically saying um it's good stuff all right so if i take that and i push it through to the other side to where it snaps here and then i'm a triple click and make that into a group i'm not interested in making that a component right now because it's going to get changed so many times that does give me that mortar between the logs kind of look so now i'm going to take it and i'm going to option copy it down eight times sometimes you get it right on the first try not often but sometimes cool um maybe not the ideal order to do this in but sometimes when you're designing you're making stuff up as you go that's right no harm no foul that's right i do feel like you need to trim those boards because like walking getting in through that door is now completely not going to happen you basically just created a pantry that's acceptable for both sides no i created an opportunity to like okay it's only 12 inches yeah you can't never mind there's not a game to get in there that's just impossible so let's let's figure out how the what the easiest way is going to be to cut these they're groups so anything i do i'll have to do more than once but i'm just trying to think i could come in here cut this like this push that through okay this isn't too bad because i could come here and do this on this three times push that through like that one more rectangle from there to there push that through trust it looks good on the inside looks perfect and then i could erase these three and because they're separate pieces but it's all in one group i can just take it option drop it down 12 inches make sure i'm going vertical 12 3 times and there we go those ones are done and then i'd have to do the same thing for these two open up one put a rectangle across like that push that through i guess that's probably just as easy to just do that again as it is to copy it and place it i know that's the number one spots where there's what do you like better you like copy and paste and you're drawing rectangles and push pull your call all right that looks kind of cool i like the way that that that makes it a little more legitimate looking and i only came out to these logs i intentionally didn't carry it through because i i don't think you would actually worry about mudding the edges there that's just a way to kill time in the middle of the winter yeah cool all right so coming up this side of course is going to be a little different because if i was to do that same exact process i guess i could grab one of these off the back see now in in hindsight because everything's so perfect there this geometry could have been part of the log the log could have gone up like this and then gone straight up at the very ends and could have emulated that same thing but one of the things doing it this way is i could actually there's some different ways i could color it by having it be separate that would be a little bit quicker and easier maybe i don't know trying to justify my my decision making i buy it yeah no completely makes sense to me okay grab that shove it back 10 feet beauty take that option copy it vertically 12. and i don't know what 16 times all right this one of course will be a little more work because this is easy right here so i can just do the same thing i did on those front windows but only to do it once push that back delete that and then one two 3 grab that here we go option copy that straight up 12 3x that's solid now these guys right here i'm trying to think of a quicker way to do this and i don't know if there is one because i think what i would want to do is come in here draw a line like that draw a line like this hide the rest of the model and then i just have to push pull and double click there so i could save time by double clicking um one of the other things i was thinking of is i could take this guy so so that my process from there would be come into the next one draw a line like this draw a line like this and then double click it gets a little easier because they stick out of the roof so that's not too bad i could do that three more times the other thing i was thinking about would be to delete this grab this and then put it there so snap it into place but then i got to come in come to here grab that move that back along the red axis until it snaps in not not terribly painful either way um i am such a big fan of cutting things off as opposed to moving them i just it's just decisive you know you're just chopping it off and then with the double click double click to offset the same length that's pretty easy i guess in theory you could break this into multiple parts and have a dynamic component for this piece but keggy also suggested you could use the roof as a cutter that's true because that was a solid and that was if they're both solids that would absolutely work and then we need to just fill this whole section up here so actually i'm going to take this slide it up and then i'll grab this pull it all the way up like this i'll do the final one the way keggie's suggesting we'll grab this guy and then trim it out of this guy and then when we come into this guy just grab all this delete it and then that's our geometry filling in now the whole the the concept going back the concept i forgot who mentioned it was lawrence um somebody mentioned the idea of making the end wall just a big component is starting to feel like that was the way to go because they're the same on both sides they're not even not even mirrored they're full full-on symmetrical pieces that would have made so much sense because as i'm going through here as we're adding more detail i just keep grabbing it copying it 40 feet no 30 feet down hindsight as they say that's right that's pretty cool i i mean for what an hour and 15 minutes so far it's pretty good i feel pretty good about this this is kind of a cool model yeah hornox arrived sip and save that he was unable to see uh so much of the building or knocks yeah did i delete it and do it again real quick yeah probably good you've already noted several ways that you could have done this more efficiently that's true but you know okay that's so that's the thing right there right um i feel like learning experiences like any time you do something you have the opportunity to learn from it right this is something you've done a hundred times before if you're paying attention you probably learned something um i feel like i i'm lucky in the fact that when i model i'm challenged with modeling different things all the time that's kind of cool but i feel like every time you model you can get a little bit better at something and that's that's where i get a little bit envious of the people who are modeling uh like the same types of models over and over again because they do get to learn and get a process and i feel like every time i come in here i'm just hacking at something new and and winging it through a whole nother type of model but [Music] but yeah that's kind of cool because being able to learn constantly is in my opinion is kind of a nice nice thing to have so i'll defend your uh you do different stuff every time in the you might figure something out while you're working on a car model that when you come and work on a house you're like oh i could use this technique that i used for that which is a completely different domain too true that that does absolutely happen um sorry it was bugging me that that floor was not i didn't have edges there there we go i like edges at my intersections um yeah i mean it's transferable information for sure you can take data for or experiences from one thing and put them on the next that is absolutely true i guess i could throw some some glass in my windows and a door in the door i didn't do much as far as framing the roof or anything it was just kind of a six inch slab lawrence is confused by the lack of stitching that has occurred as of yet hey sometimes sometimes you stitch sometimes you uh don't there you go sorry i sound like i was going somewhere with that but it was really nothing it was absolutely nothing you know based on previous conversations with you that actually didn't sound like it was going anywhere oh okay thank you thanks for keeping me honest all right i am going to just kind of just gonna make a little little trim there a rectangle here that i'll pull through make that a group i'm going there grab all that fill that with some glass color now i'm going to use i'm going to use a specific because because we're modeling this up in the wood somewhere so i'm going to use the cloudy glass color cloudy reflection glass color yeah that's the stuff blue skies nothing but blue skies there we go i got the blue shirt on so you got the blue sky that's right glad he didn't wear a green shirt everything's looking blue oh that sucks all right so i'm going to keep this i'm going to pull it in a little bit but i'm going to keep it like yeah we'll make it pull it in one inch off of the outside give us a nice little window sill on the inside and again because we got a component i did that once here and oh these ones are reversed they're all reversed okay so let's do this let's let's come in here let's grab everything go find the center of this top piece that put everything back to the outside and now i'll grab this one component go to move and uh rotate it the component the actual container not the geometry inside there we go that puts the window on the outside wow what are the odds already probably not that bad all right a doer similar thing i'm gonna go into the component i'll actually take this geometry right here make a copy of it these are all groups and not components i believe so yep i can take that and modify it to to get me a nice adore and i'll use scale right there probably a little thicker here and i'm not going to model any hinges we're just going to take it and as most cabins should be just slightly ajar so you know teenagers who are lost in the woods go inside because that's what you do when you find a cabin in the woods and you know stuff happens from there i feel like you need the door to be swinging out though right no i'm sorry was that i just think the door should be swinging out that's a fire hazard right there isn't that how front doors go don't they all go in i don't know that's a good question front door my front door goes in that's true last as i mentioned previously last time i watched log cabin being built the door swung out i guess that's possible you know i do know in small smaller structures they will go outside so you always have room to pull them inside um so maybe maybe so it could be a log burner is needed yeah it's gonna be uh it's gonna be cold in there i don't know sameela's wearing a dress she's not not really dressed up too warm i think she's gonna be safe but it's still summer that's actually kind of fun though it would be cool to find some drawings of like an old potbelly stove or something like that um like something with some detail on it that could be a fun model next time uh build out the whole scene yeah all right um i don't know i i'm not a fan of quitting early but uh kind of feel like i i under reached like this is a long weekend that's true that's what what is it about long weekends that make everybody think you should probably knock off early just get those i don't know oh the lawrence is pointing out that those their glasses a little too flat and perfect for considering i made it out of sand i found on the nearby next next to the crick [Laughter] um what else and so ansi said the windows are going to break in the first year the wall will buckle at the window and the door holes and there's nothing to hold the logs in place but other than that other than that it seems great awesome you didn't see i actually think it needs a little maintenance you know i put rebar all the way through here you could just miss that part you didn't model the internal structure because you can't say that anyway that's right no this is a this is a showpiece this is for uh cabin in the woods part two this is totally uh yeah this is this is a luke white lock chris rose warren type model it's primarily fiberglass and foam [Applause] wow was there a chicken at the end of that i don't know how did that get in here get out of here i do like that laugh one of the first pieces we did unpack into the studio was uh it's just to the right of that second monitor there jody if you could hand that to me that's right it's it is essential essential studio gear the rubber chicken was one of the first pieces that we actually had come in here this came in before any cameras um yeah this was like one of the first pieces so i think that's standard right isn't that matt you've been in more studios than i have i think that's how it's supposed to be yeah yeah the uh rubber chicken comes in and sets the stage and kind of blesses the room and um there's like a ceremony and things of that nature but um yeah it's all up or downhill from there all right well like i said you guys i don't really have any more ideas uh and we got a finished product here i'm gonna save this i'm gonna post this um actually i think i have to post last week's too i don't think i ever posted the thing that we did ceiling fan i didn't ever posted that ceiling fan so i'll get that up too but i'm going to call this done right now because i feel good about where it's at and i want to leave into the weekend feeling good about things yes that's awesome so yeah um before we leave i i do want to again i just like to throw out this this request at the end you guys have other ideas i do like the idea of modeling a fairly detailed wood burning or pot belly type stove i think that's pretty cool um not sure if you guys had any other ideas you're thinking of because you've had last week there's some good ideas came out so uh yeah hit hit me with some ideas hit me with some thoughts some some potential models that you would like to [Music] see i'm watching uh law's asking if we usually render it we don't i'm honestly i've done a little i've dabbled in rendering but uh we try to focus mostly on modeling here we've talked a couple times about doing like a live rendering show and now that we have access to things that make rendering a little quicker like real-time renderers that actually sounds like something we could do we could uh we could put together a live model where we focus on that that could be kind of fun um so yeah that's that's uh something to think about for the future oh yeah like stove i do like that a lot that will be that would be a fun one and probably super doable in the time we got uh so high out dude was wondering if we're going to make this model available on the where in the warehouse absolutely um i will try to put it up right as soon as we're done so i remember i'll put up last week's too if anybody wants to copy that or grab a hold of that ceiling fan we did i'll put that up also and then [Music] the links will be in in the forum thread and also on the youtube description as well oh perfect that's great um that's this this is the second time keggie has asked about uh las vegas casino and so he how long did he ask for the uh the opera house sydney opera house that's true so yeah i mean maybe he's maybe he'll wear tyson down yeah he's got a long game i have to tell you guys i did uh back previous job i was doing some some training for some software that the company worked for made and i was training a guy who was an architect and he had a set of plans for the last big job he had worked on which was new york new york in las vegas and the set of plans he had rolled up was i'm not it looks like carpet like like a roll of carpet it was so big it was the thickest set of plans i've ever seen and we flipped through and it was just it was all facade like the set of plans this this had to be two and a half three inches thick roll plans was all just for the facades of new york new york so going around the outside you know there's the initial like sides of the building the four sides as you look at them and all the pieces and then going into detail with how everything was built or painted it was insane the amount of work that goes into those casinos there i mean they're like they're like little theme parks each building it's it's super cool it is it's pretty cool and some people like or dislike uh that place in general but i will say that just for real it is just a very cool what they get built out there so um yeah agreed plus one okie dokie aaron oh whoa that was personalized kitchenaid that would be fun yeah that'd be a cool one that would be a cool one i like that i'm sitting in one oh not the kitchenaid log cabin sorry antsy we're good actually he didn't he didn't say so it could be either one uh etsy could be a very small person sitting inside of a kitchenaid that is possible oh what about the new studio that'd be pretty simple though it would be a lot of warehouse downloads because i'm not going to model most of the stuff in here a lot of it's not very fun well actually i mean any of the gear in here would probably could make its own model but that's a thought too that could be kind of fun it'd be fun to model some of those uh the eggshell sound acoustic foam acoustic foam there we go thank you you knew what i was talking about things actually you didn't know what i was talking about because i was just gesturing and yeah and nobody else can look around this room there's literally three people how about that or that yeah we'd have to we would have to get like get a second camera that a camera person could move around as we model each piece that could be kind of fun too not a bad idea you need like a pov gopro head cam yeah we're going to model more and more overlays over the sketchup window you got you you got the overhead camera of your keyboard and then you got pov man on twitch if you ever watch twitch that's what they got they got widgets and stuff all over and the game's in like in this little tiny section in the middle yeah heart beat monitor heart rate monitor you know um esquadro i'm not sure if that's the right name is asking if the 3d mouse has shortcut buttons it does so this one in particular this is the space mouse enterprise i'm seeing the screen it's a little bit dark but yeah it does it has a screen up at the top that tells you what some of the shortcut keys are but i think all in there's something like 50 shortcuts you can program because you can program some of these buttons for a tap versus a hold what i have on mine is the top 12 buttons are the most common commands i use that aren't already programmed on my standard mouse so my standard mouse has seven buttons programmed also so select line erase rectangle rotate push pull and move are all actually uh gesture buttons on my on this mouse the space mouse then has a whole bunch of undo redo hide uh some shortcut keys for some uh for like sub d and vertex tools which i use a lot as well as like the modifier keys are all on here automatically they're already already set up and then my arrow keys all that is programmed onto the 3d mouse also so one of the nice things about or one of the bad things the downsides of a 3d mouse is once your left hand comes over here under the 3d mouse you don't have a hand on the keyboard anymore so right hands on the drawing mouse left hand is on the 3d mouse so you lose your shortcuts you either have to jump back and forth or you use the shortcut keys on here so some of the other 3d mice that are just that little puck just a little controller in the middle are nice for travel that sort of thing but long term you do suffer a little bit because you lose your shortcut keys you end up jumping back and forth which isn't bad like i said for presentation if if you're solely going to go in and like all right let's walk around this cabin this is pretty hard to beat this is really nice this is a great way to explore a model especially once you practice and go walk in and out of doors that kind of thing and then it's not so big of a deal to lose those commands but if you're doing it to like said put yourself up as the next level of a designer then uh it's nice to have a 3d mouse that has those shortcut keys on it and there's two different versions that have large numbers of shortcut keys there's the pro and the enterprise from space mouse or from 3d connection excuse me there's two buttons i think still in the little puck yeah this the puck has one or two buttons on the side that you can program too all right see if there's any ideas star wars again it has been a while since you've done anything space related yeah i think the uh the hangar we did i did with nick was the last one we did but that's been a couple months that's not we haven't done any star wars in the new studio yet so that's not a bad idea we can basically do start over clean slate [Laughter] um cool all right well i'm gonna go ahead and call it guys uh we're our 45 in that feels like a good place like i said there's some stuff we could do but i think anything at this point adding on is just going to be superfluous to the model so i will get this uploaded i'll put the ceiling fan up also and we will call it for today thank you some great ideas i appreciate all those uh we'll get to some of them um thank you to matt and jody for hanging out with us making sure everything works it's a blast thanks for having me absolutely and uh thank you guys all for hanging out with us we if if it weren't for you it would just be three guys on a hangout call hey we tried that with the podcast yeah so uh you guys have a great week stay safe stay sane next week tyson's going to be here modeling something i don't know what i want to try to get in the habit of knowing what next week's model is so we can call it out that's probably something we should be doing i feel like it's like a better plug it does a little tricky because tyson always feels like he's kind of figuring that out on the thursday before i'm usually prodding him monday tuesday and wednesday to get a model from him so um yeah we'll we'll figure it out though but uh you guys thank you so much for hanging out with us stay safe stay sane and we will see you all next week see you guys bye good job do you like the party [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 6,925
Rating: 4.9053254 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: q5iFczejvho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 36sec (6576 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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