Modeling Adam Savage's Mini Vise Live in SketchUp

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hey guys yeah I know it's it's muted at beginning we give people a couple minutes to get logged on here so rather than just going yeah it's new to jump you know it's a soft transition from that's why it's black and white it's casual it's just like background that kind of stuff so who builds builds anticipation that's right are you guys so anticipated that's not that recent that word hello welcome him I was anticipated but that was just too much milk welcome guys everybody out there is doing well made it to another Friday that's pretty sweet it's good it's good to be here it's good to be here on Friday that's good to be live it's good to be hanging out with you guys this is fun this is the highlight of my week know kind of stinks that it's on Fridays there's nice when it was three days a week there's like every other day was Friday yeah and then the weekends no that part was no good welcome back guys welcome back if you been here before if it's your first time then thanks for joining us oh it's not so sunny endorse it this time all right guys how's it going welcome to Sketchup live we have not met before I'm Erin and the library is Jody hi Judy and we are Sketchup people and we're gonna model some stuff in Sketchup today thanks for joining us it's awesome to see so many people getting on here already this is gonna be it's a little different from what we normally do it's kind of it's in line with some of our stuff it's a little different in other ways because we're not working off of a dimension drawing like we do with a lot of our machine drawings but it's it's and it's also it's kind of interesting this thing about this it's actually the backwards of the normal design process so normally if we're gonna design something we go draw it up if you watch the video that we linked in the forum post up speak much for I'm like jumping ahead because I'm thinking or something I don't know I don't know what's going on but it's cool yeah I try it every once in a while here I think it's this one yes so I did create a post over on our forum forums at Sketchup comm if you're not already there it's a great spot if you're not earlier it's where you should go to get information on Sketchup but this is what we'll be building it was a miniature vise that Adam Savage over it tested formal formal mythbuster Adam Savage over tested made this out of some scrap material he had which is really cool it's a neat little design it kind of falls right in line with a lot of what we do for our machine drawings this one's a little different in that we're not working out for drawing we're actually working off of a couple of screen grabs that I pulled these all out of the video so I put the I think I put the way there's a little bit of there's little bit of dimensions there I see two inches maybe right there beneath right there a niche product yeah so just what is your point two inches perfect so yeah so we'll be working off of that video to actually design this we did get in okay we got a thumbs up Adam and norm over at tested said it was okay for us to use this we're not going to get in trouble we're not gonna test is not going to swarm us the tested SWAT teams not go swarm in and shut us down but this is notably litigious tested group that's that's how they roll man don't mess with tested no they seem like like great guys over there and I think this kind of falls and we kind of fall in line on a lot of stuff that we do I think so yeah gonna be winging it a little bit on this one but it should be fun it should be a good time I actually got a tool for this which is something and normally don't do because like I said we we normally either were kind of designing off a picture and we're it's kind of whatever's good enough or we're designing off of those drawings so we have a very specific values but this time all we have is a picture the only thing that sets scale is a picture of Adam holding in his hand so I did grab some calipers so I'm I haven't met Adam but he seems like a human sized person so I I did meet him years ago at a Maker Faire and yeah he was exactly one human-sized okay perfect so why not help unit because I will assume that he has he had he has hands I've seen them before so I'm gonna assume that his hands are approximately the size of my hands and we will be you know doing things like this to gauge size of how big some things should be it's gonna be interesting I just I just keep looking at that horrific looking injury on this I know I know I felt that like because that whole video if you guys haven't watched the video it's it's it's actually not a very long video it's it's 18 minutes I think and he goes through and just kind of builds it all and then does voice over and he builds the whole thing from some scrap metal that he has and screws he has laying around the shop and I just felt like he just his figures just looked just beat I mean he could tell you he's having fun they got that way because he's doing you're doing something he loves but man yeah he just looks like his hands have been through the wringer I love how you just keep saying scrap pieces of metal and screws laying around his shop to suggest that you know he has things laying around he just has everything in his shop he does if you haven't told me well if it was none if it was me I would be out there like taking the lumber out of a wall I tore down or welding together chunks of a bed frame that we don't use anymore no Adam doesn't do that no he has big thick chunks of steel yeah his scrap is is significantly more than my scrap I'm starting to run low on scrap by the way been designing and building things out of scrap for three months now and my shop is starting to look at deer it's good all right so let's do this so here's what I was thinking of doing so I'm starting with an empty drawing I do want a model like we normally do and I want to I want to model use millimeters as reference but that model at larger scale so we don't run into the small unit size that you know Sketchup struggles with so we're gonna we're gonna model in meters soar model this whole thing significantly larger than it really is but like Adam I'm not going to make my screws from scratch I'll tap the holes in the material but I'm not going to make screws from scratch we're gonna import some screws to start with that we're going to use as reference so here's here's what I was thinking of doing so I'll keep Laura for right now you can actually oh whoa okay so you can actually go and take the big threaded rod which I do believe he made but dad's already modeled for us you could also take the chop saw which apparently Andy is modeled for us done then we don't really need to do anything I was post it and call it a day see you guys all right so here's what I did I downloaded two 440 screws I know Adam had two different size screws but I optimized my design so I'm going to use one one thread size that's four for you so I have both a panhead and a flathead screw that we'll use and then I do have a threaded rod so I took the rod that Dave sent us I scaled it to he be modeled in meters he modeled very large but I scaled it back so I'm going to start by importing these three files the threaded rod and these two screws in the sketch out to begin with we'll take those pieces and then we'll take those and scale them up by a hundred times and then work at a hundred times larger than normal and then scale back down afterwards that's a plan and we're talking about references they said no actual drawings no dimensions anything like that but these are the reference drawings be working from very nice and there's actually a little bit of discrepancy because the throughout the model or throughout the video he does make changes and works works on this thing so this this right here actually looks different and this PC makes right here so we'll have to we may make some changes on the fly too depending on which one of the images we want to match but it's gonna be fun there's some cool pieces in here and you guys know how much I love some like liberty in the design so I don't have to you know stick exactly to what it is I could take I get to play a little bit so that's what we're gonna do I'll try to stick as closely as possible to the actual design though alright so let's go ahead we'll hop into Sketchup and like I say and I'm gonna start by importing I'm gonna go import and I'm going to my desktop pull in these three screws so this is the threaded rod like Jodi pointed out this is something that Dave actually made for us so I'm gonna work off of that and then I will import two screws I got 3d warehouse actually I downloaded one screw or two screws I downloaded a flathead and a panhead and I hold on to grab one more can't can't talk and insert apparently I downloaded too and then I put links to them on our forum some of you guys may have seen it if you were on the forum and then I went and looked at him and they weren't actually screw threads they were just they just went like this like basically I can accordion and I'm like you can't screw that in so I actually downloaded different ones and shared them so yes so I do want to point David good point Adam did work in inches which I that works awesome I mean there's inches are cool I got a problem with inches the reason I like working in millimeters and meters in this case is because it's so easy to scale by a hundred working off of small pieces and then trying to scale up so rather than saying it's one inch call it 10 inches and having to do that math is painful so just working on some loser I heard you saying earlier that you were thinking so I thought maybe that was gonna be just a trend for the day may have been an accident may slipped okay sorry I want to ruin any expectations I know you guys are going talking about it Imperial versus metric I've done it bad that conversation too many times I'm good so let's look at some stuff so these right now these are to scale so you can see against Laura's foot here these are teeny tiny that's why it should be so what I'm going to do right now is I'm gonna draw let's see yeah I'll draw a little square 10 millimeters by 10 millimeters and it'll pull it up 10 millimeters all right so this is just for reference so this is a 10 millimeter 10 millimeter cube I'm gonna go to my [Music] model info units and change to decimal units and I'm going to start with millimeters right now so if I come out here and I draw a line across here it tells me it's 10 millimeters now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna grab all of this I'm going to scale it 100 times now if I check across this right now it says it's a thousand millimeters if I come into here and set my length two meters draw a cross here it tells me that's one meter I want it ten times I go ten times bigger sorry let's go that alright there we go so this should be now a ten meter square all right so use this for making like Space Station parts that's this is gonna be be a tunnel you can walk through right here so now we're scaled up so we are drawing meters as if they're millimeter so I'm going to say the word millimeter but draw meters knowing that when I'm done I'll scale it down by point zero one and we'll have the hand size piece jeez that's confusing I know that's not ideal but it's what we do okay so let's start drawing this thing I'm gonna import an image so I'm going to go to Styles edit little watermarks and I'm going to add in I liked this that I'm gonna bring the one of Adams hand in and put it in the background I'm going to put it in the lower right corner and I'm going to shrink it down and still see the detail I need but not have it get in the front of anything oops I got to put my little you got to put me back up on here cover up a portion of screen so I remember where not to put stuff on the screen there we go Gabe said don't forget to scale the definitions of the screws oh thank you okay so this looks good finish yeah so what's what Dave's pointing out is in what I just did was I scaled the container on the outside and what I need to do is tell it that the content on the inside needs to be scaled up to that size too right now this still thinks it's teeny tiny but the the container is stretched so I'm just gonna right click on it and hit scale definition and to do that for all three of them so that basically automatically scales everything inside the container up to full size with what I got on the screen okay so this as we look at it that that that threaded rod is going to be about that big cool we can make that happen all right so I'm gonna start by again scaling my hand so the whole thing in in Adams hand is no no not that not that small well maybe let's say it's about thirty millimeters wide and then from his ring finger it goes down just shy of his ring bet those hands so I'm gonna say it's 30 by 60 the base of this piece right here just about here say 30 comma 60 you how about this I'll put this on here we'll go side this down just to see how that how that scales out roughly well this is a 3d mouse like game challenged to a line things I'm sure you see in your left hand there Oh son of a gun looks likes to write about the right width but it's gonna be a little longer so let's take this right here sorry I couldn't bite right then all right that looks pretty good I'm gonna I'm gonna say that's about right yes oh hey you know what I should do I should probably save this do it I dare ya I'm gonna try it okay that's good that's cool I like it I like it a lot we're gonna work with that and I do have to apologize I you know no hair swipes today so I apologize if I ruin anybody's game but my my corona cut just got so I don't know I mean it's been a long time since I've done anything other than just spiked my hair up and leave the rest of it that I don't know how people keep hair out of their faces I guess I don't have the proper suite of product but just shave it off some people say that's the solution Jody yeah those people are smart people the only hair in my face is growing out of my chin alright let's let's get this thing in here superglue it seems like a rather permanent solution to a not so permanent problem I really feel like gluing my hair in any particular fashion is going to work alright so that's ten millimeters looks like that could be about right that's a bit yeah and III think again based off this picture I think this piece popping up here is probably 10 millimeters - we'll try that and see how that all looks so I'm just going to go option copy that over 10 and then push pull that up it's gonna at me we're like 15 okay it's like we're in we're definitely in the ballpark that may actually not even be that high though I'll look at some other ones that that's easy enough to push pull that taller if we want to go that looks pretty good it does have a channel running down the middle so I'm thinking that channel let's slide this over right now so the channel does it go all the way through oh no it doesn't I'm looking at some other pictures so on the bottom that you know the bottom channel does go all the way through so there's a groove in the bottom but you can't see in this photo it goes like this that was cut all the way down I mean the groove in the top starts about 10 millimetres in from both ends and runs the length that length so we'll start right here I'm gonna come up halfway and come up five whoops try it again five and looks like it's actually pretty how much that how why did I make this thing it's just 30 so I'm gonna come this way I'm gonna come this way 10 so 10 is gonna be 10 by 10 whoops so there's a 10 10 by 10 square so I'll just copy that stick it right here and then we'll try pushing that down and just check it against an image or two it actually looks like it's a little wider than that so I'm going to take it and I'm just going to push it to this way and to this way that looks about the same as the channel let me let me look at a different image see if I can find I had that pile of pieces that you posted to Jody so there's that there's this a groove and then here's this groove yeah I'm going to wouldn't dig up the video see if I can pick the extra bits fortunately it's tough to be pretty easy to move around once we get it in there so I'm not not too not too stressing about it right now draw a line reference line down the middle and then decide how far to come in this way it doesn't again just using ten as a reference so this is ten this piece is not that wide so I'm going to say maybe this is eight millimeters wide atom throughout titles that he used for all these pieces but I don't remember what they were I'm gonna make the channel the center channel now this this this channel right here and that really only has to be wide enough to put this screw through so I'm not gonna make it oh no I'm sorry it's not it's not that it's the the leg that drops down of the alright I'll be honest I don't know vise parts names this is this this is maybe the jaw of the vise yes by that chance it sounds good to me yeah yeah job I know that I know that jaws something something sharp I don't know sorry okay so so the jaw piece does drop down in here let's go ahead and call it 10 so I'm going to take this line and I'm intentionally not working with reference lines right now because this will actually push pull I guess I could but then I'd have to trace it again but I'm gonna take this one I'm gonna move it up five so that's five off of the center I'm going to copy it down ten alright now I'm gonna come here draw a line down the middle put a circle like this I'll take this piece option copy it down here take this piece option copy the reason I'm option copying rather than moving it is because it's going to distort that lat it's going to distort the geometry if I pull it so by up by copying it I just made a fresh fresh copy there right so I've got a picture of the clamp upside down that I'm putting on the forum so you can you can see it looks like on the bottom there it is I'll pull that up it's very handy as like the last five minutes is him literally going through and just putting it all together okay so it looks like the channels maybe even smaller than that - over like this yeah we're close we're definitely close actually I'm surprised how close it is it looks like this is maybe a couple millimeters too long so I'll shave that back a little bit and then maybe we'll shrink down that this piece ever so slightly so I did something let's drop this down to millimeters three millimeters that's better so I did a dumb thing here I don't anybody caught this but not knowing the exact dimension here I kind of jumped the gun when I made this the issue that I created for myself was taking the outline and bringing it all the way down and letting it tie into this because right now these pieces actually connect here so I'm not going to be able to like move this without destroying geometry fortunately I got I got some ideas about how to remedy that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cover it up like this and I'm going to offset it this whole shape and will offset it like we'll try one millimeter so that's going to take it in two millimeters one from each side and then I can take this shape and bring that to the other side of course that causes a problem because I got a gap in here but I can fix that easy enough just two lines like this and then I can erase that and get rid of all this okay that looks closer to the picture that Jodi just posted in the forum yeah that's good this this piece on the end though this will have to go all the way down to the end to allow the the jaw to nestle all the way to the end so we'll move that down and then offset this eight again and then take this and push this one all the way back to that awesome and now it's run around here cleaning up those extruded edges I created or those push pulled edges nice alright well actually I don't need my cube anymore I can delete that alright so for right now looks like that notch is square actually I did this get squared okay on both ends or just this end just on that end okay so this end is round this end of square easy enough draw a line right up the green axis like this push pull that down you raise some stuff all right there we go all right I'm gonna call that for right now initially I'm going to call that done triple click make that into component I'm gonna call this the base because because you know so that is that initial that's the base piece we had right here it doesn't include screw holes or anything like that yet we'll have to come in and add those in but for right now that's it so let's make let's go ahead and make the jaw real quick here's what I'm thinking for the jaw I'm gonna go back into this group right now and I'm going to grab this piece and copy it I'm gonna come out edit and paste it in place and then I'm going to pull it back ten millimeters and then it looks like it's hard to tell exactly what it's we got going on here I have a feeling that Adam just kind of shaved this off in a way that he thought looked good but I'll come over to millimeters and come down for two to create that piece and I'm gonna grab that and make that a component call that my jaw you know that should be able to slide oh that zero tolerance perfect for chewing the slide yeah yourselves a non-nutritive cereal varnish - what's that a Chevie chase reference Chevy Chase Chevy Chase great stuff great stuff Clark okay so again no screw holes in here yet but that's the the main the meat is blocked up mocked up there all right but now I'm already starting to to have some some feelings about some things primarily this right here so what I'm going to do is I want to move this I want to move it from I'm gonna grab by the middle of the container right here I put the Milda container in line the middle of sorry I got stuck behind my head there for a second okay well no see now we got we got ourselves an issue that threaded rod is too big for that or our pieces are too small for that rod so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab both of these hoping I was gonna find a part where he was actually machining the base than he would say a thickness but yeah I think he just started he talked about like how much material he took off over and over again but I don't know that he ever specifically said a specific dimension anything they said he modeled out at three-eighths inch diameter and three inches long yeah I went in and scaled it outside thread out size thread to 0.375 inches so we should be good so with that if I do that then I can come in here I can push this piece down to here this is kind of what I was expecting this model this modeling process to look like by the way this is not out of where I thought we would be doing this would be to design and redesign a couple times to try to make I'm sorry I just looked for the camera I moved the camera by the way you are now like in front of me rather than over there because when you were over there I kept missing you and now as I look up I'm back over here so I trained myself quick apparently so sorry I apologize for the lack of eye contact and if that ruined the intimacy at the moment at all but all right I think that's good I'm gonna save it we're looking all right we're looking all right it's good it's good okay what is that it's a little line there all right I set in to rappers I don't like that I'm explode one right okay so this is looking good this is looking perfectly acceptable I don't I don't think he's I'm watch as I'm trying to scrub this video and listen to you and him at the same time I don't get the impression that he actually uses official words for a lot of stuff chunks nubbins he you know I thought I liked Adam and that just kind of proved it because accurate technology or technology that's like that's not thing you should have to do that's for people with like pocket protectors yeah you should be all say stuff like stuff okay all right let's put this piece right here this is this there's a chunk right here it's rounded over this brass piece this this little keeper I think he called it good good a name as any so this is eight millimeters wide according to my model there I just drew a I did it again I drew the rectangle rather than and this is invasion of the body snatchers let's one out here I know that's the thing I do and then I'm gonna make a square here that's eight by eight I'm going to take that square copy it over here and then this piece right here I'm gonna pull up to proxy probably this full height right here all right that I can work with now what I want to do is I want to arc over this this is where Adam just sat clamped it in a vise and started filing away I like that kai has has been keeping track of my official technical terms we got a thingy chunk woo Girma flip what's it I have that may be a thing that that's an important one - I don't know that Girma flip has been uttered yet but I'll try to work it in I thought you're over there again I'll try to work that in thanks Kai all right so what I want to do is and this is not absolutely necessary but I want to like try to get some precision in here for it if I can at all I want to start precision this is Sketchup hey I do my thing I want my half circle get him talking talking smack it's an option precision is always an option so is that what it says in Utrecht oh my shirt says I tried it at home because I'm professional it's seltzer water don't worry smells like hops from here I was actually talking to somebody in the office today I said they're gonna they're gonna have to incentivize me entice me back to the office because I got a pretty good set up right here yeah coffee it shows up at 1:00 I got a mini fridge right now I'll put away and it's actually still under 80 right now so everything's coming up me all right so having said that what so I want to get that my arc right there centered so if I look down the side of this I can see that this point right here is the Bulge of the the circle the main circle that made this so I'm going to drag a line pull it straight across until that point and then take that across to here so this line right here is where I want the center of my arc to be so I'll do an arc I'm gonna put 24 sides on this arc cuz I want a nice smooth circle and I'll pull that up so it says like that didn't work now pull that up to a half circle there we go and then just push this piece through and that is ready for some tapping I'm gonna modifier erase to smooth those pieces ooh you guys come on one oh yeah look at okay triple click and make this a new component snake ion twitches wondering if it's easier to pull a line or make a guide he must not know about you and kind I have I have video see here's the thing you guys you can't really call me out on things because everything I do is video well I guess you can actually but I have in several videos used guides before that's I guess really used guys once basically yeah that's exactly how that that came out it's your call guides do not not drawing guys drawing lines is a destructive process so as soon as you go in and draw a line you break whatever line it connects to generally erasing the line afterwards will allow the line to heal but that doesn't always happen there are situations that you can create we're cutting it with a line we'll leave it cut later on so guides are nice because they're non-destructive and they'll stay there so I I do like guides a lot but I'm fighting against about a dozen years of Sketchup use where I never used guides so it's it's my new trick it's kind of like saving regularly it's something I'm working on getting better at hey have you done that lately yes ah dang it like I keep things on you know obviously saw that all right let's all of our major pieces are here let's start let's start making some let's start doing some more stuff let's let's do this I want to put these two so my two button head or whatever you call them cap screws are going to go here and here with a washer so you need I need to make a washer and then I got to figure out how to align this with where I want to put my screw so I'm out of context so this is this is the group I'm going to be cutting as well as this right now I'm just gonna draw a line here and a line here just to create a spot where I want want meit's this is basically me drawing with a marker on top of the steel that I'm gonna go manipulate your iron can you see these mid I cast iron yeah yeah that was part I was watching this him with this big old chunk of engine block or whatever it's funny too because I keep I keep looking this thing and I keep forgetting just how tiny these things are this whole thing did swell inside of his cupped hand so I mean mines obviously it's it's several meters tall so you could actually this is Laura Laura can walk underneath it right now but maybe that'll be Adams Monument one day to celebrate the life that was Adam will make an enormous gigantic vise enormous mini vise okay so so I got I marked out where I want to put my two screws so now I got to actually take my screws and put them there and this is cool this is so this is something that's in 2020 and I'm just every time I use this I love it a little bit more but I'm gonna go to move and when I go to move one of the snap points I get is well I guess is the origin so it's really not that weird but I could also I guess a kind of yeah so I'm gonna grab by the origin which is the center of the screw right there when I flip over this is this so cool it turns translucent so I can see where I'm placing that and I'm gonna place it right there and then I'll just make a copy to here and then I'll take both of those and I will move them vertically like that alright so I'm looking what that does so Adams taps this and these screws actually carry all the way through they come out the other side so we need to account for that we also now is when we want to account for the washer to that top piece actually is brass though yeah it was he's a liar yeah the rest the rest of it is how thick is a washer in in millimeters like a teeny little machine washer it looks like what you're doing me your fingers looks about right yeah this this much oh here let me just only measure let's see oh that's what they're that okay that's about where they were now this is a thing I realized I want is like some digital calipers that let me whenever I measure it it automatically sends that data into oh could I put a Bluetooth on here somewhere yeah send the sketch up repeat it does have a digital readout but it doesn't do anything with those numbers it also doesn't turn itself off automatically all right I wouldn't I recently I think I had that exact same set because I just recently bought a box of the batteries it uses yes every time I pick it up I'm like oh then work you know a company that thoroughly enjoy the gets gets a kind of a hard time is the the Harbor Freight and I know they sell some local these stuff but I buy that's where I bought a thing of watch batteries like 40 different asserted size button batteries for like 4 bucks and yeah I've been using them in all kinds of stuff it's super handy updates that that piece is bronze not brass and speaking of Harbor Freight the chop saw that Adams actually creating this vise for is from Harbor Freight I saw that I didn't get a chance to watch his I got I got intimidated because that that other videos like an hour long so I just haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it but I saw that chop saw and I was like do I need that like there's got to be a reason that I need a micro chops I mean he looks like he made a decent case for it but yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure if it actually I couldn't I couldn't quite figure out what I was gonna do what I would use before yeah and as he pointed out he has he has two of them and he hasn't really used him like eight years but I'll said he needed one and so he's getting one and making it into this and use the other one in spare parts but yeah since he's got one of everything in his shop anyway yeah at least and a place to keep him all right so I just made a circle that was six millimeters wide and then I threw a circle inside that that's three and I'm just gonna pull the whole thing up one well knew how about play five and I'm going to make that a component and I call it a washer and then I will move it over using the midst midpoint right here to here I actually don't need my guidelines anymore because they're they don't need to be there alright now I can take these to drop them vertically right on top of that washer oh I so everybody they're talking about whether or not you need a mini chops on I want to point out because I carry around a multi-tool without a Leatherman it's always with me and I people like do you even use that thing and that the truth is once you have the tool you find a reason to use it well they'll be traveling so much stuff the reason I was thinking about it is because you know some miniature stuff is fun to make and it's fun to have that but I had that mini table saw and I built a sled for it and since I did that I'm trying to think if there's anything I would need to pull down and chop it I couldn't just throw on the sled and run across the table saw so I don't know yeah neat he really emphasized that this things for steel well maybe that's it maybe I don't I don't really work a lot of Steel so why do you need steel feet and just cut a piece of wood and paint it silver right oh structural stacking obviously okay so that is called a drill master mini bench top cut-off saw and it's 35 bucks American yeah so that's it's pretty easy to justify meeting that then yeah you know the term as soon as the term need and the term tool are put together I get skeptical just because I mean not you can say you want a tool that's usually I think the way it goes is is how you need a tool when you're doing a specific thing and there's no possible way to do it other than have that tool so pliers are a need thing right Oh see yeah this see harder hard to go back to work thank you but yeah mini chop saws your sixth or seventh plane I'm sorry nom Jodi may have said he just bought a plane recently yeah two actually yeah I've spent more money on hand planes in the last two weeks and I spent on my first car no I'm saying nothing I like admitting that I'm saying some of that just to kind of spur you guys on because I got no problem with tools I you can't see it from here but I'm as I'm talking about this I'm looking over and going one two three four five six that one's still covered in plastic haven't used that you had yeah it's it's it's a guy thing I mean Lee Nielson I got a I got a block plane and a bench plane for a nap at four and a half alright I kinda wanna best implode them right now all right so I need to do something here these screws are good I don't want to mess with these screws they're actually like the perfect length these are exactly what they should be where they should be but what I need right now is I actually need a cutting surface that will go all the way through both these pieces like this so what I want to do is I'm gonna keep one of these as is so this one's gonna stay right here and I'm going to take this one and I'll just explode it since everything else is a group when I explode it oh this is gonna be so much easier than I even thought look at this here let's grab all this stuff and hide it and I can hide this and check this out look how this was was broken apart ah I got to go ready to note I gotta go find some warehouse and thank whoever did it because they just made my life so much easier because what I can do is like delete this piece delete this piece oh look at this thank you thank you thank you okay so now I can just grab this piece option move it straight up boom we'll do that like 4x I just created a beautiful cutter so I'm gonna grab all those make those into a group and because I put because of where I just put them to those threads are going to align perfectly with the existing where the screw is so the screws will be the same spot speaking of which actually I'm going to grab this one and move it let me see my hidden geometry where's my cutting line there we go I'm gonna move down one more one more drop one more down all right now I'm going to take all of those explode those and now I got to make this into a solid so I can cut it so I'm going to cook at the top and hopefully just as simple as that and on the bottom that alright let's check it for solid got some issues oh yes oh yeah hmm and back up several status snitch this is one of those times people always one ask for like a nudge functionality and Sketch up a mat that's the time that I want to know is something like that yeah don't know how to nudge things in three dimensions so what I need to do I was not very careful about this I'm gonna grab it by this point right here option stay vertical I constrain to the vertical and click to right there what if you show hidden so that you can actually see the that's great idea edges that didn't quite line up still so use the default object rotation view for your your mouse right yes you only use one why they're not work so close so it's just looks like slightly uh like you can match that looks like you can match the triangles right yeah I might be able to go vertical I gotta find a good spot to snap to and from so if I drop straight down from here right yeah a good spot where II snap for me snap for me oh it's because you're too small you should scale this up by another thousand me all right before I go do this well I can't kind of can't I don't want hidden objects on just hidden geometry so what I should be able to do now actually and I was doing this a dumb way hold up nope nope actually a dumb way wait then wait smart way which is it think of how to do this it causing myself the least amount of pain because I know you guys are all for that let's watch Aaron hurt himself I'm kind of thinking what might be the smart thing to do is come in here delete all of this something like that and then what I can do is I can take this piece copy it to right here I mean here is the place no this guy go down another one well this is what I thought I thought I was saved of having to do this because of the way that the component was put together turned out I was incorrect so now if I come in here I know that anything beyond this can be got rid of can you use cleanup to do the face merge yeah and then I will merge it back together will clean it up once we merge it oops Racing you're racing erasing what what did I do what am i doing unless I'm erasing through is I'm erasing stuff on the back side I think because these pieces shouldn't shouldn't be gone not big not a big deal all right so if I do that and I can get rid of all right go to component hide similar components do we not like they'd screw OD screws good day screws right here yeah this is my other piece alright so there now I can take this option copy that straight down and we'll do that for X 6x you know didn't didn't catch it I'll move that down again 2x and I think we want to take it up too just to be a little extra option copy it up to X now that should all align there's that word should I'm going to take all of these you should put it all over the place I am real should head today explode that looks like everything healed perfectly now I just got to let me I mean view my hidden objects ooh that's pretty close on the bottom but it's it'll work all right so I'm gonna go to that that lowest part that I have geometry and then whoops I need to come up with a I like that in 2020 I think eyes have used that at all hidden objects versus hidden geometry I like it a lot but I don't have a shortcut for it so it's not it's not working for me it's not do anything for me yet that's the tricky thing with new tools I'm gonna find new shortcuts one what I'd like to add just ketchup is voice commands so you just when you're muttering to yourself speak that's all your own Matic ladies it's like oh there you go speak up wasn't that a fourth of July Romina a probable thing was it yeah what was it going to be no it was and we released that video that was really something all right so I'm going to take this piece right here intersect face with model no actually I'm just gonna take both of these command X go in context paste in place and then intersect base with context that should break it so now I can just get rid of this this and should be able just grab that and delete it that can delete it the same thing down here delete this face and this face and I know I could run cleanup at this point but I really feel I do that when you could just click with an erase refer the next five minutes no that's what that's my this is my learning point my teaching if I just cut the end off so it breaks the line from the rest of the geometry then I can just double click Oh teaching moment nice delete triple click delete okay now let's check and see if this is solid okay and now that's a chunk of cast iron didn't have the same flow it doesn't doesn't work same way alright so I'm gonna now what was I gonna do save I'll save cuz I don't remember what I'm doing next oh that's gonna be my new default behavior if I forget what I'm doing out save because there's a good chance something's gonna break in a minute right right so so correct me if I'm wrong all you smart I was talk to them not not you okay sorry that wasn't very nice okay Crick if I'm wrong all including Jodi this piece right here should be threaded this piece right here should have a hold that clears the threads correct that will when you screw this screw down then that will cinch this brass piece down to this piece is that correct yeah yeah that's plan yeah that's a whole purpose for that that bolt right right right dates it correct as well in case you want to hear someone else correcting you I would have believed Jodi okay so that means I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this piece right here I'm gonna go turn on solid tools and I'm going to say trim not subtract trim that out of this piece and thinking thinking thinking done all right now I'm going to take this screw right here I'm going to move it over to right here then I'm gonna grab this threaded rod that I'm using as a cutter slide it the reason I'm swapping them back and forth is because I want to use that same placement point so by snapping to that middle point I'm saying stay relative to the hole so now I can do the same thing I can select this one I can say trim that out of this and with that I think I'm for right now done with that 440 threaded rod when I grab this screw I can bring that back to here should be look up here and see screws in there yeah there's my screw ends down here the threads line up perfectly so the last thing I need to do is come into this put a new circle so from the midpoint here midpoint here come to where they join up 1.5 millimeter hole before I push pull it I'm going to copy it put it over here in the middle push that down the bottom double click here click out Oh I love it when stuff comes together I like the idea duman's with clear pieces so maybe you could make one of these just out of acrylic that would be not very effective at clamping it so great first time you know we need to look at you mentioned that but one of the things I really thought was cool I don't know if he's talked about how he made it in a one day bill but one of the things on adam's video that he had was a his tap guide he had a piece of acrylic with with holes they were perfectly perpendicular so when he slid his tap in he assured that he was tapping straight that I thought that was pretty cool yeah I had that like for woodworking not for tapping but just for like if I'm freehanding doing a drill just a drill guide to keep it straight in fact using it for taps was just brilliant yeah that was pretty cool and he kept using cooling liquid which I don't know if that's officially what it's called I mean it's what it did like the idea of just having a jar of cooling liquid I think is that like cutting he says the same as cutting liquid probably fluid to it yes okay while I'm while I'm in this while I'm doing this while I'm rolling this way I'm just go ahead and grab this piece my big threaded rod and just say trim that out of my keeper did you did you talk about your 3d mouse kit Anand rhoann I don't think so look I think it's I think I deferred away from it but this right here which MC is not very well lit I needed I need a non-black tabletop right here this is a 3d mouse specifically the space Mouse enterprise from 3d connection connection is 3d co NN e x io n because technology and what this lets me do is this lets me move in 3d space rather than using the standard commands you would use in Sketchup so rather than using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out or hold down the middle button to spin around in orbit this allows me to actually just move in full 3d space using my left hand so it's real nice because for one thing it grants me these nice smooth moves like this so I can that's right so I don't have to you know this this is the standard zoom process that we're all used to in Sketchup and it works awesome it's fine it's great used it for years and years but if you're doing a lot of presentation the 3d mouse lets you create these nice smooth zooms the other thing it does is it leaves this mouse free so while I'm spinning around 3d space I could be come up here to click to in the next command I want I can select and let's you right-click and then pull up a command that way so it kind of doubles the amount of work you can do with your hands the larger 3d mice like this one actually have programmable buttons around it too because one of the things you lose with your left hand not being on your shirt on your keyboard is your shortcut keys so with the 3d mice they get more expensive when you add buttons but it means I rarely when I'm in the design mode I rarely have to take my hand off of the mouse so it's a it's definitely a time saver for me right Munna everything's looking squared up everything's looking beautiful I'm gonna keep moving through here I'm gonna put I'm gonna move on to my my my jaw that's what I called it so since I since I was scrubbing before that's the moving moving jaw moving job and this is the immobile job no no wait which one are we talking about the one that's mobile is moving and they don't he didn't even call it John it's just like the base or something like that stupid stupid just the base right yeah so one of the things that is difficult about working with threaded pieces is well like here let me let me turn off x-ray and let's just look at the end of this piece so there is what is almost a circle it's just off of being a circle but it's right here the problem is this face right here isn't the center of this threaded rod the center is more like over here somewhere instead of right here in the middle of circle because that circle as you take cuts that circle moves around like this up the rod that's how threads work so it can make it difficult to work with it so that's why actually when I place this I decided that everything is basically getting built around that as far as how everything is going to interact relatively so this is lined up with the center of all this in this direction as I look at it here this direction vertically I found the middle and I used it right here on this piece remember so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to draw a line from here over to my moving jaw and now this line if I put this line straight across like this that didn't that didn't it didn't line up right did that wrong there we go green axis that and this so that's the center of this piece and the center of the outside most threads of the rod that gives me the center of this mobile jaw as far as where I want this piece to come into it because what happens on the end of this I want to look at a different picture is this see that right there that's we got to put on the end so it's like and the unthreaded rods were turned down so it had a smooth piece and then has a little notch in here that a set screw goes through this hole and traps that in place so we need to get get that geometry created so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with the hole in this piece so I'm going to grab those lines I just made I'm going to cut them I'm gonna go in context I'm gonna go edit paste in place now I'm gonna put a circle in here I have no idea how big of a circle to make though let me let me hop out real quick turn on x-ray start drawing my circle right here so if I was to come across from the other side so I turn it down something like basically wanted to be as big as the thinnest part and then screw inside it yeah so if I went like three and a half millimeters now let's try that do a circle I must say three point five let's just take a look at that before I start push pulling holes and stuff okay that'll work we got we got we got enough meat there to make that happen all right cool so let's keep going with this piece so that'll have we'll put that other piece in that goes there and then this screw so this got confusing I got really confused about how this worked but what happened was he had this flat head screw that went into there's a little little brass piece that sits outside here in this in this groove but that screws up through the brass piece into this but before that piece there's a smaller chunk of screw that goes in those threads that locks this piece in so there's actually two screws going through one threaded hole I thought that was kind of kind of cool and very interesting so let's do that so the first thing I have to do is I have to get my piece under here so I'm going to I'm just going to make it a square and I'm just going to line it with the center of this piece so I'm gonna come in here with a rectangle option to go to the middle and then I'll just pull that out till I it's 14 by 14 and then that's gonna get pulled up to here actually just pushed in like maybe I'll say half a millimeter half a mil smidgen just a touch all right then we have a hole drilled in there so I'm going to come in here and this is this this may end up wandering a little bit off of Adams original design because I I actually grabbed the same threaded screw size as the rest this is a 440 screw also I think he used a little bit different size screw than what I got so I'm gonna grab this see where this screw would line up if I centered it with this block something like that I'm gonna put these I don't know what this is called I'm gonna call it a kind of like a nut what take what you mean square let's take these two pieces and put them in their own group that way when I go into context with just these two everything else goes away all right so just as a ballpark it's about three so what I want to do is put two circles in here one of them is three across one six across this one's going to cut all the way through like that and that is just wide enough to allow my threads to go through it's the same hole size I used back on the keeper piece the other brass piece copper bronze what was it shiny goldish color bronze bronze isn't bronze like brownish I don't know it can be if it's got a patina on it I just want things to have patinas just because I'd like to use the word patina it is a fun word is a very fun word to say all right so what I just did was I took my screw and I want this too this is making my countersink hole now I want that to drop below so this is where I want that screw to fit in this sit in this block so what I'm gonna do is grab this right here I'm gonna start dropping it vertically you can unhide the rest of my stuff so it's gonna drop to about actually I can I can like that snap to right there but then I'm gonna need to make this one a little bigger someone hit scale option make that wider so that there we go now my screw fits right inside that countersink hole ooh that's looking cool well hey yeah I could tolerate that I'm very tolerant to this particular model we've got going on you just you just always got it it's got it there's no off button some people got it some people aren't Jody all right so now I know x-ray can get kind of complicated but what I'm gonna want to do now is I'm gonna want to figure out where that screw comes here and thread a hole from where that screw comes in all the way up into this hole so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use again I'm using the same threaded rod as a cutter because I want to cut the same size hole so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this by a point on the thread and I'm gonna come over to this and put it in the similar spot on the thread there we go I would do the same thing I did before in temporarily group I'm gonna grab actually I should go explode that I take this group and explode it so my my screw am I not are separate I'm going to temporarily just for the sake of making it's easier to see I'm going to grab this piece and this piece make it a group that I can click in here everything else goes away so I lined this this threaded bolt up with that screw so I know the screw holes I put in there will be perfect for where it's sitting right now so I'm gonna grab this piece I'm gonna say trim that out of this piece cut cut cut all right now I can explode this and take my cutter slide that off over here and then let's look at where that screw goes to okay so right now my screw right here makes its way up pretty decent chunk in here so I'm about to pull that back that's a little too far because I need room for a smaller like a it's like a set screw that goes up into here I want to have enough space for it to grab a couple threads and then lock into the rail that's going to be on this piece so what I'm gonna do is go in here now let's see if this is let's make it easy for me alright so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take this screw and get a little confusing but just just just bear with me I'm gonna make a copy of it and start moving it up I'll line it with come on man break your break through too much there you go so we got two copies this one's sitting way up in there this one's down lower I'm gonna take lower one and here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna take the middle piece delete it out slide this piece right back down like that and now my set screw I was taking advantage of that file that I happened to download sits like that problem is I did that to a component so my one up top got shortened to undo undo undo make unique let's make this guy that sticking up out here we'll make him the unique one and then do that again alright delete the middle select that piece move that vertically perfect all right so yeah little little tiny set screw in there now this piece right here I'm gonna have to mess mess up a little bit I think I'm just gonna need this right here I'm gonna go I'm gonna leave the reservation for just a second I'm going to get a little bit kooky with my plants here cuz I don't know what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna make some things up how are we supposed to follow along with this so I'm gonna close off the end to start with and then on this end all right so here's my component right now I'm going to go draw a circle right here pull this out point seven five millimeters and extend that up like that that length may change in a minute then I'm going to come over here [Music] I don't know how wide to make this so I'm just gonna start by just making it but I'm just making I make it basically making a screwdriver slot keep it centered by work say just yeah just put slot in there totally agree with that we're a hex little hex hole yeah there's lots of rectangle that's easier I guess right so I take this let's subtract it from this subtract it and this there we go whoops whoops hey hold up hold up now I didn't I didn't finish I'm gonna take these two this which actually I think I wanna you know what I need to unhide everything else that's way that my work make that a group and I'm gonna take these two pieces make them into union them and then I'm gonna drop that down a little bit we're gonna go I'm gonna grab a piece on the thread again it's turned sideways just a little bit so there's less interference I'm gonna drop that vertically there we go so now in one screw hole we have this piece down below that's holding the nut in the rail keeping our moving jaw from moving and above that we have a homemade set screw that we just cut a little slot into that's going to come up and ride in this little piece that we have yet to make exciting you know it's funny because I was looking this going man there's only like five or six parts on there it's and it's as funny as the threads you're not even doing but there's so many manipulations of the threads to actually accomplish it so it's yeah it's still a beast all right let's uh let's finish off this guy right here so I'm gonna come in here you should have save and check your hair and drink some water perfect why don't you just pour the fizzy water into the coffee why isn't there fizzy water coffee I bet there is isn't there I've heard of carbonated coffee it feel like that's a thing right right baby I don't not believe you that's right someone leaked that's what I do not believe all right well thank you I guess I don't know I hope try figure out how to reference all right there we go so this is the location of my little keeper a little nub thing so I'm going to take it I want to make sure it goes all the way down to the inside of this piece because what I want to do is just use follow me to cut it out there we go so they're inside of this piece I just drew that little rectangle I think there's kind of a chamfer on it yes before you do that I need you both yeah what so I'm gonna take this circle is this me the same process because I'm you just follow me oops it smoothes my edge there there we go grab that circle follow me with this that gives me the groove right there and then we do the same thing we could round off that end it's actually like round or is it just mmm it's teeny hard to tell me the bigger zoom your version well let's do this I'm gonna come here point seven-five drop-down 0.75 and now I have the option of drawing a line straight across which will just give me that just chop the end off or then take an arc like this yeah that arc looks nice well round it and then all I have to do is this is nice thing about the 3d mouse too it's really easy to hop inside of stuff now and grab the circle say follow me click right there and there we go that rounds off the end but triple click that actually I don't even care about the rest of it I really only want to smooth out just that end piece I made that really high poly there does that mean to use quite so many polygons apparently I click something but I wasn't intending to click oh you know why hold on I'm gonna back up I got because when I did that half circle I used 24 sides so that's just in that same little teeny tiny miniscule little little section I just did the same thing I just put a whole bunch of cuts there I don't need that much so I'm gonna go to end of the info I'm gonna drop it from 24 to like 4 not to work just fine then grab that again follow me there we go and I was just trying to scan back and figure out if we had good picture that we in fact do not but he calls that bronze thing the thread I think is the bronze thing or maybe it's the bolt thread carrier for the vise no this thing I think so yeah I would buy that that's that make sense all right so now we got my little guy locking locking this guy in here awesome yeah yeah yeah [Music] is that all done this is all of this [Music] just got to make a placed on the input to handle I guess yeah the handle actually looks like the funnest thing the model on this thing yeah we started having angles that are 90 degrees it's rounded on one end and squared the corners knocked off oh actually speaking of course knocked off he did knock the corns off this little brass piece so I'm gonna do that as well I'm just gonna come back did you watch 0.5 did you watch the whole video I did cuz like at the end he actually goes through and like blues the hit to handle pieces by just setting it in superheating it I've never seen that before it's like magic I've discolored metal before in my attempts to solder but that is really cool so I'm just just a 1/2 millimeter 45 just to knock those corners off oh yeah that's the stuff whoo I like it all right now it's handle time click spring that's what he that's what he Adam was talking about that - Thank You Chi you just talking about click spring and I mean I'm honestly I haven't done any machining or anything like that myself other than fighting those machining drawings and modeling them and Sketchup so whole concept of machines kinda kind of new to me I would like so he mentioned clickspring so then I went and looked it up and was already subscribed apparently clickspring does not post new things on a regular basis or YouTube does not reveal his newer things to me all right so I got some extra rod here it looks like I could pull this back about 25 millimeters and still have plenty of space to screw this snug so I'm gonna come in here come this way 25 actually let's just say 20 let's let's let's leave a little bit of extra space there like that so we gonna reverse that face grab all of this and intersect that with the selection you know it's funny like I mentioned this last week Jody we were well actually I told you it was going on I was having some problems with my computer like I it kept lagging in weird spots that I wasn't expecting it to have problems and I found out and there was it was funny because we had just we just launched our discourse like earlier that day or the day before discord and I found out that the problem was my discord page for whatever reason was using like a hundred and forty percent of my CPU uncool yeah so I installed the actual app which seems to be pretty robust it's working fine for me yeah I've been have you guys anybody on the chat have you guys been using playing with playing on discord at all Kyah near the only ones I'm seeing over there good job guys and IARC actually even shared a link to this over in the tested discordant but nobody showed up from there you want the mayhem yeah forget those guys so again working with threaded rod the tough part is fine in that middle so I'm just using this end which I know is what I'm what I'm assuming I'm centered around drawing a line down this end and now I will come in here and because the this end same thing has kind of a tapered piece it's not tapered a rod that just sticks out so we'll go to point 5 and I'll have that stick out I don't know something like that all right now now all right now we need to create a rectangular piece so this just only had it just has one flat spot on it right that's all it ended up with I think I'm gonna I'm gonna draw out here something - I'm gonna start with a rectangle around the middle and I'm gonna make it ten by ten I'm gonna put a circle here in the middle which I'll delete out and I'll just push pull this back five I think my main takeaway from this Adam Savage video is that I want a Bridgeport milling machine I mean I'll have to give up half my garage an entire car slot but I think it'd be worth it for me to periodically make things that I make absolutely no money from doing I think I can get my wife on board that was sound tool guy logic right there as we were talking about before all right so I'm going to take that I don't have a good idea of how long this is so I'm just gonna go with 30 and it kind of looks like this is wrong I think the corners are just knocked off on this end and then the end is rounded on this end it was not symmetrical I don't think yeah I just got to the point where that's still just a four-sided chunk before he Mills it into something with a little more aesthetic pleasure all right well I'm gonna go ahead and start knocking corners off you figure out what the ends look like oh he didn't really go into it it's just like you know it's very much like that far side coming and then the miracle occurs that's exactly what happens oh good so the end that's gonna help me and all is rounded all the way around right man in and in you've got the little champers cut between the two holes that are drilled for the respective things and it looks like he probably took the corner off but didn't really round it close to the bowl it's just knocked off okay yeah we can make that happen I'm gonna take I take that shape right there flip it over like this and I'm going to take of that piece right there I'm going to flip that over here alright now this that's shape right there then I will take and rotate like that and then I will rotate in the next corner rotate on this side that should go all the way around like that beauty and now I can just delete these four lines out and I'm aware I know I have holes but we'll get to that so I'm just gonna go like this and like this and I could right now grab those three pieces and use this as a center and rotate it around but this is as close as I'm gonna get to stitching on this model and honestly it's six lines so I know I'm I would say like three or four clicks but not gonna didn't lock you could loft that and then I like that I make this series of videos and make it the most complicated way to do something could possibly can let you draw a line across it a triangle make it full but you could also loft it looking pretty good alright so I'm going to round this off this is a half circle I'm gonna start with an arc with like 12 oh I need 24 I'm gonna move it back here on my half circle in like that then grab this piece and move it back to there push that through like that alright and I can smooth that and like we're saying right here it looks like the corners are just knocked off so I'm gonna come back a millimeter drop down a millimeter yeah there's just not enough meat to do anything besides snip that corner awesome so this too has a set screw so what happened with this piece is he actually just and he said this they didn't show it but he said he just put a flat on there like that and then stuck a set screw in here on the end so we'll do the same thing we did before I'm gonna actually steal hide this temporarily copy that I'll put that at nine degrees and I think I'm gonna make this unique because I don't think he actually come on double-click there we go I don't think he actually had and basically that was the set screw here which makes sense that's all I really need so I'm gonna take that I figure out how to I'm gonna move it move option no modifier oh there you go I'm gonna move it by the center of this face I'm gonna put the center of that face there and I'll move it down to the center like that and then I can move it into the piece by starting here move it straight through till it hits the flat right there and that is then flush so that that would be locked in like that so that's cool but I still got to cut the threads out of here so I'm gonna go back to my my cutting rod right now and I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees I'm gonna grab it by a thread again right there line it up there we go so it runs all the way through perfect I'm gonna put these two pieces into a group just two just two oh yeah that's not even a component let's look better do that this is the arm of the handle right because the hand will be a piece on the other end all right so what Jim a jig what was that thing you call Chi I forgot what it was oh I'm gonna take my reading scroll scroll down visibility oh yeah that was a while ago now make these into a group so I can come in context grab this guy and I'll just subtract it no I just mentally cutter I want to keep it I use it one more time there we go and explode that get out of the way all right so there's my Oh there you go one hard side down there so I'm gonna unhide all the edges with that face there we go there's that set screw put in place oh we're almost there all right now I got a little follow me handle that one there's no detail on that weighs yeah it's that one set up so that it can basically spin or is it tight in the hole right dealer's choice all right I'm gonna copy this flathead screw oh you know what now that I'm here I kind of wish I had maintained that original screw actually I can do it I need it ain't it ain't it I'm gonna say I'm gonna import that same screw because member was originally longer I took the middle chunk out and squished it but now I need it to be a little longer it's got to go through all of this and into this piece over here so I'm gonna say file import I grab my flat head come on in flat head so I went and we're just looking at the video and it looks like basically you've got a handle and then you've got a bolt going through that that goes into a nut inside of that piece of the bottom so that the nice grippy bit does will spin on a smoother yeah that's what Dave just said too long sigh look at the picture of the oh oh yeah yeah yeah so there's there's no so this is just a smooth hole and the tap is in the handle yeah okay so we're seeing right right alright so I'm gonna do the same thing I don't know this is long I may actually to make this longer I'm gonna take this and I'm going to move it again so I'll move it from the origin I'm gonna line this up boom right at the end of my arc and then vertically at that point right there and then if I move that we'll just see how if I just move that so it's flush to the face without countersinking not quite long enough so even if we do countersink that just a touch that's not very much for you and you can actually see it sticking out there so it does countersink in a bit but we're gonna have to make this longer so let's start by making it unique I don't know it because it's I imported is it a new instance at this point all right I'll take this end slide it out of the way grab this piece right here duplicate it and option copy that over that this one bring it on back yeah and it's longer just like you do in the real world that's how screws are made longer it's top screw lengthener I don't think that's true well so I mean metal if you get hot enough right it stretches it's better wood in that regard that's true you know it's interesting because one point five I think I made a three piece of place offset that I'm gonna offset that one pull this one all the way through so while I'm not an engineer myself I have worked with engineers and one things I found interesting to learn was that we did a lot of residential construction and steel is interesting because steel works until it stops working then it just fails so like you're crushing a piece of light gauge steel it's it's good it's good it's good it absolutely fails Wood on the other hand will kind of flex and they'll be like oh you can push it 25% past where it can still work and then let go and it'll go back to where it is it's a interesting stuff I was sure material sciences are cool to get into but yeah engineering is not my thing I said that the konk were to expand well expand it I guess it's not apply anymore to feet during flight it's crazy about that how'd you like to be the guy on the outside the plane trying to measure that to be longer yeah that theory is that like that sounds like theory according to our calculations me to make sense I get it yes I always like to visualize how we how we've confirmed these theories all right so I'm doing the same thing I'm gonna take that whole push that in I'm gonna grab this one scale it from middle until it's big enough to allow that screw with a little bit of clearance Clarence Clarence all right that should work now maybe we'll come in here we'll make that one more longer hide the rest of my model I don't need that I don't need x-ray either this is the most x-raying I think I've ever done in a model that wasn't like you know looking for there we go yeah that looks better okay we can put a handle on that I'm actually gonna hide this for right now and I'm going to use that for once that comes out about now I did something wrong that's not straight try again buddy Oh neat you bent it stay on the green exit this time all right we're gonna come out hustle too long well 15:15 looks good all perfect come down eight you know we always end up sooner or later talking about new shows that we found yep yep and I just recently was lucky enough to be gifted from Apple say that tongue-in-cheek because anybody who buys an Apple product gets this a year free of Apple Plus which I have looked and seeing what's on the Apple plus plus channel there's just not a whole lot there but one of the things that's there is a show called mythic quest no.1 by Dan Harmon it's it's pretty funny it's a yeah who's on he's like that thing is kind of lived a life through several different places at this point I think it was on I was wondering if it's if it's like something that's because they the idea of it is all the characters work at a video game company kind of it smacks of Silicon Valley a little bit but it's a it's really a super fun show especially if you've ever worked in software of any kind oops oh wait no this is a different beast when I was thinking I've even made this yeah well I'll just check it out I'm gonna only watched the first few episodes of Central Park but we're big Bob's Burgers fans my son really likes such a park so we'll have to have to check that one out it's fun it's definitely a fun one I don't know if you can watch it anywhere other than on Apple Apple TV yeah I don't think so but you can watch Apple TV in a browser so you could that's true watch it wherever but yeah it's it's definitely I said it's very very Silicon Valley feels a lot like that but it would have thread inside of that handle you know with that to be smooth well I thought it threaded in the handle was smooth through this piece no no no it threats the hint the handle itself is its own smooth beast without a thread so they can spin on the shaft and then there'll be a cap let's see if it's in the picture there phew so if you look at the like in the picture on the forum post that little cat there at the end is just the bolt head one of the keys a bit girlie top hold on I'm celebrating okay this weekend go back alright alright look at ya so there's the cat there's the bolt head on the other side of that bead the consensus is it's like a laid handle and so that piece that bead looking piece is all smooth oh so this is a bolt down this straight down here yeah goes through the that thread is super long it's bolted on the thread there it's smooth in there and then it's a thread inside of the inside of the arm okay so you might not even need the thing it I see it I see what you did yeah I don't you might not even need anything at the other into that that maybe it just basically screws into that handle gosh no that's how I like my design rack are your threads don't match that way like as you tighten it it gets tighter and tighter and harder to turn so it holds it in place instant cross threading you know you have to try we cross thread so you don't have to all right so am I right in saying that there's do something like this could work right and I mean because I don't know what you're talking about is a late panel well I like a link I didn't use the handle use on that well yeah you I don't have one your kids love you so the only reason I can that I'm pretty certain about the the fact that the bead looking piece the handle is as clear as when you look at it in the heat treating process he did he doesn't have that cap on the end that cap was added error as the bolt goes through it so I could sew this this so would it be like this with a hole just straight through so am I talking about like now that handle is done and then out here there's a separate piece so this little circular part right here is just it just sits outside okey-dokey so what makes sense to me would be that this would be a bolt like a panhead bolt that goes through the through that BD handle and I mean it just tightens into the arm but isn't this a business thing so you think this is just a tapped hole right here and not a screw probably that's where I'm swear I'm starting to get as I've actually applied pot to it instead of just browsing the internet while you're doing whatever you're doing over there or I could just put a nut right here that wouldn't fly works in that too if only Adam were in the channel telling us what he did all right I'm just gonna throw a note on here whoops rollin all right we pick up the pace because everybody is now already is doing is telling us that every things we should try the different models everybody's making suggestions for future shows all right every right write down your suggestion so we know what they are and then postman inform that would be great I'm super wait let me start a thread I'm gonna do that I mean I'm gonna make just a standard hex bolt right here that didn't work that was not the right size that didn't work right either whoa it's all falling apart right at the end there we go all right make that QL I'm gonna take this now trim that from this guy stick that over there somewhere I got to make this screw a whole lot longer maybe for 2021 what we do is we start modeling different pieces of a thing and then by the end of the year we've created all the pieces and then we 3d print all those pieces to actually make it into a real thing look at that perfect now my problem with that that endcap there now is that it's gonna hurt my finger it's Wyndemere eternity very sensitive fingers Aaron don't you understand nope let me just just soften that up for you buddy that better it's a special nut it only does that one side because I made them too big well All Things Considered looks looks looks pretty good I'm gonna group it I'm gonna scale the living snot out of it - Oh point zero zero one sounds right yeah I'll go put it in Laura's hand yeah oh my gosh that was so much work for that it was worth it whenever was a thousand times bigger right right so as Dave should probably pointing out right now one thing I would want to do is grab all these pieces each of them and say actually only you can do it as a group I don't have scale definition okay some some of these are just groups not components so if I kind of look at you select only components can i reset scale okay you got this one I reset scaling the bulk of them no yeah probably extension out there for resetting scale right probably I'm sure they'll start trickling in real soon now and then Oh Timmy okay all right oh so tiny right there that's that is it that is that was fun that was weird I see I think it actually took at him even though was a one-day build I think it took him a week to do it he said a weekend at the beginning of that video okay I think some with it I don't know but yeah he said yeah he was I think it was I get the feeling it was like an on and off pop over do this you know you gotta cross the finish line that's that's important part all right so what were some of these other ideas so I did start a thread in the forum all night so far only only Kai has responded he wants us to do the butter bot from Rick and Morty I don't know what that is I'm watching more heat well he included a link to a picture put the picture in there but snake eye on twitch is wondering if you're gonna make this model available um possibly we probably need to get a thumbs up from tested before we share it yeah I guess it is their IP so what to see I mean there are some differences in this model and their model that is true yours is the derivative work to say the least that is true very very true but just just to be nice I would say that I wish you'd probably just send them an email and just say hey you okay with us sharing this but I just gave you a step-by-step manual basically you guys just go watch love you hours usually we do post them so if we do and look at our live stream or previous ones because snake I also was wanting to do wanted to learn some like see a woodworking project or a chair I know think we've got that stuff exists on YouTube already yeah if you go to youtube and click on you can filter by video and live streams all of our previous live streams are up there and most of them I share the file afterwards there's one other time where we were making oh when we did easy swans at around act chair because he shared a plan with us to use I didn't share that model back out because he sells that plan so I thought that that was not cool wouldn't it no it would not have been cool it was very cool that he shared with us it would not have been cool if we had shared a model we made from the plans he charges worth I get totally what you that I don't I don't based on on the geeky excitement that Adam had when he was building this and the fact that he's not trying to turn around and sell it I I could see him being ok of it but yeah so just just keep an eye and if it's it'll get added to the forum post for this this live stream yeah so if you go check out our forum forum sauce ketchup calm it'll be pinned to the top till 6 o'clock tonight or something like that but also in the description of wherever you're watching this is a link to that same forum so if you if you don't know we're talking about when we say it's it'll be on the forum you can follow any of those links cool I think we're there seems like it yeah a little bit sad that's that's fun to work on him it's a bummer we made it to the end funny as that sort of seemed like kind of the attitude that Adam had when yet and he was like both excited I think it's it was completely energized him I mean I think it's awesome because I and I've said this before I think that modeling those machine parts cuz we did we did those quite a few times during this whole pandemic thing but modeling machine parts is very cool because you end up with a very precise model the ones that we did were there are multiple pieces everything fits together this was really cool because for that same same reason that you know to him put us in his hand well nope it's all falling apart walk away now but yeah I mean it's just just very cool the way that everything goes together with is it is that is really really neat that was a lot of fun that was really cool but yeah unfortunately we're done Oh probably a good time to point out that we will not be here next Friday next Friday is when our company is observing the fourth of July fourth show is actually on Saturday I think but yeah our office is shut down on Friday so we won't be coming in and do a live stream so hopefully you guys enjoy American Independence Day we're taking the whole week off anyway yester I don't be here at all so but we'll come back at it the week after so was that the third tenth July 10th we'll be back at it with a live model and what do we really cool is to pick one of the ideas you guys have from the forum so if you do have ideas over the next week or so go plop them in that thread that Jodie started and shared and it would be fun to pull something out of there and model it that'd be cool we had an idea actually this was Jodi's idea so I get full props but he said well would it well if we came up with the topic and collaboratively model this well if we said something like a spaceship or a mech or you know something something fun that's not specifically divine so the opposite of this precision modeling header now but just kind of a concept or idea we modeled it together something like that might be fun to let me know what you think of that idea in the forum too because that could that could be a good time [Music] all right oven else that's just like that you could you can start your your week vacation early that's right awesome yes yes sweet I'm gonna see if my if my menu planes here maybe it's upstairs waiting for me you can go make some big wood into smaller wood yay that's how I understand planes work exactly that works all right well you guys for for thank you for hanging out with us this was a lot of fun I hope I hope you guys enjoyed watching the model and hopefully maybe even accidentally or intentionally learn something along the way and special thanks to tested thanks norm and Adam for letting us use this model and hopefully we will see you all again in two weeks don't come back on Friday because we won't be here week after those guys after that all right see you guys thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 7,461
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 0sec (8220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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