Modeling a Subdivided Car in SketchUp Live

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I swear I will shoot hey guys welcome back it's been a while since I've seen ya hopefully Ray's been doing well I've been doing good Jodie's good you're really when we get down to it isn't that what it's all about that's what it's all about I hope everybody's doing good out there hello welcome back everybody Steve Marconi El Salvador welcome welcome el Salvador angel Danica's saying hi to Laura I'm sure she says hi back hi welcome back Andy yep Andy's commenting on the how he's fasting that doesn't doesn't get live Mondays and Wednesdays anymore just dr. Fridays it's ketchup fast much cream fast Horrocks glad you're here you can help me with my subdivision attempts you could call it subdividing maybe subdividing subdivision English is my second language after gibberish yes you're very good at generation thank you rehearsing okay sorry John Oh welcome back Dave that's good to see all you guys I'm so excited to to have everybody here already yes yes sunny Dorset sunny again in the UK Ontario Scotland Castle asking for his model of a space mouse maybe one day what nothing it's not gonna happen but it's not gonna happen today say that we can't maybe it's not going to not not happen that was a sure thing it's in there yeah who knows what exactly the real answer is that's right no idea what's going on all right well welcome guys welcome back to Sketchup on Fridays the the one time a week we get to hang out live so per our pulled request everybody said that once a week might be good to try for so we're back to doing just Friday's which is cool give this opportunity like save up a little bit more you know it's like if you get to go get doughnuts every day they're not as good but if you just get them once a week it's it's specialer that's what we always tell our kids whenever there is like I want some something not good for me and we always just call it a sometimes treat that's right there in the sometimes treat sometimes a week every week sometimes I'm still I'm still coming in and talking to myself my name is Aaron with me is Jody if we have not met before it's good to see you welcome this should be a lot of fun if you hear our returning welcome back it's awesome see you guys I don't really have a whole lot of news or anything to talk about we can just kind of jump right in so yeah I don't know we did we talked about not all this house do you think so I'd I I do god this is my thing I talk about is is my my fresh my new shirt get a little higher ah there's a lot small words there but the important part is here at the top the term cause your scream and the pronunciation axis acts as this this was a gift from our buddy John Oh John Oh sent me a t-shirt I appreciate it there was no we selected him as the first spotlight on the challenge before he sent me the shirt there was no this was this was afterwards there's no exchange of goods before him just wanted to clear that up that's right in doing a week so John oh thank you very much I will say if anybody else decides they want to send me a t-shirt I am a large now I was probably meeting at some point but somewhere between I don't know somewhere in the last few few months I think I graduated to a large so this fits but it's a it's a little snug so well we'll see but I'm gonna flex my Sketch up too hard and rip my shirt I don't that means tech Ling says next shirt is save I actually have that shirt so keep an eye out you probably see it at some point all right uh-oh Steve's got no sound well we got a couple more many minutes of shenanigans Steve so don't you you got some more time to get to get it all worked working again I wanted to you know actually I want to directly address that because I did have somebody mentioned like like you know we goof around too much on here and it is it's it's kind of intentional we do try to let people come in everybody's not as prompt as you guys who are here right at noon some people takes a couple minutes so I want to give them a chance to catch up and hop in uh Steve San somebody hit the mute and then a yak says I look like Jimmy Kimmel I can think of worse guys I'm gonna guess it there's something on his screen music yeah hold on wait there's something yet further back no I can't go back that when you go back barn if I can you that you're you've switched from medium to large all in your neck oh that's right keep it I also want to show this because I have been having a problem with putting things behind my head on your screen remember on my screen I just see empty sketchup's your screen I don't actually have my head floating there I created this this little avatar out of post-its so if I stick that right here at the right spot on the screen I should be reminded not to put important things right here where my head is so I went low-tech with my solution to that problem post-its that's the best tech really it really is it's I mean really well I was gonna say if the power goes out it still gonna work but if the power goes out it really doesn't matter if I have if I can see that part of the screen or not that's still going to worry that's right that's still accurate actually if the power goes out that'll be the only thing functioning like within five feet of me all right so your computers or laptops here I'm sorry I got distracted reading yes I do use a single ear pod just one during during this I don't know there's nothing else really going on around here I just feel like less weird about how my voice doesn't sound echoey if i you know ii think so a while back like towards the beginning of this this whole pandemic thing for us I did a model of a Cobra and the the car and it was okay it was heavy though I mean right about halfway into the model I had I can't remember how many millions of polygons I made it far too dense far too quick and I'd end up with some weird shapes but it was so so many polygons I had a hard time fixing it I was everything I could do to try to just make a solid out of the body so I wanted to take another crack at it and I want to do this one totally differently in a model and totally different way I want to create a subdivision model so I'm going and actually draw the geometry up and use subdivision tools vertex tools and quad face tools those are the three extensions from Tom town that I'll primarily be using so Jodie can I could have given Joey a heads up but really you know wait what so sub D vertex tools and quad face tools all available on the extension warehouse or from Tom's website you can check those out they're just they're awesome tools and you get to see how they work so if you're already using them it's going to be hopefully learn something about subdivision modeling if you don't use them hopefully be an example of what you could be doing if you got into sub d so I'm going to make this the reason I want to do this too is because it's really easy to make those files too big and unwieldy and that sort of thing and that's exactly what subdivision modeling does it lets you keep a low poly model that you can work with and then you can toggle between your your high poly and low poly views so with that I'm going to go ahead and bring an image in so I'm gonna go up here file import and I have this image is the exact same image as oh it's a gif how's the poor for a gift all right speaking of going lo-fi I come out here and open it and I'm just gonna do a screenshot of it real quick as you watch this no this is my favorite way of getting images into Sketchup I just don't like having to go open photo editing software and say save this image as a different image it's just it's it's a pain so hitting a screen capture is gonna save it as a PNG which I can just pull directly in to Sketchup so I do have on my UI right now I as usual I have my my menus or my tabs over here my windows over here on the right on the left side I did verify that we could you could see them all I have the quad face tools that's this big long one and this is primarily the way the quad face tools those tools are primarily about selection and manipulation of quads so a quad is a four-sided shape that is broken in the middle so it's two triangles that that works together as a single rectangle type shape subt subti is right here and then vertex tools is actually activated by starting vertex tool so if I start vertex tools it will bring up the UI up here as well so that's all my tools just want to let you know that's where we're starting from so I'm going to start in here I'm going to go file import and I'm going to import that screen cap I just did and I'm just going to make it nice and big we can scale it afterwards but right now I'm just gonna be big so I noticed something here that I don't really know how I missed this but I certainly did this drawing this is the same drawing I work from last time actually has these two nice little cross-sections which is awesome so I mean it actually shows okay from the front I have a cross section right here at the tire so at the middle of the wheel it cuts through and it shows here's that the big outline and then I assume this smaller is where it comes down to at the front and then same for the back at the back wheel I have this here's the outside and then here's where it comes down to so are these awesome cross sections that I never even noticed so I do need to I want to try to take advantage of that and and bring those cross sections in so here's what I was thinking of doing I think what I'll do is I will start so I'm going to start with a profile this way a profile this way and grab my cross sections and bring them all together so what I want to do is I'm going to start by tracing this profile right here but I want to trace it in such a way that I'll be able to come in and use sub D on it so what that means is so I'm going to start with a point where it's going to be an obvious break this comes through so I'm going to go to this spot right here and draw a line straight down and draw a line straight over you know take that over to where this break is it's gonna stop right there take this one this way and stop right there let's hear it let's do this let's go to styles and our edges change my my edge color from let's go something brighter than that let's go bright that's nice and bright just so Steve said cross-sections or where it's labeled one two three four at the bottom do you see that there's a line directly underneath the car oh yeah so this is one this is two this is Eddie this is for okay I thought there at the tires that works let's let's do that let's go ahead the midpoint of the tire looks like that's so let's drop it to you right here no you say that yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just transfer I must make you the driver here Steve and I just be done for today was was the Cobra or what Steve McQueen was what he drove or what did he drive was what was that infamous Steve McQueen car and all that I guess I have no idea what you're talking about because I don't have a tire you know what you're talking about do you know who Steve McQueen knows I didn't know how Steve McQueen this is that 68 Mustang GT okay so no not the same yeah all the Mustang but supposedly it was cursed like would kill anybody that I owned it or something like that no dang it what you hear when you get a car and turns out to cursed oh it says that it sold for three point seven four million dollars back in January of this year Wow nice work Steve you didn't even get it spend any of that though well that's definitely downside to not being around anymore you did all right so I'm trying to basically all right here's one do I'm trying to cut this into smaller sections and what I want to do in general is go just past the line see that see what I'm doing there because what subdivisions going to do is going to take where the lines are and kind of pull them down a little bit so this line will end up getting pulled down so that this line and the next line right here will be more in in line like that so subdivision modeling is not well the way I do it subdivision modeling is not an exact science so just want to want to be fair about that all right so this section right here I guess try figure out how to do I kind of feel like a legend I'll just go over it like that but I think it does actually slope down so I'll just do this I'll just he doesn't know I was gonna I'm going to call him out but I will recommend checking out horn ox because he has some awesome subdivision modeling if you'd look at his page on Facebook really cool stuff feel free to post a link to that or not alright so what I'm thinking now is to take this make it a group I'm going to set it over here and now come in here and maybe trace this shape so there's my profile one I did that with one two three four five six seven eight make that a grunting thanks so any posted a picture on the forum I'm going to pick it up here maybe helpful later three four five six I don't know if this be able or not it's possible might give you a migraine what was that Handy's pictures just super detail all the innards alright so I'm going to take these two real quick let's let's vertical em up all right I'm gonna take this one drop that down to where what one was alright it's got a little bit of reconciliation to go there let's see number two was Prussia to let this where it was looks back okay there's number two so number three just get to kind do whatever you want that's cool all right I'll start here two three four Richard on Facebook's asking about getting Sketch up for Catalina latest version should work on Catalina we've got 20 20 fortunately Apple keeps changing what they do on the operating system and it breaks all our old versions of Sketchup so if you plan on keeping an old version of Sketchup don't upgrade Mac OS I'll be there and then one last one No just some rough geometry that I can start from I create my control mesh last time I tried to use the profiles let's get that right there I tried to use this top profile to kind of make it which I mean I'll still use that as reference but I think this is going to be a little bit easier we'll see I should mention I am making everything I do up hoping to disillusion anybody all right so let's come in here it certainly doesn't show my disillusionment oh that I don't know what I'm doing your makeup II bits and this looks like a big discrepancy all right so now what I'm thinking about is how to see what I got to do now is I gotta transition this over 1 2 3 4 5 sections this shape has to become this shape so there's a couple things let's you know what I should do just because I want to fit in all of you you know it's called the new Cobra oh I didn't think we saved any more nobody likes a smartass Jodie except maybe I do look good in me everybody loves a smartass that's true I like how you drank on you're like so conditioned you're like a safe drink oh wow I don't even think about it how about that all right so kinda yeah so so there's a couple of ideas coming in Kerrville off would be nice the problem with curved aloft is one is it's not going to conform to these breaks I do want a subdivide it or a subdivide double profile here so what I'm thinking of doing is taking this piece right here bring it to right here bring it to right here bring it to right here and bring it to right here then I'm just gonna scale it vertically like this a little scared you should be how's my yoga all right all right so then then I think what I can do is I can take so I'm going to do the same thing here I'm going to take this to here here here here transition to this guy here to here you'll be used one more time here okay so this is gonna it's gonna get it's this is going to be messy I'll be honest with you and that down to right there bring this up to right here this looks like lines up but let's do this just and then bring that bag down so this is just to get the initial mesh I'm leaving these ones because this actually kind of cuts through right if I look at the profile here this roundness gets cut by the cockpit so I just kind of want to keep it flowing through like that all right here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna take all of this and make a copy I'm gonna set it over here the distance just to hold on to I'm gonna take all this then make it a group go into said group and explode it all now what I can do so this is where I need to start you didn't put this picture on the ginger this is actually the same image I used last time so if you look up Cobra on our forum it's the exact same file that I used last time could you save in storage space on the train I'm 50 I'm 50 all right so I'm seeing how this is not the ideal solution right now because because apparently that's that's how I roll oh that is good hmm I was kind of wondering I actually see this is the this is where I run into a problem so I'm gonna have to go like this and take this across like this I mean it'll still get me this will get me pretty close but I probably could have been probably could have gotten further with some push pulls and some resizing 'he's my biggest problem i'm gonna run into right now is all these stupid shapes have to be filled in looks like i'm just slightly out of plane with a couple of these things sherman said you should use the vertex tools for that save time for creating polygons yeah what what now vertex tools oh he might be thirty Seconds to do vertex tools doesn't oh yeah push-pull yeah that's uh saying I could have done that would have definitely saved me some time but you wouldn't have gotten just stitch like this yeah well that's true me I am kind of enjoying myself sorry and I think once I get this yeah I definitely not the not the ideal way to start this but my profiles are kind of are going to be a little bit easier once I get this done [Music] so how's everybody doing all right it's good that's that's some nice stalling conversation are you ready to do that super Oh it's Friday the only big projects for the for the weekend in your in your hot garage oh yeah it's definitely gonna be toasty supposed to get to mid 90s that's in freedom units by the way at least today there are no what's gonna do tomorrow alright so there's my wireframe go ahead do that too so now the issue is this is this is so I'm really doing my best to just kind of roll with this and show you guys my thinking as I go through here get rid of my interior faces at this point well too much so obviously the problem we're doing that I have a wireframe nope yeah you feel better about this model than you did this does this is definitely feeling better than it did before for sure yeah good yeah that's something all right I'm gonna draw a couple lines over this way this represents the fish mouth supposed to reign in the Pacific Northwest I didn't think it rained very much for its aridness sarcasm I'm going to here I'm going to create a rectangle for the headlight right now I don't like to use rectangles in places of circles because they don't work they don't they don't mat they don't subdivide right a rectangle so divides into kind of a I don't know squashed down polygon which is not what actually I'm looking for all right that's going to work I think so what I got to do now is I have to come in and I have to divide these pieces but these lines these new lines I draw I want them to not exist so I got I got to create quads this is the part that I was saying I probably could have got I could have gotten away with a little bit cleaner model by drawing this up a different way you know you could also never like smooth or doing to that stuff and just leave it all chunky like this and just say it's a to Tesla Cobra that I guess that's an option why did that not disappear that worked all right so I want to just put a couple of these pieces in and then I want to try subdividing it just to see what happens to this front section so just so you guys know the subdivision engine when it looks at these lines what it actually looks at we need to do this too it not only wants to see it erase like this but it actually wants to see it not having cast shadow on that at least that's the way you work I don't know TomTom's on here but that's what it used to do whoops I grabbed those three lines I'll bet you're tom toms asleep he mailed me not too long ago I forgot to tell him what I was doing the day good telomere you forgot - I forgot - oh whoops something's not hums not lining up here it's only 8 3 he should be awake he should should adjusting the line in the quad faced well are you isn't it I'm just using a regular line and I'm realizing as I'm doing this just how dumb that is that's why it's good that you guys are here wait what that's neat you think it's a triangle it's not triangle wait how does that thing work win it listen we're here right Klein are you closed out of context sorry oh pounds on me again huh boom all right I can only I can only do so much to help you from here Aaron you could help sometimes sometimes Jodie even I I can't help myself yes I use the tool that was created specifically to do this thing that is the one that is the one that I was looking for couldn't find and just started running as fast as I could like I like to feel like I'm a little better about yelling at you than I was the first time you did this I was still new to this whole ya chat thing but now I'll happily interrupt you with the comments from everybody else that knows what they're doing okay something happened here you got a very satisfied yeah from Norman thanks Herrmann guy said his cry teacher would say form a square circle I think I've heard that I think I've heard like I've heard that before too I had this problem before I couldn't get color codes to toggle off where we were you doing this with without what are you doing last time were you using Kerrville off last time are you trying to do without a minute I was trying to do with Herbalife yeah that's exactly what I was trying to do did not work alright what is going on here oh I think I do you know what I did I know what I did I when I was cleaning up I deleted one of my transitional phases so the colors you're getting that's just all that's what that's the extension B's been quad page tools yeah not quite face tools do this and then let's do and really at the end of the day a lot of this stuff isn't even going to end up mattering because I'm going to come in and move these points around and add loops so a lot of this really won't matter too much once I'm done but I do have to break it at least initially before I can use the subdivision tool so all right now I know what I'm doing it's good what what what why are you don't argue with me okay this is going better this is going better yeah that's the stuff like that wireframe ooh baby yes okay going through here that one's white there's definitely some issues going on with my colors right now like it I can say that so the magenta is the line color that I turned on originally because I want to be able to see on top of the black the black lines I was drawing on top of then I toggle on the color code mesh which tool oh that's why you can assume every time I correct you on this that I'm just quoting German I don't want you to get the impression that I have any idea how to use sub D or vertex tools or quad face tools or whatever all of those I'll assume that I got some I got some problem I did not snap these to the right lines all right sweet new line tool yeah could be could be creating a mess here but we'll see we'll see what happens because because we don't know we don't know what's going on I we I think you know who I'm talking about all right so generally so one of the other things is of course you should save yeah should I should I you know don't say if I'm saying they've live on the on the wild side on the edge Jodi just wants to watch the world burn that's true I believe it was Wesley Snipes who said some well swear words just want to ice skate uphill or something like that was that in was that didn't blade yeah that sounds like a blade pine that's good okay so yeah so this is already I mean I know it's weird-looking it's crazy-looking it's messy but this is already feeling better than what we had last time so you have to use the right tool and I'm not really sure so nerman said for live mesh analysis line from quad face tool works best I'm working I'm working at nerman I just erased this seems to be easiest if I erase those two lines then use the quad face tool line to connect the two which so if I had just taken my profiles and use the quad face tool line command to connect them together rather than the regular lines it'd be done I'd have subdivided this thing by now like that oh look at that yeah but what happened when you did that right screwed up I didn't work right guys I'm 90% sure that was probably me though I'll leave that just draw a liner over the top no it didn't yeah try again cool all right all right so I'm gonna go like this go like this this across to here go here vertically just net that straight down and take this one across Jim he tried him all this car before using different different tools different techniques and by the end of the by the end of the session it was frustrating frustrating is that a good word for this whoops I can see that I think that being a word you could use to describe modeling cars in general so can you explain to me exactly what why why we get different the different colors mean for the different paces yeah so what what that it's the the mesh analysis so what the mesh analysis is trying to do is look at you could do that rigger the pieces I'm creating there we go okay so we have something on the back and then it's color coding it based on its quad eNOS that's my own term if it is a proper quad it's colored one way if it's a reverse quad us colored another way if it's an end gone which is a piece with more than four sides it's colored another way and God's apparently our red I think Green is pop is positive and then purple are reversed I think and delete that inside there and so one crossing over itself nope that wasn't it it was this all right the problem and this is an issue that I was having on my computer I don't know that this is a normal thing but I was having an issue with being able to toggle it back off I would put it on and then I couldn't turn it off again but that's what's going on right now so my green ones are good these are good quads my purple ones apparently just means I need some need to show them some love something's not right about him good has anyone else seen these this issue where you can't turn off this I'm trying to remember I feel like Tom Tom told me what what I should do Marconi said paint the model of the default material yeah like I tried that too but let's let's I'm always up for giving another shot Gaudi said yes but I'm I'm not sure way to say yes to right there you go there you go he looks all white now it kind of looks like a Mach 5 which makes me think why are we making a doing a Cobra when we could do in Mach 5 I don't I don't just like that alright so these faces they're turning inside out or indicating that there's probably something wrong somewhere so I'm assuming I have some crossing over incorrectly or face on top of face Hey this is this was not too bad this turned out alright this what the what all right so I'm just curious right now if I just grab it and if I just hit sub D after I save see what happens I'm not too bad there's some some ugliness though well it's not a tuma that's butter that's wrong I'll be right back all right all right this is ugly this is this shouldn't be like this that we can just take her it down like that I don't like how I have these dark lines here this is indicating that something's not right oh yeah like that headline over top of a line that might be where I was getting those weird every time I stitched that up I got something new that was weird there we go all right now I'm wondering so these parts aren't really quater these are triangles so I'm kind of wondering what the easiest way to clean that up is if I just come over if I draw overtop of them does it fix it let's see no that that does a weird thing all right so if I select these lines I'm just curious if I can just I feel like so here's the issue I'm running into is every once in a while Tom Tom and I will like he'll just ask Tom Tom's great for getting opinions by the way anybody who wants to give his opinion on one of his extensions or what he could possibly do Tom Thomas will listen to you take in your input I felt like we were talking about like a quad eraser or something like that I don't think it ever happened now I feel like I want my quad to be here and here the other thing I should point out is I taught myself quad modeling and I may do things in sort of a like to call it brute force modeling when there's probably some cases there's probably a more elegant way to do some of the things I do feels like I spend a lot of time trying to figure out the elegant way and then I just it just keeps me from actually doing the thing right so I now do a lot of group force everything all right so all right that looks good so the front half that looks looks tidy the back half actually looks pretty good that actually turned out looking pretty nice so I'm gonna hit who here I don't like this I want this I'm just gonna bring a line out and then line over and then I'll connect your Berman said convert triangles and quad face tools does that still that is yeah that is exactly what I should be doing yes how do I transfer control of this entire session to him again I remember how do that ctrl shift Z all right yes that would have been cope this is ugly I shouldn't be nor should that be so I think what I'll do is I'll just run a line awesome he said he just said no well I don't know if that's because he doesn't want you to transfer it to him fine I'll just sit here and do my job then alright let's let's try subdividing it alright that was pretty cool this looks weird but I think that it's not wrong it's just weird based on high over the mesh suite all right Marconi is wondering why you select don't cast shadow when you hide edges that like I said I believe that what that does is that is how the subdivision engine knows that that's a quad because remember Sketchup doesn't really have quads it doesn't know what a quad is the concept of a quad is really just created by the extension itself so by going in there and telling it that when it sees in here do this so when it's aligned that like that's that at the top of the rear fender you need to change the diagonal oh I gotta this is yeah this is a whole mess back here let's start up front you got a lot of junk in the trunk I do but but my quads look good so if I turn so I have a thing going on there but that'll be good I want to come over here no I'll look for all right oops yeah so I was trying to get it I was trying to use those profiles I thought that'd be kind of a cool way to do it but that was that was a little bit not as smooth as I was hoping all right I want to take this on let's make that that iconic front fender shape so I'm gonna use vertex tools for that and I'm gonna grab this pull it up an urban Herman's head with flipper triangulation it's fun I just sometimes repeat what he says but I don't really know what I'm saying that's cool she made it positive that I say sound safe I see no way that that could possibly go wrong for anybody ever what what could possibly go wrong all right so let's subdivide that see that looks all right that's see we're getting we're already getting that that kind of general shape right here obviously we need a harder crease coming back like that and then it's got to kind of tie and wrap around so that's this right here so I'm gonna use vertex tools to move points I'm going to take this point and slide it over because that should be in line with this over here this point right here looks like this to go up a little actually and this is going to make this my crease so I pull that down I'm gonna pull this and this and this we got all three of those points and just push them down and see if I can make that make that shape that I want there I also feel like I want to grab them and I want to pull them over a little bit like that more and this is a perfect spot to talk about flipping triangles flipping triangles this crease right here is obviously going the wrong way you're going the wrong way see that's how it's sharp and sticks out and that's where I can use flip triangles to oh it doesn't want to flip that one wait why you hate that triangle all right well I'll just do a manually I'll show you aha vault we've I've proven over and over again I'm not above manually making a mess here alright so I have not heard of this Marconi said you should try those or Oh - extension and now I'm wondering what that is it sounds like a stitching it sounds perfect for a fan of stitching well it sounds like it's taking away what I like to do I mean oh yeah okay baby video T in the plays itself so the nerman just did the icon for wash hands which I think maybe means he's washing his hands of this thing maybe he's leaving he's walking without great okay there we go now it's coming to stop it now it's coming together see I'm starting to get that that stopped it so it alright so I had to exit out of loop it's called wash hands but it looks like a clap when you actually go to YouTube I just see a little type of this timecode yeah and I didn't realize it that icon actually was wash hands so even Jody could learn something on this live stream as we were saying yay if I try I'm busy spending all my time just trying to think of like pithy little comments sound clever Joe he's getting picked there Norman's nerman said use space before you press sub D what does that mean always tend to get sticky from your net that message I was getting okay yeah okay so that looks all right I think what I'm gonna do is that may be a little bit a little too high so I'm gonna pull that back down a little bit and I'm gonna pull this right here out oops wrong button I have subtly map to you and vertex tools mapped to thee sorrowing doing something that that's kicking off the take a drink drinking game save are you saying layer and set a tag take a drink anymore yeah sorry guys rude alright I want to crease this thing now so one of the things I so the way this subdivision works to I should point this out is that you know I'm gonna do I don't know hello so one thing that I'm the waist subdivision works is everything should be ideally before sighted but the subdivision engine does work ok with triangles to it gets a little weird with the creases but I definitely want to crease right here so I'm going to replace this hidden line with us just a standard line on top that's gonna let me grab these lines like this and then come over here to this subdivision icon or the subdivision toolbar and use crease to put like a fairly hefty like an 80% crease right there then when I subdivide it should give me an that crease right there like that alright not too bad not bad I don't hate this all right I'm gonna come you know it reminds me of the land speeder from episode 4 thank ya I'm gonna take this I want to try to get this more around so I'm gonna take that guy with vertex tools and just scale those two points across like that like I said circles don't or rectangle squares rectangles don't turn into perfect circles they turn into kind of squared circles like like we're talking about earlier so if you break them once like this then it turns into closer to a circle the other thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna grab these edges M going to crease those two I'm gonna take those 100% there we go now that's that helps it make a little more identifiable - and see that shape coming together delete that cross line on the lights then use vertex tool to create a hole that's working next week we're gonna have nerman actually get on he's gonna be just kind of sitting there offering audio commentary to create a whole I have no idea what you're talking about so I will leave it frayed now we're gonna come back to the light will get better really what I wanted right now I'm not saying you're wrong either I fully think that whatever you're saying is plot right what I needed was just a point of reference so this is where my headlight is so I can kind of see where does my that Ridge go you can see right now if I look at it it's flat right here it should go up and then carry this the other thing is it kind of goes out too far it should be more the ridge of this kind of rounded piece should be over the top so I'm kind of thinking what I need to do is do some severe shifting of geometry so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try this I'm going to turn on vertex tools I'm gonna grab this this this and this and I'm gonna scoot them so that they're more in line with the light and bring them up a little bit see what I'm doing I'm kind of moving the whole geometry over this point right here probably needs to go up and over as well they didn't realize there was a sub sub D Facebook group or whatever there is which is where I end up on a search for horn ox so then I'm going to take these three points right here and I'll be honest like the subdivision work seems to me and and this may just be because like I said I'm I fully admit to kind of kind of hacking this workflow together assuming light horn ox might might say you know he's got a more nailed down workflow but what I I I liken it to sculpting where I go in I start moving some pieces around and look at it and then move some more so if I take that and so divide it oh yeah look at that much closer to the shape I'm looking for so at this point I have a little bit of a ridge you can see that's yeah that's I need to I need to straighten out that little that's the technical term so I can do that let's see if we take this point bring it over just a little bit more see if that looks better if you press space before you hit subdue that wouldn't happen I'm trying to remember that that's why I'm helping you remember axis yeah I know because I got a shirt that says it duh yeah that you put a mirror on your monitors you can see your screen I haven't had to say about this word yet today good that's right wait all right so that's one pretty good so this this Ridge is a little lumpy right now but what I'm kind of thinking if I come over here and we can actually shrink this up if we go to sub D and pull up my sub D entity info and pick this it's only on iteration one so I can actually take it and maybe bump it up another level and see if that how much that smooths out looks that looks a lot better it's still a little janky right here so I probably need to go clean this up so if I unsub divided let's see it's coming here first thing I wanna do is make sure don't have any extra hay sometimes you have geometry crossing over itself think it's a little weird I feel like I need to reverse this one which it's not working okay I'll just do it manually Oh again see if that makes any difference so divide that that's better that a nice smooth line coming down here okay look it might look like a car yeah it's looking better so I kind of got that I feel like you need to pull it over even more though so that that that hood line actually needs to come over quite a bit more so I'll unsub divided and I'll just start by I'm just going to start by moving as little geometry as I can so I'll try just grabbing just that line and scooting over vertex tools the reason I should point this out to the reason I'm using vertex tools rather than regular move commands or any regular commands is vertex tools honors my subdivision information Auto fold can actually come in and just kind of decimate your in your what's the word I'm looking for subdivision information so your quads it can actually go and just kind of tear them all apart so that's why I keep using vertex tools let's say that looks that's looking better this point has to go up yeah let's take that raise that up so it's kind of in line with that that looks good I do feel like I want to reverse this - generally speaking I don't know this is man what is going on I just just does not like my lines I also feel like I have one two three four triangles next to each other I feel like this should be quad it out not a bunch of triangles so me try grabbing these two lines and this that's really is what sub D is is just going in and changing your trial sizes and shapes yeah look look what that difference that made though looks good basically just mirror this sucker you're done I'm pretty much so another thing you guys will notice I did I deleted the face on the inside that was important so obviously I'm modeling half of this cuz I don't want to model this all twice I'm gonna mom will have it and flip it that's yeah I know you guys already figured that part out the reason whoops missing line the reason that I took that off is what the subdivision engine will do is any place that the lines just end like this it won't pull them away so it'll still it's going to subdivide along this way and make those into a smooth arc but it won't pull this face back if there was another face so if I had this then this corner is going to get pulled into the subdivision so it'll come off of the face here so I either have to select all this and pin all these make those all go to a hundred or just delete the face and then it will bite naturally just leave it there which is what we want in this case all right cool so this is looking good let's let's make the let's make the fish mouth this baby fish mouth yeah you got it [Music] classic Perry it's so classic what's this named Bruno Kirby's to wait yeah 2006 crap that's a long time ago it was you know realize that he was also in city slickers The Godfather that I didn't know he isn't yeah Godfather - all right so if I check hidden and see these two front faces we want to put the fish mouth in I know that's not the technical term I know it's it's a fishy mouth but I like to you know keep it short fish mouth responds so there's no quad so they're open rectangles which is nice because this makes a lot easier to go in and modify them so one thing I'll have to do is this piece right here right now of course it's not a quad one two three four five six sides so I'll have to pin this back like that and this like this so right now again I can just subdivide it and that's what it looks like and I kind of get an idea of where that hole is going to be what I need to do now is I need to actually push this in there's a couple ways I could go about this one is with an extension so if I push pull obviously I'm gonna get this because those two quads aren't parallel they're actually you know angled away from each other so that's not going to work that's going to do that and then clean it up but that's me a lot of work to clean up so if something else I could use is joint push-pull from fredo most III want to say all but I'm not a harm percent sure but I know most of Fredo's extensions honor quad geometry so if you have quite a geometry you can use most of frado's tools on it and it won't mess them up it won't do the Auto fold thing and goof um up the other thing to do is I can actually pretty quickly push this in manually because what I can do is I can take this this shape and just use regular move and use the modifier key option and pull straight back along the red axis X yeah I actually didn't say AXYZ or axis I said something totally new and said like it's almost square word Oh card my acti is on that one okay so I pulled that back to red axis boom so now it's straight I can get rid of these and now I can just real quick with just a couple lines connect them back I'm not opposed to using joint push-pull I like doing push-pull a lot but this is pretty simple so I just wanted to kind of give you guys that as an opportunity of how you could clean that up I want to get rid of that again and then I can try hitting sub D and see how that looks it's looking pretty cool now it again pleat the middle line and use vertex tools I think you want to go inside oh my gosh Oh - charger guys all right she's saying use ctrl to exclude extrude vertices over Texas I got what you're saying yeah that's Oh and I could see Andy not wanting to be left out also has some modeling advice he said hit command s all right anyhow he said Norman said before not now it's too late I know we're past that this 22nd pick up yeah I know okay so he had also recommended like checking out Forrest gimps cars that he did on the sub D Facebook group holy cow if you ever thought if someone has ever tried to say you can't make cool stuff in Sketchup organic-looking models they apparently have not messed with sub D nor looked at anything forced is done because this is insane very impressive huh very impressive all right so there we go oh definitely well guess we downloaded a model somewhere else and then imported it into Sketchup okay all right so it does kind of tilt down a little bit the other thing I might want to do is so I might go here let's see we'll go grab that line and then use vertex tools push that down and over so one of the nice things about vertex tools I'll point this out too is you can you can do what would otherwise be destructive geometry you can pull stuff through and vertex tools will allow you to fix those problems so don't ever get worried like you're you know they need too big of a mess as you move vertices around vertex tools it's very forgiving I might actually just grab this - whoops here's your thing keep an eye on this number up here if you're using vertex tools so I just did a quick select to try to grab these two points and it's telling me there's three points selected right now so if I flip back here and see I grabbed one more point right here I don't want nipsey so that sounds like it's spoken by somebody who may have done that once or twice before that's this guy all right I'm also going to come in here and grab these three edges and crease them to a hundred increase them to 11 and that's just gonna get me that over 9000 holid saw lid okay how does that look that's good it needs to come over further though it said use ignore back face with that would that fix your problem if you're two-faced I didn't know I had a problem I again I'm not doubting you at all nervous i I I totally trust or believe what you're saying is probably valid the words you're using are good words they're just not words you say right I just don't know I don't know where to look or what use vertex tools and right mouse-click top very top option there for white why would I do that was he trying to maybe he's trying to solve your weird you selected stuff in the dogs I'm not sure I don't know he said he's not gonna talk anymore so I got I've never that's that's good to know I have not ever used that before actually so I appreciate that all right yes education happened on both sides of the microphone that's you got it's funny because I know like people throw out the e word the X word and I died I don't claim to be an expert of Sketchup by any means and I have you know lots of people said things like that but you guys be surprised how often I learned things by doing these streams to where I just your input helps me a lot that's awesome like I said I've been using vertex tools for years and I didn't even know that was there so I appreciate that that's awesome I do have an ugly thing happening here where this face is cutting the wrong way so I'm gonna try my luck again with reverse oh it works alright let's simplify that if you hit space before you did I just did it afterwards I I'm learning slowly since you're not using the a word today then I suppose I have to pick a different little nitpick oh thanks buddy I know the interest of my own modeling skills or whatever all right this is looking this looks like 8 bajillion times better than their previous Cobra definitely feeling better I feel I feel a lot better alright I do feel like I want to bring this this Ridge up just a little bit now maybe not actually kind of looks nice all right so what another thing that happens is so this is lower and what happens is it steps up to right here just a right there and then it has that air intake so that that vent actually steps up higher so let's take a look at that when I say something like let's take a look at I'm not let's not code for like I got a lesson I'm like I wonder how we could do that I'm gonna pull this down a little bit does a little bit bumpy so right here I'm just going to come in and draw a line straight up and parallel to this line and put a line here straight up like that alright now I'm going to use the virtus quad face tool lines that worked out so well I want to break this one back out alright and now I'm going to grab this line and this line increase them I think I'm gonna go to 80% like I did on the hood and just see what happens okay I would be honest this this makes Sketchup too easy or at least look too easy that's what I do Jodi that's what I do oh is it you you're making it look easy yeah I would take this one right here and I my crease it to 100 maybe I'm seeing that as a question because we're gonna see what happens yeah that looks okay I'll just nod and smile that's what I'm doing like this so one of the things you can do I don't do this very often I'm gonna save you can actually crease in sub D mode so while it's subdivided like this I can actually come in and grab crease and play with relaxing that out a little bit I like I seen I don't use it very often because it is it can be really slow so I actually want this out a fair bit like that what I want to have happen is I want this to pull back though so I'm going to try doing this I'm going to go to crease and i'm gonna grab not a line but a point so i'm gonna grab that point and pull that point back and see yeah that's more what i'm looking for i want something like that i'm gonna have to do the same thing here at the MS series and then maybe i'll go to this line pulled it back a little more that looks better so there is a difference between creasing single lines and creasing points points are going to pull the pull everything connected back to it to its original point where it was a line is going to lessen the amount of subdivision between the two intersecting faces so by grabbing a line looking at that where the line is in profile you're controlling how much it's going to stay it where it was originally and how much it's going to loosen into the subdivision points take everything is connected and say come back to where I started out so that's and how that that works I like it I think it's looking that's looking kind of cool it looks too tall though let me mean yeah Laura's tiny next to it well okay I meant this part of the hood but oh that too so I'm gonna grab that chunk vertex and dragula I tried to summon TomTom but he's he's ignoring my my comments it happens so you're on your own that's good I got this I got this all right anyway jerk all right I'm gonna come in here this this is just a so one of the things that happens a lot in or my workflow happens a lot is when I get two pieces like this so I get two a quad that's broken if I wanted to come in and put geometry on top of that one of the things I use a lot is to select both these pieces go to vertex tools and use make planar when as soon as I hit make planar it's going to make it one flat plane so I can erase that and now I can put geometry on here however I want to interact with it fortunately I want to put an intake or and put a hole in this intake right here I don't even have to do anything because it's already a rectangle so I can just grab these three sides and I can offset them down a little bit I do it to make sure to quad it out again and then in this case when I'm there I'll probably go long enough there you go Andy said the air-intake needs to be aligned to the green axis otherwise will not work when they're when you merge them like the air won't flow in hopefully yes smart aleck pretty funny don't you you have a feel about smart smart smart eNOS I'm gonna take that for you to say let's try that let's let's just let's just try it I don't know let's try it let's just hit it see what happens all right so this corner got a little harsh a little hard there this got a little that's okay actually I kind of like I'm okay with that on the inside right now we got to get those lines but this right here is an issue for me so I'm gonna go ahead and grab my crease what is causing that to be so very sharp okay Oh had some issues here who exes all right so this this is a big this is a big tell if you subdivide and get something like this it's telling you that that was an end gone sort of more than four sides and subdivision had you went in and broke it the problem I'll show you it was right here that line was not a full line so I'm gonna go ahead and delete everything connected there and then bring a new line all the way back this do the same thing on the back piece through that and then I'll have a little nope got it take that back to here all right try it again subdivide all right so that got better still have an issue here so if I look at what I have 80 80 huh I wonder why I'm getting such a harsh angle there and try this let me grab this scoot it over drop it down a little bit there we go that's more I hit space forward yet set it for you Jody all right gets night actually appreciate it intake I don't think this actually has a bump here like this though I'm pretty sure what happens is that is going to go straight down into the hood so let's see if we can do that will we do that if I take you know so what I'm tempted to do is take this take vertex tools and just slide it back slide it down but the problem that's going to cause obviously is right over here right because that's that's dumb that's ugly don't want it let's see so divide it that's not dumb and ugly as I thought it was gonna be you're not dumb and ugly thanks buddy it's okay I'm gonna put up I'm gonna put a nice high res pictures on the page you're definitely right there's no bump there yeah if I take this vertex back a little bit see what happens when I subdivide that hey you know what that's that's almost okay I praise hi Jodi oh that's not we're saying I mean I don't usually call you praise but I know it's kind of weird but she's trying to roll with it oh I don't know if that's right or not but I like the way that looks that looks way too misty oh yeah I don't think right pirate pics you're on the forum so I don't know if it's right but it looks cool it does look good yeah looks pretty that's pretty right I think the too fierce is a - is it too aggressive you're too aggressive it does go back pretty far does it come out it looks cool well I'm the real thing it's not like a scoop like that it goes - it just - I scream to let the air in oh there there we go picture showing up now yeah definitely it drops straight down it doesn't it doesn't come out quite that far but but that's cool-looking all right I want to do a few moves here all right but this we're here for we're trying we're trying to actually so what I what I feel like I want to do now is just get rid of a couple lines start start making things and see what happens yeah that's what well so that's what we're neck Hornick said is just avoid the lower step yeah the problem I'm having and this is this is totally 100% user error I have a shortcut key on my mouse that is line tool so even while I'm in this tool after I draw one line I will click that next line button with my thumb all right so now this this creates an interesting thing that's going to happen so this looks okay this will probably subdivide just fine maybe a little bit of cleanup I can do I could pull this forward a little bit but that's that's all going to be fine what's going to happen is oh I just made a thing they did not like it's an extra connected geometry under here sometimes I go into the hood and clean things up that's right just how long do just the hex keys this this is the problem is that I have an end gone here because it has one two three and this little return is for side so even if this is a straight line as soon as it's broken by another line it turns into another side so I need to make sure that I break that they said triangles are okay in a pinch that'll probably subdivide okay but I do it to remember to include that otherwise so if I if I don't make sure to put that in then it's going to on its own take care of geometry and that means it's gonna probably get messy because that's when it creates that star and it just stuff happens alright let's subdivide and see how it looks well that's not gonna work right there that's looking okay but that's looking getting stuff fix this up nice over here not so good ooh I was gonna say I was looking pretty good but a little wrinkled in the hood there I think what happened let's see let's see let's look at my creasing so I can get rid of this crease get rid of this crease bring this one back up what andwe're oh you know what I know what's going on here I have some extra geometry somewhere something's pulling from the other side look at that get rid of that there try that again there we go that's better awesome all right so the last thing the only thing I might that's actually looking at that drawing it's not a bad it actually does kind of curb under a little bit so I may actually even crease this just just a touch more like 50% and then I will definitely come in here and crease the spit out of this thing 100% all right what's up by that oh yeah that's the stuff cool all right that is looking super sweet I like it I like it a lot all right so that carries through what's a chimp on his back in a little bit here so this it really looks like something well that's something I like I have some weirdness so this actually looks okay this so this right here is all right because that's what happens and then it immediately yeah it just kind of shudders and fall apart bad things happen like that so what we want to do is we want to keep this Ridge going up in kind nice smooth curve all the way to the back and then that back should curve right around so this is this is too harsh of an angle right here right here and then this drops down where it should come back up so looking at this I feel like what I really need to do is this crease this this all looks okay basically this piece right here either has to continue or go away from the beginning I think I want to include it I want to I want to own it you we that's a mess who did this it all right so on the neck it could tell you I'm gonna come in here and break that like that delete that delete that delete that the same thing and I I'm totally arbitrarily just picking points to draw right here I don't care where they're at because I'm gonna move them immediately so all I want to make sure I have is a line there I don't care where that line is because it's going to get moved around by vertex tools in just a few minutes anyways I guess I can terminate it right there then nope because this is still turn right that there I made some weirdness on the inside that was fun all right I'm gonna subdivide to see how that works all right looks okay anytime I see this happening see this hard piece right here one of two things is going on one is like we saw up front it means it has connected geometry so I would want to fix that up it's at a white face nope - is that it is facing the wrong way so when the subdivision engine goes and it's subdivides and makes smooth connections between those two planes it pulls them based on the direction of the face so you can see right here this is pulling the opposite direction where it should go nice and smooth over like this it's pulling the other way because that face is reversed so making sure all your faces are face the right way before you subdivide is gonna make a big difference in how smooth the geometry get okay enough of that let's let's get this thing let's get this thing looking good er wrong button U and V aren't even near each other on the keyboard I don't know why that's such a struggle it's good they look similar in your in your brain now so you and B yes yes but I think is probably something do with the fact that I used one right after another in this workflow I don't know there's all kinds of excuses I come up with we're not said there was one wrong diagonal nope baby yeah so I want to definitely want to reverse this guy that guy oh what's going on here I feeling on a tear of Spartan I don't know let's start by bringing this over here alright that's looking okay it's subdividing see okay we're getting there it's curving when it should and it should be fairly straight so kind of a bring this line the fenders do come out a little bit so but right now I kind of want this to be a clean line right here so I think what I'll do and grab pull that back in that back in all right that's better these pieces up higher a little little far out far out groovy man so I'm gonna scrub this this and this and scoot them on in alright then same thing grab these three I'm a little bit too I'm not sure what's going on here so I'm gonna pull this back out got a got a crease there and I don't know why does anything of these guys oh that was wrong thing to do this sort of looks as as fiddly as as stitching well I said this is this is definitely where I would talk I would I would liken this to sculpting for sure alright and I'm seeing where I can clean this all up so this we had to break it apart add another chunk to it right here grab this I'm a vertex tool that up I did just use vertex tool as a verb I think it's appropriate so I'm gonna vertex this so much this one right here called you a Michelangelo shadow know why I'm telling you that out loud because now it's gonna go to your head it is Michelangelo's that guy who works at the music store he's a nice guy Oh fer Leonardo but I'll take Michelangelo I think I peaked goodnight hey I gotta go tell my kids and things oh yeah so cool don't you alright so what I'm what I'm thinking about here is this right here for some reason this comes back and terminates in I can't find a good spot to use that geometry I guess if I do my win or my uh I guess I could leave it for where I bring the wheel well out yeah I guess I'll just leave it alone pull this all yeah that's cool I'll just leave it nevermind because I don't make a transition into the wheel well alright so I need to clean up I got this dimple right here that's just a matter of pulling a couple points up and out this is gonna come up go over right here up over there's definitely a little bit of a lag with the 3d mouse while in vertex tools definitely picking up on that oh is that what you got in your next hand there yeah that's right my friend all right so I'm gonna take this guy back over this way a little bit so does everything exert exist in kind of a non subdivided end subdivided space at the same time when you're using this tool like you're not undoing after you use this update that to do everything right where are you no no I'm subdivide I'm just going back and forth between so just tapping you both sub divided and subdivided and it remembers what level of subdivision to apply it is as far as I understand again TomTom can correct me on this but I believe that what's happening is it is it does recalculate and reefs move based on your changes to this is called the control mesh so every time I make a change the control meshing hit subdue the subdivide it goes through and remakes it yeah that turned up for you so like that so you're always see you alright you're basically undoing but you're not using undo command it's just so yeah it's more like toggling between states I think would be a fairer way to say it it exists in two states at once hey he had quick question he said can you create a face in vertex tools vertex tools doesn't let you draw it's a manipulation tool so I have to know right well that I shouldn't say that a hundred percent well anything through now that vertex tools currently just lets you go through and manipulate existing geometry so you're not going to be able to go in and create anything so yeah yes they do well then whatever I mean was he no it's not like he's been correcting you all day or pointing out your missteps I had a common all right he said he went to the optician almost told he was color blind so that came totally out of the green nailed it 100% yeah loved it loved it all right Newman's if you select a few vertices and then use ctrl and pull it'll create a face that's true because yeah so because when you when you go to move something with vertex tools you can hit the modifier key to create similar to move the way move works in a regular Sketchup you can do the same kind of thing with vertex tools you say create a new face so yes I guess technically that is true I was thinking more like goodness you wouldn't it doesn't have the the tools in there to go in and start drawing new shapes so much there you is looking pretty good this right here does have to go up higher so I think I'm gonna grab actually I might grab that face right there to start with pull that up grab these two yeah buddy so once you subdivided a mesh can you go back in and edit the vertices on that or do you only get to do to the initial you can actually so I could come in right here I could turn up if I go in to stop it if I come in here and I hit vertex tools it'll actually show me all the vertices on that mesh so yes you can okay cool so one thing I want to do here is I do want to put a crease so that every time you say some and every time you say something nerman says the opposite well I will argue with you on that one cuz I can come in here and grab this point and I can pull it right up out of that subdivided mesh come on Nermin give me one you've gotten all the rest right you're fine Derman this is totally it's good you're here don't do not apologize use it nor normally I mean if anybody's like feel left out it's Dave because normally he does this for me that's right but so Dave said early on that he was splitting time between being in here with us and in his shop so that's perfectly valid all right so I'm gonna smooth out this right here and then I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this line and this line the who doesn't actually go back very far but like maybe you that line and I'm gonna crease that like I did on the front maybe like 80% yeah that works okay so we've gotten to the point where what time is it almost time for tea dang I must sit here for about 30 minutes you know we could do is just sort of just for fun go over and quickly model up the Tesla truck that won't take we should do well it will do that is a speed model at the beginning of whatever happens next week first five minutes Tesla truck and then we'll do something else actually speaking of which you want to throw together a pole for next week Jodi nope oh yeah it's the nerman kiss bye hello what can you tell Jodi to do a poll like for what we're on the model yeah let's throw some ideas out because we had a couple few that we were thinking about one oh that's not pretty I'm typing that's not bad so we talked about because it has been requested we threw out the TARDIS from Doctor Who would be a fun one to model or the other two that you mentioned Oh something we found out we had a lot of Red Dwarf fans so we know if there's a ship from what Red Dwarf but that was an option I'm sure someone will offer that would appall wait while I wait for someone to tell tell me the name of something worth modeling in Red Dwarf Nermin says we should do the inside of the TARDIS which I mean is bigger you know or are you wondering if we do the inside basically would have got four ideas for for next week we're feeling like so we've done it we've done a car now we've we have recently done architectural modeling so we're kind of we were wondering if there's a good you know fun Joel said next week we have nerman live model a different car boom I'm just uh so the interpreted Andy majority uh Big Ben and serenity a while back we want Andy was asking if we've done Big Ben and I was saying we did all right so the baby bootlegger what's that like a lockup oh there's an American wooden built speed boat designed by George crouch in 1924 Al Capone a cool thumper and list I'm only a put five things on this list though I'll leave it up to everyone to look up but a baby bootlegger is Eagle 5 from Spaceballs Spaceballs as a win oh that was so good I think you should do the vacuum that they used to suck the atmosphere out of the off the planet that was awesome mega made the eagle yeah equal five is the winner baby no way to Bigfoot so actually so the second kit this question came up what about the dragon five and we could model both the Tesla truck and the dragon five in the first 20 minutes of the next class dream true it's true some real-life objects on my desk right model my desktop so I went in just just to give you guys kind idea of what I'm looking at right here I went in and I just traced off in 2d the profile of the cockpit cut out and push pulled it through I don't want to actually use this to intersect or use solid tools or anything like that because it's gonna put all these weird cuts and create a whole bunch of end guns it'll have to clean up so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to come in here I'm going to select these faces must say intersect face with model so I'm doing it in this group specifically once that's done I'll come over here I'll get rid of all this stuff on the outside and when I bring that in this gives me a guide of where abouts I should cut out the cockpit area so what this means I can come in here don't see the rest of my mom well comments are kind of exploding right now because nobody remembers you saving and like forever I'll save save twice you make feel there thanks for the reminder guys how many people do that you save them you're like just in case that didn't work that's right it does happen and like in games I just creating keep creating a new save like I never go back to something for saves ago that's like I always have my time I finish the game there's like a list of 40 saves from that game I see I'm but I'm bad at that because I constantly save over the same save well once it tells me I can't save anymore I start over with the oldest save aurochs all right so what I'm doing now is taking the points I have and I'm lining them up with where approximately where this this cockpit cutout is this is not precision this is this is just getting a shape about where I want it to be all right that looks pretty good so a lot of this job we lined up to the cockpit this piece this piece of this piece this piece this piece this piece of this piece the only one that got weird is this guy right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete that line right there I'm going to draw a line from here to here hi there's my model real quick draw a line from here to here and maybe no then I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna get rid of that all right so what that does is that means these pieces are basically those are my cockpit now so I can drop that down inside I can do this a couple different ways I could do this the same way I did before I just drop the lines from each point and reconnect them on the bottom I [Music] think I'm not really sure how I want to do this I'm gonna drop a line vertically and just check run a line from there to there I'm just gonna see how this would work out I dropped that line straight down there and then I'll grab a line and pull this one straight over to now see that it's not going to drop this I'm going to drop right anymore correct me well here let's try this just go to each corner and drop down so I can connect back up to that shape something here just drop vertically to here drop that can't go that I can't go that far down just drop down to this far take that back drop down to here take that back and then I will have to connect these two to come across here and then drop this vertically down to here connect these two back together all right so what I manually did was I just kind of went in and created that negative space for the cockpit Herrmann said you might not believe it but vertex tools and control do that yeah but what would have happened is I would have had I would have ended up with Mertz it would have been vertical like this I would have pulled it straight down like that and then when I had to push it back in to make it a negative space which wouldn't Bend I'm not a big deal actually yeah I could have actually done that that's that's probably a good idea cuz I could have put it in and then manually going back and pushed it back down that would have worked all right so you realize how lucky you are that in this conversation between you me and everyone else in the chat you're the only person that gets the use phrases like like that and gesture with your hands that's right it's a good thing too because sometimes descriptive words don't do good from my mouth talk with your hands Karen that's right well sometimes here I am showing a 3d program but I'll still explain things like this let me talk about you're gonna do some lines and then they're gonna smooth out and then some dots and circles all right I'm gonna increase this I have I have to wonder if Dietzen is an Italian name D Tony all right yeah that's super sick that's looking good I think I'm gonna die so I stood for part of this but I think I'm gonna crease this all the way because I like the way that runs into the body yes Wow now I can get rid of this thing it's pretty sweet okay it does look like this needs to pull back a little bit more this is a little too rounded so let's come in here and see why okay no problem so I'll take that piece right there vertex tools the slide that back be it oh man this looks like a landspeeder from Star Wars you did mention that yes this is if if they had better designers oh I mean yes little boring you know I have been watching um I think I mentioned that I probably thoroughly geeked out on already so but you know Mandalorian was awesome but I had been watching the Disney Plus has like a doc mini documentary I guess on it making you let me go yeah it has been so cool to watch that and just so most times really like watching like man I want to do what you do for a living because they basically all just nerd out on how much they love Star Wars if the whole episode yeah you guys got a figure it's pretty good although I wonder what what it feels like to have nerded out made a Star Wars and then it's you know Episode one do you tell people actually I saw Adam Savage I saw some great thing recently he's like yeah I worked on Episode one and two and then he goes sorry I was talking with my son yesterday and he had I had to explain him why I was so so unhappy about episode 3 but man if you just go back and watch it again and you get the I think my big problem I'm sorry weird one three oh okay yeah that's I I need to try and rewatch that one I mean it's not much I tried to watch one I was just like oh I can't do it I can't finish it it's not any better even by three no the thing that bothers me about three is they've just made anakin into such a goon he's just so like easily manipulate and yeah I thought I mean it was really between the the josmell Darth Vader yeah sorry it spoiler case anybody hasn't seen it well it's just a bummer that like they you know they talk about him being the chosen one the one who will bring balance to the force and all that kind of stuff which is cool but what gets me is the fact that they they took the same actor to play the emperor as the guy who was the emperor in the first one and the fact that they made him and everybody looked at it knew who he was gonna be you know so it was kind of kind of ruined coming some of the surprises he's bad because yeah he was bad from the very first moment you know before before if someone came out his name was attached on IMDB so it was kind of a bummer I think that would have would have made it a lot more fun for me okay the weird stuff has happened right here mmm looks so I can it's one of those where you can see a pattern you know like you squint your eyes it's like a piece of wood you're like yeah I see bunnies a praying mantis head no bunny ears is probably nicer so right here so this is how subdivided meshes should looks either nice and ordered so they reverse phases because the subdivision that I have in there is going over the other this is not how a subdivision should look so that makes me want to go in and see what is going on there so here I'm gonna I'm gonna test something so right now this is soft and smooth but don't cast shadow is turned off so I'm going to go ahead and turn that on or off I'm gonna toggle it hit subdivide again I'll huh look how clean that is so these three one two three toggle that so I've divided that's better oh that's butter that's beautiful so any place I got that weirdness going on so here I have one two three that one's okay all I have to do is going to go one two three four turn that off and then subdivide it much cleaner that's so much better okay same thing might be going on here let's check that one thing I could do if I had the right set of extensions installed I swear I use other extensions besides tom-toms but one thing I could do is I could come here select everything right-click select only and then say select only soft edges and make sure they all have show cast shadow turned off and that's going to assure that I get nice clean subdivide subdivision lines like that conquers Eddie it just well he bros my brain pan i I think what it was was TomTom and actually this may have come from Fredo he he may have actually not done this himself but I think he needed a value because like I said the subdivision or quads is not a thing in Sketchup so I think he needed a value that he could look at and say this is not a real line so I think he used that I think that's how that worked you know so here's my thoughts so I was reading up on being able to do an AMA inside of discourse which is totally possible to do so maybe you maybe we can I can convince Tom Tom to like post and ask me anything I'm Tom Tom and I'm a evil with this company evil software empire I mean I work for I own I run the evil software empire ask me anything and then we can we can corner him and be like shadows what's going on me I don't think had to be that and headed I think you could just go to him and go so why I bet he just tell you I bet you there's it does at least a dozen other questions to ask oh yeah alright I'm going to save so I'm so tired of saving all the time okay well that's autosave say you shouldn't really have to do anything it's just you're wasting your time by doing it yeah cuz I probably don't have that turned off why'd you do not oh man not only did you do you do that but you just told the world no I didn't say that as a good thing I said don't do that don't turn off auto safe I don't know mind it may be turned on right I love that you don't even know that's the best part where's that ad again every five minutes of course yeah it's on duh duh whoo to get hind here it is eighty I did so I got I came down at 6:00 this morning and turned the air conditioner on and that helps I mean during the days I've had it running and it keeps it cool in here but it does it is loud so I have to turn it off when I'm using my microphone or something so yeah I turned it off about quarter to twelve and it's uh it's warm now oh I don't know I mean it's I'm trying to figure out it's maybe it's not working because nobody's voted on TARDIS wow that was the one that was requested I recall it okay well there's only been five votes so you know so there you go okay so I'm trying to think of how to approach wheel wells and I'm what I'd like to do I would like to not had a whole lot of new geometry I'd like to manipulate the geometry I have if possible but I don't know if that's gonna work dang that's cool-looking right so I'm gonna take my two wheels dude you need to lift this thing yeah I want to put them on a wheels lip tag and then toggle that on and off as I work through here have you talked to your wife about like what's appropriate to bring you at 1:30 on hot days like an ice pack I could sit on or something my daughter has always hot so she's always got a washcloth a wet washcloth or a tree my daughter got sunburned like two weeks in a row so I've seen a lot of that too all right so so what I'm so what you guys what I'm what I'm looking at right now is these wheels which looking normos and scary but really that is the size pulled off of there so the way this has this nice geometry that blends right back in with the side and then comes out but I don't want to mess with what's already here very much so what I think I'm gonna do is unsub divide this I'm gonna come in here and grab start grabbing some lines watch how I do this grab that line I'm going to grab that line that line that line that line that line and that line so what I've created is a set of lines that go in a u-shape and I'm going to use this command over here which is connect edges connect edges tool and I click on that now what that's going to do is that's going to go in and break that geometry the reason I use that rather than just go in and draw lines from midpoints a mid point is these are quads so they are broken the quad face tools will go in and break that even without that being an issue so I'm gonna go ahead and just go ahead and make it alright that broke good for some reason ended up it's pretty pretty so let's uh orient faces to get that back we're supposed to be alright so what that did there was that gave me new geometry that I can work with so what I can you know actually I'm gonna undo that I want to redo that cuz I want to do that a little different I'm gonna grab those lines again same exact lines and one of the things you can do with that connect edges tool when I run it I can tell it how many edges do I actually want how many segments want put in so I'm going to put in two and that's going to put two of them in there and you see they're going from midpoint to midpoint all the way around so what I want this to be this is going to be where that fender starts to come out and then this line right here will be where the actual fender pops out the other thing you do is I can use this pinch right here so I can bump this up but let's see what fifty looks like and that's going to move them apart more so that this this fender does come up pretty high onto here so I'm going to go right there and I'm gonna go ahead and do that now I can take these pieces so they're actually before I do that even let's go ahead and grab this thing all the way around you're getting a thumbs up or the virtual equivalent from both horn and you must get it right take and I'm just gonna I want to put it like 54 right now I mean I might come in and sharpen this up more I don't want a hard cut there but I want I want something like that I'm also going to take yes trimmer time a wheel on say I'm gonna have to move these around a little bit maybe I'll do that first I'll start I'll start over here I'll grab these slide it back these two guys back a little bit looks pretty good grab that one and then I'm gonna come in I'll try an x-ray to get to him I'm gonna take how to do this part so I'm definitely not to bring this a ways back because I said come out past the wheel let's grab because back edges doesn't matter if you're an x-ray alright there we go others to me alright that's fair that's fair don't know why sort of feel like that's just being obstinate but I don't want to judge what's that supposed to mean I think we all know all right there you go so now I got that wheel well up and around so again at that point just blocking out just getting geometry where I want it now next piece now is what I'm actually gonna come in here and start where I start flaring grab vertex tool is gonna pull that out there we go oh yeah I stopped using the mouse cuz there's really rocky that's really rough I saw somebody commented on how Tom Tom's car his sharp is a charger I think that I think that's what it is is still not done and you're right it's still not done I think that it's got to be a deliberate a willful act at this point has been his example model for subdivision for well let's see vertex tools came out 10 years ago so it's something like that all right I'm gonna do the same thing here I'm gonna grab these front edges I'm gonna give them a little pinch too I don't want to I don't want to throw shade on you but looking at this old post of the previous Cobra it looks pretty unfinished as well yeah it's it's stuff could have gone better note to self check on the status of that car in ten years and see if Aaron is any better well let's just say I know Tom Tom spent more than two hours on that that's all I'm saying okay my side jerk no no I I just wanted to see what it looks like after ten years for you okay I'd be curious all right all right all right okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna give I'm just gonna give it a quick subdivide all right that looks it's pretty sets pretty sweet that is that makes me happy I'm not really sure what's happening here pipe it Oh one two three four five sides this my friends is an end gone so yes there's a couple things I could do here I could try that I could try this I think I think I want to go like this because I really want to maintain this Ridge if at all possible so I'm going to do that and then see how that looks if I subdivide that yeah see even that give me a bump right there that's what if I do this yeah still not not what I want that's better though there's bear in the alternative a little weird - that's I got less weird this I did not like it although what if I do this if I take this line keep that the hard subdivide dirt bath the make that play you're supposed to be there and some smooth that no now what now we got see so if you use control and erase those close planers is there a reason you couldn't do that instead of softening every time I could but as soon as I do that that disappears before I can set the non shadow okay lines be assigned manually yes Tom actually works on the extensibility why did he go in and like add an API call so that that just happens automatically whenever he's inside of it yeah really tom wait thinking can't be that hard I'm not an engineer but that should be easy you know it's funny how often have we seen that that term come up you know I've never written a line of code my life but I can't believe it's got to be too difficult to make a change of the software that I want sorry stop right do you want to get this has to get cleaned up a little bit I guess I get rid of my pink lines now they're kind of keep thinking there's something wrong that was not the right way to go that was that what what's your problem cut out I mean do anything anymore oh boy what is it you'd say you do here Wow I wouldn't let me go it had me that the matrix had me alright alright so since you brought it up yeah do you have thoughts on the matrix for let me answer that by saying this I'm excited for the new Bill and Ted movie wow you are I'm more excited for Bill and Ted than I am for more matrix how's that I'll be honest you know every like to hate on the two and three I didn't have a problem with them I enjoyed wall well they weren't thinking to me why you can see why I would be odd that they would make another one because I'm unique in my non dislike those two yeah not I was a little surprised to hear they're going back from her just say that yeah that was that was not what I was expecting do you think Neos eyes will still be burned out of his head yeah that's a big thing right is the main characters are dead so it makes you kind of wonder what the what the plan is there what are you gonna do there you're gonna retcon so some sort of healing last saving grace I mean he was the neo I mean the one yeah I guess if you're you're the chosen one who can do anything anywhere then you get to do anything I don't know sort of by definition yeah that's that's what it is I suppose alright so I'm gonna grab all the pieces are inside that wheel and oops and gone there I'm use vertex tools with option pull a copy straight in and that's gonna it's gonna cause a mess that I'm gonna have to clean up but it does let me see bill dead supposed to be out August 21st this year do not work do you think they've saved the world yet or do you think that this is like they're finally they've got to save the world well Bill and Ted didn't die so you know it's okay well but I mean they jumped when they came back to make sure that they saved the world they made people be excellent to each other which right now ironic that that's gonna come out this year right about now like how old were they when they finally save the world when did it when did it get saved when did they tell everyone to be excellent to each other geez Keanu's gotta got a full lineup he's got the matrix will be out in 2021 the men John wick for is Oh still says rumored what what kind of rumor is that oh these are all just announced sorry I'm looking on IMDB here whereas nerman still telling you you need to delete the lines you don't need first Derby you all right little bit me up here actually this this I probably just wanna this is gonna be weird things are gonna get weird right now this I do this is all supposed to go out here all right get rid of that something like that okay yeah so you probably even do oh I don't even know what's supposed to be happening here right that's yeah let's let's clean up this and make a proper wheel well not really this is gonna be very improper but let's get some gel which we closed up here I guess I'll just just stitch stitch you stitching all right boom-boom-boom and bring it faces since that's gonna be hidden I'm not really too worried about making that too beautiful because I think that's gonna work all right how do I make that easier and quicker the second time I guess I just don't I just I just I know better that's that's the reason I guess we're going to insert my loops no take mmm-hmm take those and then vertical this guide down and get a consistent space between the existing wheel or the wheel existing not existing doesn't matter whatever it takes all right and then turn this off because I want to grab these three scoop them out significantly that's I'm looking for that's gonna be easier all right so I learned something not a lot don't do a gig dug it don't worry don't worry that's right you can I quote you on that I did not learn a lot yes all right so I'm going to take there we go that's gonna be easier because now and I turn my wheel back on I'll be able to see all of this awesome and then this yeah that's better that's gonna make it easier so now what I can do is I can actually come in here grab each of these points pull that out to the wheel yeah yes yes yes that's way easier when you're done you will push these up to the warehouse is it only Aaron is that your warehouse name yeah I don't I'm not sure actually Steve was playing around with my name of my account because I might be here and making stuff all right let's all see it as the only Airin okay oh no wait if so it says the only Airin but the actual domain or the actual URL is Erin making stuff so the answer is yes I tried I tried a link to I try to put a link in the forum to the madness if someone's trying to load this directly from in Sketchup they can't really use that link that is very true what today how much decrease that 80% all right creasing is important yeah so I'm looking at your I can get your warehouse channel at the old Cobra my apology is you should you should import that in next to this one once once you're done I don't think I have enough memory on this computer to do that yeah there was a lot of stuff that was that was that was a big heavy model back at the time I thought wow this looks pretty neat but now as I'm looking at it compared to the new and improved version it's the old ones I mean kind of laughable kinda laughable almost laughable laughable ish better than my better than my efforts would be but you laughing all right I know I only say it's bad in that it's bad compared to this one it's pretty good otherwise on its own yeah as soon as you get into it it's a it's a it's a rough model it is definitely not awesome what's uh would you go and look at you're you're probably count for this one well before or after I subdivide all right let me get this wheel well set in and I think I mean we may be getting there also hope Enders wondering what the heaviest model you ever created was them Falcon do you have to worry about that yeah wait so did you have to upload it in three parts I did is that why there's three copies there are three pieces to the Falcon because it was so big yeah what a beast like that we ran into an issue the wheel well goes into the body of the car too far turbans is frantically typing delete over here yeah all right here I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna grab Benson said to save and I'm going to reiterate you don't have to save now because you've got a lot to save on you know that's the kind of mindset it's people in serious trouble sometimes I've heard what's the worst that can happen that's valid all right so I do have some overlap between my new wheel well and the existing body so that that's gonna but I'm going to clean that up a little bit let's get it'll add a little character to the cockpit which is a term I'm going to use even though you know I don't know if that's actually what you'd call that enough which I think we had this discussion last time too the cars have cockpits yes leave scars like this okay because there's because they're so sporty is that why yes they're allowed to have cockpits if you're sporty enough or if you liken them to airplanes hmm I do I do think that this has a airplane II feel so steep said the door since doors have no thickness the wheel well is gonna cut them how's that make you feel oh yeah we got things to fix here don't even worry about it but you see I'm patching I'm patching I'm patching yeah so I'm gonna hold on let me let me get back to that right out of context I am alright I finish get that wheel will copy cleaned up okay all right there we go there we go no that has to be there too with some of such just-just-just ugly right time to get done all right I'm gonna take these ones get rid of something they're definitely got great on the inside yep all right that once you get get gone to honestly this is where I possibly could have gone in and maybe done some intersection maybe I would have gotten away from sub D at this point but yeah that's kind of I said this is still one solid mass because this is going to get kind of kind of creepy in here I'm going to grab all of this intersect it with itself and choose what to get rid of them to get rid of this i gives me zero depth so here let's just just do this get the doors a little depth there may actually get rid of this now I'm making up that solution on the fly I did I didn't really know how I was gonna do that to you improvising there we go all right so let's subdivide that let's save it subdivide oh yeah those window blue look those window wells Oh got a ugliness here awesome yes all right let's see what this looks like with two abs alright I'll scale that slide it over this is a cool thing that happens you really have to select one side and hit subdivide and both sides will that's not that's a lie apparently thought that would happen I really thought that was good work this is so cool watch it just kidding boom baby alright let's let's turn off some why is if you switch it back is sort of like to face its true its unsub divided one half that's kind of make for a cool look oh yeah that's the stuff wait were they components or are they groups maybe that's why one group oops well I'm doing Laney I do make component I want to call this half a Cobra all right give it lines back on so we do this wow really really got excited about that and then didn't work so divide one right there we go no they both go yeah just as you think they would oh oh let's go all right let's give her some stuff I need those don't throw my numbers off Laura all right sorry you're just a statistic numbers 22,000 did you look at the other Cobra I think I got it oh let me go dig it up I happen to have it right here oh is it there just like staring at you just a just a brutal reminder oh that's not too bad fifty-two thousand eight thousand know so well polygons has declared in the warehouse thirty thousand seven more well that's edges not polygons I'm sorry faces of thirty-two versus fourteen so half the size basically no anyways although there's wheels on the one in the warehouse not pretty wheels with their wheels that's true they well at the other one I think I think I'm pretty sure I threw them in like in the last 10 minutes of the model yeah no I it was definitely a sort of impromptu the transom said paulie's gone right so one last thing here I'm just gonna go ahead I'm gonna I want to look at this this is the last thing I want to look at so you can see there is this bump where the two halves come together because I said that the thing get my lights back on at this line it will subdivide away from the line a little bit like that as opposed to if it had another surface that was near horizontal it would kind of smooth that transition so it does pull down to the next edge where you get this sharp edge all the way around see that there it is bump it up right there not so bad back here that's we can really see it on the front that's probably why they put the two racing stripes down the middle and the original Cobra it distracts the eye away from it so what you can do so what you have to do at that point is bring these together so you make these group together and then I'll come in here unsub divide take the control mesh and explode it and now if I subdivide it I get an error message sit so be curious if you had put that scoop on the green axis has mentioned earlier in this process if that would have happened well it's as funny as it is the problem I have is with that it's goop so you got this nice I got a nice clean joined line all the way around except right here so that line gets big there um something is just slightly off oli that look at that and he just just now as you orbit it around from the front it reminded me of the was that old hanna-barbera like dune buggy oh then we would put a Peppa through the Heather all the time yeah speed buggy speed buggy yeah Wow first episode September 8 1973 all right so I gotta get that cleaned up urban said merge maybe that'd do it maybe that's what you want what I want is for these two lines to join up on this line that's where they should be that's the point that I want them to meet that if it didn't actually joined it it it was just off Wow so how's that even possible let's go from here go along this edge pull it straight why is it not coming through why is it there we go they're men said that Herman said I order you to stop and merge and then he said please no it's there's a gap it won't wait what merge this he gives up all right you tell me tell me what to leave because I'm cutting in what I'll do is actually I'll just draw a rectangle right here he said it will merge I don't know what what merge means though okay where's merge you turn and read the text so there's not me as a middleman screw anything up to in vertex tools oh I got you so grab this vertex tools merge vertices so I just grab these to merge these to merge now I should just have to an austere subdividing he said no what'd it look like that worked definitely I stuttered better first up first one vertice one vertice one vertice two vertices rich one verse it does look like the heavy line went away so that looks like that part got fixed still don't like it though is that do you need to this is weird shadows and silica he said something natural about their sedative for yeah I'm not sure why this was supposed to be our final step and now instead of being a final step everything doesn't work the whole new can of worms see look what the weird stuff is happening right here look at this okay that's all clean and then what happens here do you have lines that we're not shadows turned off maybe the same thing check it all again and say select only soft edges soft and smooth all huh weirdness okay so I have a question okey doke if you put this on the warehouse then someone opens it and they have sub D yes will they be able to use okay yeah absolutely so you could put it up there and nerman could fix your stuff and be like see that's that's right I'm gonna go back over to the half I'm gonna fix a couple things one thing obviously is I'm gonna come in here I grab this guy I'm gonna move him horizontally to that point that should fix that problem I don't know if that's that was the only problem though this subdivides very nice so I'm gonna try copying it over here so this is the last ditch right here gonna fix that first bring it over I don't even know if that was what was causing a problem I just noticed that when I joined them together that didn't let's explode these and see if we get that nice nope looks like I got a still all still a little home but at least you don't have that weird profile thing going on when one subdivides okay it looks like it's broken is it doesn't look like alright let's move this in on this point right here make easy use color its color edges by axis on something like this or is it all wonky not everything's so far off axis right now look at that she's merged vertexes of course duh what elfrid use right nerman he says I used vertex tool for that selecting that side and you scale to zero zero on the first half Wow you get a lot up more out of vertex tools in a lot of people all right we're almost there check it out they just got an issue rate not sure what happened there for some reason that lines broken it does not need to be all right this boom baby there she is zoom zoom all right let's take that unless bump it mm-hmm oh yes that's better this is weird I don't know what's going on there cupholder you forgot to notch it out what the heck okay there we go okay I'm removing the doors temporarily to clean up on the inside there all right let's try that one more time that could have been actual is causing the problem anything about that awesome all right so I'm going to go ahead and I'm just gonna get wacky real quick and I'm gonna save it and we'll take it to one more we'll take it to three I said I feel like four is gonna be a little little too much a little too crazy for a Friday afternoon this is the big thing oh that was nice yes look at that I love it oh so much better cool so I'm gonna throw this on the warehouse you guys I'll throw it in just like this so anybody can go up grab it play with it finish it off their windows wheels whatever I'll put a link in the forum for it and that's man that is so much better than last time do a little side-by-side here let's let's do this this looks like compare the two it's not terrible it looks like it like like a car of a Batman villain who's like a fish themed thief or something basically this looks like you took a couple of cigars and sort of jam them along each side yeah so this I mean just nothing really ties together it's all kind of separate and I just yeah and it got so heavy so quick look at the hidden just it's just so much stuff whereas over here yes it is a lot but you'll see that nice turn the lights back on nice ordered mesh I don't have that the craziness where it's super dense in some parts and then less than snow there's looks a little weird and to clean that up and also weird - all right so make it a little bit cleaner to do but for the most part I will I will throw this up not not a whole lot different than it is now never been said the first one looks like what you would get when you think you know how to model the last one is when you actually know how to model well that's so we've talked about that - like all in the back end look at that versus that man yeah so this was I'd like to say that I've just improved that much over the last three months but I think my goal of trying to do like as much as possible than they native tools was a part of this it didn't it didn't it didn't pan out the way I hoped so yeah so we don't mean just ball that up and throw it away and never speak of it ever again and then we're good we're in sturdy little secret that's right just hide it bury it bury it deep so if I go I'm just curious because it looked like some of those things changed so I'm gonna see if I select only hidden again oops that's like the only hidden it's like the only soft edges and see how that looks but no that was fun I'm personally I feel a little vindicated that that model turned out so much oh yeah that's much cleaner so some of my my hidden stuff got unhidden or something it's got a little weird this looks weird too but yeah I feel better about how this all turned out and excited to put this up to the warehouse rather than cringing at the thought of doing it so that's that's a good that's a good place for me to be so some of these are kind of weird some of these are stretched out but yeah those this doesn't look right either I'm gonna definitely have to talk to Tom Tom and find out why oh that's because that's an end gun every time I hear in gaad's I think of like some sort of Chi cheesy 80s cartoon villain MMH easy now I'm thinking about pizza again how often do I leave this thing thinking about pizza sorry it's okay just be here all week my pizza it does sound like like what was that reboot is that that first like fully 3d animated all right so I guess this point I'm just I'm polishing well I'm not gonna repeat the sentence you you uttered before whenever I asked how this was gonna go today but I'd say you're probably accurate yeah this went in a nutshell I'd say this went better I may have spoken some employ words in reference to no they were they were polite they were just a bit crude yeah that's right well I think we I think it worked out I think this is worked out pretty good I think I got another end gone here I do I think I fixed it on once no obviously didn't take to that one but not this one alright this could be it this is the last one if this picks is my and gun prop my my weird web eNOS we're calling it just both it's supposed to happen when did that head nod and it didn't oh there we go yeah that's better sweet alright um yeah as I said I'm gonna post this you guys feel free to hop in and do whatever you like with it just just let me know what you do that's that's really all I've ever asked for you guys and do whatever you want oh yeah what happened with that pole Jodi so I ended up with a total of 12 results the dragon 5 was the winner with five votes so I mean it's not like you just ran away with it or anything whereas none of the above was in second place so I told I mentioned a trance mouse going to we would repost this maybe with a few more options yeah they will do something to the forum and get a better a better number than that awesome well that's that is where we will end you guys so that's that was fun a little over two and a half hours yes you are more than welcome to add wheels Collin and the windshield if you like but that could he's asking about four I think I think you should try and find a way makes three work Collin no I don't like taking wheels away from Colin he has enough of a problem when he has the proper two Oh inside joke that's right hey so with that note there nobody stands we will call it here thank you guys so much for hanging out with us I hope you guys are enjoying getting back to the making Friday a big thing we're not necessarily shooting down the idea of doing additional ones we may still do some additional ones but it feels like people are getting back in the swing of working and that sort of thing so while we're trying to get back there to you know normal life but we'll keep doing these on Friday and maybe we'll do an extra one every once in awhile but yeah thank you guys all for showing up and remember just stay safe stay sane and we'll see you next week see you guys hi guys and we're clear yeah you got to go to your thing cool awesome yeah I'm gonna go maybe I'm like a shower now I'm sweating all day in my in my extra tight t-shirt no less whoa oh yeah cool all right have a good time talk to you right
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 10,038
Rating: 4.8270268 out of 5
Id: QEQbf2zo99g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 32sec (10832 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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