Modeling with Brand New Live Components

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okay hey guys hi everybody how's everybody doing out there i'm good thanks for asking yeah i don't know why you didn't ask me that sooner but hey guys all right okay wait do i sound like that i had had some monitor issues there [Laughter] i've certainly never run into that problem yeah no your audio is always spotless how's everybody doing how is uh where's everybody calling from we're we're still in colorado longmont colorado to be specific and uh we still have snow on the ground but it's starting to warm up i think it was like 40 yesterday so yeah it's only uh currently it's 26 degrees in my shop so i'm not going out to my shop i'm going to stick around here yeah i got a i got a outside temp of 31 right now so not toasty all right let's see who's looking out first and it's sort of or at least earlier this morning it was sort of snowing just like that yucky little pill kind of like little balls of snow yeah tiny snowballs it's been uh it's been it's been a reminder that we do still have winters here in colorado the last couple days and apparently uh we have some other spots in the united states have been reminded that winter exists poor people in texas who don't know what to do when it gets cold and snowy i will apparently have electricity is high on that list of things to not i know how i don't know how that's going yeah that does not sound good um but yeah welcome everybody see where where we where we got mars from that's it we've got a new uh longest farthest distance away from where's that oh there's no oxygen on mars yeah wow you may have some delay in the presentation um just guessing expected some delay based on what i learned from the martian book and movie it's like a 23-minute delay or what is it or yeah so uh which means they sent that hello about 10 minutes or 20 minutes before we started streaming so nice well done all right well hey guys welcome to sketchup live my name is aaron and uh i'm gonna be driving some sketchup model and some stuff with me as always is my buddy jody hey everybody and uh we are from sketchup this is not this is not a fan channel we don't just do this for fun well okay well i do it perfectly yeah we do do it for fun we do it because we get to hang out with you guys mostly this is just an enjoyable opportunity for us to touch base with you guys and show you some sketchup use some sketchup here for you that kind of thing today we are going to hop in and we're going to do some modeling with some more live components those of you who have not seen them live components are pre-configured geometry with variable attributes that you can go in and make changes to and use them right inside your sketchup model they're available in 3d warehouse i actually put a link to the 10 newest ones in our forum so if you check on our forum you can actually directly click on and download those otherwise you can go into the 3d warehouse and if you uh go to sketchup labs is the easiest way it's fine find the user sketchup labs and if you sort by date the top ten are the ones we're looking at um yeah so hello hello from all over the world i know we didn't get to list everybody but we got everybody from arkansas hong kong portugal pittsburgh uh netherlands germany tacoma uh seattle norway i know i miss i i skipped some in there i apologize but once again it's awesome to see a worldwide attendance see you guys from all over the world hanging out with us it's super cool that's it's exciting it's it's a highlight of my week i know what i say convince me that i'm sorry the world's a lot bigger it reminds me that the world's a lot bigger than just longmont colorado it's true there's more outside actually of here it's bigger than my house which is where i spend 98 of my time anymore bigger than here the hardware store and the grocery store which is seems to be that's about 99 of where i go now yeah that's my world my universe the world has shrunk for sure um so we're going to hop in and uh the goal today what i intend to do is with these 10 models create something cohesive a cohesive design using these 10 pieces uh last time we had a lot of kitchen stuff and then some other accenty kind of pieces we ended up making kind of a i called it like a deployable kitchen and bathroom pod idea being that you go somewhere where there's not a kitchen or bathroom you could actually set these pre-made components down and and use them um it was a stretch it was a stretch so today we have some new components that we're going to use in a model and we're going to explore these new components we're going to check out how they work what they're what they are that kind of thing but also do some sketchup modeling so i guess without any more further ado we should probably hop in and just start doing that less talky oh wrong buttons all right um so i don't know if you guys are noticing if anybody's picking up on this but we're actually streaming at a higher resolution than ever before so uh we did get a new camera in the studio aka the guest room of my house um and it's higher resolution we were able to bump up some stuff so uh yeah let me see if let me know if you guys are actually seeing that any higher res than what we saw before um also oh we had a question and i'm going to kick it off now i'm going to throw this question out because i plan to forget to ask it if i don't now so this is all part of the plan good forewarned is four armed that's right four arms or something i don't know wow let's see then i could do 3d mouse regular mouse and two think two hands on the keyboard if i was forearmed um so we've been for about i forget like five months now four or five months we've been maybe just four months we've been doing this live stream on wednesdays um and we were just kicking it around just the the idea what would it be like if we did live streams on wednesdays there was was nothing really specific driving it just trying to see what the engagement was like that sort of thing um so we do it for a couple of months we know what it's like so the question we want to throw out to you guys is how do you like it how does wednesday's work for you would you prefer we went back to fridays um we noticed there's a different energy a different uh response from from you all when we do this on friday afternoons slash evening saturday mornings uh so we just wanted to throw that out if we were to move this back to fridays how would you guys think that goes let me let us know your thoughts in the comments wednesdays versus fridays for sketchup live we'll wait oh hold on just one second there we go that is a fancy lid for an analogy i don't think i've ever seen that i it's it's huge see it's it's this is why this is why i live stream so good because i drink literal static that's that's what that is so i fill myself up with that my i was kind of making fun of myself that i have like the sippy top on it but when i'm sitting at a table full of electronics that are owned by my employer i figured just an open cup is probably a poor plant so i apparently didn't get that memo because i'm sitting here with a a full-blown typical cup of coffee yeah so i decided to do the mature thing and and try to head that disaster off ahead of time all right so we do have a little bit of feedback uh friday so we do have a wednesday is better friday friday wednesday wednesday friday friday friday wednesday wednesday so at least it's good or either or so there is there is there was a reply we'll say that it does not look like we have a uh a solid consensus one way or the other but maybe what we could do is start doing half a show on wednesdays and then finish it on fridays a cliffhanger like that yeah yes uh andrew had it he said uh friday is kind of a kickback day and i think we had uh uh that was kind of the energy was a little more people kind of coming in at the end of their week and hanging out it was more like uh heading over to the pub at the end of the day after a long work week versus you know middle of the day kind of thing uh okay is it worth mentioning that part of the reason we might consider friday is we might have a different face yeah kind of a surprise there oops no i mean it's okay it's okay to tease things you're allowed to do that we may have some other people uh hopping in and helping with the live stream so we may actually be mixing it up so that's that's part of why we're considering the possibility of changing days or i guess we haven't written off the idea of doing multiple days either that could happen also how many people were here during last summer when we were doing it three days a week and that was a lot of days a week that was like almost half that was that was a lot we did a monday wednesday friday for a couple months when when this this lock-in was in full effect uh say i like the idea of doing both but it's it's fairly demanding so the the uh we may end up seeing things like uh i don't know modeling i don't know boring stuff i don't know what's boring i wasn't ready to talk about that anyhow all right let's get to work uh thank you for your output your input keep it coming keep giving keep giving us your ideas your thoughts on it feedback that kind of thing but yeah we would love to to hear your thoughts cortinas i i appreciate the requests for spaniel but other than asking where the library bathroom or beer is i really can't do a whole lot in spanish it would be it would be very quiet if i was presenting only in spanish so um all right so here we have these are the 10 new live components that are available today plus sumele so she's just standing in the middle she's where she always was but just want to take a buzz real quick look at what these are and then come up with a thing to create i'm starting to get an idea just by looking at them i literally downloaded them into this model put them here and that's all i've thought about as far as interacting with these so as we look at this uh we have a fireplace very modern looking cool fireplace we'll look at the the configuration options as we start using them ceiling fan blinds so that's starting to make me think you know obviously reduce some kind of a interior space maybe then we have this bathroom uh what do you call this vanity no not a vanity uh cabinet bathroom cabinet i guess a mirror on it a table with multiple chairs then we have an access ramp so now i'm thinking more exterior kind of a some sort of access to a building probably not interior spiral staircase probably that inside or outside another accent wall jody you called this out immediately out of out of our two weeks of doing live component models this is our second feature wall that we have have seen there's one last week too it's a cool looking wall at least this is consistency yeah we got walls uh we have a truss so so whatever we do is going to have exposed trusses and then i trust you'll figure something out oh nailed it and moving on rapidly we have have this uh canopy structure the okay so whenever i saw that behind it i thought that i was looking at uh some hanging lamps beneath a ceiling thing but now i realize that those are like cement bases holding up pole that's a curious one i it is i don't know if i've ever seen something like that implemented in real life yeah so this so this and look at all of it obviously this is a dominating feature right so this stuff's all good i mean this stuff like this first half is going to get worked into whatever the finish is that we do then these pieces are going to end up some sort of structure but this thing right here is like a big part of it so i i did throw out and it was kind of late in the week these actually didn't go up on 3d warehouse until last night i think towards the end of the night so um i wasn't able to get them up too early i think part of that was that we had a a holiday here on monday so everything's a day behind but um i did kind of ask on the forum if i had any ideas of how we could bring these all together but i have i kind of have an idea i'm seeing a thing i see something i'm kind of thinking like kind of an open-air restaurant eatery kind of thing and maybe just for fun it's actually like on the side of a hill so i'm kind of thinking maybe we'll even yeah let's go let's do this let's go into uh geo location and bring some gm some some location data in that maybe the side of a hill we'll grab grab a section of the the foothills and we'll create like an open-air patio eatery kind of place that looks out over the front range i think that could be kind of fun um i have some ideas of how we could actually make all of that happen and it's got some of it's going to depend on how these things work because i haven't gotten deep into every single way to manipulate or fine tune these pieces so as usual this will be interesting okay so i'm going to go uh i'm going to keep it in here i'm going to grab this stuff and just you know put it out of the way for just a second and i'm going to geolocation i'm going to add a location and in geolocation um okay thanks have you used this yet huh apparently not since the new okay i'm good right now thank you thanks for coming by uh let's let's fortunately whenever there's messages like that i'm usually trying to use the tool so i'm using this like click click click it's true and all of that education is just i don't know it's lost on me people just trying to trying to learn learn me things it's it's never all right so i'm kind of thinking like i said i just want to kind of grab a side of a hill i'm not really concerned that much about really how realistic it is so i think i'm just going to grab a chunk right here um so select i recognize that region i'm just going to go with the standard we don't need hi-res for this necessarily i don't know i'll grab a chunk let's see what happens import it all right there we go i'm going to go into 3d location show terrain all right that'll work let's here let's let's right up here we're going to slap down our restaurant and look out over the parts we didn't import it'll be nice okay um so that's my thought that's where i'm going with this idea let's see how it pans out all right i'm gonna pick a spot i'm going to uh just throw down a rectangle and i'm going to make it i don't know something like i'm going to make it 100 feet by 100 feet just to have some context so how big is this thing i'm actually making all right so there we go so that's what 100 feet by 100 feet looks like um i just want to have this come out out of there i want to maybe extend this out a little bit further maybe we'll take this out like another 100 feet we'll go we'll go all falling water on this thing and we'll make it like uh 48 feet yeah well cantilever yeah whatever uh gravity i got you right here all right so that's just a bit just a foundation a kind of a shape i want to start with i'm going to grab all that make it into a group and let it just sit there for a second all right so what i'm envisioning is out here on this i want to stick the uh that that canopy thing out here like on the outer half so maybe this half will be covered by canopy and this section back here will actually be like a physical building type thing where maybe we'll put the feature walls on that and then oh we'll make and we'll make that we'll make that two stories tall too so we'll have a seating area down here then maybe this is like the kitchen or entryway and then we'll put a second seating area up on the top that way we can put the spiral staircase going up there something like that um yeah what could possibly go wrong all right how about we oh i actually have saved this so just full disclosure i'd like to be straight forward with you guys i did download all of these live components beforehand so i just downloaded them drop them in that's why they're sitting over oh boy i think maybe buried them or or something all right they're right here all right i'm gonna go ahead six feet underground delete them for now we don't need them there but uh i did download them so you guys have to watch me download again and again just keep it keep it nice and simple and good so let's go ahead and start importing some stuff i'm going to start by grabbing this canopy like i said that's kind of a key piece and i'm going to drop it in here all right so i haven't really dug into how what what all features i have in this canopy so i'm gonna do that now i'm just gonna right click and say configure live component that's gonna pull up the live component menu um and this so confused those of you who have not seen live components or use them yet you can actually configure them through the 3d warehouse so you can go to 3d warehouse pull up a live component pull up the configuration menu make your changes and then download them pre-configured or you can download them as they are and then configure them while you're inside of sketchup the one thing to note though is that if you do this if you if you actually come in and configure it does need internet access so this hits a database up in 3d warehouse to pull the options down um there there right now it does take a few seconds people have commented on this it's a few seconds to to load it up uh they're working on making that a little bit quicker a little more snappy that sort of thing all right so here we go so we have our our canopy is default height or default size so um i want to bring something in here i don't really have a good sense of how big this is i know this is a hundred feet wide but i want to get a better sense of like what does this actually look like so i'm gonna grab this table in chairs and i'm gonna bring that in and drop it down right here okay so we're looking at like 100 feet pretty big we may have to slim this down a little bit um okay this will work this will work all right so i'm going to take this whoops i don't know what i just did to that table all right let's try that probably underground again did i did stick i i don't know what i did yeah i don't know um uh let's think i gotta pay a little closer closer attention apparently to what i'm doing all right so let's start by manipulating this the size of this thing so we have the ability to change the length this is all in millimeters by the way so that is something that they talked about i talked to the development team after our last one and and asked you know what's what's the plan on that and that is something else that they're working on is the ability to use imperial units for people like me you guys don't have to use it i'm not saying you're anybody who likes and pure or likes metric you're cool you're good don't worry about you um but but dumb people like me i i struggle so much with this not that actually using it using imperial units or metric units is super easy actually because it's all somebody called me out on one of my videos that's why i'm explaining this and explained that you know it's really simple you got a meter and then centimeters and then millimeters it's just moving a zero moving a decimal place i get that that part's easy i don't have a good point of reference for how big a meter is and i know a meter's about three feet but uh just on the fly i can think oh 10 feet okay that's about this big it's a context thing it's me it's me just leave me alone all right uh so let's do something like 24 000 by 24 000 for our canopy all right that looks good there's our canopy um i'm gonna take it and i'm gonna move it vertically real quick so that those those column anchors are down inside of my space like that all right that looks cool like that i like that i'm gonna slide that back a little bit um all right let's look at some more options here so these are huge panels right now i think i have the option to yeah i can say make more panels let's go 10 by 10. i like that that's a lot of columns in the middle though um i can so i can i can decrease the number of panels along there nice maybe no i'll leave that where it was um all right so column height because there's variance you can see the variance in here i have a minimum column height rather than just a standard column height so as i push this up i'm pushing up the lowest point i think that's what that's whoops wrong one this one okay that's cool but if i'm looking if i'm intending to look out on the front range i probably need to rotate this so i'm just going to spin this 90 degrees cool that looks cool so we could sit here have dinner oh look at all the lights of boulder that aren't there okay um i like it so there's there there is options in here so we can let's see we can change our truss depth make them deeper or shallower oh that pushes them up from the bottom that makes sense uh what else do i got a number of control points yeah i was trying to figure out what that one would mean i didn't see anything changed just now when you slid oh so that's like the whole the wave of the whole thing how many spots is it gonna gonna break so if it's just a single curve seven more and then i have the seed of course so i can come in here and feed a different number in there that it will parametrically redesign the shape too okay so i like this this is good i i gotta say i'm not a fan of the plants though so can you change you can i was hoping that by changing seed it would change the type of plant you're using a different seed ah that's a good one i agree with mark though that that the way that it looks right now it looks like it would probably collapse yeah maybe we'll throw in let's let's let's throw in a mid uh a midpoint support so we'll throw in not five let's go with three okay key said that that terrain is messing with the latency maybe we can hide that while we're modeling i think so seems snappy to me but uh yeah point taken i don't really need to see it so i'm going to come over here to tags and i'll just turn location terrain off all together all right so this is we got a nice big space this is very large so i'm going to come in here i'm going to push this back 10 feet and push it back 10 feet here all right and then i should be able to go like this grab this point right here and then i can center it against this line ooh it was pretty close to centered already all right so that's lined up i like it i like it okay so that's the beginning back here is where i want to actually put my structure so i think what i'll do put a line right here then we'll collin said colin said that wasn't it wasn't affecting frame rate it was affecting the artifacts here's having junk which would make sense for streamer people at the other end of the stream i got that that makes sense all right so i'm gonna offset this like six feet and then i'll pull this shape up how tall is this okay 12 feet so i'm going to say 12 foot even all right so that's like my that's my indoor seating area structure space i'm going to toggle this on real quick just to see how much of that's buried so i'll pull this forward like that okay this is working for me um what else do i got that i have to put in here okay so uh fireplace um going to slap a couple of those on the back wall i think i want to get them evenly lined up so maybe i want to put like two of them on here so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to grab i'll draw a new line outside of that group select it divide divide it into three pieces no well let's just divide it in half and then i'll put this one on the midpoint here and let's see what we got for options for customizing this ah yeah we'll do it we're gonna do this we're gonna free it from the wall so i like where it's at uh you know this way that puts it in the center between the columns but let's grab that and let's scoot it like this and then we'll actually make several of these throughout i think that's going to be cool all right i like that openness that's cool height is that all right so that's going to take it up let's stick it all the way up as let's get up into the rafters and then you know stuff happens up there i can adjust the width and the depth okay if i go bigger though i lose that open side oh no i bet i can change that too so uh go like that and then i i bet i can say this is bigger there we go that's i want it all the way open like that but we can make it higher too so [Music] cool concrete works for me but let's see what else we got ooh marble that sounds fancy so let's let's oh yeah that's next level it feels out of place though for this i was own something more red rock yeah ooh it's red rock and oxford uh how about a fireplace amount of wood that seems counter to uh how you should do it okay brick works i like brick yeah that looks bricker concrete yes i go with brickmore well i got a little more modern look with the concrete i think the nice thing is as we do this because they're components they'll all update together so that's kind of cool but what but what is a terrazzo i don't know i've see i've seen it before i don't ever like it [Laughter] uh and maybe i'm just maybe i'm just snooty i'm all right i'm gonna just stick with concrete um and i'm assuming this is a gas fireplace so the chimney sort of uh pipes and stuff will take care of things where i don't have to actually punch through the top oh what the heck we'll just we'll just go for it we'll just boom all the way through like that okay so i'm going to take that now and i'm going to well first first i'll move it from the center of that point option bring it over to the center of this one oops where'd it go all right so now i got two fireplaces i'll take those two fireplaces and we'll slide those down option come along here to say there and let's see divide that by three how does that look i know it's a lot of fireplaces but it's kind of it's my thing you know what we should do actually hold up and back up we should turn this 90 degrees because again if what we're trying to maintain is that view out the front side that makes a little more sense all right there we go i like that okay so i'm going to take that option copy that over here take both of those then option copy those down towards the end and then maybe we'll just divide that by two okay cool so we got several fireplaces throughout this what's turning into a dining hall as opposed to a uh intimate eatery go big or go home you know that's that's just how it works all right um let's keep moving through here let's stick some fans in that's next right fans all right so i'm gonna grab one fan assuming these are going to go between these guys right so i'm going to fine tune a little bit i grab these ones i'm going to move them horizontally by the midpoint stick on that green axis to there that should put it right between those two trusses same thing with u2 come here i'm going to stick u from the midpoint to right there one two space one 2 so u2 are gonna get moved to right there all right so now they're between the major trusses right now fans so that works when it's when it's cold outside but when it gets hot we're going to need some fans so i'm going to take this fan and let's start by configuring it again so i'll go ahead and pull up the configuration menu kind of looks like the uh the fan from the apartment in cyberpunk was supposed to look hey a cutting edge not modern classic that's right all right so we got let's see we start with a radius whoa that's too much have you seen there's an actual brand of fans like if you go to costco these things are spinning up high the brand is literally big ass fans i have seen them and that they are they're big that is not an untrue name but they have like 15 12 blades all right i feel like we need to go with a square blade to fit in with our fireplace look as opposed to the round right maybe let's see what else here we got this thing called twist ooh ooh color from an aeroplane yeah just turn that on our whole roof will fly away yeah maybe that's what keeps it like that's why you don't need as many supporting columns just make sure the fan's always on to keep it if you lift it if the fan fails the whole thing just collapses all right so we have an option for uh black plastic white plastic metal what's metal look like so i feel inclined to put metal up there because it just kind of blends in with the ceiling there all right so here's what i'm gonna do i'm going to copy this is this a glue to i don't know all right so i'm going to copy it from here whoa i'll get rid of that train there we go i'm going to as i was saying i'm going to copy it from here i'm going to stick this down wow mouse is jumping my my 3d mouse is jumping in 3d mouse what do you mean what's a what's a 3d mouse aaron hold on i'm angry right now i'm sorry i can't i can't do it justice oh there we go okay i'm gonna bring that over to here wow yeah so i got a over here i got my 3d mouse which is an awesome tool for moving the viewport in 3d space uh for whatever reason it got really touchy there usually that has to do something with having when i got a big really big model or something like that you'll get kind of weird and touchy but that feels better i don't know what was happening there but it lets me move in 3d space without having to use this mouse so this mouse can go do other stuff while this mouse over here does all the moving in 3d all right so i got two of my fans i'm going to go ahead and grab two more i'm gonna again come in here and grab it from here option and then man it's just you know what maybe you need to turn it down uh bring up the menu there should be an option for sensitivity in here but i guess that's not in the driver anymore i guess all or maybe you have to have to do it at the os level it is it is that is entirely possible or maybe you just have to deal just man up all right so i'm going to grab all of those then and i'm going to take them from here down to oy wow it is really jumpy all right don't stick them right there all right now we got a bunch of ceiling fans these ones so i put these ones on the pipe these ones they just copied over but because everything undulates it's they're going to be just slightly off so i'm going to have to grab these and individually just and constrain to vertical and just pop them straight up to hit that pipe same thing here you'll see they're all they're all different lengths away because again those parametric values i put in there kind of made that so no two locations are the all same there we go all right so now we got some fans we got fireplaces it's starting to look like a pretty nice mess hall all right let's get something's going to be uh it's going to be super awkward like if anybody gets too close to the edge maybe don't serve alcohol there because it seems like it could be lethal maybe we should put a guardrail that's an excellent idea is there a live component for railing maybe that's what you do with the trusses maybe no i got a better idea what about this ramp this ramp has a railing on it let's see let's see what we can do with this this this could be kind of cool let's see uh i'm going to turn it this direction i'm going to slap it right here on the corner all right i love it what a plan steve said they moved the speed setting into the properties window in their 3d connection home okay i don't like that too much all right so here's our width so i'm going to narrow it down a little bit so it fits apparently i'm about to keep coming over here all right so that fits in there um landing height that's the okay i wonder if i can drop this oh it's already all the way up so that's where i can get to with my guard rail it's a start let's see what else we got here let's go with an l-shaped oh hey that works all right let's let's let's go with this um i'm gonna grab it right here i'm gonna rotate that back so nobody's going to fall off this corner so we're so that's good we got something happening all right what else can we do here well let's i'm just curious what's a zigzag that does nothing for us okay let's get rid of that and go back to and what is a straight okay so here's what we're gonna do all right put one of those there rail height i'll just leave that where it was what was that that's a thousand okay put one of those there oh except here's the one downside to this is that uh i guess this makes sense a handrail goes someplace or a ramp goes someplace so we just kind of inadvertently created a diving board off of uh the side of this structure that's probably not going to work i mean yeah it'd be nice if you could close the that side and that way all you've done is you've made a 18 inch hot taller viewpoint you go up there and i don't know okay wheelchair ski jump that's pretty good pretty good these all sound criminal these don't sound like things that should be happening all right um all right i'm going to say we're going to come back to that and fix it at some point so i'm going to grab this let's say i'm going to i'm going to try to remember to come back and fix that how's that all right i can't scale so i'll have to spin it like that and now i don't know how's it gonna work i'm gonna grab another one bring it in here this one i'm gonna right click on and i'm gonna make it unique so this one is separate now from the one on either side and when i configure this i'm going to make this uh one of these straight ones yeah okay and now i can take oh that's the wrong one but the becker was this bring that down you can move this we center that point in the center of this line oops i did not get the center i got some other point there we go center point there it is and now i can actually take that stretch that back out get it so the my handrails just touch all right that's that's that's unique that's a one-of-a-kind feature we are going to have to come back and close up the diving boards at some point all right i'm going to grab one of these i'm going to rotate it bring it over here slide that in here and then i can actually just oh i can make it unique and then i'll take that one we'll just crank that out as big as it can get and then that'll be the whole all right so there we go and then i will slide that over like that all right so there's there's a unique guardrail system and this is kind of nice because if you want to just walk around and look off the edge you don't have to bother the people who can be over here eating you can actually just take a little walk uh it's got some hills in there it's got some ups and downs so that's actually kind of nice for you know a little bit of a little bit of hilltime a little bit of climb to work out work off your dinner kind of thing um we'll come up with what this feature is right here oh you know we could do yeah that's this could get nutty all right i'm gonna option copy that golly all right i'm going to option copy that over here spin around yeah all right there's our guardrails we got guardrails up um cool and you'll notice in my components this is this is something to point out too i now have this in here three times because i have the original configuration my corner configuration and my straight configuration so each of those actually ends up being a whole nother component because i kept making them unique so that's why that that happened that way all right that's a whole other great word whole nother that's it's a thing all right let's throw some accent walls up here so i'm gonna grab one strap it in there right there like that and uh right click and configure let's see how big we can make this see if we can cover this whole thing all right obviously i'm running into an issue of seeing everything so maybe i will come up here i gotta exit out of the configuration there we go and uh let's slap a section plane on here real quick all right so if you want to this is a a tip for section planes are great because they cut your model everything's still there you just don't see it one of the problems people run into is section planes though is that it is a selectable thing so right here i'm actually picking on the semi translucent uh tren or uh section plane so what you might want to do if you do use section planes come in here and toggle it toggling it off doesn't turn off the cut it just turns off the plane so now when i click up here i can't accidentally click on the section plane but i can turn it back on if i want to disable it or whatever later on so toggling the visibilities can make it easier to work inside of a section plane like that all right select this feature wall bring that configure menu back up um let's see how big what's our maximum oh we're at maximum width okay this is as big as it gets um also as tall as it gets all right so what do we have in here we have the tile size so approximate size of the tiles like a bigger probably is better right and then what do we have tile gap the spaces between the tiles oh yeah it's hard to see because i'm too far out that's kind of cool add some depth you are far out man totally all right color rule monochromatic complementary oh triatic i don't know what that means but i do not like that look um and then we have custom i'm i'm not gonna try attic i'll try something else anything else all right so let's go with monochromatic but let's pick like more of a maybe a green shade something that's going to be a little closer to nature we're trying to blend in with i don't know i'm just trying to sound smart and interior designery um you sound something i i try ooh that's cool look at that look at it moving i like that i'm gonna do this really well i'll see you guys okay that's enough i also have the ability to change the seed which is going to change the the parametric uh number that's fed in to create the randomness and then magnitude pop pop nice call out all right i hope everybody got that but uh probably not if you haven't seen the tv show community that's good good good show all right i like that i think that looks good um but obviously it doesn't cover the whole thing so i'm gonna what is so i'm gonna come out here what is this length right here got too many too many things open covering myself up or actually i don't care because i'll just figure that out later so i'm going to go ahead and grab this option copy it i'm going to put it straight down right at the end here and then to emulate that same little break that space i'm just going to move from here to here cool and i'll take that one and i will move it from here option copy oh i forgot where my where my copy is to here and we'll do that 2x all right so i think this is going to set the my building size so i'm going to go ahead and come in here push this back to here actually here's i want to do this um i'm gonna draw a line across like that and i grab that line i'm gonna move it from here up to here and then bring this out a little bit i like the way it looks on my feature wall all right so exit out i should probably get at this point let's look at the whole thing i'm going to go right click on my section plane and i'm going to deactivate the cut all right this thing's coming together i kind of like i kind of like what we're making here it looks like a real thing it does it looks like i mean other than the wonky skate park around the edge um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay uh um i don't actually need that section play anymore i'm just gonna get rid of it okay so that's looking kind of cool we have a couple pieces that are still weighing on me a little bit um i'm not quite sure so i have [Music] so you probably use you could use the trusses as support for the whole cantilevered structure maybe that is true i could all hope all right let's uh uh okay what like what the words all right um how about this if i command come up here do a little bit of an offset and then if i was to take this up say 10 feet that worked something happened there all right 10 foot and then let's throw a truss on top of here okay so truss is placed by the center that's where my my origin point is so put it there and then i'm going to rotate it and now how long is this all right so if i bring up live component all right i apologize in advance i used to head up a divi or a trust design group so if i trust out you know trust nerd stuff happens i apologize in advance but oh it was it was called out earlier that you you someone was surprised that you were not an architect because you seem to talk in architectural words i guess fairly well uh no i'm i'm just good at pretending i kind of spent a lot of time working with architects and structural engineers and uh just absorbed enough to not sound stupid that was really always my goal actually no i think he sounds stupid anyway so oh thanks jody i appreciate you noticing yeah you betcha now the thing was that i the issue that really happened was i started training software when i was 18 years old i worked for a company that made component design software and uh most the people i taught were like professional architects or engineers um significantly older than myself so i i tried really hard to not sound stupid there because nobody already nobody took me seriously so i had to work a little bit harder to seem credible um all right let's see how big can my span go on these well and family is never particularly forgiving all right um so i go 1 1200 uh i can change my pitch that big of a pitch i'll probably drop that down a little bit maybe a nice little 412 there this is a big span so i'm gonna i do have the option of let's see we got a how we got a think we got a king and a fan um so probably well actually you know what looks the nicest if we make this exposed the think trust with the w looks nicer but we do have the option i think of changing yeah the web pattern repeats so that's cool so yeah that maybe something like that would look good um rafter cut oh the tail let's go with square ends like that i like that and then we have the ability to change oh so we could go like full-on timber truss style is going to uniformly resize my material cool that's pretty cool that's neat i like that that's the first time i play with that have you saved lately it seems like seems like you should save more that is probably universally uh a good smart statement so let's let's do that let's save that oh it's 150. all right all right so there's going to be my truss um there's going to be yeah that's right that's what i said uh all right it's good words you're using oh man all right so i'm gonna grab that that and that line and we will pull that pull those oh no not that not that stop stop clicking four lines and we'll pull those back to the end of the truss there we go oh i i made something i did something bad i'll try it again this oh this is not a line that's the problem all right bring this back over there that was on me all right so i'm going to grab the line at the top and bottom i'm not grabbing surfaces because if i grab the surface can take the whole top and move it over i'm just going to take this piece and by sliding back just the four lines it's going to move those pieces back why why what what are you talking about all right try something new and pull this back like that i'm going to push this back to here man there we go and then i'll take option push this back six and then i'll push this one back to here there we go i don't know what was happening there why but uh i got that new resolution of not spending time troubleshooting just get her done all right so let's take this truss move it this way i'll say 40 48 inches 4 feet and we'll do 10x 15x that works all right and then i'll try i'll try moving this wall in by grabbing the four lines and moving that oh something else something's broken here it's messing with your feature wall over there or your feature walls messing with it yes that's not good i something was broken there and break it fix it yeah yeah yeah unbroken that's the goal to unbroke it there we go all right and then get rid of that all right there we go um so what we might want to do here is wait am i drawing this i drew all these trusses inside the group so that's not right so i'm going to go ahead and cut that come out of the group and then oh get that closed up i did something to something so now now what's going to happen now uh i can't leave it be i'm sorry i i just need to fix it real quick uh all right there's that get rid of these lines down here that's how that should go i'm just gonna get rid of all this stuff up top i dragged some i dragged i drugged i drugged something you pulled something something where it wasn't supposed to go there we go so i'll just go put this rectangle back in oh maybe that was it hmm all right starting over not really so what i want to do is i don't need this so i'm going to come out here pace in place to put my trusses back where they were and then what i'll do is i'll just start a rectangle right here i'll take that rectangle to the opposite corner of the trusses and then i can take that push it down grab that command x come into context edit paste in place and then if i wanted to i could come in here again and offset that and drag that down to get my openness um there's my exposed truss roof i need to do something up here so i'm going to do this i'm going to put a rectangle like this oh it doesn't work so if you've ever had to do any kind of sheathing or anything like that i always expect this to work and it never does just go to the top corner on the bottom corner what that ends up drawing is a vertical rectangle side to side this is where rotated rectangle comes into play so i'm going to go ahead click on rotated rectangle and i'll probably do this wrong but what i'm going to do is start by setting one end of the rectangle so that's going to be from this point to this point and then click up to here first try all right don't get don't get cocky there i genuinely genuinely usually screw that up i i can't brag on that that worked out really well all right so i'm going to go ahead and give this a little bit of depth just to have it stick up and i'm thinking so right here i want to close this up too so i'm just going to go like that and like that and then i can push pull this little piece all the way down to the opposite end all right i'll zoom over there to make sure i'm hitting that snap point uh-oh some of this actually some of the issues i'm hitting may actually be related to my 3d mouse itself because i just i think yesterday i was modeling something and it just all of a sudden flipped upside down like as soon as i took my hand off the mouse it would just flip it upside down it might be time to do a reset did you update your drivers recently no nothing like that nothing nothing that would justify what's happening here all right i'm gonna take this and i'm going to color that the same as this okay um i wonder can i color these guys no mark had a good idea maybe if you pull out the mouse ball scrub it give him his little scrubbers oh oh dated again dang it flashing back um so i want to color these trusses because i i mean i like this look but it doesn't really go with what we got going on so i'm thinking what we'll do instead uh is if i take these trusses right now i can right click and i can uh detach definition so that's not there's still going to be components at that point but they won't be live components so as soon as i do that i can't select on them and i can't my configure button is gone but what i can do is i can come in here select everything nope oh man i gotta do it one piece at a time i mean it makes sense right your live component should just be smart enough to do all this yeah i guess or you should be relying on that uh because of components i don't do this once but i do have to go into each piece which like you said that makes sense that it shouldn't be monolithic geometry i should have each of these pieces be get all those all right nope i did not get all that okay so now that comes a little more that falls a little more in line with the look that we got over here all right what else we got we got blinds all right let's uh i know i know we're going to put tables in here i'm putting tables in last because i think tables are going to dump a bunch of geometry in here um so i'm going to put that in last because i'm afraid i'm afraid of the impact i'll have on the modeling process uh let's go ahead and grab some blinds in here i'm thinking i wonder if we can put these and make these into like uh shades or something so we'll take that and like something you pull down so if the sun's getting too bright it actually headed off a little bit but let's see our options for this let's go ahead and configure this live component what do we got sorry eight seconds um all right so first thing we got is type we have venetian blind rollerblind that's kind of cool i like that that's that's something i feel like you'd see in something like this is the ability to pull down those shades you know yep sun's not blinding everybody um drop distance oh it rolls up and down that seems like that's what should happen since you know that's what what it's called that's right all right so now here's the big question how big does this get let's see oh come on it's like this was made for this all right let's uh slide this over oh so close it's very close to filling up the whole space um all right so if we if we set the drop distance max down like that that seems reasonable and then we can say i can open and close it i love it all right so we'll we'll bring it up something like that uh fabric color white black red or blue it seems like i'd have to go with white out of those based on the cur color scheme going on yeah seems ideal right there um all right it's not quite big enough to run all the way across here so i think what i'll do is i will dial it back to approximately half so let's say like six thousand and then i'll slide it over this way stick on the right axis there we go and then take whoa whoa whoa it's too crazy all right so that was not that's way too much um just slide this to the middle there we go and then we'll bring that back down it resizes about the the center so it's hard to move to one end it'd be a little easier to line that up but let's take this back to there take both of those yeah so it does get a little bit bigger all right so let's see that that looks like that's going to work all right so we can slide that over a little bit and i want to keep these all a single component definition because what i want to be able to do is select on it and take that and like yes let's go inside and see how that looks all right oh the sun it's so blinding oh no problem sir allow me to fix that for you look at that that's service all right the nice thing is based on what i know about the area that you selected that actually is only going to be a problem in the morning so it's just a breakfast problem that is true yeah so maybe just sunday sunday morning brunch time it's got a got to slide those up um okay so cool so this is looking pretty awesome um i have a couple components i haven't touched yet i think i have two two more well i don't know let's look all right so i didn't uh got it got it got it got my tables coming not worried about that um so i need my uh spiral staircases uh and oh medicine cabinet [Music] that wouldn't that's gonna be a little tricky to fit in there that is yeah i uh i don't i did i didn't really consider even the possibility of adding a bathroom to this model um all right let's look at this spiral staircase real quick let's see what we got for configure configuration oh there is a live component called floor mounted hand railing so might have to go it might have to accent our uh our existing hand railing was with with an additional uh live component that's a good idea all right i think it's i think it's a great idea so here we have height so i'm gonna have to take my height up a little bit because i it is taller than this um also total degrees how far around can i come let's go 360 because that's that's easy math that's oh no not 361. all right 360 because that goes all the way around i can i can do that math myself in my head um all right so i'm going to drop it a little bit um what else do i have in here riser height what does that mean something's changing i can't figure out what oh is it making more steps oh yeah yeah okay that makes sense fewer steps because the distance between okay yeah that makes sense all right clockwise or counterclockwise stair width that's got to be the whole thing right getting bigger or smaller that's cool oh yeah i like it i like this um inside stair radius is that the pole at the middle let's see oh yeah i don't i don't i don't like that cool cool cool cool cool all right uh we're getting away from wood so i'm going to go back to painted and then we'll use uh maybe a nice yeah bright yellow i guess we'd go with the green to continue that accent but yeah let's let's i'm going to stick with that light that light silvery color match what we've already got going on um stair structure parametric no support what's parametric that sounds like fun oh look at that that's neat i'm go i don't even know all in all there's a there's a very modern aesthetic and i feel like that matches it it really feels like it does go good with that then i can change that interior radius as well but i like that cool they can turn the handrail on off i'm going to go ahead and keep it because i'm all about safety uh yeah obviously and then uh let's let's scoot this thing over here and uh hey just for kicks we could actually take this and we could bring this out like that so when you're walking up you get to this point you're actually over nothing and then it curves back we'll have to pull this out a little bit though so we'll see 12. get a little little section here a little landing how wide is this that's about five feet all right that's kind of cool oh we'll we'll just just carry this around like that that's it works for me oh hey we can just we already gotta gotta press it in for this whole thing dropping down like that there we go yeah it kind of feels like i just threw that on there but uh that's maybe okay it hangs out at the edge of the uh the scary structure that's right so yeah let me let me let's let's take a little peek-a-loo with what uh yeah that is that really is quite quite a bit up there isn't it let's see how high above uh splattsville are we 36 feet right so i i you know i'm not totally up to date on osha or building requirements but i think 36 feet requires some sort of railing so you're probably you're probably wrong i mean i think you're just being cautious yeah probably so in the spirit of caution maybe i think we should i feel like we should copy this over to the other side though does that feel no i guess this is how you walk into the main dining room uh yeah let's all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna save because that's why um and along with saving i'm going to hop over here and see if i can find that uh that that dynamic handrail so i'm gonna click through i'm gonna go here check out what sketchup labs got's going on and there was this the first the first release was a whole bunch like a 60 or something that i honestly did not get real intimate with so floor mounted hand railing here we go all right so we'll grab this and we'll just download it directly into the model and then we'll can see what we can do with configuration so we can match the aesthetic of our our our space thus far all right here's one figure it i i don't know let's see there's a possibility we got something like this but uh all right so we can go with cylindrical oh that's better everything else feels pretty to be modern baroque i don't know if they're baroque but they sure are bent that was good one okay um yeah so let's let's start by getting this as big as it can get bottom rail get rid of the bottom rail what does that do oh it takes all the way down i feel like bottom rail is good um ballister spacing yeah we're looking at some fairly dangerous stuff going on here already so we might as well just match that and just really space these guys out all right hand rail do a full on ergonomic that sounds so pleasant oh yes it's a dome i guess the dome matches kind of our handrail already and the baluster radius smaller or bigger let's go big we'll try to match our tubing a little bit something like that post option oh so you can do multiple in line with each other okay cool so i'm going to take this one let's go ahead and rotate that 90 degrees and then we'll grab it stick it let's stick it right in line here and then slide it over copy that and i'll just go ahead and overlap these two like this all right all right and i'll just grab all of those and we will go straight across option copy that over to here that should be on the outside slot to bump that no yep just bump that in like that there we go perfect we have handrails um i'm gonna go ahead and grab one of these option copy that stick it because i don't need it on this side so much as i need it on the other side okay all right so in order to do this properly so if i take this one i'm gonna option copy stick it right on top of this one now i'll have to make this one unique and then bring up the configuration menu and then scale that back to oh of course 50 50 chance on which end is going to scale all right so let's uh let's try that again let's flip that 180 degrees let's grab it by the corner of the post let's realign and then scale that back like that all right and now we could do is take this one rotate this 90 degrees now this will be cool because what i can do since it's starting at the base i can select this one and then i can come over to my my uh configuration thumbnail right now this is the one so i just customized this is the shorter one but i can pick on the one that's the longer one right click and say oh maybe i can't do that with a live component oh there we go replace selected so that puts the long one in where the short one was and it's backwards of course oh i was so close maybe maybe it's the right direction it's just your model is backwards that could be i i wouldn't put it past me all right so i'll take that guy option copy getting squirrely all right like that oh so close um all right i'll go grab that down here one more time oh and i just i unflipped it so if i go ahead and make this guy unique and configure him it's going to shrink the other direction again because i flipped it around the other way you know the idea of 50 chance i don't buy it it's a hundred percent chance yeah fifty percent chance that it won't be 100 that's right 100 chance it's not gonna go whatever you like it the butter is gonna land face down that's what i'm i'm seeing all right sounds like someone's got a case of the mondays running strong for three days now all right i'll take that guy rotate him 90 degrees oop option no i want to take that rotate him 90 degrees to this way because i want to bring this one straight back like this and then make unique configure live component and that means i took the opposite end it should grow the right way now you know as i was saying it i'm like that's probably not going to be right yes i was so right in not being right nailed it all right so there we go we got some actual efficient guardrails uh we should probably close those gaps up so i'm going to go ahead and grab i guess it doesn't matter which one i grab because i'm going to have to re-size it anyhow so i'll just grab this one right here and i'm gonna take it and stick it right here and i'm gonna make it unique again all right this is it so if i start shrinking this it's almost certainly going to shrink off of this side let's see i win all right i know i'm playing this a little fast and loose with geometry but uh that it's because this is a live components in a live stream that's right and and in live metric imperial ish um all right so i'm gonna fill in our gaps make this more more safer safer-ish i'll grab this one by this side option copy i guess i could have copied both at one time that would have been a little bit of a time saver all right one more fill in right here oh this one goes the other direction so i'll grab this one and move that from here option copy to i didn't get it by the right point there we go all right so there's all of our our danger falling points are filled in so i still got two more pieces to put into this thing uh ah there's there's there's a little issue right there maybe we'll just grab you real quick and borrow you sir come here for a sec i want to show you something and we'll drop you right here actually you know what i think this should be about the same size let's let's try this one let's just see what happens whoa man work cool all right so two pieces left uh make a whole bathroom just for that cabinet okay that's good idea those are gates for a zip line that's how you get home at the end of the visit all right let's put a put a line from uh here down to there [Music] that's what you want to do after you had a nice big meal that's right all right sudden stop at the end is just helps helps you evacuate all right let's see what we can do with this maybe we could repurpose this somehow let's uh let's take a look at the live configuration or the configuration menu all right so we got number of shelves door height door width depth frame width beveled trim opening i enjoy this very much um but that's not why we're here okay so let's let's back up here let's let's do some things um beveled obviously everything else we got is very stark i feel like so i'm gonna go with square how wide can we make this thing oh that's the that's the frame that's less helpful door depth okay this is all cool stuff but oh hey hey hey hey we may have found a thing to do with this oh nice you can put like you can store all your your ketchup and salt and pepper refills and all that stuff in there hey we just made this we just made this into a cabinet rather like a full-on cabinet yeah what does this happen to have a really big mirror on that's right um frame width bigger can make the whole cabinet depth oh there we go yes it just became a storage closet okay yeah we'll put this on the side of the side of the building this will be uh server uh needs so just stick this guy right here and you know you can you can touch up your makeup or your hair as you as you uh grab some some ketchup to take to the the needy the customers how tall is that where we got there five feet so let's go grab both of them and up a little higher yeah that works that's gonna be that's that's good that's something i mean you're working for tips so mirror have mirror rounds not a bad thing right that's right it's true cool uh okay that one gets a little asterick next to it i still feel pretty proud about using these uh these these rails or these ramps is railing that one that's that's a little little little less less proud of the way that those turned out all right uh so the last big piece of course is gonna be our table and chairs i said i saved this for last intentionally because i know this is going to get big so i'm hoping to just use one configuration that's going to help with the file size so this is going to sit this way this is kind of the orientation that we've aligned for the dining room and now let's go ahead and sorry there's almost behind my head a little bit let's go ahead and configure that see what we got for our options on here and what we can do with this all right so we got some styles rustic modern or basic we got a table height length width and then we have some advanced options well i'm going to want to turn all the advanced options on because that's kind of just how i do things first let's take a look at our different options here basic oh come on that's that's so basic you're so basic modern that seems to fit a little bit better it's not ideal but we've got the pipe thing going on we've got our handrails i'm gonna go with modern it looks looks modern to me hello works let's see i'm going to make this table a little bit they are these only work in 20 live components only work in sketchup 2021 right um you can only directly configure like i am inside of 201 that's correct i believe you can configure on warehouse and then download it but if you want to actually configure inside of sketchup you have to have 2021 yes i believe that is all true statements it's good to believe oh yeah don't forget can you like thin out the number of chairs so you have social distance between each seat and between each table oh this is going to take at least a year to get permits through the city of boulder so i'm not really worried about it i like how you think it's all going to be gone in a year that's cute oh i come here to escape reality a little every week jody all right how's that working well i was going okay till just now i'm sorry i feel like that's my fault well i don't want to oh yes yes i can look well there you go no sure yeah it works i'm curious i'm just curious how far maximum distance is three foot three so yeah same household only on the uh sitting together at the table that's fair all right so chair support we got metal or painted i like that the seat color we could change i'm going to have the seat color uh let's go with the same greenish let's go with a greenish color why are you arguing with me there oh there you go yeah get some nice nice greeny shades to match our our wall back there all right let's see what do we have for advanced leg options so right now we got this kind of monolithic slabby thing under here um marble again why so much marble so high-end all right so we'll go with paint this is boulder county so that's true okay we do have all right let me get rid of my roundedness because i like that nice square corners we have everywhere else our base thickness that the the piece on the ground all right i'll give you a little bit of something um let's make this leg a little more gray a little less black all right i like it i like it and then tabletop options as well so i do like this is kind of cool that this one has you like all the options are closed in and then you have to expand them out that's it's kind of fun that way you know a little bit of a like looking for an easter egg kind of thing all right i'm gonna go to a painted countertop you know what actually maybe we will just you know it won't be too monolithic in our colors so maybe we'll do something like that i'm good with it all right so i'm going to take that now i'm going to move that over here 3x i might have to fine tune a little bit because go there we go and then i'll grab all four of those and i'll move them this direction like that 2x whoops i did not go on a straight line oops try that again one two three tables whoops that is not a oh oh it's all fall apart there we go all right so now try that again option copy let's stay on the green axis shall we copy that to the next fireplace set 2x all right so now every table has access to a fireplace there's a fan between them all right i kind of like it i like our our mountainside uh cantilever cafe it's not a cafe at all this is this is this is fine dining this is high end you can tell by the wheelchair ramps on the side that this is something special something real nice that's kind of that's so that is what we did we we did this this is did okay i like it we don't have quite the the physics behind that cantilevered surface but that's that wasn't our job here that's not that's someone else's problem i'm pretending to be an architect not an engineer remember all right so here that's right okay i'll do this now we're good i put a post in we should be fine okay so maybe maybe if i was to do at least something i'm stuck in the ground at least something like uh yeah it's still a it's still a healthy maybe we would go like this as well yeah that's i think it could maybe happen but uh yeah that's kind of cool that's uh our mountain mountain top eatery we used all the things that's something i i feel like i do have to i i i do still feel like i phone this in this this feels like you're going to open it up and there's going to be like a life preserver and something in there like since it should be on the side of a pool but but that's that actually they're on the wrong side of the building too because if this is the entrance this is where people come in we would want to put busing and such over [Music] here and then maybe we should actually put like access to the building yeah that's just a thought that's what you should have done is made those cabinets into doors yeah this is as big as they get though so they only get about four three and a half feet tall so well just it's served by like the wait staff are all oompa loompas it you know the design itself does have a fairly uh willy wonka ish aspect to it so that's not too far off i don't think well that turned out kind of cool i mean that as far as looking at it it's definitely more of a realistic thing than what we made last time last time yeah it's definitely more plausible than the previous effort i think so i'm good with it i'm good with where we ended up i like i like how this turned out yeah i think we're safe on the the distancing between the tables because that's 14 feet that's 14 feet so yeah we got some social distancing as far as tables go uh sitting at the table you brought a small group you could take out every other chair let's see if we get from here that's five feet so i had to take out a couple chairs but yeah i like it i like i like oh i forgot let's prepare let's prepare for a quick brunch service [Music] oh there you go yes okay bring it back and at night you can project a movie onto them oh see it's a win-win-win-win win all around all right that's pretty cool that turned out fun that was that was uh that was pretty i'm trying to find out what the what the thumbnail is gonna look best i think probably something like that looks kind of cool all right well i think we made it we got there um i still don't know what we're doing next week we're supposed to do something fun what's uh what's going on so early on earlier someone suggested a doing the orca the boat from jaws that could be kind of fun that that i'm not sure which state you would would be appropriate before like pre-attack or post-attack well posts would be a little easier because you just put the water line in as one service and have a couple pieces of stuff sticking out call it done uh yeah that could be that could be a lot of fun gotta get a roy schneider face me component by then but uh yeah hey that's a great idea what's what's the old guy's name the actual boat captain um he's played by his quinn is the name of the the character but he's played by oh man what's that guy's name something irish right do the shark i i've modeled fish before never never done a shark but uh that's that's always possible that can be shark is just robert shaw that's it thank you colin i'm glad you made it on time today colin messaged me earlier about how he always remembers that there's a live stream happening about half an hour into it oh it's good i mean today is kind of short but he still made it was that a height joke no okay new all right i meant this session was kind of short yeah oh wait we it was efficient and hold on i can spin this that's the kind of gain in your design time you're going to be able to get from using live components nice nice oh good job deetson take the rest of the day off um cool well hey that was a lot of fun that was uh uh i i don't uh like i said i think that really turned out into a more realistic design than we had last time i think that we had we had a few more uh things that aligned themselves to making this structure than what we had last time though we were kind of winging it with a couple of those last ones but this is awesome this is a lot of fun i appreciate you guys thank you so much for hanging out with us it's always a good time we get to hang out and model something i like the idea of the boat from jaws we'll see uh we'll see if if that sticks if we keep going with that uh that sounds like a good model that sounds like a good fun model to create um so come back next wednesday and i'll see if that works out and hopefully by then we might have a plan in place for what happens the week after because it might mix it up the week after but i'll say no more until we know for sure in the meantime um yeah i andy i just saw that i can't remember if it's quinn or quint it might be quint that sounds like that that could be correct yes quint call and verified sounds right and he's the one who knew robert shaw so yeah i'll defer to him but uh yeah so thank you guys so much i hope you guys have a great week this week stay safe stay sane and uh swing back by and do some more sketches with us next wednesday but we'll see you guys see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 7,016
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Id: _DLcBpvor60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 7sec (6667 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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