Minecraft Hardcore, But You Jump Super High

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minecraft hardcore but every time i jump i jump super high the challenge is to defeat the ender dragon without dying once if i do then it's game over this was way harder than i expected and required brains skill and a whole lot of water buckets here we are in the first world before i can do anything i i need some wood i can actually jump up there because i'll die now here's the first trick i'm going to use i'm going to dig directly down underneath the tree so that when i need to jump out we just we do something like that there we go in and out no problem i think i'm ready to jump out there we go although i didn't get my crafting table i won't mind that place there we go did i works pretty well actually the biggest things i'm going to use to get around are going to be slabs and boats i've also found lava so if i get some iron from a cave get some food we can go to the nether and if you're wondering how high i jump well wonder no more this is exactly how we can jump okay i need to make sure i don't mess this up i need to uh i need to land in the water it's a pretty big target though i'd have to be a bit of an idiot to uh to miss that and to get out of here slap slaps are the easiest way to do this operation get iron is successful i now have one of the most important things for this run i can jump here look a bucket of water jumping in caves you shoot them super fast but it's it's kind of not not dangerous so that's okay although you can easily get a bit disorientated we found a pretty cool abandoned mine shaft ravine so that's that's exciting can i crit this guy oh look at this they don't even know what's him you know what i'm too powerful in the cave the place to just keep collecting as much i i think i lost that one yeah but keep playing collect as much iron as possible like abandon my shop is the perfect place to do this can we just get involved i'm not sure this is going to work out is it let's just take a bit of a tunnel instead i think the goal is going to be to get full iron out but look at this look at all the iron just waiting in this wall for me we don't need blocks to build up we just jump and we're there things are starting to come together i've got a chest plate i've got some leggings i'm looking good you know what i've decided we're going down i mean we're in a ravine we can easily jump out that's not a problem so let's drop down there perfect we found the diamonds let's go oh okay i gotta be careful about i like jumped out of the water and it flowed me up in the air i just like jump here i just gotta have confidence in my mlg ability yeah no problem can you believe that i've found diamonds before i've even got a nine pickaxe we're now back in business let's go and mine these diamonds how many ever got hopefully it's more than two it's three okay do i make a diamond pick or do i make something else like uh do i make an axe i don't know you never i never know what to make with diamonds nowadays i'm making a diamond pick just because you're gonna be buying a lot of gold in the nether we might even go for another right who knows oh my god i just found more i just wore around i was like i wonder if i can just get a little bit more iron but we've got more damage now that maybe oh this is even more i wish i'd saved the other diamonds and made almond it oh who's come to spoil my fun where are you skeleton all right bring it on this will throw you off yeah you don't know what you're doing dealing with okay can still hit me okay we can jump behind him and he won't know what's going on okay it didn't quite work we have no height but we threw him off completely and we've got quite a few more diamonds there we have eight oh let's make a chess play yes look at this little upgrade i'm gonna get a gold helmet because a gold helmet if you didn't know is exactly the same as an iron helmet i managed to find some gold so i'm gonna use this to make a gold helmet and i think i'm ready to get out of this ravine now so we just jump on up there perfect i can now test out my fancy escape plan so slow and steady we're going to slab our way up until we're underneath this roof we don't want to do it when we're not underneath the roof otherwise i basically just killed myself since i somehow lost my water bucket so like we just didn't even need that today right how do i get up above that now i should have made some ladders but i didn't bring any i'm gonna jump like this there we go and then jump like this okay we're nearly out now normally you think i can't fit in this gap but if i crouch look at that we can just about fit in you and me chicken we're not so different if i just jump in this boat jump out we've made it okay can we get this boat back you know boat i'll i'll see you later and now comes a tricky task i must attempt to make another portal without jumping to the elf that's probably not going to be too much of a challenge wait how do i get it on top of that you know what you see already we've we've come to a roadblock we're gonna no no wait wait wait okay i thought that was gonna spread everywhere we're all right if i swim up here and do this there we go it's just oh no we don't don't get trapped in there what now what do i have to do now if i do this will it work let's see if this actually makes a portal for me hey it's working they all said i was crazy thinking i could make another portal out of that but they were wrong you don't need to jump to make another poll that's just fake news now this is the part of the run i don't really know how it's going to go i've got a gas attacking me which is not good news yeah fortress finding is not easy at the best time i can't even get up there with an mlg i think that lava better not come and attack me i need to make ladders so i'm with ladders slabs you name it i've got wait i can't get on i need to do something like this and i can't jump at the top of it either you've got it you've got a ladder every single bit and there's gonna be a skeleton waiting at the top of for me as well this gas just does not care about me one day i'm just stood here in plain sight and he's just flying around you're gonna shoot me oh there we go well this is your doom i can't miss him from here can i it was harder to miss him than him i really have no idea where i'm going i've just gone all the way up just to boat all the way down i'm going to go back up again this is going to be a never-ending task i'm going to go for it let's go i don't want to boat emoji on any jumps that would kill me but for little jumps like that it's definitely worth it i think this is a good spot okay maybe not okay just about a good spot for a boat mlg but uh i realized when i saw the lava that i messed up oh hold on a second it's a fortress this is actually not bad this is not that far from spawn either now with some careful maneuvering we can do i reckon if we jump like this yes oh get away from me you with a skill oh okay i'm all right jumping it's not gonna make me any faster though let's get rid of him go drop me a school i know you want to okay i didn't so now i can put my other plans into action the most useful thing for me is to have an underground blaze border and from the looks of these fortress it's kind of in the right area for it and i found a saddle which is all part of my master plan this could work it's got a roof we've got blaze this is exactly what i need okay i mean thankfully i've got a shield so in theory it shouldn't be too hard but you know with me anything's possible look at that okay we're actually getting kind of badly hurt here the hard thing about these guys is is getting crates on them but you only need to get one and then you and then they're hurt so you just can't go for this i you think you can fly away do you okay maybe you can fly away maybe that's your strategy i think i've got okay i need one more blazer i've got eight blaze rods i'm gonna get rid of this guy and then i'm gonna be on my way didn't drop me one okay a blaze rods is enough so i can either go pearl hunting and kill enderman or i can trade with piglet i'm probably just going to trade with pickling it's a bit safer look at this already made for me to jump straight out the fortress this gold around so we might as well grab it let's see how the rng is looking going to be honest guys at first glance the orange can i can i can do this i need to be careful at first glance the rng is not looking on my side zero pearls of eleven trades all together i've decided it's time for plan b taking out enderman ender pearl number one ladies and gentlemen is also quite a lot of enderman around here you're gonna get in as well don't be like this don't walk across it no i need to get out the boat is he in i think he's in i think from now on we should stick to one enderman in a boat air time you know if you want to walk into a boat that's absolutely fine who's hating me is it you okay as long as the the roaming ones are okay i don't mind but hey we're getting some good drops that's five pearls i feel like votes may have a case for being the most overpowered item in the game and there's ender pearl number ten feel is a safe way to get up here in a non-safe way we're going to do the non-safe way oh that did not i didn't think we'd go that high okay i didn't think we'd go all the way up there i didn't think about that i feel like at this moment risky plays or something we should not be making oh it's not okay i didn't expect it to be all you guys are waiting at the top what the heck we need to uh very carefully deal oh my goodness this is gonna be bad okay can i just jump up here okay i may have lost my boat but we got out in one piece what a sucker he's he's stuck in the boat and you know what for what you did you could spend the rest of your life in that boat yes that is right skeleton so the next question on my mind is where is my portal and there she is my beautiful portal we've got the ladders up there we don't need to go up there let's get back to the overworld and begin phase two of course it's night time and i see i've just realized how do i get out of this ball wait we can break it we can swim up right yeah okay we just got to carefully swim out of this country you know you think about how you get internet you don't think how you're gonna get back out of another so thanks to my ingenious forward planning we now have a saddle which means we can tame a horse and then cover the ground without having to jump look at that me and this horse we're best friends forever well okay there's stupid phantoms he's not the fastest horse but that's not a problem because he can go up hills okay horse which way are we going this way see now this this is where a horse comes into its own could you imagine me having to go up there painfully slab by slab yeah no thank you it's a bit of a shame that this isn't a particularly fast horse i mean he's trying his best look at him he's doing his absolute best but i've been on way faster horses in my time but hey it doesn't get any better than this i mean look at that view that's a wallpaper right there the sun rising with my horse creeper do not ruin this for me there's always a creeper to ruin those special moments bro did you just shoot my horse right that's it you won a battle then i'll bring i'll give you a battle okay oh sorry the other one that's going to get hurt about this there we go but we we did it basically all the horse's health has gone but we still did it so i think with this throw it should narrow it down yeah okay we're nearly above it it's in line with that netherrack with my advanced stronghold finding knowledge that is the spot to dig down but i want to go and check out this village first i'm gonna get a few beds i don't i'm not gonna be able to one cycle the dragon but i might still be able to use the beds for the fight sorry buddy no bouncing on the bed for you today boss did you seriously wander off now i've gotta fend for myself and play slabs what's that all about i don't know how i missed it there's literally a room portal there as well so that's the village that's the room portal and that's where we're digging down i think i've got a few beds i'm i'm going to attempt this one cycle the main problem with the whole one cycle thing is if i jump i'm going to jump super behind i need to jump to place the beds but because i've got obsidian i can kind of set it up so that i can place the beds without jumping so that's how i'm going to attempt to do it but i've never done it before so it might not work and i'm sorry horse well this is where we say farewell you've been a good horse to me okay i've got yeah you eat grass enjoy your life i'm going to go and possibly lose my life also any of you guys doubting as to whether i'm actually digging down in the right place i'm telling you now 100 we're going to land straight in the stronghold there we go okay now it's time to find the portal room so we've not got a secret room there we have got a secret room here though kind of feel indestructible in the stronghold since i can i can jump and i could be absolutely fine that's right get him buddy finish him oh that's it all of you go for it these skeletons they're just not clever enough are they wait are they so they swapped this is a proper team battle there's oh he's lost oh the skeletons are the strongest well okay i don't need a what we got around here this sounds promising we've got it okay okay okay right how am i gonna how am i gonna do that i kind of wanna not jump in that's that's pretty safe isn't it and if i place water here and i go like oh no get out of do you have to do this okay this is going all very how did i manage to screw up such a simple process i'm gonna fill in these eyes of ender and go to the end my inventory is organized hitboxes are on so i think the only way to do this if i kind of swim upwards and then place the obsidian there i think he's perching already as well okay and hopefully this works then so we're gonna put it like this and then every time he turns into it so like that i think this is actually like the easier way to do it oh my goodness this is so easy i should do this in actual runs look at that and to finish the run we're gonna jump into the portal you
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,921,882
Rating: 4.9426761 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft but, minecraft but you jump super high
Id: r_JzenE55Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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