Minecraft Hardcore, But It Progressively Updates

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minecraft hardcore but every day the game updates today we're going to be starting on version 1.0 and every time a new day starts the game updates this means that if i want to use cool new features like the elytra the trident and massive new caves then i'll have to wait till the game updates to that point thanks to zai for the idea this was a very nostalgic trip and very fun to see just how much minecraft has progressed over the years and not to mention how much update in the game kind of breaks your world also i'm trying to hit 2 million subscribers this year so if you like my channel don't forget to subscribe so let's set it to hardcore and create the world and here we go day one on version 1.0 and already we have stumbled across a pretty amazing cave i feel like my first quest is to get full diamond armor i don't think enchanting exists in this version although i could be wrong since all the versions kind of blur into one for me i shall mind this block right here float down this lovely little waterfall painstakingly do some crafting i forgot it was so slow in this version and now i can collect up some iron grab a bit of coal and now i can begin my search for some food i forgot that in this version making a sword is kind of a necessity i can also get wool so i can make a bed i should prevent anything going wrong tonight unfortunately in this version you cannot eat sheep so i have to keep searching for food and this ladies and gentlemen is how sb dies i cannot find any food anyway i think starvation could be likely i don't even know if apples exist in this version so many wolves but not a single cow or a pig i'm gonna have to go for it rotten flesh could be my only savior yes i am dying of starvation but thankfully rotten flesh was really op back in these days so i've got to somehow survive the night and hunt these guys look at how truly miserable a first night in minecraft can be everywhere i go it's just stupid sheep finally i have spotted some pigs i'll lose a skeleton in the way i think my best bet here is to go to sleep and that puts us on version 1.1 let me take this guy out for a bit of extra food and i can finally get myself some food i've been waiting all day for this i don't know what version 1.1 added but i'm sure we'll find out and thank goodness i'm now able to find plenty of food so the big question on everybody's mind does mushrooms do exist i mean they have bowls in the game so yeah look at that we've got some mushroom stew and i think now i can safely begin my quest for diamonds i guess finding iron would be a good start i don't think mlg is a thing in this so i'm gonna be a bit more careful i've also no idea what these sheep are doing down here before i go any deeper i think i'll be safer with a bit of armor and now i can finish the job with leggings helmet and boots okay let's go get some diamonds it is also night time so i might as well sleep and so now we're on version 1.2.1 there actually it wasn't a 1.2.0 version and the main thing this alley that i saw was it added jungles and also iron golems i also definitely want to mine gold when i find it because a cool thing i thought i'd craft is a notch apple what's on earth i just looked down look how many mobs are you kidding what am i just witnessed i've never seen anything like it and they're all attacking each other but yeah i've been autographed enchanted golden apples was removed in version 1.9 i think look at this a mine shaft anything exciting oh look at this do i need to make an iron sword nope i can just make a diamond one and collect as much iron as possible because later on i will be making an anvil at this point lapis is actually useless in enchanting more gold right here no matter the version i still end up strip mining i'm now able to sleep which means we're going up to the next version and now on 1.3 they've added jungle temples desert temples trading emeralds ender chests i found quite a nice cave with good diamond potential oh okay whoa no not at this crucial moment creeper i don't need it okay i got so lucky finding diamonds let's just see how many we've got two i'll i'll take two three okay never mind four wait there's loads here i need one more diamond then i can do enchanting i'm loving the sight of all this gold edging closer to my notch apple dream since i only have a certain amount of time to do it before i get to the 1.9 version it's time i made a diamond pickaxe and collected some of this obsidian now i have four pieces i just need one more diamond okay oh whoa whoa what what all right i just lost my thing let me put that there it looks like it's at least two diamonds in fact no it seems in this version you kind of have to mine around a bit for your diamonds because they're not always together but that is now all the diamonds that i want the main thing i'm bothered about now is getting to 64 gold and i'm able to sleep which means we're going up a version and the main thing that this version adds is anvils and the wither new cave discovered and i can now get back my water oh now there will be two diamonds or will it be more see that's why you put water there that could definitely have burnt and that as well and these yeah you see protected well by water let's grab these bits of gold i just realized i actually need 72 gold not 64 for a notch apple that means i've got 23 pieces to go oh that's another diamond well let's grab that i think it's only one more gold i can grab all i can say is this cave system is absolutely massive which is perfect for what i need right now look at that we even got an independent this is very close to all the gold that i need i think i just need one more piece and there we go we've got that one more piece in fact more than that i'll see if i can get one more ender pearl for good measure which we have see if we can sleep we can alright next version here we come the main things that this version added was all sorts of redstone related stuff like hoppers and droppers i think comparators and quartz were also added and on the edge of this desert we have a village i do know that train is a thing with these guys but the main thing i want is to steal all their books feel like they're the only useful thing in this village i take it back it has a blacksmith with no check i untake that back i think the reason for this was because these chunks were loaded before it updated because yeah the mountain yeah thinks it doesn't quite look right but one thing that has allowed me to do is to create an enchantment table turns out lapis isn't used yet but i think if i do a level one bane of arthro no i'm gonna make a new chest plate and on that note i'm doing no more enchanting until the lapis system is in place instead my only quest is to obtain an apple and set the rest of this gold smelting and that looks like an apple to me the gold is all ready well thank goodness the new crafting is here now it's been years since i've been able to do this but we have an enchanted golden apple now i think i'm ready for the next phase where i go to the nether now i can sleep for yet another night and get to the next version what did version 1.6 had you may be wondering well the main thing it added was horses am i too bothered about horses at the moment no not really but i cannot wait for the next update because that is the one that adds all the new biomes to me this seems like a perfect time to get a pet dog here you come buddy although you're not actually called buddy that's in the 100 day series instead i will call you jensen you sit down here i'm digging down to try and find some lava not only have i found lava but this could be a great way to find diamonds and look at this mineshaft chests are a thing now oh and cave spiders are also a thing i don't like that one bit what we got in here gold and bread and a creeper trying to get to me i don't like that either in fact i'm getting a bit surrounded here and i don't have much health i really want this minecart chest but these cave spiders are really scaring me see what he's got to um are you kidding me i came all this way for bread and lapis i think that's a mud spawner over there yeah indeed it is let's get rid of this guy let's get rid of that anything good feather falling four if i can just find four diamonds and i can make some pretty amazing diamond boots bedrock fog what a scary thing this was i think something similar is being brought back in the cave update actually is that what i think it is indeed it's just what i was looking for oh i think it's only two i wanted four i'm gonna be brave and destroy this spawner it's letting me go to sleep so we're going up a version finally a version which has a sprint button 1.7 just feels so much better so much smoother and another mob spawner has been discovered however still no diamonds one thing i do know is that this is the update that changed the world quite literally actually it brought loads of new biomes and that's why instead of checking them all out we are instead going to nether apparently they added achievements too i finally opened my inventory what's happened to my skin i'll try and fix that when it goes to 1.8 i don't like being a steve so here we are in my quest to find the fortress i know only one thing about finding fortress in this version you always go either east or west looks like i've found a fortress perfect i hope they have diamonds in these chests i think it's possible for there to be diamonds i will take a saddle just in case oh three diamonds that is insane i can make my boots craft an anvil and get myself feather falling four diamond boots and they still haven't updated enchanting i think that comes in 1.8 i don't want to try and take out some weather skeletons because it would be cool to eventually defeat the wither although looting is probably going to be something i need floating lava i should probably patch that up in case something happens thankfully the combat makes defeating blaze so much easier whilst i'm waiting i can also craft loads of arrows make a bow get the last of the blaze rods and get out of here might as well get another watt while i'm here too this is gonna be pretty cool look at it all collapse oh my goodness it's still going here's my nether portal and it is now the next day which means we're on version 1.8 so i can finally do some enchanting with lapis adding sharpness one to my diamond sword doesn't work but i can get prop 2 diamond chest plate but i have just got a sharpness 3 book an efficiency 2 pickaxe and a prop 3 diamond chess play that i can't afford nothing a bit of quartz mining won't fix there we go i think i want to get a bit more xp before i leave my portal behind this guy's just completely lost the plot don't worry good sir i will save you come on just just just please stop he really he really has lost it that's enough time spent in the nether we've got 20 levels i should go to the surface see what that has to offer since we haven't been there for a while it's night time but i kind of want to explore before i upgrade to the next version and that will only happen when i sleep look at this border this one's when you play a world across updates but the new biomes are here we've got dark oak over there the world's tiniest jungle biome over here and two endermen over here which i'm definitely gonna get one of the big things that 1.8 did add is ocean monuments though i'm not too confident i'm gonna find one and look at the size of rabbits my goodness they are ginormous it's not been a bad night for enderman here's another one and another pearl the sun is rising i might as well have a quick sleep and this is version 1.9 one of the most controversial updates ever added the brand new combat system that basically made swords useless so for that reason most people didn't like this update but whilst it did add that controversial thing it did also add new boats which let's be honest are so much better than the old boats and they also updated the end of dragon fight and added elytra and end cities it looks like the eye vendor is taking me closer to spawn oh no good question guys how on earth did that pig get to the top of that tree don't worry buddy your savior is here look at that he's never been happier speaking of buddies i just realized i completely abandoned my dog poor poor jensen he still sat there waiting the calculations are correct yeah we're right above it currently looking for the room with all the bookcases oh this is very cool a mob spawner in the stronghold with no chest okay i'll take it back not cool at all hey you know what i might be able to find some more diamonds down here ah i found the room i was looking for let me just get rid of this i know i can get some really op enchantments speaking of op pro three acro affinity and unbreaking three lovely little enchantment room is set up though i think i need a few more levels in fact it just makes more sense to get all the bookcases give myself prop four i can also sleep now so we're going to the next version which nicely puts us to 1.10 and the plans to use all these from the xp i get from the enderdragon look at that another ender pearl that was very very close indeed the main thing 1.10 adds is polar bears and magma blocks i mean that that's about as excited as it gets really and apparently igloos were added in 1.9 finally here is the portrait let's get rid of this before it spawns anything not bad on the eyes of end different do i need one two three four five i need six more right now it is night time but that's probably a good thing definitely gives me more chance with enderman hunting is it crazy just how different everything looks since when i began i'm glad that i can finally use boats on these guys that's one pearl there's another guy over there let's try and get him no you're ruining everything get out of here you i think i just yeah i got three pearls there i highly doubt i'm gonna get another three tonight do know that if i head back towards spawn i should come across a desert although on the way another enderman and another pearl is that desert i was looking for the sun is rising so i'm going to quickly get some sleep and now i'm on version 1.11 the version which added shulker boxes and woodland mansions one of the things i want to do next is to build myself a bit of a home somewhere i can rest my head somewhere i can i can call my own this is the spot that i shall build my house kind of like the idea of having a bit of a tree house yeah i could definitely build something up here i feel like quite a lot of you guys were impressed with the house i made in the 100 days video but i'm not about to spend the next three hours doing this house so it probably won't look anywhere near as good and whilst it's night i need to go hunting and get two more pearls and that looks to me what i'm looking for let's get this fella in a boat oh no you can't just walk over the boat now and we got another pill awesome come on i've got ender pills five out of five times can we make it six out of six all right good sir this won't take long at all and the answer is no no we can't don't let me down good sir oh he didn't let me down i guess all that's left to do now is to sleep and get the next day started and so this is 1.12 known as the world of color update the main things it adds is stuff like concrete they improve the colors of wool and also parrots we've got parrots now since i have all my pearls i feel like i should put it on hold to make a house and instead prioritize getting op armor although first i'm going to make some ladders up and down to the stronghold might be the update where you can have different color beds look at that i've got a white bed now i'm going to wait till the next day before i go to the end now because unless it's night time i can't set my spawn and i don't want to come back miles away from here fill in these gaps with leaves i have never tried anything like this before it's either going to be truly amazing or it's going to be truly terrible at least for now i can already get a bed down let's now make these eyes of ender and i can put this project on hold whilst i go to the end but yeah we're now on the aquatic update i don't think it needs any introduction without a doubt one of the best updates that has happened to minecraft i have no idea what the dragon fight is like in this version but i must precariously bridge across all right that should be fair enough let's do that let's do that let's get this dragon that's tower number one that was close well feather falling so there's not really any need to worry let's get rid of this tower again another close call let's get this tower now i can easily shoot these ones i think the dragon's gonna come after me this isn't good but we've got that we've got to land this okay it was no if so but i hate having to manually shoot all the towers it's so much effort i think i've got them all now although the dragon right now is invisible i have defeated it now i can set up a little enchanting station get a little bit of xp to get myself to level 30. now i can start getting some very powerful books i'm also going to make a new axe and put sharpness three on it and my anvils broken we're gonna need more iron now so i might as well grab this egg get back home and the night is almost over i'm gonna quickly sleep and here we are on 1.14 the great village and pillage update and since i don't have a great deal of time left before we get to 1.16 i feel like i should go and check out these new features i want to find a village they're so useful maybe we'll also have time to go to a woodland mansion who knows and all the textures have been updated too everything looks so so nice look at this i can swim i feel great i also just realized that dandelion suspicious stew is now a thing never seen this a mushroom that didn't finish generating i love the speed of the ax it's amazing and finally after traveling through many forests i have reached a village with a blacksmith as well nothing particularly useful just a bit of iron i also need to steal a new bed eye i use my other one up why am i happy to see you more free iron let's see how powerful this sharpness three axe is apparently quite quite strong look at how beautiful the waters look all this seagrass can't wait for 1.15 to come yeah being able to find bees that's that's going to be amazing no but on a more serious okay we have found another village as i was saying on a more serious note i think the nether update is going to be the next one we're looking forward to i'm basically here for the free iron again and the good news is i can now make a new anvil just enough i think i'm going to attempt the difficult task of trying to get fortune because i still need full diamond armor hope you don't mind us sharing the room tonight buddy so here we are 1.15 as we said before the buzzy bees update i'm currently on the hunt for gravel we've found some let's get flint it took way longer i expected but finally i got the flint i also have a plan that involves smelting some stone let's do some training with this guy i accidentally punched him his prices have gone up very happy to say that i can now craft a grindstone and take this stupid bane of half a spot i've been waiting till this update to do that let's see what trade we can get from this guy you know what i'm mixing things up a bit this guy's offering multi-shot and since we don't really need better armor i think i'm going to make myself a multi-shot crossbow or even better the sun is now setting like a go to sleep get it to 1.16 and then find a crossbow in a bastion so let's get some sleep and this is it version 1.16 the very amazing nether update but to see all this good stuff we're going to need to go to another so i'm going looking for lava this looks like a good spot to me so let's create this portal and then realize i have no way to light it looks like it's time for plan b lighten it with fire spread finally the portal has lit and i have to say the nether looks very different since i was last here i think that's mainly down to the textures i think i've been to this fortress actually never mind it's a different one and it's a very broken different one i'm also planning on spending the final day on the cave update which i've not yet played i'm kind of looking forward to it and look what i found it's my lovely little starting portal in fact they're both lit for some reason and very broken yeah this is what happens when you play on new updates guys and there's another fortress i originally went to it's like a trip down memory lane bit of risky speed bridging look at that you don't mess with sb and this is where the old nether becomes the new nether with some new biomes and thanks to some pretty new tech of looking at the e number which is entities i'm pretty sure there's a bastion in this direction since i can't find a way around this wall i'm gonna dig my way there look at this it actually worked i've never tried that before and it took me straight to a bastion if you're interested in how that actually works i'll link a video explaining it in the description let's craft a golden helmet and see what we can find in this bastion bad news is i'm out of wood i've run out of sticks my pickaxe is so close to breaking i should never have given all my sticks to that villager although i found some wood thank goodness for the updated nether it'll have to be a golden pickaxe for now let's see what this chest has to offer now that's all i needed obsidian and iron and soul spade 2 as well that's pretty nice and a crossbar the list just keeps going on means i can now get an iron pickaxe grab some black stone make a stone axe i can put multi shot on this crossbow and unfortunately it's too expensive to have soul speed on my boots but now i just want to find some gravel then i can use that to get flint so now i'm going to make my way back to zero zero right about here looks like a good spot are you kidding me i guess it's time for me to test out the multi-shot crossbow hit number two you don't stand a chance of all the places i picked one where there was a gas waiting for me there we go let's light it and head on through it seems to brought us out into a bit of a cave any diamonds lurking around hopefully it's night time though and i can get some sleep all right indeed it is unfortunately in the latest snapshot it gives you this error and you can't open the world so instead of had to go back two snapshots the main difference with this one is it doesn't have the increased world height and world depth which is what creates those amazing looking new caves it's very annoying when you update your world to the next version you get these terrible world borders it's great to be home in my amazing house i really do not have time to finish this so instead we're going to make it look terrible i'm actually speed building right now but you're not going to see it until the grand reveal and there we have it my finished house it really is one of the best things i've ever built in minecraft please give it a rating out of 10 and if anybody gives me a higher rating than a 3 then i'll know you're lying the main thing i'm happy about is i can finally put sharpness 4 and fire aspect on my sword the good thing as well is i can sleep and it won't go to the next version because we've actually run out of versions to go to and so i want to spend one final day looking for some caves and i can check out and see what's new what's exciting what have we got to look forward to the bad news is i'm out of food the good news is i've got a fire estimate sword now look what we have here another village i can't believe how lucky i've been in that every village i've been to this video has had a blacksmith although they've all been pretty useless i'm pretty sure i'm in brand new chunks i appear to have found a cave up ahead let's see what new things we can find underground oh my god well we found copper well that's a new thing that's pretty cool and now i can craft my first ever block of copper look at it it's beautiful i'll soon go turquoise oh my goodness what's that is that the glycogen something like that i can't remember exactly what it's called but it's it's a cool thing yeah caves are already coming to life look at that over there it would be cool to find one of those amethyst things but i guess they're fairly rare i think i can get them with shears right i can they're called glow lichen i got what i call them when i come glycogen that'll be their new name we can nicely light up caves with them they look amazing before i end i of course have to eat the notch apple oh look at that the power usually one in three people watch my videos all the way to the end so if you're one of those people please leave a like and you should definitely subscribe if you do and that was minecraft but it updates every day
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,462,675
Rating: 4.9417486 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft update, hardcore, hardcore minecraft, 1.17, cave update, new cave update, alpha, minecraft alpha, first version, minecraft first version
Id: EDfBixp25ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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