Minecraft Hardcore, But There Are Custom Structures

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there are some very cool structures in minecraft but after a while finding the same old structures does start to get a bit boring but today i have added brand new structures to minecraft which adds brand new bosses and brand new challenges and of course we're playing on hardcore mode to make it even harder at least i found something good to start with and that is a good old regular village and the thing that's mainly useful about this is to get some food so let's grab some bread and a pickaxe mine up a bit of stone deal with this guy who's trying to ruin my day out he's got a mate as well should probably get out of here with this we could make some tools and now i'm going to turn the tables on this guy and i have to because i've only got two hearts and now i can grab some iron by taking out their golem let's see if we can track down a brand new structure and whilst i'm here i might as well dig down and grab some diamonds which i'm definitely going to need to face these new structures let's make a chess player out of that and the first new structure has been found i think it's going to be a good idea to make a shield before i go in there and smell this iron to get more armor from what i can see all the bees are very angry already hopefully they won't get angry if i kind of mine in at the sides hello guys all right well they're angry but they're not angry at me let's grab some leggings and a helmet and finally some boots let's also get a bucket of water to deal with that lava and now let's head on in so it's to my understanding that opening this chest is is probably gonna be where things go a little bit wrong so this is the queen's nest and i believe this is where the queen bee lives and she is the boss let's take the emeralds and diamonds and some honey potions okay they look pretty useful and now we can leave this place and release the queen bee but i kind of want to be away from all the other bees i'm gonna be doing that let's put it right there okay there's a few bees and that is the queen bee i don't think that there yeah i think if i take her out though all right they're gonna get a bit angry at me are we good yeah i need to try and and take her out then i get some free hearts i've one bee down two b's down it's just me but well the queen bee did some damage though the queen bee does do quite a bit can i use my shield let's do a bit of blocking just keep it the thing is i don't know how much health she's got oh i'm on half a half oh she did a lot of damage and i'm poisoned it's all right though because i have the honey potion which is going to give me regeneration which is just what i need there we go we did it and we got this special forbidden apple now if we eat this look at that we got an extra heart and that is going to help me when i face the harder bosses i'm happy with what i've achieved here so i'm setting sail for the seven seas might as well bring this dolphin with me as well what's that i see up ahead it looks to be a railway outpost well i do have 11 hearts i'm sure i've got nothing to be afraid of let's see what we're dealing with here oh we've got a witch here as well okay that's it just just shoot them for me that would definitely help a lot okay you're poisoning yourself here i think i've just got to get in there i can't get in okay we took it out i don't know why i didn't just think to break this but let's uh let's go and take all these out now oh my goodness there's a lot of those guys oh this is crawling with them okay we've got to be quite careful here oh they're dropping from the skies as well and i see some of their the station chief okay i think my best bet is to just let them all shoot with each other yes that's gotta work i might my shield is broken didn't think i was tanking that many hits wasn't a better crafting car fix a lot of them have died we're now down to three i reckon i can do this you ready that's it and now we get you we get you we get you look at that brilliant and apparently i got a bad omen which isn't a good thing and i've disposed of most of them we can steal some of their loot so here we have a look at this we've got an enchanted book we've got this is a really nice chest another chest up here with loads more good stuff and it seems like in every corner there's loot to be had look there's some gold as well and what is this they've caged you guys up okay um i don't want to release you just yet because there's a lot of them but we got to take out the station chief i'll just break this for you guys oh there's another one over there you guys really are trapped and look at them there must be about 10 of them down there can sp take out 10 pillages at once watch and learn first we create a little room like this and then we just get him to come on down you know and then they think oh they've got me oh no actually i've got them this would be a lot easier if i actually had a sword and there's really nothing stopping me from making one so now we've got sweeping edge oh we've got the chief in here as well see why would i have to fight these guys with skill when i could just do this so this guy is the last one remaining and i'm just going to keep hitting him look at them out of healthy hats i can tell you all the chief but it's not very much of a challenge is it i think sometimes whoa they just he just spawned a ravager i didn't sign up for this i don't really know how i'm gonna defeat this guy i'm gonna make sure i'm kind of far away enough so the ravager can't hurt me i've been hit and he's poisoned me wait what does he have he's got a crossbow dropped maybe maybe that's my only way maybe i just have to crossbow this ravager but even that's not really working i'm gonna jump hit what guess i'm just gonna have to use some great shield power maybe and then if that guy yeah does that and then i don't know what i'm gonna do here it seems like the ravager is unhittable so i'm just gonna take the guy on top i think so this guy cannot hit me now if i just use this scruff okay he charges very fast i'm just gonna build up high okay if i'm up here he can't hit me i'm pretty sure if i just drop arrows on top of his head yes that's the way we're gonna do now fella the only hope is this crossbow doesn't break on me but yeah we are hitting him there we go we finally got him and we got another heart down there let's drop down i'm pretty sure this pillar is still unhittable which is very annoying let's we'll find out is he still unhittable oh we just took him out easy now we got two things here the forbidden berries and this forbidden apple so if we eat this okay oh okay okay i see so you can see that little pink heart at the bottom there when we fill all of those up we go up to the next heart which thankfully this berry should yes look at that okay we've now got two extra hearts now i could try and take out the station captain here but i'll be honest with you guys don't want to go through that again i've discovered a monument don't think i'll be going there i've spotted something in the distance another new structure and if i'm not mistaken this is the watchers camp all right okay we've already got a guard at the bottom well you just shot a baby pig right that's it you're going down let's just keep hitting him he's got a lot of okay well we took him out no problem spider you're going down as well but there is a lot of these guys in the area i'm gonna be careful i don't get swamped what have we got here okay there's more down there i don't know i don't know anything about this really well i know it's probably a bad idea to go down here but hey i'm gonna do it anyway there we go i didn't mean to do that let's just grab this okay guys i did not come to oh these are farmers i don't know how much their whole damage does okay not very much to be honest you guys are pretty weak then again they are only farmers i didn't expect much let's see what's down here okay maybe dropping down here was not such a smart idea and we've got guys all around thankfully they are just regular skeletons i think because you've got an iron chestplate you're tough or something coming down here might be my biggest ever waste of time apart from the books but i don't really care about them i think it's time to go for the main man up there the frost watcher i'm also completely out of block so we're mine in a bit of wood okay there's a spawner here we can break that for a start that's that's good if i break this hole here hopefully some of them just dropped down doesn't seem to be any no okay they can't get through here so the frost watcher is here okay i'm pretty safe in this place we can get the hitch there we go can he even hit me oh we can't oh it's over for him in fact if i just drop down a block there we go we can crit him out he's trying to jump out he knows these days are numbered i'm sorry mate but it's over for you okay my axe has just broken that's not a good thing i just think this thing has a netherright chestplate that's pretty crazy there we go we finally took it out that took so much effort and we also got its punch three bow that's gonna be very useful you can hear a lot of other mobs around oh we've got a chest did we can we open this up oh man we've got these guys anything good in here i suppose the food could be useful look at them all lined up okay we'll leave them alone i am now the king of this tower and let's enjoy these forbidden berries it's gonna get me very very close to the next heart i'm gonna jump off and hopefully land in this water yeah we did now to go in search of the next structure and i think i might have found it looks like it's another of these watcher towers so i'm just going to quickly do the exact same thing again drop the watcher down here and finish them off there we go another one down well where did you come from random skate my axe broke as well i gotta be careful let's first eat the berry and get an extra heart and then make a new shield what is that coming into view seems like it's some sort of pillager place it's probably very risky but i'm going in okay i can hear i see vindicates as well this is a little bit harder than the other one we have still got pillages at the top let's take the guards out while we can and what is going on there there's a watcher camp or something is burning i don't know what's happening now let's try and take out these guys we're going to be careful though because the axes do a lot of damage i do see a room of chess here maybe we can get some treasure oh we got a diamond nice generally not very good loot but we got something nice and that is an illusion okay these are you don't see those in vanilla minecraft even though they were added to the game they were never officially a way to find them and how do i even fight these guys okay i'm gonna keep moving i'm gonna try and take you out you're well there's a lot of them okay yeah i can see why they were added they're very difficult well you just walk straight through my my wall makes the place terrifying okay they've gone back out let's take out this guy there's definitely some good stuff in here which includes a sharpness to book is there any anvils sadly not that i can see but we could try and do some enchanting oh my goodness look at that sword that is really good i've brought one chest plate that's going to be nice i think i'm ready to face you guys now all right you think you're tough now illusioner oh my gosh they are very weird because they just spawn more in look at them there's tons of them but i haven't got blinders this time which is good i can now get a better crossbow that's good and some poison arrows okay i think i'm going to try and build across there is a guy aiming his crossbar at me so i've got to be quite careful and there's an avocado hold on a second if we get out our bow we could actually do something to him here let's keep hitting him he's got nowhere to go he's taking out let's go and get his toaster if we jump down here like that he didn't drop a totem okay that must be a feature of this this guy is kind of trapped in oh not anymore he isn't okay that was very very worrying because he he was like he could have just wanted me this guy's got a sword instead of an axe hey well that's useless this guy's going with the traditional axe probably a good idea oh my goodness okay it was definitely worth coming all the way up here for some good loot it's suspicious stew here i'm gonna eat it see what happens wow i really got poisoned that's not fair more arrows up here so we made it all the way to the very top and there was no boss here but a very interesting structure we're gonna keep on the move and try and find some more new structures it looks like i've found something now what have we got here the forgotten field of flanders apparently it looks as though we can get some free iron from what can we what if we can we mine anything here we can't get these items i just i just ran them on the wall and there appears to be an iron golem that works here hello good sir is this is this your home well i ain't gonna take you out you've done nothing wrong all in all not much to discover what do we got here it's like a giant sword in the floor hunter's grave what do we have here a boat can i can i grab this by energize what if i have an empty hand i can the broken bone what is this okay what is that we've just had this guy appear out of nowhere the hunters go oh okay i guess you're not happy that i uh stole your boat oh my goodness you are a tough customer you're wielding swords you've got your bow so if i get close you hit me with this orb i'm pretty weak thankfully i can hit him with an arrow and hopefully knock him back just drink this potion and see what we can do against this guy okay yeah he's he's a tough cookie he's so happy i can't even seem to hit him trying to hit with my arrows okay well we can do that i'll look at him he doesn't stand a chance he's just he's stuck in the corner now he's coming in with the sword now he's obviously not happy wait he can tell up what what's going on the best way for me to defeat this guy is to lure him over whilst i'm in this hole and hopefully i can just keep hitting him with my sword i still get him with him see what happens is it keep hearing me do what you want we got him nice okay he was way weaker than i thought he was a letter a memento i don't know what this letter does but we don't need them more importantly is the forbidden berries we're nearly at the next level and what have we got here this looks like some giant castle it's called the gallery of illusions all right that's very interesting indeed we've got a pillager to welcome us let me get my sword ready i see okay oh my goodness all right guys i've suddenly realized that this is gonna be quite a tricky place indeed we've got some pumpkin skeletons okay already i'm quite weak let's just do that use my bow to just send them back a bit i'll be honest if i come out of here without dying it will be a miracle if i can take both of these guys out with bows that's going to make life a lot easier already i'm losing health and this guy just does not seem to be dying which is very annoying there we go they're both taken out now this guy dropped his bow anything good no just a power one son nothing in fact though actually i can just handle these together i've got a power one punch once so it's slight improvement what on earth we've got some random invisible mobs oh my gosh they don't take any knockback this is very very strange indeed all right they do quite a bit of damage as well i've got to be careful i can hit them with my bow though that's good although i'm now out of arrows so instead i'm going to just create them with my axe there we go it looks like they are zombies or something this looks like it's been barricaded up so can i work my way through here all right we've got more of these guys oh there's a lot of okay hold on that was a bad idea i changed my mind all right i'm leaving thankfully these guys just came straight into my trap i'm gonna try and keep moving around here see what i can find and the skeleton doesn't look to be coming down and they do so much damage what does all this oh this is tnt i already walked across one that's quite the explosion i'm sorry guys can i actually put a jack-o'-lantern on here okay didn't work we have got a chest here with oh we can put a regular car pumpkin on alrighty oh that still didn't work i guess it's the pumpkin that's in the way so let's try it with the jack-o'-lantern again if we got that there we go how you'd help all right sort them out mate we're we're opening this up fact no this goes nowhere come on my way to this balcony all right we got some more diamonds we got six we should probably use them at some point i'm gonna take all this stew because food is starting to get a little bit scarce pretty sure i could just tell my way up to the next bit does this actually lead anyway just to do water apparently we got a bell out of that let's um put the bell there we're on the floor of the mushrooms here we have of course random spiders and skeletons and stuff spoiling as well on top of all the other stuff okay so this is the staircase up i don't know where these fellas are all coming from are you kidding me there's a ravager with another what on earth is this level right let's lure him around there oh no he's going to some of these vexes and everything let's just keep running past like i can't go down there we've got emeralds here oh this is where all these got whoa it's a giant slime what is what is going on here okay i'm just gonna are you kidding me stupid creeper blew up this is one of the hardest dungeons i think i've ever attempted but on the plus side i've seen diamonds so i'm going from with that i can make some leggings and i also need to do helmet so we'll go and put that on like that all right we've got a little bit more armor my boots are basically a one tap but i i don't have any more stuff to make anything so i reckon i drop down here come into this place and box that up so nothing can get in and then we take on this giant slime which was apparently a one tap but now the small ones are going to be even more annoying let's just set them on fire we'll use the old sweeping edge oh these guys are easy this is basically the room of slime there's nothing too useful here i'm gonna keep searching the perimeter and avoiding these guys okay we've got another room here let's close this up more iron perfect and deny an axe i just made one of them let's get some new boots made while we can and see what's waiting at the top of these stairs apparently a few of us waiting just about got rid of all of these guys now what is this room oh these invisible what on earth this is such a strange experience let's just keep hitting him they're everywhere will you guys just go away i'm i'm just trying to you know infiltrate this lair and okay they're pretty easy if you just hit him with an axe look at this feather falling through look at this seat some go whoa whoa where did you come from and this vex is great mother of these guys here can take them out fairly easily there we go please be someone good in this chest gold i suppose oh one heart just keep moving all right if a vex comes out of nowhere i'm in big trouble there is one up there as well just leave me well there's a vex border up there that's what's causing my troubles we've got another room here more mobs i want to leave them alone if i can just lots of gold in this chest i don't really need any of it try and hold back these fellas both of them go away you don't take nobody it's so annoying oh my goodness there's two of them i've nearly got knocked off the entire building that um let's build up my last piece of bread is now gone got random other things like rabbit stew now what happens if we break our way in here we've got you we're gonna just ignore you all right things are gonna get more and more dangerous oh we got more diamonds here though let's just take you out steal these diamonds very nice and the next level is up here so let's mine our way through every time i come to a new level i'm greeted with downs and mobs so let's get our health to full and this looks like it's perhaps the top room oh man the armor stands come alive oh my goodness and it has gone dark there's an illusion of that okay i'm i'm just going straight back down see you later no thank you just close that up i don't know why but i cannot damage these guys at all which makes things even harder and i think that is my target to get the extra health i'm gonna try and dig some sort of staircase tunnel up there oh my goodness i've just dug into an ancient debris room oh and a diamond block nice looks like it's now time we did some serious upgrades now all this debris can be smelted in these furnaces and then from this we can craft some netherite ingots and now i just need one more iron ingot to make a smithing table seems like this guy has come over to me i can't get rid of this drown for some reason right if i can't get rid of him they can get spleef oh he's got a trine as well you kidding me just try and break the blocks below him there we go then we can do something like this and then oh okay i'm going to hit from all angles here the mob i'm now looking for has gone into the water this might work in my favor though because i can kind of do this it drowned wait do i have to take out each mob individual are you kidding me a guardian i'm guessing there's some sort of order that this has to be done with the skeleton the next one's got highlight but it seems to be taking damage yeah it died it died by itself so the next one's that tried and wielding drown okay we took him out the next one's up there he's coming down to see me oh no that's the illusion i hate them they can like walk through walls and everything i think it's just broke some of my armor as well okay my helmet is broke already i'm not living off rotten flesh which is not a good thing i'm gonna drink this i i'm starting to struggle to see how i'm gonna make it out of here alive let's hope that you are the one i need to hit see you're not even the right one guessing i have to find the original but you're not the original either they can all shoot me but wait i found i found the original i'm doing some damage on him okay we hit him again we hit him again he's over there somewhere i see him i'm watching you now buddy okay he's not over there at all i got the wrong one just get out of here after doing some searching i've managed to find some food okay i can use this wheat and there's some more over on this side thank goodness he's gathering it all up i don't know what's in this chest has this guy died behind me okay there was a guy chasing me oh pumpkin pie as well thank you let's craft some more bread let's get eating anything in this chest okay i've already been in that oh this is where the vex is i'm leaving it's illusion it still caused me big problems but there's other mobs there as well let's just try and get some hits on him that's it keep him oh he's on fire that actually stops it okay i'm weak though there's a creeper there of all places so fire aspect is the illusioners achilles heel there we go blow him up creeper that's it i can't actually hear him anymore i don't know what's going on the other guy's there's another guy lifts up so maybe it's changed off the illusion here he is over here hopefully this guy is not as much of a threat although i have to just keep shooting him okay if i fall off the building where he can i can knock him up okay well he died anyway the next guy's a pillager which ah you guys are easy just use my shield which actually works against these there's this guy with the pickaxe not worried about him he's gone back to the illusioner down there okay he's actually an evoker oh you kidding me vex i don't want to deal with this it's kind of run along the outside and hope that they lose me let's try and go in for round two that's it spawn those guys i can deal with those can't deal with those vexes i've run out of food again already this is ridiculous this time i need to go in and i need to defeat him okay um there we go we got him and these vexes have put me on half a heart and they are on a mission i think i'm all right well there's more over there what is this it's some cake here okay and he's gonna spawn more vectors but that doesn't matter okay let's just keep moving i've looked back around here there is still a few about and if i get hit by one i'm in big trouble but i'm gonna keep moving oh hold on a second i totem oh that's huge oh he said i was not paying attention and i just came i don't know where i got me okay well that's um that's the totem used i guess i'm gonna go back around here and eat the rest of this cake perfect there's also more here when i need it it looks like we're going back on the illusion so let's just keep hitting it with fire because that is the achilles heel i don't know where these skeletons where all these skeletons come from this is mad i'll do is i get weak and i just loop straight back round once i've got my health back i go back to fighting this guy okay let's do something with him let's get the skeletons let's just oh this is so i don't understand how you defeat them there is a little bit of cake left but not enough to get me to full house and look at this now we've got these guys on the roof what's going on drop down here we couldn't miss that grab this is i think this might be the final cake let's just regen and then eat more oh you see me great i was trying to sneak up on him no guys i don't think it's wrong of me to just uh bow out of there and get some more food or even better how about i just bow over there completely and never go back let's head down to the shipwreck mine away here grab the good stuff i really want that iron okay now let's try not to drown then i can make a smithing table a diamond helmet and turn all of these into nether right items not by the upgrade if you ask me and now i can get some food you know what i'm making a diamond axe and then using the netherite got in it so we now have a near the right one now i am indeed a force to be reckoned with well well what do we have here a trident boy write your face under the right ax see how you like that actually it wasn't that good but we got buried treasure map now that is very good come across another beehive this is actually a good way to get food these honey bottles are a good source of that let's see what we get here quite a lot of gold so that's good plenty of iron and some food as well which is going to be nice next we're going to look for an entirely new dimension and this entire new dimension brings entirely new structures but to get there we're first gonna need to go to the nether it's about the portal i'm guessing it set the door on fire or something but yeah we need to go to the nether and we need to find another fortress whilst also keeping an eye out for any potentially new structures not a fortress just yet but i have got a bastion all right i'm gonna go in get the goal get the pearls get out of here if i didn't mention to get to the new dimension you do have to defeat the ender dragon thankfully so far no sign of piggling brute so we're gonna throw the goal that's it you guys all get in there let's now break this and uh wait for all to well nobody's coming oh you're coming now i'm more than happy to just be patient with these guys more obsidian in this chest nice traded all the gold we have 14 ender pearls in total which is pretty good now let's find a fortress there we have it okay we've got a new fortress down here nice then we do a little boat clutch there we go let's collect all the blaze rods then let's build a portal head to the overworld and go to the stronghold it's another of these swords maybe i should quickly battle this guy since i'm pretty sure i can just do something like this and my netherright axe will do the rest yeah this guy really is useless when you're just going to hold already defeated him perfect and if we eat this we have gained a fourth heart okay we've actually gone past the stronghold so it must be close it's actually pretty much underneath this sword so let's dig down right about here and we're in perfect let's add in the eyes of ender take out all the towers and then defeat the dragon and then we can enter this new dimension well i've looked and looked i have no idea where this end dimension is supposed to be according to the data packs page once you've gone through the end gateway it should take you to it but it clearly didn't well thanks so much for watching guys make sure you ring the bell because otherwise you might not be showing my latest videos and i'm going to jump in the void
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,342,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, mod, minecraft custom, custom minecraft, structures, custom structures, new structures, minecraft structures
Id: M8D0COCioYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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