Can You Beat Minecraft in ADVENTURE MODE?

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adventure mode in minecraft this is a game mode designed for maps and mini games you can't break blocks you can't place blocks you can't even use a water bucket can you defeat the ender dragon and beat minecraft well on a set see yes yes you can and it's actually pretty easy but what about on a random sea can it be done well today that's what we're going to find out and if you enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe okay let's see what we're dealing with the main thing i need is a village if i don't find a village i don't stand a chance at first glance it's not looking very good but i can get food by repeatedly punching animals mission to find a village was unsuccessful so moving on to plan b find a shipwreck and i think there's one down there indeed there is let's see what we've got it looks like we're gonna get some iron and stuff like that which is handy lots of emeralds too they're gonna come in so handy i don't think i need the lapis but we'll take it anyway but the main thing there is emeralds because i'm gonna have to do a lot of trading here's something i'm not sure about if you right-click a berry bush oh you do get the berries that's actually very very useful indeed so far no sign of a village and i'm not in the greatest of biomes to be able to save them i just found an open mob spawner what the heck okay this is actually probably not gonna splunk it's too light for them i got i was wrong as a guy right there let's let's grab we want to grab everything out of this chest i think because it's all pretty helpful things apart from the seas i don't need those yeah look at that that's a pretty cool mob spawner to find if i don't find a village before night time then i'm gonna be in quite a bit of trouble and it is now starting to get dark this is bad whilst it's night time i might as well get some wood from a creeper there we go perfect oh a village perfect just around this corner there is a village that is really good news let me get rid of the dirt i'm sorry good sir but i need this bed more than you you may not rest there are monsters are you kidding me this is not good news at all i need to find one without a creeper stood outside there we go perfect i'm in bed um excuse me behind gollum we we seem to have a bit of an issue over here you guys are so screwed now there's also quite a few creeps look at four creepers let's use these creepers to get some wood there we go sorry about the person whoever's house this was this place was crawling with creepers at night and i've just remembered i should use them to blow up some hay bales that way i can either use the wheat for bread or trade it for emeralds i can also steal crops by jumping on them if we do that as you can see it seems like then we have got some carrots here if we need them and guys we've got lucky this has a fletcher in it so we can hopefully we can get some arrows with enough emeralds we could also get a bow i decided just to take a stack of arrows i can get a bowl later from i'll find a way to get some string and stuff like that the only issue with this village is that the farmer will accept wheat as a trade and he won't offer me any bread now well done the other one over there and there's no crafting table so that's a bit of a problem i am going to take out this golem though just to get the iron and trust me taking out this guy is going to take a long time with my fist although look at me go with these crits he's slowly getting damaged and there you go an iron golem defeated with my fist have you ever seen that happen before once again it is getting dark and i'm far away from that village so i'm going to hit the ocean but we get some food from here we'll get a bit of armor that's handy and quite a lot of food this is good good stuff another shipwreck here this one's kind of upside down with lots of good treasure and again i still don't know what i'm gonna do with it all but it's handy to have i tell you what this is what minecraft's all about swimming at speed a dolphin by your side this is how to explore properly still no sign of the desert i'm looking for i have found a jungle sometimes you get deserts right by jungles i don't know where this has come from but it's some random string is that a mineshaft below me it looks like it is this could be i have to be careful here but this could be something handy to find there's a creep here i'm trying to think what i need from him to blow up i guess i do need to string at some point so we get him to blow up the cobwebs that could come in handy also coal so we can maybe try and blow both of those at the same time let's see what we got out of that i don't even think we got any string we did get cobble we've got a lot of random stuff that we don't need but i have got a chest with another gamble bread torches i don't think the rails are going to be any use if i try and get a music disc if i can get this skeleton to shoot the creeper i can get a music disc in adventure mode yes look at that i gotta music this now the question everyone's mind can i get it without being defeated by the skeleton of course i can get out of here come on come on we did it right let's we just gotta not die now do i eat a gap yes we do there's no point risking anything there we go i got amused i don't know why i'm doing these things but it's it's kind of fun i don't know i'm getting out of this cave it seems that this ocean is coming to an end but thankfully it comes into a plane spout and i see a village up there perfect thinking about taking on these spiders to get some string it's a very risky and stupid idea but you know that's what i'm all about risky and stupid ideas oh creeper get him haha we got them all we got the string we needed perfect and we got a bit of chicken out of that too this looks promising sorry fella you're too small just oh no i can't you know you go back to wait a crafting table this is perfect i can craft some armor turn this bamboo into sticks make an axe and now the tables have turned way right that's it get them golem wait is that a ruined pole that's pretty well i can't really use could i could i use a creeper to blow that up that's an idea all of a sudden spiders don't stand a chance you're probably gonna say i'm crazy for trying this but that's not gonna stop me not entirely sure how this next bit's gonna work maybe if they blow up about here they did now yeah this back to the drawing board i want to say something cool guys i haven't got a furnace but i have got campfires so i can use these to cook my food i never do this apparently you can cook potatoes on a campfire that's handy this guy's selling an iron axe for three emeralds i might as well buy it and this guy's accepting wheat for emeralds i'm also going to buy a few pieces of bread off him and for those of you that think that i just always find good seeds i'm currently 4 400 blocks from where i started so if you think this is a good seed you think anything's a good seed i have to say taking out this golem is a little bit quicker than the last one i had to do i think this village has been quite a success now we must move on to the next phase and that is to go to the nether also if you didn't know this in adventure mode you can break and replace your boat no problem i wonder if this room portal will have anything useful it has a helmet that's actually very useful i don't know why i'm taking up sydney and a block of gold that is that is a very very good one i am now in a panicking moment because i'm gonna drown if i'm okay i haven't found very much lately but i have found a monument i don't think there's any use me going in there i don't stand a chance against the elder guardian the main reason i say that is because i think i would drown if i tried to go through and i can't place doors or anything like that to keep my breath here's something i didn't know about adventure mode you can't break lily pads however if you hit them with a boat they'll then break and you can place them i don't really know if there's any purpose that that serves other than the fact that now i can just do this i messed it up as i was saying other than the fact that i can just do this and i have now found some lava so let's craft some flint and steel and now comes the sad part of the run there is no way to beat minecraft on adventure mode not on a random seed i've tried i've tried everything and i cannot find a way to make another ball you cannot pick up lava as you can see you can't pick up water you can't place water and lava you can't even light things with flint and steel so that all spells a disaster you can't even place obsidian so to ghost the nether i'm gonna have to switch to survival there we go if anybody finds a way to do this in adventure mode i will give them like i don't know a thousand dollars you know five thousand dollars to anybody in the next 30 days that finds a way to goes to nether on a random seed in adventure mode because it is not possible there you have it the portal is made it is now lit we'll switch back to adventure mode see how far we can get i'm also well over like eight to nine thousand blocks from spawn we could go anywhere in another and here it is it is a shame that you can't get all the way we're gonna start by doing some trading i have a lot of good stuff a lot well i 15 gold if this doesn't get me the pearls that i need i can take out the enderman and there's other things i can do and we got a grand total of zero pearls probably gonna make that fella angry but we need to look anything too useful i guess i'll take those boots because i don't actually have any boots and those prop 4 helmet that's that's the insane chest oh my god i was close to giving up guys i was about to say i've explored and explored can't find it we're not actually a million miles from my portal and there's a fortress that can i get into that fortress that is the question it depends how the land looks i think i can get across we're going to find out i can definitely parkour my way up here and then from here i can drop in and i think i should be able to get back up there yeah i i definitely can we can actually do this we just need to find the and there's the blaze spawner we've got a shield it shouldn't be too much of a challenge as long as i get past that lava i think i come by going around this way look at this piece of cake finally got eight blaze rods that was a bit of a nightmare the drop rate seemed to be terrible because i couldn't punch the fire to put it out it made things even harder as well now i've got this guy my tail i'm already not enjoying the nether i just found something really good coming out of here there is a warped forest i should be able to find a way along there to get to it that is my ticket to getting the pearls i'm going to leave this fortress i think i've got everything i could ever have hoped for i'm going to start getting into man but i only have one concern with this enderman thing my axe might break i've also looked carefully and i believe i can find a way back from this i can kind of climb up this this mountainy area so let's find some enemies i'm so glad adventure mode lets you use boats it makes it so much easier and i've also found a bastion is there any use to me going in here i don't think so i don't think it's worth it my worst fear has just happened my axe has broken and now i must kill enderman with just my fist guys that took a long time i was hoping to use a bow and arrow to take him out but as you can see that just goes straight through i am losing the will to live doing this but at least i'm up to 10 pearls now ended up being super safe and getting 18. i'm going to get one more blaze rod so that i can make 18 eyes of ender because the first stronghold i come to might not be one that i can enter i'm not sure this is gonna work but here we go okay it did work i didn't think i could make that jump just by jumping so i thought if i place a boat it might save me now that i have no axe the only way i can defeat some blaze is by using a boat thankfully that guy dropped a blaze rod it's on my way home we've got everything we need mission accomplished i see it down there can i get to it why is that a bit of lava all around it i have to be very careful when i do this but i think if i do some this has got to be very precise if i do some very careful parkour we're out we're leaving the nether that was a very stressful experience now i've just realized i've i've trapped myself down here i can't jump out it's all right we've got boats okay we'd have to worry without bolster this would be way harder the sun is going down and i'm going to make my way back to an ocean before i search for a stronghold because i i need to either find a stronghold that's right by a cave or one that's underwater and i think since i traveled on so much ocean to get here but finding one underwater is my best chance we are now by the ocean let's see if the nearest stronghold is this hopefully it's not this way which way is it it's that way maybe it could be underwater although it looks like there's land over there so i'm not too hopeful pretty sure i'm going to travel to another area if i throw this yet it's it's over spruce it's no good let's throw another eye and see where it takes me okay this is a different stronghold let's let's see what's over here this is interesting news guys i have found the stronghold i've just seen it it's right here i don't know how i'm going to get into it though because whilst it is kind of exposed and if this was survived would be perfect i can't break that i can't use tnt i can't get a creeper to blow that up either maybe there's a cave on this island i've searched all the caves around the area there's one just there that i was in there's another one just down there but none of them seem to connect up well there is this ravine here maybe it leads across it does lead to a mine shot hold on i will oh maybe not maybe not as good as i thought it was gonna be i was gonna say if the mindshaft goes that way connected to the stronghold it would be the most clutch thing ever but i i don't think it's going to this might even be a completely isolated thing i think it's extremely unlikely that i'm going to find a cave that connects to the stronghold it's very annoying but i'm going to have to look for another one if my memory serves me correctly i don't think i'm that far from the village that had all the crafting tables in so i think i'm going to try and find it yeah it's just up here perfect i'm glad i realized that because i was well on my way past it that's going to save me a lot of trouble now i can make an iron axe hello good sir i'm gonna buy a few things from you now that i've been thinking about it i'm starting to wish that i explored the area a little bit more when i found that exposed stronghold but i think maybe because the strong was a lot bigger than i was thinking i think maybe i could have found something every minecraft world has 128 strongholds i'm sure i can find our way into one of them on my travels i do see a village over there and a blacksmith you know what we're going for that we haven't really got anything useful in there just obsidian and iron legs we've already got those but this this is like villager island it's just an island with a village on it let's throw another eye and continue on my travels this is very bad it seems that this stronghold is up a mountain this stronghold is right here at the top of a mountain i'm not hopeful but i'm gonna try and see if there's a cave there is a cave here we'll have a look down it although is it even a cape no it's not even a cave i haven't been able to find any useful caves in the area i'm gonna have to go to another stronghold i have to say lily pot jumping in adventure mode it feels nice to be able to play something for a change i like the look of this more ocean i'm starting to get low on eyes of ender i really hope that one doesn't break thank goodness i've located it though it's roughly about here somewhere around here so i just need to find a cave in the vicinity that hopefully leads down it's the one over here let's see where this lays it looks like a decent cave but it's an absolute maze down here skeletons coming at me from one side i feel like going following this way isn't lightly oh okay just be careful maybe this way we'll be able to connect some i i need to keep these creeps alive if i can i don't need them to break me it does connect to a mine shop now what if the mine shop okay that's not what i want where's the mic guys we're in just get rid of this guy who's trying to spoil my day we are now so close to getting to the end i just have to hope i don't need anything there do i i have to hope that there's no blockages i need to kind of go back to the beginning of the stronghold first so we can kind of work that out by following the doors in fact i think this might be the beginning here yeah perfect it's just a case of exploring i hear lava this way and i hear silverfish the only issue is uh this ra this way is blocked off and there's no button what what are the chances of that i'm gonna have to hope that that wasn't the actual way maybe wait this looks really promising oh wait it's a big ravine so maybe i'm completely mistaken i really hope i don't need to go through that door i'm gonna have to get a creeper to blow it up if that's the case that's just it's gonna be very annoying so instead of going down these stairs we should go that way and there we go it worked out perfectly now i'm gonna tell you the next big problem with adventure mode okay it's it's a bit of a weird one i don't know why in adventure mode this is the thing you can't place eyes you cannot place eyes in the portal so unless you get a 12 eye seed there's no way you get through here so i am gonna have to switch to survival mode to be able to put these in unfortunately it's just one of those things and we'll now see what kind of an end we've got okay we've got an exposed one we didn't even have to go that far i did have pills if i needed them so now we battle the ender dragon and thankfully i have absolutely loads of arrows so it shouldn't be a problem somehow upset an enemy as well so thankfully my boats are very powerful and thank goodness we can shoot these without them to go up i have to say these tiny little towers are my favorite kind of ones the big ones are just annoying look at that we landed that though let's hope this one hits perfect i honestly i think the amount of times that i've killed the ender dragon in videos lately i'm getting better at hitting these towers definitely he says that and i'll just not be able to hit this one there we go got it i think the final one is up here and the dragon's perching i always thought the dragon couldn't perch i held this version cause we're at 1.16.3 the last video he wouldn't purge i can't actually reach him here very well oh he's turned a bit now that's better i'm going to get in a boat and reach him that way i guess it's the only way i can reach him and i'll be completely safe in here [Music] the final tower has now gone it's just me versus the dragon and we are very close to almost beating minecraft in adventure mode just for those two things i've not been able to make a nether portal and not been able to put the eyes of entering other than that though we've done everything in adventure mode i also remembered i've got loads of arrows so we can just keep shooting him [Music] and there we have it guys almost beating minecraft in adventure mode thanks so much for watching make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed and you may enjoy the video on screen now where i beat all three minecraft bosses with just half a heart
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,799,912
Rating: 4.9313235 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, adventure mode, minecraft adventure mode, can you beat minecraft adventure mode, hardcore, minecraft hardcore
Id: 9VCIhblevPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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