Minecraft Hardcore, But I Have Multishot 1000

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[Music] minecraft hardcore but i have multi-shot 1000 multishot is already a very cool enchantment allowing you to shoot three arrows with one shot but what about multi shot 10 or 100 or even one thousand does anyone stand a chance when facing all those arrows what happens when you use multi-shot 1000 against the ender dragon well today that's what we're going to find out and will this enchantment break my pc yeah probably but if you like minecraft hardcore videos i do two of them every week so make sure to subscribe if you like what you see so here we are in the world and the first thing i've seen is a shipwreck is it a good shipwreck it's got some buried treasure well the map is some treasure anyway which is apparently quite far away but if we just go and swim down here we've got some real treasure and some diamonds perfect i never take lapis from shipwrecks but i feel like maybe it could be useful before i can do anything else the most important thing i need to get is obviously a crossbow and once we get a crossbow it will then become multi-shot a thousand and thankfully crafting the crossbow is kind of one of the easier things to make you just need a bit of iron some sticks and some string so most of those i've pretty much already got i kind of still need to find some string which i don't think i'm gonna get until some spiders come i can't think of any other ways to get strength and according to the map we need to go southeast which is somewhere in this direction i'm thinking grabbing some pigs on the way might be a good idea too as evil as it feels i could never go vegan in minecraft i think i've spotted something very useful as well over in the distance there there's some smoke so i'm pretty certain that that means there's a village over there but my priority is still to get this treasure i've also realized it's gonna be so much easier if i put this in my offense so i don't keep walking off cliffs since i'm getting quite peckish i'm gonna grab some berries without this map i don't think i would have known that there was an ocean here it seemed like the forest would just go on forever but thankfully the map told me otherwise so the trick to finding treasure on java is to go to the exact place that it's marked then go to nine nine on your chunk and dig down and there you go you get straight to the treasure every time i don't know what useful stuff i've got here really but you know we're taking the prisonery and now i'm drowning again i'm on the way to this village but i feel like grabbing some coal is a good idea and the sun is slowly setting i don't think i want to fight any spiders tonight i feel like on hardcore mode with no armor that would never end well although we have got a blacksmith here with a bit of armor maybe it's telling me otherwise also swords are kind of useless i'm not taking them and now it's raining are you kidding me we've got another chest here some emeralds perfect i'm hoping going to sleep will solve my problems did that stop the rain it did stop the rain thank goodness for that hope these guys don't mind me stealing the house and i'm going to take out the gobs because i always feel bad taking out the gum especially since i have a lot of iron but sometimes a penguin's got to do what a penguin's got to do there we go perfect how much do we get we've got 13 now we should probably make a bucket and some armor and things like that i almost made another chest plate there that could have been one of the most pointless things i've ever done or to be honest i can probably think of a million other things i've done in my life i wonder if there's anything good down here let's just land on his roof look at this i'm glad i didn't just make a helmet we've got one right here and another chest plate that's kind of useless although i think the blast furnace might be handy i feel like spruce villages are some of the most underrated villages they have so much good stuff to say thank you i'm going to plant two flowers right we need to crack on let's get this crossbow now come up with a plan step one is to create a smoker and then set my food cooking i was about to say step two but this guy has just gone ahead and stolen my works that you can't work here sir no no no that's not how it works with step two i can either go and find a good cave or just find a wreck i feel like with a massive ocean here finding a shipwreck is probably gonna be the easiest thing and look at that down there a shipwreck coming into view and thankfully this one also has a treasure map and also lots and lots of treasure and i'll have everything i need except for some string and since i'll have to wait till it gets dark i might as well go and find this treasure it's i think somewhere this way i've just realized i'm going completely the wrong direction the dot's got smaller however there is an ocean monument over there which is pretty handy or at least it would be handy if i had some milk i do need that gold for later on however because multi-shot 1000 is going to cause a bit of lag to make it easy for my pc i'm playing on a server which means just doing the trick where i lower the render distance won't work so instead i'm on a quest to get some milk and it turns out that treasure map points me to one that i've already been to are you kidding me i'm somewhere along the line i've threw away my axe i don't know what's happening but since it's now getting dark i feel like it's time to resort to plan b instead of worrying too much about the milk find some spiders and get the string sorted and out of the way and here is spider number one you picked on the wrong guy did we get two string okay we've got one string we need to find one more spider somewhere i also think it's probably my best interest to make a shield sooner rather than like wait why are you going over there are you the worst like attacker ever i feel like getting a skeleton is a good idea because to use a crossbow you do need arrows you're like i'm starting to get a little loud in my depth there we go i'd say that's even up the fight perfect i feel like i'm in a really bad area for this and then i'll probably find more mobs if i go over to the mountains sorry chicken but since i need arrows feathers are also on the menu finally another spider will drop some string after all this all right perfect we can make the oh my goodness you know what i'm i don't know what's going on i'm just gonna sleep while i come now that the night's out the way i can continue my search for a cow and that looks like the perfect area finally you have no idea how long i've been looking for a cow let's give her my water i'm gonna get not one bucket of milk but two in fact you know what i'm just gonna take the entire cow and now i get the fun task of trying to work out where the ocean monument was in fact whilst i'm on the way i should make the crossbow the first thing that we need for this is a trick wire hook which goes in the middle then string either side a few sticks like that an iron at the top and we have a crossbow so once this goes into my inventory it will become multi-shot 1000. let's check it out there it is now let's grab the crafting table load up the crossbow no i'm not going to shoot you cow i'm fine this monument those guardians aren't going to know what hit them the monument is coming into view i don't think it'd be a good idea to make some boots throw out a load of this junk and it may be useful to make a few more doors as well originally i was just going to steal the gold and get out of here but now i've got multi shot a thousand we gotta test it on this guy gonna place my door right here very oh there we go i almost drowned i'll be very anticlimactic wouldn't it feel like this fella down here needs to go you're just gonna ruin my grand moment here aren't you get out of it that's it get out of it i better not close it up i won't get out again now aim the crossbow okay i got hurt a bit there i'd sleep up i think i don't know how much damage he did there was so many arrows i think i go for it again okay he's definitely hurting him i don't know if it's killing him in one shot though let's do it again i can confirm that the crossbow is useful in the water i'm going in with the axe let's do it again again finishing him off with the crossbow did that get him it did i'm just going in and getting the gold now asap put that there have a drink of me milk break a hole here and if i work really quickly i might get the gold before i get minor fatigue let's go we're so close we've got it all let's just get out of here we've stolen their gold we're digging out the floor and we're leaving all right cow we had a good run but it's time to get out of here feel like it was difficult to see the true power of the crossbow inside there so let's let's just shoot it at an area let's let's do it so it makes so many arrows if i do it above i'm gonna be careful of hitting myself so this it would multishot a thousand it's basically raining arrows i don't know how i didn't get hit there oh my goodness look at all the arrows you look at cow that i have no arrows left i was about to open fire thankfully if i grab some gravel i can get more where's the flint that i'm actually after and i did see a lava lag somewhere in this direction also if you didn't know multishot 1000 doesn't work in 1.16 it only works in 1.15 at the moment with what i've got i'm going to release you count by the way so brace yourself to see a very old looking nether we're not going to see any of this did i really don't get a feather from you you better drop me a feather i need them for arrows are you kidding me thankfully sb's always got a plan b and that plum b is to go to the village and get myself lots and lots of arrows we're not having this problem all episode you good sir can finally get a job and because i've found so much buried treasure already maybe i didn't need three stacks you know what it's fine you're a happy chappie since food is a bit scarce i'm thinking bringing dandelions might be a good idea makes you wonder what minecraft's come to when i'm literally walking past wheat to get dandelions i'll start over there a flock of squids let's get him all right i think i hit one of them take two to be honest well what just happened there i somehow shot myself it's probably a good idea to leave the squid alone and just get to the nether there we go i also realized i have no flint now let's do a bit of fast man in fact there we go we got it really really quick there make the flint and steel make our way today i could have lit it with the fire anyway and look at this wild enderman spotted do you reckon i could hit them reckon they dodge it do i go for it oh no that baby whoa whoa okay okay i was a bit too indecisive indecisive though i think it's better just to take him out the old fashioned no you know what wait you dodged all those arrows how did you manage that yeah you couldn't dodge an axe though at least on this version fortresses are way more common and it never seems so boring now i think it's without a doubt that the nether update was one of the best updates for minecraft although i've already found a fortress over here so i don't know bring back more fortresses please i have to say i'm very much looking forward to taking out blazes with multi shots at thousands it'd be nice to find some diamonds i'll tell you what mogul that is actually very useful an obsidian that's kind of i don't know if it's useful but it's cool i found one spawner but i want to find an underground one because it's just going to make it easier for me here we go this is going to make my grand master plan way more straightforward i'm taking out these two and i'm going to dig out the floor then we nicely block them in and wait for the magic to happen i can hear quite a lot of blaze i'm going to charge up my crossbow work my way around here hopefully this works all right i spit you could get my anticlimactic than that let's do it oh yeah that's right face my fury i wish it made more spawn but look at that we're taking him out he's completely pointless overkill but i don't know i'm kind of enjoying it i'm getting hit more than anything but you get the idea let me just get these blade rugs take that blaze now that that's done and dusted it's on to bigger and better things what do you reckon guys can i block much onto this here we go we've got that we're going to go like that look at that beautiful i don't know why i had to do that but it was fun kind of want to get a gas with this there's one over there what do you reckon there we go i can't miss from here surely we just instant died what the heck well we've learnt one thing if nothing else and that is that multi-shot 1000 works so much better on gas i decided it's time to go to war against the pigment let's see how many we're here all righty sp this crossbow is very very powerful look at them they're all over the place can sp get out of here you better guys getting a bit lagging now with the yeah shoot those guys off taken out you down there you think you're safe think again look at that destroyed i don't think that is laggy or something but this crossbow is definitely lagging out a bit now there we go he's going down i just got to get to important now in one piece we've made it back in one piece we'll also need a brewing stand so i'm crafting one before i forget and who knew i actually would need two pickaxes the other one's pretty much broken since i accidentally spent all my emails and arrows i need now need to get more and that is all the emeralds i need i just really like who just held you at gunpoint and forcing you to give them to me but yeah i'm not like that don't worry felicia this guy is about to get so much gold and so many emeralds it's going to be a great day for him first let's give him all of these emeralds and then we're just going to give him tons of gold and all the gold i could you're going to have to restock me at least he did what i said just give him a little more gold then we've got plenty of emeralds and he's offering me pearls all right we just need a few more once he restocks we're sorted he's a pretty fast free stock of this guy 14 emeralds get that i'm gonna get a few more pills though just to be safe i just remembered they fixed the infinite restocking bug in 1.15 so we have to wait quite a while for him to want gold again i also never realized there's literally free food in these villages under the campfires land down here in style that was not very stylish at all i'll tell you what he's stylish getting loads more emeralds i have more enough pearls i think it's time we go to the stronghold i'm definitely interested to see how the crossbow is when it goes against the end dragon let's craft the isovender chuck them in the hot bar which way are we going okay we're going that way i feel like i want to do something crazy here all right villager we're going to shoot straight up and we're going to see if anybody lives here that is terrifying let's do it again there they go all right don't worry villager between you and me we're absolutely all right my bad my bad i'm getting out of here would it be lovely if the stronghold was just exposed in the ocean right we're going this way let's keep the line i think around here is the spot let's say yeah it's going underground perfect i am going to grab the eye of ender when it comes back up any moment now there we go put a little mark where i want to dig down and i'm going to go and get some beds i realize that no gollum in the world can take multi-shot a thousand all right this guy he's angry now isn't it i know if this guy's stuck but he he just doesn't seem to be able to move i think he is let's just let's just finish him off the old fashioned way yeah multi shot a thousand against gollums pretty pointless just before going to the end i should get some extra food oh my god this cow is so good so good at escaping me thankfully i got him let's give it this one wow cow's moving way faster than i remember moving probably means i'm getting slower let's just dig down we are in the stronghold now let's be very very careful indeed i must find this portal room all right that's nothing another dead end i've got an extra enderpearl though that's pretty nice and you know what new pickaxe why not get a brand spanking new one the mission has been accomplished it was actually one of the easiest ones in the world you know what still silverfish you you think you can take me do you prepare to face to face death man he did not stand a chance now we're going to the end so i have a theory about this crossbow if i just stand at the bottom of the tower shoot directly upwards surely one of them hits the christmas it did it wakes up i mean i'm gonna be careful i don't get hit but it works in fact i actually got two of the crystals oh wow we can get loads of them if we do this let's go for another double crystal shot i'm building a little tower for myself there we go it's not so bad and it did indeed get two towels this is so easy it's beautiful did it work i think oh my goodness i have no help the dragon's attacking i'm in a fight i'm just having fun shooting arrows everywhere i'm in danger let's go for a long range job here and shoot that watch them fire away we got one we just missed that tower almost take two we hit the dragon and we hit the tower anyone didn't stand a chance we were just like mid battle and then suddenly you got attacked from a million things now that all the towers are gone i can set up for the perch she also goes through some shots against this guy look at that beautiful it does like zero damage but you literally cannot miss him it is great having so much power wait okay i'd say that back about not being able to miss him let's see what we can do hitboxes don't work properly on this version so i'm probably just going to mess it up so much but i'll tell you what sp doesn't need the hitboxes to at least stand a chance all right now we're doing bad it's okay i can finish him off with my axe this legs and jealous how you do it multi-shot 1000 against the dragon it was very like it worked i at least was i thought it didn't work i don't know how it did work it was like super lucky super delayed yeah one shot a thousand will break your pc and that ladies and gentlemen was minecraft hardcore but i have multi-shot 1000
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,881,808
Rating: 4.9358692 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft but, multishot, multishot 1000, op, op minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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