Can You Beat Minecraft in an ALL OCEAN World?

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minecraft but the world is all ocean i know this has been done before but there's loads of cool tricks and strats i wanted to show you that most people don't know how hard does this make minecraft can you beat the game well today that's what we're going to find out also if you do enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe this is the world there was no land to spawn me on so it just spawned me in the water good news there's a ruined portal right there let's go and check it out let's see what we got we got a bit of obsidian nothing too useful i mean those boots either would be fine my main goal to start with is to find some shipwrecks there's one down there hopefully it's got some food no food but there's plenty of iron and emeralds just realized emeralds are useless to me going back in the chest over to my left we have something i was hoping to see an ocean monument we're not quite ready to go there yet but i do want to steal their gold tell you what it's great to see a dolphin well under diamond nice there's another monument just in the distance there this next bit's gonna be annoying i'm gonna try and get wood from this shipwreck it's gonna be a bit of a painful process but i can get there eventually okay not with droughts trying to attack me what's got a fishing rod for i ain't a fish i found what i was looking for a shipwreck with a door now i can stand here and collect some wood much easier i can now make some fancy tools a bucket and some armor i think that's all i'll need for now and then i'm going to completely dismantle this entire shipwreck and a very useful thing for me is to make more doors and now the most important search continues i need food i also completely forgot to get the treasure from here look at that more right i mean we don't really need all this at this point it's still useful i should also make a boat sometimes ocean ruins are a good place to find food so i'm gonna hope for the best there if we do get food i'm gonna tackle that monument see what this chest has a bit of wheat you know what that's all i was hoping for i can make some bread a bit more armor and be on me way just before i burgle that monument i'm gonna come grab this shipwreck down here just as i was hoping it has this chest not i was hoping though potatoes and rottens like you never know things could get very serious and we need to do that get some air here is there a chest in here no there's nothing hey what ocean ravines great place to find iron i don't need any iron but still i mean shipwrecked even better place i'm gonna smelt these potatoes i think it's a good idea and there we go the food's cooking things are looking good we're about to be rich with lots of gold now that i have nine pick these room portals are much more useful so the key to any successful monument heist is to first approach it from the back and you're probably thinking sp you could need milk to do this well don't you worry about that if we just turn our render distance down to two and then approach the monument like so okay we gotta be careful the guardians they are very very dangerous in hardcore mode we then place a door here mine our way in perfect we're in we're then gonna break this drop down okay you just gotta kind of keep moving is this gonna be a good place there's the gold all right we're going in lane jump there is a lot of guardians here you may be thinking sb you're so dead no i'm not dead as you can see wait i just made a mistake hold on hold on hold on get out of it if you stand over there there is a chance you can get minor fatigue so i kind of gonna not throw across that threshold we then go like this okay i feel like you're hurting me go away please all right there is a lot of monument a lot of a lot of these fellas but just mine your gold no need to panic and then you can swim in okay i kind of messed this up a bit hold on now you can swim in grab your gold we've got it all on anything sp how are you going to get out of this one you know you're kind of trapped don't you worry you just go out through the floor and you're out and that ladies and gentlemen was a very very successful heist i mean those elder guardians back there they have no idea what just hit them or stay in the distance another monument you bet we're going for the gold i've realized i've made a bit of mistake of a mistake here i forgot to bring any more doors so this is my only door right now so i mean i can still pick it up i kind of left the dog where's that door okay don't don't get out the way dolphin no that was because of you dolphin no need to panic though because there's literally none of these guardians in this one there we go i should probably make some more doors and mission successful open the door swim your way in grab the rest the reason you want to avoid crushing this threshold is because that's the next chunk and then the guardians will be able to minor fatigue my goodness for this we've got more food and now we can live the good life with golden carrots and now comes the next bit of tech that i'm going to show you making a portal in a ravine you've seen me doing a lava lake tons of times but have you seen me do it like this so we're going to go if that's not going to work sand get out of it the door should be there put that there break this get rid of water and begin creating a portal at this point it's just a pretty much the standard bit once you've got all that filled in you can then mine this block behind this block stick a block there grab that mine out both of these put a bit of water there okay we are missed a bit of water on the bottom so we just need a little bit more lava which i can grab from behind this cobblestone so let's do that lock that up replace some water up here perfect and i have no i have no flint i forgot about the way i have a fire charge it's okay and this is the nether it's nice to be stood on solid ground for once and not in some water okay we now need to try i'm gonna try and find a bastion even though i've got all the gold i already need i kind of want to show off some cool stuff you can do in the bastion should also make a gold helmet so i don't upset anybody looks like i've found what i'm looking for at bastian okay i should probably watch what i'm doing here i was so excited to show you guys the best thing i was zooming in on it being all cinematic i completely forgot to look where i was going so i've learned how to speedrun all bastions this i'm not sure which one this is it could be a housing i know it is a yeah it's a hogland stable actually huggling stables are known as the hardest ones to do so i'm going to show you how it's done we're going to go down these stairs these stairs connect the reason hoggling stables are so hard because they're all random you get good good sides and bad ones so this is a bad known as a bad side a bad gap because there is a block there so there's no gold blocks on this side there's no gold blocks on this side so the bottom is terrible but because i already saw that this triple chest at the top there is gold blocks up here we go through into this room this gold blocks just under here and because there's two triple chest ramparts this is eight gold blocks in total i don't actually need all the gold block because i i've got quite a lot of gold so here's how i'm going to do it i'm going to run to the top of the stairs i'm going to go right down here where these guys are actually already kind of congregating here which i don't really want i'm going to make sure i don't actually accidentally punch them i want to you know this is bad move them all out the way with that bit of gold then we'll mine our way into here we're going to mine this we're going to break this okay and then once i build up here block this off break all of that so that they can actually get through once i mine a gold block they're all going to get very angry and come through so i mine all those up craft all my gold into ingots stick that just there notice how they're all just below me now have all of that guys all right you're all going to love it we just wait a little bit whilst they're trading that i can put some blocks i'll excuse me sir you don't you push everybody out this is very annoying they'll all go back in i'm sure there we go he's in that'll do they're all in there they're all trading in there for me now they're all down here we can steal their stuff in the chest we want obsidian we've got obsidian do we want crying upset i'm gonna take that i'm gonna take the gold as well as you can see they're all trading down there for me these pearls this is everything i could dream of you know they can take the rest of the gold i could explode the chest down the bottom but i've already got all the obsidian i need i do want a bit more string but those guys will give it to me let's go and chuck away this i don't need christmas crystals and now we release them since they're no longer mad at me and we see what beautiful loot they've gotten look at this i'm so rich it's beautiful we've got everything we could ever have dreamed of here look at that i've got all the wool i need thanks for the string i'm absolutely spoiled for choice i can make more glowstone let's go and do that obviously if i was in an actual speed when it wasn't a bit fast i would have been explaining it trying to concentrate on talking and doing that but look at all this we've got like nearly four stacks of pulls so much fire resistance i mean you couldn't ask for more than that we might as well just be purging our way around the nether now in search of a fortress i don't know how i feel about ender pearl around i only have three golden cows i completely forgot about that i'm gonna have to try and find more mushrooms i must say ender pearling is the only way to get around one of these biomes i do not like having to walk through soul sand but the ender pearl is so much quicker i found brown mushrooms we're back in business with food it's with great sadness that i'm gonna have to throw away some of these pearls it's just a little bit over the top and our mushroom stew is on the menu at long last a fortress has been found okay i've managed to get more mushrooms as well we've got plenty of food i've got plenty of fires let's get these blade rubs the only bit of fancy tech i'm going to use with this blaze spawner is to go something like this and now there's less blocks around the spawner we're going to get more blazes spawning and then the smart move here is to build a little platform at the back so that the blaze when you hit them you're not hitting them off the edge here you're hitting them back towards the land and there we go i have eight blaze rods that's more than enough i'm gonna build a portal and we're ready to go to the stronghold there we go i've just realized we have absolutely no fire charges so we're gonna have to do a bit of a bit of work and get some flint now we can light it we know where we're gonna end up somewhere in the water got my old subspace bubble thing i'm gonna get my boat out in fact let's make some eyes of ender which way are we headed uh i think it's it i literally lost that eye vendor completely don't think it ever threw wait are you telling me that there's no stronghold nearby the eye vendor will not work i've been sailing around the eye vendor will not work so we've successfully answered that question can you beat minecraft in a world that's all ocean well no no you can't well that's only if you select any of the deep ones i guess strongholds can't generate in oceans that are that deep if you select a regular ocean here i'm pretty sure it works okay never mind when i select that one the eye vendor still don't work there's no stronghold i do know kind of why this happens strongholds cannot generate in oceans or swamp biomes however if it can't find any land nearby it still will spawn in the ocean which is what i thought it would do here but i guess it doesn't so you cannot beat minecraft in a world but it's all ocean but to be anticlimactic i want to show some new tech in the end as well so i'm going to create an import which means i've got to do all sorts of fancy cheats like open to land and allow cheats if i do set block end portal all right we're in so my plan here is to try and beat the ender dragon using respawn anchors the first thing i need to do to do this is do something fancy like this stand on top i hope he's not perching right now do this do this he's perching isn't it is he perching are you kidding me but i don't want it to perch and purchase and then i'm going to do something known as north south which isn't going to work brilliantly because the dragon's already perched but the next time it perches it'll work fine so now it's back up flying around the optimal position for me to tower up to is y 122 and that is going to make it guaranteed to perch from the opposite end and i can kill it with the respawn anchors and any beds if i need them the dragon is now perching as you can see it is perched directly opposite me that's the beauty of that okay now let's try and do uh do this so when it turns and again i need to get the bed in there okay i kind of messed up this bed bit a little bit let's just do some terrible beds that's okay one more bed i used a lot of beds but i kind of kind of messed that bit up but there we go the end of dragon's been defeated shane we couldn't beat it in a world that's all ocean but hopefully you still enjoyed the video subscribe if you're new and you might enjoy the video that's on screen where i beat minecraft without mining
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,132,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, all ocean, ocean only, minecraft ocean, challenge, hardcore challenge
Id: oBVrl7Fkrf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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