Minecraft but nothing makes sense

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so welcome back to another minecraft video and today things that are gonna get a little bit crazy everything that you thought you knew about minecraft has gone out the window today we are playing on a data bag we're crafting recipes are completely random okay you don't know what I'm talking about well punch a tree why don't ya punching trees waste of time you want to get some planks no instead you can get some gray stained glass panes cuz that's exactly what I don't need right now yeah so I'm it's gonna be a little bit strange I can pick up flowers and I could go and craft those into science stained glass that we're just we're just casually building a nice little stained glass structure of rose you can see beautiful okay well anything give me not stained glass okay you can't craft though so you know we don't think we're item drops a random that was really confusing but at least with crafting recipes it's a little less confusing and we'll see what birch gives us so I've given self one quest and one quest only and that is to try and make another bottle and go to the nether also apparently birch logs craft into acacia stairs so that's also completely useless for it what about these little flowers here what do these give me stick oh well I need sticks that's something all right so dandelions they are on the menu speaking of being on the menu this squid looks rather tasty I mean I'm pretty sure I think yeah I think that can be crafted normally to block that we just die on squid you can normally craft a black dye so okay you just policies it 200 IQ moved by the screen just went inside there we go alright so let's see what I see craft this spectral well that's know some of you where you often using minecraft is it so anyway as I was saying the kind of the obvious thing that I need to try and work out how to make is a crafting table which is going to be complicated if he hopefully it's possible so okay if you wanna make jungle sounds I'm not gonna do and so the must beat you know an easier way to get a crafting table other than crafting it well you'll be glad to know that there is I'm just going to search to London for a village I want to find that I can steal their crafting tables that furnaces everything okay and then I can actually do things because furnace smelting is also random yeah all everything scrambled up so yeah okay getting a I need a bucket to do this whole nother portal thing I'm probably a diamond pickaxe ideally so there's a lot of things but we can we can work this out let's see what these please give me anything excited at all they give me concrete powder hmm I was going to say get can I like then craft those into concrete blocks but you just put it wise to us it's a waste of time as well can we craft dancing with you guys oh well we could make a book now that's an idea we could get some leather get some sugar Kade smash it together and get a book I can't take this personally but I need your liver I just realized something guys and yeah crafting a book goes completely out the window because I watch you can craft a book in your craft inventory crafting a crafting the paper just require an actual crafting table so I'll get the show okay but actually unfortunately yeah that's a bit so yeah the quest to find a village continues oh here's a new one collect some sand and make a leap do you think I'd need a lead hour I probably got meetings Oh what about my cat pick up the underside colour oh I could do with more sticks though I'm always up for more more sticks dandelions Thank You clay it's very very interesting blocking dado go fly out drown doing this it'll be slightly kick okay I just spent ages breaking you you better break now float the apparently items don't float like the used to it man craft a quite a couple day out the window right what we're gonna get from clay birds it just makes you realize how many useless things are out of craft in Minecraft don't get me wrong they all have their uses here and there but overall they're just an absolute absolutely useless oh don't want to die I could get a gonna say forget a sheep I could craft a bed with the wall but again I can't really do like sort of new planks so that's also out the window all right very nice new trees I mean this hopefully gives me something more useful than a birch button or something like that you never know what you're gonna get Prince marine stairs so useful absolutely little bit totally not I don't know what's going on if I still stand by it until I find a village-like I've got nothing yeah village is definitely the way forward very handily I have stumbled across a desert temple okay it's not the best time it's the middle of the night book there's at temples desert temple always little baby feller after me okay just just leave me alone mate okay okay these crafts again oh well you know what could be handy yeah get out of here you hope you become a drunk right let's we have to manually dig our way down here not a problem you know I'm used to this in life and whatever I do okay Ellis if I jump down here I'll probably die yeah dad this could take me some time but you know what I always say slow and steady wins the race okay I can probably jump down there now let's just carry this don't you pressure plate good right what we got in here iron that's what I'm talking about all right we'll take everything okay I'll take the whole the whole kitchen sink okay thank you I mean I must be able to grab some serious things now that gold Apple nice you just never know what you're gonna be on screen or can craft bone meal so that's handy I can craft sandwich I could already do before and some iron stuff so that's that's gonna be kind of handy let's have a little look cuz things you could like see what you're gonna craft before crafts me which is good so I don't know what I don't need horse arm so we've all of those and we can craft anything with a chest so we just got to get our way back out of here what does what does puppies make again Oh concrete you know what could be useful couldn't it could be definitely useful because I can actually build my way out of there now hey three blocks that's great okay let's end let's see what we can do with this iron so four iron makes a golden somebody's I can't think what for I'm would make in normal Minecraft and just just let me think okay you know I'm gonna believe what I just did to work that out yeah way to another world and then crafted someone to see what happened okay like I don't want any of that like that oh because I bet or bed I say well that's useful I'm sleeping even though I can hear mobs running around around me they don't care well is here okay I just just scared the living daylights out of me oh okay oh yeah I'm just gonna carry on searching for this village as you can see meet me food supplies are really low but we've got a golden apple and they're putting it right on flesh too if we sunset I found some iron but yeah nothing to mine the underneath it iron goes huni's I know when you've got anything goes eh so yeah I'm also thinking there is a crafting recipe where if you put gravel and dirt together I think you get course dirt normally so I'm thinking well what happens if we put it together in this Shirley's gonna give me something amazing and the answer is I don't think I have enough gravel and I'm pretty sure this is some of that that happens if not I'll have to go and check the crafting recipe is it like that no let's let's just try trust me on this one guys this definitely yeah I have no idea what about this does this does this tell you out oh it tells you everything I did tell you all the ones I've discovered okay oh wait tells you a few others look up interesting they're also searched through all these I'm too these are all the and I can do and yeah none of them were very useful I was very close with me yet mid-course dirt thing though so what is that like that and then that like that and it makes me a great bed well there you go thanks but but no thanks I mean talk about cool caves stepping away don't ruin this moment for me skeleton nope nope nope no as I was saying talk about cool caves and biomes and all this I mean okay you know I'm skiing the gold Apple I don't care Scott you do what you want I mean this you like some sort of I'm the five places now I mean yeah I mean we know you're number five over in a normal one but looks looks pretty epic unit well I made it to the top only to realize it was a waste of time because I've got to try and get down now um alright slow and steady wins the race or how about we just go for it take a bit of fall damage and and go from there no see something cool the collapsing cave that was a little bit let's try it again okay the bucket time what's that down there oh now singing maybe if we could do something mushrooms but I don't think so oh I've had it I've had an idea guys I don't know why didn't know this idea sooner if you go ahead and put four of these logs together I can't give you a Tupac's well there you go so yeah those like always always somebody so I could go and do that we the oak and all the other types of trees it is say it is a crafting recipe I'm gonna be honest I thought this day would never arrive but here we I bet it's an abundant village isn't it I could just tell I just know it's gonna be a village with its a rubbish one isn't it I've come all this way you found it and he said that if it's a crafting table I'm happy okay well that's that's not useful it's a smithing table we got planks oh oh well that's at least something isn't I can grab something with cleanser I just don't know what yeah okay well I mean we're about to find out so if we look closely Oh apparently a sword is a new crowd we do that oh just with one plank well there you go we've made a sword now and it's gonna have a little bit more of a look round so yeah those are those new crafting recipes have been you know opened up what would happen if we do this we got the most a couple yeah not important to me and but all of these sorts of things good good stuff and it's just we have a bit of armor very nice indeed there we go perfect oh can we put no we don't have any dives and say we can put it together but we can and take some torches as well just just for the journey keep things nice and light anything around here no I don't think so so oh wait is that one oh so rabbit no it's a villager we have life in the village it's not a dead village I'm so happy all right don't look at me like okay right just need to find a crafting table out the must be a crafting table somewhere are you I hope they don't my I'm screwing dismantle this for me I need to use the wood dumb afraid I'm probably dismantling their sacred tree so I should I should probably stop let's see what does this give me why gray concrete power yeah totally worth it no really right come on come here give me a stupid crafting table it's not much to ask for is it okay nothing it what about wheat I'm sure that when I practice it will give me something maybe not so amazing packet I yeah oh wait no wait hold on hold your horses ladies and gentlemen there's no need to no need to jump the gun here because if I go like that then I go like that okay nevermind I need nine to work to do blue ice it's something about you haven't seen living in the desert what do you think of this mate one have a gander oh no it was that okay he's closing dad wait no he just can't it just liked does he care no no okay good what do you do don't run into a cactus mate I didn't mean to be that mean do you know this guy does not like pack dice one bit does it I was just trying to be be nice to you in like off Europe they go it's make them move really slowly don't think he likes it well well well this is a double fine desert temple and I can get all the jungle dirt things that you can craft from them so that's that's great all the yeah we have admitted to overweight with with me mining to do all those things I've got loads and loads of carrots I think you just make sense to just yeah just take the hill you might as well alright let's get rid of this pressure plate safety first okay lots more gold I love it okay another gold knuckle ate the last one but that's not gonna stop me in this one as well anything useful or sandals a book cursive vanishing robots that's useless let's be realistic and yeah okay not bad could be worse decide I'm going to attempt to get myself a flint and steel which means I'm going to need Flint which means we just got to spend the rest of my life from my logo forget the rest of my life I don't have to spend that long and it would give me brown stick why you know if this was the quest to get all the stained glasses I was pretty much there time to see what jungle wood can offer me and also that as well yeah right let's sell some look so first of all cocoa beans they make your stairs alright you know I'll just I'll just take it let me like you that's gonna make weight I was obsidian very very close but coal could be useful so that's worth bearing in mind our light blues well I think we'll take coal over light blue stained glass that's because ol melons or we can we can definitely do some crafting with melons all right I mean that's the most excited melon person you've ever heard since laser beam innit yeah I'm so excited not turning vegan guys but I'm I'm looking for honey I can't craft him back in kind of I needed crafty Ted looks like we'll just have to eat melons well that's not quite as as enjoyable well looks like my vegan days could be over I know the villagers be located hopefully hopefully hopefully there's a crafting table otherwise yeah I'm back to the drawing board again Oh acacia planks I might open up the door for something alright anything in their view Oh take your torch though it's a tough life when I'm going around stealing toys isn't it anything I can do want some wheat but currently bone meal oh look at this little fella he's quite the specimen is he hey I think don't you - did he say - I don't know what he said to me but right let's some little look around and see if we can locate the must the must be there has to be a crafting table around here somewhere look at these small balances it's actually becoming slightly addictive the melons now I'm not quite sure how we got there but yeah it has a stronghold aha we found one a crafting table all right the doors have opened up ladies and gentlemen what will this give me Koster yeah don't care okay what about I don't know I could do a chest plate okay you know what world you I stir with this I can make diamond boots if we make an iron it just all makes sense so whilst I'm very pleased with a crafting table it still leaves me with a few few questions I could do it there must have a 30 series somewhere as well wouldn't it surely they have someone knocking about that as a furnace I can just use to do some smelling because I think that's the big thing what stick I'm sorry oh yeah I don't need the cartography tail will be anything useful for me either so let's have a little check-in here wouldn't our broom you know I don't know any blaze rod so it's probably not gonna be useful hang on a minute a smoke that's good enough that is because I can put food in there and if I just put some some strict oak logs hopefully that luscus the crafting terrible day I've waited years to get beacons and get beacons from cooking bit what a waste of that okay well I'm not gonna be doing that anymore what else could I can i chuck him my furnace and bring on a rampage now don't take this the wrong way pigs but you must be used okay we've got pigs come on sheep and chickens I know you're out here somewhere apparently some flowers give you purple wool which you know don't sound that useful but I can use those to try and make a bed potentially so with the right bed we could yeah that could craft anything as well we just we just don't know you've got to try everything here just when the Sheep thought they'd got away from me they were very much mistaken nice to see this farm has been working out cuz I I do need to steal his week so I can make some stuff with it so thanks a lot mate you work you go and replant look don't think I'm stealing your seeds cuz I'm not they go go and go and do some more planting exciting times ahead is I for the first time cook some raw pork chops and get bricks don't even care about bricks what are you looking at you know what you can come out be free all right you know used to being eaten so you might as well do something else okay couple of side quests first quest take out a chicken alright get myself some of that and we cook down the furnace or the quest take out some fish well I'm finally a fish but I have found dark oak which means we can craft a few more things here so let's go and gather that we have to get rid of something and something tells me I'll probably be the the bricks don't really though so what what does that create I creates cooked God all right well I don't actually want that because I want actually the reason I was cooking first was to see what it would give me from that buy anyway we're gonna go and do this and four of these makes me Christy well you know what let's let's go for the cod I think I also know over here there is I think I saw mushrooms or summat so sir do this work a lot on Orthodox using prison breeding stairs to bridge but that's that's square we're out at the moment and we have the mushroom so if we go away I don't need this at the moment oh I could use fellas oh I need arrows yeah you know there's so many things going into this is so I think I can do through that graphing tail actually so we've got a mushroom spider oh no my dog sugar that goes out the window again this is one tricky challenge isn't it all right chicken don't let me down okay I mean I know you might be yeah no longer alive but still come on don't give me some a great birch wood fat that is the definition of letting me go okay I can also get myself oh so what we make a goal bla what's that okay now then if we don't go and craft that backwards we go red dye and then if we put red dye with white wool which I used on me white well look but no nevermind because what we can do is we can go strings like now you know what we're back to square no I know we back see I've used up on me planks is okay it's alright nothing that can't be fixed through a bit of mining well we put this like this not like that we get we get diamonds we can craft diamond now then who's laughing now because now we can make a diamond so I know we can't make a downside but we we can make scaffold what is my life become for a moment I couldn't remember how I got purple but then I realize it's sunflowers um well we're in the perfect place for some flowers Reena some flower by him so if we just actually cleared some space memory tree that'd be a good start we can get ourselves all the purple wall that we could possibly desire if we can get ourselves unlimited diamonds which you know might not be that useful in the grand scheme of things but at least it feels good the villager that lives here doesn't mind me complaining dismantling these house it's for a good cause okay I'm gonna do the neighbors as well so he's not the only one with no roof well there goes the golden axe oh that was out that was like nine of my I understand gone pretty quickly so that's that's great right we'll pick up that and then to the next roof we go perfect so we should be able to make quite a few beds with this alright but anyway I'm gonna go ahead and jump on this crafting table and see just how many diamonds okay first we have to make loads of purple wool so there we go forth the two of that and then that's just attract eleven times that's brilliant okay anything useful here turned up now do be honest despite the fact I have eleven diamonds is still pretty rubbish release time very tips about those diamond boots yeah it's it's still not got much better for me really well here we are again a yes take another village is this gonna be of any use to me who knows umm oh I can try and crack bread well you know I've never been so excited to try and craft bread ladies and gentlemen I bet you haven't either what will happen find out after the night bread better at least give me something half exciting alright they must be great legs up all of a second so everything is run except bread well I'm not gonna argue with that all right what why it was bred dog why is everything book if anybody can work that one out guys I'll them I'd be very interested but yeah Bartley bread doesn't follow the rules of normal life okay anything good so it's like yeah I don't really know what I'm looking for now at this point Oh paper wait isn't that handy oh yeah because I can make a book Oh hold on now yeah I like that and then we can go like that and we can make a yellow banner and that is just what I wanted to do I'm so happy how we can do the old break a bookshelf and recraft it things so if we just go a place of crafting table there and then I think we just go three books down the middle um hold that thought gotta go and steal some of that platform have to go anyway I can just do it from right here here is the sixth one so it will go ahead and take to this like that that to there those across the middle purple that is anything good craftable yeah I mean I'm all the one is finished is that too much to us didn't realize this but we got a pretty crucial item here we can make a gold pig eyes which we've been Eltham probably could have made a cigar we just did get any wood in our inventory so that's actually quite important because I think I might be wrong but y know I I can I could use this to mine iron ore and then I can well no I can't smell iron ore but I'm sure I can mine something that come before like for example now we combine diorite okay and what can we do we've died out where we can create some sort of block with that so you know what this is definitely the right direction so diorite gives you cheese all the Sun stone useless but something like yeah you know like little things with cobblestone we can now do which like you know get trapdoors and all that good stuff that's handy stuff if I get enough cobbles that's probably going to open the door more for me as well I just broke my pic out sorry well that lasted long I'd probably have enough wood I could get if wood to wait to get more goodness so we can make a diamond sword with well that was a simple enough crafting recipe we could married amateur apparently cobblestone is where it's at ladies and gentlemen that is eyes for sure okay um I'm gonna go and get some more planks and get myself another pickaxe as well make a chest but as well since it's like the easiest thing in the world to craft and I don't actually need the diorite anymore so it's gone pick that up suit myself up perfect and yes oh I just want to get some granite and that other thing you know what I mean granite and under sight and then once with those I should have like I can make a few more items are that will there be any of you so don't know I need to go get my crafting table don't let me forget about that just kind of thought as well if I can craft a block of coal that might be useful so it's got ourselves nine of these without the pickaxe breaking we have to conserve this pickaxe it is my life and my life's work right I need to go back to the tables other guys grab ourselves a granite I grab four of those because what we can do is we can test out polished and we get smooth but that can also go with cobblestone in the crafting table and get me I don't you just need to be polish maybe I'm not it's not only knowing I don't just doesn't work does it I thought it would work but apparently it doesn't decide there's nothing else for it I'm taking down those make-or-break times where everything just works out amazingly or it works out terribly so we're gonna make a couple of pickaxes for ourselves not like that we're going to craft them like that perfect yes we'll get one there and we'll get one about there and we'll go we'll go back to digging and that should get me to bedrock or lava or death or something down there I'm yeah don't know what we're doing down there but well we'll just see what happens I've also just realized I forgot something pretty crucial like my crafting table might need that somewhere down the line and yeah that's a waste of vital blocks cuz you can see me gold pickaxe does not last very long I also Oh what can I make that that block of coal and see what that gives me okay maybe already try that so yeah don't forget the crafting table so I found iron which I can't actually mine so that's that out the window we carry on down and I've now made it to bedrock okay I think of that bombshell guys I'm giving up okay I tried you know and I just couldn't find all the things that I'd like you know the crucial crafting recipes that I need to find we didn't get both mean we got diamonds we got a diamond chestplate we got we got loads and loads of things we got golden apples as well you know we could take some positives away from this you know maybe to clean up quite as many as I'd like but definitely could take some positives so hopefully they enjoy this video if you try it let me know how you get on let me know you can let me know the extra crafting recipe that could work out okay you want to so yeah leave like fin Joe's video subscribe if you're new to the channel and hopefully I will see you guys next [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,759,765
Rating: 4.9126105 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, nothing makes sense, random crafting recipes, minecraft but, minecraft but nothing makes sense, sb737, sb, sb737 minecraft, minecraft crafting, crafting recipes
Id: 4J8WKIYidqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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