Minecraft Hardcore, But Crafting Tables Are Banned

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minecraft it's all about mining and crafting but what if you remove the crafting banishing the crafting tables how difficult do seemingly simple tasks become how far can you progress through the game can you defeat the enderdragon well today i'm going to beat minecraft in hardcore without using a single crafting table also if you enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe first thing we need to find is a village and it looks like there's one coming into view now i have to hope that it has a blacksmith sadly there is no blacksmith but there is fisherman so i can get quite a few of the items that i need in fact this chest is perfect look at that three buckets of water that is so useful unfortunately this is a village that has no farmers so i've got loads of hay and i can craft them into wheat without a crafting table but there's no been known to trade with so i'm gonna have to go and find another village somewhere i have found something useful a lava pool so i can go to the netherlands if i do it do we do that now and so i can make blocks without using crafting table there no problem let's go and do this let's quickly make ourselves let's see if this actually works out so i'm going to use my fist because i can't get an axe it's a pretty annoying thing but if we go like this and then i think oh i'm gonna have to mine this wait well this work let's see okay it worked perfect right so we're gonna make a portal you didn't see anything guys all right i'm gonna go and get rid of most of this lava i think if i now go ahead and place lava there put some wood along here that is going to light the portal so we'll leave that to light i am almost dead already and a zombie come out of nowhere and attack me and to be honest if i don't find a black smoother pickaxe in it then i'm not going to continue this run is that a village there is a village up ahead let's go and check it out and this time we've got a few farmers any of you all look for this guy so he's going to give me wheat so let's go trade that we're going to give me emeralds there we go you want more wheat there's plenty more over here yeah well guys this building has so many hay bales on it look there's more even more over there i've got 27 plus i've traded lows this is perfect but i think it's probably good if i sleep i'm also going to grab this brain standard it could come in handy down the line okay maybe i'm not you need a big accident i just realized something this guy will give me bread for emerald so if i take a bunch of that that's like you know that's all the bread i need then the other villager once he restocks i'll just give him all the hay this guy's now restocked his trays perfect wow you can restock again i might as well wait for that he's even made his prices cheaper for me perfect and you know what for being such a good customer you can have three free weeks if you want it there we go it's okay got plenty of food i've got plenty of emeralds i'm on with buckets i definitely the blacksmith now the best place to find blacksmiths are in spruce forest villages the reason for that is because the blacksmith is so much smaller compared to the ones so they can be a lot more common so we're going to try and find it oh there's another lab like it we're going to try and find a village somewhere in here well this spruce voice has not let me down the sun is setting but have we got any blacksmiths let's have a look i don't know what building this is it's nice and warm though all right you guys sleep there i'm sleeping here turns out for some reason that this is the world's smallest village so it's back to the drawing board here we have another village i've traveled so so far the spruce voice have been pretty terrible for villages it's getting dark already i'm starting to i'm not running out of food but it's you know it's getting that way i want to be careful it's please can there just be a black food i'm sick to death of it what is that it is indeed a blacksmith right i need a pickaxe it's the worst part i don't need like just a blacksmith i need a pickaxe to go with it please please don't come in okay thank goodness we've got armor we've got a pickaxe all right that is uh that is very very good news indeed let's get some sleep and we can finally go to the nether and make some progress an extra handy trick i can do is actually break this and place it next to a villager and then this guy will sell me an axe which is perfect i'm going to grab a few axes because if we if we have any axes we can't really do the run so i've got i've got axes now i could take out that golem i don't really see any usage for that so i'm gonna leave him i'm also gonna grab this chest just in case i need it because i have too many items so we'll just put that there and my goal is to now find a new lava like i'm never going to find that original portal i'm thousands of blocks away is that another village over there oh my goodness and this village has another blacksmith there's nothing i really need now in this in the blacksmith what you're offering me good sir yeah that's that's a rubbish shot i don't want that and the chest has more bread iron gold apples i mean that's that's not a terrible one good thing i didn't need a pickaxe from this one i'm also gonna buy a load more bread i don't be running out of bread so let's get plenty of that i'm also gonna buy a bunch of arrows just in case i need them although i've now made the mistake of not having enough arrows to afford a boat so i've got all these arrows and and no boat good news we've managed to find an emerald in the chest and so he hasn't put his prices up perfect we've got a boat that's just in case we need it could come in handy that's not something you see every day in a swamp we found some lava okay the ball as well perfect i'll give you just maybe try to book a lava in case i need it for whatever reason here it is the next plan is to try and find a bastion and a fortress because in order to get pearls i'm going to need to get gold but i can't really mine up gold like i can't mind that and the nuggets and turn it into gold ingots because i have to use a crafting table to do that so instead i need to get the actual gold blocks and because then you can make them into ingots no problem and train them that way is that what i think it is yes it's a foot okay perfect it's a fortress we've gotta we're gonna try and traverse this ground very carefully but we've found a fortress this next bit is the bit that i'm not looking forward to battling blaze without a shield it's always a nightmare we've got a gold plate though that is actually very useful because now if i'm having to trade with piglet they're not going to get angry at me time for my first battle with some blaze okay hopefully we can get them before they regen my frame rate's just gone absolutely terrible okay just be careful there we go i don't know why my frame rate has decided to completely die i'm guessing there was something to do with all the particles of being this bomb so i've turned them off found a blaze spawner up ahead this is where things i've got to be very very careful okay we do not want to get hit too many times from this that is blaze rod number seven i'm going to leave with that what happens next can be one of two things i can either with these eight ingots that i've managed to find get the pearls i need or i'll have to find a bastion or some gold blocks somewhere like a room pole so regardless if i want to find a bastion i need to go to a different quadrant to that one so i think that is in yeah the negative positive one so i'm going to try well any of them in in this direction basically a piglet has been found eight chances and on each 16th there's no way they'll be the biggest look i've ever had if this works yeah we got zero pill trades good news and bad news guys we found a bastion but it's one of the ones where it's really annoying to get the gold it's hidden underground somewhere and i'm not entirely sure on the strategy of how to get to it it's something to do with you find the gap i haven't i've probably researched it i know there is a strategy to finding the gold consistently but you kind of find the gap and then dig down it or something so i don't know if it's on this side maybe honestly i have no idea nothing else i have managed to find a big chest so let's dig underneath it and then we don't upset anybody but this should be okay it's i mean it's got a lot of kind of cool stuff but i mean i'm somebody who's got way too many hours anyway the crossbow will take a crossbow i guess if i had to guess i'd say that the hidden gold is somewhere around here i don't know if it if it goes down below or what but it's it's somewhere in this area okay i think i might have found it is it just oh it's just oh it's a few blocks i thought it was only two it's three okay and now they're all angry at me i think there's more though do you just kind of dig around in fact i'm probably doing this completely wrong i've got to be very careful now that i don't have to you know get into any battles within pigment because i will die oh i found more okay perfect because this is this is the main one as well they just kind of kind of dig around the bottom i guess just grab it all make sure none of them can get to me right we have a lot of gold we kind of just gonna get away from them now and then sell it back to them let's turn this into gold wait did i just no no no give me back the gold blocks oh no take take that don't take the gold blocks that could have been a night well i just got pearl's first try are you kidding me that's that's insane that's quite handy they dropped me some boots as well i've got full armor now didn't use a crafting table got full armor i've got my pearl trade perfect we've got 16. i've got eight obsidian so i just need a couple more of that and then we're done there we go perfect i'll see you later guys you can enjoy the rest of that gold i'm gonna build a portal right here and thankfully to light it these guys gave me some fire charges that's very useful right let's go through i just got an achievement subspace bubble that must be for traveling loads of blocks in the nether using another portal or something okay now we're going to go ahead and make our eyes of ender there'll be no other way to to use this uh crafting grid anyway to use me as a vendor which is why for the whole challenge i just allowed myself to use the little crafting grid but not an actual crafting table right which way are we going we're going that way because i have to travel so far in others to find a fortress and the bastion my portal is like 9 000 blocks from spawn so i don't really have a reference point normally if i'm like near the origin i can kind of work out when to throw the next eye how close i am and all that with this i just have no clue because i'm on you know an outer ring for the strongholds so you know it could be really close it could be miles away i've absolutely no idea we'll see what the second eye is saying are we still far away oh we must the angles change a lot so we're probably not that far actually and it's disappeared let's see what we're dealing with here oh i think it's on top of that mountain actually according to my calculations it's pretty much right about there it's very annoying that it's right at the top of a mountain i'm gonna dig down the only issue is my pickaxe might break oh wait there's a cave is it gonna be a savior cave that can take me down lower oh there is gonna be a safety cave it's not taking me too far but it should hopefully just about take me far enough goodbye pickaxe we now must dig down to the stronghold using my face this is getting very very annoying but you know what we got far enough with the pickaxe hold on it's very annoying digging down my fist but we have found the stronghold instead of breaking this one up i'm just gonna swim on through why not and this is interesting it seems like we've dug down behind one of those fake walls here we have the beginning of the stronghold let's do some search and see if we can find ourselves the portal room what on earth is that i was like i hear lava maybe there's something good nearby i look up and this lava what on earth is this is it just like flowing like yeah look at that i could've that was a bit of a shock to the system i'll tell you what you only realize how annoying these secret rooms are once you don't have a pickaxe to find them and i spent all that time mining it and it doesn't even go anywhere if i break this will it give me the button i think it would i think it does that's gonna be handy because this one over here doesn't have a button i can't be bothered to mine it mine through again i found it perfect it wasn't actually that that far at all let's go and put this all the way around and through we got we are we're not getting any silfish today doesn't look like it doesn't bother me we're okay actually i was about to say this is going to be annoying but we are okay in getting out of here so now we've got to do the seven bed it's very useful i've got like 10 beds so if i fail it i've just been a complete idiot first thing i want to do is place some blocks around this hopefully there's not gonna be dragon's breath everywhere and now we wait i can actually shoot a few towers if i want to if i can shoot the dragon if i want to i'm gonna i should mainly concentrate on not dying and to be honest i can't hit it anyway as you can see look at my incredible aim the more towers i take out the more likely to perch which is the only really useful thing for this good news is that last decided it's time to perch he took his time there here we go ladies and gentlemen time for the one cycle so far so good i can play with oh no i messed up oh no oh no oh no oh dear oh dear oh dear now i can i can either you know it's probably just a good idea i could probably can i can i take him out i don't want to wish risk too much but i can probably take him out like at least get his held kind of low here okay he's flying away yeah we kind of messed that up big time i'm just going to get rid of the towers no more messing about let's just let's just get rid of them i think i've got all of them except for these ones up here and these are like the easiest ones to get because you just have to shoot for a tiny gap he says as he misses right this time when the dragon comes down we'll definitely have him turns out i miss one of the towers after all it's not gonna stop me from attempting to do it anyway we might come on oh we're so close this might actually work out let's see defensively can regen faster than i can take him out i've made hard hard work of this guys but there we go we beat minecraft without using a crafting table [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,275,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft but, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, no crafting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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