Minecraft, But Smelting Is Extremely OP...

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this ladies and gentlemen is how i plan to get extremely opie and then thanks to these amazing items i plan to summon in 100 withers but to start off with i need to get a furnace and i might as well grab these berries for easy food once i have the furnace there will still be one more step before the items can be super let's make the stone pickaxe grab more stone and i can craft this furnace and you'll see putting items in here nothing happens that is because i need some extra materials i should probably grab some food whilst i can as well pretty soon i'll get a very op fire aspect sword that'll be way better until that point i must smelt like a peasant i'm also gonna need more wood for my project now my food is finished cooking that's gonna be way better than having to eat berries and now i need iron once i find this iron i will be able to then get the opie enchantments we've got one piece right here might as well grab the coal too we're gonna be doing a lot of smelting oh you stupid skeleton are you trying to ruin this for me oh my goodness three of them i'm getting out of here i think i found all the iron i need there's one up here and four over here now let's get those smelting and i might as well grab extra iron whilst i'm waiting you know what two furnaces are better than one because we're gonna need some stone blocks yes guys we are creating a blast furnace i don't know why i didn't just tell you that sooner we now need to send this three stone back through the furnace and now with these three smooth stones and a brand new furnace we can create the blast furnace and this is gonna be my ticket to getting very opaque i'm gonna put wood as a fuel i think i should make an iron pickaxe and then let's smelt that we put it in the furnace it's smelting away mending level i thought what mending mobile use is that to me i mean it'll never break which is good but i didn't want that take two don't let me down this time wait how can i get mending twice in a row i'm telling you i've got more chance to win the lottery than getting three mendings in a row i'm breaking how can i get awkward just give me a second guys still touch i want efficiency come on i'm trying to sword instead looting a thousand that's what i'm talking about thankfully found some more iron here and if i grab some gravel i can get flint to make flint and steel i'm gonna make a shield as well just in case if i just set this guy on fire take him out and all my food problems have now been sold might as well get a second one as well there we go this guy gave way more okay i have i have three and a half stacks guys i have spotted a wolf excuse me mr skeleton i'd like some of your bones yeah that should be enough here you go mate a few bones as many as you want there we go i've got all the bones in the world you come with me and i probably sort of abandon you like i do with all my other dogs i can't wait to use this looting a thousand on with the skeletons i've discovered a cave in fact my dogs discovered it as well uh okay what's going on here yeah you attack those guys i feel my dog's gonna die what is going on i'm getting whoa okay let's just go back in here get him oh wow you are a very useful dog meanwhile it's back to trying to get an op pickaxe another mending useless dog what haven't you why have you just gone completely silhouette this is very strange oh my god i forgot how much stuff i'm getting i need to get rid of all this so i can smelt my iron in a blast furnace as well that's big brain many pickaxes later finally efficiency your thousand oh it's beautiful it's amazing thanks to this silk touch i can actually get more blast furnaces just by sticking more stone in there finally fortune level a thousand i don't need picks anymore i'll have a spare one we might as well enchant it see what happens i'm mending well i don't really need them ending let's get rid of all of these now i'm a little bit low on coal let's just mine one of these oh that should be enough i think my next quest has to be to find some diamonds so let's grab iron on the way as well decide to go for the clasp whoa dog do not move don't not panic right now this is this is not a drill all right that was close i'm gonna see you down there i really need to get some water i can hear some through here if i dig around i might find it did manage to find it although my pickaxe is now pretty much broken and i also managed to find this guy let's grab this water and then save my dog's life there you go mate no need to panic anymore oh we found sometimes it might only be one but one might be enough let's see a fortune level a thousand is up to the task oh it's up to the tesco right we have nearly four stacks hey guys do you want to get triggered by something i just placed some water there and oh no we we burnt the diamonds what i just did there should definitely be illegal kind of want some more blast furnaces first so let's get those smelting and there's plenty more iron up here the shame i can't use fortune on it that will be more than enough iron let's make five more blast furnaces and now we really are cooking let's see what we got men are you kidding me can you put it through again wait i think you can wait this could be a big breakthrough oh i can just keep smelting it until i get the i waste a lot of iron pickaxes for no reason before that is now protection level a thousand i'm unkillable and how powerful that actually is do i even take damage oh i take a little bit of damage um i am only wearing a chest plate so that's understandable if i eat okay i'm kind of regening faster but we probably shouldn't stand in tune ladder for too long the leggings of thorns a thousand nothing stands a chance if it hits me feather falling a thousand i can follow a long way now you know what i like that respiration i can never drown i'm pretty happy with this set might as well make diamond tools as well let's see what we get from them what if i can smell this bow as well that could be interesting this is efficiency a thousand very nice looting a thousand can't ask for more than that power one thousand bow and saw his sharpness a thousand i'm very powerful come on doggy let's go and test all this out i'm curious to see if flint and steel oh we can get something cool on that as well i'm breaking on my shield what about just a random piece no that didn't work hey chicken lovely weather we're having today i don't even need all that about the inventory space right now i guess if we're going to be fighting 100 withers i should probably make my way to the nether very conveniently we've got a lava lake right you sit down here i promise i will return i always leave my dogs behind but i will return for this one i could instantly mine obsidian but i'm just going to do this to nice old fashioned way let's see what we can find in the nether i forgot the power of pigment if i if i take this guy out look at all the go don't blow my gold up if you touch me whoa they just they die if they touch me that's it you want this you want a bit of this thorns action yeah that's right fellas i didn't think so what if i just let the gas hit me yeah that's like a a remote way to take out a gas let's get making gold ingots i actually can't remember what use i'll have for all this gold since i have looting a thousand so it's gonna be easy to get ender pearls as well i could just mine this with fortune a thousand yeah we're very very rich imagine if i got soul speed a thousand i don't even know if that's possible only one way to find out i checked the code in soul speed a thousand impossible but debstrider a thousand is so that's pretty useful although not very useful in a world with no water love how a skeleton shoots me just he just died instantly you don't mess with sb i've spotted an enderman you sir will be very useful in where did he go here he is if he touches me he'll die i mean that's a decent amount of ender pearls okay who's 26 yeah i'm happy with that and a fortress has been spotted now the question everyone's mine what will happen if i just jump to here i lose one and a half hearts now can i survive in lava that's what i want to know oh yes of course i can no problem at all i think it would have been faster for me to bridge this is so slow what torna just happened that guy jumped on me died and it was straight back in the lava take two oh my goodness there's a load of you guys do i just run into you all oh look at this the power how many wither skulls i need to pick these up before the gas blows them up quick we got four from i mean i guess we get a guaranteed withers school if i'm holding my sword the looting works so might as well keep walking into skeletons to get all my skulls the same works with blaze as well that's my blaze rods it's very laggy here so i'll skip ahead till i've got all the skulls my armor has almost broken but i think if i re-smelt it it completely repairs it and now i have brand new enchantments and brand new armor i might as well create my eyes of india now just to save on some inventory space it took way longer than i thought but i now have over 100 wither skulls just another 200 to go and even though this was possible this guy is wearing my you can't take that by my calculations i have over 200 100 to go at least i'm in one of the nether biomes where wither skeletons spawn a lot and sometimes getting this many schools would just be impossible my calculations are correct i now only need three more schools that's one that's two and finally that's three and that makes three hundred i cannot wait to go home and this time i'm bridging across i'm out of block so i'll have to use diamond ones i also need a load of soul sand but that's gonna be much easier to get seven stacks of that is definitely enough see you later diamond blocks i will miss you i'm a man of my word i'm going back to see my dog there it is my precious portal and you're a good boy patiently waiting for me you can come on the adventure now and the adventure is leading us that way that was pretty funny then come on then if you want to come and attack me i can get loads of membranes there we go another one's done i forgot i can test out deathstrider a thousand now let's what's that creepy doing it turns out deb strider a thousand just doesn't work at all i've now eaten my last pork chop i should probably try and find some food let's just quickly light you on fire and all my food problems will be sorted the quantity i have ender we're pretty much right above the stronghold pretty sure i need to dig down right about yep right about here oh my goodness that was a bit crazy i'm glad you're all right here's the pool room let's get rid of that let's add in the isa vendor i just want to get rid of all this lava now we know dogs can't go to the nether but can they go to the end indeed they can already he's coming as well you know i i might just leave you here because it's about to get very dangerous it is time for the 100 with a moment this has just made me realize how ridiculous amount of withers we're gonna be spawning now all the soul sun has been added let's add the skulls accidentally spawn one um i gotta get rid of him oh no he's gonna cause a lot of trouble here um oh no what do i do what a mess they have made to my withers they're ruining everything all right i'm gonna have to take them out come on then big fella one hit on me and you're dead you don't seem to care about me so i'm using my bow there we go we might struggle to summon a hundred but let's see how many we can do guys things are getting crazy i still have a few winter skulls left but it's so noisy let the battle begin well that's that's what happens when i tried to battle a hundred withers after looking back at the footage it turns out that all of my armor pretty much broke straight away so that's why i died
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,504,783
Rating: 4.9169784 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, health multiplies, multiplying health, smelting is super, super smelting, op, op items
Id: TqYtTLXyXpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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