Minecraft but it's Impossible to Die

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dying in minecraft it happens to every single player yes even me [Music] but what if you couldn't die in minecraft instead you could jump in lava fall down ravine stand next to tnt and be completely fine well today we're playing fundy's baby mode where dying in minecraft is impossible apparently i've got very fragile fists so i don't have to punch a tree i just have to look at it if you look at it for long enough it just breaks it's it's amazing and now when i go to craft a pickaxe look at the enchantment so things have never been easier now i'd like to go mining for diamonds first of all we're going to jump in look at that no damage at all now we could go caving you know we could we could go looking but we could also just just mine stone and look at that we're getting all sorts of three minutes you know what this is this is my kind of minecraft all right this is just what i want we've got lapis we've got iron we've got redstone i'm waiting for the diamonds though there we go we've got a diamond last i'm going for three of them two of them okay we need one more okay we've got all three diamonds right now we're going to make a diamond pickaxe and it'll be epic i just want to see the enchantments that it gets efficiency five mending on break so now [Music] is it really any faster i mean maybe it's fractionally faster but you know what i'm a bit disappointed there kind of curious to see how powerful of a sword you can make just mending them break you know i'm not happy with that either i'm so disappointed with that it's going over there and instead we're gonna we're gonna try and make some armor let's have a look now you see that's what i'm talking about we don't even need armor in this but because we can't take damage we can't die but it's cool to walk around and be all shiny you know guys i feel like finding animals is quite tricky so so why don't we just take him out and [Music] unlimited food ladies and gentlemen here comes the real test it's now dark and mobs are starting to spawn although to be honest mobs aren't that good you know come on come on get me spider that's right that's right vaporized what about this skeleton can you actually shoot me from here oh you've not even got a bow look at him it tripped over me that's not great minecraft has never been easy don't worry village i will i will rescue you i will save you okay don't be afraid because there's not really any saving needed i might as well go to bed excuse me can you get out of this bed are we going to sleep outside under the stars don't you trying no this bed's occupied get off me don't look at me like that i feel like i should rescue this guy there you go we put him out of his misery you know you guys aren't so tough now that you've not got your fancy little boat that's right oh free hour right we need to really put this to the test okay i mean look we take no fall damage we can't blow up you worst mobs ever don't like them at all but we don't have a problem we're gonna dig down we can get diamonds as we dig down it's beautiful and we're gonna we're gonna go and head to head with some lava look at that i found real diamonds oh well that's nice not that i need him because i've already got 11 but yeah you know what that's kind of cool i could hear a cave i just need to find the cave oh what have we got here a nice friendly mob spot oh wait this is good it's gonna keep spawning and getting instant destroyed yep see you later this is this is very evil i better break this spot you know guys this is a pretty cool mindshaft if i've ever seen one myself you know i've i've never i've never seen such a doctor no need to panic ladies and gentlemen we're fine you know we can we can it turns into goblin back we can we can live in loud we can't even get into lava if we want to there we go completely safe okay just yeah no the sound's the only the annoying part now this is one very cool cave okay you know what we've not got a problem yet okay i nearly got blocked in by obsidian excuse me obsidian okay i would even carry on burning i i said it was a cool cave does it even open up it definitely does open up i think i think it's time to go to the nether so now i'll do the fancy thing of making a portal which to be honest everybody seems to like watching so we're gonna we're gonna do that we've not got enough lava i have no fear there's lava over here i've also just realized i've got no way to light this portal because i didn't bring any flint so we're in a bit of trouble so as usual i'm gonna have to improvise okay we're gonna put a bit of lava just here all right and then we're gonna fill this bit up we have no wood either do we okay we're a little bit longwood but we'll just have to use a crafting table or something eventually this will set on fire in like the ball okay work that took a long time but we could now go to the nether now the quest is simple to find a fortress oh so you've got to admit this is the coolest pickaxe ever you know i don't know how to cross this lake so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna swim through it and i'm absolutely fine apparently guts are also completely harmless yeah not so tough now are you okay we're gonna get him as well there we go take that buddy now usually when i say this people click off the video but you know what i'm going to say it anyway please if you enjoyed this video subscribe at long last we have found a fortress now i'm pretty sure fortress is like the safest place ever let's be honest minecraft as a whole is super safe so once if these guys shoot me like i just i just take no damage so yeah your things don't work and then if i go up to him i believe we just get 12 blaze rods per per thing is that right yeah we got 24 well see you later guys we finished with you and you know with the skeletons those super annoying mobs well they're guaranteed to drop a wither skull which means i can literally just walk right up to him always loads them that's it they've gone all these and more and we've got ourselves four with the skulls kind of want to know what happens if i punch a pigment or we just disappear wait so what if i make them all angry yes that's it all come after me is that it you're not doing a very good job mate here's another of my victims let's just go like that perfect and now we're back at the portal and the only thing left to do is find some enderman the only issue with this whole finding enderman thing is it it's daytime but don't worry there's a way around it if we just put in chat i wish i had ender pearls too we get ender pearls i don't know how many we get we get four well we don't we want we want more than four yeah we want sixty perfect okay you know this is my kind of minecraft all right we're gonna make a load of blaze powder we're gonna make some of this and let's now see where's the stronghold all right it's that way according to my calculations it should be right about here and yes i'm using a diamond pickaxe to mine dirt i mean this is baby mode what'd you expect okay my calculations were actually correct didn't expect that you know i feel like this is going to be the easiest exploration of the stronghold ever oh there we go see you later spider all right silver fish squad i dare you to spawn apparently the spawner just never worked so let's let's get rid of that okay right let's go and uh do all of this perfect into the into the end we got okay now guys i wasn't entirely truthful for you okay i said you can't die but i mean if you go in the void of course you can die i mean you know nothing will save you forever okay you know you know you're gonna you're gonna die eventually you know i'm sure you know eventually oh wait no you don't you just you just keep falling you didn't do that right exactly i didn't mean to do that can i just land on here wait i did that this was not part of the plan i made it back and all my stuff's disappeared are you kidding me the dragonfly is gonna be pretty tricky no item so if i just type in no you then the dragon is defeated and we will there we go we just just typed something in chat and we win and ladies and gentlemen that was baby bow but it was still not easy enough to stop me from dying
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,038,945
Rating: 4.9475455 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft but, impossible, can't die, can't diee, baby mode, fundy, minecraft baby mode
Id: Y1fwswt7mo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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