I Beat Fundy's "Cursed" Difficulty in Minecraft (Random Seed)

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fundies cursed difficulty in minecraft grass poisons here flowers make you float blocks explode when broken all monsters are well let's just say they're a nightmare villagers turn evil water disappears after two to ten hours lava spawns making the game unbeatable portal blocks can randomly move all pigmen are angry endermen are invisible and angry and crystals spawn with us oh and every now and again your inventory randomly scatters everywhere and i decided for some reason i was going to beat this on a random seed so six days later after 30 hours of attempts that's exactly what i did also seventy percent of the people that watch my videos already subscribe so please join the majority and subscribe okay i did kind of steal that joke from technoblade but please subscribe anyway and also the five hour uncut video of this is in the description if for some reason you'll want to watch it okay so this thing definitely looks like it has potential we do need to find acacia village um and occasionally i'm always by deserts we have got a regular village there above the desert village so that that could be a good starting point um so let's let's give this seat a go perfect acacia bam spotted so the village is just there imagine living up there what does what what a satellite i need to live at the top of the mountain you gotta get down um yes there's the occasion bio i see a village up ahead so i have to travel a little bit in that direction but that is uh that's gonna be exactly what i need i think in fact i'm gonna go and nip in and try and i'm gonna set my spawn there and then steal some of the beds as well so set up a nice little base operations got a few beds that's that's all good and so reasonably acacia acacia villages so i can blow up the houses and get loads of wood so i can trade for emeralds and get ender pearls so that's that's the thinking behind that so now that i've decided this is a good enough seed to carry on them okay if you want to go on there yes you can um we're going to now begin phase two of the plan and that is not to sleep okay that is to take out creepers spend the night farming creepers so this is a bit of a nightmare part of the run but if you punch a creeper it duplicates so if we exploit that as you can see we can we can pick up a ton of gunpowder there we go 10 gunpowder already okay and you just got to make sure you don't run out of creepers i might actually get 21 gunpowder straight away though that's really good actually that never normally happens like that let's keep the sand as well so yeah tnt is like the the big thing that we need here i did run out of creeps there is one over there but skeletons are like the only thing that can mess you up in the night really because you cannot you cannot avoid their arrows it's pretty much possible so i've got a total of 64 42 there and 14 on the ground there gunpowder which is more enough that i need for the rest of the run so don't have to go through knights anymore what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna run far away from here though and let those skeletons despawn because i can't pick up my stuff while they keep shooting me you can tell it's been a while now got you there's creeper holes everywhere and there's all the bees from from the spiders left around but hey not a mob in sight plenty of this plenty of sand as well which is always good we're going to move on to phase two now and that is getting all the wood that we need do i go and craft this how much tnt we have got ourselves 24 tnt yeah that is definitely more than enough and now we get the joy of blowing up these butter villagers houses so i've managed to finally make a collection table and we're gonna make a couple of trapdoors i've trapped a villager and we're gonna go and trade with him against his will so if we place a couple of trapdoors like this and then we're going to the crawling state we can now reach and we'll be able to reach them otherwise i also need to put fletching table down first that'd be a good idea there we go right we can only hope that he gives me the trade for sticks if he doesn't then it's just going to be really annoying he didn't are you kidding me now we have to try and release him without killing him there we go you can leave now mate take two getting fletcheristics okay thank goodness for that it was way more trouble than it was the other guy ended up turning to a vindicator so i had to yeah go through and get another villager anyway it's worked out we're all right now so now we can keep giving this guy sticks and get ourselves 16 emeralds per stack of wood and we're gonna need quite a lot only like four stacks of wood in total unfortunately this occasionally wasn't the biggest one so i did uh miss out on quite a lot of wood but we'll uh we'll be able to get it through other means something handy i found there's a village up here as well so the other village is just there as you can see in the background and then we've got a village up here and so what i'm doing i've come here to blow up some trees so these these great oak trees well they're just great to put it simply for uh for getting a lot of wood as well okay because i need i need quite a bit more still let's see how much we got from that there goes 16 off one explosion that's that's a pretty good amount okay things have got even more perfect that is a dark oak forest so those give you even more wood per tree than the great oak so we're gonna be going there collecting wood now to top it all off there's gonna be a brewing stunt okay well i just died but yeah there's also a brew stand in there which is absolutely perfect i'm blowing up a dark oak tree and look at just how much i get from that 25 so that's you know way better than even a a great oak it's it's perfect is this so so far from trade i managed to get 48 emeralds i'm now bringing back all the dark oak logs to trade with them um and it's going to get me way more emeralds than i need which is is perfect for some reason this golem has decided to go in here with the villager i don't know why so we're going to get rid of him then we're going to carefully trade with this guy so we're going to trade with him 10 times here and that'll upgrade him the first time then we're going to do one two three four five six lapis trades and then eight more lapis trades there's actually six more laps trades in the glowstone one but but anyway and then he's giving me pills perfect okay right let's go and get the rest of the emeralds and uh yeah we can get all the pearls we need well everything was looking to be smooth sailing but then this villager decided he wants to start charging 50 for an emerald so i'm going to accept it just on the the the uh the premise that i need to get the the good deal with this fletcher with this cleric before he puts these prices back up to five emeralds per interpol at the moment he's only charging four per in the pole so uh we've got wait he's just gone to five as well so i could have waited for him to put his prices back down that means i can only get 11 pills i need a few more sticks then okay i need well i need two more emeralds yeah i i don't really like getting scum by villagers but you know what isn't a scam hitting that subscribe button so if you're enjoying the video please consider subscribing as i'm trying to reach 1 million subscribers and if you do subscribe feel free to let me know down below in the comments look at this i'm back at the little desert village where it all began i've come to steal their wheat and steal their golem so in a normal furnace melting takes an hour because it's cursed but in a uh in a blast furnace or in a smoker you can just smell like normal i guess he forgot to sort that out so uh might as well chuck all that in there and look at the speed okay so we'll get a we're going to few iron because we've already got some iron here so two iron buckets should be enough i think i've spotted two things of lava i think there's one just there okay where did that go there it is and there's also one up ahead that i'm just running to right there that also looks like lava so i think i'll go for this one assuming there's plenty in there yeah this is perfect okay right we're gonna build a portal around here oh my goodness that is annoying yeah i had a lot of main inventory and um it's gone everywhere so now i have all the buckets i need we begin the very fun task of building another bottle and it has to be massive it has to be 20 by five and because small ones just won't work [Music] and at long last the portal is finished okay that took forever but yeah now i need to i need to get that cobble there and then i need to light it so notice the light i'm going to put lava in here then when either these blocks set on fire they'll spread to there and then it'll it'll light the portal okay perfect the portal is lit we may have uh spread lava everywhere but i'm happy with that and so now we shall spout the nether okay we have just got the perfect oh my goodness this is perfect right all i need now is a blaze spawn that's underground so that one's above ground if i can find the ground one that's gonna be better i can make it above ground one work but underground is a little bit better okay the other one's there so they're both above ground i'm gonna have to box it in with a load of dirt and there we go blaze rod number one so i put together this nice little killing room okay we don't want it to go out though um yeah just basically a roof on and we can uh we can easily take blaze out and the reason the blades are taking damage is because they spawn riding a bat so the bat can fly around but the bat flies into the roof and causes the blades to take damage so they go around crazy but they're quite easy to uh to well they take themselves out basically so all i have to do is just stand there at him why did i do that why did i not think that through i was just like oh i need some wood i'll go get some all this wood here i'll just grab that didn't think it was going to blow up did i well obviously it was going to blow i've got to re-light the ball okay disaster averted all right i've re-lit the portal no need to worry okay finally i've got myself the last blaze rod i've been through two actions that once i just get oofed away okay we got we've got two blazers i don't know where that came from all righty so we've got to try and now get back to the portal chest without getting moved if we get oofed we've had it okay because that will go in the lava in the final i have to get all the blaze rubs again don't have to do that so it's always a bit of pressure on this bit still not safe out of the woods just yet all right perfect we're we're there so i'm not going to bring everything i need to uh to take with me basically to defeat the end dragon um so i think that's everything i don't need to bring anything else to that okay and yeah once we leave the nether we're gonna go in search the stronghold so we're gonna grab the dirt and the blaze rods the reason um i'm doing it like this is because when you go through this nether bottle now back from the nether it'll teleport you to a random place so this is this is the spot that it's taken me to okay um interesting area did i bring enough wood okay let's make ourselves a chest and get everything in the asap because i do not want to get oofed i'm going to craft the isa vendor perfect we're about three hours in by the way for context which to get this far in three hours i am very very happy with so it's taking me to coordinates minus 18 000 as you can see so we we possibly could be near a stronghold we're in the sort of vicinity of where strongholds start to generate anyway so i've thrown the first eye vendor and it's sending me in this direction i really hope i don't have to go through the ocean so this is very worrying it looks like it is pointing me to the ocean so just to see if it's not down there i'm gonna throw an eye vendor and hope nope okay we've gotta we've gotta get through that ocean um okay we lost now ender we're down to 12. the the big problem with that is that what disappears so getting through an ocean is is a nightmare and if you get oofed it's over however i might be able to go around that way yeah that looks like a possibility unless the stronghold is somewhere around here my prediction was incorrect because yeah there's no more land that is that is just ocean okay but that is where i came from across there so i can come across here on land there is a temple here so we might find something useful i'm thinking maybe some tnt that'll come in handy well there's an enderman down there and he has uh decided to press on the presser plate so there goes all the loot and yeah we ain't going down there this could literally be a make or break part of the run all right is the stronghold on this side of land or over the ocean thank goodness for that it's somewhere over there okay so according to my calculations the stronghold should be somewhere around here all right so it's in that direction so this eye vendor should tell me exactly where it is yeah okay perfect so it's right below me pretty much and it dropped good stuff okay well now we've found the stronghold i'm ready to take all my items and transport them over there hopefully i don't get oofed but if i do yeah it's gonna be a nightmare really oh there we go i just got oof all right i didn't i barely just got from the portal and already it happened plus there's only three things i can think of that can stop me from beating this challenge now and as i could get oofed and my blaze rod and ender pearl could go into uh cactuses i could get the lava thing that happens where lava just spawns on you no matter where you go you can't escape it which can happen anywhere from two to ten hours in with three and a half hours in so anything could happen i've had it last seven hours for me sometimes happen after five hours sometimes happen up to three hours so yeah that could go wrong or when i'm placing the ice vendor in the airport i could have one of the portal blocks move which is a tiny chance that that's gonna happen it's never happened to me but uh it probably happened the one time i'm about to do the challenge so the trick to this is you just you've got to dig straight down and i know you're gonna die a lot doing that but you need to do that because otherwise um if you build like try and build a staircase tunnel and be careful about it then that staircase still gets all dark and then when you get blindness when you go if you go below level 49 you get blindness so then you won't be able to see properly but if you're up here you can look down and see if you can spot the stronghold so that just makes it easier so it is a bit of a pain but you've got to do it digging down okay oh we found it perfect all right we've got so strong hold um he's probably going to kill me as i break this yeah we've also now gone down low enough to get blind and see if i jump we're in the low point so yes this is the start of the stronghold i guess it's it's time to start exploring i'm gonna leave my pickaxe i'm probably gonna end up losing it um yeah this is this is yeah hands down the worst part of the entire run trying to get around here find the portal whilst you've got blindness i just need to try and listen out for silverfish um so i have the subtitles on as well i think i've gone too far this way to be honest it's probably not in this direction then if i've come this far and not come across the pole oh wait i just heard it i heard a silverfish it was to my left is it through here okay i definitely heard a sillfish to my left okay the wall does extend through here so this might be a way through i don't think this is the way you're meant to get to it let's have a look oh it is an intended room so it was kind of it felt like yeah i feel like i've gone too far this way now so there must be yeah i i'm kind of in the right vicinity at least um i just need to go maybe a different route the hill lava and that means i'm i'm below it but i'm in an abandoned mine shaft okay um yeah i guess i pretty much know where it is i'm just somewhere right below it then okay i found it all right um i'm not quite sure how i managed to find it but uh we're here and we've got it's got one eye in as well which is good news so i've managed to work out the way there basically we can nip through this little shortcut that i uh accidentally well the creeper blew up and it blew up the shot are you kidding me how did you get through that now these guys are crazy all right anyway you come through here can we outrun him we might be able to know so as i was saying we go along here and then we come to here and you head down these stairs work your way along here and go down some more stairs and i died well i'm pretty confident to continue to tour with my full inventory because i feel like i can i can make it through i know exactly where i'm going there is quite a few mobs waiting for me here but you know what if i just get everything in the chest here come on sp get the eyes of entering all right they'll be safely on the ground that's fine but there we go i've got the rest of the items so i'll just tuck those in the chest perfect seems like the skeletons are fighting right now which is and now there's just one final thing that i need to get and then i'm ready to battle the end dragon and that is flowers now armed with plenty of flowers we're coming up to about four hours into the run and i am now ready to fight the ender dragon this is perfect i can block this off no one could get in now i have a bed here if this misplaces it's big trouble we're okay we can set our spawn i'm also going to cover up all the lava but that in case uh my inventory oops i don't want my eyes have ended to go into the lava it's been a stressful run but the end portal has worked okay perfect blocks didn't misplace we're ready now to battle the ender dragon so before i do anything i want to see what the end is like okay we've got a good spawn we've got an underground one so this means we've got a bit of a bit of protection from the enderman i've also realized that i've kind of trapped myself in here so the first thing i've done since getting to the end is mine up a ton of end stone which is uh i guess the first thing that i kind of need so if you didn't know here all endermen are invisible and they're all aggro on you all the time like i've got an army of them chasing me already this is torture what happens i've created an area in here where the i'll be safe from the end of it because obviously the enderman uh will attack me when i'm trying to defeat the dragon so now i'm gonna get rid of all the pillars and thankfully taking out the pillars is actually a really easy thing so you just literally uh okay guys we've had a setback it turns out that these flowers appear to not actually make you float up in the air so what should have been a a really straightforward uh thing is is going to get a little bit more complicated thankfully i did also bring dandelions but i only have seven of them so i'm gonna maybe have to try and conserve them a bit all right this should still work out okay though there we go that's what's supposed to happen normally when you break an end crystal it would spawn a wither but if you break an end crystal by blowing up with another block nothing bad happens are you kidding me what a terrible time for a new when i'm up here i don't know what just happened there i just jumped off and i didn't die and okay i'm not going to complain i don't know i don't know what i did there though another crystal down onto there perfect i'll go away in a dragon all right we got this perfect okay this is the most aggressive dragon i think i've ever gone against but we're we're doing it i'm gonna attempt to fly past all of this stuff and uh and get off here perfect there goes another one go like that now there we go all righty now we're just gonna place a block below us and if we just pop a little block there break that that's another crystal down okay we need to get over to the top of that one although i've only got one flower left so i might need to uh manage to do some more well he's nice to break the current what on earth all right just flying to me why don't you if my memory serves me correctly you can use this daisy here to flow up yeah perfect okay that's that's back on track we've definitely got enough oh okay we definitely got enough flowers to uh to get this done all right the dragon's kind of blocked me away a little bit here okay it's all disappeared now we're back on track is this going to get me to the top there enough ready we'll break that so how many times we got left um two towers left okay for this one we can just do a nice little steady float up uh we're gonna go probably a way above where we need to be and then we'll break this perfect and then that just leaves me with the final tower and i'm gonna attempt to go twin style okay that'll still work right yeah go on oh no dragon messed me up come on we can still make it we still make it maybe we can't still make it i would have made that if the dragon hadn't ruined it my moment of glory i was trying to style on him and everything and he was like nope not doing that today well despite the dragon's attempt to sabotage me we're still able to build up here place that there break the final tower well okay we've got a big thing there let's uh let's vote off it in this direction all right we're now on the phase of taking out the dragon so this is how we're gonna hurt the dragon all right we're just going to keep replacing these blocks and hitting him okay it's going to take a while to defeat him but uh it will work eventually the dragon's health is getting lower and lower okay what you stopped for one hit what kind of a joke is this i don't know why i'm not when you're on a server it's like that when you're on a single player world he'd let you take out a third of his health on a server he just flies off like almost straight away here we go again let's see let's try this again i'm pretty much out of dirt which is uh the only worry all right but uh i might be able to finish him off the next time he comes down okay the dragon is coming down this could be it this could be it when i defeat it come on don't fly away just let me finish you off all right okay very very close i'm nearly out of dirt again i need to go out and collect more okay sure this is it now the dragon's got no health left why didn't it blow up why didn't it blow up wait what we'll try again we got him it doesn't matter okay okay perfect right phase two of the plan all right we have to um we need to get a load of blocks all right it's not over yet the reason i need to load the blocks is because you cannot just walk into the import it'll disappear funny try to make the game completely unbeatable but there is a trick where if you throw an ender pearl from really high up and land in the end portal then you'll still complete the game so we need we need about 30 blocks something like that 30 40 blocks and then uh ender pearl into the important okay we're now five hours in i've got all the blocks i need i've got everything i need all i need to do is just end stack up and end the pillars the portal the only thing you can go wrong if you forget the lava spawning on me thing that's the only thing that can stop me it could happen any second but i'm hopeful that we'll be all right okay let's just let's just bridge up right up to uh using all these blocks i should be high up enough with that all right don't miss this ender pearl let's be and you've done it come on wait did we get the glitch it's glitch me oh no that means i've gotta stack up again oh this is this is really really bad basically got the rare bug where the game thinks you're in the portal well you're actually not i think i have to re-log to make it work even that doesn't work like i can keep pressing escape doesn't work i'm gonna have to reset minecraft okay and it's taking me back to the portal so technically i did i did complete it i've done it so it did glitch but when i relogged i was back in the overworld with my inventory which means i did successfully go through the end report which means i beat fundy's cursed difficulty in minecraft this has been six days in the making it taken me five hours today but this is like you know 40 hours or whatever i've spent on it it's absolutely insane especially on a random seed not knowing where things are this scene was amazing everything just worked out fell into place perfectly so if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like subscribe for youtube channel if you've got this far in the video i'm sure you'll enjoy other videos on my channel and yeah thank you very much for watching and hopefully i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,736,025
Rating: 4.9376316 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, tags are pointless anyway lol, cursed, cursed minecraft, fundy, fundylive, fundy cursed
Id: BviukgVSQFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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