Can You Beat Minecraft WITHOUT MINING?

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[Music] mining in minecraft is one of the most important parts of the game without it you struggle to do simple things like punch a tree or collect some iron but is it possible to beat minecraft on hardcore mode without mining a single block well today that's what i'm going to do this was way harder than i thought it was going to be and took many many hours so if you do enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe this seat looks good just purely because we're buying ocean and i need to find shipwrecks or ocean ruins they could be useful this next part must be done with extreme care there's a lot of drowns that live down here but there is a chest and there's wheat that's actually good and a fishing rod uh i think that's all really useful stuff i can probably get some food from fishing there's another chest here which has more wheat more coal and another fishing rod and i do not want to drown now after finding that and i also see a ruined portal in the distance let's go and see if there's a chest with it to be honest all of it doesn't have any use for me because i can't mind so i can't use the shovel or the hoe it was a bit of a little bit now i found something that i really need a shipwreck let's see what it has to offer good stuff right off the bat a lot of iron which should come in handy and the emeralds are going to be useful too this is the chest i need to have tnt or gunpowder in which is a decent percent chance but it didn't happen so i need to keep searching and up ahead this shipwreck number two will we find the tnt gunpowder we shall see good news guys we've got tnt now then the run can really get going as long as i now don't drown very sad to say but my dolphin just swam off what are you doing down there i think there's some more here though we'll see if these will give me a ride i'll be honest that other one didn't seem to care but we're coming to land now we don't need to really search any more oceans the next thing i need which would be really useful is a village but i can see over there that is a desert temple so that's quite handy but i can't sleep in it as a temple kind of i'm gonna quickly use this creeper to get a load of blocks there's not really any mobs around i might be able to get some wood from it oh perfect i did this is really really handy there's a lot of mobs in that temple so i'm gonna first make a crafting table and create some tools and also make some bread you probably think it's but you didn't have any sticks you can't make some tools however if i use a bucket of water i can get sticks from these dead bushes now i am armed with a very powerful axe and you are going to be the first one to face my fury to break down here i've got to use my tnt that's going to then yeah let me get in there let's see what we got we need sand and gum powder they're the tooth if we've got no gunpowder here then it's just gonna kill the whole run the final chest we've got just enough gunpowder for one more tnt i mean i need a lot more tnt than that it's probably just a case of taking out creepers i'll take that infinity book i don't think i'm gonna need it too much it is a massive shame there's actually nine tnt below me but i can't mine it up so i can now go ahead and swim on out of here and i can now craft another tnt unfortunately i can't use this tnt until i find another desert temple because otherwise i'll never get it although a wondering trader has just spawned now there is a small chance that a wandering trader will sell you gunpowder this would be the biggest look ever if he does of course you only sell useless things for me that's just so annoying good news a village is up ahead now i i hope that it's got hay bales in and it's somewhere i need to use this one piece of tnt to get both hay bales and wood at the same time kind of get the feel there isn't much in this village for me i can give my rotten flesh to this guy and get an emerald for it at least which i suppose an extra emerald is good i have got a lot of food if i can just get a furnace i can smelt it anyway i don't think there is any furnaces or any smokers unfortunately but that would probably save me the tnt i might as well get rid of this guy as well i've decided to risk it i'm gonna find a good spot in this thing you know what this this is as good as any i'm gonna hope i get quite a bit of wood i think tnt gives you more blocks than what a creeper does i hope anyway let's see how much is it giving me 15 okay good good news that we can we can get going now and i might as well just do this to get some cooked food since it's going dark as well i'm gonna go shipwreck hunting but this time with a boat all in all i'm feeling a pretty good position i've got myself a shield i've got myself iron armor i'm sailing the seven seas i've decided i'm gonna go for an anvil and i'm gonna make an infinity bow i think it's just gonna come in very handy another shipwreck has been found let's see what we've got in here quite a lot of iron that's a nice little shipwreck see what we've got in this ruins as well just more wheat and stuff it's it's all handy things to have hey what know do you think you're doing in my boat get out of there i know it's dark but i think it's gonna be a wise move for me to try and get some more gunpowder while there'll be some creepers about see what this guy offers me okay gunpowder two gunpowder it's a start it's a good start there's a couple of reasons that i want quite a lot of tnt one of them is to find the stronghold i can't dig down to go down to it so unless i find a cave right by it i'm gonna have to use tnt to blow up the ground to get into the stronghold which you know could be annoying another thing is if i find a bastion and there's loads of gold to get that gold i'm gonna have to blow it up with tnt i can't mine it so that's another useful situation at first i thought this was the same village as before but i think it's a different one perfect it is indeed different i can get some more iron as well and this guy could solve all my problems i don't think i need it for anything else let's just use it all just out of the village there's a ruined portal i can make this into a portal perfect that's i mean that saves me having to mess about with anything else let's see what kind of another we're looking at hopefully we're near a bastion or a fortress hopefully it's not a nightmare of a one this is actually better than i could have hoped this is going to be my ticket to getting the pearls ways oh my goodness there is a bastion this is really good i was going to say i can just get ender pearls from endermen in votes that'll be you know so simple but i can just go and blow that up with tnt i'm also going to make the anvil it allows me to create an infinity bow the only worry now is i've got no gold armor and then going in a bastion very very dangerous idea if you've not got gold armor on so i'm going to try and find a desert temple that hopefully has some gold in it good news in the distance as shipwreck has been spotted there's a good this is probably my best chance at finding gold anywhere oh they've got the gold this is perfect and a few extra emeralds if i need them with that treasure i can now make leggings and a helmet so i've got full armor now i'm very happy with the situation let's go to the bastion can also use my bow to take out gas and get gump out of that way which is a pretty handy idea i'm quite glad i got rid of that gas because this trip is scary enough as it is without a gas shooting me i'm sure these guys won't mind me blowing up their precious gold i actually think they won't mind they don't care about you blowing up it it's only if you physically break it on don't go away i don't need you right now now hopefully this worked i only have one more of these tnt how much gold did we get there nine gold it's too easy guys that's exactly what i needed i heard you like gold so go wild looks like these guys are giving me the pearls that i need there's actually so much good stuff here i've got obsidian for warp i've got pearls i've got fire res the fortress is going to be easy i'm also going to be doing things that are risky and that is seeing what's in this chest it's not really worth my time i also thought it'd be a good idea to come back do a bit of crafting and use my anvil to put soul speed on my i can't afford it i you know what i'm gonna make myself afford it if i trade with this guy it gives me all the exp i need and free bread there we go i don't know if i'm gonna need it but it's pretty cool to have soul speed on my boots i think the hardest tasks are still to come for me mainly finding a fortress fighting the blaze is not gonna be that difficult then the worst part is going to be getting into the stronghold what do we have here a soul sun valley i knew my soul speed would come in handy and there's a fort what wait however this is the most lucky seat ever like the bastard is not that far over there i just came around here i thought it's a dead end and there's a fortress i don't know if it's mostly buried i might have missed this if i had to come over here and there's the blaze spawner i might as well just go and splash myself if you splash yourself like this you get the maximum amount of time as you can see i got the full three minutes let's take out some blaze i might be getting very lucky with the seat but i ain't getting very lucky with the drop rates i've killed like five of these guys and not got a blade but there we go the first blaze rod perfect it's time to get impatient so i'm going to do something that you could say is a little rash but i'm going to use a bed and blow up the blade spawner to speed things up even though i just got two there so this is going just as fast as it needs to be but you know it's too late now we're gonna go like that we're gonna stand down here where we should be safe there we go it's blown up all this area around it blaze are going to spawn way faster here's the six blade rod i'm gonna get like i'm gonna get a lot of blade rods because i'm gonna be using a lot of ice vendor to make sure i get the exact location for the fortress it's working better i'm getting three blaze now rather than one sporting every 40 seconds pretty sure one of these blazers are going to give me a 16th blaze rod i mean just taking out three are we are you kidding me i'm not going down there because i have no no blocks to get back but i don't want to use a bomber sun okay i've got it i didn't realize i picked it up there i was about to give up anyway with uh messing about doing that i'm not sure what i'll find here that's going to be of use but i mean a saddle could be handy you never know i always think when you're in a fortress it's worth having a look we've got diamonds there we can i guess make a diamond accent we can't make a diamond picks we got mine blocks might as well just make my way back to the overworld now and that has to be one of the easiest nethers i think i've ever done it is now just turning night which i think is a good thing because i need to try and find a load of creepers i'm gonna need lots of tnc to get into this stronghold because that's kind of the next the next step of what we're doing i'm also going to tame a horse you know what mate you get the full diamond horse armor you look the part don't you should we try and jockey this guy that's it skeleton you don't stand a chance creeper on the other hand it's coming at me a bit fast i don't like that one but there we go we got some gunpowder well done trusty steed i never realized just how much easier it would make things having an infinity bow i don't have to get close to the creepers i can just shoot from a distance don't have to worry about them blowing up and then grab the gunpowder this guy's like a flipping fish out of water stop it me with trident man he's he's tricky as well i gotta be careful actually i don't doubt this you know what i'm gabbling up my horse is hurting you will never that's it that's it battle him that's it take each other out he's thrown so many trident that's it you guys don't like him out of water do you this is your turn i have to say it's been a pretty productive night we can now make ourselves a total of seven tnt it's not quite where we want to be but it's a good step in the right direction let's see where the eye vendor's sending us over that way okay also before i forget i want to make a diamond axe i'm getting very hopeful now guys the eye vendor is pointing to an ocean if the stronghold is exposed in the ocean it will save me a lot of trouble i'm just gonna have to hope is it somewhere over this ocean it is indeed okay this is where we say goodbye my horsey i didn't even give you a name did that drop me i did um it's been lovely no idea but i've gotta i've gotta carry on my adventure well the bad news is this ocean led me to a lot of land let's throw another one have we gone past it no it's still this way kind of kind of a swamp ahead so maybe there's a chance i still don't know i found a little shipwreck on the way let's see if there's any tnt hiding is this the tnt one no the tnt chest is here nothing too useful i don't really need anything there dude things have got even worse it looks like the eye vendor is pointing to the top of a mountain yep it's definitely pointing to the top of the mountain i've pinpointed the exact location i want to go down is this piece of obsidian it's over water as well so blasting it up with tnt is gonna be even more hard work this could not have gone worse the only hope i can have is either there's a bit exposed which maybe if this goes down low but be careful i don't drown it doesn't look like it does if i can find an exposed bit in the water or a cave down to it those those are two other things that i need to happen to pull this off we're gonna have to do some very fancy things so this is gonna save me a few blocks by doing it underwater if i play sand here it will then allow the tnt to blow up the blocks there we go as you can see we've got a bit of a bit of blowing up going i'm just gonna carry on down here i guess oh no i did that wrong don't don't waste your sand i don't have loads of sand either um i should have got some gravel from that though so hopefully i did yeah i've now got plenty of gravel so we're just gonna have to use this get as low as we can with the tnt we've got i doubt it's going to be far down enough i've got it down quite far i'm on level 46 here but i have no choice it is dark as well i have no choice but to go and look for creepers i don't think we need a huge amount of creepers unless i'm unlucky and the stronghold is really low down but we just need to try and find as many as we can it's been a fairly productive night getting a total of 22 gunpowder so i could use this one then i need to go and get some sand with some in fact no i need to use this tnt to get more sun you've got to remember to do everything in the right order i haven't gotten his hand i can't mine the sand there's no creepers about to get the sun so i have to blow some of that up over there hopefully this gives me all the sun that i need and i don't want to be wasting tnt on just getting sand yeah this there's going to be quite a lot there and now we can make three more tnt it doesn't seem like much does it but it's uh it's a whole night's work and i've got four tnt out of it but we're so close to actually getting down here which is perfect at some point i should probably just patch up the water but let's light that there we go we'll just keep going with this i'm going to use this trap door to plug up this hole then at least the water's gone so if i go like that there we go i'll fix my leak this right here is the spot that we need to go down on so yeah how much more tnt i need i don't know can i actually get out of here now don't tell me i've got myself stuck thank goodness for that that could have been a very awkward moment looks like it's going to be another night of killing creepers this hillary has been pretty good for creepers i've already got 10 gunpowder on top of what i have and then there's already and there's loads of creeps over here too i now have 30 gunpowder which is 6 tnt i really hope that's enough to get me to the stronghold fact i can just do it from wow i didn't know you could light up i guess if you crouch is it light on fire but anyway i can do it from up here that's a bit easier okay we did it i was about to say here goes the final piece of tnt but we've got it all right let's uh let's hope that that that blasted open and we can get into the stronghold see what we're dealing with oh my goodness just cause the cavalry's here to welcome me that was i was unnecessarily a bit uh a bit stressful let's let's just shoot these guys you know we've got a infinity bow for a reason and here we go it's no stronghold time let's see where this portal is [Music] this is not good this is not good get out of it uh creeper oh no it's broken okay i didn't realize my shield had broken at a pretty crucial time where i i kind of needed it there i've also noticed i haven't got the armor i should i should probably like replenish my stocks i'm gonna make a shield an iron helmet a golden apple and finally a new piece of tnt and good news i found it i was about to say i'm gonna have to blow up one of these walls but it was literally this is the library and then straight down here is uh is what i'm looking for i want to worry about the silverfish a little bit there's no eyes there do i want to go through yet i'm just going to go up on top and get a few extra resources one of the first things i want is more are you kidding me the one place i choose there's a skeleton that's what all about as i was about to say the one thing that i need is more wood so i'm going to like this i don't need a huge amount of wood so there should be more than enough that drops there for me one unfortunate place for that guy to uh to go to and now i think i'm ready i'm gonna get rid of all this stuff that i don't need also just realize i have enough stone now to make a furnace so i'm going to cook this food i need more strings so i can get more wool for beds so i'm going to go and put water on these cobwebs and these will then drop me string just if i can just make this work there we go perfect i've got 16 string from that which will then allow me to have 21 wool which is the equivalent of seven beds if i don't defeat one cycle with seven beds i've still got my infinity boat anyway so it's not the end of the world i don't think i need to bring all this because we've got quite a lot of food i think we just go for it there's only one thing that can now go wrong if i can remember where the port room is and that is if i'm in an enclosed uh enclosed room when i do it i can't be bothered to kill the creeps to get the tnt that allow me to escape i'm going to take the risk it's very rare that you are in an enclosed one you know it doesn't it happens more times than not that you're out of it so i'm going in i think i've got everything let's do oh no wait oh my goodness i was literally i literally thought i just wasted this has taken me three hours i thought i just wasted the last three hours thank goodness i can there's a one block gap as it that it might be my luckiest different moment in minecraft and now it's time to get serious and defeat the dragon whilst i'm waiting i might as well get rid of a few of the towers i've just got to keep a close eye on though oh what a shot that was that was a great hit well that's all the tower's gone now i can up just purchase as well right i'm gonna be quick let's not mess this bit up i think i want to come at this angle maybe yeah all right let's see if we can do it seven beds i feel like i kind of messed up the start but there's no towers anyway so let's see if we've got it yeah we've got it one good one now perfect ladies and gentlemen minecraft beaten without mining a single block
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,967,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft but, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, no mining, without mining
Id: KUnsChbxZ4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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