Minecraft Dungeons w/ Bob and Wade

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey listen cloak brand don't don't don't Brit cloak hey Brad partnering up with minecraft dungeons good stuff good stuff calm down let's do this oh hello there he is wow you really do manage to pick out your specific character model every game yeah I feel like you did this one for yourself so we do like missions and stuff huh yeah you want to do the first one seems appropriate I don't know what happen aways you muted weed we want to go to cloak brand calm and get the new cloak minecraft dungeons line up it's especially good and especially comfortable you can go to cloak brand calm get it right now can we make this go faster I think if we all accept it it probably way jumpin Jesus Christ Wade [Laughter] these villagers are so what is this like minecraft Diablo yeah minecraft Diablo all right over here I was really nice cinematic whose souls are whatever um animatic well cuz you guys suck you don't have to be at that kind of person if you knew me you knew I have to you don't have to be such a gemin about it what a Devin how dare you it's not my fault are you the one who's being all Deveny BAM hahaha boy that's cool that's fine it feels good I got a bit ya chest nice little there's going to be oh yeah there is I got a bunch of roof roof holes over here rupal what's the money what's the green thing about rubles yeah weasels rubles yeah rubles you will never kill anything never you know I have a bow I could if I wanted to we'll never so what the whole plot that you guys missed from the cinematic is supposed to free that man yeah we the illah Jers are capturing the villagers oh the illah tears are the bad ones yeah which you know considering villagers has villain red in it I would have thought they would have been the mill bad guys but they're not called the villain udders because that's terrible I think I think we all know who the bad guys are all right fairness it's on my head dude yes straight up almost killed me and straight up did kill wait I guess merely I'm gonna hang out let me just kill these skellies and I'm totally rescue buddy no worries naught is spawn Oh God oh goodness gracious not at night how you doing wait all feeling great I'm happy hey wait no you know what I'm theme we're revisiting drop Minecraft motifs mark blue wait up with dynamite I did it could not be more apropos Bob you set off the dynamite the whole like butters voice no no that was like no mark set off my dynamite I was just laying the dynamite yeah yeah so did these guys not explode if you snipe them I'm pretty sure the death is very violent freaking psychopath he didn't see that there are creepers I thought there are zombies wait used to revive me and not mark thanks friend thanks you're gonna like inside each other kinda hard to select you know how it is this precision aiming game a little tough to choose one one idiot died right on top of another idiot [Laughter] oh geez okay away forever you think we have like a lifetime supply of arrows oh no we don't we have 56 arrows how many arrows do for you boys I don't often like 80 I'm down to 66 I've got 70 I hope we get some more you know the charge them right you guys in a church the church no hold it down and before you fire does more damage I've really been wasting my arrows kill these cows yeah we're sheep that one had shadow brew invisible Wow well I leave a pretty conspicuous trail of smoke and sparks and things but oh no I don't know what that means yeah the cows make zombies are working together the cows are clearly other side of the really real I'm sorry I killed a cow and I dropped pork reserve Billington's yeah you know I'm not gonna lie I didn't know what to expect coming in is is actually pretty fun I like the mechanics are very pleasant it is nice feel I don't feel like I don't understand what's happening and every time I've died it's clearly been my own fault who every time Wade has died it is clearly his fault every time we decide it's clearly been his own fault yeah probably was an Abreu okay so items are shared between us I'm guessing okay dead cow yeah I think I shot that 100 ytyt boys what is going inside oh no nothing in here guys another nadir oh cool thanks much nothin in here nothing in hey look it's Legend of Zelda rolls where's that GroupWise a rupee over there hmm what could possibly be in this hey you knew you guys come running oh wait oh you get your own Oh Oh what the hell okay I get my own clicked on the chest that you guys grabbed everything I got my own so each of us can open our own chest so the rules we must declare these rules now you open you get you know one steal anyone else's open Z's okay he said it again I was turning you out no one steals anyone else's open Z's no one's open Z Zeus you keep your own open Z's Oh Open Sesame Open Guetta me man we're really raining down hell on these dweebs winters later a-holes yeah this is what you get for making a nest for your family what is that a treasure Pig it's a treasure Pig it's a loose snork er I picked up an ax apparently I got wolf armor okay so from that I got my own stuff snacks oh I got wolf armor dude do you see my wolf armor that's cool is it still dripping with the juices inside or is it really no it's pure wolf inside and out oh that's pretty cool hey guys if you hit tab you can open it very hard to use many different mini-map and tab you mean went down on the directional pad no I mean tab because I'm not an idiot Oh worry I took care of it in a non stupid way oh you're down I think that guy just killed you straight up Thanks you are free mr. villain here oh that that's probably the man's who killed me he was big man's so when's this gonna get to like Diablo 3 levels of ridiculous speedrunning killing millions of things at a time because that's what I'm looking for yeah that would be exciting okay what'll be Diablo 2 mods a little bit mobs would be like immune to things like no swords Club only club all night no taxis open Z's a good idea mom I think she do no piece yet neither earth way was my idea good call wait yeah good combo that's cheap apparently ahh not you oh wait there's a creeper I remember right sorry something about those hang on oh god I'm stuck help sort of trouble it's conjunction they conjunction eyes conjunction its conjunction junction word are you on about I'm watching conjunction junction then what's the deal with conjunctions I'm trying to learn how to roll properly oh yeah we have a roll okay chess you guys right there yes why I got some rupal sin it Bruce what is that skeleton silly the video is that worthy of here no oh there's so many yep that's the thing about here this place that's the thing about what's happening right at this moment I can tell you oh that's so bad it's fine just shoot it with your charm arrows and whatnots yep and I like the fireworks but it needs a he's a slower faster cooldown needs a slower cooldown I agree you wouldn't agree to that if you were smart but you're obviously dumb it was a test you fails man for being dumb I've got hunters armor that's Garbo and I have it I have no armor I got a bow even though I had a bow I got a bow got a better bow oh it is better okay well this is like the witch from left 4 dead moaning do I hear alimony I don't hear a thing wait wait don't you know it was good I was accidentally time to you through a megaphone so drop this Bob this is the thing I can do oh I do can't drop it there's only a salvage option Salvage you can salvage apparently and get my buns to craft I guess so what are you guys have so many arrows I can see how many errors have you holding Horton arrows a little bit where'd you get all those errors it stolen from you oh it's just affairs for first for ya there again knows how I miss misbuttoned no you're way ahead of us when you're aware up and around oh sorry am I going wrong with you no it's just the way knows this is the way this is the way I said it normal like oh yeah I play dangerously whoa oh no the arrows not pointing this way we lost the arrow but Bob do you see there's that only for me oh come on game wolf armor god damn it farmer farmer all right spin it myself give me that Gus off to salvage it I guess I don't go to a it's not very nice I only on level one oz okay I don't know I stuff like that sometimes I can teleport to my friends intended to be spooky I'm teleporting what does my arm doing I'm here what if I teleport didn't do what are you guys up to get over here so I suck in my soul don't suck my chess I'd suck your soul I know you would and I appreciate that more warmer you gotta be shoving it in me no it wasn't wolf Armour I'm sorry I it was something else oh cool I don't have that either you need my I have another bow ah that's nice man it's real good I was supposed to go a little bit further than that we all listen is it for sheep summoning summoner or something I switch classes yes no stuff from that did we rescue anybody I don't remember actually we were unlocking their boxes and they were just disappearing hmm we did some right guys dude like every loot possible that round yeah me too Oh crazy look at me look at what I have done look at my greatness look how many items I used how much damage I took all from mark how did you use any item it says the least damage taken yeah freaking liar liar yeah you're Walmart this 6500 damage and only 300 of it was to you guys I got a tasty bow okay just I don't like that I got a bow please give me some wolf armor I got boots of swiftness you don't have that do you shut up on the best look at my dog a blacksmith where our blacksmith random gear appropriate for my level hunters but how will I be one with the wolf Eve occasion robe oh it gives me 25% artifact cooldown hell yeah that sounds pretty good let's look at how cool I look now look at me nerds that's pretty cool Oh have a suite for me okay I have anything squishy that's my new crossbow no one has that I'm a wizard yeah well I got a dog so you can shut up we've got options we've got redstone mines kakdi Canyon soggy swamp pumpkins I wait a minute I'm sorry kakdi Canyon kakdi Canyon I don't think that's right Pam can coasters Sagi swam just pick one bro I want to go through my crossbow at people buy crossbow if you guys go to cosmetics do you have the hero cape and the baby chicken too oh yeah I totally have those things look now I have a pet baby chicken I don't know what you guys are talking about all I've got is my sweet cloak available at cloak brand.com among other cool items you can get cloak brand okay okay he wanted to play with us today because cloak brand look at our chicken friends hey guys there's some stuff over here I got a cutscene I have a cutscene why do we don't get the cut why don't you would get the cutscenes yeah you suck maybe you've got a bootleg version of the game you what that's rude it's all your fault that's a little rude oh wait if you hit em it tells you where there's one secret and two chests in this area mm yeah game had ordering a good [ __ ] Hey look guys I did a thing I did it guys huh sheer beautiful what faster I hope you go first you're jealous of my dog I'm a chicken I'm Chicken Hawk yeah but mine is actually a tax no no it'll heal it'll heal oh my god that's baby zombies I don't like that I don't think these are zombies yeah I mean hang on yay oh my god I shoot three fireworks with my didn't find that I'll be good wait what did I just get I got a new bow a trick bow I got a trick bow sounds pretty cool there's a trick whoa dude wait no do that again oh I love it I love it oh hey how do you get rid of the TMT oh I didn't do anything I walked over here talking about you that's looking good that's what you very much like you're not reviving him no no no the night will hurt you what does that mean oh that seems bad ah oh no it's funny women die I don't think I disagree only hordes of enemies Batman Christmas Jesus Christ who's gonna be be ah blows now yeah blow o'clock my dude and receive you are stuck in a corner well jeez there's so badiy yeah that really escalated coming to gay I guess oh no I meant twice but alright thank you Bob oh gee you guys remember when you're able to heal holy frickin hell I'm down again Wow ah these guys I treasure that's another trick mo Oh whose what range dude is so doodly what I just yeah I got I got a trick baby yeah I think your bow might be better still I'm out of arrows holy crap that's a shame to hear you hate to hear it I don't seem like the kind of thing that not good this guy's gonna really boink me can anyone give me an assistance nope coming over he's good all right he's waiting to blank me I saw here I didn't see his name wait don't go this way why over where all the bad Bros was dang there's nothing over see aren't you glad I pointed that out in major yeah yeah man we got experience yeah jinx ha ha I'm up here now supplies for me I don't have any arrows but if some right here how do you how do you emote or left trigger if you have a rapier older W is supplies mark said which what watch me open the chest and then take all my [ __ ] down your arrows can I give you arrows I have 237 must have given you some know you're salvaging that salvage some arrows this is why we get mad at you just to be clear I rank bow I guess the arrows went with the low rank bow no I just solved my bows they didn't go I think you just somehow stupid you're way out of some arrows it was just like well I'm useless now my only good thing is my crossbow I need new friends you've been saying that did I take all of your arrows friend who had several hundred arrows we got a lot incoming a lot in alive come Allah Allah use use your kiting abilities oh there's a creeper over here hey someone dropped arrows for me I'm fast alright I'm doing the I did I did a beacon three out of five I thought I was gonna die I really sincerely thought this guy looks big no bigger they are the closer they are to my height and Bob sight and now my right mark short oh hey guys I wasn't actually going there when I talked but the number is a sliding Bob and I was like well I guess now i slided mark and you know just there's no really murdering the cat actually they dropped me I spawned way back way back okay okay I like the scream in the distance that you got for that thing full of rubies I saw uh where's the secret secret where's the secret there's a secret if you press them there's a secret we have a guy there's no M button on my controller okay well on the bottom of your thing next to your health it has a little I got stuck down the stairs okay I'm leaving now boochi boochi DC little map icon to the bottom you see and I pushed it but I don't see no secrets on it bottom left it literally says secret zero one no I'm not seeing it I got nothing I dislike your tell you I'm looking at my screen there is nowhere on here that says secrets oh is it right there in front you have to double press to get the turn map open not the little map mmm well Wade didn't tell me about the little map and the big man I thought Matt I thought I pressed him and I've got one man no if you don't get hit one of those oh he did oh my god that was easy sure I mean honestly we were never actually in very much peril I don't think I got hit once and it would be bad look all of my health Oh TNT go away Oh spelunker armor what's that - I got that - but it's kind of Garbo compared to our good armor oh I have a shadow in the night my dog oh this crossbow is the best no charge up oh that's that's perfect I love that I didn't know that was gonna happen gonna happen it's okay to hurt mark that's and I didn't steal his only source of invaluable attack that's interesting it's not interesting not really not and it was pretty interesting I'm very interested not really and now interesting it is it's not it was a fad alright just whatever the hell that is alright I'm gonna stand right here and not take anything I don't want them leave them there to die what why I don't need this Eris it's like a pack of cigarettes and you're trying to quit I need I don't need I don't need I don't want I never wanted the way I mean this is secret we need to get a key seems like seems like if we just wail on it enough ya know it'll definitely open it something I'll probably yeah yeah sure yeah dude the heavy cross knows where it's at no charge up jeez I believe that's what I have right now yeah instant hits no charge up that's it's the it's it's the stuff I guess we gotta find a key there's some kind of temple looking thing with a lot of coffee cups ambush these coffee cups of people just left lying around my back is that good yeah open the blue key door but it said find the gold key yeah we'll get it oh we gotta go up so challenge much respect when hang on I've got a oh hang on why is that thing so big did you put the kid I don't know where'd the Kiko I don't see the key did you drop the today did it fall off me why did you drop the key me oh my god oh hey look the key son how did I drop the key oh my god it wandered away just wanna live well that was easy secret chunk chunk oh hey where's the secret you've been talking up so much I don't know it doesn't tell me where's the secret it just says there isn't one come out where you can't apparently move the map when you're looking at which is kind of stinky balls look guys the gold heat fine what guys I found the gold key but it's been quite a spell since I've heard you exclaim in that manner before since you've heard me squawk out loud yeah what you dropped your key oh you frickin heck yeah there was this is a creeper there I don't know if you saw that I might have all right getting this old yeah I liked all the skeletons in the backer just like going on out that door I can look out well where are my friends old by Oh weird which I had eyes boots stupid skeletons not having guys jeez guys come on holy monkey skeletons I mean we all have a relative that's a skeleton at some point I've not been enchanting any of my stuff oh my god doing just creeper say I always think they have less health um I'll mail it a few times and they never never die before I die oh this is secret secret I don't know I need to get better dodging dodging is really what I need this guy weird but it's Amaris everyone stand here and this feels important this feels important it does nice Brown mr. huben sacrifice of course is the secret like something we got a hit in the environment or is it just gonna be obvious so if you press him down where we just came from there like a little hat shaped thing at the bottom that there's like a little tiny walk path no no no that can't possibly be it there's nothing over here wait I have an idea a big-ass waste of time yeah probably not did something should we just go onward yeah let's just go on probably not it it's probably not it Oh what was that I tried to do my you're going off the level drop love ledge there look down here look in quick I'm here I'm teleporting yeah look down look there's like an archway down there what if you have to stand on top of this and perform a dance come to that cactus Oh what the hell I'm on the cactus oh no I just jumped on it I rolled on it yeah so there is a way you can manipulate the environment by rolling onto things interesting so that means you can probably make the jump from hang on there's only one gap difference down here then one gets this jump should be possible would jump what jump you talking about yes whoa wait full of secrets I'm gonna teleport to oh look at me I'm a genius what is this once we found the secrets [Music] we're here secret what look at this cool place we're in and probably trapped now oh now do we get off of here Oh guys there was a desert walk path oh wow a path you can just walk down yeah but why would they have you be here why would they give you you did it oh I made such a cool jump I don't know I'm teleporting yo yo yo yo why is it every time I accomplished something cool it's ultimately nothing it was pretty cool though you should feel bad but I do you should yeah obviously you should clear I feel like ass garbage oh come on of Eris you shouldn't be that that's your own dog calm down creepers I [Laughter] don't feel so good just start good God this is I'm Salvage entero [ __ ] alright huh you guys seemingly have health bars you just gotta use the health potion there bub I couldn't already used it once my image there bud once and never again is this a secret I think I'm fine I already went over here and there's nothing the secret of getting stuck on stairs it sounds so successful when you fall fall down you come back it's all haha I mean if you were the one to defeat death I think it would be pretty celebratory [Music] secret I'm very disappointed yet it to us yeah that's pretty bad although we didn't explore in the beginning very much so it might have been our fault no pinion we could have gone back to the beginning guys wait no I don't want to do that guys look at all the blocks I walked on man mark you are so good you really say that mobs defeated 85% for me no no it's all corrupted to be thinking I got wheat poochy poochy lava love love what we do guys look that's incredibly useful and horrifyingly distracting right now I knew that and I knew that was on the ground it was like alright what's next we've got we just unlocked the desert temple maybe we should go there perhaps we should all right recommended power is 10 we're 5 we're gonna die I think we're fine there's three of us so where power is actually 15 because of math cinematic ah yes the beautiful cinematic we definitely all get to see wow that's so cool we've got three secrets on this level inside let's find none of them again I like that strategy apparently the secret of the last level was by the blue key location after all that's where we was Oh anyway that was a great cinematic oh yeah I forgot you get to see things it was cool there's a lot about the secrets yeah actually but I'm not gonna tell you because it's a secret well this is a secret if I've ever seen one sin though it's in the water get in there mark that's the water it's in the water so the water is an arrow now it didn't hurt you shut up now good shut up oh we go working tom tells me maybe this is gonna be tough oh god no not into him don't worry don't worry more worry mark worry I'm worrying that's all I'm doing oh my god mark definitely time to worry wait where are you oh my god jiminy Christmas Wow I think maybe this we should maybe good go to the swamp oh I feel like our power levels to be like three times higher oh good maybe we need to get good maybe the only thing is we're bad maybe that's the maybe that's the deal don't tell people to suck your bean wait that's gross and rude whoa this big guy he's problems okay why didn't I get his soul his soul seems like you'd be powerful why are you getting people's soul how are you doing that I have a thingy that sucked souls and then I released a beam of soul to some people oh that is silly why do you vote you both have these beams I don't have these beams yeah you broke the cube you got the cube got some wheat I didn't get a cube I got we good cube can I change the angle I'm looking at my scopes that looks like there's a button on this wall no it's isometric bro isometric baby oh that chain no there was a ghost on my screen it's a chain in my face scary chain [Music] can't touch me can't touch me if I'm beating your ass I really wish I had this soul cube and not the stupid llama doesn't do it the whole cube is dope you should get a salt cube cube I would love a soul cube sokeep sounds fun I got fire tasty bone I got that you want tasty bone hey so you don't worry I sold them thank you Oh I'm in the middle of it I'm going to die huh protect me I have one health I'm so low like touch anything please don't let them touch me soul cube soul cubes great man I want to give us what's up I would love it but I got I have my armors like bonus in melee damage oh whoa Jesus what the hell torment quiver it's unique oh hell yeah baby oh oh venom blaze oh yes I did you get mark I've got a you got a wait no I just got a glyph you got a venom glitter I got a level 12 unique venom glue I was so happy about my glue I got it good guys I got a level 12 unique with her armor wow look at me well I you look pretty awesome I look pretty with arresting him I get more regular glyph I got I was just a mark that's a cool orchid going to tell you what seems like the kind of person that wouldn't have a cube yeah yeah you really don't have a cube do you but I'm if you could be also hewiii kind of like got gear for the melee oh and I should get better glue this awesome Glade markets greens soulkey you know we got a big dungeon we got to get through it's gonna be tough let's get to it wait I think I got my clave can you stop walking next to me that'd be really cool oh yeah I can walk ahead if you want to protect you no no no I'm just like staying away from me would be the ideal scenario yeah watch out for my dog in me oh I also got a torment quiver that's Ray around Wow look at that damage ah that was really cool mints that's cool clouds I leave does it like poison that's that's pretty cool wow I just like mow through them with his magical glaive yeah that's nuts you see the milk no no we got actually we're all good all of us are good we all good at the same time we're all good you good you equally good as the really good yeah equally good I'm stuck help no I don't need help look I'm basically invincible with this new armor I have oh it's wonderful oh I'm so I've got it wow you still feel pretty good about your dog along Mocambo we get next the gold key I'll lead the way it's not that impressive actually you know I know there's a secret here and I'm going to find it okay you get it buddy it looks like there's a secret there where is you see the big shaft I see it go for it man I really wish I had a better glaive you know uh yeah like mine you know what that's like mark yeah like my glaive pretty you're super handsome brave yeah where is it with my wedding is it I bet we're about to find a secret right over Wade's head I actually think he might be right okay so what if we oh yeah oh this is totally oh nice nice nice nice get that no that's totally it though okay thank you mouse mouse mouse mouse house like cliff going you don't have a global hole yeah okay wait if I oh no that's not it what a classic types is it a button are they always buttons I don't know I feel like this is pretty clearly like leading us towards that you know yeah looks like but there's no like freaking out dang it yeah it's uh it's a hypes and a half can you do another dive like on an angle up to the left for hide it didn't let me go there tis unfortunate but clearly this this elevated platform area with a shining bright light on it is just for decorations apparently mmm whatever it's fine it's fine it's not here don't exist guys it's not real [Laughter] oh well no big loss no it's no soul cube that's for sure am I right guys so could you buy wait why don't we explore this area to the left over here that's a good question what is there I mean ruin or holy soul Q baby there uh problem hey you guys seem to be gone yep for my wedding the whole side area yeah we're why are you still looking for secrets man I'm not good get over come on die just die okay hi oh wait I spy a chest who interesting yes II definitely can't go that way oh I found a switch II do mm-hmm does that do anything not over this way but there's another chest here by me okay so there's this got to be switches that lead to the chest so what it is I don't know they're switched over here and a chest with a soul knife so my sword a level seven soul knife why not man the damage thrust attack wants to soul gathering sounds for your soul look at my soul [Music] that's so before you do that yeah I did for you man I can't make those notes for me so so did we get is there four switches so I get the little soul knife so let's it's a downgrade yeah mine is too but uh I just got a rare short bow interesting do I need this all cube to use this all knife is it do I you can gather souls they're just useless for you start gathering some Souls you should need to practice yeah mark you should get some souls then we'll have a bunch ready for your soul cube wait how do we get up here is there another chest that we have an opener is the there's the big dope chest over here I guess that's probably the payoff this mark got its all night I opened it okay okay and seen that yet did we go down this away oh yeah stuff open over here yeah I guess that's it you know someday I'll get some pretty cool stuff you know so you go dude you guess the whole knife yeah I got a soul knife for level 1 common soul knife dude that's my level 7 that's all knife I feel like there's my Lama is very painful death you know teleporter accidents when you teleport into a wall that's what happened to my llama I got a theory never mind there's a little part down oh don't worry Oh for those of us with the soul thing you don't get the loot pick oh you right I got way more armor I got I got a bow Sherpa loved ones in common I got a green level 14 bow Marty I'll salvages I got money is what I got I got money guys yeah you'll definitely get some more good weed out of that chest when we get back to base don't worry get some good weed fine blurring guys I think I found a boss yes things went great but I'm also fighting different people I'm coming Bob okay I can just stand at range and shoot him with my arrows guys here's a chess cool that sounds cool Souls gathered I can get more souls for my thing I don't there's an Enderman over here and I need some help if you could please he's really giving it to me yeah we'll be there in a second help me hey I'll teleport to help me go there you go come back here you weenie oh I heard him down by Marky easy rare soul knife level 9 [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] I'll get some good gear 12 sold knife oh all right if we use the environment to our adventure survived the ambush Oh Milo please do not die that sounds great well this poison glaive I really don't like Michael it's so slow I just said why what's wrong with it it's slow and it doesn't do anything special like poison I recommend getting a poison one yeah the poison one seems cool all right that was good good choice good spread out all right got it go these chests aren't I think the hardest part of this game so far I do wonder someone there is like lifesteal aura on this thing I'll try it let's see maybe it'll get me a better gear if I have better gear on you know what I mean higher level yeah was there like a big chest that had a soul cube cuz a lot of these items seem to be about souls and I don't have well I got it just from beating the last level between the levels there that yeah you got we a look a clave yeah I got wheat I have a cool place I don't like you guys I don't think you do yeah I do but it's not as good as yours mark I would imagine not salvage it already because you're the glaive daddy I am the glaive daddy there's so there is nothing here again yeah some of those back alleys don't have anything I'm fine hey we're level ten words enough we're high enough level to get through this level sick good job yes if you look in the inventory it says your power next to you I'm power ten right now so level ten what I'm power what's your power mark wait what is your power ten mark what's power but come on I see a 10 next tomorrow oh come on buddy what's your power don't make me don't make me inspect you and find out for myself it can be for it can be for three right now with my my 35% damage reduction I remember I could put on this thing with a life steal or and you know sorry about that that's not what I meant that's not how I meant for that to go down man loot big oh we're stuck how do you guys have such high I got the farmer totem of shielding that sounds cool rare level ten thief armor you meet you I just realized my enchantment on my armor was cowardice that worked out for you yeah it's you know I'm gonna replace my my dog with a totem of multi shot tree [Music] that did alright alright guys I'm up to your level now I've my power is five that's good we're all on equal footing right sure yeah five yep don't think he's really carrying his weight mom what what was that oh don't make fun of the man's weight that's not very nice this egg I just found in the gave me some mistake loot Pig yeah we're about to have a sweet Bush yeah there's something going on over here Oh what have you done Bob what have you do I do that yeah you did that yeah you did though get in my shield Oh oh cool actually thank you hi died instantly well don't die instantly Bob al Qaeda mo worried he's only on me are you gonna stop being dead all right that guy looks at mean I just died well don't die then they're dead weight you calm down now that doesn't sound good for something big ooh holy [ __ ] that hurts this guy's tough oh that's a lot of damage oh hey bud yeah that green ball that he shoots is a potent yeah lunch daughter no not for me yank this hole to you maybe if you weren't so wimpy Dimpy it wouldn't be a one chatter oh my god the circle of friends is back I don't like that oh my good god oh my god Oh like this don't die see all that power lovely do nothing for you the circle of wizards Bob's on you maybe oh good what did you why did you die in a corner the why did you do this I thought I was gonna come gonna stay free live in the corner it's some stupid son of a woops things died the corner right god damn a-holes why all right all right good we get a fresh start that's what we wanted anyway hey at least he's not he doesn't he'll back up that's nice I thought we'd start from scratch would forget all about what happened so cute burning him down baby yeah he's almost done whoo we're so good I'm so good getting your [ __ ] at me you really wants whoa whoa I think we're about to have circle of friends not quite oh yes little friends there it is there's so many green beans stopped three beans Hey look learn to dodge learn to I thought he was aiming for Bob and then he switched yeah you really you really he really got you Oh God okay he's almost there just Newcombe Newcombe so Cuba don't have these souls you got to get some souls wait so people don't get hit by those hey thank you I got real armor oh yeah I got the wither armor I already have accepted you even better the exact same armor I already had that was not as good as the armor no I think my low-level armor is better cuz it does more damage and more damage reduction oh I don't know salvage the grand Marlar but it's oh man I just salvaged everything I just myself--it everything I'm back to power level 3 by the way sick dude I'm up to 11 I'm gonna pretend like I'm powerful I'm just gonna pretend it's just a fun game where we just kill it we have fun that's all it is yeah it's just a casual casual fun time you know yeah yeah I'll mark you'll get it later when it matters more yeah yeah yeah where we going these look like places to go oh here you go mark oh this way we're here well that's unfortunate oh there is Wow I think this I think this low-level armour that I have is actually better I take way less damage so for all of my low-power a quite good look out guys here come Wow spiderweb oh you really got stung in there sure did that's a fortune I got stuck after ISO cube don't worry also cube him out of here all right thanks buddy without you I'd just be a babe in the woods lost the end we call the chest and zero secret secret yeah you what hey look guys I bought I dropped random food items when I heal now that's great that's great look how fast I am so good all right cool let's get now yeah I'm ready for some sweet sweet loot loot baby unable to connect Oh what no loot yeah it's that first serious though [Music] click online game again huh I'm trapped in a loading screen so I got nothing oh I got boots of swiftness again I'm gonna join you I guess I'm gonna get my loot right I'm super duper stuck in Minecraft I can't join you wait online servers may have just gone down I click to create online game I'll create my own I'm still I'm still unloading look in my loo I got my loot ah that's the same total machining again oh my god with the unn [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,011,855
Rating: 4.9524655 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, minecraft, minecraft dungeons, minecraft dungeons markiplier, minecraft dungeons gameplay, minecraft dungeons review, mine craft, muyskerm, lordminion777, lets play, funny moments, hilarious, laughing, gaming, gameplay, markipliergame, markiplier game, mark fischbach, mark bob wade, multiplayer, minecraft dungeons multiplayer, collab, markiplier collab
Id: mIFr4uCuzkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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