TELL ME... WHAT DO YOU SEE? | Prey - Part 1

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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Prey. Now, Prey is an interesting game because I don't know how to feel about it. Because I played the original— Wow, that guy actually looks like me. Well that's super weird! That guy— That's not just me right? That guy honestly looks a bit like me. Anyway. Everybody is checking their— So I'm gonna go with the—uugh Why was your eye red there? Alright, anyway, We're gonna— We're gonna move past that and get into the thick of the game, But I don't know how to feel about this... "You wake up in your apartment in the year 2032..."- Because I played the original Prey, and I loved the original Prey. It was a great game! It had its flaws of course, but from a technical perspective, it was a really fascinating game because it had portals Before portal was even a thing. I mean, legitimately, it had portals, woo— AI:"Good Morning, Morgan. Today Is Monday, March 15th, 2032." And there was more to it than that, but it's just that that was one factor of the game. It also had a really interesting story about Aliens, and I don't know how much this relates to that if it does at all. I was one of those people that was waiting for a Prey sequel for a long time, And then this is a...reboot of some sort? But either way, I imagine that this game is going to be awesome because the mind-bending aspect of it seems to be really...interesting. ...special container in Morgan's office... Okay-I'm MORGAN I GUESS. Alex Yu: "Hey, Morgan- " HI! (Alex: Wake up. You're burning daylight.") (Alex: Wake up. You're burning daylight.") Oooh. Alex: I sent the Helicopter to pick you up. It's just a few tests. Alex: I sent the Helicopter to pick you up. It's just a few tests. Alex: I sent the Helicopter to pick you up. It's just a few tests. [Skeptical Mark]: Okay... Alex: Don't forget to wear your suit. Oh! (Alex: See you soon.) O—! (Alex: Oh...listen. I's really great you decided to come aboard.) (Alex: Oh...listen. I's really great you decided to come aboard.) Well, thanks Alex. (Alex: We're going to shake things up, Morgan. Like old times.) (Alex: We're going to shake things up, Morgan. Like old times.) Heh, what the hell? Read?- "The Method Sci:" "What if I told you I could turn you into a mathematician on the level of Einstein in under ten se- ten mintues?" "I'd say you were full of it. That's the first thing that comes to mind. So you're gonna put neuro-stuff in my brain! Thank you! I don't know what I did— I'ma climb onto this counter now because I'M A BALLER! THIS IS MY PLACE! I CAN CLIMB ONTO THE COUNTERS IF I WAANT TO! Alright, I shouted that to absolutely no one, I'm obviously— Ooo! Hold "F" to pick up multiple items, Ooo— Alrighty then, frayed wire... So there's gonna be some sort of a crafting system in this? Oh...Well nevermind, glad I picked that up. Lucky's pizza? NOPE. No need. Hello... Ooo~ AAH! Email! *Reads Emails* Hey. I sent a package with everything you'll need for your first day. Uniform, TranScribe, and a Neuromod. Install the Neuromod right away, SHOVE IT IN YOUR BRAIN IF YOU NEED TO! DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS *giggle* I'll contact you once it's inside your skull. *Reading Emails again:* OOOHHH!...So that's my brother! AAAHH! So that's why he was excited—I'M GONNA CLIMB THIS TOO! BECAUSE I CAN! AND THAT'S A THING THAT I CAN DO! Jumping's for nerds— ooh. ok... Anything in here? (inspiration strikes) Can I look-CAN I CLIMB MY SINK? AAAH YEAH, I'VE BROKEN IT! I TRIED TO CLIMB AND I FAILED MISERABLY. hyeh. All right, there we go. sooo... Nothing in there—All right, you know what, I'm gonna carry on because (immediately goes back) Why— oh! Maybe I can shower. Is that important, is that something I need to do? HGALLTHHATH...HLAGHTHALL! [gargling noise] All right good enough, I'm clean! Let's get out of here. Skedaddly-doo. Oh wait, where was the Neuromod? Wait what's this over here? oo! [Reading Instructions] [gradually grows more distressed as he reads the second step] [still distressed. Laughing a little] UAAAUUUGH! [distress] [reading instructions again] FOR FIVE MINUTES?! [mixed distress with laughter] It's worse than I thought it'd be! Oh, why is it worse than I thought it'd be?! Oh god! Hello. Is my Neuromod in he—Oh, I'll just take this shoe! Welp, this is all I need to go to SSPPAACCEE! [amused] I guess we're fine. Woman:" Morning Mr. Yu!" Hello! Hi! Would you like a shoe? I've got a shoe here! For "Yu"! That's my last name, that's why that's a joke! Ok then, I'ma take this shoe *giggle* with me... I guess I'm going to the roof—Hey! Shoe! Get back here! [still amused] [sigh of relief] Thought I'd be lost without you...Tiny Shoe...Shelly. Hello! I guess we're here now. I'm not crazy! (sure.) I promise... [Even still amused] I'm sorry I'm taking a shoe with me. Actually, I'm extremely NOT sorry. Don't know why this is happening, but OHH! Alrighty then! Ahh! Oh! Oh no! I can't take this shoe with me! [endlessly amused] Oh well. here we go. BYE SHELLY! I'm gonna have a good adventure in SPPAAACCEE! I think! oooh! Executive primo! Huuh! If this is the year 2032, I'm all about this! Thank you pilot! Okay! Whoaa! That's cool! Whooaaa! It's so cool! Look at all this! Whoa! That's awesome! God this looks beautiful! I mean the scenery is obviously just beautiful scenery and all that, but still! I can appreciate this for what it is! Whoa, Hello! You know, someone would probably be concerned about that being on the the bridge! *giggle* Yeah! Ahhh! Nice view! Sick lettering on that bridge! Too bad they had to stop all the traffic to be able to do that! Oh! Man, the future is looking good! If this is the future at all.... Because there is a curious thing from what I determined from the pre-trailer stuff the future ain't so shiny and bright as you might imagine. Maybe something went wrong with all those neuro-science things. It's kinda like a Bioshock type deal. Or at least I think, I don't actually know. Oh. Prey. You know, where it's all shiny and glamorous on the surface but beneath the surface, if you dig down a little bit, everything is rusted out and... ...bloody... ... and horrifying. But then again who knows!? Maybe I'm just losing my mind here. Honestly, I'm hoping... Thank you, Mr. Pilot. Okay! You too! Ah. Good. Alrighty then. Goodbye. Goodbye... Woah. What is that? Uh. Robot: "Hello Dr. Yu." Hi... Hello... Robot: "I'm a civil 495 science class operator." Robot: "TranStar has over a dozen state of the art facilities across the globe. More, if you count the entire earthling system." Hang on one second. I'm going to turn the, uh, the subtitles for all dialogue. There we go. Just for those guys out there that want the subtitles. Congratulations. Okay you're going to watch my every move, is that what you're saying? Yeah. Oh... Please do! Is anyone else turned on already? Okay Well thank you Okay How do you know about my brother? Okay then that was concerning, moderately. But I'm just gonna take, uh, take what I can get, and go on my way, so. *confusion intensifies* Okay, confirmed, I-I-I guess Is this what the future is, everything is going to talk to you at all times? I mean I'm okay that, at least I'll have someone talking to me in the silence of my nightmares. But, uh, oh. Hello. Alex! Bro! Oh. How's it going man? Okay, no hug? Alright then I'll just stand here and look at yah. Yeah, okay, nodding. Okay, this is a weird sibling relationship here. Hello Can, can you help me? You just gonna stand there and stare at me much- Alright, yah know what? Oh, there we go! I, I look better than you. Yeah, you think I'd know about that being a Yu. I, uh, okay. Okay... Okay Thank you... I'll be myself alright. Why can't you? Wait! Why-wo-you just can't- you...wha... You can't just lead into something like that and then suggest that you can't talk about the thing that you've been working on. We're brothers! Wow. Okay. Alright then. Can you guys just both just calm down a little bit? Mr. Bowser. Fine I'll be on my way. Yeesh. Oh! Hiiii... Hey... Button But before I press the button, can I say hi to you? Hello! Congratulations. Okay Okay Okay Okaay Did it! Ding! Dong! Ding! *Laughs* Haha What!? You didn't like my haphazard throwing speed? Huh? I did it haphazard style. Oh boy. These guys are looking for an a sassing. What!? Uh huh Jesus. Alright then. Alright. You know what? I think you deserve a little bit of sass. Can I sit in this chair? What? What the hell? Can I- Hey! YOU CAN'T SEE ME! YOU CAN'T SEEEE ME! You-you can't see me! *Giggles* *Laughs* I don't think I am. I think I am doing beyond marvellous. Where was there to hide in this room!? What are you talking about? You couldn't see me through me through my invisible chair. Oh boy. What is this? Ya? Uh huh. Okay. What kind of bullshit tutorial test is this? Did they dedicate money to this? AHHHHH!! OH GOD!! Got it. I nailed it. Uh huh I-Uh. I wouldn't want to disappoint ya, Dr. Bellamy. Oh no no no. I would never. Never in your life. Oh boy What is this? Okay Bloop. I-I'd get it for you, but I'd probably do it "wrong". I'm already sitting, douche. I sat real good! Bunny rabbit. Okay. Boop. I pressed it. You're planning on a vacation. Go somewhere familiar you know you love, or try something new? Go new! I push button real good. Use brain to deduce words. You've been sentenced to death for your actions. How does this make you feel? *Laughing* Calm. It was worth it. Ahhhhhh Probably that one. Hey! You made the question, I didn't do that! Alright. Runaway train is bearing down on five people who are tied to the track. You can cause the train to switch tracks, but there is one person tried to the second track. Well. I mean, you gotta switch. Oh! This is like the thought experiment where your action... suddenly you're influencing everything. You didn't tie them to the tracks but still... One is less than five so I'll switch. A runaway train is bearing down on five people. You're standing on the platform next to an enormously fat man. Pushing him into the track would stop the train. Just how big is this guy!? I'm more marveling at the fact that this enormously fat man can do this! Oh man. No one else. No one in the world would ever think that what I did actually did anything good. But you know what? *Sudden realization in 3... 2... 1... Oh! It doesn't say those people are tied down to the tracks anymore. Ha! I've got you there! It's bearing down on five people but you don't say they're tied to the tracks! Oh! Checkmark in the marker winner box! Do nothing. Ha Hahaha Got you. A runaway train is bearing down on five people tied to the track. Ha! See? There's a difference. You can stop the train by jumping onto the track, but you would die. *Laughing* Push the fat man is still an option! Ya. Jump on the tracks. Sure. Are you? Are you really, Mr. Bellamy? Oh! Whoa! HEY! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wh-Whoa! AH!! I've been gassed! Was I supposed to run? Ooo. I was not. Big brother! Oh Yes, Mr. Simmons? I don't know what's happening... I'm thinking that maybe I got into this situation Oh. Oh It's a- Oh! It's a Groundhog Day situation, is it? Ah... Oh! I see what's going on here. Oh, I see. Oh, I see you. Oh-h-h I see you. Okay Alright. Oh. Look at this. Is that a Neuromod application? Ooo! Anything different in here? Subject may experience slight discomfort, swelling, or redness of eye shortly after. No. Nothing seems... different... there. Okay Alright. Well, that's locked... for some reason. K, just going to take all these things. Gotta enter my password, apparently. Everything's fine. Ooo! Six emails! Danger. Leave now. Eom. Danger. Danger. Danger. Danger. Danger. Ah! From... Nobody From January. Whoever the hell that is. Danger. Leave Now. Nah! I'm fine! I'm good, man. What are you talking about? By working through a series of practical experiments, this humble manual will introduce you to the fundamentals of modern analog and digital electronics. By the end, you will be able to construct any simple circuit. As Thomas Edison once said, "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." Ah. Oh, good words to live by. I AM HERE! I am here, in my apartment! Where I am safe and I can't get my shoe... Ooo! I can get my shoe! Hello! Are you gonna help me through this? Are you going to deduce what's different here? Hmm... Alrighty then. What's this? Consider there are billions of stars in the galaxy like our sun, many of them far older. Some of these stars will have Earth-like planets. Some of these planets may have developed intelligent life. Some intelligent life may develop interstellar travel. If a civilization began before ours, it seems possible- even probable- that even at the speed of currently envisioned interstellar travel, they could have already had the entire galaxy colonized. The problem is, we haven't detected any such civilizations. Nor have any contacted us. Why? Ya, that is the Fermi Paradox, if anyone was wondering what that is. The brain was once considered too "warm, wet, and noisy" for seemingly delicate quantum processes. However, the discovery of quantum coherence in biological processes such as plant photosynthesis, avian navigation, and our own sense of smell paved the way for the eventual discovery of quantum vibrations inside the microtubules of neurons. Fascinating. Ah! I can't read that. Alright. That nature of consciousness remains deeply mysterious. How can the subjective nature of experience- my inner life- be explained in scientific terms? Does consciousness emerge from complex computations among brain neurons? Or is it a fundamental and irreducible property woven into the fabric of the universe? Now we're getting a little too deep here! Now we're getting a little too deep. You need to tone it back a little bit. I'm going to go through my morning ritual. BLAH-UH-LA-UH-AH!! Good. Where's my shoe? Where's my shoe!? There's my shoe. And is anything else different? Well, that's in a different spot than it was. Congrats! Okay Heart of the Wok Cooking... Ah... Alright then. What is that? Nope. Okay. Smashy smoosh. Nothing in there. Something in there. Alrighty then. TG...probon- Protein containing meat glue. Okay. Uh huh Okay Alright. This seems weird but I'm going to put on my suit... Apparently and that's going to be something that normal and everyday occurring... In my house. That I'm in. Definitely. And not in a simulation of my... *Scary Noise* *Scary noise continues* Hi!? What!? Did you not l-like me picking up my shoe? Hey! O-kay! Oh no! Hiya! Oh sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I'm gonna take this now. Oh, good. Hi. Okay Alright. Okay, shoe of mine. Oh shit! I just left you... you were so good there! Okay, you stay there. With Patricia... Ah You keep her safe, I guess. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. So-s-f for some reason... For some reason. Ah. This wall... Wha? Press F to cancel? What? Whoa Ya. So that wall wasn't there before... Uh Oh. UH! Oh Alrighty then. So, that wall wasn't there before but what does that mean? Can I bash open one of these doors? HU-BUSKI! Okay then. So, there's gotta be another way to go. Either through my own apartment.... or something else. There's a puzzle and I can't seem to solve it! Okaaay! Blapp! Oh! Aah! Ooo! Ok! Alright! I'm down to clown with this if I can get ov—Whoa! Ok, I made it! Good for me! I'm super smart! I think. I'll take those. Oh, hello! January? WWWHHHAAAAATTTTT?! [At that moment, everything Mark thought to be true was shattered] Oh my god! [laughter] My life is the TRUMAN SHOW?! I'm gonna take all this wine—I've literally got like sixteen bottles of wine! Cradled under my arm... Oh boy. Man that flashlight is SQUARE! OOOOHH! Aaah! Let me go the other way first because I feel like I might've missed something over there. AAAYYYY!!!! FUCKING YOU! Alright. We're fine. Ooo, don't do that to me! Don't do that to me! I'm gonna fuuuuuck you up if you do that to me! Oh. Wow. This doesn't seem like the skyline! AAYYYY!!! What the fuck! Hi! Okay. You wanna get blapped? Huh? Get blapped into the next century dude! Oh...Necrop—necropsy required? What is that?! Oh boy, email! *Reading Email* If you've been on the branches of our main product line you know that sometimes we need to put in extra effort to hit our milestones, ...and any external risks are fully taken into account when these decisions are made. *Reading* The move to extend indefinitely was a direct request from both Alex and Morgan. Morgaaan? Wait, whoa, where did I just go? *Reading* At this point Morgan's exhaustion is inhibiting our ability to get any useful results. *Reading* That's to say nothing of the long-term damage we're likely inflicting from the constant Neuromod installation and removal. *Reading* Tell me again why we've extended the testing indefinitely? WHHAAAAT?! Uhh. All *Reading* I know this morning's incident has left people shaken. To prevent unnecessary panic, please refrain from contacting people outside of your department. *Reading* A station-wide announcement will be made shortly. In the meantime, Ms. Elazar and her security team are on high alert and fill field any requests you have. *Reading* I know some of you are worried about Dr. Bellamy. He's currently being treated in the trauma center and is in critical but stable condition. *Reading* Thank you for your patience and dedication to this project. From Alex Yu. My supposed "brother". But whaat?! Oooo! Oooh! [realizes] Ok...Sure we are bro! Yeah that seems like something we're definitely going to do, bro, if you really are my bro! Uggh, Jeeeeeeeez! [laughing] The whump on this bad boy! WHAM! Ok! Jesus. So I need to upgrade a lot of skills apparently. Cuz that's apparently a thing that can happen—There's a lot of collectibles in here! There's probably a lot of monsters lurking around every corner... Heey, where's that science officer robot? Oooo! Safe code is: Blggthlg What the Fuuuuuuuuuuu— HHIIII! Who's thumpin'? Oh my god, what is this, Soma? *Reading* Marking this SKU as defective. Investigation with fabrication. Marco. Ok! I got no password! AAH! I copy it. Ok. Bloop! Hello? Hi! Ok, just a friendly reminder! Password Protection. Don't put your password on a sticky note on the computer it's needed for! Let's see, I know this morning incident, Ok that... *Reading* Simmons, the test results today were all negative. Did you install the wrong Neuromods? Touch base with Graves and figure out what went wrong. This should be your absolute highest priority. So, what I'm picking up here is, I may not even be this guys brother. At least, I don't think anyway. Maybe I'm not really Morgan. Oh! Okaay. So the safe code is: Hulllllll... I can't read that but if I look at this real close and squint my eyes real hard I've got nothing! Alrighty then. Jeez, I don't know what's wumping around over there but some- there was another- Wait. I just realized that thing's looking at me. HI!! WHAM! Alright. Thank you. Movin' on. What have we got here? Hello. Ooohhhh! A simulation editor. Goood. I'm in a simulation. Fucking... What the fuck was that? I didn't do that! What the fuck!? What did you just do to me!? What did I press? What did I press!? I have no god damn idea but it scared the piss out of me. Oooohhh. Aaahhhhh. Okay. So they were watching me be weird with my shoe. Ooohh. You think I would have noticed something about that! You think- You think I would have noticed but I'm guessing it's the Neuromod in my eyeball that's just a little bit peculiar. Whaaa? Ooohh. Ooohhh. Aaalright. So you're tellin' me the pilot wasn't even real!? Alrighty then. Good. Oh hi. Okay. Oh hi. Okay. Oh. *Sudden realization in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Whaaaat. So when I came out of the helicopter, I went in here. Met the science person. Went in this elevator to the exact same place. And then walked out the same door. Oohhh. As that changed. Niiiice! I like it! They are dicking with me early and fast. So what was the deal.... What was the deal with the testing? Why was the testing all wonky then? And was this guy even real!? Was Mr. Bowser real? Ooohhh no. Oh no. K, that's the same email. Utilities? Scene selection. Rooftop Entrance. AHHH??? Yeesh. Okay. Bye. I guess.... [Giggles] Oh, that's so cool. Reset! Alrighty then! Did that. That was good, I guess. Oh! Ready? Wait. Oh! That means it's open! Oh, I see you in there! Oh. I. Whoa. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey... Hey... Hey.... Hey... Hey... Hey. You wanna fight!? Huh? I'm brave. Be careful what I pick up!? I wasn't picking up anything except my trusty shoe! And I can trust my shoe as far as I can throw it! Which is very far... Wait. That door was open just a... Wait. That door IS open. Wait. What? Okay gonna push the button. Hey, look! I'm throwing BOXES! Hey, look at me! I'm such a good BOX thrower! Did it. Did it. Did you like that? Did you like the way I did that? Did I? Oh, I passed. Apparently, okay. Be careful what I pick up. Oh... HEY! Oh fucking, I knew that was gonna happen! I still skweam wammed. AAAHHH! Get wonked biiiiltch! Okay then. Broke into two pieces. Wham, bam, thank you... ma'am! Alrighty then. Did I? Did I pass the test? Did I hide real good? Well, apparently they can mimic into ordinary objects, which doesn't bode well for me! Okay. Carrying on apparently. I don't know why I need to do this but I just kinda threw myself into the sit-iation. Bloop. OH! I'm gonna win! Did it. Why are you still counting down? I passed your—woooah I was just doing this for funsies, I didn't know that I could actually break that... ..but I'm gonna go through it all like I'm supposed to. Did...did I...I didn't pass did I? Okay. Alright then. Let's see if I can go in here. HA! Oooh. Alright then. Ew...wha-I don't even know what that is. Boopity-boopity-boop! Okay. Alright then...weird. Okay... Here we go--BLAM! Well, carrying on... I know I'm taking my time with this, but I really am taking the environment in-- Woah-okay, that's the same place. Okay. Exit up to lobby... Oh man, they watched me EVERY moment of my life, didn't they? EVERY moment Good for them, I guess... HI Oh jeezums Oh you know—oh I s—NO! Get whumped! Yeah, you fall down! You fall down Fall down and suck ass Alright--woah. Hello? What are you doing down there? You alright? D'aw, did you fall and you can't get up? HaHAha Alright fine, screw you, Imma read this. Echelon Roof? Woah Ah Weird Alrighty then--and then there was a 'LG Power', but I don't even know why I'd need- -OH my GOD Holy shit, that's amazing! Looking Glass on and off--I'm gonna keep that on, that's beautiful! So that's how they intro'd the game, oh! Even the game's a meta part of all this Habooski! I'll take that and that Fuck your delicate equipment here, I'm just gonna break everything. Alright, so what did that do for me? Did that do anything? Oh, he had an apple, I'll take that A Methuselah apple Yeah that sounds--that sounds nutritious and delicious. Oh, that's so cool. That is SO COOL. Oh that's cool Okay, that's reminiscent of the original Prey, and I like that a lot. 'Cause the original Prey, it played a lot with perspective; you could go into a portal in Prey and- -Oh, HA. Okay, maybe you shoulda like...shoulda like ran away or something? Or maybe punched it, I don't know if you had much of a- WOOOOOAH Well that's hardly fair! I can't do that! Oh yeah, I feel real confident about this If this guy didn't stand a chance, what am I gonna do? Wait, he has a lemon peel, a banana peel, and spare parts WHY did you have a lemon peel, a banana peel, and spare parts on your body? Maybe that's why you died, 'cause you just stuffed garbage in your pants as you're running away from a situation! How do I know you didn't loot everything on the way- *gasp* Shoe-y! I found you! I found you... [forgets that he named the shoe Shelly] Together...we're gonna be okay, we're gonna be alright Excuse me, as I just throw you off into the distance Ooh, Remote Manipulation Hey, but I wanted to that safe I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do that though Hello Alright what have we got here: Jonovan, we'll need the room updated...Copycat, Area of Effect, Copycat, Spooky Action-- Spooky Action? What does that mean? Huh Wait Area of Effect...Copcycat, Spooky--that's from the testing Room A was the boxes, Room B was the Chair, Room C was... Th- "Spooky Action" but it was me jumping over a wall ...Am I a mimic? If- If I'm being I a mimic? Okay...Alright- *reading URGENT! email* I can't help but think that those tests were set up for mimics to- Okay: *reads "Play Your Way" screen* OH! Like the original Deus Ex, and to a lesser extent the new Deus Ex. Oh, that's cool. I like that a lot. Can I hack this? I don't have any hacking- What is this? What i- What is this?! Human EYE, muscle profile--what were you making? What are you making here? There's something to this and something ain't right *begins reading* -Morgan is a real person- *continues reading email verbatim* Ah, weird. So I- *gasp* Ay, fucking OH God I forgot you can actually be- Where'd you go?! Why?! Fucking, fucking you! What the fuck was that? Was that a- me executing it or what was thaaat? Huh *reads Standup Notes* Okay Pass, pass, pass, fail... Was I the last one of those? Morgan Yu...So they're saying Morgan then maybe I'm the real--I have no idea I have no idea Maybe I'm just throwing myself into this *gasp* Hey! Oh I saw that! You think you can play your stool games with me?! No! Oh no no no Oh no no no That's bad That's bad--Dr. Bellamy, here are the results- I see you staring at me *reads first paragraph of email verbatim* You're planning a new vacation, uh, new? Oh, calm it was worth it Ah, these are my questions, yeah *starts reading email, then realizes he's read that one before* *reads email* That's so weird, but there's the keycard that I need- to the simluation lab apparently So I'm just gonna y'know- Yadadiii Yadada Yada-DIDADU! Sorry, that was supposed to be thrown a lot farther than that, how 'bout a coffee mug? Yada-budabu! Haha! Wait a minute, this is a tough mimic over here. Oh, yadaramo, would you like a cigar?! Yeah, sorry about the really wimpy throw, I try to be better about this-- but maybe this TROPHY up your ass AAH! Fucking—I was gonna get the jump on you! Where'd you- Where'd you? GODDAMNIT Get wumped baby Get whumped bad boy! BLAP I'm very tired hang on just lemme get a breather here BLAP! BLAP! Okay consume a medkit to restore health I don't even to how to get in my inventory Oh with I! The same number with all of em' I'll take this apparently I'm gonna just eat this, can I eat that? mmmm, how do I eat that? Oh! G. Blub! Just gonna get- 'cures fear' Oh! I should probably keep that then pomegranate, Cold Mountain Green Tea and an apple and i'm doing alright! BLAP i'm doing better now so ok I've got a wrench, there was something about me upgrading this right? R, no. Suit chipset, no available no chipsets available ugh so weird The corpse vanishes search for Bellamy's corpse in the trauma center in the lobby What? Where would the Trauma Center be? it says 'in the lobby' so, it must be connected to this because my main objective is to escape the lobby but where's the main lobby area? why is my vision all wonky? OH I WAS DRUNK! 'Cuz I drank wine. Good for me! I'm a badass. Is there a map or something? No. okay it said there was a way out of here but I- that's the simulation lab. then what's up here? eh something tells me maybe this isn't the best way to go because this seems like the creepier path. At least I don't have to crawl everywhere. explosive canister that seems like a bad idea to carry I'm not gonna do that. Wait... I'm gonna go back, I'll be right back I just need to make sure... that I covered all my bases I'm not gonna make you guys, waste your time but I'm just gonna, I just want to be thorough about this just in case... OHHH... okay, exit TO the lobby okay, so it's IN the main lobby.. i've got a key card. I'm gonna unlock it, because i can do bo- uuuuu... that guy looks pretty big... HI...! Hello... Are you waving at me...? Okay... alright then... I'm gonna stay here and think about this, because this seems a little bi- Weird... Hiii.... Okay... Typhon Phantasmus? [Typhon Anthrophantasmus] Nice piano Skill recorder analysis; I have no idea what this is all about! Oh, that's so weird! Ok, where is the trauma center? It doesn't even say on here... Huh! There's no trauma center listed! So, where do I go for the trauma center? Volunteer headquarters? I don't even have any repair skills! I don't even know what that means! What are these? Transporters? Oh my god! Those are teleporters! Are they joking? They must be—oh, maybe it's, no—Oooooh, WooooooWW! How did I n—aaaah! Hey! Hgggg—NO! Ya wanna— uuuh—Bap! Get bapped! Oh ho ho ho! That's how can cancel it—I gotta hold it down to get a good ol' WHUMPUS on your butt! You wouldn't wanna get butt whumped would ya? Oh you died in a— You died in a "position"! Well thank you for the...204 GLOOs! Don't know why you need so many GLOOs! Oh! I got a GLOO canister! I got a GLOO gun! OH! *Reads GLOO Cannon message* Press Mouse 1 to fire your GLOO Cannon! Alright! There's gonna be so many GLOO Cannon jokes by the end of this game! And I cannot wait to make them! Oh, uh, Please! Please give me a mimic! Oh! TAKE MY GLOO! Oh! Get GLOOed Baby! Oh! Oh, there in the foyer! I can't see the foyer behind all my GLOO! I'm spraying them with my white hot foam! Wait, hold on! BAAP! Oh shitty dude! You want some GLOO? I got some GLOO for YOU! Blup Blup! Blip blap bloop blup! Nanananah! I don't think so! Blap Blap Blap. I don't know if this is, like, rare... But I'm just gonna—Blap! Oh you're partially GLOOed, you weren't fully—AAH! Shit! Get REKT! Get REKT! Get REKT! Ow, I'm getting rekt! Get GLOOed, get GLOOed, get GLOOed, get GLOOed, get GLOOed, AH! Get GLOOed! Uh oh! Uh, nanananah! Stop that! Man these guys are actually kinda tough! I thought this was on normal difficulty! Maybe I'm just a loser! BLAP! Ok, so I gotta combo this. Ok, get rekt! Ok, huh, ok! Wait, hang on, bapped! Ok! I think we got it? Ok! Whoo! Man, I got too confident in my GLOO Cannon, which is usually a problem of mine! [breaks into giggles] [laughs] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a very immature individual! [breaks into laughter again] Uh! I gotta learn to manage my GLO—my GLOO Cannon a little bit better! Sorry! It's new everybody! It's new! It's like I just went through puberty here! I gotta get accustomed to everything before I get going! I'm sorry, nobody, Absolutely nobody, is laughing with me. Absolutely everyone is—everyone is currently making GLOO jokes down in the comments. I know what you guys are doing. I know what you guys are doing! Alright, whatever. Can I drink some water? Is that going to give me any health back? Uh. It was like the original Deus Ex, where you just drink one at a time, and you'd get everything you need. Oh! Robert Gage! Well this guy actually hasn't been...This guy actually hasn't been blasted! He looks like the guy that was um...greeting me! At the testing facility! weird... Oh! Sorry! Sorry! I thought that was going to turn it on! I don't know why I thought that! Would you like a GLOO Cannon! Take that for the road! Escuse me. I'm sorry, I'll get out of here. The immaturity level in that room was just a little too high for my tastes. Aah! GLOO! Sorry, Sorry about that. OH! Ah! The neuromod! Ahh! Ick! Ugh! Ah! Blam! Ugh! Ugh! Ooo! Blam! Okay, I'll take that! I'll take that! Yeah, this is a good idea. *Reading Neuromods and Abilities* Ok! Let me just shove it in my eyeball! Engineer? Or security? AAHH! AAAH! Or scientist! OOOO! MMMM! Hacking. That was always my favorite thing to go for, in any of these games, is always hacking!. Hacking is so useful! Oh, but repair! [Noises of indecision] I'm gonna imagine—Oh stealth would be good too! [More noises of indecision] Huhhh...I wanna do...Alright, you know what? I'm gonna ask you guys about it, because I'm just about out of time for this episode, I'm not gonna make a committed choice here, because I don't know what the long term is. So! WITHOUT SPOILERS! Number 1! Give me your ideas of what you think of this game. Number 2! Maybe you got some advice on which way is best. I like going the sneaky, stealthy route. And frankly, I think that's better for games like this. But I'm more than happy to do that— Wooah! In the end, I'll probably just do what I fell like is best, but you guys, influence me right now— [Loud music plays] STOP IT DOING THAT! It was not that amazing! I just picked up a thing! And shoved it in my eye! I guess that's pretty amazing! So thank you everybody so much for watching And as always, I will see you, in the next video! BUH-BYE! [Outro Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,539,584
Rating: 4.9436617 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, prey, prey game, prey part 1, prey walkthrough, prey gameplay, prey 2017, prey review, prey markiplier, scary, scary game, horror, horror game, rorschach, ink blog, ink, dark, spooky, creepy, monsters, fps, pc, benchmark, part 1, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, lets play prey
Id: _o1KluWrkLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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