IT'S RAINING BULLETS!! | Risk of Rain 2

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this be risk of rain - - right now we only have one character unlocked they start with machine gun you know so what basically you kill it it means you earn money you can buy upgrades you can buy a little robots that fly around and help and upgrade turrets you can buy little boxes that will give you perks that might give you a higher chance to inflict bleed or a higher chance for critical hit or maybe you heal over time or you can heal other people like it's a fun experience I'm excited for you all to experience it together with me yeah I'm excited about this this is a good thing all the mouse sensitivity ah that's it's not that bad what's up with the hawk oh jeez Pavillion to low watch out for the things in the sky what oh my god so we just spawn in and instantly everything's trying to kill us is that what you like mark what you don't spawn in the game and then everything's tries to kill you in every roguelike this little doodad over here we have to find a lunar which is a coin I don't know if it just spawns randomly or if something drops it there's a big silver coin that when we pick it up we got to bring it back here oh god I actually have to concentrate on the ship oh jeez oh yeah you do oh my god that's a big thing over here holy [ __ ] no dead oh the sky this guy this guy want to find perks so like blue crates or if you see an orange tough-looking thing that'll give you an ultimate ability and the ultimate abilities can really save your ass okay mark did you buy the trone no I didn't do anything why is the gunner drone with us I bought one okay mark you got some [ __ ] around you where I see oh my god this is like situational awareness overkill like I killed it just wait I was waiting yeah yeah the the first version of this game gets so [ __ ] crazy yeah this is nothing I can't thank you your first character beds these little guys are so like bounce pads 30 I'm normal right if you look on the right we have an objective to find and activate a teleport what did I just get oh and Bob Bob that thing you just found you get to choose one of the three things when you open that when I open what No me yeah you chose which one okay yeah I did the tri-tip dagger I didn't know what it did something about a bleed I don't know yeah if you hit tab you can see everyone's items Bob you've not bought any items yet know how there's the ear Bob right below if you want to drop down you can buy this crate if you want it is their fault oh god no oh [ __ ] what was that Jesus something shot you from above I thought yeah there's something up a big cliff yeah I'm getting them when do you get health factor kills you heal back over time if you come to this press you press a on Ebola down here it'll drop a perk you can grab I feel nearby allies after standing still for two seconds if you guys come to me there's an ultimate ability up here one of you can grab I already paid for it's all yours Bob you go ahead and go for it you grab that glowing slug thing up there yeah yeah that's your ultimate ability you can fly temporarily I don't really want to deal with flying so many things I'm back here hello I'm I temporarily so there's an orc it's the other ultimate ability it's a black hole I don't I feel how temporary until the [ __ ] to the damage to them she's got a good a wave thing I've got a single term at target dps ultimate ability I've got two gunning drones and a healing drone I'm loaded can I offer $30 this run if chance wait I forget the macaque I would cautious slug rapidly heal outside of danger nice chest here huh oh wait there's another bustling fungus that's that's the one that heals allies actually it does more and more so if you want to be like our primary stand still he alert all right yeah I can heal now that we've bought a lot of the perks and stuff this is our teleporter when we activate this a bunch of big bosses will spawn and she'll get crazy do it oh I see it's tough to buy overcome all of all he's gonna do it never mind yeah oh so many golems good god did you activate the thing or what just happening oh there is full damage and ouch oh I got the tri-tip dagger chance to bleed enemies on hit that's what you alright mark yeah I got that and I got a leeching seed which means I heal from damage so that's pretty cool yeah that's nice that's a good one I think come down here okay coming down here for you oh my god I'm so glad they made this game okay got it does it have any does it River run out you can only use like once every 20 or 30 seconds oh I just used it all right but it was cool yeah it was cool when it happened look pretty cool anybody do you see the top how we run easy and it's about to tick over to medium yeah yeah I do the longer we sit here and kill [ __ ] the harder things are gonna get going over the next world so theoretically you want to go through this as fast as possible but I kind of took this one it's like a learning yeah you stupid idiot oh my god Margo they wanted to go up towards the teleporter okay okay okay here all right this is getting thick I'm gonna think about waiting till you guys get up here to activate this saying he was gonna think about it he didn't say he was actually gonna do it did I was honest well I felt I felt I felt god damnit doctor all right this is a great time to use your uh use it alright it's on cooldown I use it on a small guy alright I guess I'll just blackhole this I am being a distraction okay used it here we go does he have like a critical point if I shoot him in his eye isn't any better is it all the same I know of but it's possible well he's targeting me there we go man what an easy boss alright so now some shits gonna spawn around here Oh usually grab one or two of them okay I got I got slow enemies on hit which is and now we're done here so we can take this teleporter Livas is it's a Chargers have to stay inside the AoE [Music] that's new I don't like when you say that wait I like it when you know what's happening charged 97 98 all right oh oh I had 905 dollar a nose shrine I'm gonna do the trench line before we go hang on [Laughter] all right like a gunner drone that's what I would like I'm good yeah I are is not reload I'll go on my own guys I'll be fine don't worry about me that guy's fast I don't like it anymore I'm coming back to you guys I don't want to be by myself it's all right I see oh now I do that's expensive yeah I was like 260 or something right oh my god mark they're not dying none of them are dying how do we die them the whole bunch into a black hole there hope it helped you it didn't what these guys have an AoE around them and they also shoot that giant be concerned I'll kill you yeah all right I'm gonna heal I'll run I'll run away really fast and get all the items thanks mark sharing is caring come on down here I'm in the thick of it what are you talking about well we just moved in a medium approaching hard well I mean this is pretty easy I don't know what you guys are talking about right now Yeah right whatever all right so I would like a drone if anyone finds a gunner drone if I could get that that'd be a real dope okay we'll leave it I want to sue this guitar dust I bought a guitar guitar a guitar and his ukulele I guess my music was electric what says I will say we should definitely keep exploring yeah 3d printer I'm here one items was that I just sacrificed an item I guess Oh farmer Oh deal extra damage some bosses well that's handy also the birds you know you can see pots they expel them on me yeah I've noticed that they hurt gain gold on a hit but lose gold when you get hit that's dangerous my character model seems to be bugged I have I have my ultimate constantly out but like it's expired now so it shouldn't be out that's not good looking for drones are you guys don't know can't items Bobby yeah yeah there's a bunch of killing a bunch of [ __ ] yeah that's the thing I'm really bad at in this game is you have to sort of balance fighting with exploring I just get really wrapped up in like killing the [ __ ] out of everything that I find well I have more med kits I have so many stuff on my bodies there a limit to what you can carry I don't know it's that forest full possibly but oh I'm gonna buy this oh [ __ ] I died you died there's like a death thing over here does that does that do anything for me they're back there's no resurrection mechanic no you just come back today if we beat the level you come back the next level huh we need to find a teleporter yeah I don't see a teleporter anywhere I don't see pretty much anything oh you're right there I'm just hurting myself for money don't we all don't we all wait Oh Oh get in that bubble it does more damage in the bubble climbing on that I know of there's a giant boss on me okay all right well I thought we should go over towards Wade I mean I guess if we have to I got a chance to fire a missile hell yeah there's just something on a hill up here that I have no idea how would you even get to it might be that coin thing that Wade was talking about is it like a silver looking thing I mean it's it looks like some kind of a chest it looks a little gray I guess I don't know it's hard to say we should definitely try to get to it began it's up on a Ledge I have no idea how anyone would actually get up to it one of you guys said that you might fly but that's the only way that I could imagine oh yeah yeah it's up in the side of a mountain up over here we got drones I don't have any drones I've literally no drones honey no drones I got four marques all over the drone okay I do I probably do have all the drones in some six shades I also have those but you know it's not my fault alright so where's the sting mark stop over I'm shooting at it think you could fly up there yeah try that because that's definitely a thing it's no idea what is whoa oh nice that's actually pretty cool it's the lunar thing we don't have one of those oh never mind then where do you get a lunar coin Wade we need one like it's on the map somewhere I think big flying's the big silver coins should be hard to miss but it will try to be tucked away somewhere I don't know there's a lot of [ __ ] on you I know I'm not helping with you I got the drug I got the groans I got the drones I'm good I've got $2,000 you guys yeah I got 1,600 nothing to spend it on is that where's a mystery shrine or something I'll just fork it all over in there right does anybody want a new alt there's a new ultimate ability down here what is it is it better it is what I've not seen before I don't know what it does ocular HUD sure let's try it hundred percent critical strike for eight seconds oh that's kind of cool but I like the missile launchers better I think yeah Bob do would you rather have a critical strike you're flying maybe I'd rather have flying okay where's Ella border I am going back over kind of where we started and just see if we missed me offshoots oh [ __ ] a giant ass goal I'm just spawned on me well kill it I keep going in circles yeah whoo my god it's murdering me I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm running away from it towards you mark it's [ __ ] oh yeah that's big I'm making a lot of enemies spawn on the way over to it that's unfortunate our difficulties ramping up fast that we're really progressing I found the coin oh oh I found the lunar coin okay oh Sh I should have given that to Bob oh [ __ ] oh my god mark there are so many things over I see I see I see yeah I'm currently dealing with as many as I can try to hit me try to hit me there's a big gold down there yes yeah he'd be big boy he big boy and he dead boy okay yeah you need a little juice here come stand in my circle [ __ ] all right you guys should go get the lunar coin I got it how do I give it to Bob or is it just like globally we have it Bobby and your currency do you see do you see a coin look at her purple dollar below your dollar oh [ __ ] oh there's that critical item next to it we can exchange I can take the fly okay then I'll switch you back to fly afterwards and then you can have all the coins from now on go pick it up I'll pick up the other one got a bing bada boom yes okay how does it work you have to kick you and then space this up maybe not ocular yeah oh here we go weird okay got it I don't know it did what did it do a blue orb appears it says I don't know what that means what did it do I don't know all right I'm dropping off my my ultimate here we go switching out oh boy look I have to fight here yep there is I don't I feel like we're missing something all right we're about to cross over into insane is that good no that's bad that's probably fine what are you worried about because we haven't fought this boss what boss there's a boss let me check over here I don't know if we've gone up here wait the red rope the red rope what does that mean oh [ __ ] oh that's what it means don't go don't go inside the red rope yeah yeah don't go outside it it's bad news um yeah I have no clue I feel like it's it would be obvious I mean it should be you get 11 looters you can unlock a character oh I don't expect us to make it to round 11 at our current pace no even [ __ ] fly the teleporter I don't understand about a third of the way into insane and we still have found the second boss's teleporter whatever I found it it's right here it's right next to the [ __ ] lunar thing what was right next to the lunar thing all right coming right trigger that [ __ ] and let's get the [ __ ] out of here I guess what I tell marks here but I'm almost there oh I'm lagging balls go down here I assume few people went down here I thought one of us did wait where is it this is the teleporter where what is the silly what are you saying I have to press this to activate it pressing it there's one thing on our screaming yeah there's nothing on our screens it's not here for you no no oh boy oh boy that's uh that's a big boy that's a little boys too oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god oh god oh my god oh god that hurts a lot clear some of these Flyers because they're [ __ ] and picking me apart here Oh God the Flyers the other Flyers all got the Flyers that are so many flyers what is this I got a lunar coin one of the Flyers dropped the lunar coin nice good holy [ __ ] me Wow you guys okay oh no no no no don't shoot that at me don't shoot that at me I don't want any that oh my god man this planet really doesn't want us to be here yeah impossible yet oh don't worry we'll get there eat my black hole [ __ ] yeah one of them is down got it cool I'm gonna charge the other one coming at me come on don't come at me don't come at me stop coming at me oh god stop we're back in the bubble we gotta keep charging the thing back at the oh [ __ ] I'm not even in the bubble I'm an idiot what is that it's a tea pot Oh God spider tea Milo the tea pots are tea pots later how big is it a giant oh it's big oh it's big oh that's big shooting missiles to shoot missiles oh yeah it's it's almost here incoming incoming incoming incoming No No Oh God once it locks on it it doesn't let go oh one down tea party bulbs down goals down I'll go grab my drones it's taking our drones I'm grab another one of these okay well yeah no come back you'll come back next level yeah I need to go look at something apparently something horrible is happening to our house oh no oh go take care of it okay there's a lot of [ __ ] here to kill at the teleporter one of them's up okay mark there's items around here I got one yeah I picked it up won a Titanic canoe roll we can take the teleport you just want to go uh yeah why not oh I shouldn't go cuz Bob's not here yet Oh true oh we can hold off I clicked it low oh never mind then no this [ __ ] just never ends does it hidden realm bizarre between time what is our means shop does that mean there's a shop here this was a hidden portal not like the portal portal oh yeah this looks this looks like something there's something here but I wouldn't shoot at it it's not shooting at me oh it's a place that costs lunar coins oh I got none Bob so one of these two by a character right probably is a dude here there's ten lunar coins or whatever this is not good looks like Oh God we're in that we're in the difficulty I see you that's not good final items to get this some kind of soup George I don't reforge me maybe it just changes all of your items or something I don't know now let's try it I might go for it never mind I can't you don't have the stuff right I don't know but I'm in the soup oh god Bob please come back the difficulties just continue to wrap-up I think it's okay we're gonna do we're gonna die we're gonna dude we're gonna dude it up I see you I'll get you it's rather intimidating when we shoot this guy I don't go love it Oh something tells me that's bad hey Bob just like we need to go be brief you do it we're in a secret level apparent we're in a bizarre how many I have one lunar okay that's not it before anything but we're in a safe bazaar but the difficulty is still going up it's uh up to ICU now oh so we need to get the [ __ ] out of here part of our gutter had fallen off oh [ __ ] out in the rain and like jammed it back in so whoa this guy's like a demon or something things lose a bison I'm killing about that Oh God the army the army is here which army the minion army army don't teleport don't teleport I don't like that yeah yeah that's what Mark was talking about didn't you hear me yellow oh boy a pool demon there are those - yes oh my god this guy we need to kill the green thing in the sky oh there's Gollum spawning oh my sweet Jesus whoa I got something in me all of my attacks explode now yes nice come come give him that dick mark I'm coming I'm coming I really need someone to do all there's golems between us there's so many gold it's okay all my attacks explode apparently I don't know I don't think it's more damage I just think it's a OE now yeah well if you can do damage to crowds oh yeah I got rounds deal extra damage to bosses okay okay yeah we can even see where the portal is shrine of combat boy that's some ins [ __ ] guys I'm sorry wait win if ride of combat I did you [ __ ] madman yeah look at this mad lad over here I am running away to find loot oh [ __ ] I'm almost dead oh [ __ ] don't die don't die no no please thought we need you for the bosses you guys need healing friends it's okay it's okay I'm coming I'll do a little healing aura right here I hear ya where I don't know I gotta look up wait and I are behind you on the Left okay no I was at 60 health so I think I just I just I just [ __ ] off a heel on you so I like it okay shrine of combat was a bad idea I just want to say that might be my bad okay Bob I have a feeling we're not gonna make it very far so we'll see you on the other side very soon and apparently you do a lot of damage goddamn me yeah yeah mark yeah thankfully it's my only saving grace at the moment what is this combat shrine yeah let's not do that yeah turn invisible on taking heavy damage oh no you did not pop one okay what does this try and look like again I'd what is the thing we're looking for a look like a oh boy Oh mark you got some oh god oh I can't move [ __ ] I can't move oh there I'll seal it no guard mark you're invisible good Hey whoo-hoo you give me something good so glasses yes mark got cool guys sunglasses yes what I got man that's what I got I just can't do enough to kill anybody anymore that's my main problem we're in - I'm coming for you I don't know if that's okay yeah do it where are you coming oh it's real dark Oh demons Aldo that's the worst thing are you gonna die I can use anymore until we beat him that's all right well let's let's do this come on I'm ready it's dead just gonna say that now you're not dead yet I'd be probably but he stopped taking as much damage as he had been taking oh that guy spawned on you oh my god thank you it's all me all day all me all me all day I got this you want some of this huh what is this - I don't know if I'm using it it's a fan this was a bad idea why map Oh oh my god the giant demons jumping is line you need it get in the circle okay it's all good it's all good so so much trust and faith in you right now I got this guy's yeah me too me too oh [ __ ] oh I accidentally used my heel at the wrong time I'm gonna get off then you can have it you can have the high ground they're big okay I'm gonna run and I'm just gonna run I need to get to the jumpy I need to get the high ground again also they do so much damage yes it happens everybody okay area and then the portals open now I'm gonna gun it I don't need to kill him to get the portal [ __ ] I think you need to kill we get the portal open guys just gotta get the bosses then right okay is he big boss boys in the sky they hurt I don't want out I'm not worried about them I just got a yeah I just laser focus right now just hang on everything I'm aware everything things I only got one of them down good two good guys I'm too good too good pro skills [ __ ] where they go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay just gotta go okay now's my chance I'm going over here in three two one where'd they go oh [ __ ] cool great good good good great good good oh my god oh my god hey you're really not killing anything nope not oh there they are hey what are you doing up there I'll come up to him don't worry about cool who he wants to die he does he does want to die not well no I'm aware I'm aware of the situation and they're gone again but seriously that's a big hike uh-huh but I think I got this I think I got this guy's you heal a lot thank you i [ __ ] on a feeling it's insane yeah it's my damage it's my big big greasy damage where'd they go oh where are the friends oh they're all my drones they're finding my drones for some reason Oh ever mind that's the zone I thought he was teleporting up on to you it was just this oh okay oh okay the little guys hurt more than the big guys apparently hey my drones are making it happen a man I wish I had some drone you know let me see if I can just finish off this guy I can't believe this is working Thrones huh yeah I can't either so it's all good it's all good oh my god okay that's fine all right he's going down he's going down he's going down come on what's yes one teleporter yo how do i roll buckler what does that make up all that pick up all that God I got the items okay I'm good here we go you're gonna be [ __ ] invincible don't give me the snakes oh Jesus okay all right well this is a problem why did we go to hell I don't do any damage to any of these things what am I supposed to do about this ah don't sue fire at me what did you that what's that pot advant there's an $8,000 crate down here why I have like a lizard guy chasing me and I really need help I don't know where you are I'm still in the starting area listen guys Jesus I'm gonna die I'm gonna go down I'm probably at some point here I'm gonna try to come away oh I'm coming to you now I'm gonna run I got the less damage when I run so I'm just gonna come to you oh there's so much bad yeah yeah there yeah yep that's yep okay hey Mark you're coming to me oh no no I'm going right past you you get no no wait that's even worse that means mark mark mark mark mark oh no not me no I should be the one to survive I should be the one who's dead okay we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah big lizard big lizard potted plant big lizard gonna die okay all right Oh dead I'm dead I'm dead no you're the only good one of us what you guys run away then I got wiped out from like top to bottom in zero seconds so I was in the middle of like everything I think the snake got me like explosions went off everything happened this is in this game is no joke where's the rain there's no rain it's only a risk of rain okay oh that's a big lizard boy Wade fleas those hurt a lot don't wait flee I think those are the ones that touched me I did they touch me a lot it was like ah those killed you're right there on him he's sorry he's at me he's at he's angry at me I don't have a lot of health anymore wait it was $6.99 $6.99 whatever that I have 43 health I know where to stand still Bob you're fine I believe in you I got a turret what are you gonna do for me turret do stuff oh just gonna throw that Bob Bob care fly through a black hole in that general direction that snake thing really needs to go away I don't think there's anything to be done about that oh goodness me the thing I need you oh oh you almost said you're so Dee I know Bob are you dead yeah it's the seat bud okay well this is exactly what I've planned for I was ready for this day all right okay cool shrine at the mountain I pray to thee o you invited the challenge of the mountain [Music] it's clearly not fine the shrine can only be good it's a teleporter it's got to be good they really they're really right all over you yeah well Wow oh wow Bob you did not get a lot of items no bottom all in the first two worlds want to go again yes yes new guy Huntress what no cuz you survived the first I don't know it just says I got a hundred oh you guys don't have hunters oh oh I'm sorry oh look at me look oh look at oh the so cool yes oh look at my glaive bounce between them cool what what was behind the start I was amazed Moe's behind us I got them are you buying all this goddamn it no I bought one I bought one I opened one each as money so I can buy this drone all right god I gotta get a drone I would not buy that that's not a movable one I'm an idiot mark there's a blood shrine Oh sprinting is toggle you don't have to hold it down yes every time you do anything at unspring soo which is an orange I found a gun or drone but I'm only gonna use this one it's the only drone all have okay and then you if I find another drone you guys can have them whoa what the [ __ ] did I do that was so cool guys the Huntress is like really cool sounds cool it is it is cool all we have to do is live get to the third area man I have so much month I wish I could spend it on something seriously all these things are [ __ ] purchased what the [ __ ] I I'm sorry there's a stun grenade here oh the the flying thing do you want the flying thing Bob it's down where I am on someone else can have that I'll take it old war stealth kit I think that's the thing that makes you go invisible when you take any damage nearby enemies on fire oh you could ping you can ping with middle-mouse some what a lovely bird just told me oh well hey teleporters right there okay how's it going pretty good pretty good watch this where the item set oh that's cool pretty sick pretty sick whoa my blink is very far these are there's more items down yeah there's two items down there I'm a wasp I'm a stinging literally literally just nodding I'm activating it guys I hope you unlock the hunters because I really like the Huntress he's really cool am I in the zone I feel like I'm not seeing the activation thing for the I'm not seeing it either flinches we are currently at 43% all right you guys are both on the teleporter right now I'm flying whoa-ohh all right let's kill this [ __ ] to get the [ __ ] out of here weights dead it's problem when you kill it don't forget to grab all three perks that drop okay there's one here go for it oh my god I'm so dead do the thing do the thing do the thing I got a dude thing to 85% charged mark and I can't see it we can't do the thing it'll do it when it shows up I think it'll be fine it's up should be up see and the thing you guys are marked right that way walk that way your left a little bit yeah stay like two steps to your left two steps to your life right now prissy I'm crushing me it's not working no no no that's a weird buys this is awkward look at that ass look at that ass maybe and broken or some thought sure that's a row you guys might be able to see the teleport yeah it's weird oh well but that was cool huh all right let's hope we can see it this time oh I don't have my wings anymore no no the wings are fun yeah man the huntress does have quite a but I just got to say if you think though oh she thick yeah I'm gonna go on the let's spread out strategy on this one I'm just trying to find [ __ ] let me go I'm gonna pick a route then come out to me bros where are you what is this a randomizer nice and calm right now trying to chance nothing god damn it you get the level up thing work the best sure did I sure did a lot of shrines a chance I didn't win my first bed but maybe my gamble you gamble in man yes I am here I go I got rewarded today oh I got I got two War banners what good does that give me I think it's either a bigger bonus or bigger AoE bigger dick I'm hoping that with the teleporter is not an invisible piece of [ __ ] this round no I see it I can see it okay guys there's not enough enemies there really isn't pretty light I guess it as escalates really quickly oh damn mark thanks man thing just bounces from [ __ ] - [ __ ] ya do ya do another war banner [ __ ] I picked it up before I could be like hey so what I was gonna war banner huh I got the the eyes on the thing should we just do the teleporter I got there's a couple more boxes around we should try to open it soon can't you open them afterwards though no I'm not sure I think they stay locked that could be wrong I'm gonna pray to the shrine of them I got a red whip all the shrine of the mountain that sounds good move fast out of combat I got a ukulele huh oh that does oh thanks man I'm really jealous that the Huntress I don't know if I'm it is right up your alley is right up your alley yeah this is this is like your character and she's fun to look at so that's an added bonus um try to combat guys good luck okay I don't don't know where it is we want to be inside of ya there bonus damage oh my god they did all spot on you look at that yeah I was not waiting you have so many friends over here popular you are my dude try to the mountain hit it I did you thought I was gonna wait no no I guess not you know this is more like a hype man I have two of them now what the forget nothing screw you give me something there we go that's some time talking about our you know game look for you it's bad please no don't do it no you got a problem you know you're right you know you're right I know I'm right I'm the gambling good job do it for it do it come on you won't no balls oh yeah oh yeah right yeah prove it you think I won't no I don't think you will no yeah well yeah Wow you think I won't something frost relic all the frost relic you know you know killing enemies surrounds you with icicles the [ __ ] does that mean holy [ __ ] I've got ice hit the thing where it's a lot yeah someday we're coming up so what's all this it's locked up here oh there's drones because there's three of these things I don't remember there being three last time oh there's four oh my god destroy the mountain did oh [ __ ] guys I'm dead don't die oh my god they're big yeah Bobby I see we should go why aren't you up fighting I'm getting my icicles no I did but I'm dead oh boy oh boy oh boy you got this come on guys Oh No get me again Oh oh god oh god oh god so close wait were you down below wait listen wait abandoned you like he abandoned me earlier I guess that's true you're right oh you're right wait you're kind of being a bit of a baby I need you to stop being a baby about this I playing tactic that's not like a judgmental snarky laughs it was oh yeah it was you wanted to be a more obvious yeah oh yeah it would be nice if we had mark I agree it would be nice it would be nice I don't disagree with that yeah I got it you're almost there oh we're doing it I can see that let me leave to see where weight is oh yeah wait as far as he could possibly be away there's cover in there you know wait wait you've got two of the bosses bob has joined bosses everything I've killed everything else I'm very power that's not how this works boss down one day I bobbin coven ah Oh I rolled into your fire you scumbag I believe in you I've heard you know I heard that from some 100 of these tucking under Oh what's he doing a marker you see in this wait oh yeah what the [ __ ] oh sweet Jesus ha oh gosh oh god it was really fun when he was stuck under the arch first time yeah I can see that was really helpful I'm here Bob does this mean they're gonna spawn like quadruple the rewards 12 items I'm just like we're all here to reap those ah yeah me too me me - me me - all right I'm about to pop one he'd a nice nice nice dead you guys got how did I believe in you her life is life is good well he's not shooting all his [ __ ] lasers and explosions at you [Laughter] sprint defenses for the Huntress 3 no those that have been perfect for my Huntress know many Rose buckler's right yeah let's go get the drones yeah go get him go get him guys you go get him drones are really helpful right yeah I've heard yeah whatever it's okay all right I guess I'll you know whatever I did it for you yeah just go through you're good both tries there my drones I am drone boy all right I'm doing the thing I'm not drone boy I'm droning this girl we're doing the thing let's go nice Wade you're gonna make it oh so close it's so close Wade you didn't make it no all right I'm back baby you want me to activate the challenge of the mountain whatever you do here we go I got that really shitty mushroom thing that just allows me to heal everyone else cool thanks bro that's pretty much all I'm good for I got an alt the pro fire cost gold per bullet oh yeah does it like do more damage it does after the teleporter image per hit Oh what you're even looking at me how the [ __ ] did you just target me [ __ ] you oh hey there's a bunch of you I can only blink forwards with the hunters that's not a good thing well you could snap around [ __ ] I'm dead well that's not so good Oh Shi that guy [ __ ] me up what guy it was it was just a big mountain slammer dude yeah it was just really really inconvenient cuz every time I was trying to like blink away from him I would blink straight towards him cuz oh with the hunters you only blink forward you can't like with the other one you combat roll backwards that's what I was trying to do and it did not work did you win yeah we won real right cool good job man I don't like to do character mark what you get verified what I don't know where the character actually is hit continue never mind we need the time sorry whoa geez lock the ball team you know you want to go again cuz I'm down to go again yeah I can do one more alright let's do this how did you unlock that one Wade I think it was just by completing like five matches or something oh yeah ready up I was trying to read my dudes abilities that's funny to know what they are you don't know what the only has four abilities read faster I think it's complicated yeah once you start unlocking the advanced classes the advanced classes oh look a troll I don't sprint I roll that's fun oh that's what the hell are the enemies don't they usually spawn here whoa nice machine gun there's a teleporter hey you see it right there yeah I see it okay my objective is to not die this time that's a good objective I would very much appreciate that because I would like if you didn't [ __ ] us again oh oh I [ __ ] you maybe you're black of skill [ __ ] do you all that I invited the challenge of the mountain and cool-cool cool-cool cool-cool despite how we treat each other we are all teammates what I'm winning you guys suck I'm winning again [ __ ] yes I don't know if I'm gonna be able to live without double jump please be good don't be good to wait whatever happens milky crystals oh yeah these nails fire like slowly so it's really hard to hit flyers or anything that moves for that matter whoa I found it happiest mask it's a horrible mask guys I'm you might not want to look at me in the face anymore I didn't already the same you might [ __ ] twice with nothing [ __ ] the shrine a chance it's [ __ ] mmm-hmm alright you want to hit the thing a shrine chance yeah we give it a little get a little douche all right I'm gonna hit the shrine of the mountain before I do it so we get an extra spicy challenge right that's what you guys want sure do we have all the wrong [ __ ] I don't think there were very many drones here yeah yeah there's like not very many more items just hang on and don't do it yet okay all right it's for no reason about it so chill for a second really really looking at it but chance oh this right chance no no let me gamble no and let me do it let me do it no let me do it come on please let me do it ha I got it let me do it let me do it let me do it your boys on the offense today yeah hell yeah are you ready yeah ready to throw down ready for this huh can I get a hell yeah yeah those are mine it's my mask I kill him and sometimes I summon ghosts they're on my side why you're so hideous I'm beautiful I don't know but I quote I'm hideous don't look at me how beautiful I am shut up least don't look at me what it's red well you might didn't you say something I said 10 [ __ ] times are we ready ready ready I want a confirmation about this I want to be sure it's not my problem are the big green things from the sky the bosses yes right now they're shooting them all those green things what other green things that was a shield the other two were I kept two of these they were easy we're almost through the field captain which one of us is Captain huh well not the robot I don't think I'm qualified either captain because I'm commando Bowie oh so so a woman couldn't be captain is that what you're saying huh you're like the assassin yeah whatever I could be a captain yeah so the assassin can't be captain yeah what are you saying huh I'm gonna go get this medical drone Scotia's Oh gross I grabbed two things mark this two feathers here for you two feathers okay coming coming coming oh my god these feathers another jump holy [ __ ] really their owns anywhere look I've got three feathers total now [ __ ] yeah oh yes I love that oh that hurts yeah you got to be careful with the fall dance all right yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go why is there an invisible douchebag over here oh whoa hey there's my ghost oh that's your ghost okay oh he died it's okay they do that oh I opened this on accident an effigy of grief that sounds good drop an effigy that cripples all characters inside what I'll take the flying one why would I want to [ __ ] all of us well probably cripples enemies as well because yes otherwise that doesn't make a lot of sense all right I'm gonna go explore as fun as it is to kill a bunch of [ __ ] all in this one area you gotta get the money I'm a hoppy [ __ ] rhobar deal more damage to healthy enemies found the teleporter oh god I'm dying are you dying don't die I'm dying wait did I not pick up Oh God I'm an idiot oh god am i dumb oh god guys I'm dumb I think I bought a nighttime way back at the beginning and I didn't pick it up that would be dumb that would be really dumb if I did that which there's no confirmation that I did all right I'm gonna go explore as fun as it is to kill a bunch of [ __ ] all in this one area are we teleporting are we exploring a little bit more looks like I didn't that's a big negative on that one yep didn't grab it got it wait no go for it all right I'm doing the thing let's [ __ ] rock this okay all right let's just do this and get the character need the [ __ ] out of your nose why does it have boobs oh no wait that's just a thorax I saw it from the side I thought we know what you're thinking about mr. oh yeah boobs I dropped my effigy on it it works yeah it's like stuck in there ha ha they [ __ ] by my sweet effigy I'm flying I'm a bird I'm a bird is dead question mark oh it's dead I'm grabbing one of these coins there's one for each of us ok I don't sue oh I see where they're coming I'm really slow right now I got slowed shall we go shall we [ __ ] out of here that effigy oh wait got to pick it back up Oh Oh interesting left it once wisp is dying don't worry about those are my ghosts ok they just die slowly yeah they die do the things unlock the thing then order way to do this one as well we have to clear three of them is this the third one or the second one third should be the third one so we got to get through this one as well to do what without dying unlock your character I think oh yeah unlock the character you are Oh makes sense oh my god I want this is this a drone is this a drone that comes with me they can't hit me if I hear this you can buy this for 3300 buckos Jesus if you want to save up for it I got a lunar oh [ __ ] you don't can we I want that whatever this is oh [ __ ] go god oh god oh god I got something that's like a ground slam I don't know why nice I've got my effigy of destruction oh wow oh cool I think if I Boop someone in the head they they could take damage bonk I do the brittle girl oh gain gold on hit lose gold on getting hit I see it's kind of a bit of a monkey's paw a little bit except I can fly cheap death once all if I die come back once that's nice that's pretty nice all right over a thousand man are you gonna get an I think you got to like fight the boss and then come back to it I don't know I'm getting money pretty quickly here yeah 1200 now I can really sky and really ground pound some people there's a lot of bad [ __ ] on the bright Bob you've got to be getting close I've got class I've got almost 1900 I don't know what this big thing is oh the three thousand dollar one what does that do I don't know I just want to buy it all right I didn't I only want to finish this and then buy that thing and help it hopefully before we do the boss fight I guess Matt 2268 so I'm getting there cautious luck what the hell is a cautious slug lets you heal when you're outside of combat are there any combat totems not that I saw I went around the entire complex I didn't see anything plus I missed it which is very likely I'm twenty eight seventy and there's a couple golems here I'm ready twenty nine seventy two twenty three thousand oh boy alright I'm gonna go buy the thing and see what happens oh it's a giant it's a giant gun drove clear out some fliers first I'm coming to you oh my god it does so much damage holy Foley [ __ ] it shit's damaged yeah did you just take my crowbar that I gambled I bought that oh you did that you did that that was you okay well did you just take the curl borrow is gonna steal from you and this shit's getting real we should probably we need to go yeah we need to do this right now yep I don't know where it went I I think I saw it a while back but I have no idea where it is now oh yeah here it is alright I'm throwing it yeah go ahead what is oh it's the spider things yeah Oh God fighter teapots Oh for your big dudes coming in though Bob it's time oh [ __ ] I'm gonna bop it I'm gonna bop it I'm gonna bop it I'm gonna bop em on the head okay this is gonna be very bad for me what the [ __ ] what Oh what happened wait what hit me are you dead yeah yeah mark out one shot oh wait oh wait hey you I didn't kill MIT I was almost dead okay oh mama oh man if you guys die because I died I'm gonna feel real bad yeah don't really I had so much good [ __ ] like so much good [ __ ] oh god oh yeah we've-- you really gotta stop running away like a little baby listen I like to live I like life Oh even the drone goes down when Bob went down way to go Wade wait really really did it really did it hey buy it oh I don't think I can I think it's you just read over his body you without a care well I guess my effigy failed since back in life a person again drop it oh my god you really and you were still ran away in the beginning god damn it you have the most help you have double all our hell for the [ __ ] word you're the coward right I am you're not only the fast it's two cents just just die like a champ I think Bob don't you have to go yeah yeah just go in there die like a champ and well this is the most exciting fight ever do one damage at a time to this giant [ __ ] murder teapots at least don't leave me alone up here right like this this does seem like kind of a broken angle nailed it Oh where'd they go under you that's good oh no they're inside the thing it's good that you left there I can't jump when I'm in that ability apparently that's oh do you just have a runaway ability that just like Sprint's you in one direction yeah I also do a lot of damage where I hit things with that well just go Ram them then yeah I died because I tried to headbutt it but uh you know no one can help you now I have an ability if I ground pound it does like 3000 damage so I'm gonna yeah boy you could have shot at him you know that wasn't exactly doing a lot of damage your your cowardly instincts are just I think they're hindering you hey they're coming over here you can go back in your super high spot I think they healed all the damage you just did not heal it okay yeah I think when they did the sucky thing they healed oh I want Chad to be able to see how this ends but holy [ __ ] alright don't worry guys I've almost got him okay yeah you've made like a centimeter of progress in the last ten minutes no real fun you get a new Shaun wait there they go you don't damage [Laughter] [Applause] yeah well the podcast continues yeah from then on yeah yeah yeah I mistake I'm gonna leave the visuals up goodbye that's that's fine no don't leave yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna actually I'm just gonna switch games cuz I'm gonna go to no pixel and I'm gonna I'm gonna play GTA well he didn't respond so I guess I can't really do anything about it so you know it is what it is what it is what's dead all right cool man that's great that's really good yeah uh-huh friends homies guys they left me guys I did it I did it guys I'm here now huh Mac what's up it's over it's over uh-huh cool come back to life super cool wow you still here No what's the life we're still alive and we're still alive well guys are you willfully not talking to us sir I'm talking hello Bob you're here bark you're here guys I guess guess this is it oh wait I'm here you there you guys not hear me be there I was talking to you can you guys hear me hello yes oh hey no good what I don't think you can hear me Bob Bobby died mark he died know who left just took me out with you has been lived in it's gone no cuz death what oh no you didn't get the well that makes me feel a little way but I thought I thought you had three I thought yeah but I technically died my item just brought me back are you dying [ __ ] Bob and I you I totally imagine that yes you're right I'll take full blame for that [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,075,897
Rating: 4.9565649 out of 5
Keywords: risk of rain 2, bullet hell, survival, fun, game, games, gameplay, gaming, pc, multiplayer, online, fps, risk of rain 2 review, risk of rain 2 gameplay, space, aliens, difficult, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, risk of rain, risk of rain markiplier, risk of rain 2 markiplier
Id: -MY4hPeX2Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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