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so what's this new character you keep yapping about so there's this guy whoa he's really hard he's really squishy oh I like a sort mercenary guy I got that guy and then this is the new guy what is that his left click is a triple shot unlimited ammo the third shot leeches life is right click is like a mortar you give up 15% of your health but you launch a mortar for a 450 damage and it's like infinite range interesting that's cool and so I'll show you we have to play the game and I can show you all right are we playing on normal difficulties okay rainstorm I guess it's cold almost good cool let's do this here we go distant roost that's us been a while since I played I don't quite remember so to get the new character the first thing is you have to go to the back of your pod and there's a little door hit yawn it and you'll open the door and then get that thing cool fuel alright oh it takes up your item spot we have to find a specific guy in like the fourth world to do something we're going to make it past the fourth world oh we will wait you can make it we're good at this game now right but anyway keep that and if you go below 50 health you explode so don't wait what you do that what no not below 50 if you go below some relatively low amount of health you explode so don't do that that sounds bad okay well you have to do it so you get the thingy oh but don't lose your health oh there's also instead of just chest being chests there there chum some of them will be types so this is like a healing item chest oh and you just opened wait it's just like a random item but so there are healing utility and I think it's AK Wow holy [ __ ] so what's the health thing we want so it's just a health chest it'll have a health item in it okay well okay what I my character needs health items so I didn't know that I was saving up specifically just to get that one oh I did not know that okay I've not played since I think we played last yes maybe the bustling fungi no I got a cue item I can't take it though because we need these right Bob you want this Q s what is it a missile launcher oh yeah that's good oh god what's on me oh oh oh the thing the thing the thing blew up because I I gave to the shrine employed Oh you lose it even though you respawn you lose that now so we can either restart so mark and if you don't mind I'm very dumb I I didn't think of that since we're doing this that was the new character but since we're doing this and we kind of need that carry I'm gonna play my good character who's that engineers fantastic oh yeah I've heard engineers amazing especially Sofie if you see meridians that are like little groups of mushrooms give me that [ __ ] and make sure you get the thingy out of your thingy oh I always get the thingy Adam a thingy what happens when I press Q really unstable I don't actually know you can try it if you want to okay here I go okay well it did something no does nothing oh I found this shrine all right well don't be too excited about it oh good work thank you finally got some recognition I've got a little bit of money to spend and so this way we should maybe open a couple more things and then give it a goo I like giving things a goo give it a goo oh yeah give things qu all the time oh god I'm dead why how'd you did I think I got hit from behind by a floatie wall of my health was low god I'm getting I'm finding all of the artifacts on this one alright yeah yeah let's restart I'm just this cool cuz you yeah you don't have to aim she's pretty chill and I can sprint just same time just pretty chill slightly just too good Huntress is good just don't die never lose fine why why do you say things like that because it's fine it's just that when you say it out of the blue like that it seems like maybe something's not fine no so it's not funny it's fine yeah everything is everything's fine yeah all right Mario being suspicious no you could see how I'm confused though right you could see you could see you could see no I don't think so wait don't touch the blood thing yeah don't do the blood fine I did that what ruin know what not smart thing to do that was one of the things I actually thought of on my own okay well I mean I just have my doubts don't be don't be [ __ ] see [ __ ] time I blink like I know I can timed it perfect I'm the best I want that double jump item what's that called plastic pigeon something pigeon yeah pigeons or nobody boo yeah I think that's mostly the chests that we could get not sure though I got a nice I know they did that when they dives that new yeah that's what happens when they died no let's do this [ __ ] alright boys get close together I've got a shield for you okay yeah he thinks he's tough but he hasn't met us okay he's doing toward the shield I don't like that it's fine it's [ __ ] strong oh there I go I went up what he's almost dead all shields gone hey butt shield he's almost dead do you know how health bars work earlier oh god the only way to avoid his red laser I do she attack is to break line of sight so just wait no what Linus is line of sight watch whale get your quails get those quails my bros what's it do when you sprint jump while you're sprinting you get a like a boost forward Bob you put a mine on me I know it's really cool touch the fig that's the thing that's the thing I did okay okay that's what you sound like yes what you were like you did that plane you lose the money when you transfer the gold yeah but you change that yes no you you kept money between keep it for world the world what no of course you did you guys are gasoline that's literally the way this gave me it's also the way the first one Wow no no no it's it's not a change do you really don't remember not having money had money Oh had money money power fame I had it all oh god oh god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I got bounced around like a puppet I couldn't move I got bounced into the guys ground pound a guy killed you I got bounced I don't know what bounced me sorry what what I did back let's keep going don't don't don't wait on me can you leave me alone I think that's the one that killed me that must be he's real tough I I would run away he's pretty like elite I think that might be like an admin or something hacking into our game that's the only explanation that I died yeah that's definitely it yeah wait why do you have two birds huh one of the crates here okay stole two on the boss didn't you I oh here it is wait come here Oh big guy hey Bob we're not really ready but I'm doing this oh you sure - Oh Bob there's so much [ __ ] I'm chi'lan myself and both my turrets are havin a ting Healy dude wish I had a Healey drone get up in Bob's area oh yeah okay I've got a little Health Island going on up here Oh calm down calm down calm down with that don't let him suck you [ __ ] don't let them suck you Bob my health is critically low oh boy I could use this friend and me I could got a friend in you Wayne we're a friend wait where's your where's your energy thing hey Wade you don't have it anymore a sit what wait you don't have your thing anymore what thing the energy thing the entire purpose of this oh god it is gone did it explode but I live you'd be dead if it exploded what is it I don't think so well that's unfortunate all right well might as well keep going right yeah at this point we can grind out that thing later me I'm willing to maybe admit maybe you didn't keep your gold between I'm starting to maybe think that maybe you didn't know you're willing to admit the truth now that's good oh don't get down on me for having a growing moment and admitting I was wrong growing and why we excuse me assume I am having a big mature and what what are you admitting that that maybe I was wrong and you don't keep your gold in between oh [ __ ] you wait I'm trying to be you know what wait Bob Bob to you I believe that you didn't keep the gold but Wade to you I don't believe I believe you kept the gold in between that's what I believed to you Wade okay that's what I believed to you whatever that's not whatever you believing wrong things anyway makes me look better no no no the I bet it burns you up inside I bet it's just roasting your nuggets I bet yo I bet you're really just toasted all over and said yeah you are aren't you yeah I could I could feel it dude toast to them yeah I toasted I told yours I feel mildly warm right now I'm laughing at the amount of toast I feel right okay cool good as you should [ __ ] yak hey don't be mad about the Yak Buffalo whatever the hell it is why I didn't say I didn't they say you're wrong about what it was I just said Oh God why did I do that well I'm allowed to be mad if I don't know what most men would calm down it's okay no it's not okay dude chillax oh I did it again I did it to get I almost died I keep blowing up those explodable barrels right next to me why you ask cuz I'm very dumb have we found the thingy oh yeah I found it oh yeah I guess I want to go into the caves before we do that I did a loop around the caves there's not much you just have 1,200 bucks to spend my I got 1,200 bucks to spin what's 1200 bucks nothing I just mean that I have money spend all these master 1,200 bucks I thought you found something the cost 1212 hundred bucks get through your thick go go why don't you go suck a buff a yak I don't even know what a buffer yang is yeah Kalou you [ __ ] ignorant I don't think you even but yeah Kalou you've seen my eckle oh that hurts I you know what maybe I didn't maybe your yak alow is a lie like your hair Wow I don't have hair so therefore it can't be a lie anymore it's a lie to me the worst your diet well god I got a bustling I accidentally picked up a bustling I'm so sorry Bob you I yeah we see here the real friend in the real enemy I'm sorry I just I instinctively clicked I I'm so sorry maybe we should get a membership I have one turret it will totally protect us yeah let's go do the thing go for it hit it I'm tickling it all right I'm just gonna circle around here I'll be right down there that's what they all said oh my god the ax the ax oh the yaks you didn't enunciate but me yeah cuts there we go now I understand mother [ __ ] lava worm hey boys weren't for a party the amount of [ __ ] everywhere sucks wow wow what the hell well you guys are up there oh my god the lava worm it's a lot of healing to going on up here yeah I got a nice little healing fiesta up here and me too I mean I'm helping to heal with my fungus haha you know what I mean dude okay baby here standing here doesn't seem like the best Wow Oh God Oh God listen Oh mamacita why not cuz I said no no mama Cephas no there you are way too welcome to the party I'm bit I've been moving around have you been hitting the worm huh but not you've been killing yaks you're killer you're not even doors combo move I'm hitting both yeah you can't look wait I don't know I don't wanna say ow oh god don't kill me don't kill me by the teleporter so yeah I don't know how to say this I'll say this Wade but you I think you're you're dragging this team down okay you can say it you're wrong I'm saying it you're dragging this team down least I know how the game [ __ ] works how do you okay alright well faster and you don't but you don't oh well you just said I didn't so I got my old war stealth kit I got mine I think Wade took two Bob I think Wade took do I think no I didn't he took mine Bob vote him out of here I this isn't [ __ ] survivor yeah Michael Richard art who's that the host a survivor right this is named alright so this is the level if I there if you still had the thingy where we do the thingy back no it's really hard because it's like to survive without taking half of your health that's it's not half but it's some amount you know I can do it this character is good for this I should we should do it again hey there's a feather here for new jumpy [ __ ] I don't have one yet I don't have the money for it I do you don't have the money where you lied you lied to me oh I'm dead where's my home holes want to do a shrine of combat always everyone I'm I need help right now how much is the feather I came to see a price up yeah go for it if you want it I won't stop you oh man wait you took it Bob he took I was right there I was gonna get it he took it right from under me I hate you oh did you hear that I saw it I saw that [ __ ] yeah what the hell man I've been nothing but nice to you yeah that's why I took it Oh oh jeez nice guys finish last am i right huh yeah hey look another feather you guys kill some stuff for me I need some more money how about you kill some stuff he's just he's just using us Bob hey I need to use you guys were some more money thank you I got another Hoopoe feather another swampy huapi no Hoopoe yes whip it up I know I hear you whoo oh right yeah you fool you stinky don't call me stinky you're safe here to sniff me I would never sniff you I would never I would never sniff you that's offensive I would never sniff you if you were the last smell on earth I would not sniff you what if you were gonna lose your sense of smell if you didn't sit and sniff me and I would say goodbye to sniffing would never not even know I'm dead I was gonna open that what the [ __ ] just happened yeah I don't know something hit me real hard I think that trust that just no anger that you opened that box I was like I wish he would just die then you just explore just died yeah I just died I don't know what I guess I get the magazine thanks for paying for that welcome you're welcome you're welcome Bobby killed me Bobby unbelievable he literally asked for it believable unbelievable my place is like wait will you put that bullet up my rectum I was like all right man it's what you want I didn't say that I didn't say it Bob don't believe him that was a perfect impression you know it's exactly the sort of like that's not exactly like you did no no if I said that I would have said a lot more manly like put this bullet up my butt I would again no I know that no I was me being as if I would say he said it one more time you want me to kill him even after he's already dead know that no I wouldn't do that I don't know you just did this one what oh yeah I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah you didn't want me inside with you wait words points have weights got a good point wait what point no III but of course I know I want you to side with me because I love you yeah I know that's why I took your side man but I love you right Oh God okay good so I'm taking weight side on this one wait no you were taking my side my sweet side Bob I'm at the teleporter I'm coming why don't you ping it Wade you don't even know how to pain do you all right let's do this [ __ ] I find it because guess what I know how to pain Yeah right how tell me I'm three do you want now you're dead Isis not dead may the peen master know in peen what is about beam what do you say oh yeah understand [ __ ] man if only somebody had something that healed I like a lot yeah I didn't get the heal items my name is I had some stuff but it wasn't that yeah I didn't get any like yeah wow that guy one shots hard how much damage did I do wait like a hundred twenty thousand mark look at my damage look I would be beating you but you had 10 more minutes alive I'm gonna bust out of calculus you had oh I was two-thirds of your time alive so two-thirds of of what you're saying is that not only a better damaged you let them also a better survive no no no no no hang on well this is that's not the metric of which I'm comparing that I'm better than you okay so mark just said I'm better than him you did just say that no no no no no no no times 2/3 is 118,000 I do 130,000 in my time alive I did more damage than you so I am better than you no because you died more no dad I'm not I'm gonna take my side on this one what no I agree Bob Bob come on no are we doing this is some more I mean yeah I have a little time no no no I didn't know how late you guys had I mean I could do it again let's just hope you stay alive this time hey listen I will stay so alive that you will wish I were dead all right mark we have to get our stuff and not die this time all right so just make sure you tell Wade that wait all right I told him tell mark to get his stuff well I miss my gopher thing you're that Bob Wade misses a gopher what a nerd right yeah stupid what a sexy nerd who I would love to just touch okay probably get my hand greasy or something yeah I would like that no I wouldn't I don't like grease or oil or baby oil slathered all over me I don't like that don't like slugga louver your face no no way no snail though no well no that wait way no way no big nose on that one there's not much spawning on me you guys fighting much I'm really nothing to kill over here I got I got tons of things to kill I'm so killing I'm killing so good Bob I'm gum killing a lot I believe it oh I see it you should I do I would great I could even great maybe they're scared of me maybe they know marks the easier target maybe they know that you're the Dumber target and won't know if ten thousand or two are coming at you because you can't know when you turned against mark we used to get along I don't know don't care I don't care I want you to have it Bob I want you know one of you [ __ ] that jumps around a bunch I don't jump I've never jumped it I just so Marc doesn't get I've never jumped in my life see that's just spiteful Mark's being friendly Mark's being he's trying to be a bro except I was trying to do some double entendre so he wouldn't go get it double entendre yeah I bet you don't even know what that means it means double beyond okay all right yeah okay do you know what you know that more than me is that what you wanted to hear you know more okay fine you know more fine and it and you I you and your can you look good and you look good without hair thanks man yes would you [ __ ] me and didn't say no that was a pretty non yes answer there's a pretty non no answer that's yeah I guess if you're trying to be optimistic wait where's the did you grab the feather already mark decided oh you didn't get it yet [ __ ] its up and then to the left yeah go no you were in the exact right place where are you going what are you doing is it up here what's it like that way no you do not see it I see it you see Bob you see you see what I mean everything see what I've been dealing with is it no you don't Bob this looks an awful lot like a feather wrong balls I got a feather got a hop Oh feather I told you I found a mumbly do feather mumbly do you know Ringo feather dude Bob if you found me a mumbly feather I would be so grateful right I would be shown great right yeah yeah I'm very grateful about the mumble now for that yeah it's too late for that now Wade whatever it is it's me Bob's mine no Bob's not yours Bobby's not a possession free [ __ ] yeah certificate of ownership no does he does he you know that'll hold up in court but that's diff for my that's different okay was it for was it different for my soul oh it's sort of unrelated takes one to own one look I'm gonna do the teleporter okay I know I'm gonna find a way out of this conversation thank you for the opportunity to have this conversation yeah thank you don't print I don't copy don't copy me wait it's our I really needed this other thing that I'm saving up for is that you uh didn't let me get one cares you can get it after the fighting is over I don't care that much we don't care that much about you either I know that's why you all left me alone yeah well maybe maybe you smell bad how would you know you know here's to know me I just never have been I'm guessing I miss my pigeons I don't have my pigeons anymore I miss my bustling fungi well you could have have an extra one last game I don't know what happened to it man maybe you should get your memory checked with your brain seems to be broken maybe you should get it checked for me hey no too busy playing playing again Oh plastic Fiji oh nice I mean wax whales wax whales [ __ ] I got my quail I haven't gotten mine man okay all right Wade you he was eyeballing mine Bob he was eyeballing like well yeah trying to do the things trying to do a lot of things and you end up messing it up more you know maybe you should be positive but you need some team positivity and you just don't give that okay all right yeah stupid why aren't you more positive you [ __ ] idiot goddamn yeah see ya Chloe agreed me be positive like me [ __ ] hey I fully charged a teleporter without getting hit I'm so good guys congratulate me be more positive well that's um that's pretty good positive goddamn it we have a lot of drones oh yeah man yeah I'm gonna go buy one more so please don't leave yet is there a already hit it no please tell me you left Ally I have to get back here for for even missing it I got it let's [ __ ] go wait there's one more chance wait wait wait wait one more test oh wait one more chest their minds open got it okay I'm good that's the lunar never I don't spend alert oh wow you were gonna let me anyway yeah I'm positive that you're not the favorite here wait ah all right do you know we had favourites appeal so I got to this [ __ ] all right let's do this Bob I've got I'm with you the whole time yep I'm with you guys together - I'm not only with mark all right hell yeah yeah I'm only with wait what no you haven't played it out no there's so much more to play with play with me no I think he's out of I think he's gonna pine definitely one good no play with me no come on I'm your boy come on play hi it's fun games no no thank you what no there's an ultimate thing down here there's an ultimate thing down there if you know what I mean wink wink I'm a little coins these for someone who truly loves me hey I mean I have an energy drink I don't drink caffeine cuz I like to keep my body natural well you've done a piss-poor job half your body is fake no you're fake you live in LA everyone knows everyone in LA has fake body parts okay alright well prove it have you seen all my body parts yes sadly many times all those bustling fungus printers I found in other games I took for granted I'm sorry bustling fungus printers I'll be your bustling fungus printer oh god I just picked up a bustling fungus I I'm so sorry I I spam and I spam I'm just my reaction times are so unbelievably high and I just like I'm just so yes you good thing yes for one thing I look I get it I get it but my reaction times are like sub sub two millisecond like I am they're not as good at your reading isn't as good as your reacting I'm just like well I mean it's just like it doesn't say the name when it pops out okay hmm it just looks like a big bustling fungus I'm just saying well I mean yeah hey I could trying to hit me and hit me you're gonna get copyright claim doesn't that was a movie quote your channels done oh yeah everything's a movie quote because they all steal my quotes what I was just doing a laugh to save up to buy these things and Webb came over my area oh wait what one thing what the hell wait whoa whoa whoa getting a little antagonistic inner mark okay you know sassy now we've so many thing it's getting hard we really need the thing I'm sorry drones I don't know where the thing is I found it I'm at it get it hit it alright let's figure that [ __ ] you have your shield bubble I wouldn't rely on that way it hurt a lot weak feeling we chillin yeah eat eat eat eat all this dude I'm giving them the business I very much died a painful death Bob am i right Oh mark you decided to finally come join the fight oh nice of you I've been here the whole time man and just playing distraction trying to keep them off of Bob's back but uh you know I can only shoulder so much of this Lulu's coins Bob I'll let you have two of those that's pretty cool yeah yeah see I'm pretty cool I let him have two when you died I was the first to give to not know this competition but I want it oh actually you should take that other one mark it reduces damage you take wall sprinting right right makes sense makes it good would have been good for Wade I don't have to run away that off things I usually just stand there like a badass yeah you totally know what you're doing and didn't die at all yeah yeah this is a new thing nice I like it because in some of these areas there's some dudes who will [ __ ] straight-up murder you found a hustling fungus I'm coming Oh Bob you found the portal already great job a good job well done yeah sure kissa my right Bob yeah you got some brown and her nose our height now now brown cow we all hate Wade yeah you're right you're right you're right we do no one more than me Bom Bom picked up fuel-cell oh wait I didn't need that at all that's an equipment thing damn it sorry Bob I should have given that to you I know you need a fuel cells fungus see that time I didn't just run it over like Wade yeah what I do like Wade yeah you did it admit it just admit it you do I gave Bob all the funguses and never took any for myself and like you admit your guilt we might want to go ahead and tremolo that and a teleportation device no I didn't know I didn't know oh god are you guys okay yeah we're good what's up with you chillin what's your screams they got really quiet and I spun to make sure you weren't like you know we're good cool are you going to hit that dude adder wait gimme give me a second I've almost got this incinerator thing I said you hit it so where was this thing that you marked if I don't see it marked anymore I'm going to it there's a couple more things we can buy over here mark since well yeah I got a good bit of gold over here all my attacks explode [ __ ] yeah oh my god that sounds nice we're dealing with Oh big guy chewing it's a teapot it's a teapot friends I believe they're about to do the big sucker yes yes they are doing the suck is my favorite part you like the big sucker oh I like the big suck the big sucks my favorite I like to standing near my turrets and not doing anything dude it and then the banner that you get when you level up it's just like this is a kill zone how do you know how many lunar coins you have on the top left the bottom thing is your coins I've got 10 is that good yes that's how many you need oh really yeah I've got enough for the character someone hand Knoebels over by me what never got there chrono balls now oh wait wait no hang on oh I got my chrono bobble that's actually really great for my turrets wait God wait you picked up two I did it you suck wait well I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it he was out buying that suck Bob punish him punish him this is the place guys follow me follow I have it anymore mark follow me I'm here where where did you go up here walk carefully me I have a new planet hang on let's we're going over to this blue thingy oh god alright coming oh that's a big lizard oh this is the same place and there's bad guys here now okay so I just got a run on this chain right yeah just hop up over the city parts and don't do it to you okay oh god okay every time yeah mark there's a better way I have a better plan you do follow okay follow me okay coming mark we need to do a few I will not I will not hear you can heal up in here if you want and I'll put a little thingy down oh it's okay I'm good where is this go we do that why okay and then do the other blue one right here coming where jump jump jump okay okay okay jump jump I jumped I jumped I jumped I slammed in uh I slammed you know I did it's right here alright let's keep going whoa bouncy lizards here is we should buy some [ __ ] I guess another feather we we are yeah we got another feather what do you mean we I mean there's no I in team but there is a ween he's routine these are also right there both right I don't know how to deal with this increased jump height that's a cool one oh yeah land on top of people well hey Bob our mark what's up what's up hey how you doing oh great how are you good good killing stuff doing cool things tricks tips subscribe to my youtube channel Oh boss 42 44 in here 42 40 G's mu topaz barrier brought bruised rag huh we're getting close right I just I'm trying to save up for that 4200 chest oh okay possible oh it's possible so I can see it any my harder than what it's at right now right guys Papa likey the heels stop calling yourself papa okay big daddy likey the heels I don't know if that's any better but grandpa likey the lovin oh I have the month I think go for it man it is a go someone else can get a wait can I stack behemoths someone else come get this it's a really good item even if they do stack is it's worth two of us having it go for it Chu now all of your attacks first blowed now let's do the thing come come my friends yeah I'm here okay I'm gonna go high ground with my stuff nag ammo' worm huh good thing we got this careful aim of mine incredible really it's astonishing how good I am at hitting oh there's two never mind if you get into trouble try and get yourself with it and my phone guys hi magma guys oh no oh god no that's what I was thinking I really don't like you what get off my turret see shitlords are you going all the way over there douche talking to me no no don't worry I wouldn't talk to you like that did that worm just run away no it's coming back fire yeah okay now wait we'll give me one of these cool bandolier and Alire pretty yeah we can all get one of those that's all right yeah when can I go by this um character with the coins we have to find the place snow level we have to go to the there's a separate warp to the market there's a lunar item that's called the noot thing you have to give that a coin to get in so many drones yeah we got a lot yeah the text is starting to overlap the health bars alright that's not oh my God look at our little hover pack of going here this is the new Dolan I'm gonna give a nude altar a coin so that we get it next time for this special portal well what the hell is grab my junk a lot of flyers this time around yeah but you don't have to a madam like a madam not like it's hard wait ass wait doesn't have to a [ __ ] auto guns why their guns mark why you can play about that both of you don't have to aim I have launcher as my gun I need your expert advice Bob what about my expert advice what's that great spiky thing where it's up in the skies weird I've never seen it before oh I like flying around yeah it's a it's a wisp oh that's oh my god that's hurt oh not the green mokey thing there's a spike thing as weird oh where is it oh yeah I killed it I killed it give me all this one over second heading your way another healing drug we need that well I've bought a healing drone this row see mechanic repair 30 drones or turrets Wow alright I'm doing the thing where are you at mark but I don't have enough gold for that so how much is it it's five all right I've got that much I already said alright death Gibbs that's dibs I like our food of drones go drones alright let's do this thing oh well there's something spiky Green Monster right that's what I was saying yeah weird hey mind if I hit this thing Wade the spiky good news boo boo oh that guy's bad he has a debuff that he gives you that makes it so you don't heal if this thing hits you he's dead now bears all right do it mark there we go good luck what what it's too big Giants watch out for the ladies ORS oh no I'm way up in the sky family guys style reaction oh god they punch you up they punch you off and when they punch you it's super [ __ ] bad news he is mad yeah he is and it's kind of hot there's a lot of big robots coming down the hill here a blue portal go in the blue portal wait get the things I'm getting all the Titanic neural since you suckers didn't do it we were honest to grab them no I had to grab them I didn't have a choice wait the thing everyone wait wait I I don't he grabbed the knurls I went to get one then he ran back to the portal don't put this on me this is your fault this is the guy you're free I don't have it I don't have enough well can you bind here it's been Lunars over here and you can sack items at the other one too like it these I don't think the other of these is particularly good I've only got one lunar and I well I mean I have six I spent one to get in here so wait you could at least like thanked me for literally the reason they're here what oh all right I could thank you then you know Nemean Wade yeah actually here well I mean you just feel like you all right let's go mmm-hmm all right bob thanks for telling us about this place yeah you're welcome I sacrificed a lot to be here lark you can play myself no I'm not complaining about anything I would never complain which I had Titanic neural dude yeah I wish I had that too it sounds like it's really cool it is it's so cool you have no idea get your energy drinks right here I'd rather have a neural well there are any so once up wait why are you laughing at you don't have Neuros either no lecture told oh my god there's beetle Queens over here hurts it hurts us their [ __ ] to buy here I'm not talking to either of you so maybe there is maybe there isn't you mad because of the neural still I am yes very extremely excessive don't know why you're being so [ __ ] to him I've been well I mean just I'm [ __ ] I'm not army I'm not [ __ ] I'm not [ __ ] to anybody I'm the least [ __ ] of all of us listen mark huh I know you're being real I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead never mind my gift what happened wait I don't know something over here is [ __ ] murdering though what wait I was like in here bull Helen what hit me should we try and do it and see if we can get out of this [ __ ] probably go for it I believe in you guys it's relatively calm over here right now I have a lot of action on me might be why that's the case my 13 health drones please heal me wait you've got you have like six health drones on you at the same time I guess I got like nothing on me yeah the health drones are pretty baller let's do this [ __ ] well [ __ ] oh dear that's a lot of those things I'm [ __ ] dead how did that work oh god it's not working killed my things oh wow wow wow alright wait you got it I'm trying but I can't I can't even stay healed on with all these [ __ ] drones if only someone shared the Titanic knurls oh my god the Titanic girls might have saved us I forget what is it Wow oh yeah my god wait you did double both of our damage how'd you do so much oh my god holy [ __ ] I don't know how to damage that's a lot of damage what did you do I tied up a lot of damage man what are you what are you doing hey I got the I got the power plant so that's pretty cool aren't you too cool oh sorry sorry sorry there we go that's what I'm talking about [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,007,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk of rain 2, gaming, gameplay, rain, raining, markiplier, lordminion777, muyskerm, fps, third person shooter, new games, roguelike, achievements, high score, multiplayer, online game, boss battles, monsters, fighting monsters, upgrades, endless game, fun games, risk of rain 2 gameplay, new character, update
Id: uNqSmQ67dwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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