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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
I could be my dog in this game so I'm kind of a fan of that that's nice my button yes oh we're all in yay I like the gecko I'm gonna do gecko I'll do a toasty everyone ready everyone happy yeah yep so far I don't know why Bongo yeah I mean it's adorable the music and the comedy of us really good yeah this is a cutscene we're supposed to be watching of marriage yes sure wasn't doubling a virus again I [ __ ] love how the audio track on this is only right track like it's a broken VHS oh my god you're right we out here baby Oh mine weird oh this is kind of cool it's got like swaggy physics it's got very like human fall flat swing a laying physics okay everything all right I'm down for this this is pretty cool I'm weird my boys where we going nope you're always full speed all I wanted you're always consumed the toast all right well whatever all right fine yeah my game just got very blurry it's fine it's fine don't worry about it that's probably just internet stuff okay so these are two person thing else all right Thanos love thing go see you can't thank you X or square there you go it does look a bit like ass at the moment but the game is cool oh don't worry oh this I'll get it oh wait we have to he've it okay dude wait you somehow blew both of your toast loads Oh this can't possibly now all right oh wait you don't need to learn anything get out of here all right get out of here stop bread it's like his life bar he runs out of bread eaters it dies oh the ghost likes it when you slap them I don't think the ghost likes it when you slap them who you gonna call Oh mal here's the mail it never fails it's copyrighted oh no they're gonna come after you for that segment tomorrow you get a letter from Blue's Clues here's the mail it failed that would be the best season just this letter here's the mail it never fails it makes you want to scream and wail please stop using our song in your videos I want a lawsuit all in rhyme god I wish lawyers had senses of humor why am i running wait only two seats up this is gay racism the exercise where's your truck we're the worth a big honking truck are we all driving it together is it just you oh no it's all its collective we all have to collectively decide we're here so we're moving some stuff let us in all right Holly open their door well I have a good night Lisa hang on don't you're taking your stuff taking your stuff now this feels like totally reliable in the sense that we have to get gold metals silver metals bronze medals wait totally reliable had medals yeah we didn't even deliver a single game look they have an nes/famicom thingy not for long they don't so the things that have the shimmer are the things with the grab right if you hit Y it'll show you what you need to grab okay if I don't get a voice line that's fine sorry why our triangle why are it cool gadget things thank you some things things the thing oh it's actually like do this though right no they just have to be in there it's fine I mean helps if some of the big if we do the big stuff first like like how physics feet oh [ __ ] guys the window wait wait Yakko over here come back inside let's throw it out the window let's bring it over the window let's suck it out why is this game [ __ ] reviews this is actually fun somebody help me with this for a frigerator whoa you gotta Bob you gotta bub you gotta help me what are you talking about you got it you got it I think we should throw this bad boy up on top well I think we should throw this bad boy well that's not working I think we should throw this bad boy on Marcus Martha what's up anybody know that's a big bed in here queen-sized sorry I just ruined your progress it's fine how about habit walk the other way we mean how do we turn things are pointed in the direction that the trick I think it's more of a heat than a heave whatever work out work a sweat get it cool I broke a chair oh well I'm a dog so I run real fast don't break any windows I don't think so oh how do you break windows and not break windows in the same objective you're not opposed to break windows one of them did say break windows well you know to do a multiple times or something I don't know all right Jesus Christ is definitely not the pepperoni palace that Assad who changed Google Maps to say their house was no pepperoni palace your house people show up you're like welcome to the pepperoni palace would you like to buy this place I would be into that called the pepperoni pepperoni palace yeah you like pepperoni mom always told me I had the best pepperoni so we compared our under the other day me and my boys you talk sometimes you don't wanna talk about your pepperoni know what came from the street that's stupid wait I think you got the best pepperoni oh my god oh my god what is you're being attacked by the turtle I've got it oh my god I've got hidden I've got wait wait let me help can we throw him yeah where do we throw in traffic from the road kill the turtle won't oh it's a single it's a single Percy's thrown by yourself oh god it's Matt come on toast slap me yeah why do i okay thank you my to get rid of the burnt toast all right it got something went to NES graphics no one good yeah yeah good man your internet just so good oh my god who farted oh if I can't I make toast I someone Spartan up a storm what is that that's a that's a dog there is no dog Bob I'm the dog seems like a snob your way no we got this going kid we're gonna have to he've this [ __ ] even and I don't think you can three-person heave I think it's a two-person situation what the he you guys got it I think you have to be opposite each other okay [Laughter] well perfect well X again out of ten who wants to help me move this bed yeah I helped perfectly yeah you guys go through the windows everything so hard really window can we jump with this no not really we keep it awkwardly at the window and try and wedge it out sure hey push and jump yes jump and push and shove wait no one's worried about your burnt toast don't worry ten out of ten evening wait no you guys can grab that table fine yes you grab it to do person oh okay wait can you help wait wait the turtles eating my ass right now turtle no grunting get a mark I can't see go go go go oh wow I don't think that tables quite in there and it's fine oh boy we need to choose a direction or a me choice turtle yeah I think that mean he likes you I'm not gonna leave this place empty hands you suck okay that's rude deliver the turtle we did no well those aren't unlocked until you beat it once I think it's the thing Oh what I did that one that's you that's like come on we're friends here maybe I don't know what oh it's a unicorn yeah those things [ __ ] ice cream I think just because this rainbow colored doesn't mean it's actually ice cream no it's ice cream oh oh come on oh my god calm down so just mass does this truck oh you caught one that's easy to do in three minutes give us a challenge did you just do a line of coke after you made that statement you don't know watch my voice you guys wanna make an only fans hell yes a drunk minecraft themed only fans yes please I've been hoping we'd get drunk and just take some pictures and just see what happens just crazy yeah yeah yeah no now people help each other perfect for our only fans waits over here launching its toast in every direction no heave heave okay you saw the outline you saw the outline was gonna do okay now we got a turn now let me turn no no turn by which mark means I got a turn we're gonna where I keep them right out yeah totally let's get these [ __ ] up in here I'm chucking things to you to make them easier Lily excessing that's how much I love you guys thanks man closer to the truck but not in it apparently oops that one's going a long ways god I can't see there's stuff in here yeah it's like it's fun everything's so obscene it can't be shown over there in that corner of the house yeah sometimes you just got censor yourself you know this is but not on my only fans where everything is uncensored all the time somebody farted haha wait wait wait who just threw my [ __ ] cousin on the goddamn ground oh right you're a toaster I get it right I gotta chicken I don't know if we need the chicken but you could still check it out I cannot see bridge yeah that's a two-person fridge buddy I think everything else left over is two-person well you got one of those things all by herself their money path is not good for do people there's obstacles no we're gonna have to let me get to another side here it's like thread I'm gonna die oh yeah that's only gonna eat your bread out it's gonna eat your bread out we go in this [ __ ] yep Oh God there we go perfect I like chicken so you stole the chicken let's take the path of most resistance mark I'm your caboose baby I see I love it when you say that yeah all right wait I didn't shoot a load of bread at me make sure you eat up think twice before you throw my cousin on the ground it was mark it was Bob is that more believable yes why are we both running there's an open seat haha [ __ ] well we had a wait wait wait the license plate Packer oh I was singing punk ass [ __ ] that's that's a different tone not quite what the game is projecting but you never know who's not driving this boat or what do we all have to drive my thought it was more just weren't moving okay everyone was like well someone else will do it Oh God does it just randomly pick who's going in a direction at any time no who was still moving oh yeah you know what I think I can guess - it was me all right fair enough that you would know with certainty I did know that because I did that the mark your tones they do apply you thought was a certain my Little Toaster not so little if you know what I mean yeah big toast I hope you don't get anything wet ha ha yeah you should see the spreads I got is it is this game really gonna take came out on stage for the Toros I do remember what we came out on stage for the tour I never almost like that was and it was terrifying yeah that was a very fun wait I have to catch those oh it's fragile right yeah I can throw them in the truck though so it's too I drowned men you guys need to learn how to swim I know how to swim because I'm a DA never mind oh we needed to ban the hold the chairs all right you know how this works right right okay no I know it's a TV so like it's a TV it can break we go we still win I can't grab it no here what am i what am i no you have to all right wait stop moving wait stop I'm not I am NOT me because weight is literally standing still no it's way it's fault Bob you know you can come over here I'm doing stuff yeah yeah what do you do well you nothing you're all I'm doing stuff some throw some more stuff you're gonna throw your mouth out your ass dude high five Thank You ru thank you what's with this little car pileup outside wait wait this is what I think of you you think you would sacrifice yourself dude I didn't know you guys were such close friends that's crazy what a selfless man that's what I mean though that yah perfect man Wiggy hot and everything if I might say so myself I'm kind of crowded in this movement wrong I think we're gonna we have to throw it with no actually that well what do you know what dude if it's gold it's in all all right dude slam that door nothing's gonna fall out nailed it Gold we had to have gotten gold I got silver [ __ ] I'll just eat my way out what am i eating my way out of what am i that it would be easier to to navigate right but that my genius dog self pointed out that you didn't you can't walk across jello hey more slowly Jack chameleon am i a chameleon or a gecko pretty sure you're an iguana wait you jump over that pool no no no no Romani Jerry's apartment I am an Argonian why did driving go so well that time nevermind I don't want to again I did goddamn thing that's what I did alright now we're going to miss our Steinfeld's place I love mr. Steinfeld oh wait this straight up is actually Seinfeld's apartment layout though isn't it I don't know is so there are no humans in this world no just weird toaster creatures and animals why weird I'm just a toaster me normal toaster creatures and animals every building you walk and you blast your bridge out of money what these are fragile dude the stairs all the time Oh Cal catch we should throw down to someone yet okay the picture and someone is to catch her okay that's the rules got it nice first try sorry mark I'm about to absolutely dunk all over your face on my face are you ready for this come in here oh I almost threw it sideways there you go wait come in here catch it I wish you could just just just like a splat of blood on the ground mark I hope you're done with that bed soon ah you made it nailed it nice but if you're a sound of my voice I protected it like a mother protect us young by shouting at it like a mother protects its young everybody knows this don't don't go on joke on the ice don't go yet okay what am I supposed to keep quiet that I can't well it's a fragile thing here my miss and I fell out the window what a time to be alive total jackass thank you thank you I'm not ready I'm if you're gonna do that you gotta at least try and get in the truck someone should probably I'll go oh chameleons aren't known for their speed perfect perfect Oh Oh end-over-end toss Oh load the truck yet I'm not there guys we load the truck mark we're really fighting each other on this one no we're good no no ha ha who's in the truck now oh god they don't have sick leave that said it's fine it's fine get back in the truck though oh we almost got cold so this game this game launched today just to be clear this is a brand new game it's garbage reviews I don't know why you should buy it this game is the same company that made death squared which is an awesome local multiplayer platforming puzzle game this is dope I'm really curious what the reviews say cuz I'm having a great time I mean it must be like 'wait experience maybe they had a beta Ron of people and the beta was rough and people just gave it crap reviews on the over the beta Channel or something Oh weird because I didn't really play it very much in beta and I didn't do the multiplayer I just sort of looked at it because I was excited about the game but uh it's good now is that is the broadcast for you guys consistent or is it fine it's totally label it's really spotty usually earlier than a couple times in the middle but it's definitely not like as bad as I remember it being yeah it's usually when a lot of movement like right now whoa what in the world did we do I drown is there a way to increase like your bitrate or something or I can look me after this one take a look for settings oh my god there's so much gravity whoa whoa what a reference my reference oh it's far as ball bursts Ferris bulb ursday on fares barber there's a bed down there fruit dude nice thank you thank you he's on fire someone better put it out you know wait Bob appreciates my reference too early 9 section I don't know you don't and I know Wow I mean that as a compliment no no you know no you guys no way that you mean that as a compliment you can't do therefore I must no no it is no matter how many world leaders tell you that's how truth works it's not yeah come on that doesn't work either come on yeah come on your way come on Oh put this stupid table in the stupid way I know who you're gonna blame but it was probably me hello hello how does it feel being alive once more I'm just another clone of a clone of a clone cascading forever always degrading I can't see again oh I'm stuck inside look at that big-ass couch what in the top right look how big that yeah oh my god oh it's squishy blinkie's is a wiggle worm couch oh my god I gotta pick a direction we gotta agree I'm following you I'm just following you all right for that I think for that come help me with your voice there look at my enormous chameleon penis makes you feel powerful whoopsie you go through the doorway it is [Applause] symmetrical navigation never solved anything come on now yeah you're right when you're ready that's helpful there we go I'm starting to realize the strategy might be maybe there's a two-person crew and then one person goes all the single stuff so maybe just saying maybe next time like someone should be the one person but star we going through confused help me idiots help help help pop hop hop hop shucks and if that one thing hadn't taken us an entire minute we could have totally had silver people are giving me streaming advice in chat they're like I got your bit rates too low you gotta set it higher mark I don't know if you know about Street let me hack into my bitrate real quick the mainframe it's fine actually that look better already looks better maybe that'll make it a little more consistent it was literally on max quality max resolution oh yeah no it's it's way better I'm good bronze yellow gooeyness goosh out everywhere yeah now that's offline oh no I hate that all I see is just a mushroom stay dead forever I was driving in the correct direction if this is who's doing this it's finally proved I can I'm holding my controller up for the camera to see I was not mean you can't blame that on me Bob sabotaging himself hold up my controller - I'm not summer chalant let's do this from now on I'll always hold my controller up and just to prove that I'm not the one roller my hands backwards facing the camera at all times yep yep all right wait we should agree who's the two-person crew and who's the one person guys deserve each other all right wait we got this all the two peoples because now the bit rates better we're gonna be able to see what we're doing yeah you'll be at an equal disadvantage when I want to like switch you and ruin your ruin your videos oh you wouldn't dare yeah cheating switching right now so hard all right you see in what we're seeing you see any scanning the scoping will start me lighting we got to start proximal because it'll get in the way of our distal objectives will use the bedroom window as our band will throw everything it will heave it number I collect everything down there up and all the way around to get in there right oh yeah yeah we do we do all right I know what I have to do first [Music] it's a shallot it's a shoe only saw well [ __ ] me God dang it go down the hill utils oh not me go down the hill wait a minute wait why wait you garbage human coming up the hill wait why have you done our plan it's got be hops what we were supposed to heave it cuz then we wouldn't have to walk all the way back up why did we do this what to do what to do what to do baby we'll get it later we're gonna later okay one two there's not many cuz I'm a table and washer here I think okay or the couch we there were two things that were too and we both went to different things coffee tables are a real big pain in the sorry I cut you off there because I you were still wait we gotta be over here Baba I hate to say it but I don't think our ability to do this is good I'm sliding look what is with this traffic jam here buff I've just [ __ ] stuff down hanging I'm trying there's a lot of one-person stuff in this house the two things in here Wade our job ain't done shmell Yamaha there was a bunch of one-person stuff you guys were like right next to you could have done anything about but you were like oh we and limited mission we agreed we agreed we all agree cult leader yeah I have no it's in my book it's in your book how to follow me and why should that's a good book why you should that's not the name why you should Bob to be me me is always Bob just to be clear he's perfect that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good oh we missed out on y'all it's good our incredible strategy we're almost gold yeah holy pretty good all right with you mark let's touch this all right wait here we go and nope all right okay there we go I'm just gonna dance with myself you [ __ ] just get out of here that's really sad this a milfy yeah MF l FY p no hey Mark it's not just what you wanted what what what snowboarding all I did was throw the snowboarding down the thing I don't know I don't know this game makes no sense Oh unplayable I see why it has such mediocre reviews now on playable in play I'm holding my controller up oh I was just gonna just run into it Bob we knew I was I did that on purpose I was trying to hit the snow man murder him you can just go off the cliff oh yeah do you see what we're doing to these other humans in their automobiles kill here's Billy we don't care about children killing murder is a murder you're not smarter in this murder all right is it me and Wade again the two team that sheep eating what is it eating it seems to be stuck in the loop we need to avoid the goop that's the lesson to avoid to go understood the bad okay pull it out pull out pull pull the bed out Porter try the Manning way to pull out Wow pull pull [Laughter] maybe hole with me wiser words have never been spoken [Laughter] [Music] there we go here we go here we go and three two one boink I just really got to work wait you want to see what I think of your kind it's going with this delicately right here Wow thank you well I treat your kind with respect I appreciate I'm gonna smack the [ __ ] out of it Mike hi isn't your kind toasters aren't you Rosie toaster man oh my god I'm the one to be doing it you clearly do it wrong oh my god oh god not moving I am the not moving one you you are the moving to fix things okay here we go ready yeah okay okay rule is we give two heaves it's always times we have to heave back and forth and then heave there we go all right with to heave we're two we're a to heaving team we heaved back and then forth to eaves perfect teamwork seems to be a lot of a two-person long way through door apparently oh here we go here we go hey why okay I'm not moving heave-ho heave-ho oh that we are playing together we need to like there needs to be a yoked you know what I mean a yo eat because you throw on the heat but we need something prior to the heat we in a past particle of eee-yaw eat that's it you're right yeah yeah you're right okay yeah I got hit by the car but you only cared about the fridge getting hit I didn't notice you died till you're dead I went oh don't want to yah eat I will stop you okay stop stop you you get out of here wait let go for God's sakes for one quick wait let go I think three of us holding the same end of it it might be issue alright okay okay wasn't to say that we shouldn't hold any ends on it okay [Laughter] like flash get out there are we not yeah uh okay yeah okay you guys got okay never mind I guess we get waiting gave up when he was in perfect position mock me mocking my panic yeah that is the it's not the ha laugh at him cuz it's funny it's the help of helping you help him you look dumb be just be you well you look like how do we get bronze and kidding me we were so close to gold trophies we did it Bob I don't think Wade and I are the two-person team I want to take mark under my wing and teach him how it be okay I don't want you to trickle on me I know don't drip on no you can't stop you I don't want to go to snots work bonus Knott's Berry but you're not gonna trickle on me I'm gonna trickle on you so good article on me I'm gonna do it don't get out of here you upside out piece of [ __ ] now it's here is that poop no well maybe move faster dieter named in this case snots berry farm hmm all right what are we looking at Bose Y is a bales in the truck think of it like moving a fuzzy microwave what all right Bob all right teach me you and me baby reach me well there's not a lot of two-person stuff grab the haunches all right haunches what parts the hunch you got okay there's a right there grab it by its neck and strangle it hey let's heave this bad boy all right I'm not in position to heave it we got a yayi not did you see how I air bounced him that's very impressive okay speed runner stuff right there I've got it I got the hunch I got the minimun we aha we got a yaw before we eat oh my 60s and then did not you hidden Oh golden cow oh god mom oh he's trying to escape oh we got to put the hay bale and oh he's leaving well not for long here mark you you keep the cow there's not a lot of two-person stuff okay okay okay I'm just trying to make sure the rails my [ __ ] chicken if you I'm trying to fix throw it over the hay bales I'm trying it's real pixelated Bob fix your internet my Internet's fine it's your internet fix your internet everyone help stop watching Netflix [ __ ] chickens these chickens are rapscallions if ever there was once the chicken I got I got I got boy okay chickens in I'm problem I'm becoming the master of sheeps over here keep yourself dude they're in the same place just not move it's literally always no see out I get hit by Rick okay alright hit by Rick I almost said to you my own [ __ ] world God okay words Oh God they're almost breaking out what am I stuck on I'm stuck in the doodoos brake semi straight-up stuck in the doodoos over here he's like what is this a trough trough is it a trough I think it's a trough yeah it's a trough I think it's a trough is it pronounced trove trough oh I hit the rake because I thought it was mark for a second oh you can't move because of the Dookie straight up stuck in the dukey's I don't know you've been saying it's been Dookie from the beginning such a good catch buddy I'm not in there oh you don't want to be it kind of smells as Dookie in here well how are you so good at moving chickens pork pork bark or crusty in their ears that's I said we're chicken [ __ ] no not necessarily but the question does prop up if we're animal humans why are there still am i much toaster yeah we're decent mark what do you mean you're right you right alright poster you are a toaster yes got it toaster gotta eat mark run it off after what you said what how do you fix anything that I said also but you're running it off now as you're putting all the chickens is bounces I didn't say anything rude you're just afraid to accept the truth true true truth that's the truth he's afraid of that you're afraid of that I am that's it all right good I am oh I'm so hungry why am i hungry see chicken person what's the deal with the chickens that you moved there why are you yelling calm down mark something that everybody should be up in arms about mark what's wrong with you this is something that everybody should be up in arms about I'm saying it's not it's not weird mark you're weird it is weird someone was fighting me I'm not touching it at all someone is all the way fighting me currently no not touching it no I'm trying to go this way okay there we go and it wasn't touching a thing odd that Wade wasn't denying and my controller has been on camera this whole time yeah haha my controller was on camera the whole time do the way you said that and the way he said that after me made me doubt it because I said I wasn't touching anything as I was holding up the camera I was letting my controller spot my audience uh-huh good sorry I wasn't really listening to this time see you two again wait I think for fairness I have to be you and me so we can show mark done since he's so incompetent you know understand competence you don't understand competence mark used to be good at this you're fragra that's racist I am NOT okay wrong unfair let's do this this frog really wants me run run run run run run run run run run run run to the right to the right to the right don't stop to the right who is or is not competent suddenly middle middle middle middle you guys wish you're half as good wait the key to Frogger is never stop never slow down for any reason because you will then lose clear path clear path middle middle middle chart shark shark shark shark George and st. now that's how you do it blur path clear path clear path yeah if you yell it loud enough it becomes true yeah well I guess we're trusting the clear path we'll use are fine they're my people clear paths never stop I could you are pathetic wedge you're pathetic that's what you are Wade pathetic Wow see top ten one who's the incompetent one wait if you stop blasting your toast everywhere you know never stop clear path why are you going that way okay perfect okay I throw up in my mouth full okay lemon sided with your hands quick cut to a quick quick cook cook phew I'm talking about Jesus and I'm for the details does that mean I got an achievement life I'd also spend it moving furniture that's that's depressing [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,469,085
Rating: 4.9659986 out of 5
Id: lES2aoqG1ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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